Home fertilizers Preparation of dishes from corn grits. And what can be cooked from corn grits? Recipes. Cornmeal casserole

Preparation of dishes from corn grits. And what can be cooked from corn grits? Recipes. Cornmeal casserole

1. First of all, you need to cook corn porridge in well-salted water, add butter at the end of cooking, mix the porridge well and leave to brew. The proportions of porridge and water are 1: 2.5. For meatballs, I used ready-made porridge.
2. In the finished cooled porridge, add 2 eggs, chopped green onions, garlic passed through a press, and black pepper.
3. Next, mix everything well and add flour. Flour should be added until the density of the dough allows you to make meatballs.
4. We knead the porridge with flour well and form balls, which we then roll in the remaining flour and lightly crush, making the shape of a cutlet.
5. Fry each cutlet in sunflower oil on both sides until golden brown.

You can serve these meatballs with ketchup, sour cream or sour cream sauce with garlic and herbs.


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Corn grits, the beneficial properties of which we will describe below, are very often used in cooking. In terms of its nutritional value, it is in no way inferior to other types of similar products.

Today we will tell you about what properties this ingredient has, what can be prepared from it, and so on.

History reference

What is corn grits? The beneficial properties of this product are known to many. But not everyone will be able to tell about where such a fruit as corn originates.

American researchers organized many expeditions, as a result of which they explored all of South America. But this did not give any knowledge of who is the wild progenitor of the presented product. And only in 1948, during a long study of caves and laborious excavations in southern Mexico, scientists still managed to find prehistoric cobs. It is noteworthy that they practically did not differ in any way from modern types of corn.

Corn grits: useful properties

Before telling you about what can be prepared from the presented ingredient, you should tell what properties it generally has.

Corn grits are a very valuable and nutritious product. It contains vitamins B2, B1 and PP, up to 75% carbohydrates, as well as provitamin A and carotene. That is why this ingredient is very often recommended for use by the elderly, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The special properties of corn grits allow you to use it at least every day. After all, the presented product is easily digestible.

Product calorie content

Cooking corn grits does not take much time. However, it should be noted that many of the fair sex are afraid to eat dishes containing this ingredient. What is it connected with? The fact is that 100 g of corn grits contains about 325 kilocalories. But, despite the high energy value, this product is still unable to negatively affect your ideal forms. After all, the carbohydrates contained in it are complex. That is why your body needs a lot of energy to digest them.

It is impossible not to say that with the regular use of corn porridge, you are able to cleanse your body of toxins and pesticides.

Composition of cereals

Corn groats, the beneficial properties of which are undeniable, contain a lot of trace elements. Among them, I would like to highlight silicon, which has a positive effect on hair growth and tooth strength.

Porridge from such cereals is able to suppress all putrefactive processes occurring in the intestines. This fact is explained by the fact that this dish contains a large amount of dietary fiber.

As you know, corn grits includes 8.3% proteins. However, they are incomplete and poorly digested. And this means that a person who regularly uses the product we are considering will never get better and will not get fat.

As mentioned above, corn grits contain a lot of trace elements and vitamins. That is why in those countries where dishes from this ingredient are quite common, people suffer the least from cardiovascular diseases.

Corn grits: harm to the product

Like any food rich in trace elements and vitamins, corn grits also has its contraindications. It can harm a person if it is used during an exacerbation of a duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, as well as with individual intolerance.

It is impossible not to say that doctors strongly discourage the use of dishes made on the basis of corn or corn grits for people with a small body weight. This is primarily due to the fact that this product has a direct effect on appetite, significantly lowering it.

medical research

Dishes from corn grits, the recipes of which we will consider later, do not lose the properties described above even after heat treatment. That is why this product is recommended for those who want to cleanse their intestines and the body as a whole from radionuclides and toxins.

It should also be noted that traditional medicine advises every day to include corn grits in your diet for various diseases of the reproductive system, in the treatment of infertility, painful menstruation, decreased libido and menopause.

By the way, cereals, the recipes of which, as you will see for yourself, do not include many expensive ingredients, can reduce the harmful effects of fried fatty foods and alcohol on the human body.

