Home Flowers 1st Romanov dynasty. Direct descendants of the Romanovs, their photos and biographies

1st Romanov dynasty. Direct descendants of the Romanovs, their photos and biographies

The Romanov dynasty was in power for just over 300 years, and during this time the face of the country completely changed. From a lagging state, constantly suffering due to fragmentation and internal dynastic crises, Russia turned into an abode of an enlightened intelligentsia. Each ruler from the Romanov dynasty paid attention to those issues that seemed most relevant and important to him. For example, Peter I tried to expand the territory of the country and make Russian cities similar to European ones, and Catherine II put her whole soul into promoting the ideas of enlightenment. Gradually authority ruling dynasty fell, which led to a tragic ending. Royal family was killed, and power passed to the communists for several decades.

Years of reign

Main events

Mikhail Fedorovich

Peace of Stolbovo with Sweden (1617) and Truce of Deulino with Poland (1618). Smolensk War (1632-1634), Azov seat of the Cossacks (1637-1641)

Alexey Mikhailovich

Cathedral Code (1649), church reform Nikon (1652-1658), Pereyaslav Rada - annexation of Ukraine (1654), war with Poland (1654-1667), uprising of Stepan Razin (1667-1671)

Fedor Alekseevich

Peace of Bakhchisarai with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate (1681), abolition of localism

(son of Alexei Mikhailovich)

1682-1725 (until 1689 - regency of Sophia, until 1696 - formal co-rule with Ivan V, from 1721 - emperor)

Streltsy revolt (1682), Crimean campaigns Golitsyn (1687 and 1689), Azov campaigns of Peter I (1695 and 1696), “Great Embassy” (1697-1698), North War(1700-1721), foundation of St. Petersburg (1703), establishment of the Senate (1711), Prut campaign of Peter I (1711), establishment of collegiums (1718), introduction of the “Table of Ranks” (1722), Caspian campaign of Peter I (1722-1723)

Catherine I

(wife of Peter I)

Creation of the Supreme privy council(1726), conclusion of an alliance with Austria (1726)

(grandson of Peter I, son of Tsarevich Alexei)

Fall of Menshikov (1727), return of the capital to Moscow (1728)

Anna Ioannovna

(daughter of Ivan V, granddaughter of Alexei Mikhailovich)

Creation of a cabinet of ministers instead of the Supreme Privy Council (1730), return of the capital to St. Petersburg (1732), Russian-Turkish war(1735-1739)

Ivan VI Antonovich

Regency and overthrow of Biron (1740), resignation of Minich (1741)

Elizaveta Petrovna

(daughter of Peter I)

Opening of a university in Moscow (1755), Seven Years' War (1756-1762)

(nephew of Elizaveta Petrovna, grandson of Peter I)

Manifesto “On the Freedom of the Nobility”, the union of Prussia and Russia, decree on freedom of religion (all -1762)

Catherine II

(wife of Peter III)

The laid down commission (1767-1768), Russian-Turkish wars (1768-1774 and 1787-1791), partitions of Poland (1772, 1793 and 1795), the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev (1773-1774), provincial reform (1775), charters granted to the nobility and cities (1785)

(son of Catherine II and Peter III)

Decree on three-day corvee, ban on selling serfs without land (1797), Decree on succession to the throne (1797), war with France (1798-1799), Italian and Swiss campaigns of Suvorov (1799)

Alexander I

(son of Paul I)

The establishment of ministries instead of collegiums (1802), the decree “On free cultivators” (1803), the liberal censorship charter and the introduction of university autonomy (1804), participation in the Napoleonic wars (1805-1814), the establishment State Council(1810), Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), granting a constitution to Poland (1815), creation of a system of military settlements, emergence of Decembrist organizations

Nicholas I

(son of Paul 1)

Decembrist uprising (1825), creation of the “Code of Laws” Russian Empire"(1833), currency reform, reform in the state village, Crimean War(1853-1856)

Alexander II

(son of Nicholas I)

End of the Crimean War - Treaty of Paris (1856), abolition of serfdom (1861), zemstvo and judicial reforms (both 1864), sale of Alaska to the United States (1867), reforms in finance, education and press, city government reform, military reforms: abolition of the limited articles of the Peace of Paris (1870), the alliance of the three emperors (1873), the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878), the terror of the Narodnaya Volya (1879-1881)

Alexander III

(son of Alexander II)

Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy, Regulations on strengthening emergency protection (both 1881), counter-reforms, creation of the Noble Land and Peasant Banks, guardianship policy towards workers, creation of the Franco-Russian Union (1891-1893)

Nicholas II

(son of Alexander III)

General Population Census (1897), Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), 1st Russian Revolution (1905-1907), Stolypin Reform (1906-1911), I World War(1914-1918), February Revolution(February 1917)

Results of the Romanov reign

During the years of Romanov rule Russian monarchy experienced an era of prosperity, several periods of painful reforms and a sudden decline. The Muscovite Kingdom, in which Mikhail Romanov was crowned king, in the 17th century annexed vast territories of Eastern Siberia and reached the border with China. At the beginning of the 18th century, Russia became an empire and became one of the most influential states in Europe. Russia's decisive role in the victories over France and Turkey further strengthened its position. But at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Russian Empire, like other empires, collapsed under the influence of the events of the First World War.

