Home Flowers Attacks domestic animals. Strange attacks on domestic animals have occurred in Russian regions. Passive defense does not help

Attacks domestic animals. Strange attacks on domestic animals have occurred in Russian regions. Passive defense does not help

A dog attack is an unpleasant incident, but by following simple rules, you can avoid it or get out of such a collision with minimal losses.

The main "NOT"

Here are five main points that can prevent a dog attack:

  1. Don't look directly into the eyes. This is especially true for males, for them this is a direct challenge. A bitch may interpret your gaze in the same way, but the likelihood of this happening is slightly lower.
  2. Don't turn your back. Then you automatically become a victim.
  3. Do not do it sudden movements and sounds. Screaming, swinging, or stamping your feet can provoke an attack from a wavering animal.
  4. Do not touch a sleeping dog or take away what he is playing with.
  5. Don't tease the animal.

Will he attack or not?

Your behavior will be one of the key criteria that can provoke an animal attack. The only exception would be the reaction of a sick dog, who initially behaves inappropriately, and it is not possible to completely predict his actions.

The first step is to determine the likelihood of an attack. If the dog just ran up to you and does not show obvious aggression, then it may be hungry or interested in you and the contents of your bag. Such an animal will wag its tail, “smile” or simply look expectantly.

Barking does not mean direct aggression. A barking dog tries to scare and drive away an uninvited guest from its territory. If the dog barks at you but doesn't come closer, just walk away.

An aggressive animal, which is definitely about to attack, growls dully, presses its ears, the tail does not move, it is tense and raised up. These are the key signs that the matter has taken a serious turn, and simply leaving or “buying off” with an extra sausage will not work.

Prepare for attack

If a dog attack is imminent, you should prepare for the attack. First of all, back away slowly without turning your back. Press yourself against a wall, tree, fence, preventing an attack from behind.

Raise your arm to chest level and place your forearm forward. It’s good if you have something in your hand: a backpack, a bag, a jacket, an umbrella.

At the moment of attack, throw your object at the dog, this can distract the animal and give you the opportunity to escape. If your hands are empty or you don’t have time to take something, cover yourself with your hand: bites on it are not as dangerous to life and health as on an open neck or in the stomach, where large blood vessels pass.

Passive defense does not help

You need to understand that an aggressive animal that has attacked a person will not just leave, and you will have to fight for your life and health. No matter how much you love dogs, in such a situation it is necessary to discard all sentimentality and fight to defeat.

The dog's attack will occur quite quickly, and besides, it has a higher pain threshold, therefore, it is better to strike not randomly, but aiming at specific places. The most vulnerable are:

  • groin, regardless of gender;
  • abdomen and hypochondrium;
  • neck and throat;
  • nose, especially the part between the nostrils;
  • base of the ear.

If a dog attacks someone else in front of you, then grab it by the hind legs. The physiology of the animal will not allow it to bite you, and you can throw it into the water, throw it over a fence, or otherwise buy the time needed to escape. If there is nothing nearby, spin the animal and hit it against a wall, tree or ground.

If you distracted the dog with some object and it grabbed it, then do not rush to let go of your chance to win. This will be an excellent opportunity to attack yourself.

Wait for the moment of maximum tension and sharply kick the throat, preferably with the toe of your shoe. This will most likely incapacitate your opponent. Just be careful: losing your balance can be fatal. Once you fall to the ground, you may not get up.

The behavior of dogs is such that an untrained animal will either cling and hold, or begin to tear out a piece. Use this knowledge! If you have any sharp object in your hands, stab it in the nose and eyes.

For a more detailed introduction to the topic, we invite you to watch the following video:

And remember the main thing: an attacking dog is just as afraid of pain as any other Living being. Do not hold back your blows, show determination, this will show the animal that this is not a passive victim, but a serious opponent who is better not to touch.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Rats are rodents that adapt very well to living near human dwellings and outbuildings. In this regard, they often come into contact with domestic and farm animals. Do they pose any danger to the latter? In fact, rats can cause significant harm to both individual pets and the entire household.

The main danger is that in some situations rats can be quite aggressive. Having multiplied excessively, they can feel their collective strength and begin to defend their own territory. In such cases, they are dangerous even for cats and large dogs. Moreover, having felt a shortage of food for further growth their population, they can become overly aggressive towards other animals and even people.

In addition, even single and few individuals can cause significant harm, exterminating the population of chickens, goslings, and turkey poults. This scourge is especially known on poultry farms. Cattle can be harmed due to the fact that rats like to chew hard and elastic objects. They often gnaw the hooves of horses and cows, and sometimes even gnaw through veins and gnaw out whole pieces of meat. Often these pests cause really great damage. farms, attacking livestock and poultry.

