Home Mushrooms Test “Foreign policy. Russian-Japanese War "- Document. The main reasons for the Russo-Japanese war

Test “Foreign policy. Russian-Japanese War "- Document. The main reasons for the Russo-Japanese war

Test on the topic "The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905"

1. The reason Russo-Japanese War became

a) the conflict of interests of the military-political blocs of the Entente and Triple Alliance

b) the clash of the zones of influence of the Russian and Japanese empires in Korea and Manchuria

c) Japan's population growth and lack of resources

d) Russia's desire to establish control over Korea

2. The Russo-Japanese war was in character

a) aggressive by Japan

b) aggressive on the part of Russia

c) was aggressive, unjust, imperialistic on both sides

d) fair on the part of Russia

3.Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Far East during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

a) general

b) Rear Admiral Wittgeft

c) lieutenant general

d) general

4. During the Russian-Japanese war1904-1905.

a) destroyers were first used at sea

b) Russian troops occupied Mukden

c) there was the establishment of a Russian protectorate over Korea

d) Russia and China entered into a secret treaty on a defensive alliance

C) February 1905

E) January 1904

1) the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War

2) Tsushima battle

3) the surrender of Port Arthur

4) the victory of Japan at Mukden

5) Portsmouth Peace Treaty of Russia with Japan

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

10. Establish a correspondence between the term and its definition


A) sphere of influence

B) concession

B) protectorate

D) imperialism

E) empire

E) expansion

G) intervention

1) external military intervention in internal affairs independent state

2) a powerful military power that unites different nations and territories in united state

3) form interstate relations, in which one country recognizes the supreme sovereignty of another over itself, primarily in international relations, while maintaining autonomy in internal affairs and their own dynasty of rulers

4) monopoly capitalism, the highest and last stage of capitalism

5) the expansion of spheres of influence, the conquest of markets by individual states, monopolies

6) territory outside the borders of the state, which is due to occupation or unequal agreements under its control

3) the duty of both sides to withdraw their troops from Manchuria

4) Russia had the right to leave its troops in Manchuria

5) the establishment of a Japanese protectorate over Korea

6) Korea was recognized as a sphere of Russian influence

Answer: _________________

13. Name the provisions reflecting the reasons for the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan

1) the lack of the possibility of a quick transfer of reserves to the Far East

2) surprise attack by Japan

3) the weakness of the Russian fleet

4) support for Japan from England and the United States

5) poor preparation of Russia for war

6) battles were fought exclusively at sea

7) mistakes and ill-considered actions of the Russian command

8) numerical superiority of the Japanese army

Answer: _________________

14. Name the provisions reflecting the consequences of the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan

1) strengthening the position of Russia in the Far East

2) the loss of the entire island of Sakhalin

3) weakening of Russia's position in the Far East

4) preservation of Port Arthur for Russia

5) public dissatisfaction with the autocracy, which shamefully lost the war with Japan

6) destabilization of the internal political situation in Russia - the growth of the revolutionary struggle

7) stabilization of the internal political situation in Russia

Answer: _________________

15. Read the text and give a name statesman about which in question in the text.

“He headed the Russian delegation that signed the Portsmouth Peace Treaty of 1905 with Japan, for which he received the title of count. During the first Russian revolution, during the October strike of 1905, called on Emperor Nicholas II to compromise with the revolutionary forces, which found expression in the Manifesto of October 17, 1905. From October 1905 to April 1906, he headed the Council of Ministers.

Answer: _________________

Test on the topic "The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905."

1. The reason for the Russo-Japanese war was

a) the conflict of interests of the military-political blocs of the Entente and the Triple Alliance

b) the clash of the zones of influence of the Russian and Japanese empires in Korea and Manchuria

c) Japan's population growth and lack of resources

d) Russia's desire to establish control over Korea

2. The Russo-Japanese war was in character

a) aggressive by Japan

b) aggressive on the part of Russia

c) was aggressive, unjust, imperialistic on both sides

d) fair on the part of Russia

3.Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Far East during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

a) General A.V. Kaulbars

b) Rear Admiral Wittgeft

c) Lieutenant General O.K. Grippenberg

d) General A. N. Kuropatkin

4. During the Russian-Japanese war1904-1905.

a) destroyers were first used at sea

b) Russian troops occupied Mukden

c) there was the establishment of a Russian protectorate over Korea

d) Russia and China entered into a secret treaty on a defensive alliance

5. On April 13, 1904, as a result of the explosion of the battleship "Petropavlovsk" on Japanese mines, the famous Russian battle painter was killed