In 1917, Nicholas II abdicated the throne and was arrested by the Provisional Government. The monarchy in Russia was abolished. Another year and a half later, the last emperor and his entire family were shot by decision of the Soviet government. Nikolai's surviving distant relatives settled in different countries Europe. Today, representatives of two branches of the Romanov dynasty: the Kirillovichs and the Nikolaeviches - claim the right to be considered locums of the Russian throne.

For 10 centuries, the domestic and foreign policies of the Russian state were determined by representatives of the ruling dynasties. As you know, the greatest prosperity of the state was under the rule of the Romanov dynasty, descendants of an old noble family. Its ancestor is considered to be Andrei Ivanovich Kobyla, whose father, Glanda-Kambila Divonovich, baptized Ivan, came to Russia in the last quarter of the 13th century from Lithuania.

The youngest of the 5 sons of Andrei Ivanovich, Fyodor Koshka, left numerous offspring, which include such surnames as the Koshkins-Zakharyins, Yakovlevs, Lyatskys, Bezzubtsevs and Sheremetyevs. In the sixth generation from Andrei Kobyla in the Koshkin-Zakharyin family there was the boyar Roman Yuryevich, from whom the boyar family, and subsequently the Romanov tsars, originated. This dynasty ruled in Russia for three hundred years.

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (1613 - 1645)

The beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty can be considered February 21, 1613, when the Zemsky Sobor, at which the Moscow nobles, supported by the townspeople, proposed electing 16-year-old Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov as sovereign of all Rus'. The proposal was accepted unanimously, and on July 11, 1613, in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, Mikhail was crowned king.

The beginning of his reign was not easy, because a significant part of the state central government still not under control. In those days, robber Cossack detachments of Zarutsky, Balovy and Lisovsky were walking around Russia, ruining the state already exhausted by the war with Sweden and Poland.

So, before the newly elected king stood two important tasks: first, the end of hostilities with neighbors, and second, the pacification of their subjects. He was able to cope with this only after 2 years. 1615 - all free Cossack groups were completely destroyed, and in 1617 the war with Sweden ended with the conclusion of the Stolbovo Peace. According to this agreement Moscow State lost access to Baltic Sea, but peace and tranquility were restored in Russia. It was possible to begin to lead the country out of a deep crisis. And here Mikhail’s government had to make a lot of efforts to restore the devastated country.

At first, the authorities took up the development of industry, for which foreign industrialists - ore miners, gunsmiths, foundry workers - were invited to Russia on preferential terms. Then the turn came to the army - it was obvious that for the prosperity and security of the state it was necessary to develop military affairs, in connection with this, in 1642, transformations began in the armed forces.

Foreign officers trained Russian military men in military affairs, “regiments of a foreign system” appeared in the country, which was the first step towards the creation regular army. These transformations turned out to be the last in the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich - 2 years later the tsar died at the age of 49 from “water sickness” and was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin.

Alexey Mikhailovich, nickname Quiet (1645-1676)

His eldest son Alexei, who, according to contemporaries, was one of the most educated people of his time, became king. He himself wrote and edited many decrees and was the first of the Russian tsars to begin signing them personally (others signed decrees for Mikhail, for example, his father Filaret). Meek and pious, Alexey deserved people's love and the nickname Quiet.

In the first years of his reign, Alexey Mikhailovich took little part in government affairs. The state was ruled by the Tsar's educator, boyar Boris Morozov, and the Tsar's father-in-law, Ilya Miloslavsky. Morozov's policy, which was aimed at increasing tax oppression, as well as Miloslavsky's lawlessness and abuses, caused popular indignation.

1648, June - an uprising broke out in the capital, followed by uprisings in southern Russian cities and in Siberia. The result of this rebellion was the removal of Morozov and Miloslavsky from power. 1649 - Alexei Mikhailovich had the opportunity to take over the rule of the country. On his personal instructions, a set of laws was drawn up - the Council Code, which satisfied the basic wishes of the townspeople and nobles.

In addition, the government of Alexei Mikhailovich encouraged the development of industry, supported Russian merchants, protecting them from competition from foreign traders. Customs and new trade statutes were adopted, which contributed to the development of domestic and foreign trade. Also, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the Moscow state expanded its borders not only to the southwest, but also to the south and east - Russian explorers explored Eastern Siberia.

Feodor III Alekseevich (1676 - 1682)

1675 - Alexei Mikhailovich declared his son Fyodor heir to the throne. 1676, January 30 - Alexei died at the age of 47 and was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin. Fyodor Alekseevich became the sovereign of all Rus' and on June 18, 1676 he was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral. Tsar Fedor reigned for only six years, he was extremely unindependent, power ended up in the hands of his maternal relatives - the Miloslavsky boyars.

