Home Flowers The best recipes for Easter. What can you cook for the festive table for Easter. What can you bake for Easter - ideas for inspiration

The best recipes for Easter. What can you cook for the festive table for Easter. What can you bake for Easter - ideas for inspiration

Easter is the main holiday for Christians. It is customary to meet her in the family circle, next to close and loving people. On Bright Sunday, they set the table and decorate it with various Easter decorations. Let's look at what the Easter table menu can be like, traditional dishes and recipes for their preparation.

Traditional dishes

The main attributes of Easter are Easter cake, curd Easter and painted eggs, which are blessed in the church and served at the festive Easter table.

Easter cake can be made from various products, such as cottage cheese, oatmeal, plain wheat and even pumpkin. Easter cake is not just a traditional pastry. It has a sacred meaning and symbolizes Jesus Christ, who, after his resurrection, ate food with the apostles.

Colored eggs (chicken, goose or duck) are also important. As a rule, symbols with different meanings are applied to them. For example, among such symbols there are: a cross, a spiral, rhombuses and squares, floral and animal ornaments.

There are several types of Easter eggs:

Easter cake

This is a traditional recipe for making Easter cake, which was used in the times of Russia. They make pastries with yeast from premium wheat flour.



Curd Easter

This is an incredibly tasty, delicate and airy delicacy, which is traditionally prepared for the Easter table. To prepare it, you will need some free time and effort. However, the result will be worth it.



Easter eggs

Today there are a large number of recipes for cooking Easter eggs. They can simply be dyed with food or natural dyes, decorated with elegant painting or various decorative elements.

Let's look at several ways to prepare Easter eggs:

You can choose a beautiful dish for Easter eggs so that they look presentable and attractive on the festive table. Place a church candle or a willow twig in the center of it. Sometimes sprouted wheat is placed in the center, which is a symbol of new life.

Traditionally, 12 colored eggs are placed on a dish, each of which symbolizes an apostle. In addition, one unpainted testicle is added to them, which will symbolize Jesus Christ. The dyed consecrated egg must be the first to be eaten for breakfast on Easter Sunday morning.

In 2017 Orthodox Easter falls on May 1st. This religious holiday is preceded by a forty-day Easter fast, which helps to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. During this period, there are many restrictions on food. Therefore, after fasting on Easter, fatty and heavy meals for the stomach should not be served, as they can negatively affect the well-being and health of the person who fasted.

Easter dishes served at the festive table should be light. They can be made from fruits and vegetables, lean fish and meats. Dishes are garnished with green onions, dill and parsley. Since Easter symbolizes the end of Lent, the dishes should be varied.

Preparation for Easter should be done well in advance. Until this day, they choose recipes for dishes, carefully think over the festive table, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Below we will consider the recipes for preparing the most interesting dishes.

For the Easter table, you can serve the following dishes:

Although Orthodoxy does not approve of the use of alcoholic beverages, a small amount of red wine can be served with the festive table.

Piglet roll

This is an old dish for the Easter table, which is prepared from the meat and offal of a young pig.



jellied pig

This is another traditional recipe for the Easter table. Please note that it takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, it is recommended to start preparing this dish at least 1-2 days before the holiday.



Gingerbread Cookie

This is an incredibly tasty holiday dish for Easter, which will appeal to both adults and children.



Greek salad for the holiday table

This salad is notable for its lightness and the presence of a large number of vegetables and herbs in its composition. Therefore, it is perfect for the traditional Easter table. Even a beginner in the culinary art can cook it with ease.



fish roll

This is a great option for an appetizer for the festive table for Easter.



Easter table setting

In addition to preparing delicious Easter dishes, you should also take care of serving the festive table itself. We set Easter cake in the center and put a dish with colored eggs and church candles.

And cottage cheese Easter - traditional Easter treats. On holiday, they will be on the table in almost every home. But, if you want to diversify the feast, we will help you. We have prepared for you a selection of original thematic recipes that will decorate the Easter table, surprise and delight your loved ones.

ice cream egg

The egg is the main symbol and the main food of Easter. Every year we figure out how to decorate eggs so that it is not just elegant, but festive. Here are some ideas from Lifehacker:

You won’t surprise anyone with dishes from chicken eggs, but you can with fruit ice in the shape of an egg.