A) V.V. Vereshchagin

B) I.K. Aivazovsky

C) M.I. Avilov

D) R.R. Franz

6. The peace negotiator was

a) S. Yu. Witte

b) Emperor Nicholas II

c) Emperor Wilhelm II

d) US President Thomas Roosevelt

7. The total losses of Russia in the war amounted to about

a) 150 thousand people

b) 200 thousand people.

c) 250 thousand people

d) 300 thousand people

8. For the Russian Empire, defeat in this local conflict became

a) the reason for the toughening of the struggle against the revolutionary forces

b) the reason for the stabilization of the internal political situation

c) proof of the ineffectiveness of everything state structure

d) huge human and material losses, with unprecedented destruction and disasters

9. Set the correspondence between date and event

10. Establish a correspondence between the term and its definition



A) sphere of influence

B) concession

B) protectorate

D) imperialism

E) empire

E) expansion

G) intervention

1) external military intervention in the internal affairs of an independent state

2) a powerful military power that unites different peoples and territories into a single state

3) the form of interstate relations, in which one country recognizes the supreme sovereignty of another over itself, primarily in international relations while maintaining autonomy in internal affairs and their own dynasty of rulers

4) monopoly capitalism, the highest and last stage of capitalism

5) the expansion of spheres of influence, the conquest of markets by individual states, monopolies

6) territory outside the borders of the state, which is due to occupation or unequal agreements under its control

7) the transfer by the state to foreign capital of the rights to operate certain natural resources for a certain period

11. Place in chronological order time of events

A) the defeat of the Russian troops at Liaoyang

B) the victory of Japan at the city of Mukden

C) Portsmouth Peace Treaty

D) Tsushima battle

E) the fall of Port Arthur

E) the death of the 1st Russian Pacific squadron when trying to break through to Vladivostok

12. What are the provisions reflecting the main terms of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty between Russia and Japan?

1) preservation of Port Arthur for Russia

2) Russia's loss of the southern part of Sakhalin Island

3) the duty of both sides to withdraw their troops from Manchuria

4) Russia had the right to leave its troops in Manchuria

5) the establishment of a Japanese protectorate over Korea

6) Korea was recognized as a sphere of Russian influence

13. Name the provisions reflecting the reasons for the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan

1) the lack of the possibility of a quick transfer of reserves to the Far East

2) surprise attack by Japan

3) the weakness of the Russian fleet

4) support for Japan from England and the United States

5) poor preparation of Russia for war

6) battles were fought exclusively at sea

7) mistakes and ill-considered actions of the Russian command

8) numerical superiority of the Japanese army

14. Name the provisions reflecting the consequences of the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan

1) strengthening the position of Russia in the Far East

2) the loss of the entire island of Sakhalin

3) weakening of Russia's position in the Far East

4) preservation of Port Arthur for Russia

5) public dissatisfaction with the autocracy, which shamefully lost the war with Japan

6) destabilization of the internal political situation in Russia - the growth of the revolutionary struggle

7) stabilization of the internal political situation in Russia

15. Read the text and indicate the name of the statesman referred to in the text.

“He headed the Russian delegation that signed the Portsmouth Peace Treaty of 1905 with Japan, for which he received the title of count. During the first Russian revolution, during the October strike of 1905, he called on Emperor Nicholas II to compromise with the revolutionary forces, which found expression in the Manifesto of October 17, 1905. From October 1905 to April 1906, he headed the Council of Ministers. "

16. The first war for Russia in the XX century began with:

1.attacks of the Japanese squadron on Port Arthur

2.Attacks of Russian warships on Japanese ships in the Korean Chemulpo

3.Attacks of Japanese warships on the Russian squadron in Tsushima Strait

4.Battle of Liaoyang

17. In 1902 S.Yu. Witte made a trip to the Far East. From this trip he came to the conviction that:

1. Japan cannot be a serious military rival

2.Russia is not ready for war and its mission in the region should be economic expansion

3.Possible peaceful annexation of part of China's territory to Russia

4. "small victorious war" will lead Russia to great success

18.On January 25, Nicholas II convened a special meeting on Of the Far East... Most of the participants believed that it was necessary:

