Home Diseases and pests Pisces born in the year of the monkey. Characteristics of a fish woman born in the year of the monkey. Characteristics of the combination Fish-Monkey for women and men

Pisces born in the year of the monkey. Characteristics of a fish woman born in the year of the monkey. Characteristics of the combination Fish-Monkey for women and men

Representatives of these zodiac signs can get along with each other, but their relationship will never be cloudless. They are too different people. Let us consider in more detail the models of their relationship.

Gemini man and Virgo woman

The woman in this pair is more down to earth and practical, and this is logical, the maiden is a sign of the earth element. The air sign of Gemini is more inclined to live for their own pleasure, often not caring about tomorrow. Benevolent relations between them are possible only if they do not begin to remake each other with zeal. The Gemini man is able to refrain from caustic comments, he is less picky about people, but the Virgo will definitely make claims out loud, even if it threatens their relationship.

♊ + ♍: In love

UNWANTED UNION- Most likely, mutual curiosity played a decisive role in the beginning of these relations. The twin guy for the virgin is an amazing person who does not burden himself with a routine and walks through life with an easy gait. A girl born under the constellation Virgo is sweet and feminine, and a twin boy likes the company of such women. Thus, a romantic relationship is established between them, which will suit both, but only at first.

As soon as the veil of admiration for each other falls from their eyes, a difficult period will begin. Virgo will begin to remake her lover for herself, the freedom-loving Gemini guy will resist, and quite successfully. Virgo will not back down, and will bend her line until the union breaks up. Patience could save this relationship, but neither the twins nor the virgin have it.

♊ + ♍: Married

UNWANTED UNION This marriage is a real miracle. The inner circle of this couple is in utter confusion. If they got married, there were serious reasons for that: either they have a strong mutual love, or the second option is a marriage of convenience.

Spouses have radically different views on everything, only similar life situations can unite them. The Virgo woman wants to completely possess her husband, to be with him inseparably. The Gemini man loves freedom, is not inclined to obey. In everyday life, they will not have consent, a virgin woman is a real pedant, she can find fault with her husband, for example, because of an unwashed cup, while the twins do not understand at all how this trifle could be noticed. They also manage their finances differently. Virgo clearly controls expenses, and this has its advantages - the family will always be well-fed and well-dressed. A Gemini man can throw a fun holiday with the last money, or spend money on other pleasures. There will be violent quarrels in the family about this.

In intimate life, they are also different, but at the same time they are satisfied with each other. The sensuality of the virgin is attractive to the twins, and she is pleased with his ingenuity in sex.

After the sexual attraction between the spouses disappears, they are unlikely to have any reason to be together. Usually such marriages do not last long.

♊ + ♍: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY“They won’t be best friends, but they are quite capable of maintaining friendly relations in a campaign of mutual friends. The twin guy is more prone to secular communication, usually it is from his side that the initiative to spend leisure time together comes. The virgin girl will be carried away by his stories, and will receive a positive charge from communicating with him, but long communication for this couple will become tiring.

Virgo Man and Gemini Woman

If there are no mutual obligations between the partners of this pair, perhaps they will find a common language, but only with a tolerant attitude towards each other. Let us consider in more detail the models of their relations.

♍ + ♊: In a love relationship

UNWANTED UNION- A Gemini girl will attract a Virgo guy with her brightness and unpredictability, and then push him away with the same qualities. The guy, at first, will be interesting to her for his reliability and prudence, but soon she will start to get bored in his campaign. The Virgo man is a jealous man, he will simply harass his sociable companion with constant suspicions, which, with such an approach on his part, will one day gain ground. The girl decides that if she listens to reproaches, then at least for the cause, and without parting with the jealous, she will quickly find a replacement for him. It will be a shock for him, but it will be impossible to change anything.

♍ + ♊: Married

UNWANTED UNION- When entering into marriage, the Virgo man is set to build strong relationships, he will be happy to spend the weekend at home and devote himself entirely to the family. Looking at the behavior of an energetic and sociable wife, he will at first think that she simply has not yet got used to the role of a wife, but soon she realizes that the twin woman simply does not know how to live differently. At this point, it would be logical to accept the characteristics of the spouse as something inevitable, or to dissolve the marriage. But the Virgo man firmly believes that anyone can be remade, and he begins to re-educate his wife. The Gemini woman perceives what is happening as tediousness on his part. At the beginning, she simply brushes aside her husband's attempts to change her lifestyle, but when the virgin's moralizing becomes completely unbearable, discord will begin in the family.

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the Virgo man is unhappy with the way his wife, the twins, manages money. In his opinion, she is a spender, and does not think about her family at all. The Gemini woman does not consider herself as such, as a result, there is no one who wants to make concessions in this pair.

As a rule, this marriage has one basis - passion. A Virgo man can provide his wife with quality sex, and a Gemini woman surprises him with her unpredictability in bed. After the flame of passion between them fades, most likely, this marriage will fall apart.

♍ + ♊: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The Virgo guy prefers to communicate with people equal to him in temperament, he himself is calm and reliable. The twin girl can briefly attract him as an interesting interlocutor, she is cheerful and easy with her. Maybe this couple will briefly have the feeling that they understand each other, but with closer communication, the twin girl will get bored, and the virgin guy will begin to suspect her of insincerity. Perhaps superficial communication in the campaign of mutual friends, but no more.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

The ruling luminaries that determine the nature of partners born under and Gemini are antipodes. She has Air, he has Earth, and therefore, at the dawn of the relationship of this couple, they have no common ground. Whether they will appear in the future depends on how much effort the lovers make for this. Moreover, the steps towards the partner should be mutual - otherwise the airy Gemini and the Virgo man firmly standing on the ground will not realize the sensual potential that could create the basis for a strong union. To do this, both he and she must reconsider their views on relationships and correct some of their aspects.

