Home Fertilizers Forms of parent meetings at school. Speech “Forms of parent meetings. Class parent meeting

Forms of parent meetings at school. Speech “Forms of parent meetings. Class parent meeting

Olga Egorova
Business game “Modern forms of holding parent meetings”

Business game

Prepared by teacher O. A. Egorova

Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with parents of pupils.


To clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents through the introduction of modern forms of holding parent meetings

To activate the pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for using modern forms of holding parent meetings, stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity.

To support the interest of teachers in further study of this topic.

Progress of the game:

Teachers come in, take leaves of different colors and sit down at the corresponding tables.

Leading: The main goal of preschool teachers in working with parents– professionally help the family in raising children, without replacing it, but complementing it and ensuring a more complete implementation of educational functions.

There is no doubt about the importance of attracting parents to participate in the work of the kindergarten, but in the real relationships between teachers and parents sometimes there is a certain disharmony. Both personal and professional factors can hinder the development of these relationships. factors: lack of time, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of resentment - all this can lead to formation personal and professional prejudices that interfere with the establishment of relationships between kindergarten and family. Therefore, educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child, which forces them to look for new forms of interaction, while moving away from overorganization and boring templates, to interest parents necessary pedagogical information through an efficiently constructed Parent meeting.

Therefore, our topic business games: "Modern forms of holding parent meetings"

1 part: theoretical

Leading: I suggest you remember a little about the material on topic: “How to properly organize parent meeting at preschool educational institution", V form of a quick survey:

Question 1:How to choose a topic parent meeting?

Monitoring educational requests parents at the end of the school year (questionnaire, survey, conversation, etc.)

Familiarization with the directions of work of preschool educational institutions in the new academic year

Individual needs group parents that arose during the academic year.

Question 2:Name the main stages of preparation parent meeting

Developing a plan holding and progress of the event

Questionnaire parents on the topic of the meeting

Making invitations for each family

Preparation of colorful posters on the topic meetings

Making memos with tips on the topic meetings

Preparation of competitions and exhibitions

Equipment and registration of the location for the parent meeting

Question 3:Which you know modern forms of parent meetings?

"Round table"

Business game


Family kaleidoscope

Discussion, etc.

Question 4:List the parts parent meeting

Introductory part

The main part, which is divided into theoretical and practical subparts.

Question 5:Where the move and decision are recorded parent meeting?

In the protocol parent meeting

Game warm-up:

Participants are in place.

If you are angry about something, close your eyes.

If you are unhappy with someone pounding their fist on the table and demanding something from you, shake your head;

If you believe that your mood is independent of the mood of others, wink at each other;

If you think you're in a good mood right now, spin around

If you are happy to meet us, smile at your neighbor.

If you like it here, then clap your hands.

part 2: practical

Leading: I propose to move on to the practical part of our game. Each team will choose form and topic of the parent meeting and prepare a corresponding presentation which will be presented to us

Work of teachers and presentation

Part 3: "Open Mic" (reflection)

The presenter offers to answer in "microphone" to the following questions

What do you think is the practical use of today's game?

What new things have you learned for yourself?

Leading (final words):

Today we remembered modern forms of holding parent meetings, and we all know well about the need for their implementation. At the end of our meeting, I would like to thank you for your cooperation and wish you creative discoveries in our difficult but interesting work.

Meeting forms:

1. Meeting - discussion.

2. "Round table"

3. Business game

4. Workshop

Meeting - discussion.

Interpretation of the word "discussion"- discussion of any issue on meeting or conversation. Thus, discussion is part of conversation.

like this The parent meeting form can be used, if there is a need to discuss any controversial issue, any controversial problem in the upbringing and education of children. In this case, the teacher’s performance on meeting, and most of the time is devoted to discussion and analysis of different points of view.

Meeting– discussion allows parents participate in the discussion of the most important problems in the upbringing and education of children, contributing to formation ability to analyze a problem from different points of view. The discussion begins after an introductory speech by the teacher or other specialist, which outlines the topic under discussion. As a rule, after the end of the discussion, the opinions of experts are heard in order to analyze the different points of view expressed during the discussion, and only then sums up the results meetings.

Round table.

The round table is, in essence, meeting-conversation, where opinions are exchanged on special issues with the participation of various specialists. To justify such form of the meeting, participants meetings can be located behind "round" table On Parent meeting, held in the form of a round table, you can invite psychologists, social educators, a doctor, a speech therapist, representatives parental and the teaching community, school administration. This form of meeting allows you to discuss any pressing issues and find out the opinions of all participants meetings

Meeting organizational and activity game or business game

Organizational-activity, or business, a game- this is a type of activity when the problem posed is solved during the game, and its participants try on different roles and try to see the problem through the eyes of different people. During the game, participants look for ways and means to solve the problem, uniting in groups, for example, "children", "school administration", "educator", « parents» , "experts". Each group prepares its own analysis of the problem and outlines a solution. As a result of a collective analysis of the problem, one or more solutions are found.


Seminar – group practical classes under the guidance of a teacher. On parent meeting, conducted in the form of a seminar, the teacher acts as a teacher, and parents - as students who collectively try to solve this or that problem in a practical way. Conducting a parent meeting in the form the seminar requires preliminary "theoretical" work with parents. It is advisable to give parents information materials for familiarization in order to meeting they could not only discuss ways to solve the problem, but also learn how to apply the received practical information.


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Modern forms and methods of organizing parent meetings

Prepared by O.V. Ponomareva, teacher of physics and mathematics, Novoniculinsk Secondary School.

Parent meeting is

the main form of joint work of parents, at which decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the class community and the education of students at school and at home; form of interaction between the teacher and students’ families.

The class parent meeting - the highest body of self-government of parents in the class - is convened as necessary, but at least once per academic quarter.

Class parent meeting

  • Elects the class parent committee and delegates to the school parent conference.
  • Resolves issues of parental participation in managing the life of the class, discusses draft school documents and expresses his thoughts on them.
  • Listens to reports and information about the work of the class parent committee, its commissions and evaluates them.
  • Discusses parents' suggestions for improving the educational process in the classroom.
  • Considers issues of organizing pedagogical self-education for parents.
  • Decides to create a financial fund to pay for additional educational services of teachers and attracted specialists.
  • Takes measures to stimulate the social work of parents in an educational institution.

  • 1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.
  • 2.The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.
  • 3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.
  • 4.The meeting should be held at a time convenient for the parents.

  • 5. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.

We must not forget that each student is an individual, therefore, discussion of the successes or behavior of specific students should take place face to face with their parents. You should not bring up any acute problems with specific children for general discussion; this will only spoil the attitude towards the teacher of both the student and his parents.

  • 6. It is necessary that the parent meeting be well prepared and pedagogically useful.
  • 7.The class teacher should communicate calmly and tactfully with parents.

Stages of preparation for a parent meeting

  • 1.Selecting a topic for the meeting.
  • 2. Determining the goals of the parent meeting.
  • 3. Study by the class teacher and other organizers of a collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.
  • 4. Conducting a micro-study in the community of children and parents (questionnaires, conversations, testing).
  • 5. Determination of the type, form and stages of parent meetings. Methods and techniques for the collaboration of its participants.
  • 6. Invitation of parents and other meeting participants.
  • 7.Development of the meeting’s decision, its recommendations, and instructions to parents.
  • 8.Equipment and design of the venue for the parent meeting.

Stages of parent meeting.

  • 1. Organizing a parent meeting.
  • 2. Preparing the script and holding the meeting. Any meeting must include five mandatory components:
  • Analysis of the educational achievements of class students.
  • Familiarizing parents with the state of the social-emotional climate in the classroom.
  • Psychological and pedagogical education.
  • Discussion of organizational issues.
  • Personal conversations with parents.
  • 3. Understanding the results of the parent meeting.

Equipment for the meeting place, decoration.

  • Clean and comfortable office.
  • Exhibitions of students’ creative works (crafts, drawings, photos, essays).
  • Exhibitions of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under discussion.
  • On the board there is a theme and an epigraph for the meeting in colored chalk.
  • Tables and diagrams with the results of micro-research.
  • The arrangement of tables and chairs is in accordance with the intention of the meeting.
  • Paper, pencils, pens.

Approximate structure of a parent meeting

  • 1. Opening speech by the class teacher (introduction of guests)

(5 minutes).

  • 2. Analysis of parent questionnaires (by class teacher, psychologist, teacher) in order to more clearly present the problem discussed at the meeting (5-7 min).
  • 3. Speech on the topic of the meeting (by a specialist or class teacher). It should be bright, concise, accessible (10-15 minutes).
  • 4. Discussion of the problem by parents (20 min).
  • 5. Analysis by the class teacher of class performance. You need to start only with positive results. You should never call lagging, undisciplined children by their last names, do not “brand them with shame.” The analysis should express confidence that joint work will improve the situation (10 min).
  • 6. In the final part of the meeting, the class teacher thanks the parents for their participation and joint work. Offers to take a memo about the last meeting. Asks those parents whose children have problems in learning or behavior to stay for a moment to find out the causes of these problems and jointly find a solution (10 min)


  • Before the meeting begins, “leave” a bad mood at the door.
  • The duration of the meeting is no more than 1.5 hours.
  • The most pleasant sound for a person is his name. Place a list with your parents' names and patronymics in front of you.
  • Before the parent meeting begins, announce the issues you plan to discuss.
  • Don’t forget the golden rule of pedagogical analysis: start with the positive, then talk about the negative, and end the conversation with suggestions for the future.
  • Warn parents that not all information may be shared with children.
  • Thank everyone who took the time to come (especially fathers).
  • Let parents know that you understand how difficult it is for your child to learn.
  • In a personal conversation, evaluate the children's progress relative to their capabilities.
  • Make parents aware that “bad student” does not mean “bad person.”
  • The parent should leave the meeting feeling that they can help their child.


