Home Flowers Which countries are in unesco. What does unesco do? Video about the new symbol of cultural heritage

Which countries are in unesco. What does unesco do? Video about the new symbol of cultural heritage

UNESCO - what is it? Children often ask their parents about this. Many adults do not even know what to say to the crumbs. Social advertising is familiar to everyone. But what is she? It is impossible to make out the abbreviation in Russian. And the news is constantly talking about the UNESCO world heritage, how to save it and what to do with it next. Let's deal with the peculiarities of the "overseas" organization together.

Strange abbreviation

UNESCO - what is it? From the point of view of a philologist, this is an abbreviation in English. It is written like this: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. As you can see, the first letters of each word make up the UNESCO abbreviation. What is it in translation? Literally, it can be translated as follows: the United Nations department in charge of science, education and culture in the world. The affiliated office of the United Nations created the list of UNESCO which objects are carefully protected and checked by members of the commission. It was formed in November 1945. Today, almost 200 states all over the planet have sworn allegiance to this organization.


To date, the main mission of UNESCO is the promotion of peace, the settlement of various conflicts, and the strengthening of cultural ties between states. The organization also expands cooperation between different peoples in the fields of science, education and culture. UNESCO promotes mutual respect, justice, equality of human rights, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality, and so on.

Heritage to man from man and to man from nature

When the world wars ended, man thought about the destruction and consumption of natural resources. Finally, people came up with the idea to preserve and protect the wealth of nature created and given to us for use. This is how the UNESCO list appeared, implemented in 1972. Today this list consists of more than a thousand items located in 161 countries of the planet. Among them are objects and phenomena of nature, as well as what is created by human hands. Now you will find out by what criteria objects are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Eligibility Criteria

In order to understand the importance and value of an applicant for the list, the members of the commission must decide whether it is an artificial or natural object.

For the first, characteristics such as:

  • the relationship of human values;
  • architectural development;
  • the uniqueness of the object;
  • connection to the public domain;
  • the beauty;
  • aesthetics.

For natural objects, the approach is special. Other characteristics are important here in order to get a monument into the UNESCO heritage:

  • exceptional aesthetic qualities of a phenomenon or area;
  • example of a stage of history;
  • an example of a stage of biology or geology;
  • the value of the diversity of flora or fauna.

UNESCO heritage. Fragments of the list by country

It should be noted that the record holders in this list are, of course, Russia, Mexico, China, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany, Great Britain, USA, Brazil and Canada.

In Armenia, only man-made objects are protected - the monasteries of Sanahin and Haghpat. In Afghanistan - natural and man-made monuments: minarets in Jam and a cultural landscape with finds in the province of Bamiyan. Mangroves are famous in Bangladesh. Seven sites are protected in Israel: the old cities in Acre and Jerusalem, as well as the Bible Hills and the Incense Road. In India, 28 monuments are already protected! Their list includes national parks, temples, churches, mausoleums, mountain railways, Manas wildlife refuge and so on. In Turkey, entire historical districts of Istanbul are protected.

Russian facilities are also guarded in large numbers. Once, the question was even raised to exclude Lake Baikal from the heritage list, since our state did not fulfill its obligations to the organization. Then the leaders of our country closed the pulp and paper mill, located on the shores of the lake. In the Russian Federation, entire suburbs of St. Petersburg are protected by UNESCO: Gatchina, Strelna, Kronstadt, Pavlovsk and others. The same list includes Red Square with the Kremlin, the white-stone churches of Vladimir and Suzdal, the historical centers of Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg. The natural list includes Lake Baikal, the Altai Republic, volcanoes in Kamchatka, untouched forests of the Komi Republic, the Curonian Spit and so on.

So, after reading our article, you can no longer be afraid of the child’s question: “UNESCO - what is it?” Moreover, you, as a parent, will boldly tell what kind of organization it is, what tasks it performs and what monuments are included in its list!