1.start accelerated preparations for the war with Japan

2.to undertake diplomatic efforts to prevent war with Japan

3.Avoid a possible war with Japan

4. to annex Manchuria to Russia

19. The battle does not correspond to the events of the Russo-Japanese war:

1. Tsushima 3. Mukdenskoe

2.near Plevna 4.on the Shahe river

20. During the Russo-Japanese War, generous military and economic assistance to Japan was provided by:

1. Germany and the USA 3. England and France

2. USA and England 4. Austria-Hungary and Turkey

21 Port Arthur was surrendered by Russian troops:

1. near Liaoyang 3. near Tsushima island

2.in Port Arthur 4.near Mukden

23. In May 1905, in the Tsushima Strait, Japanese warships defeated a squadron under the command of an admiral:

1.Z.P. Rozhdestvensky 3. S.O. Makarova

2.G.K.Starka 4.E.I. Alekseeva

24. What event happened in August 1905:

1. Battle of Tsushima 3. Conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty

2. Battle of Mukden 4. Surrender of Port Arthur

25. The Portsmouth Peace Treaty between Russia and Japan was signed mediated by:

1. Germany 3. England

2. USA 4. Italy

26. At the talks in Portsmouth, S.Yu. Witte showed intransigence and rejected the insistent demands of Japan:

1.for payment of indemnity 3.for joint operation of the Chinese Eastern Railway

2.on the transfer of the entire Sakhalin 4. infringing on the interests of Russian capital in China

27. After the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. Russia's territorial losses resulted in the transfer to Japan:

1. Southern Sakhalin 3. Sakhalin and the entire Kuril ridge

2. Sakhalin with adjacent islands 4. Northern Sakhalin







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Test on the topic "The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905"

1. The reason for the Russo-Japanese war was

a) the conflict of interests of the military-political blocs of the Entente and the Triple Alliance

b) the clash of the zones of influence of the Russian and Japanese empires in Korea and Manchuria

c) Japan's population growth and lack of resources

d) Russia's desire to establish control over Korea

2. The Russo-Japanese war was in character

a) aggressive by Japan

b) aggressive on the part of Russia

c) was aggressive, unjust, imperialistic on both sides

d) fair on the part of Russia

3.Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Far East during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

a) General A.V. Kaulbars

b) Rear Admiral Wittgeft

c) Lieutenant General O.K. Grippenberg

d) General A. N. Kuropatkin

4. During the Russian-Japanese war1904-1905.

a) destroyers were first used at sea

b) Russian troops occupied Mukden

c) there was the establishment of a Russian protectorate over Korea

d) Russia and China entered into a secret treaty on a defensive alliance

5. On April 13, 1904, as a result of the explosion of the battleship "Petropavlovsk" on Japanese mines, the famous Russian battle painter was killed

a) V.V. Vereshchagin

b) I.K. Aivazovsky

c) M.I. Avilov

d) R.R. Franz

6. The peace negotiator was

a) S. Yu. Witte

b) Emperor Nicholas II

c) Emperor Wilhelm II

d) US President Thomas Roosevelt

7. The total losses of Russia in the war amounted to about

a) 150 thousand people

b) 200 thousand people.

c) 250 thousand people

d) 300 thousand people

8. For the Russian Empire, defeat in this local conflict became

a) the reason for the toughening of the struggle against the revolutionary forces

b) the reason for the stabilization of the internal political situation

c) proof of the inefficiency of the entire state system

d) huge human and material losses, with unprecedented destruction and disasters

9.Set the correspondence between date and event



C) February 1905

E) January 1904

1) the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War

2) Tsushima battle

3) the surrender of Port Arthur

4) the victory of Japan at Mukden

5) Portsmouth Peace Treaty of Russia with Japan

10 . Establish a correspondence between a term and its definition



A) sphere of influence

B) concession

B) protectorate

D) imperialism

E) empire

E) expansion

G) intervention

1) external military intervention in the internal affairs of an independent state

2) a powerful military power that unites different peoples and territories into a single state

3) the form of interstate relations, in which one country recognizes the supreme sovereignty of another over itself, primarily in international relations, while maintaining autonomy in internal affairs and its own dynasty of rulers

4) monopoly capitalism, the highest and last stage of capitalism

5) the expansion of spheres of influence, the conquest of markets by individual states, monopolies

6) territory outside the borders of the state, which is due to occupation or unequal agreements under its control

7) the transfer by the state to foreign capital of the rights to exploit certain natural resources for a certain period

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

11. Arrange the time of events in chronological order

A) the defeat of the Russian troops at Liaoyang

B) the victory of Japan at the city of Mukden

C) Portsmouth Peace Treaty

D) Tsushima battle

E) the fall of Port Arthur

E) the death of the 1st Russian Pacific squadron when trying to break through to Vladivostok

12. What are the provisions reflecting the main terms of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty between Russia and Japan?