We make hominy

The presented dish is very popular in Moldova, Romania and Western Ukraine. Moreover, it is regularly boiled in the Caucasus.

Porridge from or cereals is very healthy and nutritious. With all this, her recipe is incredibly simple.

So, we need:

  • corn grits - a full glass;
  • filtered drinking water - 3 cups (you can use milk);
  • iodized salt, sand-sugar - use at your discretion.

Cooking principle

Usually it turns out quite hard and thick, with a specific taste and aroma. This product is boiled for about half an hour, increasing in volume by 3 or 4 times.

The recipe for this dish is surprisingly simple. After boiling water or milk, sand-sugar, sea salt and corn grits are placed in the same container. After boiling again, the fire is reduced to a minimum. Cook such a dish until the corn grains are completely softened. In this case, the porridge needs to be stirred regularly. In conclusion, the container must be tightly closed, wrapped in a blanket and left in this form for ¼ hours. After the specified time, the porridge should be flavored with butter and served at the table while still warm.

By the way, such a dish with the addition of pumpkin and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots) is very tasty and nutritious.

What else is made from corn?

Now you know how groats. It should be noted that the presented product is the result of careful processing of corn cobs. However, one cannot help but recall that other products are also made from such a fruit (for example, puffed corn and corn flakes). These products are very palatable and digestible much better than coarse corn grits. They are ideal for seasoning various soups. In addition, they can be easily served with tea, milk and other drinks. And, most importantly, before using them, you do not need to further process them.

Storage conditions

As you can see, making porridge from corn grits is not so difficult. But in order for such a dish to turn out really tasty, it is extremely important to properly store the main ingredient. How exactly? We will talk about this right now.

The main storage conditions for corn grits are the correct humidity and temperature conditions. In the room where this product is kept, the air humidity should be about 60-70%, and the temperature should be about +5...-5°C.

This storage mode is quite difficult to create at home. That is why it is recommended to stock up on such cereals for no more than one month. Otherwise, mites or insect larvae can easily get into the product.

We have dealt with the premises. But what about the container where the cereal will be placed? Store corn grits in glass jars, which are closed with plastic lids.

It must also be said that if the humidity in the room is too high, the product may become rancid, acquire a musty smell and even mold. In this case, the porridge you cooked will not have the proper taste and aroma.

If the pests in the product still wound up, then the cabinet where it was stored should be washed well with hot water, and then dried and ventilated. As for the affected cereal, it must be thrown away.

Corn grits can be found in many grocery stores. Among consumers in Russia, it is not particularly in demand.

This is not entirely deserved, since it has a lot of useful components. From it it is possible to make various tasty and healthy dishes for every taste.

Corn grits

You can cook a variety of delicious dishes from corn grits. Many of them belong to Moldovan or Latin American cuisines.


To prepare pancakes using corn grits, you need:

  • corn grits - ½ tbsp.;
  • milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 50 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare porridge from cereals and cool.
  2. Add egg and sugar.
  3. Form into cakes and roll them in flour.
  4. Fry in a pan on both sides in vegetable oil.

If desired, dried apricots or raisins can be put in porridge.


To make a pie from corn grits, the latter is ground in a blender or coffee grinder.

What you need to make the pie:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • corn flour - 80 g;
  • wheat flour - 80 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • butter - 100 g.

For cooking you need:

  1. Grind butter with sugar and egg.
  2. Gradually add wheat and corn flour to the products.
  3. Knead the dough and put it in a baking dish.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the future cake in it for 15 minutes.

Sprinkle the top of the cake with icing sugar or grated chocolate.

Making cookies is similar to making pancakes. To begin with, porridge is boiled from cereals, and then cooled to room temperature. Next, make the dough and cook the cookies in the oven. To make healthy cornmeal cookies, you need:

  • porridge from corn grits - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin to taste.

The cooking process includes:

  1. Put sugar, egg and vanillin into ready-made cold porridge.
  2. Mix everything with a blender.
  3. Use a spoon to spread medium-sized cookies on a baking sheet.
  4. Preheat oven to 160 degrees.
  5. Bake cookies 10 min.

