Home Fertilizers Muslim holiday Mawlid al-Nabi - Birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Thirteenth irrefutable argument

Muslim holiday Mawlid al-Nabi - Birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Thirteenth irrefutable argument

Kurban (sacrifice) is one of the characteristic features our Islamic religion. It was prescribed by Allah Ta'ala as one of the means of approaching Him, and also for believers to remember the unparalleled sacrifice of our father Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Allah sent His prophet many trials, and he overcame them with great patience. And finally the time has come for the last - a very serious test - when it would finally become clear whether he would completely obey the commands of Allah, or follow the desires of his heart. Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was given a child - a long-awaited son - at a very old age, and so he was ordered to sacrifice this only son. Like other parents, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) would like to see his son alive and healthy. However, despite his strong love to his son, he was commanded to sacrifice his son. Ibrahim (peace be upon him) did not waver for a moment in his determination to obey the order of Allah and not his own desires.

Allah Almighty described the sacrifice of father and son in the Quran in the following words:

فَلَمَّا بَلَغَ مَعَهُ السَّعْيَ قَالَ يَا بُنَيَّ إِنِّي أَرَى فِي الْمَنَامِ أَنِّي أَذْبَحُكَ فَانظُرْ مَاذَا تَرَى قَالَ يَا أَبَتِ افْعَلْ مَا تُؤْمَرُ سَتَجِدُنِي إِن شَاء اللَّهُ مِنَ الصَّابِرِينَ

فَلَمَّا أَسْلَمَا وَتَلَّهُ لِلْجَبِينِ

وَنَادَيْنَاهُ أَنْ يَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ

قَدْ صَدَّقْتَ الرُّؤْيَا إِنَّا كَذَلِكَ نَجْزِي الْمُحْسِنِينَ

إِنَّ هَذَا لَهُوَ الْبَلَاء الْمُبِينُ

And when he [Ismail] reached (an age) to (already) (walk and) work with him [along with his father], he [the prophet Ibrahim] said (to him) (one day): “Oh, my son! Verily, I see in a dream (revelation) that I am slaughtering you as a sacrifice, and look what you think.” He [Ismail] said (to gain the pleasure of his Lord and wanting to help his father fulfill his duty to Allah): “O my father! Do what you are commanded (by Allah); (and) you will find me, if Allah wills, from (the number of) the patient.”

And when they both [the prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail] surrendered (to Allah) and (then Ibrahim) laid him [his son] with his forehead (on the ground to sacrifice him), and (at that moment) We called [turned] to him (at that difficult moment for him, when he had already touched his son’s neck with a knife): “Oh, Ibrahim, (stop)! 105. You have already (fulfilled what you were commanded) and (already in reality) saw the truth of the dream.” (And Allah Almighty gave him a ram, which he sacrificed to Allah.) Indeed, We reward the sincerely virtuous in this way!

Indeed, this [sacrificing one's own son] is a clear test. (37:102-106)

The true meaning of Qurbani

Every year thousands of animals are sacrificed in holidays Eid al-Adha. And we must ask ourselves: “What is the true meaning of Qurbani, what should this action teach us?” The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) described Qurbani as part of the Sharia of our father Ibrahim (peace be upon him) (Tirmidhi, 883) and his sunnah (Majma az-Zawaid, 5593). Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was ordered to sacrifice his young son Ismail (peace be upon him). He obeyed Allah's command with all his heart and passed the test with honor. We should follow the example of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) - when there is a choice between our desires and the command of Allah, we should sacrifice our passions and whims. Just as Ibrahim (peace be upon him) obeyed Allah at every moment of his life, and it never occurred to him to disobey His commands even for a moment, so we must obey every order of Allah, whether it concerns the rights of Allah or the rights of His creations .

The most beloved deed for Allah on the day of Eid al-Adha

“On the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah (the day of Kurban), there is no act more beloved and dear to Allah that the children of Adam can perform than Qurban (animal sacrifice). The sacrificed animal will appear on the Day of Judgment with its horns, fur and hooves. The sacrifice reaches Allah before the animal's blood falls to the ground. Therefore, make the sacrifice with an open and pure heart."(Tirmidhi, 1493).

There are special rewards that are promised for actions performed in special days. Sacrifice on the day of Kurban is one such action. This is the most beloved deed for Allah on this day and therefore the most rewarded. So Qurbani should be performed with a joyful heart (and not considered a burden), since it contains only goodness and goodness.

Serious warnings for those who neglect the obligatory Qurbani

For performing Qurbani, every believer is promised a great reward (as conveyed in the hadiths), but there are also serious warnings for neglecting this action (for those for whom it is obligatory). If Qurbani is obligatory for a person, but he neglects to perform it, he becomes a sinner before Allah Ta'ala.

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever has the opportunity to make a sacrifice on the Eid holiday, but does not do it (despite the fact that it becomes wajib for him), such a person should not approach us (places of worship) on the day of Eid.”(i.e. such a person should not mark it happy event together with other believers) (At-Targyb wa t-tarhib, 1667).

