Home indoor flowers Dough for homemade egg noodles recipe. Delicious homemade noodles. Recipes. Homemade chicken noodles

Dough for homemade egg noodles recipe. Delicious homemade noodles. Recipes. Homemade chicken noodles

Why cook homemade noodles with eggs, if all the shelves in supermarkets are full of all kinds of pasta for every taste, you ask! Don't tell me, they don't sell homemade noodles in stores. Homemade egg noodles are more tender, bright and tasty. It is suitable for cooking first and second courses, casseroles. The process itself is time-consuming, especially, it is difficult to knead the dough to the desired consistency. But if your kitchen has a bread maker or a kitchen machine, then the process will go much faster.

To make homemade egg noodles, take just three ingredients.

I use a bread maker for kneading. I add chicken eggs, salt and sifted flour to the bowl.

I start the program "dough for pasta". Mixing time - 16 minutes. In the process of kneading, I monitor the formation of a dense bun. If needed, I add a little flour.

I spread the ball of dough on a dusted board and mix until a smooth homogeneous dough is formed. I cover with a deep bowl and leave for 30-40 minutes at room temperature.

For convenience, I cut it into four parts. I knead each and form a bun.

I roll one part into a thin layer. I dust the board with flour. The rest, so as not to become weathered, I cover with a towel.

I lightly dust the layer with flour and wrap it in a roll.

I cut with a sharp knife.

I unwind the spirals and use for cooking or dry.

Or the second way to cut homemade egg noodles. I cut the rolled layer into strips 7-8 cm wide.

I fold one by one and cut into strips. Chopped noodles can be immediately boiled or dried to a brittle state.

Homemade egg noodles are ready.

Learn how to make egg noodles. Most people on earth, since ancient times, are very fond of noodles. Nothing tastes better than homemade noodles. But it would seem that it is easier to cook homemade noodles?

However, there are some nuances here as well. In the preparation of homemade noodles, you can use various types of flour - wheat, rye, rice, and oatmeal. Depending on what kind of flour was used for the recipe, the noodles will take on a characteristic color. If you use buckwheat or oat flour - the noodles will turn out brown, if rice flour - the noodles will be translucent, if wheat flour - then the noodles will turn out white with a yellowish tinge.

How to cook egg noodles - useful information

  • Making homemade noodles is very different from making pasta. If real Italian pasta is cooked on water with flour, then the method of cooking egg noodles will be more difficult, since in addition to water with flour, you need to add an egg to the dough, this will add elasticity to the dough, sometimes carrot juice or mashed spinach can be added to the dough.
  • And another difference: if pasta is dried at a temperature of about 70 degrees, then egg noodles can be said to be fried in ovens at a temperature of about 90 degrees. Also, noodles differ in appearance from pasta. If the noodles are wide and flat, then the pasta is narrow and round.

egg noodle recipe

To cook egg noodles, you need to take 0.5 kg of flour, 2 eggs and water (a little). Having kneaded a steep dough and it must be rolled out into a very thin layer and cut into thin strips and dried.

Egg noodles are good because, like pasta, they cook very quickly. However, it should be remembered that egg noodles will take less time to cook than pasta, as it turns out to be more tender. That is, if soup with homemade noodles is cooked, then it must be thrown in about three minutes before the end of cooking the soup. Homemade noodles, like classic Italian pasta, are good to serve in combination with any sauces.

How to cook egg noodles?

The easiest way to cook homemade egg noodles is as follows: 1 kg of homemade noodles will require 7 liters of water. Put the water on the fire and let it boil. As soon as the water boils, it must be salted to taste, put in homemade egg noodles and cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add butter to the finished egg noodles and you can enjoy the taste of homemade noodles.

When making a recipe for homemade noodles, only durum wheat is used; Egg powder can be used instead of eggs.

Dissolve salt in clean cold water. And pour the salt water into the egg-flour mixture.

During this time, the dough will become smoother and more uniform, it will be easy to work with. Divide the dough into four equal parts.

Sprinkle the working surface with flour and roll each part of the dough into a thin layer no more than 1-1.5 millimeters thick. Put the finished layer of dough on parchment and leave for 15 minutes so that it dries out a little.

Then you need to twist the slightly dried dough into a tight roll.

Cut the roll into circles, the thickness of which will determine the thickness of the future noodles.