The most important event of the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich was the destruction of localism in 1682, which provided the opportunity for promotion to not very noble, but educated and enterprising people. IN last days During the reign of Fyodor Alekseevich, a project was drawn up to establish a Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy and a theological school for 30 people in Moscow. Fyodor Alekseevich died on April 27, 1682 at the age of 22, without making any order regarding the succession to the throne.

Ivan V (1682-1696)

After the death of Tsar Fyodor, ten-year-old Pyotr Alekseevich, at the suggestion of Patriarch Joachim and at the insistence of the Naryshkins (his mother was from this family), was proclaimed tsar, bypassing his older brother Tsarevich Ivan. But on May 23 of the same year, at the request of the Miloslavsky boyars, he was approved by the Zemsky Sobor as the “second tsar,” and Ivan as the “first.” And only in 1696, after the death of Ivan Alekseevich, Peter became the sole tsar.

Peter I Alekseevich, nickname the Great (1682 - 1725)

Both emperors pledged to be allies in the conduct of hostilities. However, in 1810, relations between Russia and France began to take on an openly hostile character. And in the summer of 1812, war began between the powers. Russian army, having expelled the invaders from Moscow, completed the liberation of Europe with a triumphal entry into Paris in 1814. The successfully ended wars with Turkey and Sweden strengthened international situation countries. During the reign of Alexander I, Georgia, Finland, Bessarabia, and Azerbaijan became part of the Russian Empire. 1825 - During a trip to Taganrog, Emperor Alexander I caught a severe cold and died on November 19.

Emperor Nicholas I (1825-1855)

After Alexander's death, Russia lived without an emperor for almost a month. On December 14, 1825, an oath was announced to his younger brother Nikolai Pavlovich. That same day, an attempted coup took place, which was later called the Decembrist uprising. The day of December 14 made an indelible impression on Nicholas I, and this was reflected in the nature of his entire reign, during which absolutism reached its highest rise, expenses for officials and the army absorbed almost all state funds. During the years, the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire was compiled - a code of all legislative acts that existed in 1835.

1826 - the Secret Committee was established, dealing with the peasant issue; in 1830, a general law on estates was developed, in which a number of improvements were designed for the peasants. For primary education About 9,000 rural schools were established for peasant children.

1854 - the Crimean War began, ending in the defeat of Russia: according to the Paris Treaty of 1856, the Black Sea was declared neutral, and Russia was able to regain the right to have a fleet there only in 1871. It was the defeat in this war that decided the fate of Nicholas I. Not wanting to admit the error of his views and beliefs, which led the state not only to military defeat, but also to the collapse of the entire system state power, the emperor is believed to have knowingly taken poison on February 18, 1855.

Alexander II the Liberator (1855-1881)

The next from the Romanov dynasty came to power - Alexander Nikolaevich, the eldest son of Nicholas I and Alexandra Fedorovna.

It should be noted that I was able to somewhat stabilize the situation both within the state and on external borders. Firstly, under Alexander II in Russia they abolished serfdom, for which the emperor was nicknamed the Liberator. 1874 - a decree was issued on universal conscription, which abolished conscription. At this time, higher educational institutions for women were created, three universities were founded - Novorossiysk, Warsaw and Tomsk.

Alexander II was able to finally conquer the Caucasus in 1864. According to the Argun Treaty with China, the Amur Territory was annexed to Russia, and according to the Beijing Treaty, the Ussuri Territory was annexed. 1864 - Russian troops began a campaign in Central Asia, during which the Turkestan region and Fergana region were captured. Russian rule extended all the way to the peaks of the Tien Shan and the foot of the Himalayan range. Russia also had possessions in the United States.

However, in 1867, Russia sold Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to America. The most important event In Russian foreign policy during the reign of Alexander II, the Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878 began, which ended in the victory of the Russian army, which resulted in the declaration of independence of Serbia, Romania and Montenegro.

Russia received part of Bessarabia, seized in 1856 (except for the islands of the Danube Delta) and a monetary indemnity of 302.5 million rubles. In the Caucasus, Ardahan, Kars and Batum with their surroundings were annexed to Russia. The Emperor could have done a lot more for Russia, but on March 1, 1881, his life was tragically cut short by a bomb from Narodnaya Volya terrorists, and the next representative of the Romanov dynasty, his son Alexander III, ascended the throne. Difficult times have come for the Russian people.

Alexander III the Peacemaker (1881-1894)

During the reign of Alexander III, administrative arbitrariness increased significantly. In order to develop new lands, a massive resettlement of peasants to Siberia began. The government took care of improving the living conditions of workers - the work of minors and women was limited.

In foreign policy at this time, there was a deterioration in Russian-German relations and a rapprochement between Russia and France took place, which ended with the conclusion of the Franco-Russian alliance. Emperor Alexander III died in the fall of 1894 from kidney disease, aggravated by bruises received during train accident near Kharkov and constant excessive consumption of alcohol. And power passed to his eldest son Nicholas, the last Russian emperor from the Romanov dynasty.