Sunnat and adab of Qurbani

1. On the day of Eid al-Adha, the best and most beloved deed for Allah is the shedding of the blood of a sacrificial animal (Tirmidhi, 1494).

2. Before making a sacrifice, as well as during making a sacrifice, you cannot mistreat an animal or cause it pain - on the contrary, you need to do it as painlessly as possible for the animal (Muslim, 1955).

3. If a person has (extra) funds, it will be desirable (mustahab) to perform Qurbani for the sake of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), his companions and the righteous of our ummah (Tirmidhi, 1495).

4. A person should hasten to perform the obligatory Qurbani. For performing Qurban on the first day, more reward is promised than for Qurban on the second day, and for performing Qurban on the second - more than on the third day of the holiday (Tirmidhi, 1521).

5. It is considered Sunnah not to eat anything on the morning of the holiday. It is desirable that the first food a person eats on this day is the meat of his sacrificial animal (Ibn Majah, 1756).

6. It is not permissible to fast on the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (Musnad Ahmad, 20722).

7. For sacrifice, you should choose the best animal - which you can afford within your means. The healthiest and most beautiful animal will bring the one who donated it a greater reward on the Day of Judgment (Ibn Majah, 3122).

8. If possible, it is advisable to raise/fat the animal for sacrifice yourself (Bukhari, 5553).

9. If a person knows how to do this, it is considered Sunnah to sacrifice his animal himself. If this is not possible, it is advisable to at least be present at the sacrifice of your animal (at-Targyb wa t-tarhib, 1662).

10. A woman can also slaughter her own animal (if there is no danger of confusion between the sexes).

11. You cannot slaughter one animal in front of another.

12. A sharp knife should be used for slaughter. Do not cause unnecessary pain to the animal by using a dull knife during slaughter (Ibn Majah, 3172).

13. Do not sharpen a knife in front of an animal (at-Targyb wa t-tarhib, 3422).

14. The animal should be brought to the place of slaughter without violence; the animal should not be dragged by force (at-Targyb wa t-tarhib, 1664).

15. The animal should be laid on its left side, turning it towards the qibla (Bazlul-majhud, vol. 4, p. 70) (Tirmidhi, 1494).

16. You should not skin an animal until it has completely cooled down and there are no signs of life left in its body (Shami, vol. 6, p. 296).

17. The person who slaughters the animal must hold the knife right hand and do it as quickly as possible.

18. During slaughter, the following words should be said:

Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!

19. If the pronouncement of the name of Allah is deliberately omitted, the meat of such an animal becomes forbidden (haram).

20. Before slaughter, it is considered Sunnah to recite the following dua:

“Inna salati wa nusuki wa makhyaiya wa mamati lillahi Rabbi-l-alamin la sharika lyah”

Verily, my prayer, my qurbani, my life and my death are for the sake of Allah Ta'ala, the Lord of the worlds, Who has no partner(Abu Dawud, 2797).

21. It is advisable to eat the meat of a slaughtered animal and treat others. However, it is permissible to completely distribute the Qurbani meat to those in need. The best thing would be to divide its meat into three parts: the first to use for the needs of your family, the second to distribute to friends and family, and the third to distribute to the poor and needy (Alyamgiri, vol. 5, p. 300).

22. It is reported in hadiths that the best deed on the day of Kurban is the shedding of blood. However, it is said that the person who devotes this day to strengthening the bonds of kinship will deserve an even greater reward. So, along with the obligation of sacrifice, we should try to strengthen family ties on this day.

Ibn Abbas (radyAllahu anhuma) reports that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said on the day of Eid al-Adha: “There is no more worthy deed than the shedding of blood (Kurban) on this day, except for the union of ties of kinship (if they were severed)” (at-Targyb wa t-tarhib, 1661).

Answers to questions regarding Qurbani

Approaching Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Fitr). What does the word "kurban" mean?

The word “qurban” means “to come closer”, “to be closer”. As a religious term, it means the sacrifice of an animal in certain time, with the intention of worshiping Allah Almighty.

What day does Eid al-Adha fall on this year?

I heard about fasting before Eid al-Fitr, tell us about it.

The first ten days - the first 10 days - of the month of Dhul-Hijjah are considered the most blessed days to worship Allah and do good deeds, as reported in many hadiths. One of the common types of worship, among other things, is fasting. It is especially important to fast on the day of Arafah, which occurs on the 9th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (Wednesday, September 23).

However, you cannot fast on the holiday and the next three days after it.

In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “(Fasting on this day) serves as atonement for (the sins of) the past and next year.”

For whom is Qurbani obligatory?

According to the Hanafi madhhab, Qurbani is obligatory for a healthy (of sound mind) and adult Muslim who has nisab (the minimum property threshold, the possession of which makes zakat obligatory) by the time of the day of Eid (Shami, vol. 6, p. 312, Alamgiri, vol.1, p.191).

Will Qurbani be obligatory for a musafir (traveler)?

Qurbani is not obligatory for musafir (Shami, vol. 6, p. 313).

