Home indoor flowers Coffee cleans blood vessels. Coffee constricts or dilates blood vessels: a different effect on the organs. Vascular indications for use

Coffee cleans blood vessels. Coffee constricts or dilates blood vessels: a different effect on the organs. Vascular indications for use

The rhythm of life of a modern person is so fast that almost no one can do without “doping”. Coffee is the most popular way to increase the vigor of the body and the speed of thought. Those who can no longer imagine their day without 1-2 cups of coffee have a real coffee addiction. Coffee lovers, as a rule, do not see anything bad in it, because for every argument “against” coffee, you can find an argument “for”, and its effect on the body cannot be unambiguously called positive or negative. Whether the habit of living “on caffeine” is useful or harmful depends on many factors.

The effect of coffee on blood vessels

One of the most curious and controversial issues is the effect of coffee on veins and arteries. Someone knows coffee as a drink that dilates blood vessels, while someone, on the contrary, drinks it to constrict blood vessels and increase pressure. What actually happens to the vessels of the body under the influence of an invigorating drink? The answer is simple: coffee affects different vessels in different ways.

Vasoconstriction from coffee

Coffee constricts blood vessels in the brain, which is why it helps people with low blood pressure to “come to their senses” and get rid of headaches. The fact is that if a headache is of vascular origin, then in half of the cases it is caused by vasodilation: dilated vessels press on neighboring tissues, touching the nerve endings and causing pain. This effect of caffeine on the central nervous system has long been known to pharmacists, so many headache drugs contain this substance in their composition (Citramon, Askofen). People who are prone to low blood pressure are also aware of this feature of natural coffee, and sometimes they prefer to drink a cup of an invigorating drink instead of a pill.

Coffee has a vasoconstriction effect not only on the brain, but also on the organs in the gastrointestinal tract, and primarily on the stomach. By itself, coffee is not very useful for the stomach, because caffeine is a very aggressive substance that irritates the mucous membranes. Coffee drunk on an empty stomach is the first step towards gastritis or an ulcer. The fact is that the narrowing of the vessels of the digestive organs is accompanied by an increase in their secretion: an active secretion of gastric juice, enzymes, and bile begins. If the stomach is empty at this moment, the mucous membrane lining it from the inside will suffer greatly from stomach acids. If you drink coffee not on an empty stomach, then this effect, on the contrary, is good: digestion improves, metabolism accelerates.

In addition to the vessels of the brain and organs of the gastrointestinal tract, coffee narrows the subcutaneous arteries. Because of this, at certain doses of caffeine in the blood, hands can get cold.

Expansion of blood vessels from coffee

The expanding effect of coffee has on the vessels of the muscles. Blood rushes to the muscles, they expand and tighten. At the same time, a person can feel a surge of strength, a decrease in physical fatigue, and with pleasure can do some kind of physical work.

The mechanism of the effect of coffee on blood vessels and its significance for the body

By and large, coffee does not affect specific vessels, but the vasomotor center. Under the influence of caffeine, this center causes the expansion of the coronary vessels of the heart and the redistribution of blood in the body: more of it goes to some organs, less to others. Due to the excitation of the nervous system, the adrenal hormone adrenaline joins this process: it reacts to nervous excitement and perceives it as a signal to act to bring the whole body into a state of full combat readiness. That is why the blood supply to the muscles increases, and to other organs it decreases.

The effect of coffee on the blood supply to various organs can have not only a positive effect for a person, and the “healing” effect of this drink may also not always manifest itself. For example, you can fight a headache with coffee only if you know for sure that at the moment the pressure is lowered. If the headache is associated with the vessels of the brain, then only in half of the cases we are talking about vasodilation. The remaining half of the cases are vasospasm and high blood pressure. If you drink coffee at the same time, at best, it simply will not relieve the pain, and at worst, you can earn a hypertensive crisis (a sharp increase in pressure to critical values). And for people suffering from hypertension, coffee is generally contraindicated.

Caffeine overdose

Another point to consider when trying to regulate your condition with coffee is its dosage. If you regularly drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day, all the benefits of the caffeine habit will turn into harm. With this mode of drinking coffee, the body is constantly “at the limit” and at some point simply cannot stand it. In addition to physical harm to the digestive tract and the cardiovascular system, coffee harms the psyche, bringing a person to a state of nervous exhaustion. Due to the constantly high content of caffeine in the blood, the nervous system does not rest even at night, because in order to remove a dose of caffeine from the body, it takes at least 6 hours.