After the cookies have cooled, they can be removed from the pan.

Hominy is the national dish of Moldova. It is a very dense porridge that can be cut with a knife. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • small corn grits - 200 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • Chili pepper - 2 pods.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the cereal well, pour hot water over it and cook over low heat for half an hour.
  2. At the end, add garlic and pepper to the porridge.
  3. Lay out on a cutting board and cut with a knife.

Banosh is a Hutsul porridge. It is made from corn grits of the finest grinding or ordinary grits are ground in a coffee grinder. Sour cream for banosh is used only at home. To prepare this dish, you need the following products:

  • corn grits - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • cheese - 100 g.

The preparation of banosh consists of the following steps:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and add sour cream to it.
  2. Bring to a boil and reduce heat so that the food continues to boil a little.
  3. Pour the cereal into the pan in a thin stream, while stirring vigorously with a wooden spatula.
  4. Add salt and continue stirring in a circle in one direction (this is very important).
  5. Approximately 5 min. oil should come to the surface. When this happens, remove the pan from the heat.
  6. Banosh is served hot, and sprinkled with grated cheese on top.

Beneficial features

Corn contains few proteins that can cause allergic reactions. It is rich in various vitamins and minerals. It contains silicon, which allows you to maintain healthy gums and teeth. In addition, corn has the following beneficial qualities:

  • the contained vitamins A and E maintain the beauty of the skin;
  • B vitamins contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • porridge from corn grits will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. It will also remove radionuclides, which is the prevention of cancer;
  • in corn there are substances that strengthen nerve fibers. It contributes to the support of memory, attention, as well as good learning abilities;
  • with regular use, corn will reduce bad cholesterol and bring blood pressure back to normal;
  • corn cleanses the intestines well. It has a positive effect on the digestive system;
  • corn prevents the absorption of fats with other products, which helps to reduce excess weight;
  • corn grits are especially useful for children. It will strengthen the protective functions of the child, make him more calm. Thanks to the iron contained in corn, porridge from it will be an excellent product for the prevention of anemia. It is possible to give porridge to babies from 9 months.

Corn groats are a product from which you can make many tasty and healthy dishes. Regular consumption of corn grits will saturate the body with important trace elements and maintain its healthy state.

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What to cook with corn grits

Have you ever wondered how to cook corn grits? If you don't have kids, it's unlikely. Yes, and for children, you probably cooked porridge with milk and nothing else. And let's see what else can be cooked and how corn grits are generally useful. it is presented below.

To begin with, the correct name for corn grits is maize. Its ancestral home is South America, and this culture itself is very ancient. Corn has a lot of useful properties, and most importantly, it has the unique ability not to lose nutrients after heat treatment.

porridge recipes

Believe me, porridge from this cereal can also be cooked in very different ways. Let's start with the most common recipe.

Corn porridge: a classic recipe

Soak 4 large spoons of raisins in warm water for 10 minutes. Rinse a glass of corn grits, pour 2.5 cups of hot water over it, add salt, a little butter and raisins to taste. Then the pan must be covered and put in the oven. Ready porridge should be soft. Mix it up and add a little more oil. When serving, add sugar to taste.

Porridge with feta cheese or cheese

It is very tasty to eat corn porridge with salty. To do this, boil a glass of cereal (you can in the oven, as in the previous recipe, or you can in a saucepan, the main thing is that it becomes soft). You need to add sugar to the porridge to make it sweet enough. Then you need to chop 100 g of feta or cheese and sprinkle it with porridge already on a plate. The combination of sweet and salty is very spicy.

Corn grits: recipes for casseroles

Porridge from this cereal is very tasty if you make a casserole out of it.

Casserole with corn and cottage cheese

600 g of cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve to become very fine. Add 4 egg yolks, 100 ml of milk, 20 g of butter, 60 g of sugar, a little vanilla, 50 g of flour, 30 g of raisins (or walnuts - whichever you prefer), mix everything well, and then gently add 4 beaten into protein foam. This fragrant mass must be put in a saucepan, previously sprinkled with crackers, and baked. When serving, drizzle with sour cream.

