Home fertilizers Raising salaries for servicemen c. Authorities have disclosed spending on the first increase in military pay in six years. Three times four

Raising salaries for servicemen c. Authorities have disclosed spending on the first increase in military pay in six years. Three times four

Rising oil prices and a recovery in economic growth could put military salaries back on the agenda in 2018. Earlier, the government suspended the indexation of monetary allowance, which was due to the lack of free resources in the federal budget. Officials continue to discuss a possible format for increasing salaries, which will depend on the development of the economic situation.

The economic crisis forced the government to optimize the expenditures of the state budget. Including the authorities froze the indexation of the monetary allowance of the military. Next year, officials plan to resume the annual indexation of salaries, which became possible due to the improvement in the economic situation.

The growth of oil prices above 50 dollars per barrel. ensured the growth of domestic budget revenues. As a result, the government received an additional financial resource, which will allow it to increase spending on the monetary allowance of the military. However, the extent of future increases in military salaries in 2018 remains uncertain.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance propose to increase the salaries of the military by 4%, which corresponds to economic realities. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov emphasizes that future indexation is in line with the forecast inflation rate. However, the deputies do not agree with such an increase in monetary allowance.

The State Duma considers such indexation insufficient, emphasizing the long period of a moratorium on wage increases. The monetary allowance of the military has not been reviewed for 5 years, which does not correspond to the role played by the armed forces of the Russian Federation. During this period, the rise in prices amounted to about 46%, which negatively affected the well-being of military personnel. The real incomes of the military decreased by a third, the deputies emphasize. This dynamic is contrary to the goals set out in the presidential decrees in May.

Controversial Promotion: Seeking Justice

The monetary allowance of military personnel should correspond to the average level in the leading sectors of the economy. These obligations of the authorities are recorded in the May decrees. If in 2014 military salaries exceeded this level by 10%, then in 2016 the situation changed. Salaries in the financial sector reached 80 thousand rubles, and in the energy sector they increased to 78 thousand rubles. At the same time, the salary of the military remained at the level of 62 thousand rubles.

Raising military salaries in 2018 will require significant resources, with recent news signaling the government's intention to increase social spending. The authorities are forced to take into account the approaching presidential elections, increasing pensions and salaries of state employees. In addition, there are alternative tools to increase the pay of military personnel.

Despite the lack of indexation, the monetary allowance of the military increased due to various allowances. Including the military can count on an increase in salaries for the command of units or for good physical training. In the latter case, the allowance can reach 80% of the salary. In addition, the military can count on annual bonuses related to budget savings.

The final decision of the government on the future indexation of salaries of military personnel will be made based on the development of the economic situation. Experts are considering several scenarios that await the Russian economy next year.

Prospects for the Russian economy

Changes in oil prices remain the dominant factor for the Russian budget, experts emphasize. The growth of oil prices to 55-57 dollars per barrel. increases the revenue side of the budget. As a result, the government receives the resource necessary for the full implementation of the May decrees.

The positive dynamics of external factors allows the domestic economy to move to growth. Despite low GDP growth rates (between 1.5-2.5%) next year, officials emphasize overcoming the negative consequences of the crisis.

A further increase in the cost of a barrel may lead to a more large-scale indexation of monetary allowances. The government will be able to compensate for part of the losses that the military suffered as a result of the moratorium on wage increases.

The pessimistic scenario allows for a new stage in the decline in oil prices. In addition, analysts do not exclude the expansion of existing sanctions, which will negatively affect economic growth. In this case, officials will not be able to allocate additional funds to increase the salaries of the military. At the same time, the existing system of allowances remains in force, which will make it possible to compensate for the decline in real incomes of servicemen.

For five years, the indexation of the monetary allowance of the military remains frozen. The Ministry of Finance proposes to increase military salaries next year by 4%. Representatives of the department believe that such indexation corresponds to economic realities.

The State Duma believes that the indexation at the level of 4% is underestimated. During the moratorium, prices increased by 46%, which led to a significant decrease in the real incomes of military personnel.

In addition to indexation, military salaries will depend on the existing system of allowances, which will remain unchanged in 2018.

See video about salary increase in 2018:

In May 2018, the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation held a regular meeting of the leadership, during which Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the intention of the department to increase the salaries of military personnel in 2019.

