Home indoor flowers Bet on the fast flow of money. Strong runes for wealth and fulfillment of desires. Becoming Money Flies

Bet on the fast flow of money. Strong runes for wealth and fulfillment of desires. Becoming Money Flies

The most complete description in all details is a plot to lock how to read with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

The castle is a frequently used attribute in magical rituals. It can be used both in love magic and in rituals aimed at protecting the home, the well-being of the family and attracting good luck.

Popular guardian rituals

Unlike love rituals, guard rites that use a castle plot are not difficult, so they are easy to carry out on your own. Moreover, the main condition for their success is sincere faith. A castle plot can help in a situation where it seems that luck has completely turned away from you.

All your undertakings end in failure, and it seems that you stumble upon invisible obstacles. This means that the space around you is blocked by a random coincidence or by the malicious intent of a particular person.

Rite with a new castle

For the ritual, you should purchase a new small castle. It is important to pay for this item under the calculation or not to take the change. In addition to the castle, you need to purchase three red wax candles and prepare some honey. The ritual is carried out in a separate room alone at any time. It is necessary to put a lock on the table, having previously opened it, and put the keys next to it and install candles.

Then the candles need to be lit and the following magic words should be spoken clearly and distinctly:

The text of the plot should be repeated until the candles go out. You can't extinguish them. After the candles go out, smear the lock with honey and close it. Immediately you need to get out and go to the nearest stream or river. There you need to find a place so that no one is around, stand on the shore and repeat the plot to the castle again.

Then you should throw the charmed castle into the water away. In addition, be sure to throw a handful of coins after the attribute, as a payment to the river, so that it fulfills your request. A set of keys should be left with you, but hidden in such a way that no one will ever find them. It will become a guarantee that the space around you will remain forever open.

Call for well-being to the house

A plot to a lock, calling for well-being in the house, is read through the keyhole of a new open lock.

The magic words sound like this:

After this ceremony, the lock must be hidden, and the keys to it should be thrown into the pond. This ritual is so strong that the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

A conspiracy to lock on a husband's love

This strong love spell read by the wife will be able to quarrel with her husband and his mistress and make the husband quarrel with his rival and return to his wife, and this will help to make a love spell on the castle. Simple spell cast on lock and key from memory and easy rite with reading a conspiracy to love a husband will affect the beloved man as soon as you finish rite of magic and close the lock. After this conspiracy, the husband will never be able to cheat on his wife in his life and will remain faithful to her, loving her very much until the last day of his life. For this ceremony, as you may have guessed, you need a new lock with keys, the lock should be with a darling (barn), but not necessarily large, a small one like for a mailbox is quite suitable. In general, in white and black magic, conspiracies and love spells on the castle are very common, but this love conspiracy - a love spell on a beloved husband is considered the fastest and most powerful. If you urgently need to bewitch a man or return your husband from a rival (lover), this ardent conspiracy for strong love read on the lock and key is the most powerful and surest magical way to quickly get what you want. Open the lock with the key and read words of a magic spell - a conspiracy to love :

There is an island in the sea-ocean, a stone on the island, an oak on the stone, it is warm in the oak.

The island is fanned by the winds, washed by the waves, locked by the depths.

Not to leave this island, neither small nor large, neither old nor young.

And as I turn the key, so the servant of God (name) will turn to me,

It will be banned in the house, it will not move anywhere from here.

It will only love me and live with me in love and affection.

After reading the love plot, close the lock on the key and say love spell :

Like a lock no one will open now,

So no one will separate us from you.

The keys to the castle must be thrown into any body of water, it is best if the water in it is running (river, stream). From this moment on, a person charmed to the castle will forever fall in love with you to the point of madness, and all your life you will be for him the dearest person whom he will love more than his life. Never tell him what was done to him conspiracy - a love spell using a lock. This secret should remain only with you!

Universal plot on the castle

The castle is a very frequent attribute in magical rites of various kinds. This symbolism is rooted in antiquity and means that certain feelings and actions are securely fixed with such an additional attribute. The castle is widely used as an attribute in the rites of love magic, as well as in rituals aimed at attracting prosperity and good luck in life.

Features of rituals with a castle

There are no special rules for performing rituals with castles. The main thing that is needed is to strictly follow the recommendations of a particular rite. In addition, it is important to pronounce the plot to the castle very clearly and distinctly. You need to feel every spoken word and sincerely believe that the impact will achieve its goal.

Strong spell ritual

To conduct the ceremony, you will need to prepare the following additional attributes:

  • New small padlock;
  • A metal chain, the length of which should allow it to wrap around the trunk of a tree previously selected for the ritual;
  • Own hairs and hairs from the head of the chosen one;
  • A couple of ribbons, and the color combination should be chosen as pink-red and blue-blue;
  • A narrow strip of white sheet, approximately 1 x 15 cm in size;
  • A small scarf.

The ceremony is held on one of the nights three days before the appearance of the full moon in the sky. It is necessary to retire in a separate room and put all the prepared attributes on a scarf spread on the table. Then you need to take the hairs, twist them, fixing them on different sides with ribbons. In the process of this, you need to think only about your chosen one and how much you want to be with him.

After the improvised pigtail is created, you should say the following words:

After that, you need to tie the ribbons on different sides of the pigtail. Then, on a strip of paper, you should briefly write a desire related to the fact that you want to be with your chosen one. Next, the paper tape must be placed on the lock with the key, and the pigtail on top. All this must be tied in a scarf and put under your pillow.

For three days, attributes cannot be touched, and sleep on a pillow without turning it over. The chain must be placed under the bed and also not touched for three days.

