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Slavic horoscope of animals by date of birth halls. Slavic horoscope: according to your date of birth. Video: "Slavic totem horoscope of animals"

QUESTIONS: — What is the current year according to the Slavic calendar? 2019 - What year is it from the creation of the world? 2019 - What is the year according to the Slavic chronology? - The year 7528 will start from the SMZH - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

There are other reports of years - our 2019 - it will be 13027 Summer from the Great Freeze (Great Cooling) (in terms of the beginning of our era - 11008). Moreover, the countdown of the Great Cold is the date of the catastrophe: the destruction of one of our satellites - the “Moon” of Fatta and the fall of its fragments to Earth (Midgar)

You can read more about a variety of calculations and report points, what year it is, in the article

2019 - The year of which animal according to the Slavic horoscope? Which animal belongs to the New Year? 2019 is the year of whom?

2019 is the year of the eagle. And not just an eagle, but a soaring eagle. 2019 is a year of space, uplift and even achievement.

Many years ago in Russia there was a totem horoscope of animals. It clearly reflected the unity of the human and animal worlds.
At first, the first day of the New Year was considered the holiday of Komoyeditsa, which was celebrated on March 21. Subsequently, the first day of the calendar was moved to the day of the autumnal equinox, namely: September 23.
It is noteworthy that in the ancient Slavic chronicle there were not twelve animals, but sixteen. Accordingly, there were sixteen years in the calendar, instead of the usual twelve for us.
Important: Every sixteenth year of the Slavic chronology was considered great.
Let's study in detail the characteristics of a particular totem.

Dark Dry
coat of arms of Bezhanitsky district
Pskov region

Dark dry or
(Years of birth: 1912, 1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992, 2008)
Dark Sokh is a pioneer, leading others, who is patronized by the Higher Forces. The totem of a restless person, impetuous and proud, not stopping at the achieved heights, very often misunderstood and incomprehensible to his inner circle. The less he doubts his ideas and thinks, the more he will be able to give to this world.
People born in this year (1960,1976,1992) are singles. They are characterized by such features as: pride, purposefulness, striving for new achievements. Not everyone around and even those close to them understand them.
However, they should not succumb to doubts, make attempts to explain something. You need to go to your goal and conquer more and more new heights.

Coat of arms of the village of Vidzy, Belarus

(Years of birth: 1920, 1936, 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016)

Hissing Already - these are people who have the gift to harmonize the space around them. They have a philosophical mindset, everything secret is more important for them than the obvious. A little secretive, do not like to talk a lot, practical, efficient and thrifty. They go to the chosen goal persistently, but flexibly, and when unexpected obstacles arise, they change their skin like a snake.
Those born in the year (1952, 1968, 1984, 2000) already people are philosophers by nature. They are able to persistently, but flexibly bypassing obstacles, go towards their goal. Not grumpy. In communication with others, they are secretive, they like to be silent more. They are workaholics and take good care of things. Sometimes they are completely defenseless.

(Years of birth: 1921, 1937, 1953, 1969, 1985, 2001, 2017)
Crouching Foxes are people of mysterious fate and life full of adventures. They are dexterous, inventive, mocking, cunning, mocking, very cautious and prudent - they never climb on the rampage, preferring to do everything quietly or on the sly. These are skillful intriguers, extremely serious about life and able to achieve their goals.
People of this year (1953, 1969, 1985, 2001) have a multi-colored strip of life, they are never bored. Their fate is bright. Foxes are big intriguers, they will never fight openly with an opponent. But on the sly, you can get hit by such a person easily. They always achieve what they want thanks to a cunning mindset.

curled up
(Years of birth: 1922, 1938, 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002, 2018)
Curled Hedgehog - unpredictable, prickly, fussy and noisy people. They have an excellent memory and a special pedantry to details. Very reliable friends and faithful spouses.
Born in the year (1954, 1970, 1986, 2002) hedgehog people are wonderful family men, true friends, good parents. But they have a spiky disposition, are changeable, sometimes they do unexpected things. In addition, they are fussy, do not like silence, are meticulous and they have an excellent memory even for details.