Recently, the country's defense industry has undergone major changes. The reforms began with the implementation of several state programs at once in order to improve the efficiency of the army, improve the technical characteristics of weapons, and optimize the personnel. And the question of monetary allowance is one of the key ones.

Why was there no indexing

According to the country's leadership, officers and soldiers are ranked among the most protected categories of Russian citizens, with a high allowance. However, it is their cash income that has practically not been indexed in recent years. In addition, there is evidence that due to the crisis, which led to the fall of the national currency, the standard of living of their families fell by almost 50%.

In this regard, the government intends to radically change the course of events for the better. And the increase in military salaries in 2017-2018, 2019-2020 is the main factor behind these improvements.

The government has long tried to raise the prestige of service in these structures through benefits, benefits and regular increases in allowances. Housing certificates were introduced, social services were expanded, salaries were doubled.
At the same time, due to the global crisis of 2014 and the decline in the state's oil revenues, the indexation of transfers for military personnel was suspended. Therefore, it was decided not to stop there and continue to increase the salaries of the military in 2019.

What does wages consist of?

After the introduction of contract service in Russia, the number of jobs was also increased.

Important! At the beginning of career advancement, you should not count on too high salaries. They grow with the acquisition of experience, awarding titles.

The main part of wages for this category is calculated based on the following indicators:

  • the amount of the base rate (depends on the rank and position of the employee)
  • the region where the military unit is located (for example, for cities in the far north, allowances are provided that can almost double the fixed part);
  • special conditions (risk, secrecy, service in the troops or places of special purpose);
  • qualification exams, after the successful completion of which, the military will be offered up to a 30% salary increase;
  • awards for special merit and excellent service;
  • social payments for housing rent under the program "Housing for military personnel";
  • compensation for expenses for settling in a new place of residence (from ¼ to 1 salary).

How will indexing work?

448.7 billion rubles were initially allocated to increase the salaries of the military in 2018 and 2019-2020. However, the State Duma criticized this bill for a long time, arguing that it was an inappropriate expenditure of funds.

After a certain time, amendments were made, according to which from the current year, until 2020 inclusive, the planned indexation will be 4% for every 12 months. In 2018, 67 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the bill.

Important! Wage indexation with a coefficient of 4% is only an estimated inflation rate, which may change for unforeseen reasons.

Such changes will affect the salaries of officers, soldiers (1.03 million people) and equivalent categories:

  • police officers;
  • foreign intelligence;
  • employees of the National Guard;
  • employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  • employees of the state security service.

In addition, indexation is also waiting for the salaries of civil servants working in units.
It should be noted that military salaries will not increase from January 1, 2019. Indexing is scheduled for October. For its implementation, 83.9 billion rubles have been allocated to the budget. In a year, the implementation of this measure, given the desire to increase the number of contractors, will require 148.4 billion rubles.
In addition to increasing salaries, it is planned to re-equip the army, improve weapons and equipment, and scientific research.

Important! Funds for the implementation of wage indexation measures and the re-equipment of the army were partially received from the "Presidential Fund" - this is a special reserve for "individual decisions of the president."

Salaries in 2019

The salaries of military personnel in 2019, as is known from the latest news, will be slightly higher than in 2018.

There is an increase in wages by 4.3%.

Consider the list of salaries for military ranks in rubles, which will come into force on November 1, 2019:

  1. Sailors and privates - 5,424;
  2. Corporal and senior sailors - 5,966;
  3. Junior sergeants and for the foreman of the second article - 6,509;
  4. Sergeants and for the foreman of the first article - 7 051;
  5. Senior sergeants and for the chief foreman - 7,594;
  6. For the foreman and chief ship foreman - 8,136;
  7. Ensigns and midshipmen - 8678;
  8. Senior warrant officers and senior midshipmen - 9,221;
  9. Junior lieutenants - 10 305;
  10. Lieutenants - 10 848;
  11. Senior lieutenants - 11 390;
  12. Captains and lieutenant commanders - 11,932;
  13. Majors and captains of the 3rd rank - 12,475;
  14. Lieutenant colonels and captains of the 2nd rank - 13,017;
  15. Colonels and captains of the 1st rank - 14,102;
  16. Major Generals and Rear Admirals - 21,695;
  17. Lieutenant generals and vice admirals -23,864;
  18. Colonel generals and admirals - 27,119;
  19. Army generals and fleet admirals - 29,288;
  20. Marshals of the Russian Federation - 35,542.