On the first night of the full moon, you must take the chain and all the attributes that lay under the pillow. The scarf again needs to be spread on the table and the ribbons removed from the impromptu pigtail. On a pink and red ribbon, you should write the name of the woman, and on the blue and blue - the name of your chosen one.

Next, you need to read the above plot again and in the process of reading, a pigtail of hair must be tucked inside the castle. This can be done both through the holes in the brackets and through the keyhole. It is very important not to damage any hair. There you also need to push a strip of paper on which the desire is written. This can be done after it is twisted into a thin tube.

After carrying out all the actions, you need to go to the tree that you previously looked after for the ceremony. A chain is put on it and fixed with a lock. The key is turned in the lock and the plot to the lock is repeated. After that, the ceremony is considered complete and you need to leave without talking to anyone on the way home. It is important not to drink or eat anything until morning.

Conspiracy for well-being in the house

With the help of a ritual in which a castle is used, well-being can be brought into the house. This is a very effective rite, but at the same time it is necessary to believe that with its help it will be possible to attract wealth. A new padlock should be used in the ritual.

You need to open it and say the following words through the keyhole:

After pronouncing the words, you should close the lock with a key and the next day take it and throw it into the nearest body of water, as far as possible from the coast.

The rituals in which the castle is used are very strong, and it is very difficult to remove such influences. According to magicians, to remove the simplest love spells, you will need the help of professionals. That is why you need to use such magic carefully.

Love spell on the castle and its consequences

Everyone knows the cute wedding tradition of hanging padlocks on the bridge. But not everyone is aware that an ordinary padlock with a key can help with making a love spell. Reading a love spell on a lock is considered one of the harmless and quite strong in magic. And how to conduct it yourself, what to take into account - I will tell below.

Features of a love spell on a lock

In my practice, there were cases when unrequitedly in love girls tried to imitate this wedding ceremony and alone hung a castle with names on the bridge. And after that, they already came to me and complained that the ritual did not help them find happiness with their lover, and sometimes even worked in the exact opposite way. Ask, what was the reason for such a result? Everything is extremely simple: the rite was performed with errors, and therefore nothing happened.

  • The ritual was performed in a public place. True magic does not tolerate prying eyes and ears, therefore, any magical effect must be carried out alone and in a deserted area, and also not to spread about it to anyone;
  • the castle was hung in the place that was already occupied by the same attribute of another couple. Naturally, someone else's energy interfered in the love spell process;
  • on the surface of the castle, naive “childish” symbols and inscriptions in the form of arithmetic signs or a shot through the heart were made. Agree, all this looks frivolous, and the magic does not tolerate frivolity;
  • the ritual was performed without a magical spell on the castle.

A love spell on a lock, like any rite of this nature, must be performed under specific conditions. It needs to be done during the growing month(so that the power of magical influence grows with the moon), do not tell anyone about the work done, take it seriously, believe in yourself and in a successful result.

A few more important factors to keep in mind:

  • the lock for the love spell must be new, not previously used anywhere. Give preference to the standard form attribute. It is desirable that the castle was not painted;
  • if the ritual involves inscription, then they should be made with a piece of coal from a Russian stove. If this is not possible, light a fire in the wasteland and wait for the coals to appear. Markers, nail polish and other writing utensils should not be used (the effect of this weakens). If you want a more powerful effect - write with menstrual blood, but be very careful - this will already be a method of black magic, in which the risk of negative consequences is very high;
  • carefully follow the instructions of the ritual, do not skip or ignore anything.

A love spell will give the desired result only if performed correctly. Otherwise, “side effects” may appear.

Love spell on the castle: consequences

A love spell on a castle is considered a fairly safe method of love magic. However, this fact does not negate the likelihood of negative consequences. I can please you that they will not be pronounced and will not cause significant harm.

The worst thing that can happen is that the ritual simply won't work. This is due to errors in the commission, or the presence of another rite on a person. In the case of a positive outcome, a love spell on the castle can affect the behavior of the victim. This happens because the ritual interferes with the human bioenergetic field. Such an intervention will not lead to tragic consequences, however, the bewitched will need some period to restore his strength. Therefore, in the first time after a love spell, I recommend that you communicate with the object of the rite as tactfully and affectionately as possible.

Love spell on the castle yourself

A simple lock spell

Buy a small new castle without haggling. At home, read a conspiracy on him 7 times:

“Sunflower - to the sun, and you, God's servant (name of the chosen one) - to me, God's servant (your name). Petal - to the beam, beam - to the petal. The seed will germinate in the womb, rise, blossom and ripen. Hand to hand, head to head, heart to heart, juices to juices. Do not part, do not part, in the heart - the sun and light. Black clouds, away! I sentenced, God's servant (my name) forever, locked this lock, turned the key 7 times. The key is in my secret, under a bushel of 7 stones. May it be so!"

Close the lock with a key. Let the castle flow along the flowing water (river, stream - necessarily a natural reservoir). Hide the key in a secret place, inaccessible to prying eyes.

Love spell with lock and photos

Perform the ceremony for the growing month, on Friday. Time: 5-6 o'clock in the morning or at noon, at 12-13 o'clock (hours of Venus).

For the ritual, prepare a new the padlock medium size and 2 photos(his own and the bewitched person). Fold the photographs with their faces and put them on the shackle of the lock, piercing approximately where the hearts are (this is how you symbolically fasten two hearts). Close the lock and speak to it 3 times:

“2 hearts, 2 lives unite forever. Love is strong between us, we have one destiny! As difficult as it is to raise the key to this castle from the bottom of the river, it is just as difficult to break our love union. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Throw away the key to the lock on the same day in a deep natural reservoir. Bury the castle with the photo next to the house of the chosen one or on his way: the bewitched must sometimes step over it. To preserve the power of the rite, do not talk to anyone on this day, do not lend anything for 7 days, and do not lend yourself.