500 ml of water;
250 ml fruit juice with pulp;
200 g of sugar;
1 st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
gelatin sachet.


To make popsicles at home, dissolve gelatin in water: soak for 5 minutes, and then heat together with sugar over low heat until completely dissolved. Then slowly pour in the juice. Stir and remove from heat after a minute. Strain the mixture through a sieve, and when cool, add the lemon juice.


Use large plastic eggs (they are sold in children's stores) as a mold for pouring. Make small holes in the bottoms (where a real egg has an air chamber) and use a small funnel to pour the cooked juice into the eggs.


Insert plastic sticks into the holes and send the eggs to the freezer for 2 hours. Popsicles are ready!

chocolate eggs


Slavs traditionally paint eggs red, but, for example, in Italy, chocolate eggs are exchanged instead of chicken eggs. We suggest you go ahead and prepare such an unusual dessert.

chocolate eggs without toys inside.
For "protein":
150 g cream cheese;
130 g of heavy cream;
30 g of powdered sugar;
0.5 tsp lemon juice;
0.5 tsp vanilla extract.
For the "yolk":
20 g butter;
2 tsp freshly squeezed orange juice;
1 st. l. apricot jam.


Using a small nail file, remove the top of the chocolate egg. Let the edge be uneven, like a broken shell. Keep the eggs in the fridge while you make the filling so they don't melt. Combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, lemon juice and vanilla extract and beat until smooth. Separately, whip the cream (it is better if it is chilled), then carefully combine the resulting mixtures, whisk them together. Using a spoon, fill the chocolate eggs with a creamy mass and send them to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes to make the cream harden.


At this time, prepare the syrup for the "yolk". In a saucepan, combine butter, orange juice and jam. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is smooth. Make a small indentation in the creamy filling and pour in some of the cooled syrup.


Keep the eggs in the refrigerator until serving.

fruit pizza

There are several versions of when and where the tradition of decorating, giving and eating eggs for Easter came from. One thing is clear: the custom is ancient, and the symbol is bright. This colorful egg-shaped open fruit pie will be the star of the holiday table. It will especially appeal to children.

For the crust:
450 g flour;
170 g butter;
100 g of sugar;
2 chicken eggs;
2 tbsp. l. cream;
2 tbsp. l. lemon peel;
2 tsp lemon extract;
0.5 tsp salt;
0.5 tsp baking powder.
For cream:
250 g cream cheese;
70 g strawberry jam.
For filling:
fresh or canned berries and fruits (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, pineapples, kiwis, peaches, tangerines, and so on);
gelatin sachet.


Let's bake the cake first. To do this, mix flour, baking powder and salt. Combine softened butter with sugar and lemon zest, beat with a mixer until smooth. Then add one egg, beat again; then the second, beat again. Whisking constantly, add the lemon extract and cream. Turn off mixer and add dry ingredients. Whip a little again with a mixer or whisk, and then knead the dough with your hands. Send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After that, roll out in the shape of an egg about 1.5 cm thick and bake the cake at a temperature of 180 ºС for 15–20 minutes.

To prepare the cream, beat the jam and cream cheese. If desired, the mixture can be sweetened a little more. Spread the resulting cream on the cooled cake. Cut the fruit and put it on top of the cake: combine, play with colors to make a colorful pattern. Dilute the gelatin in water, following the instructions on the package: usually the powder is first steeped in cold water and then slightly heated. Using a brush, cover the fruit on top with gelatin.

This will give them a glossy sheen and protect them from weathering.


Where there are eggs, there are chickens. It symbolizes prosperity, family comfort and fertility. Images of chickens also often appear in Easter symbolism. Therefore, such an appetizer in the form of cute, barely hatched chickens will appeal to many.

6 chicken eggs;
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
2 tsp mustard;
1 small carrot;
a pinch of salt and black peppercorns.


Boil the eggs. Clean and cut off the "hat".

Carefully remove the yolk.

Mash the yolk and mix with mayonnaise and mustard with a blender. Season the resulting mixture with salt and place in a pastry bag. Start her protein with a slide.

Top with a "hat" of protein. From boiled carrots, make legs and a nose for a chicken, and peppercorns will serve as eyes.

Variants of the design of "chickens".

