Home Diseases and pests Night baraat what. Baraat night. What you shouldn't do this night

Night baraat what. Baraat night. What you shouldn't do this night

The Night of Baraat is considered one of the most revered among Muslims. Translated from Arabic, this word means “non-involvement,” “complete separation,” or “purification.” In other words, on this night the Lord of the worlds forgives sins and also commits human destinies. And the reward to His servants for worship increases many times over.

As one of the sayings of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) testifies, on the night of the middle (from the 15th to the 16th, or according to other versions - from the 14th to the 15th), everything that should happen during this year is predetermined for a person, who will live and who will leave this world. (In 2019, Baraat Night begins on April 19 at sunset).

Laylatul-Baraat is the second most significant night after (Night of Predestination). Some Muslim scholars believe that the rewriting of the books of human destiny begins with the Night of Baraat and ends on the Night of Destiny.

Just as between two Fridays Allah forgives our sins during Juma prayer, so sins committed throughout the year are forgiven on this night. (Recall that in Laylatul-Qadr it is believed that a person’s sins throughout his life are erased).

This Grace of the Almighty is shown to everyone, with the exception of certain categories of people. The hadith from Abu Hurayrah (R.A.) specifies which people cannot count on the forgiveness of their Lord - these are apostates, envious people, slanderers, gossipers, drinkers of intoxicating drinks and interrupt family ties Those who disobey their parents, commit adultery, are proud and sow sedition. The mercy of the worlds, Muhammad (s.w.w.), added that the Creator will not honor them with His forgiveness until they stop doing all these bad deeds and sincerely repent before Him.

In Laylatul-Baraat, by the generosity of the Creator, His prophet (s.g.v.) was given the right to act as an intercessor for all Muslim Ummah, “except for those who ran away from the Almighty, like a camel runs away (i.e. those who alienated themselves from the Lord by regularly committing sins).”

How to spend Baraat Night

If a believer wants to achieve the pleasure of the Almighty, especially during the blessed months and days, he should spend more time in worship. When Laylatul-Baraat approaches, a Muslim is also recommended to stand additional prayers, read Holy Quran, remember your Creator and praise Him, make salawat to the Prophet (s.g.v.). In addition, one of the desirable actions on this night is dua. A Muslim should ask for what he wants, especially in the last third of the night. Each such prayer strengthens the relationship of the supplicant with his Lord.

In a hadith from Imam al-Bukhari, it is reported that Angel Gabriel appeared to the Final Messenger of God (s.g.w.) and commanded: “Get up, read prayer and make dua! After all, this night is the fifteenth night of Sha'ban. The Lord forgives those who spend it in worship.”

As it says authentic hadith, “On the Night of Baraat, the Merciful and Merciful will ask: “Is there anyone asking for forgiveness so that I can forgive him? Is there anyone who is being tested so that I can deliver him from them? Is there anyone asking for food so that I can give it to him?” And so He lists people with various requests until dawn comes.”

In addition to prayers, the sunnah is to keep a mindful attitude. The Prophet of Islam (s.g.w.) admonished: “When the night of the middle of Sha’ban comes, revive it and fast on its day (the next).”

What duas are read in Laylatul-Baraat

Bayhaki conveys the importance of prayer to the Almighty on this night: “Duas made on these five nights are not rejected: the first night of Rajab, the night of the middle of the month of Shaaban, the night from Thursday to Friday, the nights of the holidays Eid al-Fitr and (Uraza and Eid al-Fitr )".

Another saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) states: “The Creator will direct His gaze to the one who performs this prayer on the Night of Baraat 70 times. With every glance He will deliver this person from seventy needs, the smallest of which will be his forgiveness” (narrated by Ibn Majah).


Translation:“O Allah, verily, I ask You for that which will certainly (lead to the manifestation of) Your mercy and will certainly (allow me to earn) Your forgiveness, and for deliverance from all sin, and for the increase of all good things, and for the attainment of Paradise, and about salvation from fire!

