Home Flowers Promotion of reading in the library. The activities of libraries to disclose funds through book exhibitions. Reading Support Forms

Promotion of reading in the library. The activities of libraries to disclose funds through book exhibitions. Reading Support Forms

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Children's libraries in their work use various forms and methods of work, which allow them to attract children to the library, increase children's interest in books and reading.

Reading promotion methods are methods and techniques used in libraries that help to form a positive attitude towards reading among the younger generation.

Currently, there is no single classification of methods for promoting reading, so we have considered the most used and effective ones that libraries use in promoting reading and books.

Reading promotion methods used in children's libraries can be grouped as follows:

interactive methods;

Reading aloud method

Visual Methods

Game Methods

interactive methods. The name of the method comes from the psychological term "interaction", which means "interaction". Interaction is understood as direct interpersonal communication, the most important feature of which is the ability of a person to “take on the role of another”, imagine how a communication partner or group perceives him, and accordingly interpret the situation and design his own actions.

"Interactive" means the ability to interact or be in a conversation, dialogue with someone or something. Therefore, interactive methods for promoting reading in a library are methods characterized by a two-way exchange of information between the librarian and the reader. The main goal of the librarian during the dialogue is to form the reader's positive attitude towards the book and reading.

The essence of the interactive method lies in the fact that young readers should not only be included in the action emotionally, but also directly participate in the action, inevitably making certain changes to it, actively improvising. After all, a person remembers what he saw and heard by 50-60%, and what he took part in - by 90%38.

Interactive methods of reading promotion include such forms of library mass work as: training seminars, conferences, competitions, discussion clubs, various mass actions in support of reading such as Flash Mob, Bookcrossing, Library Night, etc.

Game methods are one of the effective methods of promoting reading in children's libraries. The essence of game methods for promoting reading is to form a stable need for traditional reading using various interesting forms of play that have a positive effect on familiarization with the book.

Children's libraries use various types of games in their work: didactic literary games, competition games and complex programs, role-playing, educational and entertaining games.

Didactic literary games are a kind of games created for the purpose of teaching and educating children by means of literature. They contribute to the deepening of reading comprehension, form the skills of independent reading, and in general - the culture of reading.

Competition games and competitions require participants to have general erudition, attention, excellent memory, ingenuity, ingenuity, artistic and performing abilities, and much more. In the practice of libraries, literary competitions and quizzes are traditionally popular39. For example, various literary quizzes, conferences, matinees and evenings will be much more interesting if elements of the game are included in them. "Book Conferences", "Book Premiere", "Literary Battle", "Literary Auction" - these and many other events have become commonplace in the work of libraries to promote reading and cultural work.

At the heart of literary and game programs and literary competitions with elements of theatricalization is always the director's script. In the process of their preparation and implementation, techniques and methods are used that are widely used in socio-cultural activities.

A role-playing game is a game of educational or entertaining purpose, a type of dramatic action, the participants of which act within the framework of their chosen roles.

Role-playing games contribute to the development of imagination, fantasy of children.

In the last decade, there has been a kind of boom in library activities, which are based on the game. Numerous scenarios of holidays, travel games, literary evenings and other complex cultural and leisure programs are published on the pages of the periodicals "School Library", "Books, Notes and Toys for Katyushka and Andryushka", "Library at School", "Playing Library" and others

All of the above indicates the need for a wide inclusion of gaming methods to promote reading in the process of familiarizing with reading.

Reading aloud develops oral speech, helps to remember how to pronounce words correctly, where to put semantic stresses. Such a method of promoting reading as reading aloud develops the child's critical thinking, the ability to think logically, to find the most important and interesting in the text.

The out loud method is characterized by the following techniques:

Expressive reading of the librarian;

Teaching expressive reading to the reader;

Commented reading to facilitate the perception of the work;

4. Conversation, during which the reader shares his impressions of what he read.

The method of reading aloud is used in any form of library work with children: for example, individual reading of a child on a loan, when a librarian reads an excerpt from a book, reading aloud at an exhibition, during an event, in book clubs, at various reading aloud holidays. But in most cases, reading aloud is "reading out loud." This is a form of library work that includes not only reading aloud, but also discussing what has been read.

Libraries should also support family reading in order to develop a love of reading among the younger generation. To do this, libraries organize various competitions, tournaments, create reading clubs for reading families.

"Library therapy by reading" is one of the techniques of the method of reading aloud.

Bibliotherapy is the use of specially selected reading material as a therapeutic tool in general medicine and psychiatry to solve personal problems through directed reading. Today, many children's libraries are implementing projects using various types of bibliotherapy.

There are various projects where famous personalities come to the library and read their favorite works aloud to children, acquaint children with the latest in children's literature. With the development and widespread introduction of computer technology, videos with recordings of reading aloud, Internet projects have become popular.

So, the method of reading aloud develops the ability to interact with the text, reflect on what is being read and read, includes procedures that help the reader analyze their understanding of the content, the information contained in it.

Currently, visual methods of promoting reading occupy a special place in the practice of libraries, since with the development of information technology, visual images have a real impact on the current generation.

Multimedia tools in many ways change the approach of librarians to attract readers to the book. Children, due to their age characteristics, give more preference to visual methods, forms of library work, which are visual and figurative in nature: traditional and virtual exhibitions, theater in the library, film clubs, literary drawing rooms with electronic presentations, etc.

In order to popularize reading and books, children's libraries create collections of presentations, book trailers, think over modern and comfortable interior design, make book installations, organize promotions, master classes and much more.

Many libraries try to design their websites in an interesting and convenient way, since it is with the help of the site that you can create a unique, interesting image of a library that children will want to visit.

In order to promote reading and books, libraries organize various creative competitions aimed at creating photo and video products. For example: a contest of book trailers, drawings, advertising posters or a video review of a book you have read. Children are happy to participate in such competitions, as they are given the opportunity to share their creativity, their impressions of the works they have read.

In practice, the library often uses more than one method, but a combination of them.