Emperor Nicholas II (1894-1917)

The entire reign of Nicholas II passed in an atmosphere of growing revolutionary movement. At the beginning of 1905, a revolution broke out in Russia, marking the beginning of reforms: 1905, October 17 - the Manifesto was published, which established the foundations of civil freedom: personal integrity, freedom of speech, assembly and unions. The State Duma was established (1906), without whose approval not a single law could enter into force.

According to the project of P.A. Stolshin, agrarian reform. In area foreign policy Nicholas II took some steps to stabilize international relations. Despite the fact that Nicholas was more democratic than his father, popular discontent with the autocrat grew rapidly. At the beginning of March 1917, the chairman State Duma M.V. Rodzianko told Nicholas II that the preservation of autocracy was possible only if the throne was transferred to Tsarevich Alexei.

But, given the poor health of his son Alexei, Nicholas abdicated the throne in favor of his brother Mikhail Alexandrovich. Mikhail Alexandrovich, in turn, abdicated in favor of the people. The republican era has begun in Russia.

From March 9 to August 14, 1917 former emperor and members of his family were kept under arrest in Tsarskoe Selo, then they were transported to Tobolsk. On April 30, 1918, the prisoners were brought to Yekaterinburg, where on the night of July 17, 1918, by order of the new revolutionary government, the former emperor, his wife, children and the doctor and servants who remained with them were shot by security officers. Thus ended the reign of the last dynasty in Russian history.

The last 300+ years Russian autocracy(1613-1917) are historically associated with the Romanov dynasty, which secured the Russian throne during a period known as the Time of Troubles. The emergence of a new dynasty on the throne is always a major political event and is often associated with a revolution or coup, that is, the violent removal of the old dynasty. In Russia, the change of dynasties was caused by the suppression of the ruling branch of the Rurikovichs in the descendants of Ivan the Terrible. Problems of succession to the throne gave rise to a deep socio-political crisis, accompanied by the intervention of foreigners. Never in Russia have the supreme rulers changed so often, each time bringing a new dynasty to the throne. Among the contenders for the throne were representatives from different social strata, and there were also foreign candidates from among the “natural” dynasties. The kings became either the descendants of the Rurikovichs (Vasily Shuisky, 1606-1610), or those from among the untitled boyars (Boris Godunov, 1598-1605), or impostors (False Dmitry I, 1605-1606; False Dmitry II, 1607-1610 .). No one managed to gain a foothold on the Russian throne until 1613, when Mikhail Romanov was elected to the throne, and in his person a new ruling dynasty was finally established. Why did the historical choice fall on the Romanov family? Where did they come from and what were they like by the time they came to power?
The genealogical past of the Romanovs was quite clear already in mid-16th century century., when the rise of their family began. In accordance with the political tradition of that time, the genealogies contained a legend about the “departure.” Having become related to the Rurikovichs (see table), the boyar family of the Romanovs also borrowed the general direction of the legend: Rurik in the 14th “tribe” was derived from the legendary Prussian, and the ancestor of the Romanovs was recognized as a native of “Prussia”. The Sheremetevs, Kolychevs, Yakovlevs, Sukhovo-Kobylins and others famous in the world are traditionally considered to be of the same origin as the Romanovs (from the legendary Kambila). Russian history childbirth.
An original interpretation of the origin of all clans with a legend about leaving “from Prussia” (with a primary interest in the ruling house of the Romanovs) was given in the 19th century. Petrov P. N., whose work has been republished in large quantities even today. (Petrov P. N. History of the families of the Russian nobility. Vol. 1–2, St. Petersburg, - 1886. Republished: M. - 1991. - 420 pp. ; 318 pp.). He considers the ancestors of these families to be Novgorodians who broke with their homeland for political reasons at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries. and went to serve the Moscow prince. The assumption is based on the fact that at the Zagorodsky end of Novgorod there was Prusskaya Street, from which the road to Pskov began. Its inhabitants traditionally supported the opposition against the Novgorod aristocracy and were called “Prussians.” “Why should we look for foreign Prussians?...” asks P.N. Petrov, calling to “dispel the darkness of fairy tales, which have hitherto been accepted as truth and who wanted to impose non-Russian origins on the Romanov family at all costs.”

Table 1.