Then unravel the circles to make long strips of homemade noodles. Homemade noodles are ready for cooking. But if you want to cook the noodles later, then you need to dry them completely (I dry the noodles on parchment at room temperature, turning them over periodically), and then store them in an airtight bag. If the noodles are not dried out, they will quickly deteriorate. In order to cook homemade noodles, they need to be dipped in boiling salted water or broth and boiled for 2-3 minutes, and then immediately served.
From this amount of dough, mixed with eggs, 650 grams of homemade noodles come out. But how to serve it by adding it to soup or as a side dish is up to you.

The recipe for a family dinner is simple: a pleasant company and caring hands of the hostess. What could be better than chicken noodles for such an occasion? Our answer is homemade noodles! Cooking it is not very difficult, and the slicing process can turn into an exciting activity if you involve household members to help. After all, it is at such moments that the funniest stories are remembered, time flows unnoticed, and the matter is argued.

The secrets of successful homemade noodles are in the consistency of the dough, the thickness of the cut, even drying and, oddly enough, in the rolling pin. It is impossible to replace it with a glass bottle - the thickness of the dough must be uniform throughout the layer. You can dry the noodles in free air or in a special dryer. Shall we start?

Homemade egg noodles

Of course, if you have homemade chicken eggs, the noodles will turn out great in taste and bright in color. It does not matter if there are none in the refrigerator - a beautiful color can be given to pasta with a pinch of saffron or turmeric.


  • wheat flour - 350 grams
  • egg yolk - 8 pieces
  • olive oil - 30 grams
  • salt - a pinch
  • hot water (but not boiling) - 70 milliliters
  • saffron - pinch

Cooking method:

Sift the flour into a bowl, make a hole in it and pour the yolks separated from the proteins into it, add salt and saffron (turmeric). For kneading the dough, it is best to use a mixer and whisks for yeast dough. While kneading the dough, gradually pour in the water and olive oil. You should get an elastic lump that does not stick to your hands, but is soft enough, and the dimple made by your finger should be half leveled within 20-30 seconds. Cover the dough with cling film - let it rest for half an hour at room temperature.

The recipe has moved on to the next step - the formation of egg noodles. Sprinkle the work surface of the table with flour, cut the bun of dough in half and start rolling. Dusting liberally with flour, roll out one piece to a thickness of 1 mm. The dough is very pliable and obedient, it is not difficult to roll it out. Cut the resulting layer in half and sprinkle each half with flour. Roll into a loose roll and cut with a sharp knife into strips 4-10 mm wide. Cut the remaining dough in the same way. Noodles can be stacked on top of each other, sprinkling the layers well with flour. You can cut it shorter.

If you want to dry the noodles for future use, lay them out carefully on a baking sheet or other pallet and leave for a day (or more, depending on the thickness of the cut) in a ventilated dry room. If you have an electric fruit dryer, use it according to the instructions. But the taste of vermicelli will turn out to be more tender if it is cooked immediately. Short noodles can be put in a plastic container and frozen. Fold it as if pouring, do not tamp. As a result, after simple preparations, you get fresh egg noodles. Dried products are cooked for 10 minutes, frozen - 6 minutes, fresh - 5 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Tender egg vermicelli

This recipe is different in that it does not contain water. This allows you to roll out the dough incredibly thin, until transparent.


  • 300 grams wheat flour
  • 3 eggs
  • salt - a large pinch
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons

Cooking method:

Sift flour into a deep bowl, make a funnel in the center and pour eggs beaten with salt into it. Knead the dough, gradually pouring in vegetable oil. Form a lump, wrap it in cling film and set it aside for half an hour - the dough will be more pliable when rolled out. After the specified time, proceed to the main and painstaking part of the preparation - to cutting the vermicelli.

Sprinkle the working surface of the table with flour and roll out the whole lump of dough into a very thin layer. Dust the top layer with flour as well. Now roll the dough into a loose roll on one side and the other, leaving a distance of 1-2 centimeters between them. Carefully pry the resulting product from below and turn it over onto a cutting board. Cut the dough into thin strips with a sharp knife. Insert a long needle or wooden skewer through the center and lift the chopped vermicelli. Dry it for 10 minutes before cooking (or dry completely for storage). Boil for no more than 3-5 minutes in boiling salted water or broth. Bon Appetit!

egg noodles


  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups
  • 3 tablespoons warm water
  • 3 chicken yolks

Cooking method:

Crack an egg into a bowl and separate 3 yolks, then beat the egg mass until light foam. Add cold water and a teaspoon of salt. Gradually add the flour and knead by hand into a firm but pliable dough. Wrap it in cling film and leave it at room temperature for half an hour. The egg noodle recipe has come to the slicing process.