It is not advisable to deliberately meet with your loved one for about 2 weeks - do this only when he himself takes the initiative. After 2 weeks, be sure to arrange a personal meeting with the chosen one so that the love spell begins to operate in full.

The effectiveness of the plot to the castle

The castle is quite often used in magical rituals that can be used for various purposes. Such a magical symbol has come to us since quite ancient times. Their name has been around for a long time. Specialized magicians believe that it can be used to consolidate magical actions. The castle is often used in love spells. Often it is used in conspiracies for financial assistance or good luck in life's affairs. The castle plot does not require special knowledge or effort in the field of magic.

Castle conspiracy

You just need to follow all the instructions that will be indicated in the description. Read such conspiracies clearly and efficiently. It is necessary to feel every word spoken, and believe that the goal will be achieved in the shortest possible time. In most conspiracies, no matter what direction, you can hear the word "castle". This word symbolizes that in this way you fix and seal the rite.

What is the word "castle" used for?

If we consider this case from the point of view of white magic, then it symbolizes the protection of the rite and its effective result. If you look at it from the point of view of black magic, then you can come to the conclusion that the following functions are performed in this way:

  • to hide the person conducting the ceremony: in such cases, even the most powerful magician will not be able to determine the performer;
  • to hide an object used in a magical ritual - in the same way as in the first case, it will be impossible to determine the object;
  • to hide the influence of magic.

As for white magic, such manipulations are not required, because there is no point in hiding things that are done for a good purpose from others. And black magic is aimed at sinister deeds that simply need to be hidden from prying eyes. Otherwise, it can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Castle in the realm of magic

Even in ancient times, when our ancestors used incantations and rituals on a daily basis, the castle was an integral part of such rituals. Often, they were used exclusively for good purposes. Most often, they were needed in conspiracies for health, to determine enemy forces, to protect against thieves, and to cleanse the family from negative influences.

In principle, it was possible to use a lock or a key not only for magical purposes. Sometimes the attributes in question could be worn as amulets or amulets. It was believed that in this way it is possible to protect a person from enemies or witches.

Castle for treatment

For quite a long time, magicians have been using the lock in order to stop:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • amnesia;
  • urinary incontinence or convulsions.

For such ceremonies, it is necessary to have a personal belonging of the patient. Conspiracies are read on this thing that save from a certain disease. After, the rite must be completed using the lock.

Using a lock in love bindings

With a lock, you can bind a person to yourself, or make him love. The variety of such rituals is amazing. In principle, the main provisions during the implementation are identical. They differ only in details. But, the meaning, in the end, will be the same.

So, if you, for example, dream about a certain man for a long time, or want to meet sincere and pure love, it will be enough to conduct an effective ceremony using a strong conspiracy, which you will need to “close” with a lock.

Love spell with a lock

In order to make this ceremony, you will need a small padlock, a metal chain, hair on each side of the ceremony, ribbons, a strip of paper. The chain should be of such a diameter that it can wrap around the tree of your choice. It is better to choose ribbons of different sizes, and the strip should be thin. You can cut from a regular notebook.

Take the lunar calendar, and choose the day when the full moon is coming. A few days before, place the handkerchief on the table. It is better to choose scarves with a bright red pattern, and be sure to have a black background. Place the lock, key, ribbons and hair on the scarf. Now from the ingredients you need to tie a braid. It is better to fix its tip with a red wool thread. When you fulfill all the conditions, do not forget to think about your chosen one.

“The sky is always connected with the earth. Rain always interacts with grass. I ask that I, the servant of God (name), be forever connected with the servant of God (name of the beloved). I love myself less. He is my only comfort. My opponents are no longer afraid of me. I am confident in my feelings and in my strength. Amen".

Tie the braid you created with ribbons, which you place on the edge of the scarf. On a strip of paper you need to write your most cherished desire. If it is quite long, then you should slightly reduce the size of the handwriting. Abbreviations are not allowed. Everything must be stated clearly and understandably. Place the written desire on the lock. Put a pigtail on top, and read the plot again.

What to do next?

Put the created amulet under the pillow. It is forbidden to shift, turn over or correct it. You will have to sleep on it until the onset of the full moon. Place the chain under the bed, and do not touch it all these days. When the full moon comes, take out all your amulets and identify them on a handkerchief. Ribbons can be disbanded by writing your name and the name of your loved one on them. When you read the plot, tuck the scythe into the castle. Ideally, it should fit completely in it. Don't forget to look after the state of the castle. It should not be in the closed position.

Now go to where the place of the selected tree is. Put a chain on it, and fasten it with a lock. When you turn the key, read the plot again (indicated above). Now you can head to the house. But, remember that you can not talk to anyone, and turn around. Eating and washing before morning is not worth it. Some love spells mean that you should not throw away the key. But, this is not a clear rule. If the rite does not indicate otherwise, then you can not throw it away.

You will begin to notice the result from the day you placed the amulets under your pillow. Now you should carefully analyze your dreams. If during all these days you did not dream of your betrothed, then there will be no quick reunion. You will need to be patient and wait a bit. If you have been dreaming about your beloved all this time, then a love spell is not needed. You are already dear to the heart of a man. If a man came into your dreams only once, then the result will soon overtake you.