The given data refer to contractors (after deducting personal income tax).

As for full-time military positions, from November 1, 2019, salaries will be as follows (salaries are indicated in rubles):

  • For the primary military positions of soldiers and sailors (shooters, camouflage, road builders) - 10,848;
  • Machine gunners and snipers - 11,932;
  • Senior sappers and senior grenade launchers - 13,017;
  • Tank commanders, heads of the autodrome and heads of the pass office - 14,102;
  • Squad commanders in a motorized rifle (tank) platoon - 16,271;
  • Paramedics and chiefs of the landfill - 17,356;
  • For deputy platoon commanders - 18,441;
  • Interpreters and assistants on duty at the command post - 18,983;
  • For the foreman (battalion, division, company, battery) and senior technicians - 19,525.

The highest salaries will be received by the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (increase from 44,000 rubles in 2018 to 47,728 rubles) and the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (from 45,000 to 48,813 rubles).

If we compare the salary with the salaries of other budget categories (for example, teachers who receive about 10-11 thousand rubles at the beginning of their career, or doctors who are content with 10-15 thousand rubles a month), then even without increasing monthly payments, it becomes clear that the purchasing power of an officer is much higher.

This indicates the prestige of this type of activity and the high defense capability of the state. Therefore, the question of the amount of salaries for military personnel and the security of their families is of great importance for the state.

The issue of military salaries is planned to be reviewed in 2018. The question remains whether the salaries of military personnel will be raised.

Criteria for the formation of military remuneration

The prospect of employment in the army on a contract basis allows you to have a stable high monthly income. Naturally, at the initial stages, the salary will be minimal, however, with the acquisition of experience and length of service, the salary will increase significantly. The salary calculation for employees directly depends on several circumstances, which include:

  • the salary is determined by the rank of the serviceman, as well as the position held in the army;
  • the location of the military unit on the ground;
  • features of an official position in a certain place or a number of troops associated with secrecy add about 65% to the entire salary;
  • successful passing of qualification exams (possibility of increase up to 30%);
  • increase in case of unsafe service conditions (up to 100%);
  • bonus for special merits (100% of salary);
  • accruals in the form of bonuses for good performance (about 25%);
  • accrual of increases for extremely difficult working conditions (applies to the regions of the northern part of the country);
  • compensation for housing costs;
  • one-time minor allowances for the preparation of living conditions in a new place.

Important! The last paragraph provides for an amount equivalent to 100% of the salary, and family members of military personnel also fall under the category: also 25% of the same amount.

In any case, the salary of employees in power structures, first of all, depends on the rank and service conditions.

Salary of military personnel at the present time

The material side of the military structure was limited in December last year. At that time, the government passed a law that abolished the indexation of wages for the military, which significantly affected their financial situation. External economic factors also contribute to this, since a significant increase in inflation and prices is noticeable.

These circumstances made it possible to depreciate the work of law enforcement agencies to 48%, which is almost half of the salary. The delay noted in the 2016 law is extended until January 2018. This can negatively affect the morale of employees and lead to dissatisfaction on their part.

In connection with the current situation, the question arises of returning the use of indexation of wages for military personnel. This will not be marked by too intensive indicators, however, there is a chance to resolve the issue in favor of employees. A possible salary increase for the military in 2018 is planned, however, its exact figures are not yet known. The only forecast in this case is the possibility of rising to the level with inflation.

What is the situation with the salaries of civilian employees

The circumstances of the civilian staff of law enforcement agencies largely correspond to the state of employees of law enforcement agencies. Even before the cancellation of indexation, the position of the material side was not very high.

The aforementioned law of 2016 also contained information regarding this category of employees. The new three-year budget for 2017-2019 testified to the lack of intentions of the government to index or increase military salaries, including in 2018.

Should we expect an increase in wages?

Experts predict progress in resolving the issue of military salaries in 2018. This is supported by several factors, the first of which indicates the possibility of depreciation of wages to a critical level. The second is the formation of a high indicator of dissatisfaction of the social group, this factor in the case of employees in law enforcement agencies acquires dangerous tendencies. Similar cases have already been noted in history, which was adopted by the government of the state. However, even based on this circumstance, the answer to the question of whether the salaries of the military will be raised in 2018 is not known for certain.