You can make the following dua based on the verse of the Quran:

“Oh Lord, If you wrote my name in the book of the happy, then leave it there forever. If you wrote my name in the book of the unfortunate, cross it out from there. Verily, only You command: “YEMHULLAHU MEE YEEEEEE-U UE YUSBIT. UE ʻINDEKHU UMMUL-KITEEB" (Allah erases and confirms what He wills, and with Him is the Mother of Scripture", 13:39)

What kind of prayer is performed on the Night of Baraat?

Among the desirable ones we can list tahajjud (voluntary night prayer), (about the forgiveness of sins), tasbih prayer (repetition of the words of tasbih 75 times in each rak'ah). In addition, a special prayer on Laylatul-Baraat is salatul-khair - a prayer of 100 rakats. Its peculiarity is that in each rakaat after the “Opening” surah, the “Ikhlas” surah is read ten times.

As noted in the hadiths, “Whoever performs a hundred rakats of prayer on this night, Allah will send a hundred angels. 30 angels will bring him the good news that he will enter Paradise. 30 angels - good news that he will be saved from the torment of Hell. 30 angels will deliver him from worldly troubles. And 10 angels will protect him from the instigations and snares of the Shaitan.”

What is condemned this night

On the Night Baraat is not prescribed in mandatory perform additional prayers, fast, and do dhikr. This is not fard or wajib. Everything is done at will in order to observe the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.g.w.) and get closer to the Almighty. Islam, being a religion of relief, does not force a person to worship all night, exhausting himself and causing harm. If a person gets up early, is tired or sick, he can spend part of the night in worship or do what he is able to do. A Muslim can recite dua (in Arabic or native language), when he goes to bed, and do dhikr until he falls asleep.

Laylatul-Baraat is not a holiday, so it is not customary to congratulate other Muslims on its arrival. You can earn a great reward by reminding people of the onset of this night, talking about worship, virtues. After all, whoever points out a good deed receives sawab (reward) equal to that as if he had done it himself.

You should not spend the evening and night in other (worldly) matters, if they are not so important, they can be postponed. Islamic scholars also recommend refraining from Muslim lectures and collective prayers. Worship on this night is a personal matter for everyone, it is only between him and God, so it is worth spending the evening and night in solitude, without being distracted by unimportant things.

In the book “Hazinatul Asrar” in Rivaya, written by Mujahid ibn Abbas (ra), it is said about the Sunnat Baraat of the night as follows: there is a Sunnat prayer consisting of one hundred rak’ahs, one “Alham” is read in each rak’ah and ten times “ Qulhu” and after every second rak’ah salaam is given.

In another rivaya from Annas (ra) it is said that one must perform a ten-rakah sunnat prayer, read “Alham” once and “Qulhu” a hundred times in each rak’ah, and salam is given after every second rak’ah.

Another rivaya from Wasile ibnu Asrar (ra) says that one must perform a complete ablution, put on clean clothes and perform a prayer consisting of four rak'ahs. In each rak'ah one "Alham" and "Qulhu" are read 25 times and after the second rak'ah salaam is given.

Also on Baraat night, each person needs to analyze all those actions that were committed during the year. And if something is discovered that contradicts the commands of the Creator, one must repent and not return to it again. If suddenly someone was offended by you, then you should make peace, as befits brothers. On this night, all believers must distance themselves from such things as anger, enmity, pride and disobedience to parents. After all, all this distances us from barakat (grace) and the value of Baraat.

One should try to spend the holy night of Baraat in vigil, performing prayers, reading the Koran, making dua, visiting elders in order to receive blessings from them. Also on Baraat night, it is recommended to remember and wish mercy, forgiveness, prosperity to deceased Muslims and tell children about the dignity and value of this night.

