Home Flowers Mariupol Jewish community. The Jewish community of Mariupol denied allegations of alleged desecration of the place of execution of Mariupol Jews

Mariupol Jewish community. The Jewish community of Mariupol denied allegations of alleged desecration of the place of execution of Mariupol Jews

2 years ago

Winter Cherry BURNED TERRORIST ACT Investigation of Kemerovo What happened and who is to blame on Nisan 9 https://youtu.be/lyIYVKc6-ds SUCKS BLOOD FROM CIRCUITION WITH MOUTH https://coub.com/tags/metzitzah%20b"peh Fire in the shopping center "Admiral" "Occurred on March 11, 2015 in Kazan. The death toll is 17 For the holidays, all fires and sacrifices. PURM "Great Saturday is so named because it was on this day that a great miracle happened, which the Midrash tells about: “When the Jews chose their Paschal holidays on this Saturday sacrifices, the firstborn of the peoples of the world came to them and asked: “What do you need this for?” The Jews replied: “This is a Passover sacrifice in the name of the Almighty, which we offer so that he destroys the firstborn of the Egyptians.” FESTIVAL of killing ** CHILDREN video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCznKBKOGulZuSa6_LSX2S4Q/videos when trying to make a human sacrifice https://youtu.be/wBzWOGYCZTE Nemagia celebrates Easter 2018! One of the admins of the group, Denis Tritonov, is a friend of Mikhail Pechersky and the owner of the Triton sports club. In the video, Tritons are wearing a green T-shirt and glasses! (Abraham) Old Testament, chapter 12: “And when he (Abraham) was approaching Egypt, he said to Sarah his wife, Behold, I know that you are a beautiful woman; and when the Egyptians see you, they will say: this is his wife; and they will kill me, but let you live; tell me that you are my sister, so that it would be good for me for your sake, and that my soul might live through you.” Here we see how Abraham, the prophet of the Lord God, becomes the pimp of his wife Sarah. Sarah was then taken to the house of the pharaohs. I quote: “And Abraham was well for her sake; and he had flocks and cattle, and donkeys, and male and female slaves, and mules and camels. We see that Abraham received many gifts from the pharaohs for the sale of his wife. And now, when his wealth has already been accumulated, then intervenes, who would you think? That's right, the Lord... On whom does the Lord turn his wrath? I quote: "But the Lord struck with heavy blows Pharaoh and his house for Sarah, the wife of Abraham." Gomentashn ("ears of Haman"), a traditional Purim dish? what is wrong if there are "ears of Haman" in honor of severed heads and a feast in honor of murder? Corpse-eating for ritual purposes. The rabbis still suck blood from the penis during circumcision by mouth. This is fine? Books were edited by censorship, like any other book, for their own ennoblement. They cannot be trusted. And yes, do you have cookies? There is!

Recently, a lot of rumors and false information have been spread about the fate of the Jewish communities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Many of them have to work in the most difficult conditions, and community leaders are not always able to publicly inform about the activities they carry out. However, the place of reliable information is often occupied by rumors, gossip and false reports.

Thus, a lot of conflicting reports have recently appeared about the Jewish community of Mariupol - that the kindergarten and Sunday school are closed, that almost no one from the community is left, including envoys and leaders of youth programs. As always, the rumors turned out to be greatly exaggerated - the opening of the kindergarten season was only postponed, the evening school, as in previous years, will start working on the holidays of the month of Tishri, the rabbi is really not in the city, but for completely different reasons, and everyone is looking forward to the joyful news of a new addition to his family, and the leader of the Jewish youth in Mariupol, Vusala Yusifova, left to study, she was replaced by Andrey Polyushkin, and now the community is preparing for the launch of a new EnerJew youth project, which will take place on September 17th.

We are pleased to publish a press release prepared by the Jewish community of Mariupol and wish them success in their difficult work. It is very important for us to know what is really happening, because the best refutation of rumors is reliable, verified and up-to-date information. We wish the website of the Mariupol community to publish more news about Jewish events in Mariupol, and we remind the communities of other cities that we are always ready to provide them with information support and help them bring the truth to the world. Of course, we will do this only at the request of these communities, because we understand that the situation of many of them is now more than difficult.