Will the obligatory (wajib) Qurbani be valid if it is performed on behalf of someone without his consent?

The obligatory qurbani will not be valid (Badai al-sanai, vol. 5, p. 67; Shami, vol. 6, p. 315).

If a poor person for whom Qurbani is not obligatory buys an animal, will Qurbani become obligatory for him?

Kurban will become obligatory for him (Shami, vol. 5, p. 478).

Is it possible to give the cost of an animal as alms instead of making a sacrifice?

Sacrifice is an act of worship of Allah, which is performed in memory of the sacrifice of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and the submission of Ismail (peace be upon him). By making a sacrifice, a person demonstrates absolute submission to Allah and following the path of the prophets, peace be upon them. Therefore, the process itself is important. You cannot give away the cost of an animal in money.

Qurbani time

When is the time to make a sacrifice?

The time of sacrifice begins from the dawn of the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah and continues until the end of the 12th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 296).

Is it permissible to perform Qurbani before the time of Eid prayer?

It is not permissible to perform Qurbani before the Eid prayer in cities, but it is permissible in villages and farms where it is not recited holiday prayer. There you can perform Qurbani immediately after dawn (Shami, vol. 6, p. 318).

And if a person who lives in the city buys an animal on a farm and it is slaughtered there before the Eid prayer, will his qurban be valid?

His Qurbani will be valid (Shami, vol. 6, p. 318).

Is it possible to perform Qurbani at night?

If it is performed in a well-lit place where there is no danger of getting lost, the qurbani will be valid (Shami, vol. 6, p. 320; Alyamgiri, vol. 5, p. 296).

Animals for Qurbani

What animals can be sacrificed?

Goats, sheep, buffaloes, cows, bulls and camels can be sacrificed on Qurbani. But apart from these, no other animals can be sacrificed on Qurbani. (Alyamgiri, vol. 5, p. 295).

How many people can sacrifice a bull, cow, buffalo or camel?

These animals can be sacrificed by seven people - that is, there can be up to seven parts (participants) in the Qurbani (Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 296).

Each person sacrifices a ram or a goat on his own.

Is it possible to sacrifice a castrated animal?

Yes, this is allowed. Abu Rafi' said: “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, offered two black and white castrated rams as a sacrifice.”(Ahmad).

What age must the animals be for the Qurbani to be valid?

Goats and sheep should not be less than a year. However, if a six-month-old sheep resembles (in appearance, size) a one-year-old sheep, the Qurbani will be valid. Bulls, cows, buffaloes must be at least two years old. Camels must be at least five years old (Shami, vol. 6, p. 321).

Is it possible to sacrifice a pregnant animal?

Yes, this is permitted (Alyamgiri, vol. 5, p. 302).

What should be done with the baby (which was inside the pregnant animal) in this case?

He should also be sacrificed. If it is not sacrificed during the days of Eid, then it should be given alive in the form of alms (Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 302).

Defects of sacrificial animals

Animals intended for Qurbani must be completely healthy and free from the following defects:

  1. blindness in one or both eyes;
  2. weakness and exhaustion;
  3. absence of an ear or tail (more than one third), teeth (if it cannot chew food);
  4. broken (to the base) horn;
  5. lameness (so that it cannot support the affected leg);
  6. obvious illness.

If an animal is weak from hunger, is it suitable for Qurbani?

If the animal is strong enough, it is suitable for Qurbani. If it is very weak from hunger, it is not suitable for sacrifice (Shami, vol. 6, p. 323).

A healthy animal was purchased for Kurbani. However, later he broke his leg or suffered some other defect that made him ineligible for Qurbani. Can he be sacrificed?

Such an animal cannot be sacrificed (Shami, vol. 6, p. 325).

If a poor person purchased a healthy animal without defects for Qurbani, but later it broke a leg or had another defect that makes it not suitable for Qurbani. Can he be sacrificed?

A poor person can slaughter such an animal for Kurbani (Shami, vol. 6, p. 325).

Is it possible to sacrifice an animal with a visual impairment?

If he has lost more than one third of his vision (blindness in one or both eyes), he cannot be sacrificed (Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 297).

If an animal's tail or ear is torn off, can it be sacrificed?

If more than one third of an animal's tail or ear is torn off or cut off, it cannot be sacrificed (Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 297).

If an animal is lame on one leg, can it be used for kurb? on the?

If it walks only on three legs, without relying on a lame leg, it cannot be sacrificed. However, if it can rest on a lame leg, it can be used for Qurbani (Shami, vol. 6, p. 323).

Is it possible to sacrifice a weak animal?

If it is very weak, it cannot be sacrificed (Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 298).

Is it possible to use an animal that has no teeth?

If it has no teeth so that it cannot chew, it cannot be used. However, if it is able to chew food, it is suitable for Qurbani (Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 298).

Is it possible to use an animal that was born without ears?

Such an animal cannot be used (Shami, vol. 6, p. 324).

Is it possible to use an animal that has a broken horn?