The genealogical roots of the Romanov family (XII – XIV centuries) are given in the interpretation of P.N. Petrov. (Petrov P.N. History of the clans of the Russian nobility. T. 1–2, - St. Petersburg, - 1886. Republished: M. - 1991. - 420 pp.; 318 pp.).
1 Ratsha (Radsha, christian name Stefan) is the legendary founder of many noble families of Russia: Sheremetevs, Kolychevs, Neplyuevs, Kobylins, etc. A native of “Prussian descent,” according to Petrov P.N., Novgorodian, servant of Vsevolod Olgovich, and maybe Mstislav the Great; according to another version of Serbian origin
2 Yakun (Christian name Mikhail), mayor of Novgorod, died as a monk with the name Mitrofan in 1206
3 Alexa (Christian name Gorislav), monastically St. Varlaam. Khutynsky, died in 1215 or 1243.
4 Gabriel, hero of the Battle of the Neva in 1240, died in 1241
5 Ivan is a Christian name, in the Pushkin family tree it is Ivan Morkhinya. According to Petrov P.N. before baptism his name was Gland Kambila Divonovich, he came “from Prussia” in the 13th century, and is the generally accepted ancestor of the Romanovs.;
6 Petrov P.N. considers this Andrei to be Andrei Ivanovich Kobyla, whose five sons became the founders of 17 families of the Russian nobility, including the Romanovs.
7 Grigory Alexandrovich Pushka - the founder of the Pushkin family, mentioned in 1380. From him the branch was called Pushkin.
8 Anastasia Romanova is the first wife of Ivan IV, the mother of the last Tsar Rurikovich - Fyodor Ivanovich, through her the genealogical relationship of the Rurikovich dynasties with the Romanovs and Pushkins is established.
9 Fyodor Nikitich Romanov (born between 1554-1560, d. 1663) from 1587 - boyar, from 1601 - tonsured a monk with the name Filaret, patriarch from 1619. Father of the first king of the new dynasty.
10 Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - the founder of the new dynasty, elected to the throne in 1613 by the Zemsky Sobor. The Romanov dynasty occupied the Russian throne until the 1917 revolution.
11 Alexei Mikhailovich - Tsar (1645-1676).
12 Maria Alekseevna Pushkina married Osip (Abram) Petrovich Hannibal, their daughter Nadezhda Osipovna is the mother of the great Russian poet. Through it is the intersection of the Pushkin and Hannibal families.

Without discarding the traditionally recognized ancestor of the Romanovs in the person of Andrei Ivanovich, but developing the idea of ​​the Novgorod origin of “those who left Prussia”, P.N. Petrov. believes that Andrei Ivanovich Kobyla is the grandson of the Novgorodian Iakinthos the Great and is related to the Ratsha family (Ratsha is a diminutive of Ratislav. (see Table 2).
In the chronicle he is mentioned in 1146 along with other Novgorodians on the side of Vsevolod Olgovich (son-in-law of Mstislav, the great Prince of Kyiv 1125-32). At the same time, Gland Kambila Divonovich, the traditional ancestor, “a native of Prussia,” disappears from the scheme, and until the middle of the 12th century. the Novgorod roots of Andrei Kobyla are traced, who, as mentioned above, is considered the first documented ancestor of the Romanovs.
The formation of the reigning since the beginning of the 17th century. clan and the allocation of the ruling branch is presented in the form of a chain of Kobylina – Koshkina – Zakharyina – Yuryevs – Romanovs (see Table 3), reflecting the transformation of the clan nickname into a surname. The rise of the family dates back to the second third of the 16th century. and is associated with the marriage of Ivan IV to the daughter of Roman Yuryevich Zakharyin, Anastasia. (see Table 4. At that time, this was the only untitled surname that remained in the forefront of the Old Moscow boyars in the stream of new titled servants who surged to Sovereign's Court in the second half of the 15th century. - early 16th century (princes Shuisky, Vorotynsky, Mstislavsky, Trubetskoy).
The ancestor of the Romanov branch was the third son of Roman Yuryevich Za-Kharin - Nikita Romanovich (d. 1586), the brother of Queen Anastasia. His descendants were already called Romanovs. Nikita Romanovich - Moscow boyar since 1562, active participant Livonian War and diplomatic negotiations, after the death of Ivan IV he headed the regency council (until the end of 1584). One of the few Moscow boyars of the 16th century who left a good memory among the people: his name was preserved by folk epic, depicting him as a good-natured mediator between the people and the formidable tsar Ivan.
Of the six sons of Nikita Romanovich, the eldest was especially outstanding - Fyodor Nikitich (later Patriarch Filaret, the unofficial co-ruler of the first Russian Tsar of the Romanov family) and Ivan Nikitich, who was part of the Seven Boyars. The popularity of the Romanovs, acquired by their personal qualities, increased from the persecution they were subjected to by Boris Godunov, who saw them as potential rivals in the struggle for the royal throne.

Table 2 and 3.