Easter nests

These savory buns, woven in the form of nests, embody home comfort and are perfect for the Easter table. Even a novice cook can cook them.

500 g flour;
300 ml of milk;
100 g butter;
2 chicken eggs;
2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
1.5 tsp salt;
2.5 tsp dry yeast;
painted chicken eggs;
decorative Easter sprinkles.


Combine the yeast, warm milk and half the flour, using a whisk, knead the dough, like for pancakes. Let him stand. When it rises, add sugar, salt, break two eggs, add butter and the rest of the flour. Knead a stiff dough. Leave for a couple of hours, knead again and leave again for a few hours. The dough should double in size. After that, roll out the dough with a sausage 2–3 cm thick and 30–35 cm long. Fold it in half and overlap it, as shown in the photo.

Connect the resulting braid into a ring. Lay the buns on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with Easter sprinkles, and place a small colored egg in the center. (Eggs can be uncooked - will cook hard-boiled in the oven.)

Bake at 180°C for 25 minutes.

Sweet mini nests

If you don't like to bake or just don't have time for it, make these miniature nests. Children will appreciate the taste, and adults will also appreciate the simplicity of the recipe.

a pack of round cookies;
multi-colored dragee candies;
liquid food coloring.
For cream:
250 ml of fat (30%) cream;
100 g of powdered sugar;
a bag of gelatin;


You can use ready-made whipped cream (just mix it with dye), or you can whip it into a thick foam yourself. To do this, the cream must be fat and cold. You can even keep the whisk of the mixer in the refrigerator to speed up the whipping process. When the cream begins to acquire the consistency of a mousse, add a little powdered sugar and continue beating. Gelatin pre-diluted in water (soaked and then heated) is introduced into the cream, without stopping whipping it. At the end of whipping, add green food color.

Pour the cream into a pastry syringe or bag and apply to the leaf-shaped cookies (use the appropriate nozzle). Lay two or three dragees on top.

Easter Bunnies

The hare (or rabbit) is a traditional Easter symbol in Western European culture. This animal is associated with fertility and abundance. Houses are decorated with figurines, it is painted on postcards, and in Munich there is even a museum of the Easter Bunny. Chocolate or marmalade bunnies are given to children for Easter.

For the festive table, you can bake buns in the shape of a hare. The recipe is simple.

400 g flour;
200 g sour cream;
200 ml of water;
40 g butter;
2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
1 tsp salt;
1 chicken egg;
1 sachet of dry yeast.


Mix butter, sour cream and water, heat them in a small saucepan over low heat. Don't let it boil. Make a hole in a hill of flour, break an egg into it, pour in the cooled sour cream and butter mass, add powdered sugar and yeast, salt. Knead the dough (until it stops sticking to your hands). Let the dough rest. Then divide into small pieces and shape into oval buns.


Use scissors to make ears, and use toothpicks to make eyes.

So that the eyes of the hares do not “swim” during baking, toothpicks can be left in the dough and removed after cooking. Bake the buns in the oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes.

Stuffed "carrot"

Hares love carrots, and therefore this symbol is also actively used during the celebration of Easter. In many countries, carrot-shaped bags are made and filled with sweets to treat children. Adults, on the other hand, will surely like a hearty snack stylized as carrots more.

yeast dough;
salad with crab sticks;
gel food coloring;


For simplicity, buy ready-made yeast dough. Salad (it can be any salad of your choice) can be made independently or also bought at the store. The amount of ingredients depends on how many carrots you plan to make. Roll out the dough thinly and cut into strips. Roll these strips into bundles and wrap around the baking cone.

Lubricate the resulting curls with a brush with diluted orange food coloring. Bake at a temperature of 180 ºС until done. Remove the cones and stuff the resulting tubes with salad.

There are many recipes for making Easter cake. Most people cook cakes in the oven the old fashioned way. I offer a simple recipe for a slow cooker. Fast and convenient!

Sweets "Easter"

These wonderful sweets in our family are usually prepared for every Easter! They are made with almond flour, pistachios and chocolate. Sweets look great on the holiday table. Try it!

There are many interesting and very simple Easter recipes. One of these is Easter custard with yolks, I bring to your attention. You can also add dried fruits or nuts to taste.

