Home Flowers The largest stadium in Brazil for football. The Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is the main temple of the second religion of Brazil. Tickets to Maracana

The largest stadium in Brazil for football. The Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is the main temple of the second religion of Brazil. Tickets to Maracana

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Four-kilometer beach Copacabana, located in the bay where history once began Rio de Janeiro - one of the most famous beaches in the world. The adjacent area of ​​the same name was considered very prestigious a few decades ago: representatives of Brazilian bohemians, politicians and the rich settled here. But due to increased last years crime reputation Copacabana began to deteriorate, and the local elite moved to more prosperous parts of the city.

But even today Copacabana(Copacabana) — iconic place in life Rio de Janeiro. Being the center of party life, the famous beach, as before, attracts thousands of vacationers from all over the world. In 2006, the legendary Rolling Stones concert took place here, attracting two million people. And also Copacabana famous for the fact that this is where the fashion for two-piece swimsuits - bikinis - came from.

Runs parallel to the beach along its entire length Avenida Atlantica (Avenida Atlantica) is an embankment consisting of several traffic lanes, a bicycle path and the famous Portuguese sidewalk, tiled in a wavy pattern. Mosaic wave is one of the symbols Rio de Janeiro: it is actively depicted on T-shirts, beach bags, pareos and souvenirs, symbolizing involvement in this city. IN Sundays One side of the Avenida Atlantica is closed off, and it seems as if the whole city flocks here to take a stroll, jog or bike ride.

The beach itself Copacabana made a rather strange impression on me. A strip of sand, a few steps away from it, noisy highway and the harsh multi-story buildings towering above it all. No shabby coconut palm tree, no languidly swaying sail on the horizon... A typical city beach with all that it implies - noise, crowds of people and public transport spewing exhaust fumes.

After a minute of being on the beach, it became clear that, by and large, there was nothing for me to do here. The water in the ocean turned out to be cold by my standards, the people in it were like in the Moscow metro at rush hour, and huge waves, periodically mixing the brethren floundering in them into one heap, finally convinced me that I took the swimsuit with me completely in vain.

It took another five minutes to study the situation. Beach Copacabana infamous big amount thefts, and a considerable part of them are committed in a rather crude form: valuable things are snatched from their owners directly from the hands. But it was impossible to leave such an epic place without at least a couple of photos, and I decided to take a risk. Having hung the camera around my neck and clutching it as hard as I could, I began hastily filming everything that appeared within my line of sight. I didn’t dare move along the beach in search of something interesting, preferring to stay in one place, closer to the police box across the road. The lion stood nearby, taking on the appearance of a man ready to repel any possible attack with lightning speed :).

Actually shoot on Copacabana, except people, there is nothing - beautiful views Somehow they don’t look good in the photo. But the people here are wonderful: photogenic, not afraid of cameras (just like my favorite Asians!), and, most importantly, everyone is on their own wavelength. As a result of five minutes of surveillance through the lens, it was established that all of them - Copacabana vacationers - are divided into four types.

Type one— leisurely strollers.

Type two- jogging.

Type three— sitting on folding chairs.

In general, as far as I have managed to understand, owning a folding chair is the sacred duty of every self-respecting resident Rio de Janeiro. The landlady where we rented a room, an elderly lady who lived surrounded by four cats, also had such a chair: it stood in the hallway and, being in a state of full combat readiness, was waiting to go out into the world.

And finally fourth type Copacabana vacationers - playing some kind of ball games.

Of course, one could also mention the category of citizens who went to fight the ocean wave, but since upon reaching land they are immediately reincarnated as a representative of one of the above-mentioned groups, so as not to bring confusion into such an ideal Copacabana classification, created by me, Let's leave them alone - let them wallow in peace and get sand in their pants.

There were simply a lot of interesting characters on the beach, and from this point of view Copacabana- an interesting place. If it weren’t for worrying about the camera, I could have sat here for several hours in a row, just looking around. But just a few minutes later, the situation around us began to thicken - the number of suspicious individuals passing nearby, as if by chance, increased, and we, realizing that the fifth category of people with cameras had no place here, without really taking any pictures, hurried to retire to safer places.