  • Condemn present parents for failure to appear on previous occasions.
  • Compare the progress of individual students and different classes.
  • Give negative feedback to the entire class.
  • Overestimate the importance of individual objects.
  • Choose an edifying tone for communication.

Types of parent meetings

1 . Organizational meetings are standard parent meetings dedicated to current events in school life: organization of events, the beginning of the school year, learning results at the end of quarters, half-years, years, etc.

-drawing up and approving work plans;

-election of the parent committee;

-distribution of public assignments;

-development of events with the participation of parents

2. Thematic - dedicated to current issues of education. Usually parents attend them with interest and often initiate a discussion of a particular topic.

3. The final results consider the educational process as a means of developing the child’s personality and the life of the class over a certain period.

Parent meeting forms


  • Lecture
  • Conversation
  • Individual consultations


  • Pedagogical laboratory
  • Parent discussions
  • Round table
  • Parent conferences

Parent meeting forms

  • Lecture-seminar
  • Sincere conversation
  • Master Class
  • Talk show “There is an opinion”
  • Seminar
  • Role-playing games
  • Auction
  • Workshop


  • Such meetings are held at the beginning and end of the year. At the beginning of the year, the class teacher and parents discuss education and training programs, discuss the participation of parents in various events. The class teacher invites parents to fill out the “Parent-Child-School” questionnaire.
  • Events that will be held throughout the year are discussed: intellectual (themed holidays, quizzes, performances, competitions, fun lessons), sports (relay races, fun starts, Olympic games). For each event, an initiative group is selected, which, together with the class teacher, will be responsible for its preparation and implementation. At the beginning of the year, the number of events, content, material costs for props and prizes are determined.

Parent discussion

  • - one of the forms of uniting parents into a team. Many of them, already in elementary school, show categorical judgments on many issues of raising children, without taking into account the real capabilities and abilities of their child, without assessing the level of his educational potential. Some parents consider their methods of education to be beyond question and correction by the teacher. Discussions are held so that parents can confirm the appropriateness of the educational methods used or conduct an audit of their pedagogical arsenal and think about what they are doing not quite correctly.

Round table

  • is a meeting of parents of students in the same class. A topic that is significant for the whole class is proposed for discussion. To stimulate the activity of parents and direct the discussion in the right direction, a “frame” is proposed, i.e., pre-prepared tasks and questions. A round table meeting allows parents to obtain useful information, understand their own position and compare it with the position of other parents. Someone needs to speak out (talk about their difficulties), someone needs to find out about the behavior of other students (this will give the opportunity to evaluate their child in comparison, to discover something not noticed before). The result of the round table is jointly formulated general conclusions on the topic under discussion.

Parent conferences

  • School-wide or classroom assessments are of great importance in the system of educational work of the school. They discuss the problems of society, of which today's children will become active members in the near future. The main topics of parent conferences are the causes of conflicts and ways to overcome them, the prevention of bad habits and the fight against them.
  • Such conferences must be prepared very carefully, with the obligatory participation of a school psychologist and social teacher. The task of the latter is to conduct sociological and psychological research on the problem of the conference, as well as familiarize the conference participants with their results. Parents themselves are also active participants in the conferences. They analyze the problem from the perspective of their own experience. A distinctive feature of the conference is that at it certain decisions are made or events are planned on the stated problem.


  • This is a form of development in parents of pedagogical skills to effectively solve all kinds of pedagogical situations, a kind of training in the pedagogical thinking of parent-educators.
  • During the pedagogical workshop, the teacher suggests finding a way out of any conflict situation that may arise in the relationship between parents and children, parents and school, etc.

Role-playing games

  • This is a collective creative activity to study the level of development of parents’ pedagogical skills. Approximate themes for role-playing games with parents could be the following: “Morning in your house”, “The child has come from school”, etc.
  • The role-playing game technique involves: defining a topic, assigning a composition of participants, distributing roles between them, and preliminary discussing possible positions and behavior options for the participants in the game.


  • The parent meeting takes place in the form of “selling” useful advice on a chosen topic.

Lecture - seminar

  • To conduct a parent meeting in the form of a “lecture-seminar,” it is necessary to determine its topic and leader. The leader of the meeting can be the class teacher, parents, invited specialists - doctors, psychologists, methodologists, etc.

"Sincere conversation"

  • - a meeting not intended for all parents, but only for those whose children have common problems: aggressiveness, problems communicating with peers, if the child is left-handed, if he does not cope well with developmental tasks, etc.
  • The class teacher warns parents a few days in advance about the meeting and asks them to prepare to discuss a particular problem. He reads relevant literature about the problem, prepares to listen to parents’ questions and answer them.

Master Class

  • a meeting at which parents demonstrate their achievements in the field of raising and educating children. The master class can be both theoretical and practical. Two weeks before the meeting Cl. the leader offers several parents the topic of the “Master Class” and instructs each to conduct a small lesson in which they will have to explain to all the assembled parents how to teach a child certain skills (for example, how to teach a child to do homework)

Talk show "There is an opinion"

  • A meeting in the form of a “Talk Show” involves discussing one problem from different points of view, detailing the problem and possible ways to solve it. The class teacher, parents speak on the talk show, you can invite a psychologist or doctor. Parents may have a similar opinion on the issue under discussion, but the teacher suggests considering the problem from different points of view, giving reasons for them.


This form involves discussing a current topic with the involvement of competent specialists. In this case, it is important not to impose any “correct” opinions on parents, but to try to consider the range of opinions on the issues raised. The main advantage of such meetings is the development of communication skills among parents, especially the passive part. When conducting seminars, it is important not to “crush” parents with authoritarianism, to give them the opportunity to speak out .

Formation of traditions in holding parent meetings.

1 Tradition of encouraging parents who actively participate in the life of the class.

It comes in various forms. It could be:

awarding certificates, diplomas, souvenirs made by the hands of students.

In honor of helping parents, a concert program can be prepared, personalized congratulatory newspapers and medals can be issued.

Of great importance for parents and grandparents are letters of gratitude, which the class teacher can send both to the student’s home and to his parents at work. It’s great if parents receive such a letter of gratitude on their child’s birthday. This is a great incentive for the child, as well as recognition of the merits of the parents themselves in raising their children.

The introduction of certain rituals into its course is also considered a good tradition of parent meetings. For example, a ritual that can be roughly called the “Magic Box”.

2. This ritual consists of the fact that for each parent-teacher meeting, the children of the class write a letter to their parents, place it in an envelope, label it and drop it into a magic box that stands in the room where the meeting is taking place. Children begin to write such messages already in the first grade. In their letters, they can talk about their desires, problems and joys, about what is sometimes difficult for them to say out loud. If such a ritual becomes traditional, parents look forward to it. Sometimes the tradition of writing letters to each other becomes a family tradition, which parents talk about with pleasure and thank for its introduction into the practice of parent-teacher meetings.


  • The parents’ opinion on the meeting is very important for the class teacher. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce elements of reflection into the content of the parent meeting. They can be different:
  • oral opinion of parents,
  • written analysis of the meeting results,

A carefully prepared, meaningful, non-standard form and relevant parent meeting can revolutionize the minds of fathers and mothers, awakening in them enormous educational potential and the desire to help their child become happy. The class teacher must remember that a parent meeting will be effective when there is a need for it on the part of adults, and the teacher who prepares it is authoritative in the eyes of parents.


From the first day you meet your parents, tell them:

“For children to grow up spiritually healthy, constant contact with the teacher, absolute frankness in relationships, and coordinated work are necessary.” The effectiveness of a teacher’s educational work largely depends on his ability to find a common language with parents and rely on their help and support. Without knowing (or knowing poorly) the students and their parents, without creating a friendly team, it is impossible to solve the problems of teaching and raising children. The teacher is simply obliged to coordinate the educational and educational functions of the family and school.

The main value of pedagogical culture is the child - his development, education, upbringing, social protection and support for his dignity and human rights. In order for parents to competently raise their children, it is necessary to improve their pedagogical culture.

The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child can only be successful if they become allies, which will allow them to get to know the child better, see him in different situations, and develop his talents and abilities.

To achieve this task, holding parent meetings is a good help.

In the modern world, in the context of the implementation of new generation standards, parent meetings play an important role, because allow you to achieve your goals and objectives for the formation of a new personality of the student. A parent meeting is not just a form of communication between family and school, it is a place for receiving important pedagogical information, a platform for promoting better work experience and relationships with children.

The parent meeting is the most important form of work between the class teacher and the student’s family, a means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. In this regard, it is necessary to properly prepare and conduct it.

Preparing and holding parent-teacher meetings is an extremely important part of a teacher’s work. The interaction of the teacher with the parents of students is aimed at creating a unified educational space. The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child are successful only if they become allies. Thanks to this interaction, the teacher gets to know the child better, comes closer to understanding his individual characteristics, develops the right approach to developing abilities, forming life guidelines, and correcting negative manifestations in the student’s behavior.

It is important for teachers to establish partnerships with the family of each student, to create an atmosphere of mutual support and community of interests. The successful work of an educational institution is possible only when all participants in the educational process - teachers, children, parents - become one, large and cohesive team.