Election of Mikhail Romanov to the throne. The rise to power of a new dynasty

In October 1612, as a result of the successful actions of the second militia under the command of Prince Pozharsky and the merchant Minin, Moscow was liberated from the Poles. A Provisional Government was created and elections to the Zemsky Sobor were announced, the convening of which was planned for the beginning of 1613. There was one on the agenda, but extremely burning question- elections of a new dynasty. They unanimously decided not to choose from foreign royal houses, but there was no unity regarding domestic candidates. Among the noble candidates for the throne (princes Golitsyn, Mstislavsky, Pozharsky, Trubetskoy) was 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov from a long-standing boyar, but untitled family. On his own, he had little chance of winning, but the interests of the nobility and the Cossacks, who played a certain role during the Time of Troubles, converged on his candidacy. The boyars hoped for his inexperience and intended to maintain their political positions, strengthened during the years of the Seven Boyars. The political past of the Romanov family also played into its favor, as discussed above. They wanted to choose not the most capable, but the most convenient. There was active campaigning among the people in favor of Michael, which also played an important role in his establishment on the throne. The final decision was made on February 21, 1613. Michael was chosen by the Council and approved by “the whole earth.” The outcome of the case was decided by a note from an unknown chieftain, who stated that Mikhail Romanov was the closest relative to the previous dynasty and could be considered a “natural” Russian tsar.
Thus, autocracy was restored in his person legitimate character(by right of birth). Alternative opportunities were lost political development Russia, laid down during the Time of Troubles, or rather, in the then established tradition of election (and therefore turnover) of monarchs.
Behind Tsar Mikhail for 14 years stood his father, Fyodor Nikitich, better known as Philaret, patriarch of the Russian Church (officially since 1619). The case is unique not only in Russian history: the son occupies the highest government position, the father the highest church position. This is hardly a coincidence. Some people suggest thinking about the role of the Romanov family during the Time of Troubles Interesting Facts. For example, it is known that Grigory Otrepiev, who appeared on the Russian throne under the name of False Dmitry I, was a slave of the Romanovs before being exiled to a monastery, and he, having become a self-proclaimed tsar, returned Filaret from exile and elevated him to the rank of metropolitan. False Dmitry II, in whose Tushino headquarters Filaret was, promoted him to patriarch. But be that as it may, in early XVII V. A new dynasty established itself in Russia, with which the state functioned for more than three hundred years, experiencing ups and downs.

Tables 4 and 5.

Dynastic marriages of the Romanovs, their role in Russian history

During the 18th century. Genealogical connections of the House of Romanov with other dynasties were intensively established, which expanded to such an extent that, figuratively speaking, the Romanovs themselves disappeared into them. These connections were formed mainly through the system of dynastic marriages that had been established in Russia since the time of Peter I (see Tables 7-9). The tradition of equal marriages in the conditions of dynastic crises, so characteristic of Russia in the 20-60s of the 18th century, led to the transfer of the Russian throne into the hands of another dynasty, the representative of which acted on behalf of the extinct Romanov dynasty (in male offspring - after death in 1730 Peter II).
During the 18th century. the transition from one dynasty to another was carried out both through the line of Ivan V - to representatives of the Mecklenburg and Brunswick dynasties (see table 6), and through the line of Peter I - to members of the Holstein-Gottorp dynasty (see table 6), whose descendants occupied the Russian throne on behalf of the Romanovs from Peter III to Nicholas II (see Table 5). The Holstein-Gottorp dynasty, in turn, was a junior branch of the Danish Oldenburg dynasty. In the 19th century the tradition of dynastic marriages continued, genealogical connections multiplied (see Table 9), giving rise to the desire to “hide” the foreign roots of the first Romanovs, so traditional for the Russian centralized state and burdensome for the second half of the XVIII– XIX centuries The political need to emphasize the Slavic roots of the ruling dynasty was reflected in the interpretation of P.N. Petrov.

Table 6.

Table 7.

Ivan V was on the Russian throne for 14 years (1682-96) together with Peter I (1682-1726), initially during his regency older sister Sophia (1682-89). He did not take an active part in governing the country; his descendants male did not have, his two daughters (Anna and Ekaterina) were married off, based on the state interests of Russia early XVIII century (see table 6). In the conditions of the dynastic crisis of 1730, when the male descendants of the line of Peter I were cut off, the descendants of Ivan V established themselves on the Russian throne: daughter Anna Ioannovna (1730-40), great-grandson Ivan VI (1740-41) under the regency of mother Anna Leopoldovna , in whose person the representatives of the Brunswick dynasty actually ended up on the Russian throne. The coup of 1741 returned the throne into the hands of the descendants of Peter I. However, having no direct heirs, Elizaveta Petrovna transferred the Russian throne to her nephew Peter III, whose father belonged to the Holstein-Gottorp dynasty. The Oldenburg dynasty (via the Holstein-Gottorp branch) is united with the House of Romanov in the person of Peter III and his descendants.

Table 8.

1 Peter II is the grandson of Peter I, the last male representative of the Romanov family (on his mother’s side, a representative of the Blankenburg-Wolfenbüttel dynasty).

2 Paul I and his descendants, who ruled Russia until 1917, in terms of origin, did not belong to the Romanov family (Paul I was a representative of the Holstein-Gottorp dynasty on his father’s side, and an Anhalt-Zerbt dynasty on his mother’s side).

Table 9.

1 Paul I had seven children, of whom: Anna - the wife of Prince William, later King of the Netherlands (1840-49); Catherine - since 1809 the prince's wife
George of Oldenburg, married from 1816 to Prince William of Württemburg, who later became king; Alexandra’s first marriage was with Gustav IV of Sweden (before 1796), her second marriage was with Archduke Joseph, Hungarian stole, in 1799.
2 Daughters of Nicholas I: Maria - since 1839, the wife of Maximilian, Duke of Leitenberg; Olga has been the wife of the Württemberg Crown Prince since 1846, then of King Charles I.
3 Other children of Alexander II: Maria - since 1874, married to Alfred Albert, Duke of Edinburgh, later Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha; Sergei - married to Elizaveta Feodorovna, daughter of the Duke of Hesse; Pavel has been married to the Greek royal Alexandra Georgievna since 1889.