Today, many Russian children's libraries are trying to use and combine various methods of promoting reading in their work in order to help the child find his way to books and information. Consider the experience of Russian libraries in promoting reading and books.

For example, the library project of the Astrakhan Regional Library “Reading as a gift. Library staff held the action "Give Reading".

The librarians prepared readers' memoirs, excerpts from Lemony Snicket's 33 Misfortunes, Grigory Oster's Education of Adults, a series of books by Tamara Kryukova, etc. The best works were published as bookmarks and presented to children. Also, various creative competitions "It's great to read", "The book is my friend" were held.

The literary project of the Moscow Regional State Children's Library (MOGB) "Journey of the Blue Suitcase" is also fascinating. The main goal of the project is to introduce and develop reading skills and literary taste in children through the promotion of the best modern Russian and foreign books. The peculiarity of the project is not only the selection of the most interesting books, but also their reading aloud, followed by a discussion of what has been read.

There is a certain, well-established scheme for filling the “blue suitcase”. Bibliographers compile a list of books based on the recommendations of experts - leading experts in the field of children's reading, as well as on the results of reader surveys. Then the Blue Suitcase goes to children's libraries in the Moscow region and stays in each library for two months. First of all, the "Blue Suitcase" goes to those libraries where there are effective reading development programs, where initiative employees with interesting ideas work. Upon completion of the program, the library hosting the "Suitcase" analyzes e? implementation, focusing on new elements initiated by local colleagues, and offers his options for further improvement of the project.

A similar project "Journey of the Blue Suitcase in Krasnoyarsk" is also operating in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

A number of library marathons "Reading for the Soul" of the Ivanovo Regional Children's Library, "Irkutsk Writers Visiting Readers of Children's Libraries" of the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library are designed to promote the education of a young reader, popularization and acquaintance with new books, literary works of gifted children.

In order to promote the library, reading and books, children's libraries are constantly looking for new non-standard ways and ways to solve this problem. For example, the Magadan Regional Children's Library has developed a comprehensive program to attract children to the library and support reading called "On the Steps of Growing Up".

Each step corresponds to a certain age. The first step - children from one to six years. A specially designed hall has been allocated, where various exhibitions are held, and the “Parent University” functions.

The second stage - children 6-7 years old. The Klepa hall was created for them, where they can satisfy their needs in the game, develop their creative abilities through reading, drawing, modeling.

The third step is from 7 to 11. Children of this age are actively involved in the work of the Book Theater. The last step is children from 12 to 17 years old. The Teenager club operates for them, the program of which is aimed at introducing children to reading the best works of world literature. Such a program allowed the library to improve the quality and duration of children's reading, to increase readability and attendance in the library.

Booktrailers are very popular in libraries today.

A book trailer is a short video about a book. Its main task is to tell about the book, intrigue and interest the reader. This is the surest way to present the book to the world, opening up the plot and showing the characters and the brightest fragments. In 2013, the book trailer was shown for the first time in 2003 at the Los Angeles Book Festival; it went from a fashionable world trend to the usual advertising move of Western book publishers. Let us give an example of the project of the central city children's library named after A.S. Pushkin, Sarov "BiblioVideoStudio". The project was launched in 2011.

As part of the project, young readers, together with librarians, come up with announcement advertisements, multimedia design for events, reports and video reports, interviews, polls, congratulations, book trailers and much more. Such a fascinating and combined form of work is very attractive to children. The project participants first discuss the ideas of the future video. This is followed by joint writing of the script, selection of props, reading of the necessary literature, rehearsals, dubbing. This work allows you to unite generations of kids and teenagers, to involve them in reading.

Children's libraries work closely with social institutions such as families and schools to promote reading. Various Family Reading Clubs operate in libraries, Library Days, Class Readings are organized. For example, in the Russian State Library, about three hundred children and teenagers study every day as part of the Library Day, attending classes 2 times a month, and about families attend the Family Reading Club on Saturdays. Some children attend not only Library Day classes, but on Saturdays, together with their parents, they also become members of the Family Reading Club.

The experience of the Central City Children's Library named after Gaidar in Moscow (TsGDB named after Gaidar in Moscow) is unique. Together with the Foundation for the Promotion of Harmonization of Relations between Animals and Society “Not Just Dogs”, the library is successfully implementing the project “Tales for Dogs”. The project is aimed at creating and strengthening harmonious relationships between animals and people, introducing children, including "special ones", to reading and communicating with four-legged friends. Conducted in the form of free readings of children's books. The listeners are the Foundation's pet dogs.

Also in the library since 2010, 2 biblio-robots have appeared, which are equipped with a video camera, a microphone and a display. The robots are controlled by a library employee who sits in a separate office. Like ordinary librarians, robots serve readers, conduct various excursions, and take an active part in public events. It should also be noted that the biblio-robots Chuk and Gek are very useful in working with children with disabilities. Each "special" child from a home computer can control the robot, while achieving the effect of full presence. In the future, librarians are planning to organize virtual tours through the library website with the help of library robots.

Let us note the project "The City Reads to Children" of the children's library of Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region), within the framework of which the library staff read bedtime stories to children by phone. Special materials were selected that can be read in 4-5 minutes, and any child could call the library and listen to a bedtime story.

The action caused a positive response from children and parents.

Let us also consider the project of the Republican Children's Library of Chuvashia to promote reading using modern technologies "Reading City", within the framework of which 27 literary meetings were held, in which more than 400 people took part. During the campaign, book trailers, videos, exhibition projects, as well as the PHOTO PROJECT "A book in the provinces" were shown.

In addition to projects, actions, competitions, exhibitions, children's libraries are constantly coming up with new ways and methods to promote reading, as the interests and hobbies of children change, and libraries must be ready for changes and new forms and methods of work.

Thus, various methods of promoting reading are used today in the work of libraries: the method of reading aloud, interactive, visual and gaming.