How to protect your pets from aggressive pests?

Rats can really cause significant damage household. In addition, they are carriers huge amount diseases, many of which are dangerous for farm animals. How can you protect your farm from these pests?

Today you can find many products that are offered as a panacea against harmful rodents. But it is worth understanding that rats are very smart and have incredible adaptation abilities to a variety of poisons. This helps them avoid many ingenious traps, scarers and get used to poisonous substances.

These rodents become the most aggressive and dangerous for domestic animals after their population in a certain area increases significantly. This can only be prevented by timely contacting the Moscow professional deratization service. Knowing the habits, characteristics of reproduction and nutrition of rodents, a professional exterminator in as soon as possible can clear the farm area of ​​them for a long time.

Text completed: zuy.

Photo used in this article CHUCAO from the portal commons.wikimedia.org

Small predators are big fans of feasting on poultry, and farmers often encounter sad cases of raids on chicken coops. The ferret, entering the barn at night, strangles and eats poultry, chickens, chicks and even geese. Weasels, martens and stoats also occasionally hunt them. They live mainly in swampy areas, as well as in forests and fields. Small predators destroy rodents in the field, bringing great benefits to farmers. In turn, wolves and foxes feed on weasels and ferrets.

Ferrets are very dangerous to chickens

Ferret behavior

If a ferret or marten is spotted near a farm, expect trouble. When hunting, small predators behave very carefully, so it is almost impossible to take them by surprise. If on a winter morning the owner of the chicken coop discovers peculiar traces in the yard, the so-called “two-points,” it means that an uninvited guest was in charge here the day before.

Moving in jumps, these predators leave marks on the snow, by which you can easily determine what type of animal was visiting. For a weasel, the distance between tracks is 20-30 cm, for a marten it is 30-40, and for a ferret it is approximately 50-60. The tree ferret is causing the worst damage to poultry farms. great harm

. He is distinguished by cruelty and bloodthirstiness. Having a relatively small size (30-45 cm), it is capable of tearing apart and destroying as many poultry as it can manage in one raid.

Chicken coop after a visit from a predator The ferret attacks and crushes its prey with its paws and then eats it. He mostly prefers small chicken, but most

The prey consists of chickens. A lot of birds remain untouched after it. A ferret can only eat one or two carcasses at a time. When catching its victims, the predator does not eat their head, it chews it off. The delicate tissues of the head quickly rot and thereby spoil the entire bird carcass.

Behavior of weasels and martens

The weasel, like the ferret, is a merciless and cunning animal that eats domestic animals. You need to have considerable dexterity to catch a weasel. For a person this is almost impossible. Despite your darling appearance, she ferociously strangles and tears her victim to shreds. After she is satisfied, up to several dozen headless chickens or chickens remain in the barn.

Weasels rarely raid the chicken coop. She mainly eats rats and mice. Only in the absence of this food does it begin to hunt poultry. There are cases in villages when she sneaks into people's houses and attacks cats and dogs. The weasel has very sharp, needle-like teeth, so it can easily kill a small goose or chicken.

Weasel is difficult to see and catch. With the help of traps, this mission can be completed quite effectively.

Marten is the enemy of chickens

The marten is a beautiful nocturnal predator, possessing natural grace and well-developed dexterity. Mystical and supernatural properties, thanks to the ability to make lightning-fast attacks on its victim, and then quickly run away. Habitat - deciduous and coniferous forests, where the marten eats small birds, squirrels and rats. Leads a predominantly nomadic lifestyle. During the period of birth and feeding of her cubs, she settles in tree hollows or among the roots of old trees.

Usually the marten eats rodents and small birds; in rare cases it can catch a hare or black grouse. If there are villages with chicken coops near the forest, the animal may well become an uninvited guest there and feast on poultry. Making its way into barns or human dwellings, it first crushes and gnaws the throat of its victim, and then eats it. It is quite difficult to catch a marten in a chicken coop on your own due to its speed of movement and dexterity. You will need specially equipped traps and traps.

Methods for entering a chicken coop

How these petty thieves get into barns and chicken coops: it’s all about the cracks and crevices formed in the foundation and walls of the premises.

The chicken house needs to be strengthened so that enemies cannot climb in

The anatomy allows these animals to squeeze through even very small holes. In the old, rotten walls of barns, it will not be difficult for a ferret to gnaw through rotten boards and get inside. They also use existing mouse holes. If there is not a single crack and it is not possible to create a tunnel, the animal makes its way inside through a ventilation hole or independently digs a path under the chicken coop with its claws and sharp fangs.

To prevent forest animals from getting into the room, all cracks and holes in the walls need to be repaired, and a mesh should be installed in the ventilation system. When building a new house for chickens, geese and ducks, strong walls without cracks are very important, and the foundation needs to be made somewhat thicker than usual so that the animal does not sneak out from the floor.