To remove such a love spell will be a rather difficult process, so you must understand for yourself that it is likely that the conspiracy will last a long time.

Conspiracy for well-being

This plot is carried out on a new castle. Thanks to this ritual, you will be able to bring prosperity to the house. The effectiveness of this ritual is amazing. It is so strong that you will be surprised. The only thing is that you need to believe very strongly in what you will say. The lock will need to be put in an open state, and certain words must be spoken.

“Famous and successful, rich and powerful, their piggy banks overflow with precious metals and jewelry. All their hands are occupied with rings, their necks are occupied with chains, and their purses are torn from a large amount of money. It is quite possible for them to spend money without even thinking about what. They are not accustomed to counting this money, and they do not have such a habit. Every day their wealth only increases and increases. So I want the same opportunities. I will head towards the white stones. I will bring with me ancient books of amazing beauty. May my angel help me make my dreams come true. Let from now on in my life there will be only money in large quantities, only inexhaustible gold. I wish that what I spend on my needs will be doubled, or even tripled. Please make me the richest in the whole wide world. Amen".

Now you can close the lock. As the new day dawns, throw the castle into a deep pool. It is better if the castle is as far from the land as possible.

A love spell on the castle is performed by the sorceress Tatyana Moskovs�

Love spell on the castle of the wife, husband. What are the consequences.

Most often, the castle is used by newlyweds at the wedding, so they forever unite their hearts. But this item can be used for another purpose, for example, you can make lock love spell for people who are not yet married. How to do it right, you will learn by reading our article.

You will also learn about the following facts:

Love spell on the castle

There are many rituals with the use of these things, they are all basically harmless, and only strengthen the feelings of people in love. Of course, you can use the castle for black rituals, but then you have to pay for them.

Now we will look at some magical rites, but first we will reveal the secret of their action, and how to choose the right attribute correctly.

The meaning of each rite with a castle is to connect two people in love. They belong to white magic and are absolutely harmless.

The key is used as a connecting link, it is as if they close their love on it.

Choosing a castle

For all rituals, it is necessary to choose the right castle. It is best to purchase a new lock that has not been used anywhere before. Choose the simplest attribute with an uncomplicated latch. It should also be factory color, that is, the way it was made at the factory, without unnecessary coloring.

How to do

There are some types of binding that even the most powerful magicians cannot remove, and their effect cannot be neutralized. The magical sacrament must be performed on Friday, just make sure that it does not coincide with some church holiday, otherwise nothing will work. Get a new lock, bring it home, but in no case open it, this can only be done during the ritual. Before that, invite the person you want to bewitch to yourself.

Put a ritual object under the front door, your chosen one must step over it, but you need to hide it so that it would not be noticed.

Cover it with a rug or some other object. It is very important that the object that is used for the magical action is in the apartment or in the house, and not outside.

After your loved one steps over the desired item, take it out and close it, and after that read the plot:

“Iron to iron, heart to heart. Just as this castle will never open again, so will you, (name of a loved one), love me forever and never stop loving me. Amen."

Everything needs to be done in such a way that your significant other does not see anything. Throw away the key to the lock, and hide the charmed object in a safe place.

Strong love spell

In order to perform this action, it is necessary to find a double tree in advance. Look among the blond birches, they often grow together with trunks. If you have found the right tree, choose a thick, strong branch, and put a ceremonial item on it. Before you close it with a key, read the magic speech seven times:

"... I will bring two names under seven locks, rains will take coal into the ground, the servant of God ... will become mine ...".

Throw the keys into the river, this must be done so that no one finds them. In progress

ejection read the plot:

"... love is locked, the key is in the fish's mouth."

All those who did the spell on the castle, should keep their actions secret, and not tell anyone about them, even their closest friends.

For key and lock

You can also perform the ceremony using hair: your own and a loved one.

For the ceremony you will need the following components:

  • long chain;
  • hair;
  • handkerchief;
  • red and blue ribbons;
  • piece of paper 15 centimeters.

Calculate three for before the onset of the full moon, spread out a scarf, but not a black one, and put your hair, ribbons and lock on it with your lover. After that, it is necessary to make a pigtail from the hair, while weaving it, you need to say the following words:

"... the sky is together with the earth, so we are forever connected with you ...".

After that, fix the ribbons at the ends of the pigtails. On the prepared sheet of paper, write your wishes and cover it with a lock and a finished pigtail. And read the plot again.

Then hide everything under your pillow for three days. The chain is placed under the bed at the same time. After this time, the scroll is taken out, unwound, the name of the girl or woman is written on the red ribbon, and the male name is written on the blue one. A cut braid and a leaf are put into the castle, repeating the words of the previously spoken conspiracy. After that, the lock with the chain should be hung on the selected tree and closed with a key that can be thrown away or left as a talisman.


This ritual, although considered harmless, still entails some negative consequences.

It may happen that it simply does not work, and then it will disappoint you very much. This may happen because you did something wrong, or simply did not believe in your strength during the ritual.

As for who the ritual is aimed at, he may experience sudden mood swings, but over time this will pass and everything will work out.

Today you learned how to make love spell on the castle and its consequences, We hope this will help you find love and happiness!

Complete collection and description: prayer and conspiracy to the castle for the spiritual life of a believer.

The castle is a very frequent attribute in magical rites of various kinds. This symbolism is rooted in antiquity and means that certain feelings and actions are securely fixed with such an additional attribute. The castle is widely used as an attribute in the rites of love magic, as well as in rituals aimed at attracting prosperity and good luck in life.