If the horn is broken off at the root, it cannot be sacrificed. If it is not broken to the ground (not at the root), it can be sacrificed (Alyamgiri, vol. 5, p. 297).

Meat and skin of a sacrificial animal

What should be done with the meat of a sacrificial animal?

You can use it for your needs, share it with your family, friends, etc. But it would be more preferable to allocate one third for the poor (Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 300).

What should be done with the skin of a sacrificial animal?

A person can use it for his own needs. You can also donate it or give it as alms (Shami, vol. 6, p. 327; Alamgiri, vol. 5, p. 300; Majma al-Zawaid, vol. 4, p. 174).

Is it possible to sell animal skin?

It is possible, but the money must be given out as alms (Alyamgiri, vol. 5, p. 301).

Is it possible to give Qurbani meat to those who helped skin (and gut) the animal as a reward?

No, it is not allowed to give meat as a reward to those who helped skin the animal, etc. as a reward (Shami, vol. 6, p. 328).

Is it permissible to give Qurbani meat to non-Muslims? Some argue that it can only be given to Muslims, while some argue that it can be given to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

It is permissible to distribute Qurbani meat to non-Muslims. The distribution of Qurbani meat is not limited to Muslims alone (Mufti Ibrahim Desai)

And Allah knows best.

Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Adha(Arabic: عيد الأضحى‎‎‎ - holiday of sacrifice) in Islam is a day of joy, thanksgiving, worship, brotherhood, solidarity and morality. A Muslim should take advantage of this day to be closer to Allah Almighty.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Every nation has its own holiday, and this is your holiday.”

Here he referred to the fact that these two holidays (Eid al-Fitrr and Eid al-Adha) are exclusively for Muslims.

Muslims have no other holidays except these two. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to Medina, the people of Medina celebrated two holidays. On these two days they had carnivals and festivals. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked the Ansars (Muslims of Medina) about this. They replied that before Islam they had carnivals on these two joyful days. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told them: “Instead of these two days, Allah appointed two other days that are better, the days of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha” (Abu Dawud).

These two holidays are among the signs of Allah to which we must pay attention and understand their purposes. Below we will look in detail at the rules and etiquette of the Eid al-Adha holiday.

Eid al-Fitr rules

  1. Fast. Fasting on this day is haram. According to the hadith of Abu Saeed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him), which reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade fasting on the day of Fitr and on the day of Adha (Muslim).
  2. Holiday prayer. Some scholars say that the Eid prayer is wajib (due, but not with as strong evidence as fard). This is according to the scholars of the Hanafi madhhab and Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah. Some scholars say that the Eid prayer is fard Kifaya (obligatory for the Muslim community). This is the opinion of the Hanbalis. The third group is of the opinion that the Eid al-Adha prayer is a sunnah of muakqada (actions that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed constantly and omitted very rarely). This opinion is shared by the Malikis and Shafi'is.
  3. Additional prayers. There are no additional prayers that take place before or after the Eid prayer. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed two rak'ahs on the day of Eid al-Adha without additional prayers before and after. This is the case if the prayer is offered in an open space. However, if people perform Eid prayer in the mosque, then they must pray two rak'ahs of the Tahiyatul Masjid prayer (after entering the mosque).
  4. Women's participation in holiday prayer. In accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), everyone is strongly encouraged to take part in the Eid prayer and compete with each other in piety and fear of God. A woman during her period should not leave the remembrance of Allah or places of meeting for the purpose of seeking knowledge and remembrance of Allah - except mosques. Women certainly should not go out without wearing a hijab.

Eid etiquette

  1. Ghusl(complete ablution). It is considered proper to take a bath on the day of Eid al-Adha before going to prayer. It was reported that Saeed ibn Jubair said: “Three things are sunnah on the day of Eid: going to the place of Eid prayer, taking a bath and eating before going out (if it is Eid al-Fitr).”
  2. Food before going to prayer. Unlike the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, on which it is recommended to take an odd number of dates before going to prayer, on Eid al-Fitr it is recommended not to eat until the end of the holiday prayer, when you can eat the meat of a sacrificial animal.
  3. Takbir on the day of Eid al-Fitr. This is one of the biggest sunnahs on this day. Al-Darakutni and others reported that when Ibn Umar went out on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, he would diligently recite takbir until he reached the place of prayer and continued to recite takbir until the imam arrived.
  4. Congratulations on the holiday. People can exchange congratulations and good wishes on Eid, in any verbal form. For example, they can say to each other “Takabbal Allahu minna wa minkum” (May Allah accept from you and from us), “Eid mubarak” (Happy holiday). Jubair ibn Nufair said: “In the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when people met each other on the day of Eid, they would say: “Takabbal Allahu minna wa minkum” (Reported by Ibn Hajar)
  5. Wearing your best clothes on Eid day. Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had a jubba (cloak) that he wore on Eid and on Fridays.” Al-Bayhaqi reported that Ibn Umar wore his best clothes on Eid, thus men should wear their best clothes when they go out on Eid.
  6. Changing the route upon returning from Eid prayer. Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) changed his route upon returning from Eid prayers on the day of Eid. (Al-Bukhari).