UNESCO is the United Nations organization dealing with education, culture and science. The main goals declared by the organization are to promote the strengthening of the security of the world, thanks to the expansion of cooperation between peoples and states in the field of science, education and culture; observance of law and justice, universal respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights, which are proclaimed in the Charter of the Organization, absolutely for all peoples, without belonging to any race, sex, language or religion.
On November 16, 1945, an organization was created, the headquarters of which is located in the capital of France. The activities of the organization cover the problems of discrimination in the field of education, as well as illiteracy; studies national cultures and trains national personnel; problems of geology, social sciences, biosphere and oceanography.
On September 16, 1946, the Preparatory Commission for UNESCO moved to the Majestic Hotel from London, which served as temporary premises until 1958. The construction was hastily restored after the liberation of the city from the German occupation. Working conditions in it were not ideal, since the largest bedrooms were provided for the work of secretaries, many of whom used one wardrobe closet for storing documents. Professional mid-level employees worked in the former bathrooms, because this was the only place to store documents.
On the Place Fontenoy in Paris on November 3, 1958, the inauguration of the current headquarters of UNESCO took place. The building, which is shaped like the Latin letter Y, was designed by three architects from different countries, and the construction of the headquarters was carried out under the guidance of an international committee.
The complex, which is known throughout the world not only for the location of the UNESCO headquarters in it, but also for its architectural merits, was erected on several dozen concrete columns in the shape of a three-pointed star.
The building houses a library with a large numismatic and philatelic collection, all publications of the Organization and a department of UNESCO souvenirs.
Complementing the complex are three other buildings. The first, called "accordion", has a large oval hall. This is where the General Conference meets in plenary. The second building was built in the shape of a cube. In the third building in the center of the green area, two underground levels deep, there are six open patios, into which the windows of the offices located along the perimeter open. These buildings, containing a large number of unique works of art, are currently open to the public.
Since the beginning of the construction of the UNESCO building on Place Fontenoy, works of art have been commissioned from famous artists, which, in addition to decorative and artistic design, would symbolize the world, the preservation and strengthening of which the organization sets as its task. Over time, other works of art were also acquired. Most of the works were donated to the Organization by Member States.
On the UNESCO website in the virtual museum you can see the works of Picasso, Miro, Bazin, Corbusier, Tapies, and many other famous and little-known artists.

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How does the abbreviation "UNESCO" stand for; What areas does the organization operate in? who finances?

UNESCO (UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

The organization was founded on November 16, 1945 and is headquartered in Paris, France. The organization includes 67 bureaus and divisions located in different parts of the world.

The Constitution of UNESCO was adopted at the London Conference in November 1945 and entered into force on November 4, 1946 after the deposit of acts of acceptance by twenty signatory states. Currently, 191 states are members of the Organization.

The main goal of UNESCO is to contribute to the strengthening of peace and security by expanding the cooperation of peoples in the field of education, science and culture in the interests of ensuring universal respect, justice, respect for the rule of law and human rights, as well as fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, for all peoples, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion.

In order to carry out its mandate, UNESCO performs five main functions:

conducts forward-looking research into the forms of education, science, culture and communication needed in tomorrow's world;
promotes, transfers and exchanges knowledge, based mainly on research, training and teaching;
carries out normative activities: preparation and adoption of international acts and mandatory recommendations;
provides expert services to Member States to determine their development policies and design projects in the form of "technical cooperation";
exchanges specialized information.
In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

One of the few organizations on a global scale is UNESCO. The decoding of the abbreviation, covering almost all countries of the world of the association, is not just an abbreviation for the first letters of a long name, it is something more. It consists of 195 participating countries, 7 indirect members and 2 observer states. The World Heritage List includes 1,007 sites around the world, 27 of which are represented by Russia. The organization is engaged not only in the collection and preservation of the heritage of mankind, but also makes an exorbitant contribution to the development of world culture.

Without a doubt, the decoding of the word UNESCO should be familiar and understandable to every person on earth. Representatives of the association fight for the preservation of world culture, stand for peaceful coexistence and develop science, and all this through the interaction and cooperation of the united nations.

The meaning and decoding of UNESCO

Translated from English by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the literal decoding of UNESCO sounds like: on education, science and culture. Each of the three main categories also includes a huge number of industries, none of which is without the attention and participation of the organization. All the most significant and major events related to culture, science or education are held with the participation of the association.

History of creation

In 2014, the global organization celebrated its 70th anniversary. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization began its long journey at the end of 1945, November 14 is considered the official birthday. In the same year, the charter of the association was drawn up, it was adopted immediately at a conference in London, but only a year later it entered into force. At that time, it was approved by representatives of 20 participating countries. Almost a decade later, in 1954, the USSR joined UNESCO, becoming its 70th member.

At the moment, bureaus from the organization are scattered around the world, and there are about 60 offices and divisions. The head office is located in Paris, France. Once every 2 years, a general conference is held there, which includes representatives of all participating countries, as well as observers and passively participating states. Regardless of financial participation or any other factors, each representative of his country has one vote at the conference. During the meeting, questions about the budget for the next 2 years are taken, members of the executive board are elected, once every 4 years Gen. Director, and discusses the general direction of the association.