Experts do not doubt that an increase is to be expected, but what limits this increase will affect is still open. According to experts in the field of economics, sociology and political science, it is necessary to consider the issue of abolishing indexation. Otherwise, the government runs the risk of encountering resentment from the military, and this threatens with mass unrest.

State structures have already raised the issue of raising military salaries for 2018. The result was the adopted bill, which provides for the return of indexation and raising the salaries of employees. This bill also touches upon issues related to the remuneration of law enforcement officers and federal employees. We also considered the possibility of returning the indexation of judges' salaries.

At the beginning of 2018, based on the specified points in the bill, it is predicted that the indexation of salaries for the military will resume. At the same time, the mechanism and percentage of indexation, most likely, will be subject to change. It is reliably known that the position of indexing will now directly depend on the balance and approval of the budget, and not on the percentage of inflation, as was previously accepted.

With dissatisfaction already beginning to grow, officials allow themselves to make encouraging forecasts regarding the growth of military salaries in 2018. At the same time, today the situation remains within the same boundaries, and the economic part is falling into a greater decline.

Forecasts regarding salary for law enforcement agencies for 2018

Regarding the expected increase, both independent experts and representatives from the government expressed their opinion. In this case, the opinions agreed, the minimum amount of salary should be 50 thousand rubles. This applies only to the salary itself, not counting the different plan of increases and bonuses.

For the period from 2017 to 2018, the government already intends to allocate about 400 billion rubles for material compensation for the work of military personnel. This number takes into account the possibility of curbing inflation, however, even with such an allowance, it cannot cover the needs of the largest army. The Department of War is already focusing government attention on considering a suspension of indexing. In January next year, the indexing moratorium is scheduled to be lifted. The state leadership predicts a halt in the depreciation of military salaries in 2018, in addition, an increase of 5.5% is expected. The data is based on the arguments of government experts. Such measures are planned to be taken in order to prevent outbreaks of discontent.

There is another way out of the situation, as experts say. In the event of a financial opportunity to increase, such measures will be immediately applied. However, this will be marked by a completely insignificant increase, amounting to 3-4% of the current salary, which is now called compensation. So the question of whether there will be a salary increase for the military in 2018 remains open.

Thus, the Government has adjusted plans to increase monetary allowances and military pensions in comparison with the previous 2017. As we wrote earlier, the draft law “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020” provided for an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equivalent to them from October 1, 2019 and from October 1, 2020.

by 4% respectively.

In addition, most of the military pensioners, excluding former military judges, military prosecutors, military investigators, due to the use of a reduction factor when calculating a military pension, currently receive a pension that is not in full (read more about the reduction factor in a pension here =>) .

See the current online payroll calculator for military personnel here =>

See the current online military pension calculator here =>

Recently, the Russian army has been seriously reformed, becoming more efficient both in terms of technical equipment, and the strength and quality level.

An important role in the further development of human potential in the army is played by material motivation and the answer to the question of whether there will be an increase in salaries for the military in 2018.

When is the upgrade planned?

In connection with the initiative of the Ministry of Defense, the President of the Russian Federation decided to index the salaries of military personnel in Russia in 2018 (as well as over the next 3 years) and annually increase the salaries of security forces in the amount of at least 4%. Earlier, in 2012-2017, due to the crisis and lack of money in the budget, indexation had to be abandoned. That is why the question of whether the salaries of military personnel were raised is especially relevant in 2018.

Indexing of the next years - 2019 and 2020 - will take place in October. The figure of 4% is expected; it has not yet been reflected in the administrative documents. The specific size of subsequent indexations will become clear when specifying the inflation rate in the country in 2018.

What is provided

Federal Law No. 306-FZ of 07.11.2011 established the system of payment for activities in the army and the structure of monetary allowance.

The salary of the military in 2018 consists of the following elements:

  • monthly salary according to military rank;
  • monthly salary for a military position;
  • monthly payments;
  • other additional payments.

The same legislative act determines the procedure for increasing both salaries for positions and salaries for ranks on an annual basis. The procedure is implemented when the law on the budget for the relevant period is adopted, taking into account the level of inflation.

The government has decided on the indexation of monetary allowances and military pensions in 2019

The decision on how much the salary of the military will be increased in 2018, as in previous periods, is made by the Government of the Russian Federation.

As for forecasts for the next period, the government plans to bring the salary of an employee closer to the living wage established in the Russian Federation.