In addition, we know from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) that this is one of the nights when the Almighty accepts the prayers and requests of His slaves. Among other things, it is advisable to read Surah Yasin three times this night. The first time with the intention of prolonging life, the second - to avoid troubles and misfortunes, the third - to increase benefits. Know that happiness and salvation are possible if you live according to the commands of Allah (s.t.) and His Messenger (s.t.a.w.). May Allah (s.t.) “justify” all Muslims on this night.

Bismillahi rragmani rragyim. Allahumma, ya zalmanni wa la yumannu ‘alaihi, ya zalali val ikrami, ya zat'avli val inaami, la ilaha illa anta zahra llajina wa zharal mustajirina va amanal khaifina.

Allahumma in kunta katabtani (katabtana) ayindaka fi ummil kitabi shakiyyan (ashkyiyaa), av magruman (magrumina), av matrudan (matrudina), av muktarran ‘alaiya (‘alaina) fi rrizkyi famgyu.

Allahumma bifaslika shakyavati (shakyavatana), va gyirmani (gyirmanana), va tardi (tardana), va iktara rizkyi (rizkyana), vaasbitni (vaasbitna) ayindaka fi ummil kitabi sa'idan (su'adaa) marzukyaq (marzukyina) muwaffakyan (muwaffak yina) lilhairati, fainnaka kulta va kyawlukal gyakkyu fi kitabikal munzali 'ala lisani nabiyikal mursali yamgyu lagyu ma yashau, va yusbitu, va ayindahu ummul kitabi. Ilahi (ilahana) bittajallil azami fi laylati nnisfi min sha'banal mukarramillati yufrakyu fiha kullu amrin gyakim. Wa yubramu an takshifa 'anni ('aina) minal balai ma a'lamu (na'lamu), wa ma la a'lamu (na'lamu), wa ma anta bihi a'lamu, innaka antal a'azzul akram.

Wa salla Allahu 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa alihi wa sagbihiwa sallam.

In the name of Allah (s.t.), Merciful to everyone in this world and Merciful only to believers in the next world!

O Allah (s.t.)! Your Generosity directed me to You, and Your Mercy led me to You. I turn to You with something that is not a secret to You. I ask You for something that is not difficult for You. After all, it is enough for You that You know my condition, even if I do not make a request.

O He who has the power to eliminate misfortunes, remove from me the burden of troubles and worries. There is no deity to be worshiped but You, and You are far from any shortcomings! When Prophet Yunus turned to You with a prayer: “I am one of those who harmed himself,” You answered him and saved him, and promised that You would also save those who do good.

O Allah (s.t.)! O Possessor of Grace, who does not need the mercy of anyone. O Possessor of Greatness, O One in Whose power is the good of all worlds! There is no deity to be worshiped but You!

You help those who ask You for help, You protect those who ask You for protection, and those in danger resort to You. You are the one we strive for! If You have written me in the Preserved Tablet as lost, deprived, exiled and poor, O Allah (s.t.), You will erase this record of me lost, deprived, exiled and poor. O Allah (s.t.), and write me down in the Preserved Tablet among the well-behaved, and those to whom benefits are extended, and whom You favor in performing good deeds.

You said in Your Book, revealed in the language of the Prophet Muhammad (s.t.w.), and Your word is true: “Allah (s.t.) erases the record that He wants to erase, and writes down what He pleases. And the Almighty has a Preserved Tablet. O Allah (s.t.), for the sake of the manifestation of Your greatest Mercy on the middle night of the month of Sha'ban, take away from us the troubles that we know about and those that we do not know about. After all, truly, You are the Most High, the Great.

Blessings to Allah (s.t.) and peace to our master Prophet Muhammad (s.t.a.w.), his family (community) and companions.”

Muslim holiday Laylat al-Baraat - the Holy Night of Baraat (Night of cleansing from sins) believers celebrate on the night from 14 to 15 Sha'ban (the eighth month after lunar calendar). In 2018, this night falls from April 30 to May 1.