Parent meetings can be: organizational, current or thematic, final, school-wide and group.

Often, when preparing for a parent-teacher meeting, teachers are faced with the question: how to organize a meeting, what form is best to choose? Quite a lot has been written about the forms of holding meetings in the specialized literature. You can use only one form, you can take several at one meeting. The main thing is not to overdo it, and the chosen topic of the meeting should correspond to the form of the meeting.

1) One of the most common forms of communication with parents is conversation.

One interpretation of the word “conversation” is “formal conversation.” This is exactly how a parent meeting should be perceived in the form of a conversation. There is an official conversation between the teacher and parents on this topic.

2) Another important form, without which it is impossible to imagine a modern parent meeting, is a discussion meeting.

The interpretation of the word “discussion” is a discussion of some issue at a meeting or in a conversation. Thus, discussion is part of conversation.

This form of holding a parent meeting can be used if there is a need to discuss any controversial issue, any controversial problem in the upbringing and education of children. In this case, the teacher's speech at the meeting is reduced, and most of the time is devoted to discussion and analysis of different points of view.

3) A round table is, in fact, a meeting-conversation at which opinions are exchanged on special issues with the participation of various specialists. To justify this form of holding a meeting, meeting participants may be seated at a round table. This form of meeting allows you to discuss any pressing issues and find out the opinions of all meeting participants.

4) Meeting - conference - this is an extended parent meeting. The conference is held with the participation of representatives of various organizations (children's clinic, commission for minors, counseling psychological centers, state traffic police, etc.) of interest to parents, school administration, psychologists, social educators. Parents have the opportunity to hear competent answers from professionals.

5) A press conference is an officially convened meeting of representatives of the press: print, radio, television to report any information or answer questions. Why not organize a meeting of the editorial board of the school newspaper, school radio album with participation in the presence of parents to prepare school news releases? Or not interview specialists of interest to parents through the school “press”?

6) Seminar - group practical classes under the guidance of a teacher. At a parent meeting, held in the form of a seminar, the teacher acts as a teacher, and parents act as students who collectively try to solve a particular problem in a practical way. Conducting a parent meeting in the form of a seminar requires preliminary “theoretical” work with parents. It is advisable to give parents information materials to familiarize themselves with so that at the meeting they can not only discuss ways to solve the problem, but also learn how to apply the information received in practice.

7) Training is a training system. With a big stretch, parent trainings can be classified as meetings. This is an active form of work with a small group of parents, consisting of 10-12 people, who want to change or improve interaction with their child, to make him more trusting.

8) An organizational-activity, or business, game is a type of activity when the problem posed is solved during the game, and its participants try on different roles and try to see the problem through the eyes of different people. During the game, participants look for ways and means to solve the problem, uniting in groups, for example, “children”, “school administration”, “teachers”, “parents”, “experts”. Each group prepares its own analysis of the problem and outlines a solution. As a result of a collective analysis of the problem, one or more solutions are found.

9) A workshop is, as everyone knows, a place where masters of their craft work. The teacher can organize a parent meeting in the form of a pedagogical workshop, where “masters” - parents, “masters” - teachers will share their skills and show pedagogical techniques that contribute to the development of the child’s personality. Workshop participants can try on certain roles, which will help reveal their creative abilities.

10) Meeting-competition. The name of such a parent meeting says that it will be a competition between someone or something, for example, fathers, ideas, or works, or family achievements in order to identify the best participants.

11) Meeting-presentation, or public presentation of something new, recently created with unusual experience of family education, with non-traditional teaching methods, with new methods of healing, newly created printed publications, teaching aids and others. It is advisable to conduct presentations with the involvement of psychologists, lawyers, doctors and other specialists.

12) A magazine is, as everyone knows, a periodical publication in the form of a book, containing works of different authors, scientific articles, notes, humor, tests, illustrations, useful tips and much more. The parent meeting can be held in the form of an oral journal.

13) Questions and answers evening is a completely understandable form of holding a parent meeting. Parents prepare questions within the framework of the stated topic, and the meeting participants just have to choose the most characteristic and interesting questions, select comprehensive answers to them, or invite those specialists who can competently answer them.

14) The ring is a platform for boxing, therefore the parent meeting in the form of a ring is a kind of competition. Here, for example, two families can compete, answering questions on pedagogical problems. Competing parents may have different positions, different opinions. The rest of the parent audience does not enter into the debate, but only supports with applause. Class students, parents, and teachers can act as judges in the parent rings.

15) A marathon involves some kind of long-term activity. Taking this into account, a parent meeting in the form of an intellectual marathon can be planned if the problem discussed at the parent meeting requires a sufficiently long discussion, and if the teacher has a sufficient supply of information for this discussion. An intellectual marathon requires serious preparation.

16) A talk show is interpreted as an interview with a famous person or group of people. Based on this, people who are interesting to parents and who can help in solving pedagogical problems are invited to a parent meeting, held in the form of a talk show. It should be borne in mind that the show is always a bright performance designed for external effects.

17) A parent meeting in the form of a living room is a rather interesting form of working with the parent team, which brings parents together well. This is a meeting-conversation with the inclusion of poetry and music, which create a festive atmosphere. Poetic and musical works are selected in such a way that they help in finding answers to questions that their own child poses to parents. Living rooms can be held 2-3 times a year.

18) The parent meeting, held in the form of a cafe, is very close in shape to the living room. Only in the design of such a meeting, in addition to the music playing, there will be steaming tea in cups, sweets, fruits in vases, maybe dishes offered by parents for tasting.

19) Parent meetings are held in writing more and more often. This is a very convenient form of holding a meeting. The teacher sends documents, recommendations, rules, and other information to parents, and parents evaluate it and make their suggestions.

20) A parent meeting at home is a form of parent meeting when the teacher visits families at home and discusses accumulated questions about a given student. This may be a general topic, but it only affects one family.

21) Combined form, when the teacher combines two or more forms at his own discretion.

In the process of holding parent meetings, the teacher should remember the correct forms of such an event. The meeting itself should not be too lengthy, because the longer it takes, the more tiring it becomes for everyone present. The ideal duration of such an event is 40 minutes, and so that they do not go in vain, the teacher needs to carefully structure the information, bringing up for discussion only the most interesting and entertaining questions. By giving each parent a chance to speak, the teacher can make the meeting interesting and meaningful at the same time.

The work of a teacher is not limited to teaching lessons and giving grades. This complex work also implies constant interaction with parents, on whom depends how successfully the educational process in the family will proceed, and how close relationships will develop between adults and children.


1. Introduction to pedagogical activity / Robotova A.S., Leontyeva T.V., Shaposhnikova I.G. and others - M.: Academy, 2004. - 208 p.

2. Education of primary schoolchildren: A manual for students of secondary and higher pedagogical educational institutions, primary school teachers and parents / Comp. L.V. Kovinko. M., 2000.

3. Derekleeva N.I. Classroom teacher. Main activities. - M.: Verbum-M, 2001. - 64 p.

Forms of conducting

parent meetings.

Guskova Natalya Aleksandrovna-

-primary school teacher,

Deputy Director for Educational Work,

Galieva Yulia Nikolaevna-

Deputy Director for Educational Work

The last decade in Russia is characterized, first of all, as a period of active social transformations, which were and are reflected in the development trends of general secondary education. One of these trends was the actual abandonment of the educational component of work at school and the recognition of the priority of teaching itself.

The main problems in the field of education are related to the economic and political reform of society. There is a sharp differentiation of incomes and massive impoverishment of families. The life of families is disorganized, the established traditions of the family structure are destroyed: the high employment of parents or, on the contrary, their unemployment has an effect. This situation gives rise to both internal conflicts and problems in children, as evidenced by data from psychologists, doctors, and psychiatrists, and also makes obvious the problems of the child’s interaction with the outside world, with society, with other people.

All this makes obvious the need to improve the status of educational work within one of the few social institutions that actually deals with the development of children - the school.

Unlike a stable society, in which for at least a century continuity between generations was carried out through family and public-state education, in our today's society, which is experiencing revolutionary changes in all basic social and government structures, it is necessary to redefine both the social ideals of man and ways to achieve them in specific educational institutions. In this regard, it is very important to determine what a social ideal is, which actually means formulating the “social order” of our society.

Family and school are the educators who have a formative influence on personality development. The family is raised under the motto “Do as I do!”; The school strives to form correct behavior and correct views. The child makes a choice in favor of the environment that has a stronger influence. Therefore, education is considered in the interaction of components influencing personality.

For a child, the family is the initial and most active source of personality formation. It preserves its accepted views, traditions, attitudes, and patterns of behavior.

In modern conditions, the role of parents in raising children and improving their pedagogical culture is especially relevant. Increasing the effectiveness of the educational influence of the family, searching for new methods and means of interaction between the school and the family is one of the most important tasks of an educational institution.

At the beginning of the school year, the following compositions are approved:

    School Governing Council

    Board of Trustees

    School-wide parent committee

    Class parent committees,

The parent meeting is one of the main universal forms of interaction between the school and the families of students and the promotion of the psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents, their competence in matters of raising and educating children; forming parental public opinion, the parent team.