But, if the Virgo man is ready to analyze the worldview of his beloved and try from time to time to look at things from her side, then Gemini, due to her exaggerated self-sufficiency, is unlikely to engage in self-digging. She is sure that she is always right - even if the whole world tells her otherwise. Even being deeply in love with her chosen one, Virgo, she constantly confuses him with her authoritarianism. From childhood, those born under the sign of Virgo are subject to conservative views on relationships - a man must respect his soul mate, but the last word should always remain with him. With a feminized to the marrow of the bones Gemini, this number does not work. And it’s not at all because she considers it an empty place - just the Gemini woman is sure that she will succeed faster and better, not taking into account the fact that with her behavior she, like a skating rink, rides on the self-esteem of the Virgo man.

The fate of her relationship directly depends on how often she will show her authoritarianism - either at one fine moment he will spit on everything and give her resignation, or he will take this character trait of his chosen one for granted and come to terms with the role of second violin. If he chooses the second option, then his choice predetermines the further scenario of relations with the Twin. She will be the generator of ideas, he will be the administrator - or, in the proverbial language, she will be the head, and he will be the neck, on which depends where the head turns. If the Gemini woman is extremely ambitious and determined, she will always lack prudence - this is a feature of the character of all Mercurians. She often makes decisions based on emotions rather than common sense and is not at all good at including deductive thinking. If it were not for the sober thinking of her Virgo partner, she would have got into trouble many times already. Therefore, in a relationship, a man takes on the role of a kind of buffer, which directs the enthusiasm of his half in the right direction.

Together they can achieve a lot, but only if they learn to work in a team. To do this, Gemini needs to learn sometimes to let his partner prove himself as a commander in chief - this will bring double benefits, because, firstly, it will allow the Virgo man to assert himself, and secondly, it will allow her to be a little in the role of a weak sissy, which is periodically required by every woman .

Practicality is a quality that a man born under the sign of Virgo has in abundance and which is almost always lacking. From childhood, he was instilled with textbook postulates: "who does not work, he does not eat", "did the job, walk boldly." He, like an Ant from Krylov's fable, collects little by little everything that makes up family wealth: he selects housing, opens a bank account, and looks for a well-paid job. In turn, the Twin, like the Dragonfly from the same fable, does not think at all about the material component of his happiness. She is not used to completely relying on her life partner, but she is completely confident in her ability to solve material problems - until the need clicks on her nose. Therefore, the Virgo man can be shocked by the impracticality of his beloved in material matters - he himself is sure that a penny saves a ruble. They should find a balance in their views on financial well-being - Gemini should understand that money does not fall from the ceiling, and the Virgo man should sometimes remember that money serves people, and not vice versa.

Another stumbling block in their relationship can be views on sincerity to each other. The Virgo man is a real truth teller; he is sure that the slightest lie on the part of the partner is a manifestation of dislike. Therefore, if one day a former passion writes an innocent message to him, he will immediately rush with this news to his life partner so that, God forbid, she does not suspect him of treason. The Gemini woman, on the other hand, believes that there is nothing wrong with being cunning sometimes, and is sure that hiding the truth is not a lie. It will not be easy for them to come to a common denominator, since the convictions of both are reinforced concrete. Therefore, the Gemini will conspire more diligently, and the Virgo man will zealously analyze her behavior - and this will not lead to anything good, because conflicts will flare up due to distrust.

This will stop when the man realizes that the twin's innocent lies are not aimed at fooling him, but serve to save his own nerve cells. Indeed, in everything related to adultery, both Virgo and Virgo are in solidarity - it is unacceptable. A twin may not tell her man about her colleague's flirting, so as not to excite him, but if she herself does something unworthy, she will be the first to run to repentance, because her conscience will torment her. When the Virgo man finally understands this, he will be able to relate much easier to the innocent slyness of the Gemini lady, and then a comfortable trusting atmosphere will be established in their relationship.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of signs Virgo woman and Gemini man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Love Compatibility Couple Woman Virgo and Gemini Man

The success of the relationship is questionable. This is exactly the union that can be both good and bad. The Virgo woman belongs to the elements of Earth, and the Gemini man to Air. At first glance, it may seem that they have so little in common to start a relationship.

But the compatibility of a couple can be built precisely on the difference between these two signs of the Zodiac. This difference can attract them to each other and do unique things.

If mutual interest did not occur at the first meetings, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​building relationships right away. It will end in a break.

The Gemini guy in love is light and airy. Active, friendly and a lover of everything new. He will be delighted with the stability and poise of his lady. A practical girl will be like an anchor of practicality for a tireless man.

The compatibility of the Virgo woman and the Gemini man will not be successful if the man cannot provide the spiritual comfort of his beloved. A girl of this kind loves and appreciates harmony in relationships and complete understanding.

If a man cannot understand that his excessive activity and interest in other people can hurt her, then the union will fail.