The interactive method of promotion involves the interaction of the librarian and the reader, during which the reader's culture is formed. The method of reading aloud is used to improve the speech and listening skills of children. Visual method - a method of attracting to reading using visual means. With the development of multimedia technologies, the visual promotion method is especially popular in children's libraries. Game methods are included in almost every form of library work. The effectiveness of game methods in the formation of a positive attitude to reading in children has been proven. The experience of Russian libraries in promoting reading is also considered.

So, today there are significant changes in children's reading. The repertoire, the duration, the culture of reading are changing. Researchers call this process “reading pattern change.” Today, 3633 specialized children's libraries are engaged in library services. In the first chapter, the main goals and objectives of modern children's libraries were considered, the main problems faced by children's libraries were identified.

Children's libraries should promptly respond to changes in children's reading, since the main task of libraries is the formation and development of a culture of reading among the younger generation. To encourage reading today, libraries are trying to use various methods and forms of promoting reading. Interactive, gaming, visual and reading aloud methods were considered. Interactive method - a method of promoting reading, which involves the interaction of the librarian with the reader, during which the librarian forms a positive attitude towards the book.

Play methods are widely used in libraries, as the inclusion of play in the process of familiarization with the book gives significant results. Visual methods of promoting reading with the development of multimedia technologies are becoming increasingly popular in children's libraries. The method of reading aloud - develops the child's critical thinking, the ability to think logically, to find the most important and interesting in the text. In the practice of libraries, one often encounters not a separate application of methods, but their combination. We also considered the experience of promoting the reading of children's libraries in Russia. Today, libraries implement a variety of projects, campaigns to support reading, conduct interactive classes, conferences, exhibitions, and game programs within their walls.

The introduction of the population to reading, to the use of library books has always remained the main task of the libraries of the republic. An analysis of the activities of libraries in 2008 showed that they carried out various activities to promote books and reading.

Libraries of the Mariinsko-Posadsky district use the capabilities of modernized libraries to promote reading. For example, in the Sutchevskaya rural library for students of the 11th grade of a rural general education school, a presentation of the exhibition-view of literature “The Silver Age in Russian Literature” was presented, where, along with publications on traditional media, electronic books were presented.

The Sotnikovskaya Rural Model Library of the Bolsheshigaevsky Rural Settlement, within the framework of the International Book Day, prepared and held a Week of Children's Books, the program of which included the Yakovlevsky and Ivanovo Readings traditional in the region, which not only promotes the popularization of books and reading, but also serves as a good gift for the days of memory of I.Ya. . Yakovlev and K. Ivanov. Fairy tales by I.Ya. Yakovlev and the pearl of Chuvash poetry - the poem "Narspi" by K. Ivanov. The library has prepared portrait exhibitions dedicated to these outstanding people who are proud of the Chuvash people, an overview of their life and work, a theatrical performance based on the poem "Narspi". The media cinema hall was working all week in the library, where an electronic presentation dedicated to Narspi was shown.

Reading lessons "Words fly away, what is written remains ..." for children of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten was prepared by the Pervochurashevskaya rural library of the Mariinsky Posad district. They are dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the publishing house "Children's Literature" (1933) and the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. The publishing house has published many books with Russian folk tales, epics, Russian folklore, so the library staff, with the help of these publications, are trying to instill in children a love of books and reading. The children watched cartoons based on Russian folk tales.

Reading is promoted in libraries as part of the implementation of specialized programs. For example, the City Family Reading Library on International Children's Day presented the "Summer Reading Program" - "Together with a book - in the summer" and announced a photo contest "Summer. Dad. Mother. I am a reading family. The summer reading program included open days, information and educational hours and much more.

Activities to promote and promote reading are held in all libraries of the municipality "City CLS" Kanash. They introduce children and young people to the work of classic writers, contributing to the popularization of literature among the youth, and also acquaint the younger generation with the work of contemporary writers. Interest clubs are doing a lot of work in this direction. The literary club "Rodnik" operates at the Central Library, which has become a meeting place for writers, poets and the city's creative intelligentsia. Since 2002, the central library and the children's art school have been working to promote books and reading among children and youth in the aesthetic association "In the Kingdom of Colors and Books." As part of the work of this association, the attention of the children was offered: the literary composition "Everything starts with love ...", the etiquette class "We learn the rules of good manners", the intellectual competition for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture "ABC: the verb is good", the ecological evening " I breathe, which means I live ... ", etc.

The Central Children's Library of the city continued the work of the center for developing reading "Magic Book" under the program "Writers - Anniversaries 2008". The purpose of the program is to develop in children the need for systematic reading, as well as the need for new knowledge; familiarization with the classics of children's literature. The events were held for children who found themselves in a difficult life situation. Literary marathons, poetry evenings, meetings with writers were held monthly for students of the boarding school, social shelter, rehabilitation center and schools of the city, where children could talk with librarians about the book they had read in a free and relaxed atmosphere.

Since 1992, the theater of the book "Firefly" has been operating in the family reading library - branch No. 3, which contributes to the development of the imagination and creative abilities of children, the expansion of the reader's horizons, and the popularization of the best works of children's literature.

Every year the Urmar Central Library holds the Day of the First Readers. In 2009, the event was called - "Reading books is a pleasure." Each meeting with a new visitor is interesting, because various drawings and contests are used.

It has also become a tradition to hold campaigns “Give a book to the library”. Following its results, a meeting with donors was held under the title "Giving - we glorify our name." Letters of thanks were presented to everyone who put a piece of their heart into this noble cause. A personal book exhibition of the reader "From the collection of V. Slavin", who donated more than a hundred books to the library, was arranged.

In order to attract young people to reading for high school students of the village, the Young Reader's Holiday "Literary Rainbow" was held in the central library. In the course of the "Library + Family" action, the Batyrevskaya District Children's Library conducted a sociological study among children and their parents "Reading in the family circle: current state and prospects." The purpose of the study is to determine:

§ what role does reading books play in childhood;

§ what is the impact of reading on life;

§ involvement of parents in the problems of children's reading;

§ What is the reading circle of children and their parents, grandparents.