For lovers of a variety of baking options, I suggest paying attention to this fairly simple recipe for an Easter cake without yeast.

The Easter table is not only Easter cakes and eggs. In many countries, it is customary to cook wonderful gingerbread cookies for this holiday. And decorate them just like eggs.

Custard Easter turns out to be very tender, light, and fruits or berries add sweetness or sourness, which are always combined with cottage cheese. The dessert comes out delicious. Cooking custard Easter is easy.

I propose to replenish your piggy bank of Easter recipes with one cool option on how to cook Easter cake with baked milk. It turns out richly sweet and very tasty.

Lent ends with Easter, which means that many delicious dishes can be prepared for the festive table. For example, bake a wonderful chicken with a crispy crust.

Very tender, rich and quite easy to prepare, creamy Easter cake at home will perfectly diversify your holiday pastries.

Eggs are very beautiful, and besides, without any chemical dyes. Only natural ingredients and natural beauty.

For real sweet tooth on the festive table, I propose to cook a stunning Easter sugar cake at home. Very cool and not difficult at all.

Dyeing eggs for Easter is a whole science. A whole layer in folk culture and creativity. There are many secrets and approaches here. I propose to reveal some of them.

Delicious, sweet Easter cake with dried fruits and nuts - please your household on the bright Easter holiday with a spring Easter cake. Watch and write down the recipe for cooking spring cake now!

Delicious and elegant cookies for the Easter holiday will surely please everyone. It is easy to prepare, and the decorating process is very exciting, especially for children.

Easter without Easter cake is not a holiday. It seems to me that every housewife has a signature baking recipe. Your personal secret of the test and additives to it.

Cookies "Easter eggs"

After tasting such a cake, your family and guests will be pleasantly surprised. Easter cake turns out surprisingly tasty, ruddy and fragrant. With the taste of Easter cake you will please everyone without a doubt and the holiday will turn out well.

Chocolate cookies "Nests"

Recipe for holiday cookies with cocoa, peanut butter, oatmeal and candy nests with eggs. This dessert will be a great decoration for the Easter table.

Pink Easter is prepared in the same way as any other cottage cheese Easter, only raspberry jam is added to the recipe. Fatty cottage cheese is taken, and jam should be without syrup. It turns out a beautiful Easter!

A very tasty Easter appetizer made from eggs, which are always eaten in large quantities on Easter. Suitable for other holidays, but in our family it is customary to cook it for Easter.

Easter is just around the corner and many are already thinking about what cakes to cook to make a delicious and beautiful holiday table. I advise you to bake at least one cake in a slow cooker. I think you will succeed.

The holiday is coming and you are looking for new interesting recipes? Then I bring to your attention an amazing option - cheese Easter with chocolate.

The English Easter cake is shaped like a lace bagel, huge and lush. It turns out the Easter cake is airy, soft and very tasty. Here is a simple step by step recipe with photos.

This excellent recipe will make the already rich festive Easter table even brighter and tastier!!! Add berries to your taste to it, and your dessert will get a completely different taste!

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching. On this day (and throughout the entire holiday week), we want to surprise our loved ones with a rich, magnificent festive table. Someone uses time-tested recipes, while someone scours the Internet in search of unusual or even exotic dishes. Maybe our Easter menu will do?

Of course, the first recipe is Easter cake. I remember that as children we brought Easter cakes to school that our mothers baked, and I was always surprised that my friends’ Easter cakes almost did not differ in taste from the usual purchased rolls, except for more raisins ... But in the old days, everything was generously put into the dough for Easter cakes the most delicious, fresh, sweet, and the number of eggs in some recipes reached 60 (!) Pieces.

First, a few important rules:

1. During cooking, do not make noise, do not swear.
2. Get everyone out of the kitchen.
3. Flour for Easter cakes must be sifted.
4. You need the smallest sugar (or powdered sugar).
5. Milk and cream should be at room temperature.
6. To make the Easter cake yellow, add saffron to the dough or choose eggs with bright yolks (homemade). If it was not possible to get homemade eggs, then take the usual ones, separate the yolks from the whites, mix the yolks with salt and leave warm overnight.
7. The temperature in the room where you knead the dough must be at least 25ºС.
8. Do not open the windows!
9. You need to knead the dough for a long time and carefully. According to an old saying, the dough needs to be hit 300 times, so that later the guests praise the Easter cakes 300 times.
10. The dough should rise at least three times: when the dough is being prepared, when the whole dough is kneaded, and when it is in shape.
11. The dough for Easter cake should not be too liquid - otherwise the Easter cakes will blur, come out flat. But it should not be too steep either - the cake will turn out to be heavy and will quickly become stale.
12. Try to cut the kneaded dough with a knife - if it does not stick to the knife, does not reach for it, then it can be laid out in forms.
13. Forms for Easter cakes generously grease with soft (not melted!) Butter, you can sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina.
14. Lay out the dough in prepared forms, filling them up to half. When the dough rises flush with the edges, carefully place the molds in an oven preheated to 180ºС.
15. In order for the cake to rise evenly, you need to stick a long splinter in the middle and bake with it. After 1 - 1.5 hours (depending on the size of the cake), the splinter is taken out: if it is dry, then the cake is ready.

So the recipe

800 g butter
1 kg. Sahara,
20 yolks,
1.5 l. milk,
120 g pressed yeast
200 g raisins,
50 g cognac,
2 tbsp. l. semolina for sprinkling molds,
3 kg. flour (approximately) ,
vanillin, lemon peel, nuts, poppy seeds, candied fruit - optional.

Dilute yeast in 1 stack. warm water, add 1-2 tbsp. flour, set for 20 minutes. to a warm place. Beat the yolks with sugar, add cognac with vanilla, milk, yeast. Mix and pour into flour, knead for 15 minutes. Gradually pour in melted butter, dry (this is important!) raisins, zest. Knead the dough for at least 40 minutes. The readiness of the dough is determined as follows: if the raisins pop out of the dough, and it “squeaks” itself, then it’s ready. Put in a warm place, covered with a towel. When suitable, lay out in prepared forms, filling them no more than 2/3, allow to distance. Bake 40-60 minutes (depending on size). Cool on its side (i.e. put out of the mold on a soft pillow, put on its side and cool, turning over carefully).

Custard cake (with tea)

12 stack. flour,
1 stack milk,
4 eggs,
1 stack Sahara,
70 g pressed yeast,
2 stack strong tea,
½ stack melted butter,
1 stack raisins,
2 tsp salt,
vanillin or cardamom.

The night before (at about 8 o'clock), pour ½ stack of yeast. warm water, let rise. ½ stack flour brew ½ stack. boiling milk, stir well. Cool to warm, mix with risen yeast, add ½ stack. warm milk, salt, lightly beaten eggs, add enough flour to make a fairly thick dough. Knead it until smooth, wrap well and leave in a warm place until morning.

Early in the morning (at 6-7 o'clock) pour ½ stack into the dough. warm oil, stir and gradually pour in warm tea mixed with sugar. Then add spices, add little by little the remaining flour, dump the dough on the table and beat it until bubbles begin to appear in it. Put the dough in a greased bowl, cover and leave for 1 hour. Then put it on the table again, knead gently, gradually adding raisins, return to the bowl and let stand for another 30 minutes. Then spread out in forms, let go. Bake as usual.

The Easter menu is not complete without cottage cheese easter. Moreover, since ancient times, Easter was the most important dish on the festive table. Now it is cooked infrequently, and in vain - this is not only a landmark, but also a very tasty dish. In order for Easter to be a success, you need to follow some rules:

1. All products must be the freshest.
2. Cottage cheese must be put under pressure to remove excess whey (it is better to do this in advance by putting the cottage cheese in a gauze napkin and pressing something heavy on top).
3. Squeezed cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve twice (do not pass through a meat grinder!).
4. Cream - at least 30% fat.
5. Sugar is best replaced with powdered sugar.
6. Line the mold (pasochnik) with slightly damp gauze. If there is no form, then you can adapt for this any dish that you don’t mind making a hole in (a square plastic bucket, for example) and make a lot of holes so that the whey can drain.

Easter with boiled yolks

1200 curd,
400 g butter,
4 cups heavy cream
15 yolks, hard boiled
sugar, vanillin to taste.

Rub fresh cottage cheese through a sieve, put butter, wipe yolks through a sieve. Mix together and rub for a very long time to get a solid mass. Then pour in the cream and, while pouring, grind without ceasing. When everything is crushed enough, put it in a mold, put it under a press until all the whey drains. Keep in a cool place.