Coat of arms of the city of Yurga, Kemerovo region

(Year of birth: 1927, 1943, 1959, 1975, 1991, 2007, 2023)
The Fireman Horse is the year of active and courageous, honest and diligent people. They are very talented, romantic; resilient and purposeful. Horses love travel and extreme sports, so they are very rarely found at home, as they are constantly in a hurry somewhere.

The year in which a person was born has a great influence on his fate - our ancestors were sure of this.

Along with the traditional Chinese, there is also a Slavic horoscope that tells what to expect from life for a person born in the year of this or that animal.

It is also called totem, because patron animals help a person realize his life purpose.

Dark Sokh (Moose) - 1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992

According to the Slavic birth horoscope, people who were born in these years are singles who consider themselves a little special. It is difficult for them to find understanding among those around them, which pushes them to isolation and the desire to create something new with the help of their inner wisdom.

Such people are contraindicated for long reflections, as they can lead them to the wrong path. If a person born in the year of the Dark Sokh acts swiftly, he will be able to become a leader and lead others.

Stinging Hornet - 1929, 1945, 1961, 1977, 1993

From the outside, people whose totem animal is the Hornet look fussy and noisy. They are always active, have a developed intuition and a good memory, and always achieve their goals, even if it means putting a lot at stake.

The Slavic horoscope by year of birth claims that, despite their innate leadership qualities, the Hornets make themselves many ill-wishers because of their sharp tongue, jealousy and possessive nature.

Lurking Lut (Wolf) - 1930, 1946, 1962, 1978, 1994

A person born in one of these years is very handsome and graceful. But behind the external harmlessness lies the ability to instantly mobilize and tear the enemy to shreds. Despite his good-natured disposition, such a person will never allow others to sit on his neck, and will fight to the last with those who dare to encroach on his territory.

Fiery Veksha (Squirrel) - 1931, 1947, 1963, 1979, 1995

The Slavic horoscope by year of birth claims that people born under the auspices of a squirrel adopt many of its qualities from this animal. They are just as mobile, dexterous, quick-witted, work hard and rely only on their own strengths in everything.

The negative qualities of this totem are manifested in frequent mood swings. People born in the year of the Squirrel can laugh out loud, and after half an hour, weep out loud. They are also more likely than others to be prone to depression.

Pearl Pike - 1932, 1948, 1964, 1980, 1996

Those who were born in these time periods are very lucky - they are under the protection of their deceased ancestors, who throughout their lives will protect them from various kinds of troubles. By nature, those born in the year of Pike are very calm, charismatic, honest, but at the same time they adhere to conservative views in everything and are wary of any innovations.

Bearded Toad - 1933, 1949, 1965, 1981, 1997

In the Slavic horoscope, according to the year of birth, the Bearded Toad is considered a symbol of harmony and natural wisdom. People born with such a totem animal easily adapt to any conditions: they are equally happy in wealth and in poverty. They always appreciate what they have, do not chase the pie in the sky, love their family and never complain if something goes wrong.

Wild Boar - 1934, 1950, 1966, 1982, 1998

These people are brave and fearless, just like their spirit animal. They are always ready to stand up for the offended and give a tough rebuff to the enemy. In peacetime, when there are no conflicts on the horizon, those born in the year of the Boar act reasonably and correctly.

The negative manifestation of this animal is manifested in too long reflections: such a person can “swing” and hesitate for a very long time, but as soon as the doubts come to an end, he begins to act decisively and very quickly. But as soon as the goal is achieved, the Boar definitely needs to rest for some time in order to gain strength before new achievements - and during this period it is better not to touch it.

White Owl - 1935, 1951, 1967, 1983, 1999

People born according to the Slavic horoscope in the year of the Owl are very mysterious and superstitious. Their whole life is full of mysteries and miracles: mysteries can even be associated with the very moment of their birth and with their departure from this world. Owls also hate rigid schedules and prefer to live at their own pace, distributing time for work and rest in a way that suits them.

