Home fertilizers The development of the baby from 0 1 year. Calendar and norms of child development from birth to a year. Development of emotional-expressive reactions

The development of the baby from 0 1 year. Calendar and norms of child development from birth to a year. Development of emotional-expressive reactions

Putting plastic windows is only half the battle. In order for them to retain their original appearance and serve you for many years, they need proper care. Many people have a question about how to wash plastic windows at home.


If we talk about products for the care of plastic windows, then every year there are more and more of them. The industry produces ever newer and better products.

For cleaning you may need:

  • "Mr Muscle" - the product is intended for washing glasses, it will allow you to get a transparent window without streaks;
  • "Formula 409" is suitable for cleaning stains;
  • "Sanita" will help to gently clean the dirt;
  • "Frosch" will get rid of traces of installation work;
  • "White Cat" - a rag that is designed for washing glass and plastic surfaces;
  • "Domestos" - a gel that helps restore the whiteness of the plastic frame;
  • "Mr. Proper" - will perfectly cope with traces of fingers, fat, soot;
  • "Pemolux" is recommended for cleaning old dirt and stains;
  • gel "Komet" is used for washing kitchen windows - it cleans greasy dirt well;
  • laundry detergent, laundry soap or dish detergent can be used on fresh stains and a small area.
Household chemicals clean glass from dirt and dust well

In addition to the use of household chemicals, you can resort to folk remedies that are no less effective. Consider how you can wash plastic windows at home:

  • Soap solution. Take any powder, laundry soap and dissolve in water. The resulting composition is used to wash windows.
  • Dentifrice. It is mixed with chalk to a homogeneous consistency of sour cream, applied to the dirt and allowed to dry, after which it is washed with a dry cloth.
  • A solution of vinegar or citric acid in combination with soda gives an excellent effect. Soda is applied to the surface, and intensively rubbed with a sponge with acid.

Washing technique

In order for plastic to remain aesthetically attractive for a long time, you need to know how to wash plastic windows at home and follow some rules for caring for them. The main point is the right choice of inventory. Do not use abrasive products that could scratch the plastic surface or scratch the glass. It is worth using soft rags, sponges, paper towels and napkins.

To clean the double-glazed window, use soft rags and sponges.

Also, remember some rules:

  • wash windows on a cloudy day so that the glass does not dry so quickly, and you have time to wipe the surface before iridescent stains appear on it;
  • first of all, the frame is cleaned, then only the double-glazed window;
  • apply the detergent composition evenly and in one direction, circular movements create stains;
  • for glasses it is better to take special alcohol solutions of detergents.

For good quality cleaning, it is worth following the correct sequence of actions. If the window was recently installed, you need to peel off all the film that protected the frame during transportation.

It is necessary to peel off all the film that was used during the transportation of the double-glazed window

Wash the plastic with ordinary soapy water from dust and dirt. If there are separate areas of severe contamination, they are treated with special means. Minor scratches can be repaired with polish. However, not all products can be used for cleaning plastic windows.

Important! Remember not to use:

  • abrasive powder products will leave scratches on the surface, creating an untidy appearance of the plastic structure;
  • acid and solvent can change the color of the panel, so use them with caution.

Proper care of the plastic frame and double-glazed window

The durability of use is due to proper care. This is especially true in the winter season, so you need to know how to care for plastic windows in winter.

A hex wrench is used to adjust plastic windows.

In order to prepare the window for the winter, you will need tools and equipment. These include:

  • rags and napkins;
  • soft brush;
  • hexagon;
  • sealant lubricant;
  • machine oil.

Sequence of work

First of all, it is necessary to wash the windows from dirt and dust accumulated during the spring-summer period. Soft rags and napkins are used, as well as non-abrasive detergents. Stubborn soiling must not be removed using a knife and cleaning powders.. Before you start washing windows, you should brush off the dust with a brush.