A total of 40 parents and 50 children were interviewed. According to the age category, the survey involved parents from 27 to 50 years old. In terms of educational level, 26 respondents have higher education, which is 65%; 11 - secondary vocational (27.5%); 3 - secondary education (7.5%). Moreover, not all respondents are readers of the children's library, so librarians paid special attention to this group and set a goal:

§ to acquaint them with the book collections of the children's library;

§ Intensify work with parents.

For this reason, booklets were distributed during the campaign, introducing parents to the library, with the latest in modern literature, invitations to visit our model children's library, and discussions were held about the need for family reading in order to educate children and adolescents.

Among the children, 17 boys and 33 girls aged 8 to 17 were interviewed. The circle of reading of parents and children for the most part coincides: they mainly note the classics of children's and Russian literature. Almost all respondents gave the same answers that the book is a friend of their family. Reading families are not only able to continuously learn and constantly acquire new knowledge, they are the ones who can master the most valuable of world culture.

Summing up the results of the survey "Reading in the family circle: current state and prospects" we can say:

§ that an important task of the library is to support family reading, since it is in the family that the moral foundations are laid, spiritual values ​​are instilled;

§ to promote children's reading for the summer, the library will host the following events: exhibitions-views "Vacation with a book", "Relax, but do not forget to read." Children's reading programs "What to read in summer" for different ages have been developed. A competition is announced for the best "summer reader's form";

§ To familiarize parents, grandparents with the work of the children's library, the holidays “To the Library with the Whole Family”, “Open Doors Day”, “Favorite Books of My Family” will be organized.

Today, in order for children and adolescents to read, it is necessary to make much more effort than before, and these complex tasks will have to be solved by librarians in close contact with parents.

In the activities of children's libraries, one can note the activation of organizing summer reading for children. Libraries began to formalize this work as a program-targeted one, which significantly improves its quality level. The program "Magic of the Book Summer" of the Alikovskaya Children's Library is aimed at attracting children to the library during the summer holidays, their intellectual development, joint creativity of parents and children, close communication between the little reader and the librarian, dissemination of local history knowledge, fostering a sense of love for the Motherland.

In order to bring the book closer to the reader as much as possible, some libraries have developed and implemented projects to organize children's reading “in the open air” (“Open Air Reading Room” of the Cheboksary Central Children's Library), competitions of drawings on asphalt, theatrical performances in school camps. In the Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library (ChRDYUB) every year during the summer holidays, the action "Reading in the Park" is held. Many young readers were attracted by the so-called "park library", where volunteers also act as librarians (high school students are regular readers of the library). The summer reading program “Books Have No Holidays” is designed to help schoolchildren not to lose the knowledge gained over the summer, but to increase it. As a rule, throughout the summer, the library has a book exhibition-advertising "The Most Popular Books of Summer", thematic literary readings and quizzes, contests "The Best Reader of Summer", and the library turns into a Read Island.

On November 23, 2009, the literary and theatrical marathon "READING MOVEMENT" was launched in CHRDYUB, which was held as part of the network marathon of cultural events of the Chuvash Republic. Holding such a large-scale action became possible thanks to the Grant of the President of the Chuvash Republic to support innovative projects in the field of culture and art.

In the foyer of the library, guests and participants of the holiday were met by literary heroes. The festive action took place in the reading room, which for a while became a "fairytale station", from where the main characters - heroes and writers - set off on an unusual journey through the cities and villages of the republic.

Well-known writers of Chuvashia R. V. Sarbi, E. V. Basova, D. Yu. Suslin, G. A. Belgalis came to the meeting with young readers. For the first time, readers heard poems by the poetess Irina Niva, songs performed by singer K. Osokina based on poems by G. Serebryakova.

On November 24, the writers' landing "Reader's joy - to the children of the village!" landed in the Tsivilsky region. The mood of the holiday was given by children's creative teams led by E. Gordeeva in the concert program "The sun is laughing in the sky ...".

The meeting place for writers and readers on November 26 was the Yantikovskiy district. Here the guests were gathered by the writers L. M. Sarine, N. Parchagan, V. P. Pugacheva, N. P. Izhendey, journalists of the children's newspapers "Tette", "Samant", "Tantgsh".

During the Marathon, a bookcrossing campaign took place, and book donation campaigns were held. So, just like for many years in a row, on the eve of the New Year holidays, children's libraries will receive a set of the best books for children as a gift from the President of Chuvashia, N.V. Fedorov.

The activity of children's libraries in promoting reading, spiritual, moral and patriotic education of children and adolescents is best demonstrated by their participation in the hit parade of book exhibitions "Reader Launched!". Literary and theatrical marathon finished in CHRDYUB.

The organization of cultural and leisure theatrical events that form a positive attitude towards reading and contribute to the multicultural education of the younger generation is also carried out by the Central Library. Yu. Gagarin, Novocheboksarsk, having created a theater of the book "Reading" at the library. The purpose of the Theater of the Book is, first of all, the spiritual rehabilitation of a person. For this, a book is taken and a performance is made. Usually the theatricalization of the book is not a complete repetition of the original. This approach is not accidental. Its essence lies in the fact that some kind of understatement remains, and it pushes the audience to read the book. In the repertoire of the Theater of the book "Reading" - only the best works of literature for children and youth.

Each performance in a tactful, unobtrusive form tells about the basic values, without which a person has no right to be called a person: about love and fidelity, about tolerance and mercy, about kindness and courage. And together with the characters of the performance, the viewer is looking for an answer to difficult moral questions, learning to distinguish good from evil. Impressions from such communication with the book remain for life. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the created "intrigue" encourages passive viewers to become active readers later. The forms of work of the Theater of the book are very diverse: these are literary evenings, and theatrical fantasies, and lessons-performances, etc.