Hissing Already - 1936, 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000

Philosophers and mystics are born under this totem animal. Such people strive to penetrate into the deep meaning of being and find the solution to all mysteries. They are secretive, communicate little with others, but at the same time they are distinguished by good performance.

But at the same time, those born under the sign of Uzh can be extremely defenseless when circumstances change dramatically and not for the better: at such moments they really resemble a snake changing its skin.

Crouching Fox - 1937, 1953, 1969, 1985, 2001

According to the Slavic horoscope of the birth of people who have this animal as a totem, an eventful and sometimes strange life awaits. On their way, anything will constantly meet, except for monotony and boredom. In character, such people are somewhat reminiscent of the Fox: they are cunning, inventive, cautious, and if they are going to commit some kind of meanness, they will definitely do it on the sly.

Curled Hedgehog - 1938, 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002

We can say about these people that they are like brownies: fussy and noisy, absolutely unpredictable, but at the same time very attentive to details. Born in the year of the Hedgehog, this totem animal endows with excellent memory, constancy in love relationships and fidelity in friendship.

Soaring Eagle - 1939, 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003

Like their totem animal, Eagle people are freedom-loving, graceful, proud and brave. They love the best of everything, love to break the rules and hate it when someone controls them or gives them orders. In family life, they are reliable and faithful.

Spinning Mizgir (Spider) - 1940, 1956, 1972, 1988, 2004

The Slavic horoscope by year of birth endows people with this patron animal with determination, sensitivity and good creative abilities. Like a real spider, it is vital for them to weave their own “web”: create some kind of interest groups, come up with strategic plans, surround themselves with reliable connections.

In family life, you can rely on such people: they are faithful to their spouses, caring for children and always honor family traditions and value family ties.

Screaming Rooster - born in 1941, 1957, 1973, 1989, 2005

People who were born in the year of the Rooster according to the Slavic calendar go through life on the occasion of emotions, and not common sense. They enthusiastically make plans that often turn out to be impossible, and they really do not like to listen to the opinions of others. Often such people are hasty and abrupt, they like to show off, but at the same time, the main value for them is family and procreation.

Tour Golden Horns - 1942, 1958, 1974, 1990, 2006

In people born under the auspices of this animal, good nature and aggressiveness are surprisingly combined. With those whom they love and respect, they will always be sweet and romantic, but as soon as someone outsider pisses them off, assertiveness, rage, harshness and stubbornness immediately appear. Those who were born under the sign of the Golden Horned Tour are ready to fight to the death for their loved ones and their own beliefs.

Fireman Horse - 1943, 1959, 1975, 1991, 2007

These years are usually born executive and honest people who lead an active lifestyle and love travel. You can almost never find them idle: they are always running somewhere, deciding something, doing something. The Slavic horoscope claims that people with this totem animal will always amaze those around them with their unique character and natural talents.

Before the adoption of the Christian faith, the ancient Slavs professed paganism - a religion closely connected with nature. Our ancestors believed that each person, depending on the period of his birth, has his own patron - a totem animal that endows people born under his protection with similar character traits, abilities, and life purpose. From here came the Slavic horoscope of animals by date of birth.

Horoscope of the ancient Slavs by date of birth

  • Wolverine (January 10 - February 9)

Wolverine is an elusive lone beast, merciless to his opponents. Wolverine has a developed intuition and senses bad intentions a mile away. It is almost impossible to deceive him, but it is easy to make an enemy in the person of Wolverine. To do this, it is enough to encroach on his property or on what he considers it to be. Jealous and ruthless, Wolverine is sure to find a way to get revenge.

  • Raven (February 10 - March 9)

Insightful and honest Ravens rarely achieve a high position in society due to a heightened sense of justice. The special wisdom that this bird gives to its wards allows them to look deep into the souls of others and make the right and unbiased decisions. Ravens are characterized by calmness and slowness. They are always accurate in their judgments, and their words can be safely taken on faith - honesty and integrity will never allow Raven to sin against the truth.