Compatibility Gemini man and Virgo woman in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility Gemini men and Virgo women in a relationship

The most remarkable thing about the union of two changeable signs is that it is actually a combination of four different types - two on each side - characteristic of the personalities of these partners. Virgo women, depending on the circumstances, position themselves as nuns or "nymphomaniacs", that is, virtue and purity coexist here with greed and sexuality. Gemini men are pronounced optimists and pessimists at the same time. Thus, a total of four desired characters are identified.

Unlike people of other similar signs, these two are ruled by Mercury, which symbolizes the process of communication. In Greek mythology, Hermes (Mercury to the Romans) was a messenger god, but also a cunning and playful boy who enjoyed playing pranks on unsuspecting mortals. A similar property of nature, obvious to Gemini men, is much more difficult to discern in Virgo women, who hide it under the guise of feigned restraint. They are able to maintain perfect seriousness for the time being, and then suddenly surprise those around them with their incredible wit.

People who are under the protection of Mercury have at least one point of contact - a predisposition to communicate. Both love to talk. Gemini men talk about almost everything, and Virgo women, first of all, prefer to touch on burning questions: “Why is the dirt on the refrigerator more noticeable than, say, the dirt in the bathroom?” There are also differences between them. For example, Geminis are curious, socially active, and tend to use all sorts of gadgets. Virgos are skeptical loners and enjoy destroying technical devices.

Sexual Compatibility Gemini Man and Virgo Woman

Intimacy between people related to Mercury cannot do without accompanying conversations. Depending on the mood, the Gemini man and the Virgo woman sometimes indulge in unbridled passion, sometimes they do not feel the slightest attraction to each other. Male twins usually know how to evoke a response in the soul of a partner, and therefore they are able to interest and cheer Devs. The humor of the Virgo-woman - dry and poignant - is easily missed by not too attentive people. Gemini, on the other hand, not only notices their sarcasm, but also understands it. More intellectual than sexual partners are likely to soon turn into good friends, replacing intimacy with relationships similar to relatives.

Business Compatibility Gemini Man and Virgo Woman

Business relationships and compatibility can be productive, but mutual irritation will become part of everyday interaction. This couple is more successful in relationships as work colleagues than business partners. As administrators or entrepreneurs, Gemini can provide ideas, and Virgo will put those ideas into practice.

What Gemini men need to know about Virgo women

Dev is hard to understand. The people of this sign have a natural need to serve and help others, including you. Twins. At the same time, they experience an equally irresistible craving for loneliness. Being terrestrial beings, they are constantly concerned about the quality of their environment and may perceive outside influence on it as an attempt on their own personality. Even the most promiscuous Virgo-woman adheres to customs and customs, the severity of which is not always applicable for sharing. Being extremely self-critical. Virgos are very sensitive to someone else's criticism and in each such case they are ready for an immediate rebuff.

What a Virgo woman needs to know about a Gemini man

Virgo, Gemini are often in a pessimistic mood, but it is not always possible to understand the reasons for their discontent. Most people born under this sign hate their job, but can't give a good reason for their rejection (lack of clarity can drive you crazy). When Gemini men are unhappy, they can put anyone to blame. When engaging with them, try to monitor your partner's reaction to a different point of view than his own. Communicating with them, you sometimes have to catch yourself thinking that you are dealing with a child; Actually, this is not far from the truth. Remember that Gemini men understand the world in a similar way to you, they just do not strive, unlike you, to rearrange it. With all their love for change, they hardly get rid of their usual ideas. Instead of complaining, help them get their thoughts in order.

Compatibility Gemini men and Virgo women: chances for the future

As in any other cases, when two take full responsibility for their own words and actions, the relationship between Gemini men and Virgo women can become harmonious. Virgos should realize that their inherent criticism is only a way of expressing their condition, and just honestly say to a partner: “I am unhappy” or: “I take it out on you to stop blaming myself.” Male twins have to admit that it is difficult for them to exist "here and now" and deal with the daily routine so beloved by Virgo women.

When both give up the habit of making excuses with familiar and meaningless phrases, a normal, productive dialogue can begin between them, which, by the way, both are predisposed to. And if this frank conversation happens, then it will certainly serve to strengthen their connection and trust in each other. Each such conversation will more and more convince them of their similarities with each other and help resolve internal problems. Thus, easing the psychological burden of the partner, they contribute to the improvement of their relationship. Do not forget that close communication is most fruitful. Virgos are so painfully self-critical that having the support of Gemini is a great boon for them.

Male twins will enjoy complete freedom of action if they can convince Virgos that their adventures are safe for their union. The Virgo woman is able to dispel the depression of Gemini with brilliant witticisms and wise conviction, which are difficult to resist. These two are natural friends and may remain so forever. Many of them will consider that all that has been said is already enough to create a wonderful couple; well, they can stop at that combination. Others looking for more passionate sex and sensuality should continue looking for a partner.

How compatible is a Gemini man in a love relationship with other signs of the horoscope

How compatible is a Virgo woman in a love relationship with other signs of the zodiac

Compatibility: Gemini (male) and Virgo (female)

In love, a Virgo woman will have a very difficult time. She will strive to make the relationship with the Gemini man perfect. However, she will not soon realize that it is almost impossible to create an idyll with him. Her desire to please her chosen one will eventually play a cruel joke against her.

Gemini Man Virgo Woman

In the thirtieth kingdom, in a magnificent palace of white marble, there lived a beautiful and unmarried maiden. For days on end she sat at the window and dreamed of a brave and strong prince who would ride to her on a white horse and take her away over the three seas. And they will live soul to soul, and build their castle of white marble, and give birth to three, and preferably four, beautiful and smart kids. And one fine day, a horseman appeared on the road that led to the maiden's castle.