Jewish Community of Mariupol:“We are working as usual and getting ready to meet Rosh Hashanah»

The Jewish community of Mariupol receives a lot of requests, asking them to tell the current situation in it, in connection with the events taking place in the Donbass. The lack of information gives rise to many rumors, therefore, material was prepared on what is happening in the Mariupol Jewish community at the moment.

Each of us at least once had to experience a sense of expectation, when the heart is torn to pieces and stops...

Only sometimes this expectation is accompanied by pain and fear, and the growing anxiety does not allow to exist. It is with such an anxious feeling of anticipation of war that the city of Mariupol lives today.

For several weeks, the atmosphere of the city seems to be saturated with a sense of danger, fear and anxiety. Closed shops and offices, banks and shopping centers, often half-empty streets and squares, and, of course, hostilities on the outskirts and outskirts of the city contribute to the growth of these feelings.

There was no festive bustle and anticipation of cheerful public events in honor of the birthday of Mariupol, which was celebrated on September 13 this year, as usual for us.

But still, in this difficult time for everyone, the Mariupol Jewish community tries not to lose heart, and with even greater zeal, making every effort, continues to work and helps its parishioners. First of all, we are talking, of course, about children, because they, like no one else, need protection and support. At the moment, the Mariupol Jewish community remains the only one that has not stopped working in recent months, hosting Jewish families from the cities of the Donetsk region that found themselves in the war zone, sometimes arriving with just one suitcase, helping them and providing kosher meals to everyone.

In the first ten days of September, many families from the Jewish community of Mariupol received assistance in temporarily moving out of the city to safer areas of Ukraine. Thus, many of them were moved to the Alyumim Center (Zhytomyr), where free accommodation and four meals a day kosher became possible thanks to the help of the Zhytomyr Jewish community, with the support of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine and the Keren Yadidut charitable foundation. Some families left for Dnepropetrovsk, where the Jewish community welcomed everyone cordially, providing them with the opportunity to live, kosher meals, attend school and a kindergarten for children.

The community did not remain indifferent to the problems of migrants from war zones living in the city. The campaign “Doing good is easy!”, aimed at collecting assistance from residents of Luhansk and Donetsk regions who temporarily moved to Mariupol, continues its work. Anyone can go to the synagogue and give tzedaka, as well as donate clothes, food, toys, etc.

This year, the start of educational programs, which usually begin in September, has been postponed. These programs will begin their work as soon as the situation in the city stabilizes and there is confidence in the safety of our children. The start of a new educational program for young people is being prepared this week.

However, despite everything, most of the Jewish community remained in Mariupol.

A minyan is gathered regularly, the shofar is sounded every day, and Shabbat meetings are festively held, work is underway to prepare for the series of autumn holidays of the month of Tishri. The synagogue is open, and the community office operates as usual.

“We are doing everything possible to protect our families, because there is nothing more precious in the world than the life and health of our children and loved ones,” said Chief Rabbi of Mariupol Menachem Mendel Cohen. - As our sages said: "He who saves one life saves the whole world." We love our city and want the community to grow. Every day we pray for peace in Mariupol and sincerely believe that the Almighty will save it from the horrors and troubles that have befallen the inhabitants of the South-East of Ukraine. I hope that we will be able to meet the coming year 5775 together in the synagogue of Mariupol, and that this year will be good and sweet.”

The Jewish community of the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region, issued an appeal in which it expresses concern about the situation in the city and expresses hope for the stabilization of the situation.

The appeal says:

“We, the Jewish community of the city of Mariupol, like the entire population of our city, are in a very difficult and worrying situation. Our beautiful green city, located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, is now at the epicenter of events.

The multinational residents of the city, who have always been distinguished by kindness, tolerance, understanding and tolerance, are in trouble and are trying to survive and return to normal everyday life.

After a long harsh winter, the townspeople were looking forward to the arrival of the spring sun and warmth, giving hope and optimism, but instead fear, apprehension and tension settled in the city.