To whom and how much should be increased

Finally, let's figure out what the salary of the military in 2018. Approximate salaries of officers and enlisted personnel according to statistics (taking into account content by position and rank) on average are:

  • sergeants and warrant officers - 30,000 rubles;
  • junior officers - up to 60,000 rubles;
  • senior officers - up to 80,000 rubles;
  • commanding staff - about 100,000 rubles.

Comparison of the income of a military man and a specialist from another sphere is in favor of the former.

This is understandable, because the prestige of the profession, which is associated with the defense of the Motherland and the danger to life, must be raised to a high level.

On Saturday, September 29, 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation submitted draft law 556362-7 "On the federal budget for 2019 and for the planned period of 2020 and 2021" to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which, as follows from the explanatory note to the bill, provides for an increase in budget appropriations for the annual increase in wages and salaries of military personnel and persons equivalent to them on the forecast level of inflationfrom October 1 in 2019 by 4.3%, in 2020 by 3.8% and in 2021 by 4.0 percent.

Thus, the Government has adjusted plans to increase monetary allowances and military pensions in comparison with the previous 2017.

State Duma: In 2019, military pensions in Russia will grow by 6.3%...

As we wrote earlier, the bill "On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020" provided for an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equivalent to them from October 1, 2019 and from October 1, 2020, respectively, by 4 percent .

Since military pensions are calculated based on the monetary allowance of military personnel, an increase in monetary allowance by 4.3% from October 1, 2019 will also lead to an increase in pensions of military pensioners from October 1, 2019 by 4.3%.

As can be seen from the bill, it is proposed to index military pensions from October 1, 2019 only to the forecast level of inflation.

At the same time, the published report on the activities of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation for 2017 notes: “Often in their appeals, citizens raise the issue of violations of the legislation governing the increase in military pensions, in particular, the failure to comply with the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 604 "On the further improvement of military service in the Russian Federation" in terms of increasing the size of military pensions. Indeed, subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1 of the said Decree contains a requirement for an annual increase in military pensions by at least 2% above the inflation rate, however, in practice this requirement is not met.

The Commissioner considers it unacceptable to infringe on the pension rights of veterans of the military and law enforcement service and supports the proposal of the State Duma to the Government of the Russian Federation to ensure the full implementation of the requirements of subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1 of the aforementioned Decree of the President of the Russian Federation during 2018.".

Thus, if the bill is adopted, military pensions will again remain under-indexed by 2 percent due to the failure to comply with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 604.

In addition, most of the military pensioners, excluding former military judges, military prosecutors, military investigators, due to the use of a reduction factor when calculating a military pension, currently receive a pension that is not in full (read more about the reduction factor in a pension here =>) .

At the same time, the Government of the Russian Federation submitted draft law No. 556372-7 to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which is supposed to leave the specified reduction factor in pensions in 2019 and 2020 at the same level - 72.23%

See the current online payroll calculator for military personnel here =>

See the current online military pension calculator here =>

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev believes that in 2011 the allowance of the military may be increased by 6.5%. This information is given in the Budget message of the head of state, published by the Kremlin press service.

“Taking into account the dynamics of wages in the economy and the decline in inflation, I consider it possible to increase by 6.5% from April 1, 2011 the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equivalent to them, from June 1, 2011 - payroll funds for employees of federal state institutions (or the volume of subsidies budgetary and autonomous institutions in the appropriate amount) and the salaries of judges and prosecutors, and from September 1, 2011 - a scholarship fund,” the message says.

Earlier, Medvedev said that it is necessary to establish salaries for military personnel by a special law. He noted that the share of salaries in the overall structure of monetary allowance over the past 20 years has decreased from 70-80% to 20%.

In August last year, the salaries of servicemen increased by 8.5%. Thus, the monetary content of the platoon commander - lieutenant was 17 thousand rubles, and together with the regional coefficient 23.5 thousand rubles. The battalion commander, a lieutenant colonel, began to receive 22.3 thousand rubles without a district coefficient, and over 30.7 thousand rubles with a coefficient.

The reforms may also affect the internal affairs bodies. The Budget Message says that starting from 2012 the public security police will be financed from the federal budget.

Dmitry Medvedev also instructed the government of the Russian Federation to consider ways to improve the efficiency of federal civil servants. Including in order to reduce their number by 20% in the next three years. It is assumed that 50% of the savings, which is formed due to the reduction of staff, can be left at the disposal of the federal government.