It turns out that if you act wisely, it is quite acceptable to maintain high performance on caffeine, but if you abuse this drink, a good habit becomes harmful. In order not to harm yourself, you need, firstly, to drink only natural coffee and in moderation, and secondly, to know your physiological characteristics and not neglect them. A tendency to high blood pressure, a sick stomach or kidneys, as well as advanced age are a reason to give up coffee and look for another way to increase vitality.

The magic of coffee has been studied for many years, popular and unremarkable at first glance, the drink is fraught with many secrets, and one of them excites many patients, coffee expands or narrows blood vessels, and why it does not work for everyone and not always. It's time to reveal all the magical effect of the fragrant potion, so loved by many.


In fact, coffee differs according to many criteria, and it is possible to find out exactly what effect the output will have only if all factors, even the smallest ones, are taken into account.

So, what are the criteria for dividing the product:

  • roast degree;
  • place of growth;
  • grade;
  • the amount of water in relation to the main part;
  • dose;
  • type of product(grains, sublimated granules, etc.).

It should be taken into account that during the roasting of coffee beans, substances are formed that cannot be synthesized so far. Therefore, until now, a product that even remotely resembled the properties of the product has not been invented.

It is impossible to say for sure whether coffee constricts blood vessels or dilates if we are talking about a ground product, or an instant one, since “foreign substances” such as: chicory, preservatives, dyes, and so on can be added to such ready-made products. .

But what will happen if we consider grains ground on our own, from which a wonderful viscous drink is obtained, which gives vigor.

Source of caffeine

If we discard all doubts about artificial additives, then in its pure form the drink itself consists of more than three hundred elements, but the main one is caffeine, it is he who is credited with the development of addiction, vigor, increased heart rate, and an increase in blood pressure.

In some cases, this can be considered true, however, the mechanism of action of coffee on the body as a whole can manifest itself in different ways.

The pulse rises - what is happening

Substances increase the heart rate, and this effect was manifested in everyone who has ever tried a real, brewed drink. This happens not because coffee constricts or dilates blood vessels, but for a completely different reason.

The components directly affect the cells of the heart muscle, while causing them to contract somewhat faster than usual. The rapid contraction of cardiomyocytes is the increase in heart rate, which means an increase in the number of beats per minute. Systole and diastole remain uniform, and there will be no other significant changes on the ECG.

When the head does not hurt, but it really interferes

A similar feeling is familiar to people with a hangover syndrome, as well as to those who have experienced migraine attacks, when a headache heats the brain to the limit. Who drank a strong drink in a given situation knows that after a mug of freshly brewed head quickly enough comes in order.

Why it happens?

  1. The fact is that caffeine dilates the vessels responsible for the outflow of blood from the head.
  2. Conversely, the vessels that are responsible for the inflow narrows.

By stimulating the outflow of blood in the cerebral veins, the head passes quickly, since there is no excess fluid in the cerebral cavity. The same effect can be achieved by simply swallowing a caffeine pill, but this is acceptable if you do not have concomitant pathologies, when the alkaloid is contraindicated.

Note! If the patient has a history of intolerance to caffeine, or the presence of an allergic reaction, then drinking coffee is prohibited, without any assumptions.

Or maybe it was the other way around?

Without a doubt, everything is clear with cerebral venous vessels, and these are not just guesses of scientists, but repeatedly confirmed experimental data that have been carried out for a long time using caffeine tablets, as well as with liquid drinks of good quality.

Contrary to popular belief, an invigorating drink acts differently on certain parts of the body, and blood vessels are no exception, so we can say that coffee constricts blood vessels. Some may consider this a paradoxical misunderstanding, but the fact remains.

Peripheral vessels, including venous ones, narrow, the inflow and outflow of blood changes in contrast to normal values. Of course, such a phenomenon is not so significant, and in most cases such vasoconstriction does not bring a person any discomfort, it is hardly possible to see a deathly pale person after one cup.

Need more coffee

Due to the action on the vessels, significant changes can be observed with an overdose of caffeine, in particular, this applies specifically to peripheral vessels, which is why the limbs change color to bluish or whitish.

For more information about the symptoms of a coffee overdose, see the video in this article.

Note! Coffee is a multifaceted drink that affects many systems, so you need to drink it very carefully, without overdoing it.

The scent that separates the day from the night

Fragrant coffee is like nothing else, but does it have an effect on the body? After all, anyone can recognize its smell, especially if the drink is brewed by hand.