Holy Night

The night of Baraat is designated in the Koran as sacred. This is the second most important holy night in Islam after Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Destiny).
The word "baraat" is translated from Arabic as “innocence”, “innocence”, “purity”, “liberation”. According to Islamic tradition, on this night the Almighty shows mercy to all people, except adherents of polytheism and those in whose hearts there is malice.

Muslims treat this night with special trepidation and dedicate it to prayers, asking Allah for mercy and forgiveness. Some interpreters of the Book of Allah believe that the Quran was revealed on the night of Qadr, while others believe Holy Book was completely sent down to the firmament of the earth precisely on the night of Baraat.

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There are certain hadiths (saying translated from Arabic) of the Prophet Muhammad that prove that this is a special night on which Divine mercy visits the people of the whole earth.

Muslim holidays give believers an incentive to worship more diligently and perform good deeds. On holidays, holy days and nights, believers perform hygienic requirements, perform special ritual prayers, read the Koran and various prayers.

Drinking alcohol, other intoxicating substances, committing acts prohibited by Islam on days Muslim holidays is especially condemned by Shariah.

The most important thing is to reconsider your life, your actions, your thoughts this night. No one should forget that life on this earth will someday end, and the Day of Judgment will certainly come.

Unlike the night of Qadr, when a person’s entire life is predetermined until its end, on the night of Baraat the existence of people is determined for the year ahead.

According to popular Muslim belief, every year on this night there is a “shaking of the tree of life,” on the leaves of which the names of all living people are written. It is believed that people whose names are written on the fallen leaves will die within a year.

Muslims believe that on this holy night Allah descends to the lowest of heavens to forgive the sins of those who have repented and to decide on the fate of each person, taking into account his piety and requests made in prayers. Therefore, a believer on the Night of Baraat needs to ask for mercy from the Almighty, pray for forgiveness for his sins, so that the leaf with his name does not fall.

© photo: Sputnik / Said Tsarnaev

The hadiths say that on this night the sins of all people are forgiven, except for apostates, envious people, slanderers, drinkers of alcohol, those who cut off ties with relatives, those who disobey their parents, adulterers, the proud and those who provoke unrest.

It is advisable to spend the night in solitude, turning to Allah with prayers, remembering and praising the Almighty, reading the Koran. On this night, Muslims offer special prayers for the dead and make vows for the future to atone for sins.

On this night, Muslims try to please relatives, neighbors, all acquaintances and strangers, visit each other, give gifts, and try not to offend anyone in any way.

Some believers fast and perform additional worship the day after the night of Baraat. In general, during the month of Sha'ban, believers are advised to ask the Almighty for good health and ensuring observance of Ramadan fasting.

On the day of the holiday, Muslims visit the mosque, pray together and listen to the sermon of the imam, visit the burial places of the righteous, distribute alms and food to the poor, and sweets to children.

The month of Sha'ban itself, on which the "night of purification" falls, is a preparation for the month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast during daylight hours. In 2016 it will begin on May 17.

Those who do this rely on this unreliable hadith. Silsila daifa 2132.
إذا كانت ليلة النصف من شعبان فقوموا ليلها وصوموا نهارها
When the night of the middle of Shaban comes, stand the night in prayer and say goodbye to the day

However, another authentic hadith came about the virtue of the middle of the night of Shaban
Please contact مشاحن Silslila-sahiha 1563
The approximate meaning is that Allah appears on the night of the middle of the month of Shaban and forgives all his creations, except mushrik and mushahin (heretic, innovator).

Therefore, when Sheikh al-Albani was asked about the virtue of the middle of the month of Shaban, he replied that it has one virtue, and that is that Allah forgives the sins of everyone except mushrik and mushahin. silsila huda ua nur 564.

