Home Flowers Lunar and solar eclipses: impact on humans. The effect of an eclipse on humans

Lunar and solar eclipses: impact on humans. The effect of an eclipse on humans

According to doctors, a solar eclipse does not have a strong effect on people physically, but it can affect the psycho-emotional state. It is noted that with this natural phenomenon, a person develops an unconscious feeling of anxiety, which he usually experiences when he finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. Moreover, without sunlight, all living things become restless: large animals begin to worry, fuss, seek shelter, and small animals seem to freeze. However, according to the chairman of the problem commission "Chronobiology and Chronomedicine" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Semyon Rapoport, "changes in the body of any living creature are a long process, and the short-term period that a solar eclipse takes cannot really affect these mechanisms."

Today, August 21, residents of 14 American states will be able to observe a total solar eclipse. it a natural phenomenon for the first time in 99 years, it will cover the continental part of the country from the west to the east coast. In Washington, the peak of the eclipse will be at 14:43 (21:43 Moscow time); at this time, only a fifth of the sun will be visible.

What is hidden behind this natural phenomenon, Pravda.Ru in exclusive interview asked Vladimir Fainzilberg, psychotherapist, associate professor of the Department of Psychotherapy at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, a full member of the Russian and European Psychotherapeutic League.

- How does a solar eclipse affect physical health and the psycho-emotional state of a person?

- Any solar or lunar eclipse from time immemorial affects people and animals excitingly: they lose their peace, there is some kind of deep anxiety. In some cases, people and animals rush about, cannot find a place for themselves, but this is not very pronounced. However, it cannot be said that the number of crimes is increasing or there are more cases of primary mental disorder... Occasionally during the eclipse there are discomfort, there is an exacerbation of some chronic disorders. This mainly happens with neurotics and people with an anxious-suspicious character, suffering depressive disorders hypochondriacal order, when the feelings are based on hypochondriacal suspicious concepts. That is, these are people who are not completely confident in themselves and in their future. Along with this, it is known for sure that during such periods the number of suicidal manifestations increases somewhat. This is precisely due to the disturbing component of the experiences people experience.

- What is the reason for such a reaction of living beings to a solar eclipse?

- It is associated with episodic, intermittent loss solar activity... And this once again suggests that we are all dependent on the rays of the sun and are children of the solar nature. People feel about the same when they climb high in the mountains. This is the so-called mountain sickness, in which, under the influence of high solar activity, a person experiences anxiety, anxiety, but there, among other things Negative influence has low pressure. When a person, on the contrary, sinks below sea level or under water, he also experiences some anxiety, anxiety. That is, the same elements of anxiety and causeless anxiety appear, which are very characteristic of solar eclipses.

- What can help a person to cope with such negative feelings?

- Awareness, enthusiasm, desire to study this phenomenon will help to overcome anxiety. You may remember how in childhood everyone was preparing for a solar eclipse: they smoked a piece of glass, and then looked at the Sun. So the children were less susceptible to fear, because they were carried away, they had an interest. Only knowledge, awareness can distract from anxiety. And, of course, physically and mentally healthy people tolerate such phenomena much easier. At the same time, it has been proven that the element of anxiety, anxiety increases in comparison with another period of life.

- Why did ancient people react much more emotionally to a solar eclipse than modern humanity?

- The lack of sunlight was perceived by the ancient people tragically, since our life is based on sunlight... It is he who accompanies humanity throughout its life. It was not for nothing that many peoples were punished in a dungeon, when a person was deprived of sunlight.

Interviewed by Lada KOROTUN

Surely, each of you felt the influence of solar and ray eclipses, only those who are not interested in astrology are unlikely to associate a sudden deterioration in well-being or other body reactions with these periods.

Meanwhile, it is extremely imprudent to ignore solar and lunar eclipses, because forewarned means forearmed!

How solar and lunar eclipses affect people, you will learn below.

The effect of eclipses on people

Eclipses at all times aroused awe of the power of nature and were viewed as an omen of misfortune and as a scourge of God. Even observing this phenomenon of an atheist makes one think about the creation of the world. Periods of eclipses are characterized as karmic. The influence of the lunar and solar eclipse per person is extremely high. During such periods, there is a reward for the committed deeds and actions. And this is not necessarily something bad, but always deserved.

Eclipses occur in pairs. If the sun is eclipsed first, then the next will be the lunar or vice versa. The solar eclipse has a greater effect on the personality, society or event, external plane, and the lunar - on emotions, subconsciousness. If first there is a lunar eclipse, and then a solar eclipse, then the anticipatory emotionality can then cause a more powerful resonance on the external, eventual plane.