The aroma of coffee, as such, does not affect the blood vessels in any way, it does not narrow or expand them, however, the invigorating effect in the morning is achieved precisely because of the aroma, and not any other properties.

Note! Even without trying coffee, you can experience a surge of joy and vivacity, but in order for the action of the active ingredients to spread directly to the vessels, you need to take at least a sip of the aromatic drink.

Hypertension and coffee addiction

If you already understood that the vessels narrow or expand from coffee, depending on where the vessel itself is localized, then with hypertension and hypertension, not everything is so simple, but all because research in this area continues to this day.

Does coffee increase blood pressure, because blood vessels should narrow immediately after drinking a mug.

  1. Recent studies show that blood pressure values ​​do indeed become higher, however, this only applies to patients with hypotension.
  2. The controversy around hypertension remains open, so some cardiologists allow the consumption of coffee, and some strictly forbid it.

Note! Despite the fact that questions in the case of compensated and decompensated hypertension remain open, there are many other contraindications for drinking coffee, so if a doctor recommends that you stop consuming caffeine, then his opinion will be a priority.

Caffeinated and non-caffeinated drinks

It is important to understand that the main effect on the vessels is mainly caffeine, and not other components. At the same time, the alkaloid is also present in other drinks that are used in everyday life.

Therefore, it is necessary to be aware that the substance contained in other drinks has the same effect on the body. Consider caffeinated drinks, and the amount of active substance in them.

Note! It is caffeine that constricts or expands blood vessels, no matter what type of drink you choose!

It is important to understand that the values ​​indicated in the table are quite relative, since everything depends on the active substance.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. 1 bag of black tea can be brewed in a standard mug and will have a caffeine content of 0.04 - 0.07.
  2. The same 1 tea bag can be used to brew a thermos designed for two mugs, however, the alkaloid concentration will remain the same, 0.04 - 0.07. Thus, drinking the whole thermos, a person consumes the same dose of the active substance as in the first case.

Very often this misconception concerns coffee, patients refer to the fact that they drink a “weak” drink. For coffee, there are no concepts of “strong” or “weak”, for it there are concepts of dose. The concentration of caffeine in a mug of espresso (60-70 ml) and a mug of latte (200-250 ml in the photo) are exactly the same.

This is interesting! Mate tea is still not reliably classified as a caffeinated drink, referring to the fact that the substance contained in such an invigorating mate is not caffeine, but its analogue (mateine). At the same time, some scientists consider mateine ​​and caffeine as synonymous concepts, however, the exact meanings could not be found.

When should you drink coffee?

Disputes about the dangers and benefits of drinks containing caffeine have been going on for a long time, but so far leading scientists have not come to the only correct opinion.

It has been proven that the drink brings pronounced benefits in the following situations:

  • hypotension;
  • slow heart rate;
  • manifestation of edema of the lower extremities;
  • to eliminate fatigue after a grueling workout;
  • severe headache of a compressive nature;
  • pain during menstruation in girls;
  • drowsiness and loss of energy.

Attention! Before using the properties of coffee to speed up the heart rate or increase blood pressure, you need to consult a doctor.

When it's better to be away from a drink

It is impossible to determine the coffee of a medicine, but it is also unacceptable to underestimate the nature of its effect on blood vessels and the heart.

The use of an invigorating and fragrant drink should be abandoned to the following groups of people:

  • children under the age of 14;
  • lactating mothers and women during pregnancy;
  • patients with hypertension;
  • with severe tachycardia;
  • with violations of the kidneys;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • age over 75;
  • after serious head injury;
  • patients with severe disorders of the endocrine system;
  • postoperative period;
  • mental pathologies.

The effect of coffee on the vessels of brain tissue can be not only positive, but also negative. If there are any limiting factors, the composition should be abandoned. Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Fact! People who regularly consume coffee should carefully consider its quality. The fact is that a low-grade product is the main enemy of the circulatory system!

Everything is under tight control

Is it possible to control everything, and how to do it.

  1. If the effect of caffeine on blood vessels is really important for the patient, then it can be completely excluded, replacing it with chicory, or any herbal tea. The alkaloid content will be zero, and you can not think about whether coffee dilates blood vessels or something else.
  2. If, nevertheless, we are talking about caffeinated drinks, then laboratory data will be required to determine the exact dose, but if this is not possible, then you can completely use the table above, only in this case you will have to study all the nuances of making tea, including packaged options.
  3. Despite the fact that all varieties are different, it is necessary to rely only on personal preference, since the manufacturer does not provide data on the concentration of alkaloid in each of the varieties.