People turned out to be psychologically unprepared for hostilities taking place in the city center, in residential areas, near houses, kindergartens, schools and offices.

The premises of the synagogue are located right in the epicenter of hostilities, but despite this, we continue to work.

All the envoys of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Ukraine are in the communities, next to the people. They take care of the preparations for the holiday of Shavuot - the feast of the giving of the Torah; holding summer health camps for children and youth; support members of the community; give them hope and support.

Every morning and evening, a minyan gathers in our community. Children under increased security continue to attend school. The community celebrates Shabbat and holidays, all social and youth programs work. The Mikvah is open to the public.

The pride is caused by the Jews of Mariupol, who, despite everything, are in the community and let their children go to classes. Only we know with what physical, moral and material efforts we manage to continue our work in this difficult time.

Our community has always been out of politics.

Our task is to help people, give them the opportunity to pray, develop spiritually, communicate in a Jewish environment, give traditional Jewish education to our children, support the revival of traditions, help those in need, provide a Jewish life.

We pray for peace and tranquility for all people in our city, our country, all over the world. Members of the community, as citizens of this country, each have their own point of view on the current situation in Ukraine.

The community is out of politics. We have helped and will continue to help with all our might to all the Jews of our city, regardless of their political predilections and their civic position.

Now our city is in a difficult situation: despite the fact that outwardly calm remains, however, at times shots are heard in the streets, blood is shed and buildings are on fire.

People are afraid to once again go out into the street, come to prayer, with excitement and anxiety they let their children go to school, but despite everything, they are with us, they are in the community.

Understanding the tension of people and their psychological state, we are doing everything possible to strengthen our security - we strengthen security, control and video surveillance systems, help those in need with products, and provide psychological assistance.

We ask Everyone: add light, make a mitzvah, light candles, put on Tefillin, read Tehillim, give tzedaka, help the poor and needy, pray for us.

Not for us specifically, for all the inhabitants of Ukraine. For there to be peace, so that people of any nationality and religion do not die, so that children do not hear automatic bursts, so that blood does not flow. So that peace would return to the houses and children's laughter would again sound on the streets.

We hope and pray that this situation will be resolved soon. We are confident in the soonest better future of our city and our country.

"The Almighty did not find a vessel for blessing better than the world."

The first historian of the Mariupol Jews should be considered Alexander Fedorovich Petrashevsky, who taught in the senior classes of the Alexander Men's Gymnasium. He seriously studied the history of the city and the Sea of ​​Azov, and when the book “Mariupol and its environs” was published in 1892, many of his research materials were included, including the following: “Mariupol Jewish Community. Synagogue" and "Talmud-Torah".

No written sources shed light on the appearance of the first Jews in Mariupol A.F. Petrashevsky could not be found at that time. According to the old-timers, he established that the settlement of Jews in this city began in 1820. The Jewish encyclopedia in 16 volumes (the year of publication is not indicated, was published in St. Petersburg from 1906 to 1913. The article about Mariupol was written no earlier than 1910), without indicating the source, reports that at the beginning of the 19th century there were only a few bourgeois Jews.

This information seems to be more accurate than the statement of the mentioned "Address-calendar" of the Ekaterinoslav province for 1912, that the Jews "rushed in a big wave" in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov after the liquidation of the Zaporozhian Sich (1775), that is, in the 18th century.

According to A.F. Petrashevsky, the first Jewish envoys came here from the North- and South-Western provinces of Russia. Since their profession they have been artisans; having settled down here financially well, they corresponded with their countrymen and invited them to Mariupol.

However, due to the fact that people who were not the so-called privileged Greeks were forbidden to settle in the city, the Jewish population in Mariupol grew extremely slowly.

So, in 1847, the Jewish community of the city consisted of only 111 souls. They were considered nonresident, living in the fields.

After the Crimean War, when the rapid economic revival of the region began, the pressure of non-Greeks - Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, etc. - who wanted to settle in Mariupol, increased significantly. The Greek elite objected to this and filed a petition with the highest authorities regarding the inviolability of the rights granted to them. In response, there was an explanation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which non-residents received the right to settle in the city of Mariupol, but - separately from the Greek society. This happened in 1859, and since then a stormy influx of a diverse population into the city has begun, as a result of which the Greeks eventually made up a small minority in Mariupol.