On February 27, 1917, a revolution took place in Russia, during which the autocracy was overthrown. March 3, 1917 last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, in a military trailer near Mogilev, where Headquarters was located at that time, signed his abdication of the throne. This was the end of the history of monarchical Russia, which was declared a republic on September 1, 1917. The family of the overthrown emperor was arrested and exiled to Yekaterinburg, and in the summer of 1918, when there was a threat of the city being captured by the army of A.V. Kolchak, they were shot on the orders of the Bolsheviks. Together with the emperor, his heir, his minor son Alexei, was liquidated. The younger brother Mikhail Alexandrovich, the heir of the second circle, in whose favor Nicholas II abdicated the throne, was killed a few days earlier near Perm. This is where the story of the Romanov family should end. However, excluding any legends and versions, we can reliably say that this family has not died out. The lateral branch, in relation to the last emperors, survived - the descendants of Alexander II (see table 9, continued). Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich (1876 - 1938) was next in order of succession to the throne after Mikhail Alexandrovich, younger brother the last emperor. In 1922, after completion civil war in Russia and final confirmation of information about the death of all imperial family, Kirill Vladimirovich declared himself Guardian of the Throne, and in 1924 accepted the title of Emperor of All Russia, Head of the Russian Imperial House abroad. His seven-year-old son Vladimir Kirillovich was proclaimed heir to the throne with the title Grand Duke Heir Tsesarevich. He succeeded his father in 1938 and was the Head of the Russian Imperial House abroad until his death in 1992 (see table 9, continued.) Buried on May 29, 1992 under the arches of the cathedral Peter and Paul Fortress St. Petersburg. The head of the Russian Imperial House (abroad) was his daughter Maria Vladimirovna.

Milevich S.V. - Toolkit to study a genealogy course. Odessa, 2000.

In the Kremlin, in the Armory Chamber, two unsightly-looking sabers are kept. But, despite their unpresentable appearance, they are priceless relics of Russia. These sabers were the military weapons of Minin and Pozharsky. In 1612, a merchant from Nizhny Novgorod Kuzma Minin called on the Russian people to fight the Polish invaders, and led civil uprising Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

In the autumn of the same year, the Mother See was cleared of Polish lords. After this, the Zemsky Sobor met and elected Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the throne. The Romanov family itself came from the family of Queen Anastasia (the first wife of Ivan the Terrible). The people loved and revered her for her kindness and meekness. The formidable king himself loved her and was very worried after the death of his wife.

All this was the reason that the representatives of the Russian lands, who gathered at the Zemsky Sobor, chose in favor of a 16-year-old boy, who was a descendant of Anastasia. They announced this to him at the Ipatiev Monastery in the city of Kostroma. Thus began the reign of the Romanov dynasty. It lasted 300 years and turned the Russian land into a huge and great power.

Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich (1613-1645)

Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676)

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich (1676-1682)

Three Powers and Princess Sofya Alekseevna (1682-1689)

Peter I the Great (1689-1725)

Tsar and then Emperor Peter I is considered a great reformer who turned the Muscovite kingdom into the Russian Empire. His achievements include the defeat of the Swedes, access to the Baltic Sea, the construction of St. Petersburg, and the rapid growth of the metallurgical industry. Were converted public administration, legal proceedings and the education system. In 1721, the Russian Tsar began to be called the Emperor, and the country an Empire.
Read more in the article Peter I Romanov.

Empress Catherine I (1725-1727)

Emperor Peter II (1727-1730)

Empress Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740)

Ivan VI and the Brunswick family (1740-1741)

Empress Elisabeth (1741-1761)

Emperor Peter III (1761-1762)

Empress Catherine II the Great (1762-1796)

Emperor Paul I (1796-1801)

Emperor Alexander I (1801-1825)

Emperor Nicholas I (1825-1855)

Emperor Alexander II the Liberator (1855-1881)

Emperor Alexander III the Peacemaker (1881-1894)

Emperor Nicholas II (1894-1917)

Nicholas II became last emperor Romanov dynasty. Under him, the Khodynka tragedy and Bloody Sunday occurred. Was extremely poorly conducted Russo-Japanese War. At the same time, the economy of the Russian Empire experienced an upswing. At its peak, the First World War began, ending with a revolution and the abdication of the emperor. The renunciation manifesto was signed on March 2, 1917. Nicholas II abdicated in favor of his brother Mikhail, but he also renounced power.

Leonid Druzhnikov

On February 21, 1613, the most representative Zemsky Sobor was convened in Moscow, which elected the 16-year-old king Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (1613-1645). On July 11, he was crowned in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin.

Under the young king, his mother was in charge of state affairs Grand Eldress Martha and her relatives from the Saltykov boyars (1613-1619) , and after returning from Polish captivity Patriarch Filaret, the latter became the de facto ruler of Russia (1619-1633) , who bore the title Great Sovereign. In essence, dual power was established in the country: state documents were written in the name of the Sovereign Tsar and His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

The government was faced with a number of tasks: to improve the financial situation in the country, restore the economy, and strengthen state borders.