Organization Functions

As already mentioned, the UNESCO transcript is not just an abbreviation, but something more. The work of the organization includes:

  • A look at the future in the world of science, culture, education and communications. It is UNESCO that conducts research and determines the most promising areas in these areas.
  • A global exchange of knowledge and experience based on a solid foundation backed by the latest scientific advances and research.
  • Appointment and approval of normative acts that are binding throughout the world.
  • Provides support to government members to correct their science and education policies in the right direction.
  • Exchange of specialized information on a global scale.

What is the UNESCO IAA / AIAP? Decryption

This is one of the branches of the global association, the decoding of UNESCO no longer raises questions, in turn, the IAA / AIAP (IAA / AIAP) International Association of Art, from English means the International Association of Arts. Russia joined the association in 1995 and has been active in it ever since.

The main responsibilities of the community include:

  • solving problems with social protection of artists;
  • movement of copyright art around the world without restrictions;
  • introduction of a single world ticket for visiting museums and exhibitions;
  • participation of artists in the design of urban architecture.

And much more.

UNESCO Secretariat under the leadership of Gen. The detectors are engaged in the implementation of the plan for the development of world culture adopted by all participating countries. In addition, the organization awards prizes and awards in the fields of science, culture and education, including the famous Felix Houphouet-Boigny Prize and the L "Oréal Prize - Women in Science. In addition, the organization takes part in the celebration and organization of important memorable dates for participating countries It will not be difficult even for a completely inexperienced person to estimate the size of the contribution to the myrrh culture.

Members of the UNESCO Executive Board on November 23 elected the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to UNESCO Eleonora Mitrofanova as their chairman - for the first time Russia headed the governing structure of the Organization, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports from a meeting of the board.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) was established on November 16, 1945.

The Constitution of UNESCO was adopted at the London Conference in November 1945 and entered into force on November 4, 1946 after the deposit of instruments of acceptance by 20 signatory states.

Currently (October 2009) 193 states are full members of UNESCO. 6 states are associate members.

The USSR became the 70th member of the Organization in 1954.

The organization has 67 bureaus and divisions located in different parts of the world.

Headquarters located in Paris, France.

The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to the strengthening of peace and security by enhancing the cooperation of peoples in the fields of education, science and culture in order to ensure universal respect for justice, law and human rights, as well as fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, for all peoples without distinction of race, sex, language or religion.

In order to carry out its mandate, UNESCO performs five main functions:

Conducts forward-looking research into the forms of education, science, culture and communication needed in tomorrow's world;
- promotes, transfers and exchanges knowledge, based mainly on research, training and teaching;
- carries out normative activities: preparation and adoption of international acts and mandatory recommendations;
- provides expert services to Member States to determine their development policies and design projects in the form of technical cooperation;
- exchanges specialized information.

Governing Bodies

general conference includes representatives of all Member States of the Organization. The General Conference meets every two years and is attended by Member States and Associate Members. States that are not members of UNESCO, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and foundations are also invited to participate in the work of the General Conference as observers.

The working languages ​​of the General Conference are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Each Member State has one vote at the General Conference, regardless of population size and size of its contribution to the budget. The General Conference determines the direction and general line of UNESCO's activities, adopts the program and budget of UNESCO for the next two years, elects the members of the Executive Board every four years and the Director-General.

CEO elected every four years (previously he was appointed for a six-year term). The Director General leads the Secretariat.

Director-General of UNESCO - former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Irina Bokova.

Executive Council- the main working body of UNESCO. As an administrative body, it prepares the work of the General Conference and is responsible for the effective implementation of the decisions of the Conference.

The functions and responsibilities of the Executive Board are mainly defined in the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure or in the Directives adopted by the General Conference. These normative provisions are supplemented by resolutions of the General Conference. Once every two years, the General Conference entrusts the Executive Council with specific tasks. Other functions are determined by agreements between UNESCO and the United Nations, the specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations.

The General Conference elects 58 Council members. Candidates are selected, in particular, on the basis of the diversity of cultures they represent and their geographical representation. The Executive Board meets twice a year.

Chairman of the Executive Board- Ambassador of Russia to UNESCO Eleonora Mitrofanova.

The Secretariat is the executive body of the Organization. Under the leadership of the Director-General, who is elected for a six-year term, the staff of the Secretariat is responsible for the implementation of the program adopted by the Member States.

UNESCO awards international awards in their areas of competence. Among them is the Peace Prize. Felix Houphouet-Boigny and the L "Oreal-UNESCO Women and Science Award".

UNESCO also celebrates international days, years and decades, takes part in the celebration of the most important memorable dates for the Member States.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

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