Animal sacrifice is one of the most important religious rites in the Muslim faith. And although sacrifice is found in other religions, as well as many pagan beliefs, its fundamental difference in Islam is that it is performed in the name of Allah and for His sake.

Sacrifice is a method of slaughtering sacrificial livestock, performed under special conditions:

1) Intention (niyat)- before making a sacrifice, the believer must have the appropriate one, confirming the fact that with his heart and soul he slaughters the victim solely for the sake of Allah, and not for the sake of meat, show off or for other reasons.

2) A certain type of animal– can serve exclusively as a sacrificial livestock: camels, bulls and cows, buffalos, sheep, rams and goats. In this case, the slaughter of small livestock is carried out for one person, and for large livestock - up to 7 people. In a situation where a person has a family, his sacrifice will be counted for all its members, that is, it is not necessary to perform Qurbani for each member of the family, no matter how large it is.

3) Age of the animal– it is required that the slaughtered cattle reach a certain age (sometimes size). For camels it is five years, for bulls, cows or buffaloes - two years, and for sheep, rams and goats - one year. At the same time, a number of theologians claim that in exceptional cases it is permissible to slaughter small cattle for sacrifice at the age of six months, if they look like one year old.

4) The animal must not have the following defects:

Lack of vision in at least one eye;

Inability to move independently;


Absence of at least one ear;

The presence of a pronounced disease;

Excessive thinness;

Absence of at least one horn (provided it is not natural);

Lack of tail;

Missing most teeth;

Absence of at least one nipple on the udder (provided that this is not natural).

If a believer bought a healthy animal with the intention of sacrificing it, but later the animal developed one of the above-mentioned defects, then in such a situation a person can perform this sacrifice (but only on the condition that this defect appeared in the animal through no human fault ).

5) Showing mercy towards the victim– the believer should not show any aggression towards her. The animal must be led to the place of slaughter gently, without showing the knife. In the case when several sacrificial animals are slaughtered in one place, it is better to slaughter all of them separately so that other victims cannot observe this.

6) Slaughter cattle towards the qiblah– when making a sacrifice, the animal should be placed on its left side, with its head directed towards the Kaaba, as the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) did. In this case, three legs of small ruminants are tied, except for the back right one.

7) Performing a sacrifice with your own hands– If possible, a Muslim should perform this ritual himself.

8) Performing a sacrifice in the name of Allah– before slaughtering, the believer should pronounce the name of the Lord (“Bismillahi Allahu Akbar”).

Types of sacrifice

1. Udhiya (Kurban)

The most significant thing in the religion of Allah is the sacrifice performed during the celebration of Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bayram). The roots of this religious rite were laid back in the time of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.), when the Lord sent down a difficult test, namely, ordered him to sacrifice his eldest son, Prophet Ismail (a.s.). After Ibrahim (a.s.) passed this test with dignity, the Almighty at the last moment saved Ismail (a.s.) and ordered his father to slaughter a ram instead of his son.

Animal sacrifice on Eid al-Fitr is among the most important forms of worship of Allah. In His Book He calls us:

“Perform prayer for the sake of your Lord and slaughter the sacrifice...” (108:2)

However, there are disagreements among Muslim theologians regarding the obligatory nature of the Qurbani. Some attribute this ritual to the category of wajib ( necessary actions) and cite the above-mentioned verse as an argument. Other scholars classify it as desirable actions (sunnat). Supporters of this position rely on the hadith of the Mercy of the Worlds of Muhammad (s.g.w.): “Let him who wishes perform Qurbani, under no circumstances cut his hair or nails until he makes a sacrifice!” (reported by Muslim). This part of Muslim theologians relies on the words “who wishes to make a sacrifice...”, which indicates to us the desirability of this rite.

2. Akyka (Akika)

Another type of sacrifice is aqika (akyka) - the sacrifice of an animal as a sign of gratitude to the Almighty for the birth of a child. In the case of the birth of a boy, the believer should sacrifice two rams, and in the case of a girl, one. It is advisable to perform this ritual on the seventh day after the birth of the baby.

3. Sacrifice for the deceased

Not all theologians considered this ritual permissible. His supporters argue their position with a hadith stating that the Prophet (s.a.w.) performed sacrifices for his entire ummah, including the deceased. Opponents claim that such a ritual could only be performed by Muhammad (s.g.w.) himself, and a simple believer does not have the right to sacrifice animals for all Muslims.

4. Sacrifice as a vow

In Islam, it is permissible to sacrifice animals as a simple thank you to the Creator for the benefits bestowed upon them, as well as under certain conditions. For example, a Muslim may promise that if something positive happens for him, he will perform a sacrifice in gratitude to the Lord of the Worlds.

How to dispose of Qurbani meat?

After slaughtering the cattle, the believer should divide the entire carcass into three equal parts: keep one for himself, distribute the second to the needy as alms, and use the third for cooking. It is allowed to send two parts out of three or even all the meat as sadak. The blood, entrails, skin and bones of slaughtered cattle should not go to wild animals (as a rule, they are buried, and the skin is used in everyday life or handed over to a buyer, and the proceeds are also donated to the disadvantaged).