Methods of protection

Getting rid of weasels and other pests is not that difficult. You just need to know the principle of operation of traps and make traps that will allow you to avoid the death of poultry in time. In order not to go broke after the attacks of insidious ferrets and martens, people have come up with a lot of ways to catch them since ancient times.

To catch them yourself, you will need just a few simple items:

  • large bucket;
  • ferret bait;
  • two liter bottle. Then a trap is made, for the manufacture of which you will need:
  • the top and bottom parts of the plastic bottle are cut off;
  • At one end, bait is installed from the products that the predator eats.

Traps and snares can be used to control predators.

  • a piece of pork or lamb is perfect for this, since fresh meat emits a characteristic smell and is an accessible prey;
  • in the place where the animal was often seen, a chair is placed on which the bottle is placed so that the bait is on the edge of the chair;
  • then a bucket is placed under the chair, with the hope of catching the ferret when it falls from the chair;
  • You need to secure the lid on the bucket so that at the slightest vibration of the bucket it falls from above and covers the opening of the bucket.

Once the trap is set, all that remains is to wait for the new visit of the uninvited guest and hope that the trick will work. When the ferret picks up the piece of meat, his body weight will outweigh the bottle and he will fall into the trap. It is important to hear the noise in time and have time to secure the lid tightly. After this, the caught pest is taken away from the home and released into the wild.

Large mousetraps, which are usually used to catch rats, will help keep your ferret away from the chicken coop. Having previously placed the meat there, the mousetrap is placed in the most visible place. The weasel and ferret quickly fall into such a trap.

Types of traps

To get rid of small pests and successfully fight them, several types of traps have been created that are used to firmly hold the animal. They give high guarantee and there are plate and frame ones. When an animal gets into it, with the help of springs and plates the device tightly pinches its neck and paws, completely immobilizing it. There are times when an animal runs away with a trap. To prevent this from happening, it must be tightly attached.

For caressing, frame devices are used, which are relatively smaller than plate devices intended for large predators. The cunning animal is able to gnaw through the canvas that serves as the base of the trap and escape.

So that the ferret remains in the chicken coop only bad memory, when building a farm, it is important to adhere to all safety rules and build the premises strong and without cracks.

After the release of a series of reports about a monster in the Lviv region that kills domestic animals and sucks their blood, worried residents of the village of Bolshaya Alexandrovka (Boryspil district, Kiev region) called the editorial office of the newspaper monitoring the situation.

“The same thing is happening here! Some animal kills rabbits, chickens and even pigs. Come quickly!” - asked Ivan Andreevich. Our correspondent went to the scene and became convinced that the animals were indeed being attacked by something terrible.
Zinaida Ivanets shows the marks left by the beast on the cages in which the rabbits were kept
As described earlier, attacks by a mysterious monster on villages in the Lviv region began at the end of April. The beast made its way into farmsteads, broke into cages and killed rabbits. At the same time, the monster did not vomit or eat animals, but only drank their blood. Hunters were on duty at night to catch the beast. But he never got caught. Several people saw a monster: about 1.5 meters high, moves like a kangaroo, but with huge claws and an evil grin!

In Bolshaya Aleksandrovka, the farm of Zinaida Ivanets was one of the first to suffer:
– Around 3 am, something incomprehensible was happening in the yard: a terrible squeak, scream, commotion. And in the morning I look - all the rabbits are lying near the cages - not a drop of blood, but dead,” says Zinaida.

The mysterious creature, who encroached on her household, easily broke the new wooden cages and “figured out” how to open the locks.

- That’s what happened! Next night Around midnight the dog started barking. I went to look. I approach the barns, and then the creature jumps over the fence! I had not yet come to my senses when a second one just like it jumped out from under my feet! Such a shock! I was shaking all over.
Zinaida admits that she did not have time to see what exactly she was faced with. However, he still gives some details: the animals were dark, about half a meter high, and when they jumped they stretched out to a full one and a half meters!
“But it wasn’t a marten or a dog.” Firstly, they don’t look alike, and secondly, they would tear apart and eat the rabbits, and not drink their blood. “Who knows what kind of monsters these are,” the woman wonders.
Veteran Sergei Arkhipovich Volokhonsky, whose beast recently killed almost all his chickens, is also at a loss:
“I lived for many years, but this is the first time,” says the veteran. - And there are no traces left!