Parent meetings can also be divided into school-wide, parallel and class meetings. School-wide parent meetings are usually held less frequently than classroom meetings, once or twice a year, and then only if necessary. Fathers and mothers are introduced to the new statutory documents of the school, regulations in the field of education, the main directions, objectives and results of the work of the educational institution. A meeting of parents of a certain parallel can be held if it is necessary to discuss a major problem, an issue that concerns only students of these classes (for example, a meeting of parents of graduating classes, fathers and mothers of first-graders). Classroom parent meetings are organized several times a year, usually at the end of a quarter, trimester, or half-term. At them, the most important tasks of educational work in a given class are discussed, educational work is planned, ways and methods of effective cooperation between family and school are determined, and the results of the work performed are summed up.

Approximate work plan for the parent lecture hall.

(the topics of classes can be changed taking into account current problems

of this educational institution)

Form of conduct


Technology of family education in the context of modernization of education

lecture with elements of conversation

social teacher, psychologist

Family traditions in raising children and adolescents

exchange of educational experiences

deputy VR director, class teacher,

social teacher, psychologist

Enemies of education: drunkenness, smoking, foul language, drug addiction, doing nothing.

deputy VR director, class teacher,

social teacher, psychologist

Raising in children love for their father's home, native land, respect for the symbols of the Motherland

deputy VR director, class teacher,

social teacher, psychologist

Labor participation of children in family life

deputy VR director, class teacher,

social teacher, psychologist

Difficulties of age. Children's aggression. What it is?

round table

deputy VR director, class teacher,

social teacher, psychologist

Family Ethics Lessons

deputy VR director, class teacher,

social teacher, psychologist

How to avoid stress when preparing for and during exams

deputy VR director, class teacher,

social teacher, psychologist

    When preparing for a lecture, the following are used:

    Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

    Law of the Saratov Region “On the Region”

    Federal Education Development Program;

    Regional Education Development Program;

    Program for the development of education in the education system of the Saratov region;

    Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”;

    “Minimum volume of social services for education in educational institutions”

    Law of the Russian Federation “On restricting tobacco smoking” (2001)

    Law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”

    program “Patriotic education of children and adolescents of the Saratov region”;

    program “Fundamentals of healthy lifestyle”, Charter of the educational institution

    series of books “Activities of the class teacher”

    magazines: “For parents about children” (faculty of pedagogy)

"Prestigious education"

"Science and school"

"School Psychologist"

"School of Spirituality"

"Children of Men" and others.

    newspapers: “Arguments and Facts” (family council)

"The Good Road of Childhood"

Tasks and goals of the parent meeting:

Expanding the pedagogical horizons of parents, stimulating their desire to become good parents, organizing joint efforts for decent education and upbringing of children, analyzing and demonstrating the educational and other achievements of students.

Main issues discussed at the meeting:

    Getting to know:

School documentation;

Subject teachers;

The main directions of the school's work;

Prospective and current tasks facing the school;

The results of the school’s work, etc.

    Analysis of the teaching and educational process in the classroom.

    Goals, objectives and work planning. Summarizing.

    Current pedagogical, psychological, legal problems.

    Exchange of experience on issues of raising and educating children.

    Using the knowledge, abilities, skills, and capabilities of parents in working with children.

    Assisting the school in solving economic issues.

Parent conference rights.

    The parent meeting has the right:

Draw parents' attention to:

Implementation of meeting decisions;

Compliance with paragraph 4 of Article 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (on the responsibility of parents for the upbringing and receipt of basic general education by their children);

Implementation of the school charter.

    Discuss issues of school life and make decisions in the form of proposals.

    Invite specialists (lawyers, doctors, psychologists, law enforcement officials, members of the school administration, representatives of public organizations) to the meeting.

Documentation of parent meetings.

All parent meetings are recorded.

Minutes of parent meetings:

Signed by the chairman, secretary of the parent meeting and class teacher;

The minutes of class parent meetings are kept by the class teacher;

Minutes of school-wide parent-teacher meetings are kept in the office and belong to the school’s records.

Types of parent meetings:

General (classroom or parallel);

Differentiated (specially invited group of parents);

Meetings, the frequency of which is determined by the curator.

The meeting may be:




Forms of holding meetings:

Directive and consulting;



Creative meetings and report, etc.

At MBOU Secondary School No. 22, school-wide meetings are held in various forms, for example,

    A parent meeting for parents of future first-graders is traditionally held at the end of January of each school year in the form of a presentation of the school’s work experience, after which parents and their children are invited to fragments of lessons (no more than 15 minutes each lesson) from those teachers who are recruiting first grades. Classes are held in an interesting and exciting way.

    The final conference for parents of all school students is held at the end of April of each school year in the form of a reporting concert, at which the results of the school’s work for the year are summed up and letters of gratitude are presented to parents.

Organizers of parent lectures need to take care of the content and effectiveness of all events in order to avoid an empty “talking room”.

Each lesson ends with a short practical task and recommendations.

It is imperative to leave some time to answer parents’ questions, while ensuring, if necessary, comfort for individual consultations or conversations.

Remember to demonstrate your full respect for your students' families and parents at all times.

Educational work in the classroom is carried out under the motto “The Union of Three Hearts”: teacher - student - parents. It is in this union that the main educational task can be achieved - the formation of a creative personality.

“Happy is the one who is happy at home,” said the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, referring to the atmosphere that adults create in the family, first of all, helping children become enthusiastic, active, harmoniously developed people. Therefore, it was very important to turn the school’s interest into a family interest and fill it with common affairs.

Of course, the main purpose of the parent meeting is to enrich parents with new knowledge and experience, and to help in organizing family education.

What functions should a parent meeting be performed? These functions include:

1) familiarizing parents with the content and methodology of the educational process at school (characteristics of the curriculum used, teaching methods, a story about extracurricular activities, electives, clubs, etc.);

2)psychological - pedagogical education of fathers and mothers, which can be expressed in informing parents about the characteristics of a particular age, the conditions for successful interaction with children, etc.;

3) involving parents in joint activities with children (extracurricular activities - competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.);

4) joint resolution of organizational issues (food, duty, discipline and other problems).

The choice of the type and form of the parent meeting depends on its topic and goals.

Among the types we can distinguish: organizational (dedicated, for example, to the upcoming excursion of children or preparation for a hike), meetings according to the plan of psychological and pedagogical education (for example, a lecture with the participation of a psychologist on the conditions for successful communication with teenagers), thematic, debate meetings on current issues educational process, finals (quarters), etc. The topic of parent-teacher meetings is usually determined by the teacher and discussed at the parent committee.

Often used to work with parents thematic lecture- the most common form of oral presentation of knowledge. Parents and a psychologist are involved in its organization and implementation.

The topics of the lectures are varied, for example: “Labor education of children” - 3rd grade, “The authority of parents” - 2nd grade, “Father - educator” - 4th grade.

Conversation– an equally common form of working with parents. And it is often used by elementary school teachers. In the course of a joint search for answers to questions, teachers and parents, often together with their children, find solutions to life situations. The ethical conversation with parents and children of 3rd grade is interesting.






Prepared by:

Head of ShMO

primary school teachers

Sigareva I. V.

August 2016



TYPES OF PARENTAL MEETINGS………………………………………………………………………………..4







TOPICS OF CONVERSATIONS AND PARENT MEETINGS:……………………………………………………….9 - 1-4 grades……………………………………………………… ………………….........................9 - 5 – 6 grades…………………………… …………………………………………………………..................9 - 7 – 9 grades … ………………………………………………………………......................... .10 -10 – 11 grades…………………………………………………………………………………10

ADVICE FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS……………………………………………………………......10

TEN TIPS FOR GOOD PARENTS………………………...........................11


COMMANDMENTS OF A TEACHER…………………………………………………………………………………...14

PARENTING COMMANDMENTS from David Lewis...............................................14

Approximate topics for THEMATIC CONSULTATIONS…………………........................15






IN At present, the interest of teachers and heads of educational institutions in the problems of education has noticeably increased. In turn, strengthening the educational function of an educational institution necessitates improving the forms and methods of interaction between school and family, teachers and parents.

A parent meeting is the main form of joint work between parents, at which decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the class community and the education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and unite the efforts of the school and family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally pure and physically healthy child’s personality. Parent meetings are also held in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, intensify their role in the life of the class, and increase responsibility for the upbringing of their children.

The teacher's classroom management is not only to organize the children's team, but also, having understood, to accept their parents. And the teacher’s task is not to teach parents, but to share with them the experience of raising children accumulated over the years, since by the nature of his activity the teacher reads more literature on education than parents, and his circle of communication with children is much wider and more multifaceted. We must do everything so that fathers and mothers trust the teacher and listen to his advice. Therefore, at parent meetings it is always necessary to create an atmosphere of trust. Parents should be introduced to the main directions of educational work so that they understand the importance of cooperation between family and school. This is a constant process that depends both on the demands of today's society and on the current situation in the classroom. Of course, you shouldn’t understand parent-teacher meetings as an educational program for parents; you shouldn’t lecture parents in a mentoring tone, who usually come to parent-teacher meetings after work tired and sometimes irritated.

All information material should be completed in 15–20 minutes. If parents want to learn more about something, break the material into several blocks, into several meetings, where you can not only tell them the material they are interested in, but also hold a discussion where everyone can express their point of view on this issue. Parents (sometimes they are our former students) remain children at heart. In essence, they are not against advice in the difficult matter of education. But their adult shell protests against the teaching. That's why we sometimes notice their sarcastic looks.