But it was not a prince or even a duke, but a poor troubadour, an eternal wanderer. And the troubadour maiden fell in love, although he did not promise her to build a marble castle, but only sang love songs to her from morning to night ... This tale is about the beginning of a relationship between a Gemini man and a Virgo woman. Two absolutely opposite people in their worldview, who set themselves completely different life goals, fall in love with each other - and then a formal break in patterns begins.

The Gemini man, who is patronized by the element of Air, is very biased towards long-term plans for his personal life. Like the eternal boy Peter Pan, he lives by his own rules, and with any attempt to force him to live according to the schedule, he shows his teeth. He is like Figaro - here today, there tomorrow, and, most amazingly, he manages to do everything. It will not be easy for a Virgo woman to come to terms with the "airiness" of her lover, since her zodiac sign is under the auspices of the elements of the Earth. Virgo can be called to some extent a mundane person (but one should not equate earthiness with limitation!), Simple worldly joys are close to her, and not ephemeral Napoleonic plans for the future.

Born under the sign of Virgo, she is happy when she has a cozy home, a stable job and a loved one nearby - that's all, you can leave a car park from Bentley and a personal island for yourself. Consequently, when representatives of opposite qualities of the elements, Air and Earth, approach, a dissonance of life goals is immediately observed. He wants to live for his own pleasure, She is already ripe for family joys. They can prove to each other the correctness of their views to wheezing in the throat.

However, if the Virgo woman takes the position of an understanding and sympathetic partner, she will be able to “tame” the windy Gemini much faster than if she “sawed” him every day. The infantile nature of the Gemini is balanced by the enveloping care of the Virgo. In a relationship with a Gemini man, she had a difficult task - to be for her soulmate both a loving woman and a caring mother. She roasts toast in the morning, as he likes, with a crispy crust, irons his shirt in the evening and picks up a tie for her, and he simply dies from her attentiveness and wonders how he managed to get such a treasure.

From the foregoing, one may get the impression that in the Gemini-Virgo union, the first is used to only taking, and the second is only to give. But this is not so: a man who admires the care of his partner changes himself under her unobtrusive influence. As trite as it sounds, over time, he becomes ashamed of scattered socks, a small salary, his habit of smoking indoors, etc. He begins to think: “she is so perfect, and I am so frivolous, I can’t upset her, I need to change.”

And the Gemini-boy begins to turn into a Gemini-man, not being urged outwardly, but wanting to transform himself. But in order for the life partner to become more serious, Virgo will have to be patient, since the process of growing up the “air boy” can take a long time. During this time, she herself can change under his influence. Yes, a pragmatic Virgo can get rid of conservative views on life. The key question here is who will change whom first.

At the initial stage of the relationship, the fragile foundation of the union of Gemini and Virgo rests on the non-conflict of the partner. The calm Virgo is allergic to scandals and showdowns, so she has the ability to hush up flaring quarrels. It’s easier for her to say “Darling, you’re right” and stay with her opinion than to defend her point of view, but spoil the mood for herself and him. However, every person has a boiling point, and Virgo is no exception. If her partner starts to get impudent, she will firmly and decisively let him know that her point of view also needs to be considered.

The Virgo woman and the Gemini man treat the interpretation of the concept of “love” differently. It is important for Her that the one whom she has chosen belongs completely and entirely to her alone, confirms his feelings with words and actions. For Him, love does not have to be accompanied by everyday passionate confessions and corresponding actions. He can arrange a romantic evening with rose petals scattered on the floor and a serenade under the window today, but tomorrow he may forget to kiss her on the cheek before leaving, which will sow seeds of doubt in her soul.

Such “ups and downs” in relation to the second half can encourage Virgo to zealous introspection. She will begin to look for the reason for his coldness in her actions, to analyze where she made a mistake, while the temporary coldness of Gemini is due only to the peculiarity of his nature. In order for the weather in the house of these two people to always be cloudless, both of them need to learn to take it easier on the actions and opinions of the second half.

Gemini Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility

The relationship between a Gemini man and a Virgo woman is never easy. This is a combination of the elements of Air and Earth, which either endlessly fight with each other, or peacefully coexist - but on certain conditions. It may be that the endless strife and disagreements in these relationships will only bring the partners closer - they will no longer be able to live separately. In a pair, a Gemini man and a Virgo woman will enjoy the constant development of relationships, everyone will find a lot of attractive and interesting things in them.

The Gemini man is restless and active. It is impossible to conclude it in a strict framework of rules and laws, he wants to be free and independent even in relationships. The Virgo woman is a neat lady. She appreciates stability, stability, clarity in life. She never loses her head in dreams and imagination, preferring real goals and concrete activities to achieve them. The Virgo woman feels some of her “one-sidedness”, which is expressed in excessive pedantry, practicality, she lacks a flight of thought, a creative streak, a game of imagination that so attract her in a partner. It is this person, according to the Virgo woman, who is able to make her life much richer and brighter.

The Gemini man is diplomatic, optimistic, and has a good sense of humor. His chosen one will forgive him even those tricks that run counter to her ideas about moral standards. He is light and mobile, it is very interesting to watch him - and the Virgo woman will gladly take care of everyday issues while her partner tries himself in the next roles. The Gemini man really needs a strong support that will never let him down. This support in life will be the emotional stability of his partner. In addition, the careful and very serious approach of the Virgo woman to all issues will allow him to develop his own ability to see things from different angles, pay attention to those details that he would have slipped past without noticing.