It is impossible to single out this night and this day for any type of worship. And this will be an innovation, even if these are basically legalized forms of worship. However, if a person usually prayed at night, then let him pray as usual; if he fasted in the middle of each month, then let him fast that day as well. This was the conclusion made by Muhammad Said Raslyan while examining this topic at his Friday sermon. http://www.rslan.com/vad/items_details.php?id=2343

Sheikh Usseymin has a khutbah, it is about the bid around the month of Shaban.
There the Sheikh said:
“Some of the people exalt the night from the middle of the month of Shaban, and set it aside for worship, for standing prayers... And they also set aside these days for fasting. However, there is no reliable basis for this in the Sunnah of the Prophet. And it did not come from the Prophet, صلى الله عليه و سلم, that he set aside these days for standing prayers at night. However, all these hadiths are fictitious (mawdu"), a lie against the prophet, as many muhaddiths reported.
And similarly, the days in the middle of this month were not allocated by the prophet, صلى الله عليه و سلم, for fasting.
Yes, the prophet, صلى الله عليه و سلم, kept a lot of fasts this month. But I didn’t set aside specific days for this. And an argument from the Quran or the Sunnah is needed in order to limit or allocate a place or a specific day for worship.
But there is no dalil for this, not from the Qur’an or from the Sunnah..!”
(Silsila albabu almuftuh, entry 222 (b), 23:20)

As for performing a prayer of one hundred rak'ahs on this night, which many Muslims perceive as desirable and think that one can receive a reward for performing it, it is a clear delusion and a vile innovation. This has been clearly stated by many scholars, such as Imam an-Nawawi, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, ibn Quddama al-Maqdisi, ar-Ramali, unanimously accepted by Muslims. And its mention in some books, such as “The Resurrection of the Sciences of Faith” by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, cannot serve as a justification for its commission, since the hadith cited in this and other similar books is fictitious.

Imam an-Nawawi in the book “Majmu Sharh al-Muhazzab” said: “The prayer known as the Raghaib prayer, which is performed on the first Friday night of the month of Rajab for twelve rakats and the prayer of the middle night of the month of Shaban for one hundred rakats - they are a vile, condemnable innovation . And do not flatter yourself that we mention them in “Kut al-Kulub” and “Ihya Ulum ad-Din” and the hadith cited in these books, all this is unreliable. And do not be deceived by those imams who did not understand their essence and wrote papers about their desirability; indeed, they were mistaken in this. Imam Sheikh Abu Muhammad Abdurrahman ibn Ismail al-Maqdisi wrote a precious book about the falsity of these prayers and succeeded, may Allah have mercy on him.”

Also, Imam an-Nawawi in his fatwas said about the Ragaib prayer, which in this respect is no different from the Baraat prayer of the night: “The ruler, may Allah help him, must prohibit performing it.” He also said: “It (the prayer on the night of Ragaib) is a false innovation, and it is reliably known that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever introduced into our religion, what is not from it is rejected.” in the Sahih it is stated: “Whoever has committed an act that is not our command, we reject it,” and in the Sahih of Muslim: “Every innovation is a delusion.” Allah Almighty commanded that in case of disputes and differences of opinion, one should turn to His Book: “If you begin to argue about something, then turn to Allah and the Messenger with it,” and He did not order to follow the ignorant or to be deceived by the errors of those who have made mistakes.”

Ibn Hajar al-Haytami said in the book “Tuhfa al-Mukhtaj fi Sharh al-Minhaj”: “The prayer known as the Ragaib prayer and the prayer of the middle of the month of Shaban is a vile innovation. The Hadith about them is fictitious. Between Ibn Abdussalam and Ibn Salah, there was correspondence and the issuance of opposing fatwas regarding these prayers. I wrote a separate book on this topic, which I called “Clarifying and Revealing Concerning nights Ragaib and the middle of Shaban."

Question: Is the prayer al-Ragaib sunnah and is it preferable to perform it?

Praise be to Allah!