I do not recommend scolding children at a parent-teacher meeting. Try to talk about the successes and activities of the whole class, focusing on the best aspects of each child’s character. After all, for mom and dad, their child is the best. Information about student progress should be read out without preaching, but with empathy and understanding. Be sure to emphasize that tomorrow everything will be fine if we all try. After all, every parent, deep down, expects the best results from their child. And it’s very good when parents believe in this and love their child consciously. Nowadays, it is not easy to stop and think about the fact that children are our only wealth. But you have to try to look into the child’s soul, speak the same language as him, and he will definitely respond.

Parent meetings are needed:

    to quickly obtain a variety of information about children;

    as orientation, instructive meetings in case of changes in the life and activities of the class team, its mode of operation, etc.;

    to familiarize parents with an analysis of academic performance, attendance, the results of medical examinations, etc. But this must be analytical material (without naming the specific names of parents and children);

    as advisory services on the vacation program, employment in the additional education system, etc.;

    as an emergency, emergency in an acute conflict situation, in an extremely difficult case with one of the children. This is a collective council of adults deciding how to help a child in trouble or a mother in need of help;

    creative meetings, when children show their parents their creative abilities, sporting achievements, applied skills, etc.;

    meetings-lectures, psychological trainings, role-playing games on various topics and problems of education and training. Such meetings can be held quite often (once a month), like a school for parents.


1.Organizational:-drawing up and approving work plans; -election of the parent committee; -distribution of public assignments; -development of events with the participation of parents

2. Meetings according to the plan for classroom comprehensive education of parents.

3. Thematic.

4. Discussion meetings (at least two points of view on the problem).

5.Workshop meetings.

6. Final, etc.

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2.The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.


    you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle: everyone can see and hear each other well;

    prepare business cards with the names of the parents, especially if they do not know each other yet;

    call parents by their first and patronymic names, and not “Tanya’s mom,” “Vita’s dad,” etc.;

    use the form of conversation over a cup of tea, especially at the beginning of 1st grade;

    use group forms of work with parents, game elements;

    skillfully determine the day and hour of the parent meeting (when there are no important events, interesting TV shows, etc.);

    strictly define the rules of the meeting, protect parents’ time;

    it is necessary to end the meeting with a concrete decision.


1.Selecting a topic for the meeting.

2. Determining the goals of the parent meeting.

3. Study by the class teacher and other organizers of a collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.

4. Conducting a micro-study in the community of children and parents (questionnaires, conversations, testing).

5. Determination of the type, form and stages of parent meetings. Methods and techniques for the collaboration of its participants.

6. Invitation of parents and other meeting participants.

7.Development of the meeting’s decision, its recommendations, and instructions to parents.

8.Equipment and design of the venue for the parent meeting.


Improving the pedagogical culture of parents, replenishing their arsenal of knowledge on the specific issue of raising a child in the family and school;

Promoting the unity of the parent team, involving them in the activities of the classroom community;

Development of collective decisions and uniform requirements for raising children, integration of the efforts of the family and teachers in activities for the development of the child’s personality;

Promoting the experience of successful family education, preventing incorrect actions towards children by parents;

Summing up the results of joint activities of teachers, students and parents over a certain period of time


The parent meeting is a necessary attribute of school life. How to make it interesting and productive? They may be especially useful for a new classroom teacher.

1. To hold a parent-teacher meeting, choose the most favorable day and hour and try to ensure that neither you nor your students’ parents have any important activities, interesting TV shows, etc. planned for this time.

2. Identify the one most important issue affecting the students in your class and build a conversation with parents around it.

3. Pay special attention to the placement of parents in the classroom. For example, you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can clearly see and hear each other.

4. Prepare business cards with the parents' names, especially if they don't know each other well enough yet.

5. Together with your parents, come up with rules for meeting participants. For example: it is necessary to remove outer clothing; Silence is not allowed when discussing a problem; when rejecting a proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter proposal; call each other by first name and patronymic or only by first name, etc.

6. Protect the time of people invited to the meeting. To this end, establish regulations and strictly monitor their compliance.

7. During the meeting, use games and group forms of organizing parent interaction.

8. A cup of tea can help make communication at a meeting relaxed and frank.

9. When discussing problematic issues, rely on the life and pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, on the opinion of members of the parent committee and the school council.

10. Strive to ensure that concrete decisions are made at the meeting.


The start of the meeting must be at a strictly established time. Parents get used to this requirement and try not to linger. Maximum duration 1–1.5 hours.

    Introductory speech by the class teacher (5 min).

    Analysis of parents' questionnaires; is carried out to more clearly expose the problem of the meeting (5–7 min).

    Speech on the topic: specialist or class teacher. The presentation should be bright, concise and accessible (10–20 minutes).

    Discussion of the problem (20 min).

    Analysis of class performance. Never call the names of lagging, undisciplined children, do not “brand them with shame.” The analysis should express confidence that working together will improve the situation.

In conclusion, the teacher thanks the parents for their joint work. He asks those parents whose children have problems in learning and behavior to stay for a moment to find out the reasons and jointly decide to overcome them.


1. The teacher needs to relieve his own stress and anxiety before meeting with parents. 2. Using speech, intonation, gestures and other means, let your parents feel your respect and attention to them. 3. Try to understand your parents; correctly identify the problems that most concern them. Convince them that school and family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children. 4. You should talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that parents of all students - both prosperous and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child. 5. The result of your joint work at the parent meeting should be the confidence of parents that in raising their children they can always count on your support and the help of other teachers at the school.


1-4 grades.

1. Starting school is an important stage in a child’s life. 2. Fostering respect and love for parents, native land and the history of one’s people (according to national education). 3. Junior school age and its features. 4. I want and must (on crime prevention). 5.How to identify and develop children’s abilities. 6.Creating an atmosphere of emotional security, warmth and love in the family. 7. Play and work in the life of children of primary school age. 8. Education of the child’s character in the family. 9.Regime for primary schoolchildren as a way to protect health. 10. Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family). 11.Fathers and sons (the role of parents’ personal example in the legal education of junior schoolchildren). 12.New in the system of national education. 13.The use of various types of arts in the aesthetic education of children at school. 14.Family walks in nature as an important factor in the environmental and physical education of children. 15. Preservation of family traditions, family heirlooms.

5 – 6 grades.

.New in the system of national education. 2. The role of the family in the formation of adolescents’ conscious need for the labor system. 3. Content of moral and aesthetic education of adolescents in the family. 4.Organization of summer work and recreation for children in the family. 5. Raising a healthy child in the family. Preservation of the genotype. 6.Family opportunities in developing students’ cognitive independence7.Use of family traditions and holidays in patriotic education.8. Harm of alcohol and smoking.

7 – 9 grades.

1. An example of parents in raising children. 2. Features of raising teenagers in the family. 3. Sexual development and methods of sex education. 4. A book in the family. Formation of reading interests in children. 5. Active forms of recreation in your family. 6.Methods of vocational guidance for schoolchildren in the family. 7.Features of adolescence and taking them into account in family education. 8. Educational activity of a senior school student and its management in the family. 9. The role of the family in the readiness of the younger generation to work. 10. Instilling a love for the beauty of native nature, works of art, painting, literature and music in the family. 11. Studying the roots of the family line. 12.Approval of the principles of universal morality in the family.

10 – 11 grades.

1. The main directions of education in the family.

2.Psychological and pedagogical self-education of parents, as an important factor in increasing their pedagogical competence.

3. The role of family relationships and traditions in preparing high school students for family life.


if: -the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate- the child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn-the child is praised, he learns to be noble- the child is supported, he learns to value himself- the child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with guilt- the child grows in tolerance, he learns to understand others- the child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair- the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people- the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive- the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world


1. Accept your child for who he is.

2. Never order on a whim. There is no need for pointless orders. Not interfering in a child's life is just as dangerous as interfering constantly.

3. Never make decisions alone. The golden rule of family life is diarchy. When father and mother contradict each other, it is an entertaining sight for a child.

4. Maintain trust in those who contradict you.

5. As for gifts - no frills. We have forgotten how to refuse children. Refusal brings more benefits, because it teaches you to distinguish what is necessary from what is unnecessary.

6. Lead by example in everything. You can only achieve from a child what you do yourself.

7. Talk about everything without fear. Speech is gold and silence is lead.

8. Connect with your loved ones. The family is a private republic. Everything should be done together: washing dishes, shopping, cleaning, choosing entertainment, travel routes.

9. Keep the door open. Sooner or later you will not keep children, teenagers, young people in the house. It's never too early to learn freedom.

10. Leave at the right time! This commandment invariably brings sadness. Sooner or later, parents will be left alone. There's nothing you can do, any parenting career involves this sacrifice.


Traditional forms of working with parents:parent meetings, class-wide and school-wide conferences, individual teacher consultations, home visits

Classroom parent meetings are held at least once every quarter and should become a school for educating parents, expanding their pedagogical horizons, and stimulating the desire to become good parents. A parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the child’s achievements. The topic and methodology of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of education facing the school.

School-wide parent meetings are held no more than twice a year and are in the nature of a report on the work of the school for a certain period of time. The director and his deputies speak at them, and the school’s parent committee reports on their work. Can be used to demonstrate positive parenting experiences in a family.

Parent conferences should discuss pressing problems of society, in which children will also become active participants. They prepare very carefully, with the participation of psychologists and social educators who work at the school.

A distinctive feature of the conference is that it makes certain decisions and outlines activities on the stated problem.