Gradually, in communication with his chosen one, the Gemini man will become much more consistent in his actions. In turn, the partner will no longer be satisfied with the fact that the Virgo woman is content with her former role, and does not try to try herself in others. He can even put pressure on his beloved, stimulating her to the manifestation of individuality, originality. The further development of relations depends on how strong this pressure will be, and also on how much the Virgo woman will allow the authoritarianism of her chosen one.

With a sharp clash of interests, conflicts are inevitable, and in the outbreak of the war, both sides will be the losers. In principle, this union of different people is formal. Logically verified actions of each of the partners, honed roles, unfortunately, do not add sensuality to the relationship. On the contrary, the more logic and calculation there is in the union of the Gemini man and the Virgo woman, the less feelings will remain.

In order for a pair of Gemini men and Virgo women to keep the union, they need to build relationships on intellectual cooperation. Partners will unite in difficult cases, in a joint search for creative inspiration, building a business. Difficult living conditions will add spice and piquancy to this interesting relationship, linking these two with strong bonds.

Gemini and Virgo: compatibility of women and men of these signs in relationships, love, marriage and friendship

Virgos represent the sign of the earth, due to the stubbornness of their nature, they are hard workers, they always achieve their goal. Virgo and Gemini: compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be ideal, but let's take a closer look. Virgos always strive for excellence in all matters, have optimism and love life. Gemini is an air sign, where the wind blows, the mood of a frivolous sign will carry it there. Gemini is fickle, they cannot endure monotony for a long time, they are constantly on the move and looking for something new.

The relationship between these two zodiac signs is always reliable, they know how to forgive and be friends for real.

Compatibility Virgo Man and Gemini Woman

The Gemini woman is energetic and beautiful in any situation. There are always a lot of admirers in her environment, but this does not mean that she is frivolous about relationships, without male attention, the Gemini lady will simply wither away. The Gemini girl always gives herself completely and shows all her passion.

The Virgo man is outwardly meek and vulnerable, but under his appearance there is a strong character that is almost impossible to break in difficult life situations. It is difficult to understand a Virgo man right away, but the lady who succeeds will wish to win a partner for life. He will pay maximum attention to his companion, surprise with actions and envelop with tenderness. Fans willingly give preference to the Virgo man, and if he were not a little modest, he could be called the first Don Juan. Virgo pays attention to affection, so she chooses a life partner for a long time.


The first acquaintance of this couple is unlikely to take place at a noisy party at a late meeting of friends or in a calm atmosphere of a museum or library. Most likely, these zodiac signs will meet by chance in a store or on the street. Since the Gemini girl is always charming and attracts with her beauty, the Virgo guy will certainly pay attention to her and even be able to utter a couple of proposals for dating.

The Gemini lady will not miss this chance and from the first meeting she will discern excellent character traits in the Virgo man: modesty, reliability, prudence. The signs will become interested in each other and, for sure, the first acquaintance will lead to further communication, and then to the compatibility of the Virgo man and the Gemini woman.

The initiative of the first date is better to take on the Virgo guy. He will think over all the actions to the smallest detail and can invite the Gemini lady to a party with close friends or to a calm atmosphere at home. On the first date, the guy will not lose face and will act as the best representative of men that Gemini only dreamed of. The gifts or surprises that he will prepare will also please the lady of the earth.

The young lady Gemini will enthusiastically get ready for the first date, she will look gorgeous as never before and will surely slay the Virgo guy with her charm. The evening will succeed, the chatty and cheerful lady Gemini will be able to talk enough, and Virgo will listen carefully, inserting witty remarks on the case. The first date will definitely continue with the compatibility of Gemini and Virgo in a love relationship.

Between the signs of earth and air, the most sincere feelings can arise, and they will understand what true love is. The past will interfere a little with this couple in a relationship, the Gemini girl will wish to reveal all the secrets of her previous relationship and learn similar information from a man. But it is better for Virgo to stay away from such conversations, the Gemini lady is jealous and has a high sense of ownership, she can be jealous of her chosen one even for an ex-girlfriend.

The compatibility of Gemini and Virgo in love in bed will be ideal. The twins plunge headlong into new experiences, and the Virgo man enjoys this process and liberates himself completely in relations with his young lady. The candy-bouquet period will be held with extraordinary surprises, enthusiastic feelings and wonderful emotions for both partners.

The Gemini lady is not very happy to part with her personal space, so sometimes she needs time to get used to relationships and some restrictions in them. The Virgo man will be a lot nervous because of this behavior of his chosen one, because everything in his life is put in its place. The once calm guy Virgo will turn into a nervous jealous man, who nevertheless will soon decide to make marriage proposals to the lady Gemini.

The young lady in this pair is always faithful to her chosen one, she just needs a little more personal space.

In everyday life, the interests of the couple do not converge, Virgo is used to cleanliness and order, while Gemini does not pay due attention to this. People around will constantly repeat the signs of parting, but if they do not pay attention to advice, then the relationship will be saved.

During the relationship, the signs of earth and air have become so attached to each other that they no longer think of a future life without their partner.