1) preservation of Port Arthur for Russia

2) Russia's loss of the southern part of Sakhalin Island

3) the duty of both sides to withdraw their troops from Manchuria

4) Russia had the right to leave its troops in Manchuria

5) the establishment of a Japanese protectorate over Korea

6) Korea was recognized as a sphere of Russian influence

Answer: _________________

13. Name the provisions reflecting the reasons for the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan

1) the lack of the possibility of a quick transfer of reserves to the Far East

2) surprise attack by Japan

3) the weakness of the Russian fleet

4) support for Japan from England and the United States

5) poor preparation of Russia for war

6) battles were fought exclusively at sea

7) mistakes and ill-considered actions of the Russian command

8) numerical superiority of the Japanese army

Answer: _________________

14. Name the provisions reflecting the consequences of the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan

1) strengthening the position of Russia in the Far East

2) the loss of the entire island of Sakhalin

3) weakening of Russia's position in the Far East

4) preservation of Port Arthur for Russia

5) public dissatisfaction with the autocracy, which shamefully lost the war with Japan

6) destabilization of the internal political situation in Russia - the growth of the revolutionary struggle

7) stabilization of the internal political situation in Russia

Answer: _________________

15. Read the text and indicate the name of the statesman referred to in the text.

“He headed the Russian delegation that signed the Portsmouth Peace Treaty of 1905 with Japan, for which he received the title of count. During the first Russian revolution, during the October strike of 1905, he called on Emperor Nicholas II to compromise with the revolutionary forces, which found expression in the Manifesto of October 17, 1905d. From October 1905 to April 1906 he headed the Council of Ministers. "

Answer: _________________







6 g



12. 2,3,5

13. 1,4,5,7

14. 3,5,6

15.S.Yu. Witte

How more people able to respond to the historical and universal, the wider his nature, the richer his life and the more capable such a person is for progress and development.

F. M. Dostoevsky

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, which we will briefly talk about today, is one of the most important pages in the history of the Russian Empire. In the war, Russia was defeated, demonstrating the lagging behind the leading world countries in military terms. Another important event of the war - as a result of it, the Entente was finally formed, and the world began, slowly but steadily, to slide towards the First World War.

Preconditions for the war

In 1894-1895, Japan defeated China, as a result of which Japan had to cross the Liaodong (Kwantung) Peninsula together with Port Arthur and the island of Farmoza (the current name of Taiwan). Germany, France and Russia intervened in the negotiations and insisted that the Liaodong Peninsula remain in China's use.

In 1896, the government of Nicholas II signed a friendship treaty with China. As a result, China allows Russia to build a railroad to Vladivostok via Northern Manchuria (China Eastern Railroad).

In 1898, within the framework of an agreement on friendship with China, Russia leases the Liaodong Peninsula from the latter for 25 years. This move drew sharp criticism from Japan, which also claimed these lands. But to serious consequences it did not lead at that time. In 1902 tsarist army is included in Manchuria. Formally, Japan was ready to recognize this territory for Russia if the latter recognized Japan's domination in Korea. But the Russian government made a mistake. They did not take Japan seriously, and did not even think to enter into negotiations with it.

Causes and nature of the war

The reasons for the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 are as follows:

  • Lease by Russia of the Liaodong Peninsula and Port Arthur.
  • Economic expansion of Russia in Manchuria.
  • Distribution of spheres of influence in China and Korea.

The nature of hostilities can be defined as follows

  • Russia planned to conduct defenses and raise reserves. The transfer of troops was planned to be completed in August 1904, after which it was planned to go on the offensive, right up to the landing of troops in Japan.
  • Japan planned to conduct offensive war... The first strike was planned at sea with the destruction of the Russian fleet, so that nothing would interfere with the transfer of troops. The plans were to seize Manchuria, Ussuriysk and Primorskii Territories.