Sprinkle a thin layer of flour on a cutting board, pinch off a third of the dough from a lump and roll it out to a thickness of 1 millimeter. Using a thin knife or pizza cutter, cut the vermicelli to your desired width. You can fold it in layers, sprinkling with flour. Boil pasta for 3-4 minutes in boiling salted water, adding a little vegetable oil to the water. Chopped greens and butter wonderfully complement the taste of boiled homemade noodles. Bon Appetit!

Homemade noodles “Egg”


  • egg - 3 pieces
  • glass of water
  • flour (approximately 1 kilogram)
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Cooking method:

From the above components, knead the dough and leave it under the lid for a quarter of an hour. This will make the dough more pliable. Dust a work surface with flour and roll out the dough into an almost transparent layer. Leave it to dry for an hour and a half. If you don't have a noodle cutter and want to get perfectly even noodles, use a regular wooden ruler to cut strips of the desired width. Dry in a draft for at least a day and put in jars for storage. Boil in salted water for no more than 3 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Milk and egg noodles “Gentle”

This recipe contains milk, so the vermicelli is especially tender and tasty. Its only caveat is that such pasta has a very short shelf life, so cook as much as you eat at a time.


  • 300 grams of premium flour
  • egg - 1 piece
  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • dried parsley or dill - optional

Cooking method:

This noodle recipe does not contain protein. This will make the pasta firmer and won't overcook. So, first separate the yolk. Then mix flour, yolk and, if desired, dry chopped herbs in a deep bowl. This will give the noodles an unusual taste and aroma. Add salt and pour in warm milk. Knead the dough with a mixer. Roll and cut the noodles in the usual way for you - as you can see, the recipe is very simple. Bon Appetit!

Orange homemade noodles with carrot puree

Not all kids love eating carrots, but all toddlers love pasta! Combine business with pleasure and cook carrot vermicelli for little gourmets.


  • 200 grams carrots, washed
  • 3-4 cups wheat flour
  • 3 eggs
  • sugar and melted butter - 1 tablespoon each
  • a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

To make wonderful orange vermicelli, cut peeled carrots into chunks, boil until soft, and puree in a blender when the vegetable has cooled. Mix eggs, sugar, butter until smooth. Then, gradually adding flour, knead the tight dough and divide it into 4 parts. Roll each of them thinly and cut into noodles. Dry it until brittle. Season the boiled orange vermicelli with butter - bon appetit!

Homemade egg noodles

This noodle has a simple recipe and an interesting way of slicing.


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 600 grams
  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces

Cooking method:

On a wide cutting board, sift the flour in the form of a slide. Crack the eggs into the well and knead into a stiff dough. This should be done for at least 30 minutes, adding flour if necessary. Wrap a ball of dough in cling film and leave it on the table for half an hour. Then divide the lump into 4 parts, roll out one of them, sprinkling the top layer with flour. Leave the dough sheet to dry on the counter for at least 30 minutes. When this time has passed, wrap the dough around the rolling pin and cut it lengthwise. Now cut the wide strip lengthwise into three narrow ones. Armed with a sharp thin knife, cut the spider web vermicelli and dry it on a flat dish, sprinkled with flour, for several hours. Store in a sealed container. Bon Appetit!

Green egg noodles with spinach

This recipe gives not only an incredibly tasty, but also a very healthy product. After all, spinach is just a storehouse of vitamins A and C, which are preserved during heat treatment, since the vegetable is saturated with protein. The taste of such noodles practically does not differ from the usual one, but the usefulness of the dish increases significantly. If you can't find fresh spinach, you can use frozen spinach by warming it up to room temperature and squeezing it.


  • 450 grams of premium flour
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 100 grams of fresh spinach leaves
  • a spoonful of salt (a teaspoon without a slide)
  • 15 grams of olive oil

For bedding:

  • 60 grams of flour

Cooking method:

Rinse the spinach thoroughly, shake off the water and simmer it for a couple of minutes in a small saucepan without water (only with those drops that remain on the leaves). Drain the liquid, and squeeze the spinach, let cool. Sift flour. For chopping, it is best to use a food processor, but if you do not have one, grind all the products one at a time in a blender. Load the flour, spinach, salt into the processor and grind everything until smooth. Add a little beaten eggs, olive oil and mix everything again. Take out the finished dough, cover it with a damp towel and let it rest for at least half an hour.