Before use put on a dish, decorate.

2 kg. curd,
10 eggs
400 g butter
800 g sour cream
700 g sugar
100 peeled almonds
100 raisins,

Rub cottage cheese and butter through a sieve, add eggs and sour cream. To stir thoroughly. Put the dishes on the stove and bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. Remove from heat and cool as quickly as possible (for example, put in ice water), also stirring constantly. Add sugar, vanillin, raisins, nuts to the cooled mass, mix and put in a bowl, tamping the mass tightly. Place a small weight on top. Put in the cold for a day.

Eggs- a mandatory attribute of the festive table. Dyed with onion skins, wrapped in bright celluloid or painted manually. But not only boiled eggs can be limited when compiling the Easter menu. Here is an appetizer recipe

5 eggs
250 g meat
1 slice of white bread without crusts,
1 onion
100 breadcrumbs,
100 g dried white bread crumbs,
2 tsp mustard,
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Prepare minced meat, onions and white bread soaked in milk or water. Add chopped herbs, salt, pepper, mustard to it. 3 hard boiled eggs. Wrap each egg in a mincemeat cake, forming a “case” ball. Beat 2 raw eggs. Dip the "case" first in the egg, then in the breadcrumbs, again in the egg, and then in the white breadcrumbs. Deep fry.

The usual can be arranged in the form of eggs, if you show skill and leave the shell of chicken eggs intact (for example, using eggs when baking Easter cake or when preparing Easter). To do this, the eggs must be carefully broken from the blunt end to make a hole of 1 - 1.5 cm, pour out the contents, and rinse the shell, dry it and put it in the egg mold. Prepare any aspic (from chicken, beef or fish), only cut the products in it into pieces of about 1 cm. Add carrots, yellow and red bell peppers for brightness. Mix with gelatin dissolved in the broth and pour over the shells. Put in the cold. Before serving, carefully break the shell and remove the aspic. Arrange on a platter with lettuce and herbs. Easy and beautiful!

Let's replenish the Easter menu with another recipe for a meat dish, which at first may seem difficult to execute, but with a little skill - and everything will work out. This . For this chicken (preferably a steam room, but it can also be defrosted) you need to “undress”. We cut the skin along the back and carefully remove it along with the meat from the ribs, wings and legs, cutting around the bones. Ideally, you should get a layer of meat on the skin. We spread it on the board with the skin down, beat it off as thin as possible (about 1-1.5 cm thick), sprinkle with salt, spices, and - attention! - dry gelatin. The filling for the roll can be frozen vegetables - a mixture of carrots, peas, bright bell peppers, green beans. We spread the mixture of vegetables on the meat layer and carefully roll it into a roll. We wrap the roll in several layers of foil as tightly as possible. We put in a preheated oven and bake for 40-50 minutes. Cool down. This dish is served cold. Gelatin, swelling, holds the roll together, and it does not fall apart when cut.

Real Russian kvass can be a great addition to the festive table. Invented over a thousand years ago, this drink knows no equal. Centuries-old experience shows that kvass contributes to the preservation of health and increases efficiency. But above all, it's just a very tasty drink. A few simple recipes are brought to your attention.

3 liters of water
700 g apples
300 g sugar
30 g yeast.

Boil apples, add sugar. Cool the broth to room temperature. Strain, add yeast diluted in warm water. Leave to ferment for 12-15 hours. Pour into bottles, store refrigerated.

If you put 150 g of honey and 70 g of horseradish grated on a coarse grater into fermented apple kvass, you get vigorous Petrovsky kvass.

If you have been fasting, then you need to leave it smoothly, gradually. The Easter menu should be not so much plentiful and varied as well thought out. Choose the lightest meals. Salads - with a lot of greens, but not multi-storey mayonnaise monsters, but classic 2-4-component ones (like "Greek" or "Caesar") with various dressings. Meat - preferably chopped, stewed or steamed. And most importantly - do not overeat! After all, it’s not for nothing that the word “break the fast” means “try a little”.