Dirt accumulated over the summer can make it difficult to open and close the window

After that, you need to start adjusting the fittings. You can do this with a hexagon. In order to avoid the penetration of cold into the room in winter, it is necessary to switch the clamps on the sashes to winter mode. Thus, the fit of the window frame will be stronger.

Switching the window to winter mode ensures a tighter fit of the frame

It is important to lubricate the fittings with oil. After applying it to the parts, you need to open and close the sash several times, this will help the oil to distribute. This procedure should be repeated throughout the winter, the main thing is not to do it in severe frosts.

It is necessary to lubricate window mechanisms several times a season.

The seal also requires attention. Rubber products wear out over time and cease to fit snugly, this affects the tightness of the window. You can wash the gum right on the window or by removing it. The procedure must be carried out with the use of a detergent, after which it must be wiped dry. The process is completed by applying a silicone agent for rubber seals.

Silicone grease prevents rapid wear of the rubber seal

If you see that the window fogs up in winter or condensation collects, then you need to contact the experts. They will check the condition of the rubber seal and replace it if it is worn out. It is important to replace parts on time, this will help extend the life of the window.

Insulating glass maintenance

Provided that a plastic window is properly installed, a double-glazed window will last approximately 40 years. When installing, make sure that the windows are in a special protective film that will protect them from scratches during transportation and installation. Such windows do not need painting or pasting for the winter, but they still need to be washed at least twice a year. Do not do this at low temperatures, as the glass may burst from contact with water.

Glass can be washed with soapy water. Do not use abrasive powders and brushes that scratch the glass surface.

Window sill care

The window sill deserves special attention. This is especially true for those who like to decorate their apartment with indoor plants. Water from watering flowers, falling on the windowsill, eventually forms yellow circles. These stains are very difficult to remove, and sometimes simply impossible, so you should use a special self-adhesive film on the windowsill, which can be white or another color, as well as trays for indoor plants.

The window sill is protected from moisture with a special film

The texture of the window sill may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. They are smooth, porous or rough. When selling, the consultant usually talks about what kind of material is used for the window sill and how to wash off the dirt. However, some features should be taken into account, for example, a rough window sill can be cleaned using a hard brush, but in no case should a scraper or knife be used.

Slope care

Slopes also need maintenance, but the means for this directly depend on the materials from which they are made. If they are made of plastic, they will not require special care. They are easy to wash and clean from dust and dirt. A special feature is the need to replace the sealant, which, a few years after installation, is completely removed and replaced with a new one..

After several years of operation, the sealant must be replaced.

If the slope is made of drywall, then it is covered with paint that can be washed and updated if necessary. When using cork or bamboo, it is enough to systematically wipe them with a damp cloth from dust.

Plastered slopes should not be washed, because they are unstable to moisture, they can be wiped with a damp or dry cloth. Acrylic sealant should be used at the joints, and the surface should be painted in a timely manner.

Street dirt and dust settle on the surface of the windows. This leads to their pollution. To get rid of the unpleasant appearance of double-glazed windows, it is necessary to clean them every 2-3 months. Usually works are carried out at the end of each quarter of the year.

Many housewives are concerned about the question: "How to wash windows without streaks correctly?" Consider the basic principles of work.

window cleaning process

The process includes several steps. Since not everyone can wash windows without streaks, we will discuss the slightest subtleties. And first of all, consider the procedure in stages:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Glass cleaning from dust and dirt.
  3. Additional processing and rinsing.
  4. Frame washing.
  5. Rubbing the surface.

Tools for the job

So, how to wash windows without streaks? First you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials. These include:

  • Scraper.
  • Basin.
  • Bucket.
  • Rags.
  • Detergents.
  • Sponges.
  • Gloves.
  • Napkins.

You will also need warm clean water.

Surface preparation

Consider how to clean windows without streaks with a scraper. It is the main tool for cleaning the glass sheet.