Virtues of Sacrifice

Firstly, every animal slaughtered for the pleasure of the Almighty becomes an intercessor for the believer on the Day of Retribution. “On the day of sacrifice, none of the deeds of a person will have a greater reward before Allah than his sacrifice. An animal sacrificed will appear on the Day of Judgment along with its horns, meat and wool, and for all this its owner will receive reward” (hadith from at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah).

Secondly, sacrifice promotes cleansing from sins. One of the hadiths says: “A reward is written down for you for every hair of a sacrificial animal” (Ibn Majah).

Kurban Bayram or as it is also called Eid ul-Adha is the second most significant holiday among Muslims. This is the holiday of sacrifice, during which every Muslim tries to perform the Hajj to Mecca. Let's take a closer look at this holiday, learn about its traditions and customs, as well as what the essence of the holiday is.

What date is Eid al-Adha in 2018

The Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, that is, August 21. It is worth noting that the holiday itself lasts from 2 to three days.

Kurban Bayram - the history of the holiday

Kurban Bayram is celebrated in memory of such a righteous man as Ibrahim, or rather, on this day his actions and the submission to Allah that he showed are remembered. His story began with the fact that Allah said to distribute all his property and wealth to the poor. He submitted and ended up getting twice as much as he had before. Then the next more difficult test awaited him - the trial by fire. The ignorant polytheists sent him to the stake for his faith, but Allah turned the flames into rose petals. Finally, for his deeds he was rewarded with the long-awaited son Ishaq. But, as it turned out, it was not just like that, because Ibrahim faced the last test - to sacrifice his first-born. It was difficult for him, but in the end the decision was made to fulfill the will of Allah. However, at the last moment, Allah stopped him and ordered Ibrahim to sacrifice a lamb, which he sent down from heaven, instead of his son.

The essence of the holiday is for people to remember the obedience of Ibrahim and follow his example.

Kurban Bayram - how to celebrate

They prepare for this holiday long before it begins. The preparation consists of not having any lavish parties 20 days before Kurban, putting on new clothes and not cutting your hair during this time. The main action takes place in Mecca, in the Mina Valley, where, according to legend, Ibrahim sacrificed a lamb. There Muslims perform the ritual of sacrifice. It is worth noting that any animal is not suitable for this; there are a number of rules for its selection.

Firstly, animals such as cow, bull, goat, ram, sheep and camel are accepted. Others cannot be sacrificed.

Secondly, these must be only healthy animals, without a single defect. Pay attention to age as well. For example, a sheep and ram must be over a year old, a goat, a cow and a bull must be over two years old, and a camel must be at least five years old. It is also believed that it is better to choose an animal with white hair for sacrifice than with black hair. However, if these are not available, then any healthy animal without any defects will do.

The holiday itself begins in the morning. Muslims start their day with complete ablution, and it is also necessary to wear clean and tidy clothes. After this, they go straight to the mosque for prayer. It is worth noting that eating before this is not recommended. After which everyone goes home, but some go outside, and in the end a small group of people gathers and sings various religious songs. Already in the afternoon, everyone gathers again at the mosque to listen to the sermon, after which they go to the cemetery to pray for their deceased relatives. And only after this the ritual of sacrifice is performed. Usually this is a special animal that was prepared for this ritual.

Over the victim, any ordinary Muslim can pronounce a short formula: “Bismillah, Allah Akbar,” that is, “In the name of Allah, Allah is great!” Before the ram is slaughtered, it must be thrown to the ground with its head towards Mecca. You can sacrifice a ram that has reached the seventh month (according to the Shafi'i madhhab - a full year), a bull or a cow that has reached a full two years, a camel that has reached a full five years. It is desirable that the sacrificial animal be fat, large and beautiful. There should be no flaws in it that adversely affect the quantity and quality of meat. Therefore, lame, blind or sick animals should not be sacrificed. As well as animals with more than half of their horn broken or more than half of their ear cut off. It is advisable to use a third of the meat to treat your family, give a third to poor neighbors and relatives, and give a third as alms to those who ask for it.

Ibn Abbas also talked about the prophet’s sacrifice: “He left a third for the family, a third to treat poor neighbors, and a third he distributed to those who asked.” Ibn Umar said: “Sacrifices and gifts - a third for you, a third for your family, a third for the poor.” You cannot pay the butcher who slaughtered the sacrificial animal with meat. But you can give him part of the meat if he is poor, or donate it, but not as payment. The one who made the sacrifice cannot sell anything from the sacrificial animal, neither meat nor skin, but he can use the skin and its other parts.

On this day, every Muslim should have a festive dastarkhan in their home, since on this day it is customary to receive guests and go on visits. It is customary to give gifts to close friends and relatives on Kurban Ait (Eid al-Adha).

And in the evening the whole family gathers at a rich table together. At the same time, according to tradition, the owner of the house should not skimp on treats - there should be a lot of food. And housewives specially prepare food separately for the poor.