Financial problems were solved by further strengthening tax oppression: the “fifth money” (a tax amounting to a fifth of profits), direct taxes on the collection of grain reserves and money for the maintenance of the army were introduced (1614).

During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, crafts began to rise and the first manufactories were formed. IN 1632 g. The first in the country begins its activities near Tula ironworks.

The situation in foreign policy was complex and ambiguous. In February 1617, an agreement was concluded between Russia and Sweden Peace of Stolbovo (1617)(in the village of Stolbovo). At the same time, the Polish prince Vladislav tried to confirm his claims to the Russian throne through military action. Polish troops met fierce resistance and in 1618 it was signed Truce of Deulin (1618) for 14.5 years. The Smolensk lands (except for Vyazma), including Smolensk, Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversk lands with 29 cities, went to Poland.

In 1632-1634. there was a Russian-Polish war, which is also known as Smolensk War 1632-1634. , caused by Russia's desire to regain its ancestral lands. Soon it was signed Peace of Polyanovsky (1634), under the terms of which the pre-war border was preserved, and the King of Poland, Wladyslaw IV, officially renounced his claims to the Russian throne. To successfully conduct military operations during 1631-1634. military reform was carried out and " New build shelves", i.e. on the model of Western European armies. Reiter (1), dragoon (1) and soldier (8) regiments were created.

3. Prerequisites and features of the formation of Russian absolutism. The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov (1645-1676).

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the collapse of feudalism began in Russia. Manufactory begins to develop (more than 20), market relations are established (in connection with the widespread development of small-scale production), everything big role The merchant class begins to play a role in the country's economy.

Under Alexei Mikhailovich, nicknamed the Quietest, the prerequisites for the formation of an absolute monarchy in Russia began to take shape. The first sign of absolutism was Cathedral Code of 1649., which emphasized the sacredness of royal power and its inviolability. The chapter “The Court of Peasants” contains articles that finally formalized serfdom- the eternal hereditary dependence of the peasants was established, the “fixed summers” for searching for runaway peasants were abolished, and a high fine was established for harboring runaways. Peasants were deprived of the right to judicial representation in property disputes.

During the same period, the importance of zemstvo councils began to decline, the last of which was convened in 1653 g., and immediately after that it was created Order of secret affairs (1654-1676) for political investigation.

IN 1653 started Church reform of Patriarch Nikon according to the Byzantine model.

WITH 1654 to 1667. There was a war between Russia and Poland for the return of the ancestral Russian lands of Russia and for the annexation of Left Bank Ukraine. In 1667, Russia and Poland signed Peace of Andrusovo (1667), according to which Smolensk and Novgorod-Seversk lands, left-bank Ukraine and Kyiv (the latter until 1669) were returned to Russia.

The annexation of Ukraine required the unification of church rites, for which Nikon chose the Byzantine rites as a model. In addition, the government wanted to generally unite the churches not only of Russia and Ukraine, but also of the eastern autocephalous churches.

After the annexation of Ukraine, Alexey Mikhailovich, instead of the former “sovereign, tsar and grand prince of all Rus',” began to be called “by the grace of God, great sovereign, tsar and grand prince of all Great and Small and White Russia autocrat.”

Nikon's reforms gave rise to such a phenomenon as schism and movement of the Old Believers, which at the initial stage took exalted forms, namely baptism by fire, i.e. self-immolation. The movement especially intensified after the church council of 1666-1667, at which they were anathematized for their heresy. Reflection of popular disagreement with politics official church found in Solovetsky uprising 1668-1676.

The autocratic policy of the Moscow patriarch contradicted the interests of secular power, the growing elements of absolutism, and could not but cause royal discontent. At the council of 1666-1667. Nikon was deposed and taken under escort to the Ferapontov Monastery on Beloozero. Nikon died in 1681.

In Russia, the replacement of the estate-representative monarchy with an absolute monarchy began: zemstvo councils are no longer convened, the authority of the Boyar Duma has fallen, the church has been relegated to the background by secular power, government control over the life of the country is increasing, and the government itself is under the supervision of the repressive apparatus (Order of Secret Affairs ), the importance of the nobility increases (an equation of local ownership with patrimonial ownership occurs). At the same time, the formation of absolutism occurs under the sign of ever-increasing social oppression over the population - the peasantry and the townspeople.

The policy of the government of Alexei Mikhailovich caused a number of popular outrages, the most significant of which were Salt Riot (1648) And Copper Riot (1662).

The Salt Riot (another name for the Moscow Uprising) was initiated by the predatory policies of the government of B.I. Morozov after the tax reform: all indirect taxes were replaced by one direct one - a tax on salt, as a result of which the price for it increased several times.

The Copper Riot (or the Moscow Uprising of 1662) broke out due to the financial crisis: in 1654, the government introduced copper money at the rate of silver, as a result of the mass production of copper money, it depreciated, which led to increased speculation and the issuance of counterfeit coins (often the ruling apex).

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