Without exception, all drinks have different preparation rules, if you want to know exactly how much caffeine you are using, then the preparation instructions must be followed exactly to the smallest detail.

Coffee mania in full swing

If coffee has been a hobby for a long time, then it is necessary to control its consumption. In addition to vascular pathologies caused, just by the consumption of caffeine in unreasonable amounts, CNS disorders can occur, psychosis can form, insomnia can appear, and even heart rhythm disturbances.

Tea and coffee, although they are familiar drinks for every person, are still dangerous.

Note! Any kind of coffee contains caffeine and other active substances, so they will affect the body in the same way, even if the price exceeds several million, it will still affect the vessels, narrowing or expanding them.

Is it possible to do without caffeine?

An ordinary person very often consumes drinks that contain such an active substance as caffeine, this explains the fact that not only coffee dilates or constricts blood vessels, but other drinks too.

It is important not only to understand that coffee in excessive amounts can be very harmful, but also that any drinks in a certain dose can have a similar effect. In any case, you should not abuse caffeine, especially in cases where there are already problems with blood vessels.

It is loved and drunk by millions of people around the globe. Most experts agree that there is a link between caffeine use and headaches, but not everyone agrees that this is the case in absolutely all cases. Let's analyze the opinions and find out exactly what you need to know about the problem of headache from caffeine, find out whether coffee expands or narrows

Caffeine is what makes you!

You probably already know that caffeine is a natural stimulant. It contains coffee, tea, cola and other soft drinks. Caffeine is part of some drugs, such as "Citramon", "Cofitsil", "Askofen" (75 drugs in total).

As a stimulant, caffeine affects the central nervous system and makes you more alert. But that's not all. It also acts as a vasoconstrictor (narrows the diuretic, plus it can increase blood pressure.

Thinking about whether coffee dilates or narrows blood vessels, do not forget that it affects different people differently. Although not generally classified as a drug, caffeine does happen to be addictive, in the sense that you may experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it.

The Good News: Caffeine Relieves Headaches

Does coffee dilate or constrict blood vessels? People have been asking this question to each other and to doctors, probably since coffee was invented. It is known that caffeine has long been used as a remedy for headaches (whether it be ordinary pain or migraine). Did you know that in the early stages of distribution, Coca-Cola was sold as a head remedy? Why does it help? What happens to blood vessels when drinking coffee (caffeine)?

Migraine sufferers are especially drawn to the fact that caffeine constricts blood vessels. Vasodilation is one of the most common causes of seizures in those who have this neurological disease. When looking for an answer to the question of whether coffee dilates blood vessels or not, note that many are aimed at achieving the effect of returning blood vessels to normal sizes in order to reduce squeezing of the nerves around them.

Some migraine sufferers find that coffee in the early stages of pain relieves the condition. It is believed that the caffeine contained in drugs enhances the analgesic effect. That is why pharmacological corporations include it in many cold remedies.

The Bad News: Caffeine Makes Headaches Worse

It may be that the stimulant effect of caffeine is a small psychological device that temporarily reduces the susceptibility to headaches. The effect is enhanced by sugar added to coffee or contained in cola.

Many things that can help can also hurt. This postulate contains an indirect answer to the question of whether coffee dilates or constricts blood vessels. As a stimulant, especially when combined with sugar, caffeine can energize you, but it can also quickly make you feel sluggish. It's worse than migraine-prone people taking large amounts of sugar and caffeine on an empty stomach.

This leads to a jump in blood sugar levels, which can lead to terrible consequences, contributes to the development of a headache attack. In other words, if you decide to drink tea, do not forget about the bun!

Removes useful trace elements from the body

Does coffee dilate or constrict blood vessels? The question is certainly interesting. But it's equally important to know that, as a diuretic, caffeine can lower the levels of vitamins your body needs. For example, studies show that migraine sufferers require an increased amount of magnesium. But each intake of caffeine "carries away" (washes out) it, reducing the level of an important element to a minimum, even if you are trying to supplement Mg.

What caffeine does to your blood vessels can be viewed both positively and negatively. It can both narrow the blood vessels and reduce or even stop and start expanding them! Yes, coffee dilates and constricts blood vessels. Such a paradox!

Weekend headaches are often the result of someone drinking a couple of cups of coffee every morning at work and then sleeping through the weekend. Because sleep causes a break in stimulant use, the body responds with a migraine flare-up.