The balance of power at the start of the war

Japan in the war could deploy about 175 thousand people (another 100 thousand in reserve) and 1,140 field guns. The Russian army consisted of 1 million people and 3.5 million in reserve (reserve). But in the Far East, Russia had 100 thousand people and 148 field guns. Also at the disposal of the Russian army were border guards, of whom there were 24 thousand people with 26 guns. The problem was that these forces, inferior in number to the Japanese, were very scattered geographically: from Chita to Vladivostok and from Blagoveshchensk to Port Arthur. In 1904-1905, Russia carried out 9 mobilizations, calling for military service about 1 million people.

The Russian fleet consisted of 69 warships. 55 of these ships were in Port Arthur, which was very poorly fortified. To demonstrate that Port Arthur was not completed and was ready for war, it is enough to give the following figures. The fortress was supposed to have 542 guns, but in fact there were only 375, but only 108 of them were usable. That is, the gun supply of Port Arthur at the time of the beginning of the war was 20%!

It is obvious that the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 - 1905 began with a clear superiority of Japan on land and at sea.

The course of hostilities

War Map

rice. one - Map of the Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

Events of 1904

In January 1904, Japan severed diplomatic relations with Russia and on January 27, 1904, attacked warships near Port Arthur. This was the beginning of the war.

Russia began to transfer the army to the Far East, but this happened very slowly. A distance of 8 thousand kilometers and an unfinished section of the Siberian railroad- all this prevented the transfer of the army. The capacity of the road was 3 echelons per day, which is extremely small.

January 27, 1904 Japan attacked Russian ships located in Port Arthur. At the same time, in the Korean port of Chemulpo, an attack was launched on the cruiser "Varyag" and the escort boat "Koreets". After an unequal battle, the "Korean" was blown up, and the "Varyag" was flooded by the Russian sailors themselves, so that the enemy would not get it. After that, the strategic initiative at sea passed to Japan. The situation at sea worsened after the battleship "Petropavlovsk" was blown up by a Japanese mine on March 31, with the fleet commander S. Makarov on board. In addition to the commander, his entire headquarters, 29 officers and 652 sailors were killed.

In February 1904, Japan landed an army of 60,000 in Korea, which moved to the Yalu River (the river divided Korea and Manchuria). There were no significant battles at that time, and in mid-April the Japanese army crossed the border of Manchuria.

Fall of Port Arthur

In May, the second Japanese army (50 thousand people) landed on the Liaodong Peninsula and headed for Port Arthur, creating a bridgehead for the offensive. By this time, the Russian army had partially managed to complete the transfer of troops and its number was 160 thousand people. One of major events Wars - Battle of Liaoyang in August 1904. This battle still raises many questions among historians. The fact is that in this battle (and it was almost a general one) the Japanese army was defeated. And so much so that the command of the Japanese army declared the impossibility of continuing the conduct of hostilities. The Russo-Japanese war could have ended there, if the Russian army went over to the offensive. But the commander, Koropatkin, gives an absolutely absurd order to retreat. During further developments war in the Russian army there will be several opportunities to inflict a decisive defeat on the enemy, but each time Kuropatkin either gave absurd orders or hesitated to take action, giving the enemy the right time.

After the battle of Liaoyang, the Russian army retreated to the Shahe River, where in September a new battle took place, which did not reveal a winner. After that, there was a lull, and the war passed into a positional phase. In December, General R.I. Kondratenko, who commanded the land defense of the Port Arthur fortress. The new commander of the troops A.M. Stoessel, despite the categorical refusal of the soldiers and sailors, decided to surrender the fortress. On December 20, 1904, Stoessel surrendered Port Arthur to the Japanese. On this, the Russo-Japanese War in 1904 passed into a passive phase, continuing active operations already in 1905.

Later, under public pressure, General Stoessel was brought to trial and sentenced to death penalty... The verdict was not carried out. Nicholas 2 pardoned the general.

History reference

Port Arthur Defense Map

rice. 2 - Port Arthur Defense Map

Events of 1905

The Russian command demanded from Kuropatkin active action... It was decided to start the offensive in February. But the Japanese preempted him by going over to the offensive on Mukden (Shenyang) on ​​February 5, 1905. The largest battle of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 lasted from 6 to 25 February. From the Russian side, 280 thousand people took part in it, from the Japanese side - 270 thousand people. There are many interpretations of the Mukden battle in terms of who won it. In fact, there was a draw. The Russian army lost 90 thousand soldiers, the Japanese - 70 thousand. Lesser losses on the part of Japan is a frequent argument in favor of its victory, but this battle did not give the Japanese army any advantage or gain. Moreover, the losses were so severe that Japan made no further attempts to organize major land battles until the end of the war.