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to prepare the surface well:

  1. Clear up space. Remove houseplants and other items from the windowsill.
  2. Prepare the tools for work and dilute the detergent with room temperature water.
  3. Put on protective rubber gloves.
  4. Clean the window sill of dirt and dust, and then wipe it.
  5. Place a bowl of diluted detergent and a bucket of warm water on it.

At this preparatory stage is completed. You can go directly to the washing procedure.

glass cleaning

How to wash windows without streaks correctly? The procedure is quite simple:

1. Start work from the inside of the room.

2. The most polluted areas are the corners and joints of the frames. They should be cleaned first. Dampen the sponge with the detergent solution. It should be slightly damp. Working from the bottom up, thoroughly clean the contaminated areas.

3. Take a glass scraper and run it along the seams. Move the dirt downward.

4. We work with the main surface of the glass. Soak a sponge in the cleaning solution. Wring it out. In a clockwise direction from top to bottom, clean the window surface well. Rinse off dirt and detergent with clean water.

5. Get glass cleaner. Apply it evenly to the surface. Slide the scraper over the entire glass sheet from top to bottom.

6. Rinsing. Rinse the window surface well with warm water. Remove any remaining dirt and cleaning agents. Apply glass care solution to the sponge. Wipe windows well. Clean the surface with warm water.

7. Frame processing. Lightly dampen a soft cloth. Use it to remove dust and dirt from the surface of the frames. Apply detergent to the sponge and wipe the canvas with it. Wash off the liquid with warm water. Wipe the frame dry with a microfiber cloth.

8. Final stage. It involves wiping the surface of the window and the final removal of streaks. Rinse the glass unit with clean warm water. Work the surface well with the rubber side of the scraper. Take a clean cloth and dry the window surface. Your movements should be at a 45 degree angle. This will ensure optimal water flow and prevent streaks.

Balcony glass cleaning

For many residents of the upper floors, the process causes certain difficulties. So, it is almost impossible to process the outer side of the double-glazed window. In this case, some turn to special cleaning companies. However, you can clean the balcony double-glazed windows quite independently.

So, how to wash windows without streaks on the balcony? For this we need the following tools:

  • Detergents.
  • Bucket with warm water.
  • Sponge.
  • Soft fabric.
  • Scraper with handle for nozzle.
  • Mop.

Washing the inner surface of the windows on the balcony is not difficult. However, in order to clean the outside of double-glazed windows, you need to adhere to a certain technology.

To do this, the scraper handle is attached to the mop. Treat hard-to-reach areas with this tool. After washing, it is necessary to fix a dry soft cloth on the handle of the mop and wipe the surface of the window with it.

How to clean windows without streaks? Secrets of our grandmothers

  • Clean on cloudy days. If sunlight hits the surface of the window, this will lead to the formation of streaks.
  • Use suede or velvet.
  • It is recommended to take newspapers to wipe the window. They need to be washed well before use.
  • When rinsing, add some kerosene to the water. So you can additionally get rid of flies.
  • Be sure to wash the double-glazed windows in a circular motion, and wipe vertically. The direction in both cases is from top to bottom.

How to clean windows without streaks? Folk remedies

To get clean and shiny double-glazed windows, it is not necessary to purchase expensive detergents. You can easily make them yourself.

So, how to wash windows without streaks? Folk remedies are as follows:

  • Well cleans the surface with a solution of water and starch.
  • You can use diluted bleach.
  • Vinegar and ammonia do an excellent job with complex types of pollution.
  • Grate a regular piece of laundry soap and dilute it with water. This tool will help get rid of any pollution.
  • To restore shine to glass and slightly lighten its surface, use ordinary vinegar. Dilute it with warm water. Wipe the surface of the window with the solution.
  • If there are no funds at hand, do not despair. Raw potatoes will help you. Cut it in half and process the glass.
  • Ordinary nylon tights also help to cope with pollution. Soak them in water and squeeze lightly. Use tights instead of a sponge.
  • If snow and ice has formed on the windows, it can be removed with ordinary salt. Apply it on a sponge and treat the surface.