Individual consultations are especially necessary when a teacher is recruiting a class. When preparing for a consultation, it is necessary to identify a number of questions, the answers to which will help plan educational work with the class. The teacher should give the parents the opportunity to tell him everything that will help in professional work with the child: the child’s health characteristics; his hobbies, interests; family communication preferences; behavioral reactions; character traits; learning motivation; moral values ​​of the family.

During an individual consultation, you can use the “My Child” questionnaire, which is filled out by the teacher together with the parents.

Questionnaire “My child”

1.When he was born, then ________________________________________________

2.The most interesting thing about him in the first years of his life was ____________________


3.The following can be said about health: _________________________________


4. When the question arose about preparing for school, we _______________________


5.His attitude towards school was ________________________________________


6.Difficulties in parenting are associated with _____________________________________


7. I would like teachers to pay attention to ____________________


Visiting a student at home is possible after obtaining parental permission. The teacher must warn about the proposed visit, indicating the day and purpose of the visit.

Non-traditional forms of working with parents

thematic consultations, parent readings, parent evenings

Thematic consultations provide recommendations on a problem that worries parents. In every classroom there are students and families who are going through the same problem. Sometimes these problems are so confidential that they can only be solved among those people who are united by this problem.


Accept everything that is in the child (except for what threatens his life and health).

Seek the truth with your child

Try not to teach your child anything directly - learn it yourself.

Sincerely admire everything beautiful that is around.

Consider conscious observation of the child as your main pedagogical method.

Remember, the serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by the serious.

Remember that you exist for the sake of the child, and not for the sake of you.


by David Lewis-Take your child's questions and statements seriously. -Show your child that he is loved and accepted unconditionally, i.e. for who he is, and not for successes and achievements. -Help him make his own plans and make decisions. -Do not humiliate your child, do not let him feel that he is somehow worse than you. -Teach your child to think independently. -Praise your child only for specific successes and actions and do it sincerely. -Give your child the opportunity to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them. -Teach your child to communicate with adults of any age. -Develop in your child a positive perception of his abilities. -Encourage your child to be as independent as possible from adults.Have faith in your child's common sense and trust him.

Sample Topics


1. The child does not want to study.

2.How to develop a child’s poor memory.

3.The only child in the family.

4.What can anxiety in children lead to?

5. A talented child in the family.

Parental readings give parents the opportunity not only to listen to teachers’ lectures, but also to study literature on the issue and participate in its discussion.


at the first meeting, parents determine issues of pedagogy and psychology;

the teacher collects and analyzes information;

a list of literature on this issue is determined;

study of literature by parents;

presentation of parents’ own understanding of the issue at readings.

Parents' evenings are aimed at uniting the parent team. They are held two to three times a year without the presence of children. The themes of parents' evenings can be varied. The main thing is that they must learn to listen and hear each other, themselves, their inner voice.

Approximate topics:

1. The first year of the child, what it was like.

2. How do I see the future of my child.

3. My child's friends.

4.Holidays for our family.

Rules for the class teacher’s work with student diaries

1. The diary must be checked by the class teacher once a week

2. Students must clearly know the requirements that the leader makes for keeping a diary.

3. The student’s diary should reflect the results of his educational achievements without emphasis on the student’s personal qualities.

4. The student’s diaries should reflect the student’s active participation in the life of the class and the effectiveness of his participation in school life.

5. You can offer class teachers one more innovation that will help use the diary in a positive way. At the end of the week, students can count and record the number of positive marks they received during the past week. This is pleasant for the students themselves and no less pleasant for parents to look into the student’s diary and see their child’s achievements for the week.

6. Diaries can and should be used to support a student in a difficult moment of his life, in order to sincerely note with his entry the successes and achievements that he has achieved.

Entries in student diaries made by the class teacher should not be uniform and standard. After all, students, especially at the middle stage of education, are very jealous of what the teacher wrote in the diary, what words he found, note his achievements, and whether he repeated these words in another diary. Talking about school diary, there are some interesting activities related to school diary. In many families, school diaries are family heirlooms. The family archives contain diaries of several generations. An interesting class hour might be “Diary Stories,” to which students’ parents and grandparents can be invited, who will talk about the significance of the diary in school life when they were children and share interesting stories related to school and the school diary. An interesting classroom activity as part of classroom humor could be “Ode to the Diary.” The guys come up with aphorisms for the word “diary”, tell fantastic stories about the life of the diary under different owners, write poems dedicated to the diary, and defend the project of a 21st century diary.


carrying out

Theme of the meeting

Issues for discussion


Preparation period

1.Introduction to the school.

2. Rules for admitting children to first grade.

3. Getting ready for school.

School administration, psychologist, speech therapist

Familiarization of parents with the educational route of the class.

First grade


1. Features of the adaptation period.

2. On the tasks for the academic year (approval of the work plan for the year).

3. Elections of the class parent committee.

Teacher, psychologist

1. Junior schoolchild: developmental features.

2.Assessment of the learning outcomes and development of the child’s personality in the first grade. Familiarization with the student's achievement sheet.

Teacher, psychologist

1. Results of the adaptation period.

2. Children and television (debate).

Results of the first half of the year

Parents committee, teacher

We sit down for lessons (organizational activity game).

Parents committee, teacher

1. About the results of the academic year.

2. Organization of summer holidays for children.

Parents committee, teacher

Second class


1.About the tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year).

2. Basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of a 2nd grade student. Norms for assessing student learning and development outcomes.

How to foster a love of reading in a child.

Parents' Committee, teacher, librarian

The role of family traditions in the upbringing of schoolchildren.

Teacher, psychologist

1. Results of the first half of the year.

2. About children's friendship (together with students).

Parent committee, teacher, psychologist

What does it mean to love your child (debate).

Teacher, scientific consultant

Cultivating conscious discipline.

Parent committee, teacher, psychologist

Results of the second year of study (ceremonial meeting with children).

Parents committee, teacher

Third class


2. Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities in the third grade.

Speech of younger schoolchildren and ways of its development.

Teacher speech therapist

How to overcome school difficulties.

Parent committee, teacher, psychologist

Family traditions (organizational and activity game).

Parents committee, teacher

On the role of the family in the labor education of younger schoolchildren.

Parents committee, teacher

Children and computers (communication workshop).

Teacher, psychologist

Results of the third year of study (ceremonial meeting together with students).

Parents committee, teacher

Fourth grade


1. Tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year).

2. Basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of fourth-graders.

Emotional well-being of children in the family.

Parents' committee, teacher, psychologist, social educator

1. Results of the first half of the year.

2. Dispute and quarrel (workshop together with students).

Parents committee, teacher

Taking into account the gender and age characteristics of children in their upbringing.

Teacher, medical worker, psychologist

Problems of continuity of education in primary and secondary schools: ways and means of solution.

Parents committee, teacher, future 5th grade class teacher

Farewell to elementary school (ceremonial meeting - celebration together with children).

Parents committee, teacher



The main activities of the class teacher:

Ensuring normal physical health of schoolchildren;

Solving communication problems;

Expanding the child’s cognitive sphere;

Increasing the educational potential of the family.

Professional abilities of a class teacher:

1. Reflective and analytical abilities:

Ability to analyze your activities;

The ability to foresee the results and consequences of one’s activities;

Ability to master methods of diagnosing the state of the individual and the team;

The ability to observe and evaluate the level of individual development of a student.

2.Organizational skills:

Set only tasks for children that will give the expected result;

Plan work with those who will carry it out;

Divide the goal into smaller tasks and turn them into differentiated tasks for group and individual class work;

Create a positive attitude towards upcoming activities;

Use various methods to stimulate individual self-realization of children;

Coordinate the efforts of families and teachers in educating schoolchildren.

3.Communication skills.

1 CLASS First meeting
Topic: Meeting parents of first-graders

Teachers meet with parents of first-graders before the start of the school year; it is most appropriate to hold such a meeting at the end of August. The teacher uses the first meeting to get to know the parents, prepare the family for the need to communicate with the school and teachers, create an optimistic mood for educational activities, and remove the family’s fear of school.

Meeting objectives: 1.Introduce parents to teachers, school, administration, school services and each other. 2.Help the family prepare for their child’s first grade education.

Issues for discussion*: 1.Where can parents get advice on raising a child? 2.What laws should upbringing in the family follow? 3.What is interesting about an individual family: traditions and customs (exchange of experience)?

Meeting plan (approximate) 1.Acquaintance with the school principal and school administration. 2.Introduction of the teacher who will work with the class. 3. Tour of the school building. 4. Mini-lecture “The laws of education in the family. What should they be like? 5. Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting. 6.Self-introduction is the calling card of the family. 7.Parent training “The child in the mirror of the parents.”

Progress of the meeting

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children's classes will take place. The class is festively decorated (wishes and creative works of students who have graduated from primary school can be placed on the stand). On the board are photographs of graduates who studied with the teacher recruiting the class.

    Opening speech by the school principal (option).
    – Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, all adults who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which your kids will cross in September! Today we announce you and ourselves as members of one large ship team called “School”. Our voyage begins today and ends in 12 years. We will be together for so long, and while our ship will sail on the ocean of Knowledge, we will experience storms and storms, sorrows and joys. I want this voyage to be interesting, joyful and significant in the life of every child and every family.
    How to learn to overcome difficulties, how to learn to fall, hitting as few bumps as possible, where to get advice, a comprehensive answer to an insoluble question - all this can be found in the office of the deputy director of an elementary school.

    Speech by the Deputy Director of Primary School.
    The speech should contain information about the traditions and customs of the primary school, and the requirements for students. It is necessary to introduce parents to the school's charter, give each family a school business card, indicate the days of consultations of the deputy director of the primary school, and introduce the primary school teacher who will work with a particular class.