The library fund is a complex phenomenon. It can be viewed from different positions: as a cultural phenomenon, as part of the society's information resources, and, finally, as the main information product of the library.In a market environment, libraries are forced to fight for the attention of their users, to prove that their document fund and services are better than those of other owners of useful information resources. This is what producers of products and services do in any field, and libraries cannot and should not yield on this testing ground, remain in the same complacent peace, as in the days when the reader had almost no other sources of knowledge, except for library collections.

M The marketing approach to the library fund was first substantiated back in 1995 in the book by I.V. Eidemiller*.

* Eidemiller I.V. Strategy for the formation of public library collections: a marketing approach / RNL. - St. Petersburg, 1995. - 124 p.

The author considers marketing ideas in relation to the formation of the composition of the fund, taking into account the needs of the selected target market segment, i.e. priority consumer groups. We will try to consider another aspect of marketing related to the promotion of the library fund as the most important information product of the library, thanks to which it remains a specific social institution, retaining its indisputable place in society.

As you know, marketing is a management concept that provides market orientation in the production and marketing of products and services. The Library's marketing activities are also aimed at improving the marketing of its products and services and attracting users. However, over the past two decades of work on the market, libraries have used marketing tools to sell products mainly in relation to their paid services, cultural and leisure activities, and partly to databases being formed and publications published in the library. The library fund and documents from it, issued to users, were practically not considered as an object of marketing efforts, as a product intended for sale to consumers.

The provision of documents from the collection remains a rather conservative service of the library. Meanwhile, library specialists should be aware that it is in this area that a serious competition is unfolding with information resources and Internet services that pose an unprecedented challenge to libraries, casting doubt on the possibility of their very existence in the future.

It seems that in this situation, the library collection, as the main product of the library, also deserves that all effective marketing tools be used to promote it to the consumer.

Let's consider how it should look if we approach such a task in a complex, systematic way, as required by marketing.

The basis of marketing activities is the so-called marketing mix, or marketing mix. In the West, it is customary to call it "model 4P". It reflects four main variables, the accounting of which ensures the success in the implementation of products and services. All of them are conditionally denoted by English terms starting with the letter P: Product - product, Place - place, Price - price, Promotion - promotion. Let's try to consider the library fund from the point of view of these marketing concepts.

PRODUCT- the library fund itself, which has quantitative and qualitative characteristics that meet the requirements of consumers, and is able to meet their needs.

Marketing is based on the idea that you need to produce a product that will be in demand by consumers, and for this it is necessary to take into account the needs and requirements of a potential client.

In order to successfully attract the attention of users to the library fund, it is necessary at the level of product design (in fund science it is commonly called fund modeling) to lay down those characteristics that will ensure its attractiveness and, as a result, demand. To do this, it is important to look at the library fund through the eyes of a potential user.

The consumer, in addition to the functional properties of the fund as a product capable of satisfying certain information needs, will definitely pay attention to the appearance of both the fund as a whole and the document issued to it. In addition, he will instantly evaluate the range of documents and the variability of their receipt (can I take the book home, make a photocopy, scan, etc.), the level of the service offered.

All these characteristics are indicators of the quality of the library collection from the user's point of view. In marketing, the quality of the product is perceived as a necessary characteristic of the product, which ensures its competitiveness and sales opportunities. In other words, if the product is of high quality, then it is easy to sell it - it advertises and promotes itself.

PLACE- "point of sale", which ensures the availability of the product for the target market and means that the product must be present on the market in the right place (where the target consumer can see and buy it) at the right time (when the target consumer needs them use).

In relation to the library collection, "place of sale" means:

· organizing easy access to it, including via the Internet;

· various restrictions related to registration, place of work or study, the presence of certain documents;

· distribution channels of documents from the fund, contributing to bringing them to the interested consumer, for example, forwarding by IBA or electronic document delivery (EDD);

· non-stationary forms of library service - mobile library points, library branches, book peddling, bibliobuses, etc.

This should also include the location of the library, its transport accessibility, opening hours, days off - in a word, everything related to the concept of “accessibility of the library fund”.

PROMOTION- promoting the product to the consumer, stimulating demand through marketing communications: advertising, PR, direct sales, organizing various promotions (tastings, sample distributions, discounts, etc.), as well as using merchandising techniques, which, using various ways of displaying goods, programs consumer demand for certain brands of goods.

We studied the advertising and promotional activities of libraries in order to identify the forms of marketing communications used to promote the library fund. It turned out that, apart from traditional and now still electronic exhibitions, other advertising means for books from the fund are almost never used.

You can, of course, talk about open access, separators, catalogs that partially reveal the composition of the library fund - about cultural and leisure activities, which in libraries most often pursue other goals than the promotion of documents from the fund. But all these means, with the exception of electronic exhibitions on websites, are located inside the library, i.e. are addressed to the user who has already come to it, and external means aimed at potential consumers of the library fund are not used at all.

Not so long ago, advertising stands appeared on the streets of Kemerovo with quotations from the works of Russian classics and with the call: "Read in all the libraries of the city!" It was a successful advertising move - simple and at the same time unusual for outdoor city advertising! But it turned out that the customers of this advertisement were not city libraries, but a certain journalist, dejected by the fact that modern youth does not read, and who, using his own money, produced and placed several different versions of advertising posters in different parts of the city.

At present, libraries are actively mastering advertising technologies - it is only important to introduce funds into the sphere of their use and propaganda.

PRICE- the price of the product. As you know, a modern person seeks to find a reasonable combination of price and quality - this is what should be guided in the provision of library products and services, including the library fund.

It is believed that the use of the library fund is free of charge. But is it really so? In practice, in order to satisfy our needs at the modern, already familiar level, it is necessary to fork out for various paid services (copying, scanning, printing, rental, pledge, night subscription, etc.). Yes, and free library cards have almost become a thing of the past, and without them it is impossible to access the fund.

If we compare the cost of paid library services with the price of a digital analogue of a book in an online store, then its purchase may turn out to be more profitable for the reader. But even with an equal cost, the time spent for the user in the online store is significantly lower, and there are fewer various restrictions. This should be taken into account when setting prices for paid library services.