Residential areas Copacabana They are a somewhat unnatural mixture of modern high-rise buildings and squalid, low-rise slums, located very close to each other. The windows of the apartment of that same lady with a chair and four cats looked out onto a hill on which favelas, painted in completely cheerless colors, were crowded together. At the same time, such a dubious neighborhood does not prevent the house in which her apartment is located from having an entrance that resembles a museum with exhibits in the form of vintage tables, flowerpots and paintings, and a doorman instead of a concierge. I didn’t even try to take photographs inside the blocks, so, alas, this paragraph will have to be left without pictures.

Our rented apartment in Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro

To be more precise, we did not rent an apartment, but a room in a four-room apartment: a living room, three bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen (read how we did it). One of the bedrooms was given to us, the hostess herself lived in the other. The kitchen, living room and toilet room were at our disposal. Heidi, the owner of the apartment, turned out to be sweetest person, so after meeting her, the small doubts that we had about whether we could share the territory with an outsider immediately disappeared. On the contrary, this factor turned out to have many advantages: firstly, we received from Heidi a lot of necessary information about the city, and secondly, she involved her neighbor, who works with currency, to exchange dollars for us at a rate that, as it turned out later, turned out to be the most beneficial throughout Rio, thirdly, she constantly fed us something tasty, and fourthly, being in contact with her, her neighbors and friends, we were able to gain a deeper insight into what was happening around us. A kind of “total immersion”.

And also, as I have mentioned more than once above, Heidi has four (!) cats, and she, out of the kindness of her heart, picked them all up from the street (those who subscribe to my Instagram, we already appreciated the trick when every day one cat was added to our room in Rio). At the same time, the apartment was in such a state that, if not for the visible presence of the cats themselves, then one would not have guessed that they lived here at all: no fur, no smells. We love animals, cats immediately understood this and regularly paid us friendly visits. Meet: red-haired KrishtOvu, with a two-color muzzle - VIOLETTA (to make it sound like Portuguese, it is important to carefully pronounce each letter I have highlighted), on Lev lies TEO. There was also ValenChina, the mother of red-haired KrishtOvu, but she preferred to hang out under the bed.

How we rented an apartment in Rio de Janeiro

As always, we began our search for housing by studying offers on the search engines booking.com and roomguru.ru (using the links a ready-made request for hotels in Rio de Janeiro was generated), but having discovered that the cost of the weakest hotels located in the depths of Copacabana surrounded favela, starts from $50 for a room with shared amenities, and from $100 for a room with its own toilet and shower, we were, to put it mildly, discouraged. In decent areas, hotel prices started at $200 per night.

This state of affairs did not suit us, and then for the first time in all our travels we decided to use one of the most popular private housing rental services today, AirBnb. The meaning of this system is that anyone has the opportunity to rent a room, apartment, house, villa - for every taste and budget - directly from the owner, while receiving much more comfortable conditions accommodation than in a hotel, for much less money. By using AirBnb we managed to rent a room in an apartment (which is described above), located in an elite house with security 500 meters from Copacabana beach for only $77 per day.

I recommend everyone who travels independently to pay attention to AirBnb: it really makes it possible to find quality housing and save a lot. And when registering for AirBnb via this link you will receive from me $35 bonus, which you can spend on renting accommodation on your next trip.

How to get to Copacabana Beach:

  • by metro - line L1, stations: Cardeal Arcoverde (posts 1-3 - beginning of the beach), Sequeira Campos (posts 3-4 - middle of the beach), Cantagalo (posts 5-6 - end of the beach). The cost of one metro ride is 3.2 reais;
  • by bus (from anywhere in the city) going to Copacabana or Avenida Atlantica (the fare is 3-5 reais depending on the distance).
  • by taxi or car - to Avenida Atlantica.

That's all for today! I will continue my story about Rio de Janeiro- my dream come true #4!

Copacabana(port. Praia de Copacabana) - famous all over the world beach, stretching in a graceful arc in the city district of the same name in the southern part former capital Brazil, (port. Rio de Janeiro).

Located at the entrance to (port. Guanabara), which south of center cities. The sandy strip, more than 4 km long, is the longest beach in the world and one of the main attractions of the city. Beach and wide promenade " Avenida Atlantica"(port. Avenida Atlântica) are never empty, being a favorite vacation spot for local residents and numerous tourists.