  • Ermine (March 10 - April 9)

Self-confidence and courage, sometimes bordering on recklessness, are the hallmarks of Ermines. These people are incredibly freedom-loving and do not recognize authorities. They may seem cunning and dodgy due to their dexterity and quickness of mind, but in fact, Stoats are excellent friends and partners who will go to any lengths for the sake of those they love and respect.

  • Toad (April 10 - May 9)

Incorrigible optimists, Toads are able to enjoy and benefit from any situation. Often Toads are very talented and often achieve success through perseverance and hard work. Toads seem open, light and simple-minded, but this is not entirely true. Toads are extremely smart and do not allow their trust to be abused, as they always rely only on their own strength.

  • Grasshopper (May 10 - June 9)

The merry fellow and the shirt-guy Grasshopper is always in the spotlight. This joyful and positive person gives the impression of a lucky person who succeeds in everything. But often this is just an appearance, because the true Grasshopper simply does not know how to lose heart and complain. Despite his industriousness, the Grasshopper often faces setbacks due to his inconsistency and inability to finish what he started.

  • Hamster (June 10 - July 9)

Don't feed your hamster with bread, let him work. Only now he does it, albeit brilliantly, but only in emergency mode, when all the deadlines are burning. The rest of the time, the Hamster prefers to indulge in serene doing nothing.

  • Ravlik (July 10 - August 9)

Ravlik is an interesting interlocutor, a devoted friend and a born leader. Ravlika people are very charismatic, emotional and able to captivate people with them. For the sake of an idea, they forget everything in the world and are able to perform miracles of dedication and the most dizzying deeds.

  • Ant (August 10 - September 9)

Hardworking Ants never sit idly by. They are tenacious and focused on their goals. Their reliability, perseverance and self-esteem make Ants valuable employees at work and the best partners for family life.

  • Khrushch (September 10 - October 9)

Khrushch is an adventure man. Khrushch's life is always full of dizzying ups and downs, fatal mistakes and brilliant ideas. Any other person would go crazy in this whirlpool of events, but not Khrushch. They feel like a fish in water in uncertainty, and they come out of any trouble with renewed vigor and readiness for new surprises.

  • Beaver (October 10 - November 9)

The beaver often seems like an ideal person, so everything in his life is thought out, comfortable and harmonious. But this calm and measured existence costs the Beaver a titanic effort. In fact, Bober is a great perfectionist and is in constant search for perfection, which, in principle, is unattainable.

  • Dog (November 10 - December 9)

The most reliable of all representatives of the horoscope, the Dog is the embodiment of nobility and fidelity. His most important value is a clear conscience. Dogs have high moral values ​​and never go against their principles. Therefore, they are respected and trusted like no one else. The reputation of a reliable person allows Dog to make a good career and achieve fame. People controlled by the Dog are always energetic, cheerful and not subject to blues and doubts.

In addition to the analogue of the zodiac horoscope, the ancient Slavs also had a calendar similar to the eastern one, which consisted of cycles, each year of which was marked by the patronage of a special animal, with one exception - among the Slavs, the cycle was not 12, but 16 years.

  • Dark Sokh, or Elk (1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992, 2008)

During these years brilliant inventors, leaders and innovators are born. Moose are often ahead of their time and remain misunderstood by their contemporaries. But the unbending will constantly pushes them to new achievements and discoveries.

  • Stinging Hornet, or Wasp (1929, 1945, 1961, 1977, 1993, 2009)

Intuitive with brilliant mental abilities and irrepressible energy, Wasps are always on the move. They clearly know what they want, and often put their own interests above those of others.

  • Lurking Lut, or the Wolf (1930, 1946, 1962, 1978, 1994, 2010)

Volkov is distinguished by a love of freedom and a strong character. People born under the protection of the Wolf have an iron grip and the ability to fight back, which, however, does not prevent them from being soft and generous with those they love.

  • Fiery Veksha, or Squirrel (1931, 1947, 1963, 1979, 1995, 2011)

Squirrels are cunning and smart. They do everything quickly - change anger to mercy, make decisions, learn.