Virgo decides for a long time to propose a hand and heart to her charming Gemini, while he doubts, but the young lady Gemini, without thinking twice, will agree to marriage. The lovers will organize the best wedding in their surroundings, it may not be as magnificent, but the signs will look more beautiful than ever.

After the official consolidation of the union, the Virgo man will hope that the Gemini lady will settle down, will spend more time at home, and will not be distracted by her hobbies. But the Gemini girl stands her ground, and even with the advent of children, her life will not change much, she will distribute time between hobbies, family and work. Virgo will become a wonderful father who will raise children in strictness and discipline. Due to the fact that the signs of earth and air are diversified, their children will also show themselves and this couple may well call themselves the happiest family.

A friendly relationship between a Gemini girl and a Virgo guy will be productive for both of them. The always frivolous and windy lady of Gemini is attracted by various adventures, she always gets into some kind of trouble. Here the Virgo guy comes to the rescue, always calm and balanced, he will help solve any of her problems, and also teach the Gemini a little to order and accuracy.

The Gemini girl simply cannot be friends with Virgo alone, and he will undoubtedly worry about this, but the lady will be able to reassure the modest guy, because she will not find a better and more reliable friend. Friendships can last a lifetime, and even in old age, the signs of earth and air will support each other.


The Gemini lady and the Virgo guy have such a harmonious business union that they can succeed in any field. They are excellent partners in business, both are distinguished by intelligence, curiosity and quickly adapt to external circumstances. The Gemini lady is used to being the center of attention and negotiates well, and a reliable partner Virgo will always calculate the risks in any decisions.

Virgo always achieves her goal and can work routinely for many days, and the Gemini lady generates great ideas for business and looks for a way out in the most difficult situations. Virgo will not compete with Gemini, as they perfectly complement each other, and their joint business will bring much more results than separate business.

Compatibility Gemini Man and Virgo Woman

The Gemini man is not used to sitting in one place, he is constantly in the spotlight at any event. This merry fellow has plenty of fans, but to choose one, he needs a lot of time. Gemini does not like restrictions in his personal freedom, so he begins to prepare for marriage late, but he is an exemplary family man and a wonderful husband for his wife.

The Virgo woman is distinguished by modesty and shyness, she is always charming, but her timidity makes it difficult to choose a partner for life. Virgo is not deprived of admirers; on occasion, she can always support any conversation or joke in the company of friends. Virgo is imbued with neatness and order, so in everyday life she always has a lot to do, and she knows what to do. With the skillful approach of a man, Virgo reveals herself completely, and her chosen one gets a passionate mistress.


Despite the difference in preferences for rest and leisure, the signs of air and earth can still meet. You can meet Virgo in a calm environment, somewhere in the village with your grandmother or in a sanatorium, and you can meet a Gemini guy only at top resorts and the best beaches. Yet, if a chance meeting occurs, it will leave an indelible impression in the hearts.

Thoughtful and modest Virgo will immediately attract the attention of Don Juan Gemini, he will make every effort to win the attention of the beauty. She will not immediately turn her gaze towards the joker and merry fellow Gemini, but after several attempts to win her heart, the Virgin will still melt. The first acquaintance can develop into sincere feelings.

Gemini will have to think about how to organize a first date for such a subtle nature as Virgo. If before he had no problems with this, now he has a special case in front of him, so Gemini will start from afar. For example, he will try to conquer the lady of the heart with a simple bouquet of daisies or a soft toy. He has already thought out all the tricks of seducing the beauty, but he is acting slowly.

The twin will arrange a brilliant date, which he will come up with himself, so that the girl will be delighted. The signs will have something to talk about, because they are both distinguished by intelligence and a broad outlook. With the right approach to the needs of the Virgo, the first date will be a great success and will enable Gemini to see the modest beauty again.

Despite her modesty, Virgo is always beautiful and sexy, she appears as a gentle partner in a relationship. A twin next to such a lady will always be on top. Intimate life in this couple will be beautiful, Virgo is passionate about relationships, and Gemini is always ready to surprise his beloved.

Difficulties in a couple will begin when the candy period comes to an end. Here Virgo will begin to notice the shortcomings of her chosen one, he pays a lot of attention to other girls and flirts with them, this does not suit her at all. And Gemini will be dissatisfied with the pedantry and excessive accuracy of his young lady, sometimes this will lead to petty quarrels.

In the opinion of others, the relationship of this couple can be called ideal. And why don't they run to legitimize the relationship right away. The stars advise you not to rush and get used to each other's habits.

Virgo should not be so diligent in accustoming Gemini to cleanliness and order, and he should pay more attention to his beloved, and not flirt with other ladies. Both partners will not like a civil marriage, besides, Gemini and Virgo do not want to limit their freedom. Therefore, before such an important step as marriage, they will have to think more, and spend this time with the benefit of enthusiastic meetings and wonderful dates.

At first, the spouses will have to put up with living together, but over time, everything will fall into place. Signs will acquire harmony after the birth of the firstborn. Gemini dad will allow his children a lot, their upbringing will take place not in strict discipline, but rather in a noisy game with their father. But on the other hand, mother will make up for the lack of discipline and will accustom children to order and clear rules. Over time, the marriage of this couple will only grow stronger, and their loved ones will still be able to walk at the golden wedding.