Clean windows are the key to a comfortable atmosphere in the house. To achieve their ideal state, you only need to follow simple rules.

Windows are the face of any home. The cleaner they are, the more pleasant it is to be in the apartment and the more sunlight penetrates into it. Today I will tell you how to wash windows without streaks in three steps and get the perfect result.

Choosing cleaning tools

To wash windows quickly and without streaks, you need to carefully prepare for this process. Start by choosing the right tools.

Here's what you'll need for the cleaning process:

  • Sponge. It will be required to remove strong contaminants. It is best to choose a sponge in which one side will be quite hard.
  • Wiper. If you need to wash high windows, you can not do without this device. Thanks to the long-handled windshield wiper, you can easily reach the farthest corners without balancing on a chair or window sill.

  • Detergent.
  • Dry cloth. You can choose either cotton or suede or linen. The main condition when choosing a rag for cleaning windows is that it should absorb moisture well.

  • Water container. For these purposes, any basin or bucket filled with water is suitable.

Shine window cleaning steps

Regardless of whether you will wash plastic or wooden windows, the cleaning process follows a certain pattern. So:

Stage 1. Preparation

Window cleaning includes:

  • clear window sill. Cleaning the windows in the apartment should begin with the release of the window sill from all that is superfluous. Remove flower pots, household appliances, and other small things from it.

  • Prepare tools. Gather together all the tools listed above. Put a bucket of water and all the necessary sponges within reach so as not to run after them around the apartment.
  • Distribute Sponges. Since the dust from the street pollutes the windows outside more than inside, it is better to use separate sponges or cloths to clean them.

Step 2. Choosing a cleaning agent

The easiest recipe is to clean glass surfaces with soapy water. However, others have performed well:

Illustration Instructions for use

liquid agent. For windows with a wooden frame, you can use the usual purchased detergent, or rather its solution. For plastic frames, only liquid detergents may be used.

Ammonia. Dilute 2 tablespoons of alcohol in a liter of warm water and wash the windows with the resulting liquid.
A piece of chalk. A chalk solution will help clean windows without streaks. Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of chalk powder with a glass of water. Wipe the glass with the solution, let it dry a little, then carefully rub the surface with newspapers.

For heavy soiling, the recipe can be modified. Instead of water, dilute the chalk with vodka until a porridge-like consistency is formed. Rub the glass with the resulting mixture, then rinse with water.

Onion. The instructions for using such an unusual window cleaning product are simple:
  • cut the onion in half;
  • rub the surface with half;
  • wash everything off with water.

This option cleans the windows well from traces of flies.

Vinegar. A tablespoon of 9% vinegar is diluted with a glass of water. A cloth for washing windows is wetted in the liquid and the contaminated surface is wiped with it.

The better to wash your windows - you decide. Someone instead of proven methods prefers to use special napkins, consisting of ultra-fine fibers. They do not leave behind any smudges, scratches and even fingerprints. It is enough just to moisten a similar napkin with water and rinse the window with it.

Stage 3. Direct cleaning

It's time to move on to the direct washing of windows with your own hands. In this process, it is important to follow the correct sequence:

  1. wash frame. Cleaning windows should always begin with cleaning the frame and only then the glass. Many often make the mistake of wiping the glass first.

  1. Clean the window from the main dirt. Dampen a sponge or rag in the prepared solution and thoroughly wet the glass surface with it. Without missing a single millimeter, drive off dust and dirt from top to bottom.
    Do not forget that most of the dirt accumulates in the joints of the frame and glass. Therefore, at the end of this stage, run a rag around the perimeter of the window.
  2. Carry out a clean wash. To wipe the window dry, it is best to use a glass cleaner. Starting from the top point, swipe over the surface, ridding it of any remaining moisture.