Features of rituals with a castle

There are no special rules for performing rituals with castles. The main thing that is needed is to strictly follow the recommendations of a particular rite. In addition, it is important to pronounce the plot to the castle very clearly and distinctly. You need to feel every spoken word and sincerely believe that the impact will achieve its goal.

Strong spell ritual

To conduct the ceremony, you will need to prepare the following additional attributes:

  • New small padlock;
  • A metal chain, the length of which should allow it to wrap around the trunk of a tree previously selected for the ritual;
  • Own hairs and hairs from the head of the chosen one;
  • A couple of ribbons, and the color combination should be chosen as pink-red and blue-blue;
  • A narrow strip of white sheet, approximately 1 x 15 cm in size;
  • A small scarf.

The ceremony is held on one of the nights three days before the appearance of the full moon in the sky. It is necessary to retire in a separate room and put all the prepared attributes on a scarf spread on the table. Then you need to take the hairs, twist them, fixing them on different sides with ribbons. In the process of this, you need to think only about your chosen one and how much you want to be with him.

After the improvised pigtail is created, you should say the following words:

After that, you need to tie the ribbons on different sides of the pigtail. Then, on a strip of paper, you should briefly write a desire related to the fact that you want to be with your chosen one. Next, the paper tape must be placed on the lock with the key, and the pigtail on top. All this must be tied in a scarf and put under your pillow.

For three days, attributes cannot be touched, and sleep on a pillow without turning it over. The chain must be placed under the bed and also not touched for three days.

On the first night of the full moon, you must take the chain and all the attributes that lay under the pillow. The scarf again needs to be spread on the table and the ribbons removed from the impromptu pigtail. On a pink and red ribbon, you should write the name of the woman, and on the blue and blue - the name of your chosen one.

Next, you need to read the above plot again and in the process of reading, a pigtail of hair must be tucked inside the castle. This can be done both through the holes in the brackets and through the keyhole. It is very important not to damage any hair. There you also need to push a strip of paper on which the desire is written. This can be done after it is twisted into a thin tube.

After carrying out all the actions, you need to go to the tree that you previously looked after for the ceremony. A chain is put on it and fixed with a lock. The key is turned in the lock and the plot to the lock is repeated. After that, the ceremony is considered complete and you need to leave without talking to anyone on the way home. It is important not to drink or eat anything until morning.

Conspiracy for well-being in the house

With the help of a ritual in which a castle is used, well-being can be brought into the house. This is a very effective rite, but at the same time it is necessary to believe that with its help it will be possible to attract wealth. A new padlock should be used in the ritual.

You need to open it and say the following words through the keyhole:

After pronouncing the words, you should close the lock with a key and the next day take it and throw it into the nearest body of water, as far as possible from the coast.

The rituals in which the castle is used are very strong, and it is very difficult to remove such influences. According to magicians, to remove the simplest love spells, you will need the help of professionals. That is why you need to use such magic carefully.

A conspiracy to lock so that money is not stolen, and for good luck

If you are going on vacation with the whole family, then fears about the reliability of the protection of your home are quite justified.

Thieves' plans can be destroyed by reading locking plots on the lock.

Also, a plot for a door lock must be read if you put a new lock on the door.

Locks are often used in magical rituals, especially in rituals aimed at protecting the home and attracting good luck and money.

Conspiracy-protection against theft

1. Buy a new castle, read a conspiracy-amulet on it:

“I lock the castle, I take away the minds of thieves. The key is with me, and my house is with good. Key. Castle. Language. Amen, Amen. Amen".

After that, close the lock with a key, take the key with you on the road, and put the lock in the corner opposite the icons in your house. Returning home from vacation, open the lock. The key should lie next to the lock until the next trip from home.

2. Take a new lock and close it on the growing moon with the words:

“I am the master of the castle, I am the master of myself. I don’t lock the castle, I protect myself (name) from deeds and thoughts of the enemy. The castle is forever closed - the path to trouble is forever blocked! May it be so!"

Hide the lock in the house, and throw the keys into the water.

3. Take the old lock and the key to it. Open and close it several times to get a feel for the lock and its mechanism. Read on the lock:

“Here is the castle, the treasury to it. In that treasury my wealth will lie, the key with the lock will guard it. While the castle was open there was nothing to guard, as the castle closes the treasury will be filled. My castle, I have the key - I rule the treasury. May it be so."

Put the padlock in the place where the money is kept. Carry the key with you.

Conspiracy for a new castle

The ritual for wealth, if you changed the door lock, is done early Monday morning.

Stand in front of the keyhole in which the key is inserted, and read the magic spell:

“The gray wolf went into the dark forest to look for a white hare. He did not catch up with the hare, but he found a forged casket, upholstered in steel and gilded. The lock on the casket is hefty, silver. The key to the casket is hidden in the water, securely hidden from people. Only I can find that key in the water surface, between stones and herbs. Not to a simple man, not to a gray wolf, but to me, a servant of God (name), that key is intended. I will find the key, I will unlock the casket, stones, I will take gems from it, I will collect gold, silver. I'll hide the key so that it comes true.

After reading the plot, remove the key from the keyhole and hang it as a pendant around your neck.

Wear for several days without removing.

Plot with a lock for good luck

A castle plot can help in a situation where it seems that luck has turned its back on you, and in all matters you stumble upon invisible obstacles.

It may well be that the space around you is blocked due to malicious intent or by chance.

For the ritual, you will need a new castle of a small size, buying which you need to give money without change or not take it.

You will also need 3 red wax candles and some honey.

The ceremony is performed alone at any time of the day.

Open the lock, put the keys to it nearby and light candles.