    Teacher's self-presentation. The teacher conducts self-introduction:

    1. A story about yourself, about your choice of teaching profession.

      A story about your graduating students, about plans for the future in working with the new class.

    Self-representation of families.
    The self-representation of families at the parent meeting is very interesting. This is a kind of calling card of the family. It is advisable to tape-record speeches of parents talking about themselves at the meeting. Such work will make it possible to immediately determine the characteristics of families, the degree of their openness, the system of family values ​​and relationships. It will be important for the class teacher to analyze mini-stories about the family.
    Family Self-Representation Plan

    1. Last name, first name, patronymic of parents.

      Age of parents, family birthday.

      Interests, family hobbies.

      Traditions and customs of the family.

      Family motto.

    Tour of the school building.
    After the self-introduction of parents and teachers and the establishment of a warm atmosphere, a tour of the school is held. It is very important to show parents the psychological service office, introduce it to its work schedule, and offer to write down the psychological service hotline.

    Advice for parents.
    At the end of the meeting, each family receives a mandate in the form of a scroll, which contains the laws for raising a child in the family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask questions to the teacher.

    Parent survey.
    Held at the end of a meeting on a designated topic.
    You can take a group photo as a souvenir of your parents’ first “school” day.

Second meeting
Topic: The problem of adaptation of first-graders at school
Form: round table.

Meeting objectives: 1. Introduce the parent team to possible problems of adaptation of children in the first year of education. 2.Develop recommendations for creating a system of comfortable relationships with a first-grader.

Issues for discussion: 1.Physiological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school. 2Psychological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school. 3. The system of relationships between children in the classroom.

Progress of the meeting

    Discussion of a child's first day of school.
    Parents share their impressions with each other and teachers: in what mood the child came home, how family members congratulated him, what gifts he received.

Parental workshop-game “Basket of Feelings”. It might look something like this.
Teacher's word . Dear moms and dads! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of it there are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions settled firmly in your soul, in your heart, and filled your entire existence. Place your hand in the basket and take the “feeling” that has overwhelmed you most for a long period of time, name it.
Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they experience painfully.
Such an assignment allows you to focus on the importance of the event, identify problems and difficulties that arise in families, and discuss these problems while considering the topic of the meeting. Physiological conditions for a child’s adaptation to school. Discussion of the issue. Familiarization of the teacher and doctor with child health problems. Changing the child's daily routine compared to kindergarten. The need to alternate games with the child’s educational activities. Monitoring parents for the correct posture while doing homework (prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine). Organizing proper nutrition for the child. Parents care about hardening the child, maximum development of physical activity (creating a sports corner in the house). Fostering in children independence and responsibility as the main qualities of maintaining their own health.

Psychological difficulties of a child’s adaptation to school. When discussing this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the following important conditions for psychological comfort in the life of a first-grader:
– creation of a favorable psychological climate towards the child on the part of all family members;
– the role of the child’s self-esteem in adaptation to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has at school);
– developing interest in school and the school day;
– mandatory acquaintance with the children in the class and the opportunity to communicate with them after school;
– inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of third parties (grandparents, peers);
– exclusion of such penalties as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment;
– taking into account temperament during the period of adaptation to school education;
– providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing control over his educational activities;
– encouraging the child not only for academic success, but also moral stimulation of his achievements;
– development of self-control and self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the child.
Relationships between classmates. The famous teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveitchik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, published rules that can help parents prepare their child to communicate with classmates at school. Parents need to explain these rules to their child and, with their help, prepare the child for adulthood.

    1. Don’t take someone else’s, but don’t give away yours either.

      They asked - give it, they try to take it away - try to defend yourself.

      Don't fight without a reason.

      If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask permission to play together, it’s not shameful.

      Play honestly, don't let your comrades down.

      Don't tease anyone, don't whine, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.

      Don't cry because of your grades, be proud. Don’t argue with the teacher because of grades and don’t be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.

      Don't snitch or slander anyone.

      Try to be careful.

      Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.

      Remember: you are not better than everyone else, you are not worse than everyone else! You are unique to yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

It is very good if parents place a set of these rules in a visible place in their child’s room or work area. It is advisable at the end of the week to draw the child’s attention to which rules he manages to follow, which ones he cannot, and why. You can try to come up with your own rules together with your child.

Third meeting
Topic: TV in the life of a family and a first-grader

Meeting objectives: 1. Together with parents, determine the advantages and disadvantages of having a TV in a child’s life. 2. Determine the names and number of programs for children to watch.

Issues for discussion: 1. The role of television in a child’s life. 2. The influence of television programs on the formation of the character and cognitive sphere of the child.

Questions for discussion: 1. Do you think that TV should be among the main household items? 2.What TV shows, in your opinion, shape a child’s personality? 3. How, in your opinion, should a child watch TV? Consider possible options.

Progress of the meeting

    Teacher's opening speech (option).
    – Is TV in a child’s life good or bad? How much time and what programs should children watch? Should we turn off the TV if we think that the program will be uninteresting to the child? These and other questions today require answers.
    some statistics:
    · Two thirds of our children aged 6 to 12 watch television daily.
    · A child's daily TV viewing time averages more than two hours.
    · 50% of children watch TV shows in a row, without any choice or exception.
    · 25% of children aged 6 to 10 years watch the same TV shows from 5 to 40 times in a row.
    · 38% of children aged 6 to 12 years old, when rating the use of free time, put TV in first place, excluding sports, outdoor walks and communication with family.
    But you might think that these statistics do not apply to our children? In vain. Here are the results of a class survey conducted around the following questions:

    1. How many times a week do you watch TV?

      Do you watch TV alone or with your family?

      Do you like to watch everything or do you prefer certain programs?

      If you found yourself on a desert island, what items would you order from a good wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?

    Discussion of the results of the analysis of children's answers to the proposed questions.

    1. What to do and is it necessary to do something? Perhaps you should simply ban watching TV or limit your child to certain programs?

      What does TV give a child? Is there anything positive about watching TV, especially for first graders?

The problem is discussed and opinions are exchanged.
Opinions of 10-year-old students about watching television.
Watching TV allows you to:
– relax, forget daily problems, get away from fears and worries;
– find answers to questions that adults do not answer because they are busy;
– understand with the help of TV what is “good” and what is “bad”;
– learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge;
– develop imagination, fantasy, and emotional sphere.
Teacher's comment, discussion.
For this parent meeting, you can prepare an exhibition of children’s drawings “I’m watching TV.”

    Recommendations for parents:
    1) Together with the children, determine TV programs for viewing by adults and children for the next week.
    2) Discuss favorite TV shows of adults and children after watching.
    3) Listen to children’s opinions about adult programs and express their opinions about children’s programs.
    4) TV should not be a significant part in the life of parents, then it will become a positive example for the child.
    5) It is necessary to understand that a child who watches scenes of violence and murder every day gets used to them and may even experience pleasure from such episodes. It is necessary to exclude them from viewing by children.

    Homework for parents : determine for yourself the answers to the questions:

    1. How much time does your child spend watching TV?

      Does he ask questions after watching the programs, does he want to discuss the program with you?

      What programs does he prefer?

      What program would you like to take part in?

      How can we prevent children from hearing from their parents: “Are you doing your homework again in the evening?”, “What were you doing, sitting in front of the TV again?” etc.

Note to parents: It must be remembered that the influence of television on the psyche of children is very different from its similar influence on adults. for example, according to research results, first-graders cannot clearly determine where the truth is and where the lie is. They blindly trust everything that happens on the screen. They are easy to control, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only from the age of 11 do children begin to consciously perceive what television offers.

Fourth meeting
Topic: Positive and negative emotions
Form: family council.

Meeting objectives: 1. Get acquainted with the self-esteem of the students in the class. 2. Determine the reasons for the predominance of negative or positive emotions in students.

Progress of the meeting

    Teacher's opening speech (option).
    – Dear moms and dads! Today we have a parent meeting, which we are holding in the form of a family council. The family council meets when the matter is urgent and requires a comprehensive analysis. Before we move on to advice on the announced problem, please listen to a tape recording of children's answers to the question: what am I? (For example, I am kind, handsome, smart, etc.)
    After listening to the recording, parents must answer the question about the motives for the child’s choice of adjectives denoting positive and negative qualities. There is an exchange of exchanges.
    – Today we will talk about human emotions. I would like to draw your attention to those emotions that stimulate the development of neuroses and destroy the child’s health. These are emotions of destruction - anger, malice, aggression and emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment. Observing children, we have to admit that the emotions of suffering and destruction are closer to them than the emotions of joy and goodness.

    Parent training.

    1. Give examples of situations from your life, from the life of your family, or observed situations associated with negative and positive emotions.

      Can you say that you heard echoes of negative emotions in the guys' answers on the tape? (According to psychologists, positive emotions appear in a person when he is loved, understood, recognized, accepted, and negative emotions when his needs are not met.) How to form positive emotions? Where to start?

      There are pieces of paper in front of you. Write down on them expressions that are prohibited in communicating with a child in your family, as well as recommended and desirable expressions.