The beast left unnoticed from the farmstead of Lyudmila Kulak, to whom he caused the greatest harm in the village: he killed all the rabbits, chickens and even a pig!
“Here I had two pigs, about 80 kilograms each,” Lyudmila shows the pen under open air surrounded by a high fence. – In the morning I come to feed them – it’s terrible! One is lying, bleeding, the tail and everything around it are simply gone! Apparently it grabbed and tore out! And there is no half-leg either! All bitten, pieces of skin hanging all over the body. Soon she died. And the second pig was badly scratched - it was clear that something was torn with its claws. Now she has to farrow, but she has become so shy, she’s even afraid of the wind!
The attack on the pigs was the last straw (before that, the Kulaks lost rabbits and broiler chickens), and the head of the family, Nikolai, and his godfather decided to catch the beast.

“Kum is a hunter, we took guns and were on duty for two nights.” But it never appeared - and there was no need to come, it killed everyone,” Nikolai says upset.
Bolshaya Alexandrovka is full of rumors. Someone in the forest belt saw a strange creature, and it also seemed to flash in the light of someone’s headlights at a railway crossing near the village. Many people are skeptical about this - they say, it’s all someone’s dog’s fault, and fear has big eyes. However, those affected by the monster(s) take it much more seriously.
- Breaks cells, jumps so high, drinks blood - what kind of power is this!? – Zinaida Ivanets is perplexed.

Meanwhile in the Lviv region

According to Volodymyr Vishko from the village of Pidgaichyky, which was at the epicenter of attacks by the “Carpathian monster” in June, the mysterious beast no longer bothers them. “Gone north! – Vladimir declares authoritatively. – The latest information about him just the other day came from Zhovkva (a village north of Lvov, 35 kilometers from the border with Poland. – Author’s note). Nadezhda Rudaya, the chairman of the Zastavnensky village council, where the monster was also rampaging, says the same thing: “It again confirms what we suspected: it almost never appears in the same place, but always moves on!”

In some Russian regions they are trying to find the trail of the beast, which, despite the fact that no one has seen it with their own eyes, inspires genuine fear. In Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions An unknown predator, strong and insidious, began to attack rural farmsteads; he hunts domestic animals.

That morning, says Vladimir Chernov, he will never forget. The man went out to feed the animals and saw a terrible picture. 40 carcasses of rabbits, two dead piglets and 17 strangled chickens. Open cells, claw marks on the fence and some noise near the fence...

Vladimir Chernov says that he saw strange creatures that looked like huge dogs running out of his yard. And this sight surprised the man even more than the animals themselves. Allegedly, the largest animal first exposed its back to the smaller ones, after which it stood on its hind legs and calmly jumped over the fence.

When Vladimir recovered a little from the shock, he began to have questions: why didn’t his dog bark, why didn’t the mysterious predators tear apart the rabbits and eat the chickens? And, in general, what kind of animals are these?

“I called the police, and the police said just that: it was the chupacabra that visited you. This is not the first time I’ve called there. There, in a military town, 80 rabbits also died,” says Vladimir Chernov, a resident of the village of Kopytov.

In Tyumen villages today they are ready to believe in the existence of the Chupacabra, a mythical beast that sucks the blood of domestic animals (this legend was born in Puerto Rico more than half a century ago). Residents simply cannot explain such raids otherwise. It turned out that over the past few months, uninvited guests had attacked animals in at least five more farmsteads in nearby villages.

“I wouldn’t say that these are dogs and I wouldn’t say that these are wolves! My wife and I walked up to the door, stood up, and they stood up and looked at us, what are we going to do. Very smart animals. I’m telling you straight, they “They will be smarter than even a person,” says Alexander Petrov, a resident of the village of Kopytov.

In a village near Chelyabinsk there are also dozens of dead rabbits and also claw marks.

“To close the latch, you need to make an effort. To open it, it’s the same. Everything was open here. These are not yard dogs. If you look at the tracks, it’s just some kind of fighter!” - says Elvira Sheremet, a resident of the village of Starokamyshinsk.

At the scene of the incident, the rabbits' owners found scraps of fur and footprints. After the examination, zoologists and hunters had no doubt: a lynx had looked into the yard.

Tyumen police don’t believe in the Chupacabra either. After examining the scene of the incident, a report was drawn up, where stray dogs were found guilty.

“Most likely, these are abandoned dogs that have strayed, who find it difficult to survive in the city, naturally, and they all flock to the outskirts of cities. Criminal and administrative code nothing is provided for wild dogs,” notes Dmitry Gushchin, acting investigator of the police department No. 3 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Tyumen.

As a result, the police sent several representations to the district administration demanding that all stray dogs in the district be caught. But most villagers do not believe the police version and are collecting evidence of their theories. Like a photograph taken by a local sensation hunter. The footprint is similar to a dog's, only much larger and with a long heel, which is not the case with any dogs. Now residents of Tyumen villages have lost sleep, pets are driven under strong locks and bolts, and even high school students are escorted to school in the morning.

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