  • Pearl Pike (1932, 1948, 1964, 1980, 1996, 2012)

The main quality of Pike is honesty. They do not like to prevaricate and always tell the truth in person. Next to Pike, others feel calm and peaceful, because this sign is distinguished by inner harmony and justice.

  • Bearded Toad (1933, 1949, 1965, 1981, 1997, 2013)

Toads are very stable and pragmatic. These people know how to create comfort and a sense of security around them, they are smart and pleasant to talk to. Toads create strong families, keep traditions, they make excellent parents and spouses.

  • Wild Boar (1934, 1950, 1966, 1982, 1998, 2014)

The boar is a born warrior, brave and always ready to fight. At the same time, he cannot be called reckless - Vepr clearly sees his goal and is ready for anything to achieve it.

  • White Owl (1935, 1951, 1967, 1983, 1999, 2015)

Eagle owls are mystics and magicians. The night bird endows people born in her years with the gift of providence and secret powers. As a rule, Eagle owls lead a solitary lifestyle.

  • Hissing Snake (1936, 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016)

The snakes have a subtle nature that can reveal the secrets of the universe. Uzhi people spend a lot of time thinking about the meaning of life.

  • Crouching Fox (1937, 1953, 1969, 1985, 2001, 2017)

Schemers and wits, Foxes do not like big words and go to their goal without drawing attention to themselves. The life of the Fox is always shrouded in a halo of mystery and full of adventure.

Hello, friends!

In some past articles, we have already talked about the Old Slavonic horoscope, however, in passing. And about one of his totems, the symbol of 2018, the Curled Hedgehog. But this is very, very little: the Slavic totem horoscope of animals consists of a cycle of as many as 16 years, and there are very interesting totems there. This is at least.

Bored western and eastern horoscopes, to be honest, tired. But it is curious to find out your totem animal in accordance with the Slavic horoscope. Believe it or not, this is a personal matter.

In general, it is more correct to call the totem horoscope of animals not a horoscope, but a yearbook. Even more correctly - the chronicler. But this will not change the general meaning, but the component will remain the same: a sixteen-year cycle, each year patronizes its own animal, its own totem, which, as in any horoscopes, affects the character of people born that year. And not only.

Slavic horoscope by years

There is an opinion that in ancient times Russia had its own horoscope (totem yearbook). It vividly reflected, and still reflects, our unity with nature. A distinctive feature of the Old Slavonic horoscope is a cycle of 16 years, and the fact that the year, if you follow this chronology, does not begin in winter, but in March, on the Day of the vernal equinox.

Each year, and a person born in this year, has its own totem (patron). There are 16 totems in total: Dark Sokh, Stinging Hornet, Lurking Lute, Fiery Veksha, Pearly Pike, Bearded Toad, Wild Boar, White Eagle Owl, Hissing Snake, Crouching Fox, Curled Hedgehog, Soaring Eagle, Spinning Mizgir, Screaming Rooster, Golden Horn Tur, Firemane horse.

Beautiful and poetic, isn't it?

Below will be described the highest qualities of each totem that a person can have. The totem will help you find out who you really are, your inner qualities, can direct you on the right path, and tell you what to fear. Or maybe not to direct and not to suggest. Horoscopes are like that.

So, let's find out your year and your totem.

Elk totem is firmness of spirit, character, strength, charisma, swiftness and pride. People born under the auspices of this totem are bright and active personalities. They can be leaders, and they are great at it. With their confidence, these people literally infect others.

Moose is inherently dissatisfied with what has already been achieved, he wants to create more and more, something new, something unusual. And he does this thanks to his high performance and endurance.

Elk people are busy learning and updating, they want and can bring knowledge to the world. Thanks to their totem, they easily fulfill themselves, climb the career ladder and, in general, achieve any goals they set.

The advice of this totem is to doubt yourself less and act more.

Perfectly converge with people, build relationships well, are sociable, if the situation requires it. But, meanwhile, they can feel great alone.

It often happens that people who are patronized by the Elk remain misunderstood in this world. But, what can you do, society is not always ready for new revolutionary ideas.