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origin of name

The name comes from a fishing village that was previously located here, which, in turn, was named after the Bolivian city.

The residents themselves call their famous beach “Princesinha do Mar” (from the port: “Princess of the Sea”), admiring its splendor.

There are several versions regarding the origin of the name of the city of Copacabana. According to one version, the name originated in the era from the words "copac" and "cabana" from the language, and means "Blue Beach". According to another version, the name was formed from the words of the language “koppa” and “kahuana”, which translated means “View of the lake”.


Pieces of history

The history of Copacabana dates back to the 50s of the 18th century, when a new chapel was erected in the town of Sakupenapana in honor of the patron saint of the Bolivian town of Copacabana, which later gave its name to the fishing village. In 1892, after the opening of the Real Grandeza tunnel and the launch of the tram line, the village connected with the city of Rio de Janeiro, becoming one of its districts.

In 1904, construction of the embankment began. The Copacabana area reached its true heyday in the 50-60s of the twentieth century, when it attracted representatives of the bohemian world, becoming home to hundreds of Brazilian artists, painters, and writers. Later people began to settle in the prestigious area politicians, businessmen and simply very wealthy people.

It’s sad, but in recent decades, illegal types of income have flourished here, accompanying the development of foreign tourism, such as street robberies, drug trafficking, prostitution - all this, by no means, has added to the popularity of the once elite area.

Modern Copacabana

However, today the famous beach is the largest concert venue, where world-famous artists have performed more than once. For example, in December 1994, a stunning show by English rock musician, singer and composer Rod Stewart took place right here, which attracted more than 4 million spectators. This musical event was even included in the Guinness Book of Records. And in February 2006, a grand concert of the legendary group “The Rolling Stones” took place here, which was attended by more than 2 million people.

Thanks to the installed modern system artificial lighting, the beach is suitable for various cultural events around the clock. The undoubted decoration of the grandiose sand arc is the white sand sculptures sculpted by artists. Sand sculpture masters show incredible imagination, and new creations made from snow-white sand regularly appear here, bringing viewers to indescribable delight.

Copacabana is a 24-hour, year-round, non-stop holiday that encourages you to enjoy life at any time!

The world's largest beach hosts celebrations with traditionally colorful Brazilian masquerades, carnival processions and colorful fireworks. International volleyball tournaments are also held here, future stars of Brazilian football train and have fun celebrating New Year holidays Brazilians and millions of tourists, traditionally dressed in white clothes. In general, celebrating the New Year in Copacabana is a completely unforgettable event: it is colorful and fiery national festivities, mesmerizing, fantastically beautiful fireworks over Atlantic Ocean restaurants, bars, clubs and discos open all night.

The beach has a developed infrastructure of a large number of hotels, shopping areas, restaurants and sports facilities. Along the embankment there are numerous hotels, famous for their impeccable service and a wide range of price ranges that can satisfy every visitor.

Copacabana – perfect place holiday for those who, like the well-known Ostap Bender, are attracted by the fascinating color of Rio and Brazil in general.

This is a place of continuous bright celebration, sparkling parties and delightful beach holidays that will not leave any tourist indifferent.

  • Of course, the word “beach” evokes many positive associations: summer, vacation, vacation, sea, surf music, peace and serenity. But it is necessary to remember that not all beaches are safe. The most common danger is, of course, sharks. However, sharks are not the only threat to beachgoers. Forbes has compiled a list of the most dangerous beaches in the world, visiting which can lead to disastrous consequences for health and life. Copacabana occupies one of the top positions on this list. Formerly a vacation spot for the elite in the mid-twentieth century, today Capacabana is considered by the Brazilian authorities to be a problem area with an off-the-scale crime rate: pirate ship hijackings, drug trafficking, robberies, prostitution, rape and even kidnapping.
  • According to the Brazilian police, the Copacabana area is home to the most a large number of drug lords and representatives of mafia structures.
  • Fortunately, modern hotels located in Copacabana fully provide their guests with safety, impeccable service, a magnificent beach and a constant feeling of celebration.
  • All year round in this area of ​​Rio, tourists have the opportunity to find entertainment for every taste. During the day you can sunbathe on the golden sand and swim in the warm Atlantic waves, surf and take a boat ride. Those interested can enjoy playing beach soccer and volleyball, and thrill-seekers are invited to all sorts of exciting attractions. Leisure here it continues at night, under the bright light of artificial lighting.
  • You can see everything in Copacabana latest trends beach fashion. Interestingly, it was at Copacabana that the bikini, a two-piece swimsuit, was first recorded. And today on a beautiful beach, the most beautiful in South America, there is something to be surprised and admire!