Light them up and say the magic words:

“The river is fast, the river is clean, show me all the dangerous shallows, secret fords, natural bridges and approaches to rocky cliffs. So that I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) are not afraid of your rapids and depths (s). So that I can get around all the dark troubles, so that my path is gentle and kind, so that all sorrows and sorrows disappear. Capture the dashing share of the river in an iron cage with a stormy current, and securely lock it with a key. For me, the Servant (s) of God (s) is a sweet honey life, and unkind villains - in the mouth of evil in the tar. And it will always be like this, and no one can change anything. Amen".

Repeat the text of the plot until the candles go out. You can't extinguish them. After that, smear the lock with honey and close it.

Take it to the river or stream, stand on the shore and repeat the spell on the castle again, then throw it into the water away.

After the castle, throw a handful of coins into the river, as a payment to the river for fulfilling your request.

From the lock you will have the keys that you leave with yourself, but in a place where no one will find them.

This is necessary so that there is always open space around you, without blocks.

How to bring prosperity to your home

1. A strong plot for a new lock for prosperity in the house is read into the keyhole of a new open lock, so close that your breath enters it.

“Cross-key-lock. Cross of many roads. Sovereigns, noble nobles, rich merchants, important princes have chests filled with gold and silver. They have rings on their hands and crosses on their chests. They spend, do not count gold and silver, do not count coins. And in the meantime, their money is growing and adding, and their treasury is constantly filled.

I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) will stand on a high stone, I will take out and unfold the holy letters, I will read the words written in them aloud. And everything I say, my Guardian Angel will hear, and will create. To be me from now on in gold and silver. I will spend coins, as I spend one, so two will be added. Amen".

The ritual is very effective, it helps to attract money quickly, and its results will be noticeable immediately.

2. The key is a money talisman. On the full moon, take the cleaned * key, the lock of which is unknown where. Read on it:

“The key is not simple, the key to the royal treasury. My key - the lock is obedient to me. If I want to come, I'll take the gold, I want it from the enemy, and I'll close the empty waste. I open, I close the poverty on the threshold do not let! May it be so!"

Put the key in a wallet or place where money is stored.

* You can clean the key from other people's influences by putting it overnight in a bag of natural fabric filled with salt, with the words: "The salt will take someone else's, the salt will cleanse it!". Sprinkle salt into running water in the morning.

Ritual for the lock and key

Lock and key in magic

In magic spells, the phrase "key lock" is often used. This means the end of some process. In parallel with this, magicians literally use a lock with a key in rituals, which they close.

This is especially often used in various love spells so that the victim does not have the opportunity to escape from the magic circle. A conspiracy for a key and a lock is a very effective magical practice.

Features of the key and lock principle

Rite of black magic

There are a number of other reasons why this principle is used:

  • The key-lock principle helps to hide from the victim the one who performed the magic ritual on him.
  • With the help of this principle, the object on which the conspiracy was carried out remains a secret.
  • Thus, all these nuances are hidden from the other magician, due to which the effectiveness of the ritual is increased.

This practice is usually used in black magic, since with white conspiracies it makes no sense to hide anything from anyone.

The key-lock principle works in the same way as tying knots in magical practice. Literally in magical rites, items such as a key and a lock have also been used for a long time. Small locks with keys, on which the plot was applied, were also used as a talisman. Thus, people set themselves up not to think about the bad, closing their thoughts only on the good.

Castle conspiracy

The spell on the castle works

Here is a love plot with a rite that uses a lock and a key.

To perform this ritual, you will need:

  1. Little lock.
  2. A metal chain, its length should be such that it can cover the trunk of a tree.
  3. Hair, the person you want to cast a love spell on.
  4. Ribbons in two different colors.
  5. A strip of pancake paper 10-15 cm.

Prepare all these elements in advance. Wait for the full moon day. Retire in a room. Lay a handkerchief or tablecloth on the floor. Put all the elements for the plot on the scarf.

Take your hair with ribbons in your hands and weave a pigtail out of them, while saying these words:

“Earth with Sky, Water with Grass, Leaves with Tree, so you and I, the servant of God (name of the man) with the servant of God (his name) will be together forever. As a whole, as if fate had bound us together at birth.

Love spell on the key yourself. home love spell

How to make a talisman of good luck with your own hands? Ritual at

This ritual will open up new opportunities for you in your work.

Set the braided braid aside for now. Take a piece of paper and write on it a clearly articulated desire regarding love. Then put a “love pigtail” on top of the paper, and after that they read the plot again.

All these elements need to be put under your bed, along with a chain and a small padlock. Do nothing else for three days.

After three days, be alone again and get all the ingredients for the love spell. At this stage, the plot is read again and at the same time they try to carefully tuck the tip of the pigtail into the hole in the lock. After that, they read the text again and fill the hole in the lock with a desire written on a piece of paper. Do this all carefully so that the lock does not close while you perform these manipulations.

After that, you need to go outside and find a tree. The wood had to be chosen when you chose the length of the metal chain. Hang a metal chain on the tree and fasten it with a lock. When they do this, they also read the plot.

After that, return home without looking back. Do not talk to passers-by, do not eat or drink this evening, go to bed immediately.

You can throw away the key to the lock, or you can keep it with you. The conspiracy comes into force when you have already woven a pigtail out of hair and ribbons. In the following days, you may have interesting dreams:

  • If in the next three days you dreamed of your beloved, then very soon you will be together with him.
  • If your loved one comes to you every night, then he is already in love with you.
  • If your chosen one comes to you, but you are not yet together in a dream, then do not despair, wait until the conspiracy takes effect.