People born under the Hornet totem are active and purposeful, thrifty, they have developed intuition and a good memory from birth, they know how to set goals and achieve them. At any cost, sometimes even bypassing some moral principles. Terrible owners and jealous: they will not give up their own, and they can put it on someone else's eye.

The patron totem gives the gift of eloquence, the skill of effective management and communication with people. Constantly reminds you to respect others and improve yourself. Helps develop the best qualities in yourself.

From the outside, hornet people can look fussy, they can be very noisy, like their totem. But this is an appearance, punctuality, diligence and huge organizational talents are hidden behind such an appearance. All this helps them to be good owners and competently manage finances.

By their nature, they are leaders, but sometimes with a very complex character: they often put others in their place, sometimes in a very rude, sharp and caustic way.

The Slavic horoscope claims that people born in the year of the Wolf are people of great strength and at the same time grace: outwardly soft and relaxed, at the right time they can easily and quickly gather and concentrate. These are dramatic changes in a short time.

Wolves have some kind of magnetism, they attract others to themselves. They are very generous and kind, patient. But no one will be allowed to limit their freedom! Meanwhile, very devoted to the family.

For them, there are only those frameworks, obligations and restrictions that they have set for themselves. Do not stand in the way of the Wolf, he knows how to repulse everyone and everything that encroaches on his territory.

They love order, both in business and in the house, but they don’t like to restore it, however, they can do it. And they can competently communicate and manage others.

The patron totem indicates dangerous life moments, helping to bypass them. It teaches you to make informed and informed decisions and act confidently. Teaches you to analyze events and highlight the main thing, for maximum efficiency.

According to the Slavic horoscope, people born in the year of the Squirrel have the protection of the Higher powers. Plus, they are dexterous and mobile, they grasp everything on the fly, they can find a way out of any situation. A little sly, sometimes extremely nervous and prone to depression. Squirrel is an extremely controversial sign.

People born under the auspices of Vekshi are used to relying only on themselves, they create families very early and start working. Thanks to their thriftiness, ability to save money, constant development and training, they achieve a lot.

A totem animal gives its wards a little more positive, creativity, energizes, helps to be prudent and organized. It teaches you to bring everything to the end and warns against fussiness.

To achieve more in life, squirrel people need to be able to control their emotions.

This totem is one of the few dead ancestors strongly connected with the world, people born in the year of Pike are under their supervision. Maybe that's why they are so calm and self-confident conservatives, whose inner peace and balance can be seen with the naked eye.

The highest charisma of this year is the Embodiment of the Creative Transforming life principle - its goal is the destruction of everything that is unworthy of existence.

In communication, people born under the protection of Pike are extremely straightforward and honest. They are smartly in control of themselves, very responsible, able to cope with boring and monotonous work.

They honor family and traditions, they know how to create comfort in the house.

This totem animal endows with wisdom that helps to live in harmony with the world, teaches modesty, accuracy, the ability to appreciate what is.

The people of this symbol are wonderful family men and great hosts. They are very hospitable, it is pleasant to be with them, even despite their excessive conservatism and fear of change. They know what they want from life and know how to achieve it, they love comfort.

Those born in the year of the Toad often choose intellectual work as their field of activity, good psychologists from birth, understand others well, and easily find a common language. They will convince anyone and anything, they can be very eloquent, if necessary, of course.

This Slavic totem endows people with fearlessness, endurance and purposefulness. Do not mess with those whom he patronizes, they will fight back, and how!

Boars are stubborn and strive to always be the first in what they like. They sway and think for a very long time, but having made a decision and denoting a goal, they will never retreat. After the desired is achieved, they need rest and solitude. They may even fall into apathy.

Despite their stunning nature, these people do not act ahead: all decisions are made carefully and reasonably. People born in the year of the Boar make good explorers, travelers and financiers.

The boar is a totem of success, material well-being, justice and excellent health. He teaches you to find your purpose in life, to follow your dreams.