Copacabana waterfront

Initially, a fishing settlement was located on the site of the beach. IN mid-18th century century, a chapel was built here, named after a Bolivian maiden from the city of Copacabana. Soon the village itself was renamed from Sakupenapana to Copacabana. The coastal zone became a full part of Rio de Janeiro in late XIX century after the tram was launched through the Real Grandes tunnel. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Avenida Atlantica embankment was built. Today, 3 million tourists visit it annually. A local residents Copacabana beach is called the “princess of the sea.” And for good reason, because according to a survey by the popular online magazine AskMen, the beach is recognized as one of the most beautiful on earth, where tropical exoticism and urban landscapes of Rio harmoniously combine.

Where to stay

A beautiful and old hotel on the coast is the five-star Copacabana Palace. The rooms are designed in classic style english style and furnished with antique furniture. The bathrooms are finished in marble, and each apartment has king-size beds. The hotel has 3 restaurants and a spa and wellness centre. A double suite with beach view costs 599 USD.

Brazilian boys play with a ball

There are also more economical options. For example, the Windsor Copa Hotel is just 300 meters from the beach. Each room has an LCD TV, minibar, bathroom with hairdryer, work desk and free WiFi. Breakfast - " Buffet"with fruits and juices. Guests are provided with Gym. The price of a standard double room is 113 USD.

Small cafe on the embankment

Where to eat

Luxurious breakfast at the Sofitel Rio de Janeiro overlooking the beach

Copacabana Beach has a wide variety of cafes, bars, restaurants and snack bars. The rodosio restaurant “Carretao” is considered a cult establishment. Here you can taste typical Brazilian dishes, such as feijoada - pork with black baked beans. The dish is served with fried flour and White rice. If you prefer a retro style in the interior, welcome to the Copacabana establishment. The atmosphere of the fifties is recreated here, when the beach was a favorite vacation spot for bohemians. Be sure to order a caipirinha at the bar - a refreshing one alcoholic cocktail made from lemon, lime, ice, cane sugar and cachaça. But be careful - it gets you drunk quickly!

On the embankment, next to the five-star Copacabana Palace hotel, there is the Churascaria restaurant. The establishment has an excellent price-quality ratio. For only 35 USD you can have a hearty lunch, since the fee is only charged for entrance, drinks and desserts. And the waiters put the main dishes on the plate for free until visitors stop them. Salads, sushi, rolls, salmon tartare, beef carpaccio and much more tasty and fresh.


Life in Copacabana is in full swing all year round, without fading for a second. Everyone will find something to their liking here. Fans of active pastime will try their hand at surfing and beach volleyball. A football fans will be able to enjoy the game of their favorite team, as tournaments are often held here. The 2016 Olympics will take place in Rio. Some types of competitions will traditionally be held on the beach.

From November to April, Copacabana is in high season. Millions of tourists come here to meet an unforgettable New Year and visit the famous Brazilian carnival. The beach also serves as a concert venue for world-famous musicians. Lenny Kravitz, Mick Jagger and Elton John performed here. In 1994, Rod Stewart's concert was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest show on the planet.

The nightlife on Avenida Atlantica is more vibrant than the daytime. Disco 2A2 is popular place among young people. Another competitor is the Six club. It is visited not only by visitors, but also by local residents. The establishment has 5 bars and 3 dance floors.

  • Copacabana Beach is the largest in the world. Along its embankment runs Avenida Atlantica, where all the festive processions in Rio de Janeiro take place.
  • In the twenties of the last century, this area was hidden from human eyes: parrots flew here, palm trees grew, and Copacabana resembled heaven on earth. Only after cutting down the tunnel that connected coastal zone with Rio, the territory began to be developed. The wild beach immediately became a prestigious area of ​​the city, being built up with hotels and entertainment centers.

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