Knowing about the influence of lunar and solar eclipses on a person, it is better not to plan fateful events for these periods, because Mr. Chance can replay everything in his own way. But Mrs. Luck can visit creative and gifted people.

The golden rule for periods of eclipses: we do not provoke events, but if they "fell on our heads", then we humbly accept the situation and promptly, without complaint, we act according to the plan given to us from above.

Solar and lunar eclipse table for 2019:

date Type of Coordinate GMT time (UT)
February 11 Moon eclipse(penumbra) 22 ° Leo 00.45
26 february Solar eclipse (annular) 08 ° Pisces 14.54
07 august Lunar eclipse (partial) 15 ° Aquarius 18.21
August 21 Solar eclipse (total) 29 ° Leo 18.26

Knowing how solar and lunar eclipses affect people, and taking these periods into account when planning important matters, you can avoid many troubles.

How solar and lunar eclipses affect people

The solar eclipse has a greater impact on the external, event plan, and the lunar - on the "subcortex", i.e. on the psyche. Sensitivity, vulnerability, intuition are sharpened. Everyone experiences periods of eclipses in accordance with his personal development, as well as how the individual horoscope "turns on" by the eclipse.

Considering how a solar eclipse affects a person, on the eve of this event, it is advisable to identify in oneself, independently or with the help of a specialist, OP (limiting ideas). That is, what kind of "rake" you have that you step on from time to time. So, it's time to get these same OP out of your subconscious. Having identified them, it is necessary to build another model of perception of this problem, personal affirmations (self-attitudes). For example: "Money is evil, it is hard to get it." Let's reprogram: “Money is an opportunity, it comes freely to me. I know what I need them for. "

A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon, it can be total, partial (partial), or annular (annular). An annular eclipse brings more disasters and accidents, as it is associated with the apogee of the moon. And do not forget about how a solar eclipse affects health: a total eclipse is always associated with the perigee of the Moon and has an oppressive effect on the psyche.

A lunar eclipse occurs on a full moon. On the one hand, this is an emotionally difficult period, on the other, it is important in terms of building mental structures. If a program is created or plans are made during a lunar eclipse, then they then work unconsciously. Therefore, it is very important not to be angry with anyone and not show dissatisfaction with life. And it's especially important to be positive. The main thing is inner balance. Men in a lunar eclipse are more vulnerable, feel psychological discomfort.

Having information on how lunar and solar eclipses affect a person, it is recommended during these periods:

Eclipse periods are suitable for getting rid of bad habits, to work out internal attitudes that interfere with life. Self-attitudes should be positive and sound in the present tense. But this is not enough. It is imperative to include visualization (image) through the manifestation of will and faith. For we do what we believe in! Basically, this inner work should be constant, but it is more effective during periods of pre-eclipse.

Many people from school know what a lunar and solar eclipse is. Someone had a chance to personally observe these astronomical phenomena. Recent times even there was a trend and gaze at an eclipse, especially a solar one, in geographic area visual observation people rush to a free ride. But is this spectacle actually harmless for its direct spectators and in general for all people? Few are aware of the impact on life of a lunar or solar eclipse. In astrology, there is a lot of information about these phenomena and their effect on humans, some of which are set out in this article.

Solar and lunar eclipses

Each year, the Sun and Moon are eclipsed up to seven times. Alternating in pairs, these phenomena occur during full moons and new moons.

During periods of influence of eclipses of the Sun or Moon (not less than a week before and after the phenomenon), the number of people seeking astrological advice increases sharply. This is due to significant changes and fateful events that occur at this time in the lives of many people, and important role solar and lunar eclipses play in this.

According to astrology, solar and lunar eclipses have a significant, often adverse effect on the fate and health of all people. Eclipses especially strongly affect the physically or mentally weak and those who were born during such a phenomenon or who have an eclipse in their personal horoscope aspecting planets and other important points. So, if the degree of the current eclipse coincides with the planet of the natal chart, then it is possible with 100% certainty to predict the implementation of some important events in the life of the owner of the horoscope. If you analyze your personal birth horoscope more deeply, you can find out more specifically the most likely events.