Compatibility in love between a Virgo man and a Gemini woman is determined by the ratio of their inherent qualities that complement each other. She fills the relationship with passion, and a rational lover endows her beloved with the ability to make informed decisions. With this communication, a special kind of love is born, in which friendship comes first. Relationships in love between a Gemini woman and a Virgo man are initiated by a woman - she captivates and interests the gentleman. Lovers can understand each other without words, they are straightforward in communication, which is not always welcome in society. The excessive sincerity of a couple living together for a long time can cause shock to others.

The restlessness of a Gemini woman can negatively affect relationships. This annoys the static Virgo, but the gentleman will try to avoid a break. To save the union, the partner tries to idealize it. A pedantic man wants his windy girlfriend to be perfect, but she is not capable of this. Windiness is uncontrollable, and this often leads to separation, while after the end of a love relationship between them, friendship remains.

The marriage union of these signs is very unstable. For the Virgo man, order is important, and the Gemini woman is used to creative chaos. A woman decides on such a family union because she understands that she needs a responsible husband. There is a calculation in this marriage, the lady strives for stability and a comfortable existence.

The spouse agrees to such a feat, but in return it should become moral. Under such conditions, a wayward partner will become a good wife, and a man will cease to be a bore, learn to endure and understand.

They will strive to occupy a high position in society. This marriage is not based on love and passion - it is based on a partnership that will provide a stable life for two people.

Sexual Compatibility

It can be difficult for a Virgo man and a Gemini woman to agree in the bedroom. In sex, he follows traditions more, does everything well, but in the process he does not give enough emotions. She loves experiments, and scheduled sex makes her bored. She wants more passion from the chosen one. The Virgo man needs to bring more pleasure to his partner, only in this case they will achieve unity of body and soul. It is better for him to learn the lesson of a previous relationship or meet a not very temperamental Gemini woman, which also happens.

In any case, only practice will help you experience true pleasure in intimacy. The sensuality of a lady and the sensitivity of a lover, if desired, can become the basis of a good sexual compatibility of a couple.

At work and at home

Representatives of these signs are good colleagues or business partners. The train of thought of this couple is similar, and activity and diligence help them move mountains. Virgo strives to succeed, while Gemini enjoys moving forward and taking on new challenges. A responsible Virgo man is a good worker, but a large flow of data is a burden to him. Geminis are impatient when carrying out painstaking tasks, but they can easily deal with any flow of information.

The tandem, where the courageous Virgo man leads the Gemini lady, is not bad, but ineffective. Virgo is a bad boss, but psychologically they are comfortable working together. He often does the work himself, as he does not trust subordinates, and is afraid to make bold decisions. For a Gemini lady who wants to make a career, a person of a different zodiac sign from the element of fire is better suited as a boss.

The basis of the ideal compatibility of the Virgo man and the Gemini woman in everyday life is the sociability, determination and dynamism of the lady. But these feminine traits can also provoke difficulties in relationships, so it is important to present these qualities as an indisputable plus and show that her opinion converges with his. Then the comfort in his world will be preserved and there will be no reason for disagreement in the couple.

In friendly relations, the compatibility of the Virgo man and the Gemini woman is simply perfect. They love to chat on different topics. Their couple is a good example of true friendship between a man and a woman. The Gemini lady has a prudent friend who will help find answers to many questions.

A man in the company of a Gemini lady has no time to be bored, he plunges headlong into communication with others. The disadvantage of such friendship is that when solving serious problems, they are not ready to sacrifice something for the sake of helping another. These friends will not change their loved ones. Relations between them can only begin after parting with their soulmate and as a result of the full realization that only with each other they can reach mutual understanding.

In whatever area the representatives of the two elements collide, by showing sensitivity, tact and care, they can reach mutual understanding and create a reliable tandem.

In terms of compatibility, the Virgo Woman and the Gemini Man seem to be from different planets, and these planets are located in different galaxies of different universes. The chances that their paths will cross are usually close to zero. The fickle Gemini man and the responsible Virgo woman strive for different goals, arrange their lives in different ways and speak different languages, but sometimes love can unite even such seemingly incompatible creatures.

At the beginning of their life together, Gemini and Virgo, as a rule, experience a vivid sense of novelty, however, when it dulls, they may not even have anything to talk about with each other. At the same time, Gemini gives Virgo a lot of reasons for jealousy, which she does not agree to put up with at all. Virgo, on the other hand, requires commitment and punctuality from Gemini, which he completely lacks.

The Virgo woman and the Gemini man have an interesting, but very difficult union. In him, striving to do everything perfectly and please his chosen one. But, alas, her labors are in vain.

Compatibility Virgo woman - Gemini man - PLUSES

The Virgo woman and the Gemini man are so different that in order for them to be together, they must be connected by true love. It is believed that if a Virgo woman lives with a Gemini man for more than four years, then they have found their true love, sent from above.

In an ideal pair of Virgo-Gemini compatibility - the Virgo woman and the Gemini man have learned to accept each other for who they are, with all the advantages and disadvantages. They do not try to remake each other and admire all the features of a partner, even those that they themselves do not have. The Gemini man likes it, and the Virgo is captivated by the mind and extraordinary ideas and decisions of the Gemini man. The Virgo woman does an excellent job with household chores, so the Gemini man stopped "poking his nose in there."

Compatibility Virgo woman - Gemini man - MINUSES

The problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Virgo-Gemini is that the Virgo woman is accustomed to stability and tries to maintain it all the time, and the Gemini man is always in pursuit of new impressions, for happiness he constantly needs change. The Virgo woman expresses dissatisfaction and grumbles, and the Gemini man answers her with a dozen offensive remarks. Both do not go into their pocket for a word - and all harmless skirmishes turn into a battle on the ice, with mutual insults and listing all the mistakes that the partner made even while being "in the womb."