Remember to maintain a tilt angle of 20-30 degrees. Move strictly horizontally, constantly overlapping the newly washed area by a few centimeters. Wipe the gum dry after each pass.

If you don't have a glass cleaner, use a flannel cloth.

How to wash windows figured out. It remains to consider a few additional tricks that will make the cleaning process more efficient:

  1. Wash the window on a cloudy day. In sunny weather, liquid detergent will dry quickly. Because of this, you will not be able to wipe it in time and avoid streaks.
  2. Add ammonia. The alcohol in the detergent will give the glass an incredible shine.
  3. Pay attention to accessories. After cleaning the window, lubricate the fittings with machine oil, so it will last much longer.

  1. Watch out for drains. Their clogging can lead to fogging and freezing of glasses in winter. You can purchase a special kit for the care of plastic windows, if there is no product with a similar purpose in the nearest store, use salted water.


After reading this article, you have learned how to properly wash windows, what detergents to use and in what order to proceed. Follow these recommendations, and cleaning will become much more pleasant and efficient.

If you want to learn more tricks for cleaning glass to a shine, be sure to watch the video in this article. How do you wash windows without streaks? Leave your recommendations in the comments!

But the fact is curious that each of them contains ordinary vinegar, which can be found in every home. This means that folk recipes for cleanliness can be a worthy substitute for household chemicals. You can cook them from improvised means without spending a lot of money. They will cope with pollution no worse than purchased mixtures, and there will be no harmful chemicals in the composition.

It is not always easy to wash windows without streaks. Folk recipes and some household chemicals will help to achieve perfect cleanliness.

Required inventory

The cleanliness of windows is affected by: dust, rain and snow, accumulation of condensate (most often in the kitchen), smoking in the room or on the balcony. In order to be of high quality, at the beginning of work it is necessary to prepare all the necessary equipment so as not to be distracted in the process.

For washing you will need:

  • deep container - better pelvis;
  • sponges - in case of severe contamination, use with a hard coating;
  • rags - choose from microfiber, they do not leave a pile;
  • scraper - rubber tip makes it easy to remove the foam without leaving streaks;
  • newspapers are an indispensable assistant for polishing.

Cleaning order

In order to clean windows clean, it is important not only to prepare tools and detergent, but also to follow a certain procedure:

  1. The first step is to remove all flowers, photo frames, figurines and other items from the windowsill. This will keep them intact, and they will not interfere with cleaning. Pour the pre-prepared washing mixture into a basin or bucket.
  2. Moisten a cloth and carefully wipe the frames, handles and window sill. In hard-to-reach places, you can clean the dirt with a cotton swab. Pour out the liquid and fill the basin with clean warm water. Wipe the frames and window sill again to remove the detergent.
  3. Pour a new portion of clean water, wash off the accumulated dirt from the glasses and apply the cleaning mixture to the glass with a sponge, then wash it off with a soft, damp cloth.
  4. Wipe the glass clean and polish with crumpled newspapers. Remove any foam from the frames that may have entered during cleaning.

After cleaning, it is important to lubricate the metal fittings with machine oil to avoid corrosion of the material.

Window cleaner recipes

Vinegar, manganese, potatoes and other folk remedies will help wash windows to a shine.

From vinegar

For cooking you will need:

  1. Pure water - 3 liters.
  2. Regular or apple cider vinegar - 6 tbsp. l.
  3. Chalk in powder form - 150 gr.
  4. Lime - 150 gr.
  5. Table salt - 5 tbsp. l..
  6. Laundry soap (grated) - 5 tbsp. l.
  7. Dishwashing gel - 4 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until all components are completely dissolved. Work only with gloves. First wet the sponge and apply the mixture, then remove it with a scraper.

From manganese

Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate with water so that the liquid acquires a light pink color. The crystals must dissolve without residue so as not to scratch the surface during cleaning. Wash with a soft cloth and remove moisture with crumpled newspapers.