However, to think of eclipses only as pernicious phenomena playing a purely ominous role is wrong. Astrologers believe that eclipses, as a catalyst, trigger the implementation of a karmic program, not only individual but also collective. Like a heavenly scalpel, they open the resulting abscess of karmic problems and allow them to shortest time be realized. Therefore, if some bad event happens to a person during an eclipse, in fact it is not so bad. As in the expression: "Whatever is done - it's all for the best." This means that a person has paid off his debts and freed himself from part of his karmic burden. That is, main function eclipses lies in our cleansing and liberation. Although for many, this "medical" procedure is very painful, because it takes place abruptly and without any "anesthesia".

There is some difference between the effects of solar and lunar eclipses on humans. To understand what it is, you need to separately understand the essence of the influence of each phenomenon.

Solar eclipse

The sun is the source of solar energy ("life-giving prana") necessary for the life of all living things. In astrology, the Sun is identified with masculine energy. It symbolizes vitality, creativity, the spirit and consciousness of a person, his ego or "I". However, events triggered by solar eclipses are not always caused by us and are often associated with external factors, with our environment and environment, but they necessarily reflect on us. For example, if something happens to a person close to you or on a global level - in your country of residence, then it will naturally affect you as well.

A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon. With a solar eclipse, the "vital prana" is interrupted or diminished, which negatively affects all living beings. Once in the darkness of the eclipse, consciousness seems to be darkened, the will weakens, the human mind is less oriented in situations, thoughts get confused, the percentage of erroneous and inappropriate actions increases. It is believed that the hardest thing during a solar eclipse is for men and creative individuals both sexes.

Under the conditions of a solar eclipse, the well-being of many people worsens. It is especially hard for the main organ of the body - the heart. Already an hour after the Sun begins to close the Moon, the power of the heart's ejection of blood in circulatory system, rises blood pressure, there is a failure in the system of regulation and blood supply of all organs of the body. The number of strokes, heart attacks and other health disorders associated with a malfunction of the heart is on the rise.

Globally, a solar eclipse adversely affects the entire society. The negative effect that the eclipse produces individually accumulates in society and increases tension in it, contributes to destructive tendencies, which leads to mass unrest, tense political situation and military conflicts, outbreaks of epidemics. The number of accidents, catastrophes and accidents is increasing, especially due to human fault. In this "dark" time, the ego of politicians goes off scale and to satisfy it, they lose control over themselves, make harmful and erroneous moves that can lead to various adverse consequences for entire countries.

Moon eclipse

Lunar eclipses coincide with the full moon and occur at least twice a year. Since the Moon in individual astrology symbolizes the soul of a person, his subconscious mind controls unconscious processes, emotional sphere, then the result of the impact of the lunar eclipse is mental imbalance and increased emotionality.

During the period of influence of the eclipse of the Moon, the mind is wounded and suppressed by rushing out emotions, often negative. "Subconscious demons", which until this time dozed, waiting for their "finest hour", awaken and break free. The lunar eclipse is this very hour when the number of conflicts and situations associated with them increases in society. Emotionally excitable people, especially women and children, begin to hysteria, be capricious, cry, scandalize on every occasion. But for people striving for the Light and inclined to create Good, an eclipse can cause spontaneous impulses of the soul, move them to heroic deeds and the accomplishment of good deeds.

The lunar eclipse is like a surgeon, they open us and get our inner problems and desires, what is hidden inside our soul, in the subconscious. Everything that a person accumulated in himself, deliberately restrained, suddenly spills out and often leads to events. That is, with a lunar eclipse life situation is formed under the influence of our feelings, thoughts, internal problems and everything that happens is inextricably linked with them. This is where the effect of a lunar eclipse differs from a solar one.

During the active phase of the impact of eclipses (one month before and the same month after the eclipse), many people arouse a desire to do something important or new, but astrologers urge to refrain from such actions, since a person at this time is less objective in his views. The negative impact of a solar eclipse may persist for several months, but the consequences of events and important deeds begun in active phase can take years.

Following the recommendations of astrologers and certain rules, set out in a separate article on this topic, you will learn what to do to avoid the negative consequences of eclipses and how to use to your advantage the time when lunar or solar eclipses occur in the heavens.

In general, a solar eclipse will occur in 13 time zones. It will begin in northern Canada and end in China. A total solar eclipse will be observed in Russia near the city of Nadym in the Tyumen region. Here the Sun will be completely closed for 2 minutes 26 seconds.

Over the territory of Ukraine, the Moon will cover the Sun by only 45% and this spectacle can be observed from 13.07 to 13.15. The air temperature during the eclipse drops by several degrees.