Where more important is the fact the fact that the population of Japan is much less population Russia, and after Mukden - island country has exhausted its human resources... Russia could and should have gone on the offensive in order to win, but 2 factors played against this:

  • Kuropatkin factor
  • Factor of the 1905 Revolution

On May 14-15, 1905, the Tsushima naval battle took place, in which the Russian squadrons were defeated. The losses of the Russian army amounted to 19 ships and 10 thousand killed and captured.

Kuropatkin factor

Kuropatkin, commanding ground forces During the entire Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, he did not use a single chance for a favorable offensive to inflict great damage on the enemy. There were several such chances, and we talked about them above. Why did the Russian general and commander refuse to take active actions and did not strive to end the war? After all, if he gave the order to attack after Liaoyang, the Japanese army would most likely cease to exist.

It is, of course, impossible to answer this question directly, but a number of historians put forward the following opinion (I quote it for the reason that it is reasoned and very similar to the truth). Kuropatkin was closely associated with Witte, who, let me remind you, by the time of the war was removed from the post of prime minister by Nicholas II. Kuropatkin's plan was to create conditions under which the tsar would return Witte. The latter was considered an excellent negotiator, so it was necessary to bring the war with Japan to such a stage when the parties would sit down at the negotiating table. For this, the war could not be ended with the help of the army (the defeat of Japan is a direct surrender without any negotiations). Therefore, the commander did everything to bring the war to a draw. He successfully coped with this task, and indeed Nicholas II called on Witte by the end of the war.

Revolution factor

There are many sources pointing to Japanese funding for the 1905 revolution. The real facts of the transfer of money, of course. No. But there are 2 facts that I find extremely curious:

  • The peak of the revolution and the movement fell on the Battle of Tsushima. Nicholas II needed an army to fight the revolution and he decided to start negotiations for peace with Japan.
  • Immediately after the signing of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, the revolution in Russia began to decline.

Reasons for Russia's defeat

Why was Russia defeated in the war with Japan? The reasons for Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese War are as follows:

  • Weakness of the grouping of Russian troops in the Far East.
  • The unfinished Transsib, which did not allow in full transfer troops.
  • Errors of the army command. I already wrote above about the Kuropatkin factor.
  • Superiority of Japan in military-technical equipment.

The last point is extremely important. He is often forgotten, but undeservedly. In respect of technical equipment primarily in the navy, Japan was far ahead of Russia.

Portsmouth world

To conclude peace between the countries, Japan demanded that Theodore Roosevelt, the President of the United States, act as a mediator. Negotiations began and the Russian delegation was headed by Witte. Nicholas 2 returned him to his post and entrusted the negotiations, knowing the talents of this person. And Witte really took a very tough stance, preventing Japan from gaining significant gains from the war.

The terms of the Portsmouth Peace were as follows:

  • Russia recognized Japan's right to rule in Korea.
  • Russia ceded part of the territory of Sakhalin Island (the Japanese wanted to get the whole island, but Witte was against it).
  • Russia handed over the Kwantung Peninsula to Japan together with Port Arthur.
  • No one paid indemnities to anyone, but Russia had to pay a reward to the enemy for the maintenance of Russian prisoners of war.

The aftermath of the war

During the war, Russia and Japan lost about 300 thousand people each, but in view of the size of the population for Japan, these were almost catastrophic losses. The losses were due to the fact that it was the first major war, during which automatic weapons were used. At sea, there was a large slope towards the use of mines.

An important fact, which many bypass, it was after the Russo-Japanese war that the Entente (Russia, France and England) and the Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary) were finally formed. The fact of the formation of the Entente is noteworthy. Before the war, there was an alliance in Europe between Russia and France. The latter did not want to expand it. But the events of the war of Russia against Japan showed that the Russian army had many problems (it really was so), so France signed agreements with England.

Positions of world powers during the war

During the Russo-Japanese War, the world powers held the following positions:

  • England and the USA. Traditionally, the interests of these countries were extremely similar. They supported Japan, but mostly financially. Approximately 40% of Japan's war costs were covered by Anglo-Saxon money.
  • France declared neutrality. Although in fact it had an allied agreement with Russia, it did not fulfill its allied obligations.
  • Germany from the first days of the war declared its neutrality.