Salat al-Ragaib is one of the types of innovation in the month of Rajab.
It is performed on the night of the first Friday of the month of Rajab between evening and night prayers, which is preceded by fasting on Thursday. The first salat al-Ragaib was performed in Beit al-Magdis (Jerusalem) in 480 AH. However, there is no information that this prayer was performed by the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), or any of the companions, representatives of the first and best three generations, or imams. This alone is enough to prove that this prayer is a condemned innovation and not the Sunnah.

Scientists have warned us that this is an innovation and a delusion.

An-Nawawi, may Allah have mercy on him, wrote in Al-Majmua (3/548): “The prayer known as “Salat al-Ragaib” and consisting of 12 rakats, performed between evening and night prayers on the night of The first Friday of the month of Rajab, as well as the 100 rak'ah prayer performed in the middle of the month of Sha'ban, are disgusting, reprehensible innovations. No one should be deceived by the fact that they are mentioned in the books “Kut al-Qalub” and “Ihya Ulum ad-Din” or by the hadiths given in these books, for they are all false. Also, no one should be deceived by some scholars who have been misled about these prayers and have written essays approving their performance, which, however, is erroneous.”

Imam Abu Muhammad Abd al-Rahman ibn Ismail al-Magdisi wrote a valuable book refuting these claims. And he, may Allah have mercy on him, coped with the task perfectly.
An-Nawawi also wrote in Sharhi Muslim: “May Allah curse the one who invented and introduced this prayer, which is one of the types of innovation, which is delusion and ignorance and contains obvious evil.”

Many imams have written valuable works explaining the disgustingness of such an act and the delusion of those who invented this prayer and perform it. There is a huge amount of evidence of the fallacy of this prayer and the delusion of those who perform it.

Ibn Abidin writes in Hashiyya:
Al-Bahra says: “Consequently, it has become clear that gathering for salat al-Ragaib, performed on the first Friday of the month of Rajab, is an innovation and a condemnable act.” (2/26)

The eminent scholar Nur ad-Din al-Maghdisi wrote a remarkable work entitled “Radd al-Ragaib an salat al-Ragaib”, covering most of the sayings of the early and late scholars of all four madhhabs.

Ibn Hajar al-Haytami was asked: “Is it permissible to perform salat al-Ragaib in a group?” The answer was: “As for the al-Ragaib prayer, it, like the prayer known as “Laylet al-Nusfi min Shaaban” (the night of the middle of the month of Shaaban), is a disgusting innovation. The hadiths about them are fictitious. Therefore, it is prohibited to perform these prayers either alone or in a group.”

The book “Al-Fatawa al-Fikhiyya al-Kubra” (“Great legal-theological fatwas”) says: “Ibn al-Hajj al-Maliki in the book “Al-Madkhal” (“Introduction”) writes: “Among the innovations, invented in this blessed month (i.e. Rajab), there is the night of the first Friday, when salat al-Ragaib is performed in the cathedral mosques. In some cities, people gather in mosques and, together with the imam, openly perform this innovation as if it had been prescribed..."

The point of view of Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) is as follows: “As for the prayer al-Ragaib, performing it
is reprehensible, because this was not done by those who preceded us. Virtue lies in following them (may Allah be pleased with them).”

Sheikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah wrote: “As for the innovation regarding prayers performed regularly in certain time, in a group, with a certain number of rakats and reading certain suras, similar to the prayer al-Ragaib, performed on the first Friday of the month of Rajab, and the prayer of the middle month of Sha'ban and prayer on the night of the 27th of Rajab, etc., then according to the imams they are not prescribed in Islam as reported by credible scholars, for this opens the door to changes in the rulings of the Sharia. People who commit them are like those who introduce into the religion of Allah something that was not prescribed by Him.” (2/239)

Sheikhul-Islam was asked a question about this, to which he replied: “Neither the Messenger of Allah, nor his companions (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), nor the generation of Tabiin following the companions, nor the Muslim imams performed this prayer. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not order it, nor did any of his followers or imams do it. They did not mention the dignity of this night, as a result of which it should be especially distinguished from other nights. According to scholars, the hadiths about this night, transmitted from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), are false and fictitious. Therefore, scholars declare that this prayer is forbidden and not desirable.” "Al-Fatawa al-Kubra" (2/262).