This love spell can be used by a wife to warm up her husband's feelings for herself. You can use it for the happiness of the newlyweds. A love spell is used if you are promised separation from a loved one.

Conspiracy for successful transactions

Plot with a lock for good luck

Spells with this principle are often used before transactions to make them more successful. This is a free and easy way to attract customers if you have a house up for sale, for example.

To conduct the ceremony, purchase a small lock with a key and place it on something inside the house. It can be a table leg, a door handle or something else.

“I put up the best for sale, close the worst in the house, the buyer comes, sees everything he wants, everything that he needs catches his eye, and what is worthless does not catch his eye.”

So, you will help the future buyer to see all the best that is in your house, thanks to which you will be able to ask for good money for the house and it will sell faster.

The addiction conspiracy

With the help of a conspiracy, you can help a person

The principle of a key and a lock is good to use in conspiracies that help rid a person of addictions. For example, you can read a conspiracy from drunkenness.

To do this, a white clean towel is placed on the head of a person suffering from such an addiction, and over his head all the time you need to click a small lock and at the same time read such a conspiracy:

“Just as this lock is easily closed and unlocked, we will just as easily unlock the servant of God (Name of the suffering) from bad wine. It will no longer have any power over him. Let's break the vicious circle. For ourselves, for the family, we will return it, we will bring it to mind. Key. Castle".

The towel after this ritual must be burned. And the castle for a person will become a talisman from addiction.

You can protect yourself

In some situations, you need to protect yourself from ill-wishers, from enemies. This is especially important to do when everything in your life is very good. At such a moment, unkind people love to spoil.

It is very easy to carry out a protective plot on the castle. Walk with him around the house and read this plot:

“From an evil eye, from an eternal evil eye, I have my whole family, I close myself. My enemies hear only how this lock clicks, but they do not hear about my victories, they are not interested in it. Their eyes closed on me, their tongues fell silent on me. I close everything good in the house from prying eyes. Key. Castle".

On the last words, the lock must be closed. Thus, you will divert the attention of your neighbors from yourself. Keep the closed lock in a secret place at home. Don't tell anyone about this. The consequences of the ritual will please. You will notice that those around you, in principle, have become less interested in your life.

Here is another strong conspiracy from ill-wishers, which uses the principle of a lock and key in verbal form.

Stand by the window and read your plot:

“Nothing can be seen or heard through my window, a new day is coming, and my neighbors do not hear the news. Like a closed castle, my home is for unkind people. Just as I don’t hear or see anything from the enemy, so he won’t profit from my news. Key. Castle".

After that, you need to close the window and do not open it for a day.

A conspiracy to lock and house will protect and help in love

The castle is a frequently used attribute in magical rituals. It can be used both in love magic and in rituals aimed at protecting the home, the well-being of the family and attracting good luck.

Popular guardian rituals

Unlike love rituals, guard rites that use a castle plot are not difficult, so they are easy to carry out on your own. Moreover, the main condition for their success is sincere faith. A castle plot can help in a situation where it seems that luck has completely turned away from you.

All your undertakings end in failure, and it seems that you stumble upon invisible obstacles. This means that the space around you is blocked by a random coincidence or by the malicious intent of a particular person.

Rite with a new castle

For the ritual, you should purchase a new small castle. It is important to pay for this item under the calculation or not to take the change. In addition to the castle, you need to purchase three red wax candles and prepare some honey. The ritual is carried out in a separate room alone at any time. It is necessary to put a lock on the table, having previously opened it, and put the keys next to it and install candles.

Then the candles need to be lit and the following magic words should be spoken clearly and distinctly:

The text of the plot should be repeated until the candles go out. You can't extinguish them. After the candles go out, smear the lock with honey and close it. Immediately you need to get out and go to the nearest stream or river. There you need to find a place so that no one is around, stand on the shore and repeat the plot to the castle again.

Then you should throw the charmed castle into the water away. In addition, be sure to throw a handful of coins after the attribute, as a payment to the river, so that it fulfills your request. A set of keys should be left with you, but hidden in such a way that no one will ever find them. It will become a guarantee that the space around you will remain forever open.

Call for well-being to the house

A plot to a lock, calling for well-being in the house, is read through the keyhole of a new open lock.

The magic words sound like this:

After this ceremony, the lock must be hidden, and the keys to it should be thrown into the pond. This ritual is so strong that the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

It happens that after performing a ritual, nothing happens. It seems that all the conditions are met, and the conspiracies are read correctly, and in response ... silence.

It is clear that a beginner could have confused something, and the conspiracy simply did not work, but if this happens to a person who already has some practice, then it makes you think. Maybe someone just does not want you to succeed and put a magic lock on your witchcraft work.

After all, magic, especially ritual magic, is work, by doing which you hope to get a result. Moreover, you are sure that the result will definitely be. And here is such a curiosity. They did it once, second, third ... and nothing.
Your witchcraft work is locked. What to do?

The lock must be removed. This is not so difficult to do.

For this you need

In the phase of the waning moon, buy a new closed padlock. It should be noted that the attributes for all magical rituals are bought first, which they liked, and without bargaining. The castle must be closed.

The lock must be placed on a clean sheet of paper. Naturally, you first need to prepare the room by cleaning it. Wash floors, light candles.

Standing in front of the castle, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“As I open this castle, so I remove the castle from the work of the witch, the cursed one!


After that, the lock opens. He and the keys are thrown into different places.

It may also happen that you cannot open the lock. He will be wedged. This means that you are affected by a person stronger than you. In this case, it remains only to look for a strong magician and ask him to perform the opening ritual.