Also earlier, the president introduced a bill to the State Duma, according to which the age limit for being in the state civil service was limited to 60 years.

February 23, 2011, at a meeting in Kaliningrad, Vladimir Putin said that from January 1, 2012, the pensions of military pensioners will increase by 1.5 times.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011

The State Duma proposed to increase the salaries and pensions of the military

N 225 Moscow "On increasing the monetary allowance of military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (hereinafter referred to as military personnel);

salaries for regular positions and salaries for special ranks of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs bodies of the Russian Federation and persons in command of the federal courier communications (hereinafter referred to as employees).

2. Establish that in case of an increase in the salaries of the monetary maintenance of military personnel and employees, their amounts are subject to rounding up to a whole ruble upwards.

3. Expenses associated with the payment of monetary allowances to military personnel and employees in accordance with this resolution are made within the budgetary appropriations of the federal budget provided for these purposes by the relevant federal executive authorities, and employees of departments of internal affairs bodies who are supported at the expense of the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local budgets - within the limits of the funds of the corresponding budgets and interbudgetary transfers provided for these purposes from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Salary increase for the military in 2018

The issue of military salaries is planned to be reviewed in 2018. The question remains whether the salaries of military personnel will be raised.

Criteria for the formation of military remuneration

The prospect of employment in the army on a contract basis allows you to have a stable high monthly income. Naturally, at the initial stages, the salary will be minimal, however, with the acquisition of experience and length of service, the salary will increase significantly. The salary calculation for employees directly depends on several circumstances, which include:

  • the salary is determined by the rank of the serviceman, as well as the position held in the army;
  • the location of the military unit on the ground;
  • features of an official position in a certain place or a number of troops associated with secrecy add about 65% to the entire salary;
  • successful passing of qualification exams (possibility of increase up to 30%);
  • increase in case of unsafe service conditions (up to 100%);
  • bonus for special merits (100% of salary);
  • accruals in the form of bonuses for good performance (about 25%);
  • accrual of increases for extremely difficult working conditions (applies to the regions of the northern part of the country);
  • compensation for housing costs;
  • one-time minor allowances for the preparation of living conditions in a new place.

Important! The last paragraph provides for an amount equivalent to 100% of the salary, and family members of military personnel also fall under the category: also 25% of the same amount.

In any case, the salary of employees in power structures, first of all, depends on the rank and service conditions.

Salary of military personnel at the present time

Military salary

The material side of the military structure was limited in December last year. At that time, the government passed a law that abolished the indexation of wages for the military, which significantly affected their financial situation. External economic factors also contribute to this, since a significant increase in inflation and prices is noticeable.

These circumstances made it possible to depreciate the work of law enforcement agencies to 48%, which is almost half of the salary. The delay noted in the 2016 law is extended until January 2018. This can negatively affect the morale of employees and lead to dissatisfaction on their part.

In connection with the current situation, the question arises of returning the use of indexation of wages for military personnel. This will not be marked by too intensive indicators, however, there is a chance to resolve the issue in favor of employees. A possible salary increase for the military in 2018 is planned, however, its exact figures are not yet known. The only forecast in this case is the possibility of rising to the level with inflation.

What is the situation with the salaries of civilian employees

Salary of civilian employees

The circumstances of the civilian staff of law enforcement agencies largely correspond to the state of employees of law enforcement agencies. Even before the cancellation of indexation, the position of the material side was not very high.

The aforementioned law of 2016 also contained information regarding this category of employees. The new three-year budget for 2017-2019 testified to the lack of intentions of the government to index or increase military salaries, including in 2018.

Should we expect an increase in wages?

Experts predict progress in resolving the issue of military salaries in 2018. This is supported by several factors, the first of which indicates the possibility of depreciation of wages to a critical level.

Shoigu announced an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel in 2018, 2019 and 2020

The second is the formation of a high indicator of dissatisfaction of the social group, this factor in the case of employees in law enforcement agencies acquires dangerous tendencies. Similar cases have already been noted in history, which was adopted by the government of the state. However, even based on this circumstance, the answer to the question of whether the salaries of the military will be raised in 2018 is not known for certain.

Should we expect an increase?

Experts do not doubt that an increase is to be expected, but what limits this increase will affect is still open. According to experts in the field of economics, sociology and political science, it is necessary to consider the issue of abolishing indexation. Otherwise, the government runs the risk of encountering resentment from the military, and this threatens with mass unrest.