Stress intensifies

Taking medication only exacerbates the problem: Combining aspirin with coffee or caffeine-containing drugs can exacerbate the bad effects. The stimulant can cause unnecessary anxiety, especially if taken in large quantities on an empty stomach and without enough sleep.

Stress reduces the body's resistance to the negative effects of the environment and diseases, aggravates the situation, exhausts a person. Studies have been conducted to establish a link between drinking cola and headaches to prove that caffeine is an enemy of blood vessels.

Each participant drank an average of about 1.5 liters of cola per day. All of them experienced chronic headaches, although none of them had a history of migraine. Over the course of 1-2 weeks, they gradually reduced the amount of drink they drank, and over 91% of the pain went away on its own within the next 24 weeks! The rest had occasional migraines instead of daily chronic headaches.

What to do with it...

Although this may seem like an exaggeration to some, many people consume too much caffeine daily, and then wonder: "Does coffee dilate or constrict blood vessels?" Some experts believe that it depends on many factors. In addition, it is not so much the amount or concentration of the substance that matters, but the regularity with which you drink coffee (or other caffeinated drinks).

Although one step from love to hate, after reading the information, you should not immediately give up your favorite drink. Any changes to your diet should be made gradually. Try to reduce your caffeine intake. By the way, you can save money by not buying an "extra cup".

Check the amount of caffeine in your medications and foods. The average cup (small) of coffee contains about 135 mg, black tea - 35 mg. Many experts suggest keeping the daily intake of the stimulant at 200-600 mg. By keeping your intake consistently low, you can avoid the headache-caffeine junction.


Analyze how much caffeine you take in a day.

Try to keep your daily coffee spending lower.

Try to keep your daily portions as small as possible.

Avoid drinking sugary drink without other food.

Keep a diary to track the relationship between caffeine intake and headaches.

If you found this information about the headache-caffeine connection useful - that's good, then the matter has moved off the ground and you will no longer mindlessly use coffee to cheer up or reduce pain.

Keep track of the frequency of your headaches. Remember that good sleep, drinking enough clean water can reduce it. A balanced diet and daily exercise will help beat pain and cope with stress. There are also relaxation techniques, meditation. They, too, will be useful to you on the path to weaning from the harmful addiction to caffeine.

Almost every one of us likes to drink a cup of coffee in the morning or treat ourselves during the day. But what do we know about the effect of coffee on the body? Someone is convinced that coffee and caffeine have a positive effect on blood vessels and pressure, while someone will have convincing objections. Let's take an unbiased look at the effects of coffee and caffeine on the central nervous system and how coffee affects the vessels of the brain, dilates or constricts them.

There is no doubt that coffee, due to its composition and, of course, the caffeine contained in it, invigorates and has a stimulating effect on the entire body as a whole and, of course, on the human central nervous system. Coffee affects the vessels of the brain. The benefits of coffee for the human body are obvious, but improper use can be harmful to health and adversely affect your well-being. To avoid this, you need to know how coffee works, its composition and the daily rate that is safe for health.

Of course, the most active active ingredient in coffee is caffeine. It is he who has such a stimulating effect, drives away drowsiness, and affects the entire central nervous system of the body. This effect of the drink is not only due to caffeine. Coffee contains many other components and their compounds:

  • carbohydrates
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • iron
  • manganese
  • essential oils

These components in the composition of your favorite drink are useful for a person, and with the reasonable use of coffee, it has a positive effect on the body and our well-being:

  • invigorates and energizes
  • relieves fatigue and increases efficiency
  • significantly enhances mental activity and concentration
  • improves mood

If you want coffee to not only invigorate you in the morning, but also have a positive effect on the central nervous system and brain vessels, it is important not to exceed the daily intake of the drink you drink. With excessive use, coffee and the caffeine it contains will only harm your health - this can manifest itself in:

  • abnormal blood pressure
  • there may be irregular heartbeats
  • headaches
  • fatigue and decreased brain activity
  • nervousness as a result of exhaustion of the nervous system

The maximum daily allowance of caffeine that is safe for humans is 600 mg. This is the daily rate, do not use this amount at a time! Reasonable use, when coffee can only be beneficial, is no more than 4 cups during the day.

And here we are talking only about normal, natural coffee. Benefits can be obtained by using only natural ground coffee. Although good coffee is more expensive, it is natural coffee that brings benefits. Instant "coffee" in the process of processing loses all of its original properties and almost all useful natural components.