In recent years, the 4P marketing mix model has been enriched with new elements, the 5P and 7P models have appeared. to the basic elements of marketing, others were added, traditionally starting with R.

PEOPLE- people who can influence the perception of the product (in our case, the library fund) in the eyes of consumers. Here, marketing tries to take into account the personal influence of different people on the decision to use the library collection. For example, the recommendation of a book for reading depends largely on the authority of an expert: who sometimes speaks more importantly than what says. Although the persuasiveness of speech, the ability to find the most interesting "hooks" for a potential reader are also taken into account.

To solve this marketing problem, one should use the potential of opinion leaders - people whose recommendations are listened to, whose preferences other users are guided by. These may be famous writers, politicians, artists or other authoritative citizens. Of course, librarians have a role to play in this.

According to our observations, librarians rarely take on the role of opinion leader in reading. Apparently, the frantic struggle against the propaganda of literature in the name of the freedom of the reader, which was waged in the 1990s, has borne fruit. Perhaps, on a new round of the development spiral, it is worth returning again to this useful tool for promoting the library fund?

PROCESS- the process of providing the fund to the user, which should be as comfortable and friendly as possible. This should include the rationality and convenience of placing the collection, its structure, the remoteness of some sections of the collection and catalog, the economy and friendliness of the database interface, the library website, etc. In our opinion, libraries still need to work on this, since the library service technology used remains extremely uncomfortable for users, as it is based on a total distrust of them.

For example, compared to the home Internet, going to the library takes much more time, and in the library itself, in order to get a book, you need to go through many intermediate intermediary points (cloakroom, recording department, catalog, etc.), fill out various documents : library card, checklist, reader's form, reader's requirement, etc. A certain time is spent searching the catalog plus waiting for delivery. If this is a large library, then you have to wander through specialized departments, finding out where the necessary document is located, and wait for the missing service worker.

In this sense, the quality of the library stock for the consumer also has temporal dimensions.

PHYSICAL EVIDENCE(in translation means "material and physical evidence") - an element of the marketing complex associated with the environmental conditions, environment, atmosphere created in order to more effectively sell the product. In the library, this is commonly referred to as a comfortable library environment or space, which includes the layout, design, lighting and equipment of the premises, signs and dividers, and a culture of service.

True, in marketing this includes important image elements that influence the consumer's decision to use this particular product, and not another: diplomas, certificates, distinctions received at competitions and exhibitions. But it seems to us that libraries will hardly be able to boast of such physical confirmation of the quality of their library stock, since there are no such competitions.

Thus, the marketing approach sets us up for a comprehensive vision of the library fund as a product offered to users in a competitive market. A quality fund, even if it is completely focused on the target consumer, may not be perceived as a kind of value. The user evaluates the library fund not only from the point of view of its completeness and reliability, but also from the point of view of the comfort of access to it and even more - the comfort of the entire environment.

In terms of choosing sources to meet their information needs, the user prefers those that offer the best additional conditions, convenience: availability, efficiency in searching and providing an answer to a request, the possibility of obtaining a copy at the best price.

We should remember that a library is an institution created to provide access specifically to the documentary fund, and all information services of libraries are an additional service that should help the user to use the possibilities of the library fund in the most convenient and complete way.

And of course, it is necessary to actively and purposefully engage in advertising and propaganda of library collections, the best publications that are available in library collections.

The strength of the marketing approach lies in its sensitivity to the consumer, so everyone who uses marketing tools is sure to win. I am sure that by promoting their collections, taking into account the requirements of the modern user for the comfort of service, libraries will be able to confirm their viability and the need for society.

"I approve"

Head of Administration

Almanchinsky rural settlement

V.V. Dolgov

Information about the events

Albakhtinskaya library

for the Promotion of Reading 2010.

Reading and books are one of the most powerful means of creative, intellectual and spiritual development of children, adolescents and youth. In the age of new information technologies, the path to the formation of spirituality, the intellect of a child lies mainly through reading. Often a child's meeting with smart, kind books takes place in the library. The future of libraries depends on the demand for them by society, by children who need a good book. The main assistant of the librarian in this noble cause is the Book. And, first of all, fiction.

In order to promote reading, interesting memorable events were held in the Albakhta Library.

To instill a love for reading, for a book, you can use different methods.

The organization of book exhibitions is one of the main and main components of attracting readers to the book.

A competition is a competition, an exciting competition and an opportunity to show oneself.

"About the book and the library"

As M. Gorky said: “I owe all the best in me to books.

From February 1 to March 15, 2010, the department for culture, sports and youth affairs of the administration of the Krasnoarmeysky district of the Chechen Republic and the RMUK "Inter-settlement central library of the Krasnoarmeysky district of the Chuvash Republic" to the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnoarmeysky district and to the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Krasnoarmeysky central library (March 30 1935) held a regional essay competition "About the book and the library" in order to popularize books, reading, libraries. Readers of the Albakhta Library took an active part in this competition. Fedorova Marina Yurievna, a student of grade 11, received an incentive prize for participation.

Adults and children.

On October 16, the library hosted an intellectual game called "Adults and Children", where 2 teams of 6 people each took part. Playing with regular dice. It was required to perform tasks for ingenuity, ingenuity and resourcefulness. The rules of the game were as follows: representatives of the teams threw the dice on the playing field (table), the presenter determined the area of ​​the task on which the dice fell (mathematics, the environment, music, Russian language, labor, literature, captains' competition, musical pause), asked a question from it . The teams took turns answering, the host announced the correct answer and summed up, where both teams were equal. The participants showed us how strong, smart and erudite they were. The event was dedicated to the Year of the Teacher.

"May there always be a book, may there always be me"

Book Week for Children and Youth.