Owl is the most mysterious and mysterious totem of the Slavic horoscope, people born this year become mediums and seers. They are closed, they have their own rhythm of life, often the same as that of their totem animal. Often their activities are connected with the spiritual spheres of life or the protection of the Highest values.

Eagle owls are superstitious and suspicious, they have excellent intuition, and from birth. Independent and strong, they can, however, work well in a team. But, be that as it may, in order to reveal their full potential, these people really need the support of loved ones, having it, they will move mountains.

The snakes are philosophers capable of harmonizing the world around them. For them, the reverse side of things is important, everything is secret. Perhaps this is what helps them to understand people so well, to see them almost through.

People who are patronized are already slightly secretive in communication, but they love to talk. They are practical and thrifty, very efficient. They achieve their goals, go stubbornly towards them, and carefully bypass all the obstacles that arise.

This totem animal teaches its wards flexibility, grants will, prudence, calmness and the ability to adapt to different life situations.

You can turn to Uzh for recuperation and health, wisdom and new opportunities for development.

The fox protects dexterous and inventive people, whose life is a continuous adventure, by the way, not always fun. But don't get bored with them! For all their eventful lives, Foxes are very careful, prudent, and they will achieve their goals. If necessary, they will go over the heads, but they will do it quietly, on the sly. They are skillful intriguers and you need to be careful with them.

This totem gives the ability to sense danger and guess the right moment for action. Teaches concentration, prudence, and prudence.

Hedgehogs are energetic, very energetic, active, slightly fussy and very responsible. They are outwardly restrained, sometimes prickly, but in fact they are kind, hardworking and reliable people. They are very loyal friends and spouses.

From almost all situations they come out victorious, they are well versed in people, sometimes noisy and restless, and have an excellent memory.

Curled Hedgehog Totem helps to cope with difficulties in character, teaches to smooth corners and get rid of excessive irritability. Brings softness to life.

The eagle in many cultures is a symbol of greatness, courage and leadership. The Slavic totem horoscope is no exception, the people he patronizes also have these qualities.

Eagles are reformers, missionaries, obsessed with ideals and ideas. They are proud and courageous, live by their own rules, and will not tolerate being manipulated. These people are aristocrats, and they are also very loyal, reliable and insanely charming. Well organized, do not like disorder. They make good leaders.

Eagle Totem teaches to anticipate trouble, take care of the weak, act decisively.

People who are patronized by the Spider totem cannot exist alone. They need the support of loved ones, they need their own clan. They like to bring large groups of people around them and they are great at it.

Spiders love power, they are purposeful, sociable and have a lot of creativity.

Their special gift is to maintain balance and internal stability. They are able to perfectly plan their time, managing a huge number of cases in a short time.

Due to their totem qualities, they make excellent leaders, scientists, project managers, researchers, and so on.

People whose totem animal is a spider are happy people. And they find their happiness in love. The family honors traditions, cherishes the hearth. In short, a reliable support not only for the family, but also for society.

The Rooster totem awakens sharpness, fearlessness and ambition in people. But along with these qualities, there is also haste in actions and judgments. These people are emotional, and sometimes very strong, hence the impulsiveness in actions. They are active and fearless, they like to be in sight, they are distinguished by originality of thoughts, therefore the professions peculiar to them are creative.

The source of strength for people of this sign is the family. They love their home and children. Cheerful and open. But they lack perseverance, they do not like to work in the sweat of their faces.

Bulls combine good nature and rage, they are very energetic, patient, and sometimes extremely stubborn people. If necessary, they will stand up for their beliefs, for loved ones, and especially for children, to the last. They like to protect the weak, generous, slightly romantic, but at the same time they can be sharp and even aggressive.

The tour is a symbol of fertility, well-fed life and diligence. People born this year appreciate the family, know how to manage the household. They know how to maintain children's spontaneity at any age. They are cheerful and kind, they are very loved, they have many friends.

Without the support of loved ones, it can be extremely difficult for the Bulls, but if relatives are nearby, then the Bulls can move mountains. They are successful in their careers and are almost always financially independent.

The totem protects its wards from excessive stubbornness and reminds them of the need to establish contacts with people.