In “Mawsua al-Fighiya” (22/262) it is said: “Imam Hanafi and Shafi’i claim that the prayer al-Ragaib on the first Friday of the month of Rajab or the prayer in the middle of the month of Sha’aban, performed in a certain way and consisting of a certain number of rak’ahs , is a condemned innovation..."

Abdul-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi writes: “The al-Raghaib prayer is a fictitious lie erected on the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). These prayers are reported to be an innovation that is prohibited for a number of reasons. And there are no reports from the Companions, Tabieen and Imams about these two prayers...
If they were prescribed in Islam, then the Salaf could not but know about it. They were most likely introduced in the 5th century AH."

The month of Sha'ban has some special features. The first is the month in which it is advisable to fast; second - this month there is the night of Baraat.

1. Fasting in the month of Shaban

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasted in such a way that we said that he never breaks the fast, and broke his fast in such a way that we said that he does not fast at all; and I have not seen the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fast for a whole month except in the month of Ramadan. And I did not see the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasting more in any month than on Sha’ban.”

The reason for this becomes clear from the following hadith.

Osama ibn Zayd reported: “I said to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “I have not seen you fasting in any month more than in the month of Sha’ban.” The Prophet replied: “This is the month between Rajab and Ramadan that people forget about; this is the month in which people’s actions rise to the Lord of the worlds, and I want my actions to rise to the Lord when I fast.” .

This month's fast is the most valuable after the obligatory fast. This is stated in the hadith: « Best post after the obligatory fast of the month of Ramadan - fasting in the month of Sha'ban".

2. Last day of Sha'ban

It is forbidden to fast on the last day or last two days of the month of Sha'ban. This is stated in the following hadith: “Whoever fasted on the day of doubt disobeyed Abu Qasim.”. The day of doubt is the last (thirtieth) day of the month of Sha'ban. It received this name because people doubt whether the month of Ramadan has arrived and whether they should fast. “Abu Qasim” is the kunya of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: “Do not precede the month of Ramadan by fasting for one or two days, except for a person who has fasted for (any) reason.”. From this hadith it follows that on the last day of the month of Sha'ban one can fast only if this day coincides with the day of his usual fast. So, for example, a Muslim who usually fasts on Monday has the right to fast on that day if it falls on Monday.

3. Fasting in the second half of the month

Regarding fasting in the second half of the month of Sha'ban, scholars express different opinions. Some believe that fasting in the second half of the month is prohibited, others believe that fasting at this time is undesirable, and is prohibited only in the last two days; some believe that fasting on these days is desirable. Those who claim that fasting in the second half of the month is prohibited rely on the hadith: “When the middle of Sha’ban comes, do not fast.”. In this case, in any case, it is permissible to fast for those who observe fasting in certain days, as already mentioned above.

Those who allow fasting on these days claim that this hadith is unreliable, or that it applies to those whom fasting at this time will weaken and will not allow them to fast during the month of Ramadan.

Also, in any case, it is forbidden to fast only the second half of the month of Sha'ban, without fasting in the first.

4. Night of Baraat

Regarding the night of Baraat, the opinions of scientists are also divided. Some felt that the allocation of this night has no basis in Sharia and is an innovation. This opinion was particularly expressed by Imam Al-Qurtubi in the book “Al-Bid’a wa n-nahyu ‘ankha”: “Abdurrahman ibn Zayd ibn Aslam said: “I have not seen a single sheikh or faqih of ours who would pay attention to the middle the night of Sha'ban, and I did not see any of them citing the hadith of Makhul. They did not consider this night more worthy than other nights." At the same time, supporters of the opposite opinion cite hadiths, which some scholars considered reliable, and some considered weak:

“Allah looks at the condition of all His creations on the middle night of Sha’ban and forgives everyone, with the exception of the pagan and the one who breaks ties with his Muslim brother for more than three days.” .