Casserole with corn, minced meat and vegetables

Pour 100 g of corn grits into 400 ml of boiling meat broth and cook for 15 minutes. Soak one stale bun in water, squeeze and knead with your hand. Mix it with 1 egg and half a kilogram of ground pork and beef. Season with pepper, salt and nutmeg.

Put the porridge in a mold, put the minced meat on top and bake for about half an hour. In the meantime, cut 100 g of carrots into small pieces and boil together with 200 g of green peas in 100 ml. broth. Put the carrots with peas on the minced meat, sprinkle with grated gouda cheese (200 g) on ​​top and bake for another 10 minutes.

Corn grits: baking recipes

Mchadi (cakes)

Two glasses of corn grits should be washed, salted and gradually, little by little, add hot water to it and knead. First mix with a spoon, and when it becomes plastic, start kneading with your hands, like regular dough. The ideal mchadi dough should be sticky. Then from it, again with your hands, you need to separate small pieces and form cakes (their thickness should be no more than a centimeter). In a frying pan, you need to heat the sunflower oil and fry the cakes on it on both sides (they should be covered with a golden crust). To keep the tortillas from getting oily, place them on paper towels to absorb the oil. The last step is to cut the ready-made still hot cakes along and put thin pieces of cheese inside, for example, suluguni. It will melt slightly from hot cakes, and you will get a very tasty dish!

Pie on curdled milk

200 g must be mixed with a pinch of soda. Another 200 g - with a spoonful of sugar, two glasses of curdled milk, 3 eggs, a spoonful of butter and a pinch of salt. Mix everything thoroughly and combine both mixtures. Put this dough on a baking sheet and bake for 40 minutes. You will get a delicious low-fat cake. It can be served with sour cream or jam.

I hope now you will not have a question what to cook from corn grits!

Corn porridge has earned its place in the diet due to its low calorie content and gluten-free. The latter property even allows you to use cereals as the first complementary foods. When cooked properly, corn dishes can be the most nutritious and delicious.

Each country has its own recipe for corn porridge: in Romania and Moldova - the legendary hominy, in Spain and Italy - polenta, in Georgia - Gomi. Traditional Russian cuisine is also no exception. Although corn porridge with milk does not have a sonorous name, the taste and nutritional value do not get worse from this.

To taste healthy porridge, you need:

  • cereals - 200 g;
  • water - 400 g;
  • milk - 400 g;
  • salt, sugar, butter - to taste.

To get not only healthy, but also tasty porridge, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. A pot of water is placed on the stove and brought to a boil.
  2. In small portions, with constant stirring, cereals are poured into the pan, and then boiled until the liquid has completely evaporated for about 10 minutes on minimum heat.
  3. After absorbing moisture, the cereal softens, and it's time to add milk.
  4. Milk is poured in gradually with stirring so that the cereal does not begin to clump.
  5. After boiling, the porridge is cooked for about 10 minutes, while salt and sugar are added during the next mixing.
  6. After the cereal swells, the stove is turned off, and the dish is infused for about ¼ hour.
  7. Served with porridge with butter or cream.

Attention! When cooking corn porridge on the stove, it must be constantly monitored, otherwise it will stick to the bottom or even burn.

With the addition of pumpkin

The benefits of corn porridge are undeniable, but its combination with pumpkin doubles the positive effect on health with the regular presence of the dish in the human diet. To cook pumpkin porridge from corn, it is enough to make a small addition to the basic recipe.

  1. 300 g of pumpkin is peeled and seeds are cut into cubes, covered with sugar.
  2. After the appearance of juice, the pumpkin is placed on the stove and boiled until tender.
  3. Pumpkin cubes are mixed with porridge when it is insisted.

water cooking recipe

Porridge on the water is the easiest and fastest side dish to prepare, which is also very nutritious. If there are 200 g of cereals, then it is enough to prepare a liter of water, salt, sugar and oil for dressing.