The effect of coffee and caffeine on the vessels of the brain - expands or narrows

When drinking coffee, it constricts the vessels of the brain, which helps to normalize sharply dropped or low blood pressure. After all, it is it that causes migraines, headaches, so people suffering from such ailments should drink coffee, which will make it possible to cope with pain and stop it. Since this effect of caffeine on the central nervous system has long been known to physicians, it is included in most headache medicines. This effect of coffee and caffeine on the vessels of the brain is well known to hypotensive patients, so it is often better to drink a cup of natural coffee to increase blood pressure than to resort to medication.

Did you know that coffee has a vasoconstriction effect on the organs of the digestive tract, while improving its functioning, speeds up metabolism and digestion, and stimulates appetite. Just keep in mind that coffee is a rather aggressive drink, and in order not to harm the stomach, it is better not to drink it on an empty stomach.

The effect of coffee on the central nervous system

As you can see, the effect of coffee and caffeine on the vessels of the brain can be very useful. At the same time, do not forget that the main active ingredient of this drink also affects the nervous system of our body. We are talking about caffeine.

Caffeine actively stimulates the activity and functioning of the brain. When the active work of the brain is stimulated, vasodilation occurs and blood circulation in the nervous system is accelerated. This effect of coffee, or rather the caffeine contained in it, has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, there is an accelerated exchange of nerve impulses in cells and neurons. The acceleration of this process is expressed in a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of strength, and an improvement in mood.

Thanks to this action, every morning we rush to quickly drink a cup of invigorating coffee. This is a natural desire to fully awaken the body from sleep, to get a charge of vivacity and clarity of thought. Only a natural product can have such an effect.

It's nice to know that your favorite drink can also be useful. Now drinking coffee will become doubly pleasant, the main thing is to know when to stop.

Such a favorite drink by many, like coffee, is widely consumed all over the world. He gained popularity for his extraordinary taste, exquisite aroma and invigorating property. A mug of strong coffee adds strength, drives away drowsiness and improves mood. In addition, with the help of coffee, you can relieve headaches and normalize low blood pressure. What is the reason for such an effect of the drink on the human body? And is it harmful to health?

Many people are interested in the question: does coffee constrict blood vessels or dilate them? Indeed, with many vascular and other diseases, doctors prohibit the use of such a drink. It is important to know what effect the drink has on the body and in what cases it is contraindicated in people.

The effect of coffee on blood vessels

The main component of the drink - caffeine, which is able to both narrow and expand the veins and arteries. Its effect on the body is ambiguous. For example, the blood vessels of the brain narrow after drinking coffee, which explains its ability to normalize the state when the pressure drops. Coffee is indicated for people suffering from headaches and migraines. After all, as a rule, the cause of such ailments is precisely the expansion of cerebral vessels. Accordingly, any substance that narrows them copes with the pain syndrome at the same time, stopping it.

The vessels of the tissues of the digestive tract also become narrower, which improves their functioning and speeds up the process of digestion. That is why often after drinking coffee there is a desire to eat tightly.

At the same time, the vessels passing in the muscle tissues of the body expand after a cup of aromatic drink. Why this happens, medicine does not find an exact explanation. Doctors strongly recommend not to abuse coffee and drink no more than 2-3 cups per day. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to the body.

Do not forget that caffeine is an alkaloid, and in small doses it invigorates, but in large quantitiesinhibits activity.

It is undesirable to drink coffee in the afternoon and at night, as this will cause a weakening of the processes of inhibition of the cells of the cerebral cortex and, as a result, it will not be possible to fall asleep for a long time.

The effect of coffee on blood pressure

To understand why coffee constricts or dilates blood vessels, it is necessary to understand its effect on the circulatory system of the human body. Caffeine entering the body has a stimulating effect on the vasomotor center. As a result, the coronary vessels of the heart expand and the blood flow in the system accelerates. There is a redistribution of blood in the body, blood circulation increases and pressure rises. As a result, the state of health becomes more cheerful, fatigue recedes, physical and mental activity is activated, and working capacity improves. However, such a pronounced effect is observed only at constantly reduced pressure, which is the norm for humans.

With increased blood pressure, coffee can cause dizziness, weakness, and even a hypertensive crisis (if abused), so people suffering from hypertension should not drink the drink. If caffeine addiction has arisen, then you should alternate a strong aromatic drink with green tea, which also invigorates well and at the same time tones up, being safe for health.


  • Elderly and children's age.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Ischemia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Peptic ulcer and gastritis.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Kidney diseases.

To reduce the negative impact of coffee on blood vessels, it is recommended to drink it in combination with dark chocolate, milk or cream.

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