State structures have already raised the issue of raising military salaries for 2018. The result was the adopted bill, which provides for the return of indexation and raising the salaries of employees. This bill also touches upon issues related to the remuneration of law enforcement officers and federal employees. We also considered the possibility of returning the indexation of judges' salaries.

At the beginning of 2018, based on the specified points in the bill, it is predicted that the indexation of salaries for the military will resume. At the same time, the mechanism and percentage of indexation, most likely, will be subject to change. It is reliably known that the position of indexing will now directly depend on the balance and approval of the budget, and not on the percentage of inflation, as was previously accepted.

With dissatisfaction already beginning to grow, officials allow themselves to make encouraging forecasts regarding the growth of military salaries in 2018. At the same time, today the situation remains within the same boundaries, and the economic part is falling into a greater decline.

Forecasts regarding salary for law enforcement agencies for 2018

Regarding the expected increase, both independent experts and representatives from the government expressed their opinion. In this case, the opinions agreed, the minimum amount of salary should be 50 thousand rubles. This applies only to the salary itself, not counting the different plan of increases and bonuses.

For the period from 2017 to 2018, the government already intends to allocate about 400 billion rubles for material compensation for the work of military personnel. This number takes into account the possibility of curbing inflation, however, even with such an allowance, it cannot cover the needs of the largest army. The Department of War is already focusing government attention on considering a suspension of indexing. In January next year, the indexing moratorium is scheduled to be lifted. The state leadership predicts a halt in the depreciation of military salaries in 2018, in addition, an increase of 5.5% is expected. The data is based on the arguments of government experts. Such measures are planned to be taken in order to prevent outbreaks of discontent.

There is another way out of the situation, as experts say. In the event of a financial opportunity to increase, such measures will be immediately applied. However, this will be marked by a completely insignificant increase, amounting to 3-4% of the current salary, which is now called compensation. So the question of whether there will be a salary increase for the military in 2018 remains open.

One of the most pressing issues that interests Russians remains: how realistic it is to expect an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel and military pensions in 2019. Not so long ago, an exhaustive answer was received. The information came from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, starting from the current year and up to 2020, all the above categories will be indexed annually in accordance with the current inflation rate, which today corresponds to 4%. One characteristic feature has been noticed that if this year indexation was carried out at the beginning of the year, then in the future the government intends to carry it out not earlier than autumn. This means that in 2019 we should not expect any increase until mid-autumn.

Injustice will be removed

According to the Duma Committee, which specializes in defense support, it became clear that today the salaries of Russian military personnel have not been indexed in full, but only by 50%, and military pensions by only 20%. His proposal is worthy of attention and concerns early indexation, which is scheduled for nine months earlier and to ensure an increase in the real volume of military pension payments.

The head of the Duma Defense Committee, Vladimir Shamanov, submitted a proposal for consideration at the government level on the need to allocate additional funds from the state budget aimed at increasing financial support for military personnel and military pensions no later than 2019. To date, based on the adopted draft federal budget, it is planned to index military salaries and pensions by the prescribed 4.3%, according to the most realistic inflation forecast, but only from October 1, 2019. The committee, headed by Shamanov, considered it necessary to revise the timing of indexation for January 1, 2019, and to provide military pensioners with an additional 2% supplement, which will be paid in excess of the established inflation barrier. The committee members came to this conclusion based on federal funding for 2019, as well as on the basis of the planning period of 2020-2021.

As everyone already knows, the country's leadership has already indexed the salaries of military personnel and law enforcement agencies. This happened after a five-year break in indexing. It was successfully carried out on January 1st. However, in the period from 2019 to 2021, indexation will be carried out, but only from October 1, which will allow the budget to save a lot.

“Based on the position of the Defense Committee, then the increase in salaries for the civilian population, as well as the financial support for military personnel and persons equated to these categories at the level predicted by inflation, should be carried out from the beginning of the year, namely from January 1, 2019, and not as proposed earlier from October 1, 2019,” the proposal states.

The Committee did not give specific figures on how much additional funds such good intentions could cost. So far, the Ministry of Finance has not responded to this proposal.

What we have, in fact, representatives of the Defense Committee acted in the interests of not only employees of their department, but also those whose status is equated to the military, and therefore employees of internal affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service and many other organizations.

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