To avoid the appearance of stripes, movements must be directed from top to bottom.

From heavy pollution

If strong dirt has accumulated, it will be more difficult to cope with divorces at home. The most effective folk recipes will come to the rescue:

  • In 4 liters of water, dissolve a bottle of ammonia, the same amount of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of starch and a little blue. Mix and spray with a spray bottle. Wipe with newspaper.
  • Rinse glass and rub with half a potato. Rinse with cold water and polish.
  • Powdered chalk diluted with vodka to a state of thick sour cream. Apply with a sponge to the surface. Rinse and dry.
  • From the black dots left by the flies, onions will help. It is necessary to cut the bulb through dirty places and wash it off.

How to clean plastic windows

It is worth it when the air outside is sufficiently humid (after rain or in the evening). In this case, the soap is easily removed without leaving streaks. And in warm, dry weather, the moisture dries quickly and leaves white stains. Hand movements should be circular, from top to bottom.

At the end of the work, you need to polish the surface with a crumpled newspaper, suede cloth or microfiber cloth. In extreme cases, unnecessary nylon tights are suitable.

To make cleaning easy and productive, you need to remember a few rules:

  • To wash the frame, you do not need to use soda - it corrodes the paint.
  • A solution of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 and timely ventilation will help against condensate so that normal humidity is maintained in the apartment.
  • To make the glass shine, they need to be wiped with salted water. The same method will help against icy windows.
  • Washing should start from the inside, and then from the outside.
  • After cleaning, wipe the frames and window sill dry to prolong their service life for a long time.

Purchased products can ruin the window profile or cause allergies. Therefore, folk recipes without chemicals are a worthy replacement for modern detergent products. In addition, their preparation does not take much time from the hostess.

Ammonia, antistatic and ethyl alcohol. Spray the product on the surface and remove with a sponge or dry soft cloth after 15-20 minutes.

If these are not at hand, you can use plain water. It is better to take warm water, not hot. Before washing the glass, prepare two containers of water at once. One of them will be for washing, the second - for rinsing. And also stock up on a second dry rag to wipe the water off the glass. In extreme cases, crumpled newspapers can be used to wipe water off the glass. Wipe the glass dry to avoid streaks.

If you add table salt to the water, it will protect your window glass from icing in winter, and give it an extra shine. By adding 1 part of ammonia to every 10 parts of water in a container of water, you can easily wash grease stains off the glass.

The clouded glass is washed with a warm vinegar solution (2-3 tablespoons of vinegar are taken per 1 liter of water). And in case of severe contamination of the glass surface, a solution of bleach will help (take 50 g of lime for 1 liter of water).

And here is a rather old remedy for washing and cleaning glasses: for 2-3 tablespoons of crushed chalk or toothpaste, take 1 glass of water. Mix them into a homogeneous slurry. Dampen a rag with this gruel and wipe the glass. After waiting for the glass to dry, wipe it with a dry and soft cloth or a piece of crumpled newspaper until the powder is completely removed.

To keep your glass as clean as possible for as long as possible, wipe it after washing with a cloth soaked in a solution of 100 g of glycerin, 50 g of water and a few drops of ammonia. After processing the glass, let it dry. But do not wash the solution yourself.

If you want to clean frozen glass from ice, dissolve a handful of salt in half a liter of water, moisten a rag or sponge with this solution and run it over the ice crust. Wipe the glass dry with a cloth when the ice is gone.


  • glass washing

Glass can be washed with a simple soapy solution, and then treated with old newspapers. To achieve radiant purity will help ammonia or vinegar, which must be mixed with water. Ordinary starch is also capable of cleaning the surface of dirt and dust.

It is possible to achieve crystal transparency of glasses without special expensive means. Folk recipes can come to the rescue, for the preparation of which you don’t even have to run to the store: everything you need can be found in the closet in the kitchen.