Conclusion: When communicating with children, you should not use the following expressions, for example:
· I told you a thousand times that...
· How many times must I repeat...
· What are you thinking about...
· Is it really difficult for you to remember that...
· You become…
· You are the same as...
· Leave me alone, I have no time...
· Why is Lena (Nastya, Vasya, etc.) like this, and you are not...
When communicating with children, it is advisable to use the following expressions:
You are my smartest (handsome, etc.).
· It's so good that I have you.
· You're doing great for me.
· I love you very much .
· How well you did it, teach me.
· Thank you, I am very grateful to you.
· If it weren't for you, I would never have gotten through this.
Try to use the listed desirable expressions as often as possible.

Fifth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year – “Turning through the pages...”
Form: oral journal.

Oral journal - these are sheets of whatman paper, folded in the form of a large book, intertwined with ribbon. Each sheet is a page of the class’s life for the year.

I would like to pay special attention to this meeting. Here is a summary of the work of parents and students for the year. The meeting should be solemn, interesting, unusual. The meeting is held jointly with students.

Progress of the meeting

    Review of oral journal pages.
    Page one . “Our life in lessons” (fragments of lessons).
    Page two . “Our breaks” (physical education break, games, etc.).
    Page three . “Our life after lessons” (the brightest moments of activities held in the classroom over the year).
    Page four . “Our creativity” (show of students’ creativity: reading poems, songs, group activities).
    Page five. “We and our parents” (rewarding parents for their work in the classroom).
    The medal is a child's hand, painted and decorated by children.
    Page six . “Our plans for the summer” (each student receives an assignment for the summer that he must complete for the whole class).

    Results of the work of parents and students for the year.
    The class teacher, a representative from the parent committee, makes a presentation.
    At the end of the meeting, students take photos with their parents and teachers. Photos taken previously at other class meetings and events are presented.

2nd CLASS First meeting
Topic: Physical development of a primary school student
at school and at home

Meeting objectives: 1. Discuss with parents the new stage in the physical and mental development of children. 2.Increase parental control over physical training.

Issues for discussion: 1. The importance of physical culture for the full development of personality. 2.Physical education lesson and its requirements for the student.

Meeting plan

    Questioning parents (at the beginning of the meeting the teacher conducts it).

    Reporting data on the influence of physical culture on personality development (it is possible to involve a physical education teacher and medical workers).

    Operational analysis of survey results (given at the end of the meeting).

    1. Does your child like physical education lessons?
    2. Do you ask your child about physical education at home?
    3. How would you like to see a physical education lesson?
    For the meeting, you can prepare an exhibition of drawings “I am in a physical education lesson.”

Second meeting
Topic: Aggressive children. Causes and consequences of childhood aggression

Meeting objectives:

    Determine the level of aggression of class students using the teacher’s observations and the results of a parent survey.

    Help parents understand the causes of aggression in children and find ways to overcome them.

Issues for discussion:

    Causes of childhood aggression.

    Parental power, its types and ways of influencing the child.

    ways to overcome childhood aggression. Recommendations for overcoming childhood aggression.

Meeting plan

    Parent survey.

    Reporting the results of an analysis of the causes of child aggression (speech by teacher, recommendations to parents).

    Operational analysis of parents' responses.

    Exchange of views on the topic of the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Is your child sometimes aggressive?
    2. In what situations does he show aggression?
    3. Who does he show aggression against?
    4. What are you doing in your family to overcome your child’s aggressiveness?

Third meeting
Topic: Punishment and reward in the family

Meeting objectives: 1. Determine the optimal positions of parents on the topic of the meeting. 2. Consider the proposed pedagogical situations in practice.

Issues for discussion: 1. Types of punishments and rewards in family education. 2. The importance of punishment and reward in the family (analysis of pedagogical situations and survey results).

Meeting plan

    Speech by the class teacher based on the results of the survey.

    Sharing experiences of parents.
    Using materials from specialized literature and the results of a parent survey on the topic of the meeting held in advance, the teacher organizes an active parent exchange of experiences and makes recommendations based on his teaching experience.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. What measures of punishment and reward are used in the family?
    2. What do you punish and reward your child for?
    3. How does the child react to rewards and punishments?

Fourth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year
It is carried out traditionally.

3 CLASS First meeting
Topic: The importance of communication in the development of a child’s personal qualities

Meeting objectives: 1. Determine the meaning of communication for children and adults. 2. Consider the problems identified as a result of the survey of children and parents, and conduct a discussion on the topic of the meeting.

Issues for discussion: 1. Communication and its role in human life. 2. Communication of the child in the family. The results of this process are for adults and children.

Meeting plan

    Teacher's speech , prepared according to specialized literature.

    Operational survey and analysis of responses from parents and students , if they answered similar questions.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. How much time a day do you spend communicating with your child?
    2. Do you know from the child himself about his educational successes, about school friends and friends outside of school, what is the name of his neighbor or deskmate?
    3. What problems does your child have?

Second meeting
Topic: Child’s labor participation in family life. Its role in the development of performance and personal qualities

Meeting objectives: 1. Familiarization of parents with the forms of labor participation of the child in family life. 2. Determine the role of the family in nurturing the child’s hard work.

Issues for discussion: 1.Work and its importance in a child’s life. 2. Intellectual work and efficiency. 3. The role of the family in the development of the child’s performance and hard work.

Meeting plan

    Analysis of situations (speech by teacher). Using the results of a parent survey conducted before the meeting, the teacher focuses on specific pedagogical situations.

    Introducing the exhibition. Parents get acquainted with the photo exhibition “Work in our family” prepared by students for the meeting.

    Recommendations for parents. The teacher gives recommendations on the physiological aspects of child labor, as well as advice on developing working capacity and instilling diligence.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Does your child like to work?
    2. What does he like to do?
    3. Can he do the work independently or only with your help?
    4. How long can your child work?
    5. Is work done enthusiastically or reluctantly?

Third meeting
Topic: Imagination and its role
in a child's life

Meeting objectives:

    Emphasize the importance of imagination in the general and aesthetic development of a child.

    Help parents develop creativity in their children.

Issues for discussion:

    The role of imagination in human life.

    The role of imagination in the development of a child’s aesthetic culture. Meeting of parents with a music teacher, music school teachers, an art teacher and specialists working in the field of other arts.

Meeting plan

    Parent survey.

    The teacher examines the problems of imagination in a child’s life, reports data from the analysis of questionnaires filled out by parents for the meeting. The teacher uses the results of the survey in further work in the classroom.

    Speeches by representatives of creative professions.
    It is advisable to organize consultations with them for parents after the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. Can your child imagine and dream?
    2. Does your child like to transform?
    3. Is the family stimulating the child’s desire to show imagination and invention (writing poems, holiday greetings, keeping diaries, decorating the house, etc.)?

Fourth meeting
Topic: Results of the past academic year -
musical festival “We and our talents”

Such a meeting is traditionally held.

Topic: Physiological maturation and its influence on the formation of cognitive and personal qualities of a child

Meeting objectives: 1. To familiarize parents with the problems of physiological maturation of children. 2. Outline ways to influence the child’s personal qualities.

Issues for discussion: 1.Physiological maturation and its influence on the child’s behavioral reactions. 2. Pedagogical situations on the topic of the meeting.

Meeting plan

    Parent survey.

    Speech by the class teacher on the problem. The teacher introduces parents to the general problems of physiological maturation.

    Speeches by the school doctor and psychologist.

    Teacher's message based on the results of the analysis of questionnaires , which parents filled out during the meeting.
    Questionnaire for parents
    1. What has changed in your child lately?
    2. How did he begin to behave at home?
    3. Does he demonstrate his independence? (How and in what?)
    4. Are you afraid of the upcoming conversation with your child about gender issues?

Second meeting
Topic: Child's learning abilities. Ways of their development in class and in extracurricular activities
The meeting is held jointly with the students.
Form of conduct: educational “Olympic” games to determine the best (in writing, counting, reading, recitation, singing, etc.).

Meeting objectives: The main task of games is to give each child the opportunity to show their abilities, their uniqueness and originality.

Issues for discussion: 1.Abilities, their types and significance in human life. 2.The abilities of students in our class and their implementation in educational activities.

Plan for the meeting (games)

    Opening speech by the class teacher.

    "Olympic" competitions. Having made a short introduction about human abilities and their development, the teacher organizes “Olympic” competitions taking into account the specific abilities of the children. The panel of judges includes members of the administration, subject teachers and parents; they award the “Olympians”.

Third meeting
Topic: Speech skills and their importance in the further education of schoolchildren

Meeting objectives:

    Assess students' speech skills and abilities.

Issues for discussion:

    Relevance of the problem. The influence of speech skills on the mental work of schoolchildren.

    The role of parents in the development of speech skills. Features of conversational speech at home.

Meeting plan

    Teacher's opening speech based on the results of the analysis of students' speech skills (essays, burime, etc.).

    Speech by specialist teachers based on the results of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical consultation (based on the results of four years of study) and formulating recommendations for the development of children’s speech skills in the family.

Questionnaire for students

    Did you enjoy studying in your class?

    What subjects did you like best and why?

    What do you remember most?

    How do you imagine fifth grade teachers?

    How do you imagine your class teacher?

    What should he be like for you to want to communicate with him?

    What would you like to wish to future first-graders?

    What would you like to wish for your first teacher?

Questionnaire for parents

    How do you see your son or daughter's future teachers? What character qualities should they have?

    What professional qualities should they have?

    What qualities do you want to develop in your child with the help of fifth grade teachers?

    What qualities would you like to change in your child with the help of the teachers who will work with him?

    What could your child do besides academic work?

    What do you expect from the class teacher who will work with your child?

    How can you help your class to make your child's life in this class interesting?

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