Fiction has always been a means of communication - the author and the reader, the reader and the listener. For emotional and intellectual communication, for discussion, a benevolent, conducive atmosphere is needed. Children and their parents come to the library with their problems and doubts. Who better than a librarian knows the importance of a good book? But what requirements should children's fiction meet, what books should be recommended to children, parents, leaders of children's reading? Are children able to read thoughtfully and analyze what they read? Can they empathize with the characters in the books? Is it right and by what principle are heroes chosen for imitation? The traditional Week of Children's and Youth Books, which is held in the library on a large scale, interestingly with great imagination, helps to answer these and other questions. So from March 24 to March 29, the Children's Book Week was held under the title "May there always be a book, may there always be me."

Day 1 - Opening of the week:

"Visiting Leo Tolstoy" ( 2000-2010 is declared by UNESCO as the Decade of L, N, Tolstoy) - exhibition-viewing, literary quiz "Let's think together";

Day 2 - Bibliography Day:

"Journey to the country of Philology" - a bibliographic game ( to the 110th anniversary of the birth of S.I. Ozhegov)

Day 3 - Day of fairy tales - day of miracles

"On the paths of fairy tales G, X, Andersen" ( to the 205th anniversary of the birth of the Danish storyteller G, H, Andersen) –multimeda-view;

Day 4 - Day of Courage:

“Dedicated to the victorious soldier” - an hour of a story about the war ( to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory);

Day 5 - Ecology Day:

“Meet with love flocks of birds” - bird day;

Day 6 - Closing of the week - Local History Day:

"Along the literary paths of the native land" - a meeting with local writers ( to the 75th anniversary of the Krasnoarmeisky district ).

“Chăvash chĕlkhi – anne chĕlkhi”

(Week of the Chuvash language and literature)

From April 24 to April 30, the week of the Chuvash language and literature "Chăvash chĕlkhi - anne chĕlkhi" was held in the library.

On the 1st day, they organized an electronic presentation "Chăyour literary classic - Konstantin Ivanov" (on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of K.Ivanov). We stopped at his biography, learned that he is one of the largest and most talented representatives of the Chuvash culture, a poet-democrat. There were 14 people present.

Day 2 - the day of the writer - "Kĕneke hyççăn kĕneke" to the 55th anniversary of the birth of the folklorist writer Edison Ivanovich Patmar. Exhibited and viewed 9 books. Issued 5 works. There were 9 students present.

Day 3 - an hour of history about famous people "Trak tărăhĕnchen vĕsem", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnoarmeysky district. The students learned that there are a lot of famous people in our area. We stopped at the life and work of such as: Boris Romanov, Gennady Yumart, Yuri Petrov, Vasily Vaskin, Varkhush Enzhey, Leonid Antonov, Luka Semenov, Nikolai Ershov poets, Nikolai Filimonov, Ilya Stepanov, Yuri Shepilov composers, Leonid Nikolaev and Leonty Alekseev journalists, Zoya Nesterova, Osip Alekseev, Filipp Andreev writers, Veniamin Alexandrov sculptor, Raisa Fedorova, Sergey Ilyin artists and others. There were 10 students.

Day 4 was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the celebration of the Great Victory. Conducted a review of the works "Trak en çyravçisem vărçă çinchen". According to the script, they got acquainted with the works of Prokhor Trofimov, Porfiry Yegorov, Philip Andreev, Mĕtri Vaçley, Ivan Patmar, Shetmĕ Mikhali, Yuri Semender, Yuri Petrov-Virial, Nikolai Karay, Vladimir Kharitonov, Gennady Yumart, Gury Dubrov. Where were stories, stories, poems ... 12 students participated.

They did not forget about the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the opening of the central regional library. She was dedicated to the 5th day of the week - an hour of memories - "Library-yuratnă vyrăn". At the same time, they used the folder “Library of History” (from the memoirs of Volya Illarionovna Grigorieva). There were 11 people present.

With what topic the week started, with the same topic, they decided to end it. The week ended with a literary hour “San yurrusen sonmi kăvarĕ”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of K. Ivanov. His works "Our Century", "Autumn", "Thoughts of the Old Forest" were performed. Also, they did not stand aside in the work "Narspi". After all, the poem "Narspi" is the pinnacle of poetic creativity of the classic of Chuvash literature. It contains images of strong and passionate characters. The progressive ideas of mankind found their highest aesthetic embodiment in the poem. 13 students participated.

"Gravity of the Earth".

Every person who thinks about his future is actively interested in the biographies of great people. Thanks to the great feat of cosmonaut-3 Andriyan Grigorievich Nikolaev, the whole world learned that there is Chuvashia on the Volga with its talented and hardworking people.

By the day of cosmonautics on April 12, in the library with students of grades 6-9, a review of the literature “Star Sons of the Planet” was conducted, using the works of K. Petrov “Blue Star”, M. Yukhma “Ģăltărsem chĕneççĕ”, ​​A. Nikolaev “Earth Attraction”, where in detail learned about the life and courageous path of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Andriyan Grigorievich Nikolaev. Books raise the problems of patriotism, love for the motherland. They contain a lot of information about rocket science and the development of astronautics in the former USSR.

To consolidate the material, a video disc "Russian Space" (a small space encyclopedia) was shown.

There were 12 students present.

"Forever in human memory."

(information review for the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War)

Every year time moves away from us the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War. But the immortal feats of the legendary generation of winners will forever remain for posterity a model of strength, resilience, ardent love for their native land.

65 years ago, the last volleys of the most fierce and bloody war in the history of mankind died down. Our soldiers, having shown unparalleled courage, defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland, brought peace to the peoples of Europe. We, the current generation, are sincerely proud of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who managed to survive and win, we remember and honor those who died in the name of the future of our Fatherland. In this regard, the library organized an active shelf exhibition “THEY GIVEN US A PEACEFUL SKY” and on March 4th an information review “Forever in human memory” was held with students. We settled on a collection of essays, stories, memoirs, the eyewitness and participant of which was the author Ivan Timofeevich Dupliy “Unfictional Stories”. Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash.kn.izd-vo, 1999.-190s. There were 13 people present. Each of us is indebted to the front-line soldiers and home front workers, who, at the cost of sacrifices and incredible hardships, brought the Great Victory closer, and after the war they restored the destroyed cities and villages. And we must do everything to provide our veterans with a decent life.