“Verily Allah descends to the lower sky on the night of the middle of the month of Sha’ban and forgives sins more people than the number of hairs on the wool of rams of the Kalb breed" .

Sheikh l-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “As for the middle night of Sha’ban, there are hadiths about its dignity from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Companions. And it is also reported from some righteous predecessors that they performed namaz on this night.” He also said: “The performance of prayer by a Muslim on this night, even though righteous predecessors did it before him and he has proof of this, is not condemned.” When prayer is performed collectively on this night, this is also not condemned, unless it has become a habit and consistency has appeared in this. If the standing of this night becomes constant, then this will become an innovation, which is stated in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Every innovation is a delusion”.

5. Certain types of worship on the middle night of the month of Sha'ban

There are no specific types of worship that are advisable to perform on this night.

As for performing a prayer of one hundred rak'ahs on this night, which many Muslims perceive as desirable and believe that one can receive a reward for performing it, it is a clear delusion and a vile innovation. This has been clearly stated by many scholars, such as Imam An-Nawawi, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi, Ar-Ramali and others. And the mention of this prayer in some books, such as “The Resurrection of the Sciences of Faith” by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, cannot serve as a basis for its performance, since the hadith given in this and other similar books is fictitious.

Imam An-Nawawi in the book “Majmu' Sharh al-Muhazzab” said: “The prayer known as the Ragaib prayer, which is performed on the first Friday night of the month of Rajab of twelve rakats, and the prayer of the middle night of the month of Sha'ban of one hundred rakats are vile , condemned innovations. And do not be deceived by their mention in “Kut al-Kulub” and “Ihya Ulum ad-Din” and the hadith cited in these books - all this is unreliable. And do not be deceived by those imams who did not understand their essence and wrote papers about their desirability - truly, they were mistaken in this. Imam Sheikh Abu Muhammad Abdurrahman ibn Ismail al-Maqdisi wrote a precious book about the falsity of these prayers and succeeded, may Allah have mercy on him.”

Also, Imam An-Nawawi in his fatwas said about the Ragaib prayer, which in this respect is no different from the Baraat prayer of the night: “The ruler, may Allah help him, must prohibit performing it.” He also said: “It (the prayer on the night of Ragaib) is a false innovation, and it is reliably known that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If anyone introduces into our religion something that is not from it, it will be rejected.” The Sahih states: “If anyone commits an act that was not our command, he will be rejected.”, and in Muslim’s Sahih it is stated: “Every innovation is a delusion”. In case of disputes and differences of opinion, Allah Almighty commanded to turn to His Book: “If you begin to argue about something, then refer it to Allah and the Messenger.”, and He did not order to follow the ignorant or to be deceived by the errors of those who have made mistakes.”

Ibn Hajar al-Haytami said in the book “Tuhfatu l-Mukhtaj fi Sharhi l-Minhaj”: “The prayer known as the Ragaib prayer and the prayer of the middle of the month of Sha’ban are vile innovations. The Hadith about them is fictitious. There was correspondence between Ibn AbdusSalam and Ibn Salah, and they issued opposing fatwas regarding these prayers. I wrote a separate book on this topic, which I called “Explanation and identification regarding the nights of Ragaib and the middle of Shaban.”

Ibn Khuzaimah considered the hadith authentic.

Five people brought him, with the exception of Ahmad, who considered him unreliable.

Imam Ahmad and Ibn Muin are of the opinion that this hadith is rejected; this hadith was also considered weak by Al-Bayhaki, At-Tahawi and Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali.

At-Tabarani and Ibn Hibban were brought to Sahih.

Brought by Ibn Majah.

Fatawa al-Nawawi, pp. 38-39. question number 66.

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