  • The meaning of sacrifice ( qurban);
  • For whom is sacrifice obligatory? qurban);
  • How and when the sacrifice is performed ( qurban);
  • What to do with the meat and skin of a sacrificial animal;
  • Vow Sacrifice ( nAzr- qurban);
  • Sacrifice ( qurban) on behalf of the deceased;
  • Animals permitted and prohibited for sacrifice;
  • Permitted and prohibited meat;
  • Rituals associated with the birth of a child;
  • Types of oaths and their fulfillment.


Sacrifice on the days of Eid al-Adha is worship ( ibada), committed by property that belongs to the necessary ( wajib). Revelation of Sacrifice ( qurban) was revealed in the second year of the Hijra.

Sacrifice ( Tourban) is performed for the sake of Allah Almighty as a sign of gratitude for His gifts and serves as a reason for approaching His mercy. In one of the sayings of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, it is said: “The worst of the stingy people are those who do not slaughter a sacrificial animal, although they should have done so.”

The Prophet Muhammad himself, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, slaughtered two animals on the holiday of Eid al-Adha - one on his own behalf, and the second on behalf of his community ( ummmA). Muslims who have the appropriate income and want to earn even more blessings from the Creator can also sacrifice 2 or more animals.

The rite of sacrifice regulates social relations in society, reminds wealthy people that they have certain obligations both to the Almighty and to society. If a person has any capabilities, then they must be used for good purposes, and not for the sake of one’s own enrichment. Allah Almighty commands wealthy people to take care of the poor and needy, about their food, about maintaining good relations with all people.

IN Holy Quran it says:

“And serve God and do not compare anyone to Him, and be kind to parents and close relatives, and orphans, and the needy, and to a neighbor from your family, and to a stranger-neighbor, and to a companion on the road, and to a stranger, and to those whom your right hands control. Truly, the Lord does not love the proud and boastful." .

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “He who is full while his neighbor is hungry is not one of us.”

The ritual of sacrifice erases all differences between people, brings them closer and helps strengthen unity and friendship between them, since on holidays believers strive to perform good and good deeds not only in relation to their loved ones, but also to all people, they rush to give alms, and also present the meat of a sacrificial animal as a gift. The spirit of hospitality and generosity reigns in the home of every Muslim on this holiday.

On the scale of all humanity, this holiday opens great path to peace, harmony and unity of people of all globe. Eid al-Adha teaches solidarity, mutual respect, selflessness and kindness. It is not difficult to understand the purpose of the sacrifice, which contains the Justice, Omniscience and Wisdom of the Lord, aimed at providing for the hungry, poverty-stricken population throughout the world, who, like all other people, have the right to a full existence. Wealthy man can bring joy and contentment to many people, and most importantly, gain the pleasure of the Almighty and spiritual satisfaction, which not every rich person can experience even throughout his entire life.

Thus, the ritual of sacrifice not only contributes to the spiritual purification of the believer himself, but also provides food for the poor part of the world's population at least for some time.


The Holy Quran says:

فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ

“Perform (holiday) prayer and sacrifice an animal for the sake of Allah.”

Sacrifice ( qurban) is necessary ( wajib) For:

  1. Muslim;
  2. reasonable;
  3. adult;
  4. free from slavery;
  5. not traveling;
  6. owning property in the amount nisaba(not necessary to own nisab year).

It is enough for one family to make one sacrifice to those who support it.


The sacrifice can be performed on the first three days of Eid al-Adha, but it is better to do it on the first day. The sacrifice is performed after the holiday prayer. In areas where festive prayers are not performed, the sacrifice can be made at dawn. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Today (i.e. on a holiday) our first task is to read the (holiday) prayer,Athen – committingsacrifice (qurban) . Whoever does this will fulfill ourWithunnu. If someone doessacrifice (qurban) before this (salat),Thatit will be considered plain meat, given to his family".

After evening prayer ( al-Maghreb) on the third day of the holiday to perform a sacrifice ( qurban) it is forbidden.

Anyone who knows how and has the opportunity makes a sacrifice with his own hands. One who does not know how or does not have the opportunity can instruct another to perform the sacrifice.

When slaughtering an animal, it is strictly forbidden to torture it. It is condemnable to drag an animal to the place of slaughter by the legs, to start looking for a knife or to sharpen a knife after the animal has already been tied, as well as to slaughter one animal in full view of another. The attitude towards all creations of Allah should be sensitive and attentive.

Before slaughtering, you need to form an intention: "ABOUTAllah Almighty, for the sake of receiving your blessing, I make a sacrifice.” During slaughter, it is desirable for the animal to lie on its left side with its head in the direction of the Qibla.

With words "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar" (“In the name of Allah, Allah is great!”) need it quickly sharp knife cut the animal's esophagus, respiratory tract and main veins.

and the following verse of the Holy Quran:

قُلْ إِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

“Verily, my prayer, my worship (to Allah), my life and death - in the power of Allah, the Lord (of the inhabitants) of the worlds, along with whom there is no (other) deity …»

During the sacrifice it is not enough to say "Bismillah", it is necessary to say "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar". If the cutter did not consciously say this, the meat of the animal becomes forbidden, but if he did not say it out of forgetfulness, then it is forgiven.