How Virgo women can even find themselves in union with Gemini men, these “colorful, shiny moths” is simply incomprehensible to the mind. This surprises not only their friends and relatives, but also the whole world around and even astrologers-scientists. But in one opinion, everyone is unanimous: this marriage union for the Virgin is a real rock. Too many differences in their characters and mores.

For the Virgo woman, some kind of guarantee of feelings is needed, she dreams of her own home, while the Gemini is frightened by any slightest encroachment on their freedom. And the more the Virgo puts pressure on the partner, the faster the Gemini man moves away from her.

Virgo women are the biggest pedants, the most picky, merciless sharp-toothed critics of the entire Zodiac. Their eternal discontent, grumbling, coldness and sobriety, their insensitivity collide with the mobility and indecision, frivolity and windiness of the Gemini man. And no matter how hard the Virgos try to re-educate the Gemini, to make them reliable marriage partners, all their efforts turn out to be useless, powerless. What, so they remain until the very divorce. In this "civil war" between Virgo women and Gemini men, the main weapon is the sharp and poisonous arrows of their speeches, which always fall into the "top ten". The only difference is that Virgo Gemini immediately responds to one word with dozens of phrases, and often with a tongue twister.

In this union, it is often such a phenomenon that the Gemini man is quite smart and cunning. The Virgo woman provides him with a reliable rear and material prosperity, and at this time he exhausts her nerves with constant absences to no one knows where and a wild lifestyle. Naturally, the "prodigal husband" returns with a bouquet of flowers and a bunch of compliments, which, of course, captivates the Virgin and makes her endure more "pranks" of her man.

Despite all the difficulties, this union can be successful when a Gemini man creates a family of convenience, for material reasons, when he makes a deal to secure his future. He can do this only consciously, because such a union forces him to settle down for a long time, and even for life, to put up with the orders established by the Virgo woman. In this case, the Gemini avoid all possible "sharp corners" and become "goodies" for the benefit of peace and tranquility in their own home, to which the Virgos respond with patience and reasonableness.

Horoscope Virgo-Gemini - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the Virgo-Gemini horoscopes, if this complex union is dear to both, then the Gemini men need to learn how to curb their independent temper, and the Virgo woman should give up total control and nit-picking. A woman needs to learn to easily relate to the unbridled behavior of Gemini. in understanding and passionate feelings. For complete happiness, it will be enough for him that there will be no conflicts and quarrels in the house.

The Virgo woman should replace her criticality with empathy and patience. She also needs to develop intuition and the ability to understand the person next to her without words. Moderate your ardor for perfection, or in response you will hear the direct text of the Gemini man about what he thinks about all this.

How can a Virgo woman conquer a Gemini man?

The Virgo girl and the Gemini guy rarely pay attention to each other. If this happened, then this is simply a miracle, or the desire of both to experience something new by talking to the table with a person who is not like themselves. Also, boredom can play a role in starting a relationship if one of the partners suddenly experienced it.

The ideal woman for a Gemini man should be slender, impetuous, able to keep up a conversation on any topic. And also she must be erudite, well-educated, energetic, but at the same time speak in a calm voice. And… be optimistic in all situations.

Also, a Virgo woman who decides to conquer a Gemini man should remember that he is in no hurry to officially register a marriage. This can be very unnerving for a Virgo woman who likes everything to be right.

And lastly, when communicating with a Gemini man, avoid raised tones. He doesn't like it.

Sexual compatibility is satisfactory. Special enthusiasm is not expected, but no one will be disappointed either.

Compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Gemini man in friendship

A strong, true friendship between a Virgo woman and a Gemini man is rare. They can have a fun and pleasant time, communicating with each other within the framework of any period of life (for example, school, college, courses, seaside holidays, etc.). But, they are too different for their friendship to last for a long time. After they talk about a certain topic, their paths diverge. Perhaps, for some time, the Gemini man will still give fresh ideas and provide news, but soon he will get tired of it. He will leave in search of more vivid impressions.

The "halves" of these signs should not be afraid of anything. They are not interested in each other in this regard. Some kind of personal relationship is possible between them if they are both free.

Compatibility of Virgo women and Gemini men in the business field

The Virgo woman and the Gemini man make an excellent business alliance. Together they can have a real brainstorm and achieve truly stunning success. They know how to put aside personal prejudices and plunge headlong into work.

When a Virgo woman and a Gemini man are colleagues or partners, this is a great combination. This business alliance can last for many years and bring good results. The Virgo woman and the Gemini man are excellent professionals in their field. They trust each other, are reliable, conscientiously fulfill their duties, do not seek to stand out, and do not pull the blanket over themselves. If one of them does not notice something, the second one will definitely correct the defect for the sake of the success of their common cause.

When a Virgo woman is a boss, and a Gemini man is a subordinate - in general, a good business union, but in this case, a competitive struggle between Virgo and Gemini for leadership in the team is possible. The Virgo boss can sometimes be annoyed by Gemini's fussiness, and Gemini does not like Virgo's criticism and remarks.

When a Virgo woman is a subordinate, and a Gemini man is a boss, one of the best combinations for work. The Gemini boss appreciates the professionalism and diligence of their employees. The Virgo woman has these qualities, so her professional skills will not go unnoticed by her superiors.

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