Doctors warn that an eclipse can negatively affect the well-being of even a practically healthy person. The effect of this natural phenomenon on behavior and well-being begins to be felt two weeks before their onset. Meteorological people are especially affected.

Better hide today

Research by Russian medical scientists has proven the undeniable impact of a solar eclipse on humans. Studies have been conducted on 20 healthy people and 20 patients. The human body began to respond to a natural phenomenon as soon as the solar disk began to be covered by the Moon. An hour after the beginning of the eclipse, 70% of hypertensive patients increased blood pressure, blood vessels narrowed, and the heart increased the power of blood ejection, blood began to flow unevenly to different hemispheres of the brain. Nervous system was clearly disabled. Doctors expected that all these phenomena should occur only two days after the eclipse, when cosmic rays from the sun will reach the Earth.

According to phytotherapist Boris Skachko, a solar eclipse polarizes health problems. The reason is, according to the doctor, that, according to the canons of oriental medicine, the Sun sends us a positive charge (positive protons or Yang energy), and the Moon - Yin - takes energy. The Chinese, for example, believe that the day of the solar eclipse is a temporary victory of the feminine Yin over the masculine Yang.

The moon is a luminary that is very close to us. The sun gives energy, and the moon takes away. It's one thing when the Sun is on the right and the Moon is on the left, a person turns out to be a guide. Another thing is when two luminaries find themselves at one point, exerting a strong effect on a person. "V human body there is a "stay here - come here" situation. I remember very well the eclipse in 1999, I was then in Crimea, I will never forget this state - the human body is not ready for this, ”says Skachko.

In the body, there is a powerful load on the regulatory system, it is actually tested for strength. Especially bad health on this day will be for people with cardiovascular pathologies, hypertensive patients (that is, those who, and without these natural changes, the body's regulatory system has been disrupted). People who are now undergoing treatment for a disease will also feel bad.

“It’s better not to be active on this day,” advises Dr. Skachko, “the actions will be inadequate. How faster speed, the greater the likelihood of errors. Therefore, I would advise, figuratively speaking, to bend down, sit down and sit out this day. "

“Anyway, 2008 - the Gray Mouse - is a year of contrasts. Since the beginning of the year, Ukraine has been experiencing cataclysms in all spheres of life, ”says Dr. Skachko.

"Medical brandy" will help to survive the eclipse To avoid discomfort with health, B. Skachko recommends to take "medical cognac" - hawthorn tincture on this day. It regulates the work of blood vessels, if there is a spasm somewhere, it will be removed, the blood flow will be restored. If there is an expansion of the vessel, the hawthorn tincture has a tonic effect.

“This is a gentle regulator for the whole body. Hawthorn tincture will well remove the imbalance in the whole body. Hawthorn has a particularly beneficial effect on the hypothalamus. This organ is the "Supreme Council" of our body, it is responsible for the balanced work of all body systems. If the hypothalamus is out of order, then the whole body is a mess, ”the doctor advises.

According to him, you need to start taking it a few days before the expected magnetic vibrations - 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day. “This tincture, if consumed 15 minutes before a meal, also improves digestion, if everything is in order with the digestive tract, then after a meal,” Skachko clarifies.

He also recommends taking a contrast shower (by the way, it would be good to take it not only during the days of a solar eclipse, but regularly, every day). " Cold water should be 15 degrees, doused in 20-30 seconds (in no case more), hot - 2-4 minutes. It's important to feel comfortable. Finish pouring in the morning with cool water, it tones, and in the evening - warm. This procedure also perfectly regulates blood vessels, ”says Dr. Skachko.

Vedic texts advise avoiding food 10 hours before the eclipse, and at the time of the eclipse itself, be in the water (sea, river, at worst - in a bath).

Good day to get rid of bad habits During periods of a lunar eclipse, the mind drowns in emotions, and instincts manifest themselves "in all their glory." Astrologers believe that solar eclipses are turning points or switches of event streams. Otherwise, during a solar eclipse, you can start “ new life". On this day, it is recommended to give up bad habits - the body adapts faster. At work, you should not start anything new, do the routine work.

In a solar eclipse, instincts, on the contrary, are silent - consciousness is darkened, and the mind is poorly oriented in the situation. During this period, good habits are established and a goal is mentally determined.

On the days of eclipses, it is advisable to: take care of your health; do not contact the crowd; be more careful to drive a car; exclude business trips; avoid banking.