Larisa Shuftaykina

There are only a few days left before Easter, so it's time to start compiling a festive menu. On this day, the closest and dearest people gather at the table, which means that the recipes for Easter dishes should be special.

boats of abundance

On Bright Sunday, colored eggs invariably flaunt on the festive table. Some of them can be taken to prepare a win-win snack. Gently peel and cut 8-10 boiled eggs in half. We take out the yolks and grind them with 250 g of canned cod liver. Add here 200 g of any grated hard cheese, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 2 cloves of garlic and salt to taste. Thoroughly mix the pate and fill it with halves of boiled proteins. We decorate them with sprigs of fresh herbs and lay them out on a large dish. These appetizing stuffed boats will not lie on it for a long time.

Ham with a secret

What can you cook for Easter besides eggs? Ham rolls with horseradish are a wonderful appetizer with a Russian flavor. For her, we need a slice of ham in thin wide circles. Finely chop a bunch of parsley and dill. Mix greens in a bowl with 4 tbsp. l. grated horseradish and 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, add salt and sugar to taste. Lubricate the ham slices with the spicy filling and roll them into tubes. We string on toothpicks and fix the rolls. They can be served on lettuce leaves with tomato slices. Such a savory appetizer will awaken your appetite and set you in a festive mood.

Spring colors

Since spring is in full swing, Easter dishes should be presented with a light salad of fresh seasonal vegetables. Cut into cubes of 2 large cucumbers and fleshy tomatoes. We chop 7-8 radishes into thin circles. Finely chop a large bunch of wild garlic and 8-10 stalks of green onions. To make the salad more satisfying and tasty, you can add 3-4 boiled eggs here. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. It remains to fill the salad with low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil. And before serving, you can sprinkle the salad with sesame seeds - they will add subtle nutty notes to the dish.

radiant bird

Stuffed chicken has every chance of becoming the signature dish of the Easter menu. We rub a well-fed chicken carcass weighing at least 1.5 kg with coarse salt and masala spices, cover with a film and keep in the refrigerator for a day. Boil a glass of buckwheat until half cooked and mix it with roasted onions and 300 g of mushrooms. Salt the filling to taste and season with 2 tbsp. l. butter. Gently stuff the chicken soaked in spices with buckwheat and mushrooms, sew it with dense threads and place it in the sleeve. We bake it in the oven at 200 ° C for about 70-80 minutes. Ruddy fragrant will conquer guests with one look.

Pork in gold

Festive pork is what will truly make meat eaters happy. Pork tenderloin weighing 3 kg is stuffed with garlic cloves and kept in 2 liters of cabbage brine for 36 hours. Remember to turn the meat every 9 hours. Then, after thoroughly drying it, sprinkle it with a mixture of peppers, place it in a sleeve and bake in the oven for an hour at 150 ° C. Next, increase the flame to 190 ° C and cook for another 40 minutes. Now grease the pork with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce. In this form, put it under the grill and hold until crispy at 200 ° C. Juicy golden pork will make an indelible impression on everyone.

Salmon in the bush

Fish dishes for Easter are an unshakable tradition. Salmon with spring sauce will organically fit into the menu. Spray 6 fish steaks with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped celery stalk with rosemary leaves, marinate for 20 minutes. Grind in a blender 150 g of walnuts, a sprig of basil and tarragon with 1 tbsp. l. butter. Salt the steaks, spread the nut paste, orange slices on them and sprinkle with 150 g of hard cheese. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C. Salmon with such an accent will definitely appeal to guests.

sweet art

Sweet festive Easter dishes are not only Easter cakes, but also elegant cookies. Mix 600 g flour, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, ½ tsp soda, ¼ tsp. cinnamon, cardamom and cloves. Separately, beat 100 g of butter with 100 g of sugar, gradually adding 2 eggs, 120 g of honey, 2 tsp. lemon zest. We combine this mass with a flour base, knead the dough and cool for 2 hours. Then we roll out a layer 1.5 cm thick and cut out cookies with molds in the form of bunnies, butterflies, flowers, etc. Bake it for 15 minutes at 180 ° C. We fill the cornet with melted chocolate, apply along the contour and draw patterns. Those with a sweet tooth will snap up such a dessert in no time.

We hope these ideas have inspired you to create interesting dishes. The Easter table is a great opportunity to bring these ideas to life. And if you have proven holiday recipes, be sure to tell us about them in the comments.

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