The Year of the Horse is the year of talented, brave, even, courageous and purposeful people. Almost everyone born in this year loves traveling, sports, very often extreme. These people are very mobile, they are not homebodies at all. Motto of the Horse:

Movement is life!

It is never boring with them, such people have a lot of ideas, they surprise their loved ones with their constantly revealing more and more new traits and talents. But meanwhile, very executive. They will not sit idle.

The horse totem has long been associated with strength, power, greatness and achievement. It helps to move on, to get rid of internal and external restrictions, to develop vigor, the gift of persuasion and the ability to work in a team.

Here, in brief, about all 16 totems of the Slavic horoscope is told. Yes, the article turned out to be very long, but what can you do. We will definitely reveal each totem, but in the following articles, so you can subscribe to the site's newsletter.

Is there a Slavic horoscope? Those who believe that there is no Slavic horoscope are right, because the very word "horoscope" is alien to us. Those who listen to the Slavic horoscope are also right, understanding by this alien, but already familiar word, the Slavic traditions of dividing the year into four parts associated with the Solar Gods. We will tell you what Slavic horoscopes are known to us and whether something similar to a horoscope has been preserved in historical sources.

What is passed off as a Slavic horoscope often turns out to be an attempt to give foreign traditions a touch of Slavic culture. The names of the “signs” in the horoscope change, their descriptions change slightly, but the essence remains the same as in the eastern horoscope, which assigns to each year the animal that controls it, or in the western horoscope, which divides the year into 12 signs in accordance with the influences of the planets.

In ethnographic sources and incantation notebooks preserved in remote areas, for example, in the Russian North, we did not find any mention that the Slavs had a semblance of an eastern horoscope - their patron animals for each year. Rather, on the contrary, the Slavs have a widespread understanding of the cyclical nature of natural phenomena. Spring and autumn come on the same dates, on certain days they judge the weather for summer or winter. This knowledge was preserved in the Slavic calendar, where not a word is said about the Slavic horoscope by year of birth.

The “western” horoscope will be closer to us, after all, the Slavs divided the year into twelve months, monitored the position of the sun and moon, relied on them when compiling the Slavic calendar. However, the Slavic horoscope was not at all like the Western one.

Slavic solar horoscope

According to the movement of the sun, the Slavs divided the year into four parts. Such a division is the simplest, most natural, based on natural rhythms. Divide the year into four parts of the equinoxes and solstices. They account for the big holidays of the Slavs, which are now celebrated in almost all Slavic communities:

  • Spring Equinox (March 20-22, the exact date varies from year to year), the feast of God Yarilo and the Goddess Leli, the day of the arrival of Spring, the second Calls of Spring, Maslenitsa.
  • Summer Solstice (June 20-22), Feast of God Kupala, Kupala night.
  • Autumn Equinox (September 20-22), the feast of God Avsenya, Tausen, Oseniny, Harvest Festival.
  • Winter Solstice (December 20-22), Feast of God Kolyada, Feast of Carols.

These holidays have become reference points for the Slavic horoscope. According to the horoscope, which is followed by the "Circle of the Northern Knowers" and a number of other communities, each person is born under the auspices of one of the solar Gods. It is easy to determine your patron God according to the Slavic horoscope: look at the period of the reign of which Solar God the date of birth fell. If the date of birth is on a transitional day, look at the time: there was an astronomical equinox or solstice before or after your birth.

Who is your patron god?

"We are the children of the Gods!" say the Slavs.
But what Gods of the Slavs will want to be your personal Patron?
You can find out by completing a twenty-question test. (December 21 - March 19)

Most often, with the patron God by date of birth, a person has the strongest connection, which makes it easy to turn to this God for help.

Predictions are possible for each sign of the Slavic horoscope for a day, a week, even a year. For such predictions, the Slavic Rezas of the Family are traditionally used, asking the Gods for a prediction for everyone who is given lessons by one of the solar Gods. However, this is precisely a prediction, and not calculations based on the movement of the planets, like a Western horoscope.

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