In 1954, the French economist Maurice Allay, observing the movements of a pendulum, noticed that during a solar eclipse it began to move faster than usual. This phenomenon was called the Allé effect, but long time could not systematize it. Today, new studies by Dutch scientist Chris Duif confirm this phenomenon, but they cannot yet explain it.

Astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev found out that eclipses affect people. He noticed that during eclipses, time is transformed: during the hours of a solar eclipse, the density of time decreases, and at the time of the lunar, on the contrary, it becomes denser.

Will a solar eclipse disrupt the Beijing Olympics? Today's solar eclipse will end at sunset in China. By the way, a week before the opening Olympic Games in Pekin. This is alarming for many in the country. After all, the Chinese traditionally perceive a solar eclipse as a harbinger of disasters and unrest. However, according to eastern astrologers and feng shui experts, the upcoming problems will not be so serious that they could derail the Olympics.

One of the renowned experts in astrology and feng shui, Mak Ling-Ling, says that an eclipse can lead to minor political upheavals, as well as accidents and problems in the operation of transport communication networks during the Olympics. "Demonstrations and chaos on the streets are very likely, but they will not harm the Chinese government," the astrologer said, noting that the stars are supportive of the competition.

Natalia Maksimenko

P.S. During a solar eclipse, in order not to harm the eyes, experts recommend using glasses with a metallized coating that does not pass through infrared radiation... You can also use smoked glass or overexposed and then developed photographic film. But in order to observe an eclipse through binoculars, a telescope or a telescope, it is necessary to project the image of the Sun onto White list paper. You can look directly at the Sun only through a telescope equipped with special light filters.

An eclipse corridor is expected from 13 to 27 July. July 13 - a partial solar eclipse. July 27 - total lunar eclipse. Although we may not always be able to see a solar eclipse, it has a negative impact on us. In this article, we will look at how to avoid the negative impact of a solar eclipse on humans.

The effect of an eclipse on human emotions

A solar eclipse affects the psycho-emotional environment of a person. At this moment, he becomes restless, there is a feeling of anxiety, causeless anxiety, stress. There may be excessive emotional outbursts: aggression, anger, hysteria. It has been proven that at the time of a solar eclipse, the number of suicidal manifestations increases. This is due to the fact that our mental body experiences a feeling of loss of the solar activity we are used to. All living organisms are accustomed to the sun's rays and are directly dependent on them. If you have a feeling of anxiety on this day, try to study this phenomenon to make sure that it is precisely this that is to blame for what you are experiencing. negative emotions... Try to relax and meditate.

Influence of a solar eclipse on human destiny

Sun in Vedic astrology responsible for the character, for the individuality of a person. It manifests leadership potential in us, gives us authority. The sun is the planet of courage, generosity, honor, success.

If we know in advance the dates of solar eclipses, we can prepare and begin to more consciously approach those events and situations that occur on the eve of an eclipse. It is necessary to write down new ideas that come to your mind during this period, pay attention to what you say to people, analyze what is happening in such a way that you understand in time their significance for your life.

It is worth remembering that everything that happens during a solar eclipse is more important than we might imagine. It is precisely those situations that occur during a solar eclipse that have serious consequences... The ideas that came into our heads at that time, the people we met on the eve of the eclipse, the things that we had to accomplish - all this will become an important part of our life for a long period. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely careful: not to start quarrels with loved ones, to enlist useful acquaintances, to write down ideas, to finish old things.

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What to do during a solar eclipse and 3 hours before it starts?

  • Do not look at the Sun (including three hours before the eclipse) and do not be in its rays, curtain the windows
  • Do not eat three hours before and after the eclipse. The same goes for alcohol. If you need to eat at this particular time, limit yourself to raw vegetables or fruit
  • In the late afternoon, do not start new business or make important decisions
  • Postpone trips and travels for another time
  • Avoid conflicts and disputes, it is better to refrain from quarrels and once again keep silent
  • During a solar eclipse, it is best to do something that relaxes you: read a book, do yoga and meditation, take a bath, listen to pleasant light music
  • It is important not to think about the bad, to keep your mind free, not to overload it with problems, in this case you can concentrate on meditation. Turn on the audio mantra. At the moment of the eclipse, the power of the mantras is strongest. It is especially good to read the mantra "Rama Gayatri", it will help to enter into harmony with the Sun and reduce the negative impact of the eclipse
  • After 23 hours, you can create an intention for what you would like to receive in all areas (work, relationships, financial sphere, etc.), send impulses to the Universe, meditate and wait)

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