In progress:

  1. Water is poured into a heavy bottomed saucepan and brought to a boil.
  2. Well-washed cereals are added to boiling water, mixed and boiled for about half an hour.
  3. After the time has elapsed, the porridge is salted, mixed and continues to cook until fully cooked for about half an hour at minimum heat.
  4. After removing from heat, porridge is flavored with butter or ghee for aroma.

Important! If there is a desire to add honey, this can be done only after the cereal has cooled so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

Corn porridge in a slow cooker is an excellent dish for people who have every minute worth its weight in gold: when cooking using this device, there is no need to constantly stand at the stove and watch the food. Washed cereals, salt and oil should be placed in a bowl and poured with water in proportions from the basic recipe. Cook in the “Cereals” or “Milk porridge” mode, depending on the type, until the beep sounds.

Advice! To thicken the porridge, you can stand for about half an hour in the "Heating" mode. It is convenient to set the program in the evening, and in the morning a ready-made breakfast will be waiting.

Corn porridge with dried fruits

An original recipe for sweet porridge, which, when done correctly, becomes a favorite breakfast for the whole family.

For cooking, in addition to 200 g of cereals and ½ liter of water, you must purchase the following components:

  • raisins - 75 g;
  • other dried fruits (optional) - 150 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • salt - to taste.

When cooking:

  1. Water with salt and sugar is brought to a boil, after which cereals are poured into it.
  2. After boiling again, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the cereal is cooked for about ¼ hour.
  3. Oil and prepared dried fruits are put into the porridge, after which the dish is infused for about 30 minutes.

Delicious and hearty meat dish

Despite the fact that porridge is perceived as a side dish, corn porridge with meat and vegetables can be an excellent independent dish.

You will need:

  • corn grits - 300 g;
  • meat - 300 g;
  • onion - 75 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 150 g;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • water - ½ l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

During the cooking process:

  1. Meat is cut into pieces, vegetables are chopped: onions and tomatoes are cut into cubes, carrots are rubbed.
  2. The meat product is laid out on the heated oil and fried on all sides.
  3. After 7 minutes, onions and carrots are added to the stewpan, and after 5 minutes, tomatoes.
  4. Groats are poured into the pre-salted and seasoned vegetable mixture with meat.
  5. All contents are filled with water.
  6. After boiling, porridge is cooked over low heat for about half an hour until the liquid evaporates.

Recipe with cheese

Of all the cereals, only corn is most harmoniously combined with any kind of cheese, including cheese.

For the execution of another extraordinary recipe, you will need:

  • corn grits - 300 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

When the products are prepared, you can start cooking:

  1. Well-washed cereals are poured into boiling salted water and boiled for half an hour over low heat.
  2. At this time, cheese is rubbed.
  3. When the porridge is almost ready, cheese and butter are added to the pan, after which the entire contents are mixed.

Advice! To add spicy notes to the taste, at the final stage, sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Cornmeal porridge for children

The absence of gluten makes porridge the least allergenic.

This fact makes it popular among young mothers who want to diversify the menu of their long-awaited child.

To prepare one serving of 200 g you will need:

  • corn grits - 30-35 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • salt, sugar or sweet syrup - to taste.

When preparing products, cereals are ground on a coffee grinder to the consistency of semolina, which can significantly reduce the cooking time, after which:

  1. Water is optionally salted, sweetened and brought to a boil.
  2. The crushed cereals, with constant stirring, are poured into a boiling liquid and boiled for up to 10 minutes at a minimum heat under a closed lid.
  3. In a separate container, milk is heated, which is then used to dilute porridge.
  4. Milk porridge is boiled for another 10 minutes, after which it is removed from the heat and infused for the same time.
  5. With the formation of a large number of lumps due to the structure of the cereal, the porridge is rubbed through a sieve or broken in a blender.
  6. The finished dish is flavored with butter and syrup.

Important! For a child under one year old, cow's milk is replaced with breast milk, when breastfeeding, or with a mixture if the baby is on artificial milk.

Thus, preparing cereals from nutritious cereals is quite simple, the main thing is to know: how much to cook corn porridge to the desired state. And a few simple, but original recipes will allow you to get great pleasure from ordinary food, combined with benefits.

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