Before complete death occurs, it is not advisable to separate the head or begin skinning the animal.


The meat of the sacrificial animal can be given away or kept for yourself. Better ( mandub) divide it into three parts: distribute one to the poor and needy, the other to relatives and friends, and keep the third for yourself. It is permissible to give the meat of a sacrificial animal ( Tourban) not to Muslims as a gift.

Meat and skin of a sacrificial animal ( qurban) blameworthy ( makrooh) sell or pay the butcher. You are allowed to use the skin yourself, give it to a poor person or to a charity.


Vow to perform a sacrifice ( nAzr-Tourban) makes it necessary ( wajib). Vow Sacrifice ( nAzr-Tourban) there are 2 types:

  1. Vow ( nAzr), not associated with any conditions. For example, having said: “I will make a sacrifice in the name of Allah,” a person is free to make this sacrifice at any time.
  2. Vow ( nAzr) associated with some condition. For example, saying: “If a sick person recovers, then I will make a sacrifice in the name of Allah,” a person must make a sacrifice when the sick person recovers. You can make a sacrifice earlier, without waiting for the desired to be fulfilled.

The meat of an animal sacrificed as a votive sacrifice ( nazr), should not be eaten by the person who has made the vow, as well as by his wife, parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren. In addition, the meat of a votive sacrificial animal ( nazr), those who have nisab should not eat.


The sacrifice for the deceased is performed on the holiday of Eid al-Adha. The person who made the sacrifice for the deceased can distribute the meat of the sacrificial animal or keep it for himself. And the meat of an animal sacrificed according to the will is distributed only to the poor.


Only the following animals can be sacrificed: sheep, goat, cow, buffalo and camel. A goat or sheep must be at least one year old, a cow or buffalo must be at least two years old, and a camel must be at least five years old. You can also sacrifice a large 6-month-old sheep if it is similar in size to a one-year-old one. For a goat to reach one year of age is a strict condition.

It is highly advisable to buy the animal a few days before the slaughter and keep it in its own stall. If several identical animals are kept together before slaughter, it is better to mark your animal with a special sign.

One sheep or one goat can be sacrificed by one person. One cow, buffalo or camel can be sacrificed by one to seven people (families). It is enough for one family to make one sacrifice to those who support it.

Birds (rooster, chicken, duck, etc.), as well as wild artiodactyl animals (for example, wild buffalo, goat, etc.).

It is acceptable if the animal has minor defects, for example, it has a broken horn, several damaged teeth, or is limping. However, there are certain disadvantages that make an animal unsuitable for sacrifice:

– if the animal is blind in one or both eyes;

– if one or both horns of the animal are broken to the base;

– if the animal is missing more than half of an ear or more than half of a tail;

– if a lame animal is unable to stand on its feet;

– congenital absence of an ear or tail;

most of the teeth are damaged so that the animal cannot eat;

– if the animal is sick;

– if the animal is very weakened;

– damaged nipples;

– if one nipple of a goat or sheep has withered away, and a cow or buffalo has two nipples.


According to the canons of Islam, Muslims are allowed ( halal) eat the meat of domestic animals and poultry, such as the meat of cow, buffalo, camel, horse, ram, goat, chicken, crane, ostrich, pigeon, hare, goose. It is also allowed to eat locusts and any fish. However, it is necessary to note the opinion of the great Imam Abu Hanifa, who stipulated that the consumption of horse meat was slightly blameworthy.

In order for the meat of the above animals and birds to become permitted ( halal) it is necessary to observe the ritual of slaughter. This ritual involves cutting the cervical arteries, esophagus and respiratory tract with mention of the name of the Almighty ( "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar"). The person performing this ritual must be a Muslim or a person from among the People of the Book (Christians or Jews) and be of sound mind.

The meat of predatory animals that have fangs and feed on carrion is strictly prohibited for consumption. These include lions, tigers, wolves, jackals, hyenas, cheetahs, foxes, sables, bears, dogs, lizards, etc. Eating the meat of wild herbivores (gazelles, deer, wild cows, hares, etc.) is permitted subject to the above-mentioned slaughter ritual.

In case of hunting with firearms mention the name of Allah Almighty ( "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar") is necessary during the shot. If the animal was only wounded, then the hunter must complete the slaughter ritual using a knife.

Meat of donkey, mule, cat, squirrel, elephant, birds of prey(eagle, falcon, crow, black vulture, hawk, kite), bats should also not be eaten.

Do not eat the meat of animals and insects that cause disgust, for example, mice, frogs, snakes, flies, beetles, butterflies, scorpions. The meat of marine animals other than fish, such as octopuses, shellfish, crabs, etc., is also considered inedible. Do not eat reptiles that live on land and in the sea, such as turtles and crocodiles.

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