"Be worthy of the memory of the fallen."

No one can ever forget history. Time will not erase from the memory of the people that terrible war - the most difficult and cruel of all wars in the history of our country. In the hearts of people, she is alive, because her wounds have not yet been healed, her pain has not dried up.

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, on May 6, the library arranged a book exhibition “Bow, people, to the Soldier!”. With great interest, the children listened to the stories of the old-timers about the Great Victory "Bonfires of MEMORIES". There were 11 people present. On May 7, we spent an hour of history “Be worthy of the memory of the fallen”, reviews “HISTORY IS INTERESTING”, “WAR PASSED BY THESE FATES” (local history materials were used). There were 9 people present. On May 8, literary evenings were held from the cycle “AND COURAGE AS A BANNER WERE CARRIED OUT”, dedicated to writers and poets who died on the fronts of the Second World War. Bibliography Day - "About the war, about comrades, about myself." There were 10 students present. On May 9, an hour of remembrance "Remember the Patriotic War" was organized with a minute of silence and a video film "... THE DAWNS HERE ARE QUIET" was shown. There were 16 people present.

The work of the library to promote books and reading does not stop during the school summer holidays. Summer reading raises the prestige of the library, strengthens ties with parents, activates children's interest in reading, introduces them to the culture of reading, develops imagination and creativity. In addition, Summer Readings solves the problem of children being busy during the holidays.

"Summer with a book 2010"

Summer is the time to read good books. The library has launched a summer reading program "No Holidays in the Land of Literature". In this regard, they organized a book exhibition "Read it yourself, share with a friend." The following activities were carried out under the program:

Summer Reading Program

for June - August 2010

"There are no vacations in the land of literature".

- "Have you read these books?" - an exhibition of forgotten books;

- "Opening a book, you open the world" - shelf


- "1st grade and preschool children - these books are for you guys!"-

exhibition - advice;

- “Divine, nature is your language” - an hour of art;

- "Journey to the eco-kingdom" - story hour;

- "Come into the green house, you will see miracles in it" -

information hour;

- "Everything new for children" - an hour of information;

- "Magic World" - an hour of fairy tales;

- "Good world of favorite books" - book festival;

- "Children's reading for the heart and mind" - competitions -



A reading child is a hope for the future of Russian culture. In a few years it will depend on him what place and what role the book will take in society. Today's children have to live in an information-saturated world, so introducing them to books and periodicals is extremely important today.

To implement the summer reading program, the library organized an exhibition of forgotten books "Have you read these books?".

On June 28, the ecological hour "Come into the green house, you will see miracles" successfully passed. We designed the exhibition "Journey to the Eco-Kingdom".

Young readers are the most frequent library visitors. From the first meeting with them, from their first book taken from the library, we always try to instill in them a love for the book, for their native language, for their native land. Implementing the summer reading program “There are no holidays in the country of literature”, the library for the smallest has a corner where they organized an exhibition-advice “Grade 1 and preschoolers - these books, you guys!”. Literature is arranged according to topics of interest to them, in boxes. For students in grades 2-4, a book exhibition "Read it yourself - share with a friend" was organized, where literature on extracurricular reading is placed. For average students - an exhibition of forgotten books "Have you read these books?", Where classical literature is placed such as: Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant", Rudyard Kipling "Courageous Captains", James Fenimore Cooper "The Last of the Mohicans", etc. Also there is a shelf exhibition "Opening a book - opening the world" for a senior user.

To make friends with parents and children, to ensure that the road to the library for a book becomes for them the road to a happy family hearth - this was the goal of the event:

"A home where you are loved and expected"

Very often, parents come to the library with their children - not just as visitors, but as leaders in reading their own child. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky said“The family is that primary environment where a person must learn to do good.”In this regard, a holiday was organized in the library on July 8, dedicated to the day of family, love and fidelity"A home where you are loved and expected." To that holiday, a program of information and psychological support for parents was created: folders- « Ashshĕ-amăshne pulăshma", "Ģemye ăshshi - chun ăshshi", "For Young Families", where there were consultations of many specialists, including psychologists. Conducted a literature review L.N. Tolstoy "Family Happiness" - one of the few works in which we are talking about the most seemingly ordinary and at the same time wonderful feeling - the love of spouses in the family.

"Not only nature is waiting for you"

Every earthling, whether a small child or an elderly person, should take care of the purity and beauty of the primordial world, treat nature with care. Each of us can make a contribution to the preservation of the environment. Therefore, the environmental direction in the activities of the library is considered one of the priorities. Work on environmental education of readers has long become a good tradition. Studying books about nature and its protection, we see in them a rich educational and cognitive potential. The library does not forget about traditional activities - exhibitions, events. At the beginning of July, a book exhibition “I want to be friends with nature” was organized, readers also enjoy the permanent book exhibition “Reading about nature”. The day of information “Not only nature is waiting for you”, held on July 22, was dedicated to the environmental problems of the Earth. During the event, acquaintance with books, a conversation, a game-journey took place. All readers who visited the library that day received a lot of interesting and useful information.

"Banner of Unity"

On August 21, the library hosted an hour of information "Banner of Unity", dedicated to the Day of the State Flag of Russia. Each state has its own state symbols. They personify the system of its state, social and spiritual values. This is the flag, emblem and anthem of the state. On August 20, 1994, B.N. Yeltsin, by his decree, decided to consider August 21 a national holiday - the day of the flag of the Russian Federation. The history of the Russian flag is interesting and unusual. Most historians associate the appearance of the white-blue-red flag in Russia with the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676), the Russian tsar from 1645, the son of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. Then the guys took part in a journey through the history of the state flag of Russia. And at the end, we checked how attentive the travelers were, held a small quiz. There were 9 students

Head Albakhta rural library: L.L. Fedorova

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