The simplest and most popular glass washing recipe is a composition that has only two components in its composition - water and ammonia. They must be mixed in a ratio of 1:4 and treated evenly over the entire area of ​​the glass surface. For drying, it is better to use not rags, but old newspapers. No less effective is a mixture in which ordinary vinegar is used instead of ammonia. Such a composition can be used to wash any glass surface, including a mirror.

Dirty window or car glass will be cleaned with ordinary salt. It should be gently applied to the surface to be treated, and then rinsed with water. In ancient Russia, since ancient times, it was customary to wash windows with old soft rags dipped in ordinary soapy water. After the surface was treated with a liquid agent consisting of chalk and water. The glass was dried and the white stains that appeared were removed with the help of old newspapers. A thick layer of dirt and dust can be washed off with ordinary potato starch. It is necessary to add one tablespoon of the product to one liter of water, mix well and apply on glass. After washing with a suitable cloth dipped in plain water.

Features and secrets of glass processing

If required in cold frosty weather, vodka will help out. You need to add a little strong to the water for washing - this will prevent the liquid from freezing on the surface to be treated, which means that there will be no problems with wiping dry. If during the cold season the glass in the window opening sweats a lot, it will come to the rescue. If you do not want to inhale the unpleasant fumes of bleach, you can replace it with ordinary soap. It is necessary to bring a soapy solution, add glycerin there and wipe the window with this composition. Moreover, glycerin, like vodka, is able to protect glass from icing.

Vegetable oil will also help to give the glass a mirror shine. By dropping a little oil on a soft rag, you need to process the glass surface on both sides, and it will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. And if, nevertheless, a decision is made to use industrial means, then it must be remembered that in no case should several different means be mixed. It is always worth using only one product purchased in the store.

Clean the window and eliminate ice buildup on the glass in winter with a salt solution. In order to prepare the remedy, you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water. And in the summer, from the traces left by the flies, the glass will allow you to clean a fresh cut of the bulb.

It is preferable to wash windows in calm, non-solar and non-hot weather. The fact is that the wind and heat will contribute to the rapid drying of the glasses, and it will be difficult to get rid of stains after the moisture has evaporated. In addition, the sun and the glare from it on the windows will not allow you to assess how clean the glass is.

Window cleaning methods

To wash windows, you should prepare a warm soapy solution, in which you need to add ammonia, you need 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. With a rag soaked in the prepared solution, you should wash the glass, frame, window sills, the outside of the windows and the opening. This step is necessary to remove accumulated dirt.

Next, you can move on to the glasses, they should be washed again with clean water, ridding the surface of the remnants of the soap solution. Then the glass must be rubbed with a microfiber-based cloth or soft cloth, which should first be sprinkled with alcohol.

Allows you to get rid of stains on wet glass and newsprint. She should rub the glass until completely dry, the newspaper should first be shaped into a lump. The secret of newsprint is in the texture, which allows you to give shine to the glass, as well as in the ability to quickly absorb moisture. Among other things, printing ink contains lead, which makes glass shine.

Alternative glass cleaning options

Will help with washing windows and chalk. To begin with, the glass should be washed with a soap solution. After it is to be wiped with a solution of chalk, which can be replaced with tooth powder. To do this, 2 tablespoons of the powder should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. After waiting for the glass to dry, you can wipe it with a rag.

Glitter is able to give glass and vinegar. To do this, add it to warm water, then rinse the glass with clean water. Starch is also famous for its ability to clean glass, for this it must be added in the amount of 1 tablespoon to a liter of water. Bleach will also do an excellent job, it will be needed per liter of liquid 50 g. The last remedy allows you to get rid of even old dirt.

If you want to give the glass an extra shine, then you need to add salt to the water. In order not to wash windows so often, they should be periodically cleaned with a soft woolen cloth, which should be slightly moistened with linseed oil, after which the surface should be wiped with a woolen or cotton cloth.

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