The Russo-Japanese War was practically not analyzed by the tsarist historians, since they simply did not have enough time. After the end of the war Russian empire existed for almost 12 years, which included the revolution, economic problems and world war... Therefore, the main study took place already in Soviet time... But it is important to understand that for Soviet historians this was a war against the backdrop of a revolution. That is, "the tsarist regime strove for aggression, and the people did their best to prevent this." That is why it is written in Soviet textbooks that, for example, the Liaoyang operation ended in the defeat of Russia. Although formally it was a draw.

The end of the war is also seen as a complete defeat of the Russian army on land and in the navy. If at sea the situation was really close to defeat, then on land Japan stood on the edge of the abyss, since they no longer had the manpower resources to continue the war. I propose to look at this question even more broadly. How did the wars of that era end after an unconditional defeat (and this is what Soviet historians often talked about) of one of the parties? Large contributions, large territorial concessions, partial economic and political dependence loser from winner. But there is nothing like this in the Portsmouth world. Russia paid nothing, only lost southern part Sakhalin (an insignificant territory) and abandoned the land leased from China. The argument is often made that Japan won the struggle to dominate Korea. But Russia has never seriously fought for this territory. She was only interested in Manchuria. And if we return to the origins of the war, we will see that the Japanese government would never have started a war if Nicholas II had recognized Japan's domination in Korea, just as the Japanese government would have recognized Russia's position in Manbchuria. Therefore, at the end of the war, Russia did what it should have done back in 1903, without bringing the matter to war. But this is a question for the personality of Nicholas II, who today is extremely fashionable to call a martyr and hero of Russia, but it was his actions that provoked the war.

A1. The first war for Russia in the XX century began with:

1.attacks of the Japanese squadron on Port Arthur

2.Attacks of Russian warships on Japanese ships in the Korean Chemulpo

3.Attacks of Japanese warships on the Russian squadron in the Tsushima Strait

4.Battle of Liaoyang

A2. In 1902 S.Yu. Witte made a trip to the Far East. From this trip he came to the conviction that:

1. Japan cannot be a serious military rival

2.Russia is not ready for war and its mission in the region should be economic expansion

3.Possible peaceful annexation of part of China's territory to Russia

4. "small victorious war" will lead Russia to great success

A3. On January 25, Nicholas II convened a special meeting on the affairs of the Far East. Most of the participants believed that it was necessary:

1.start accelerated preparations for the war with Japan

2.to undertake diplomatic efforts to prevent war with Japan

3.Avoid a possible war with Japan

4. to annex Manchuria to Russia

A4. The battle does not correspond to the events of the Russo-Japanese War:

1. Tsushima 3. Mukdenskoe

2.near Plevna 4.on the Shahe river

A5. During the Russo-Japanese War, generous military and economic assistance to Japan was provided by:

1. Germany and the USA 3. England and France

2. USA and England 4. Austria-Hungary and Turkey

A6. Port Arthur was surrendered by Russian troops:

1. near Liaoyang 3. near Tsushima island

2.in Port Arthur 4.near Mukden

A8. In May 1905, in the Tsushima Strait, Japanese warships defeated a squadron under the command of an admiral:

1.Z.P. Rozhdestvensky 3. S.O. Makarova

2.G.K.Starka 4.E.I. Alekseeva

A9. What event happened in August 1905:

1. Battle of Tsushima 3. Conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty

2. Battle of Mukden 4. Surrender of Port Arthur

A10. The Portsmouth Peace Treaty between Russia and Japan was signed mediated by:

1. Germany 3. England

2. USA 4. Italy

A11.At the negotiations in Portsmouth, S.Yu. Witte showed intransigence and rejected the insistent demands of Japan:

1.for payment of indemnity 3.for joint operation of the Chinese Eastern Railway

2.on the transfer of the entire Sakhalin 4. infringing on the interests of Russian capital in China

A12. The reason for the defeat of Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War was (were):

1.the intrigues of the allies who did not want to strengthen Russia

2.military backwardness

3.economic backwardness

4.economic and military backwardness and deep crisis of autocracy

A13. After the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Russia's territorial losses resulted in the transfer to Japan:

1. Southern Sakhalin 3. Sakhalin and the entire Kuril ridge

2. Sakhalin with adjacent islands 4. Northern Sakhalin

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