Since that 1859, the Jewish population of the city began to increase relatively rapidly. “Jewish settlers,” writes A.F. Petrashevsky, were patronized by the Greek self-government and the court, the mutual relations between them were quite friendly - this is due to the fact that the Jewish artisans did not compete with the indigenous population in the field of industry and trade.

Among the Greeks who inhabited Mariupol, there were a significant number of artisans, and among the Jews there were many merchants. So the Jews were not competitors to the indigenous population (that is, the Greeks). Couldn't be. Therefore, the argument of A.F. Petrashevsky does not seem convincing to me. But the fact of friendly relations between Mariupol Greeks and Jews is very important.

In this regard, I want to recall a sad fact. Jewish pogroms began in Russia in the 20s of the 19th century at the initiative of the Greeks (not Mariupol, mind you!).

“From the beginning of 1821, and then in 1859 in Odessa and in 1862 in Akkerman, the first attacks on Jews by the local Greek population took place. Employed in the same economic sectors, trade and handicrafts, Jews and Greeks competed, which led to outbreaks of violence. (M. Zolotonosov and V. Kelner, "Tales of the Pogrom", "Friendship of Peoples", 1993, No. 5, p. 186).

I want to emphasize this indisputable historical fact. The Sea of ​​Azov, which turned out to be due to its systematic settlement by the Russian government, no less colorful in ethnic diversity than other regions of the Caucasus, nevertheless, never in its more than two centuries of history has known bloody clashes on an interethnic basis. Without belittling other peoples, I take the liberty of asserting that one of the important reasons for this phenomenon lies in the natural peacefulness of the national character of the Mariupol Greeks, in their constant desire to establish and maintain purely economic (and, therefore, inevitably friendly) ties with neighbors, regardless of their nationality. In this regard, they had thousands of years of experience behind them, deposited in the genes, reflected in the national character.

Relocated from the Crimea, where for two and a half thousand years they lived peacefully in the neighborhood with a variety of peoples and tribes, the Greeks ended up in the vast, undeveloped steppes of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The Cossacks in this region were fed by fishing, but they were not engaged in arable farming or cattle breeding - this is recorded by the most authoritative sources of the Sich. Essentially, the Greeks started from scratch in this respect. And when the Russian government decided to take away from them part of the lands granted to them by Catherine II and settle representatives of other nationalities on them, they reacted to this with understanding. In the same way, they favorably reacted to the resettlement of Jews on their lands and even gave them shelter, which is still to be discussed, while the latter were building their dwellings.

At first, the Jewish community of Mariupol prayed in rented premises and only in 1864 managed to build a prayer house on Kharlampievskaya Street (now house number 6). The initiative of this building belonged to the craftsman Abram Freiman.

The interior decoration of this first Mariupol synagogue was at first extremely primitive. Later, a new kivot was built here to store the holy Torah scrolls in it (one of them has miraculously survived to this day and is in the Mariupol Museum of Local Lore), benches for worshipers, a platform for reading the Holy Scriptures on Saturdays and galleries for women were arranged.

In the late 1880s, a dome was erected on the building, which distinguished the synagogue from the "ordinary" buildings adjacent to it.

Among those who contributed to the improvement of the first Mariupol synagogue, one should mention the name of L. Samoilovich, the father of the future world-famous polar explorer Rudolf (Rubim) Lazarevich Samoilovich (1881-1938), the founder and first director of the Institute of the Arctic, the leader of a number of polar expeditions on the icebreakers Krasin ”, “Sedov”, “Rusanov”, etc.

The synagogue was destroyed during the Nazi occupation of Mariupol in 1941-1943. Until recently (1994), only the foundation and arched gates have survived from it. The wing adjoining the synagogue, which housed utility rooms, as well as a free Jewish elementary women's school, now houses the evening school for working youth No.

In the 60-70s of the 19th century, the Jewish population of Mariupol grew rapidly, and the synagogue on Kharlampievskaya was no longer enough to satisfy the needs of believers.