If a person comes to you and asks to open the road for him, then the lock is placed not on a piece of paper, but on a photograph of this person. You can spend it with a living person, seating him on a chair and opening the lock over his head.

For the opening of the road

There is another effective ritual for opening the castle. It can also be carried out if some new business is starting, and you want the road to be open, without obstacles. It can be done on yourself, or on the person who turned to you for help. It is best to perform the ritual on a full moon.

Buy a closed lock. Prepare the room. Open the lock over your head or over a photo of a person who needs help.

The spell is read:

King Solomon has the key.

The Apostle Peter has the key.

The Lord Jesus Christ has the key.

With the third key, I (my name) open the locks.

(If the ritual is performed for someone, then it is said: “I open the locks for the Servant of God (name)”).

I destroy all barriers.

Truly so!

After that, the keys and the lock must be thrown into the river in different places. You have to make sure it doesn't snap. It is very important!

Water must be thanked by throwing a coin or a loaf of bread into the river.

With the lock, you can perform a ritual even when you want to block someone's way. For example, if you feel that a magical effect is being made on you.
Ritual to close the road

It is best to read this conspiracy on a full moon, then it increases its strength. You need to buy an open padlock without haggling. Prepare the room, and over the photo of the person you want to block the road, close the lock with the following words:


I close the case of the Servant of God (name)!

The castle should be buried in a damp place, saying:

“As you, the castle, lie closed in the ground, as you rust, so the work of the Servant of God (name) rusts, does not advance.

Do not promote, do not open!

“Until the key is found and the lock is opened, until then the case of the Servant of God (name) will be closed!

And this is the truth.

Perform the rituals with strong faith in the success of your magical work, and you will definitely succeed.

Runes are the oldest symbols that are used both for divination and as powerful amulets.

Each rune has a special meaning and can influence the fate of a particular person, attract wealth. Among the available runes, there are formulas that are used to attract money.

A certain type of runes is known, which has been used so far to attract profit, in combination they form becoming a money frog.

For example, Runa Odal - is able to give well-being for the family and attract stability, attracts wealth.

Fehu is also known - the rune of money and private property. It helps in the implementation of sales transactions, helps to save property and attract money. Jera is a productive rune. They are used to achieve goals, including attracting wealth. And Soul is a rune for money, power, authority and respect. It is a symbol of victory.

There are also runes that are used to change the course of affairs and improve the situation at work or in business. They are often used by businessmen whose material development has stopped at a certain point, not wanting to multiply. Such signs are called symbols of rapid growth and lead to the very top of Olympus those who turn to them for help.

The most famous of them:

  • Dagaz is the rune of health and prosperity. It gives vitality, energy and makes you work real miracles in your work.
  • Evaz - movement and change. Helps move any business off the ground.
  • Vunyo is the rune of material wealth and happiness. It helps to enjoy success and see the prospects for development.

For the formula to work, draw the most suitable rune on your wallet. This will help to activate the attraction of money. In general, draw the rune of wealth wherever you please - most importantly, mentally imagine the result you want to achieve. Also, you must fully trust their strength. Many magicians who use runes believe that they must be worn.

Some try to draw formulas on an inconspicuous part of their body. It is believed that only by feeling the energy connection, you can enlist their support. And many even strive to draw a whole list of runes in order to attract everything at once.

Golden crosses for gaining money

There are a huge number of stakes to attract wealth or maintain it. We will tell you about a few of them, considered the most famous.

Money Protection Formula - is a runic becoming, directing power to protect money from negativity, envious attacks and all sorts of other misfortunes. It looks a bit like the eight-pointed Star of David. As a result, any mental attacks on your money are blocked in the maze. At the same time, you can determine for yourself that a similar act of attack on money was committed, feeling some discomfort.

It is interesting that the energy of the aggressor in such a case completely flows into the energy of opportunities for the owner of such a stav. It can be used in a store or any other commercial premises.

The result will be stunning - the rune egregor helps to significantly reduce the number of dissatisfied customers, increase the number of new customers and, accordingly, profit. In this case, clauses are used.

Formula First golden cross - becoming runic to improve well-being, search for new ways to earn money, quick money. Usually applied to gold or gold-colored foil. Her egregore helps to change the internal attitude to money and methods of gaining income in general.

The second golden cross is another runic becoming to increase the level of material wealth. It allows you to find new quick sources of income easily and without financial costs. Egregor helps to change the external course of circumstances in order to gain more income. People who use it have noticed a significant increase in income since working with this symbol. If the first cross can be compared with a separate luxurious flower, then the second one is your personal flower garden.

There are many more runic staves that allow you to improve your material well-being. However, the formulas will not work if you do not do anything to gain wealth. Continue to lead a normal life using this symbol.

He acts only as an assistant, and slackers will only lose time using him, even applying slander by drawing a whole runic script.

Also, don't forget the power of visualization and faith. If you doubt the power of the stav and magic in general, it is better to forget about this method altogether. Playing with higher powers is fraught with many negative consequences. Also think - maybe you should not draw whole flower beds from runes, but use only one?

Our life turns out to be much more complicated than humanity still thinks. Many pundits have long forgotten the power of their skepticism, trying to know the unknown. It is surprising that even doctors of sciences can sometimes see runic symbols on the cufflinks of white shirts. And what can we say about successful businessmen?! Here, who constantly tries to follow the advice of magic and use the power of the runes, creating conspiracies.

So, there is nothing strange in this to turn to the help of the Higher powers for finding one's own good.

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