In the early 1880s, the Jewish community bought a yard with buildings on Georgievskaya Street from the merchant Anton Chabanenko and began to build a second prayer house here. Its opening took place in 1882. “One of the outstanding initiators of its discovery, according to the book “Mariupol and its environs”, was I.I. Averbakh. We are talking about the father of the famous ophthalmologist, Academician Mikhail Iosifovich Averbakh.

Already in the postwar period, this building of the choral synagogue of Mariupol housed a medical school, a correspondence secondary school. Nobody repaired it, and before our eyes the building turned into ruins. And this happened not in the Stalinist 1930s, when religious buildings of all religions flew into the air, not during the Nazi occupation, but in our peaceful days ...

The building of the synagogue at Nikolaevskaya, 28 has survived. Now it houses a kindergarten of the Feya company (the former garment factory named after Dzerzhinsky).

It follows from the documents that Jewish prayer houses were also located on Italian and Metropolitanskaya, but it has not yet been possible to determine their exact location.

While the small Jewish community did not settle down in Mariupol, in the mid-1840s, resettlement to the Azov steppes began from the Jewish towns of the Baltic states and Belarus.

Lev Yarutsky

"Jews of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov"

In recent days, a number of sites began to distribute another fake about the alleged desecration of the place of execution of Mariupol Jews. The Jewish community of Mariupol denied this anti-Ukrainian lie and issued an official statement. We publish its full text. “Mariupol Jewish community: agricultural work is not carried out at the site of mass executions of Jews in the village of Agrobaza In the past few days, a number of media outlets have published a message that supposedly in the territory of the village of Agrobaza, in the area of ​​the Mariupol-Mangush highway, in the area where during the Second World War During the war, the Nazis shot thousands of Jews, agricultural work is being carried out, and this is a desecration of a mass grave site.

In order to prevent this false information from spreading, the Mariupol Jewish community has prepared an official appeal for the media and journalists. Throughout the year, the Jewish community of Mariupol has been engaged in a project to restore the places of mass executions of Jews on the territory of the village of Agrobaza in October 1941.

As part of this project, scientific research was carried out, including by scanning the soil to accurately determine the location of the anti-tank ditch and the places of mass executions. Based on the data obtained, information from the city archives and the archives of the local history museum, as well as the testimony of eyewitnesses of those terrible events, the researchers accurately established the location of the moat and mass graves.

Based on the data received, the Jewish community of Mariupol officially declares that no agricultural work is being carried out on the territory of mass graves and in the area of ​​​​the Menorah memorial complex. On June 13, representatives of the Jewish community, headed by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Cohen, visited the burial site, inspected the ditch and made sure that no work had been carried out on this territory.

Since then, they have repeatedly visited the anti-tank ditch, which once again confirms the unreliability of information about agricultural work on its territory. Today, June 23, 2017, due to the hype in the media, authorized representatives of the Jewish community in charge of the project to restore the places of mass executions of Jews in the village of Agrobaza visited both the places of executions and the disputed territory around which a scandal erupted.

In the presence of the chairman of the Berdyansk village council, Ivan Ivanovich Belozertsev, who provides all possible assistance in the implementation of the project, it was determined that the territory of mass executions and burials is located 3 kilometers north of the disputed area, and no agricultural work is being carried out on it.

The map, presented as the only document allegedly confirming that the anti-tank ditch passes through the disputed area, is not tied to the terrain and is a plan. For several months, representatives of the Jewish community of Mariupol, with the assistance of experts, worked with this map, making reference to the terrain, and irrefutably established that the edge of the anti-tank ditch ran a kilometer east of the disputed place.

The only work that is currently being carried out in the area of ​​​​the Menorah memorial complex and burial sites is mowing the grass and landscaping, cleaning dead wood to avoid fire in the summer. Representatives of the Jewish community regularly come to the work site and keep this situation under control.

The community expresses its gratitude to the chairman Ivan Belozertsev for his help and support in protecting and maintaining the burial place in order. We ask you to disseminate this information among journalists in order to stop panic and the spread of false information.” .

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