The recipe moved to the second stage - to rolling and slicing. Roll out the dough into a circle about 25 centimeters in diameter. Wrap half a circle on the rolling pin and roll out the layer more thinly. Rotate the rolling pin 30 degrees and repeat the procedure a few more times until the layer is less than 1 millimeter thick. Leave the green dough to dry in a draft for at least half an hour.

From the resulting layers, roll loose rolls and cut into noodles of the desired width. Do not forget to turn over and sprinkle with flour the mass, leaving it to dry. You can also cut sheets for lasagna verde - they can be dried or frozen. It is better to use noodles within a week: the longer it is stored, the less useful substances and vitamins will remain in it.

Egg noodles garlic with curry

The recipe for noodles with garlic is prepared according to your usual method. Such pasta will be especially savory, being a side dish for meat dishes and an independent dish with bechamel sauce. Vermicelli with curry turns out to be a rich orange color with a pleasant spicy smell. Be sure to try both types of noodles - they will bring a nice variety to the usual menu.


  • 2 eggs
  • flour - 2-3 cups
  • sunflower oil - 50 milliliters
  • salt - teaspoon
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • curry - 1/2 teaspoon

Cooking method:

Crack an egg into a cup, salt and pour in sunflower oil, mix everything with a fork. Finely chop the garlic and add it to the mixture. In another bowl, make a similar butter-egg mixture and add curry to it instead of garlic. Then take 2 deep bowls and add the same amount of flour, knead the curry and garlic dough as above (Homemade Egg Spider Web Noodle recipe). Cut the noodles or vermicelli as you wish. Dry and prepare the dish by choosing your favorite recipe. Bon Appetit!

As it turned out, for a delicious homemade dinner, it is enough to have a minimum set of products - flour and eggs. With a little diversification of the composition and a little diligence, you will get a chic dish for a dinner party for friends and family. Homemade egg noodles will surpass store-bought pasta in taste, because such a dish is prepared with love and care for the health of the family. In addition, scientists have already proven that noodles made from durum wheat do not put on weight. And choosing a recipe with carrots or spinach, you will get a dish rich in vitamins and nutrients. Cook with inspiration and benefit!

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Homemade egg noodles are a simple homemade dish that is a pleasure to eat. It is extremely easy to prepare, and it turns out much more appetizing than from the store. Thanks to it, you get great chicken soup with homemade noodles, casseroles, homemade lagman and other delicious dishes. Homemade noodles can also be served as a side dish for succulent meat dishes, such as meatballs in tomato sauce.

The tricks of successful noodle making are in the density of the dough, the correct thickness of the cut, in proper drying and, of course, in the size and convenience of the rolling pin. With homemade eggs, the noodles will be much tastier and brighter in color. And if you want the noodles to be a warm yellow-orange hue, you can add a couple of pinches of turmeric to the dough.

The whole family loved the noodles prepared according to this recipe. My son eats it with pleasure as part of children's soups, and my husband really likes noodles for garnish. I advise you to cook homemade noodles, and then you will not want to eat store-bought.


  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil;
  • 2 pinches of salt.

homemade noodle recipe

1. Sift the flour, separate about half. In a convenient bowl, add the eggs and vegetable oil to the flour.

2. Rub with a spoon until smooth. The dough becomes like thick sour cream. At this stage, it is important to achieve uniformity of the dough. This is not at all difficult to do - the main thing is that the eggs are fresh.

3. Add the rest of the flour and start kneading the dough with a spoon.

4. When the spoon ceases to cope with its task, we take the dough, as they say, in our hands. We have a very cool dough, which we carefully knead without sparing our hands. We roll the finished homogeneous dough into a ball and let it stand for 20 minutes, covering it with a towel. After that, the dough will become more plastic.

5. We shift the dough onto a table or cutting board lightly dusted with flour.

6. We pick up the longest rolling pin. The more comfortable it is, the better. Roll out the dough as evenly and thinly as possible. The look and taste of the dish depends on this, because homemade noodles for soup should be just perfect.

7. Roll the dough tightly into a roll.

This is what our dough roll looks like.

8. We take a sharp and wide knife in our hands and cut the noodles into even slices across the roll. During cutting, so that the dough does not crumble, do not leave it for a long time. The dough should not be weathered, you need to work with it quickly.

9. We disassemble the noodles with our hands. Carefully unroll the resulting "snails" so that the noodles take on their proper form.

10. In principle, homemade egg noodles are ready. You can already cook soups with it or cook noodles for a side dish. But this amount of noodles can be a lot for one dish, so I'll tell you how to store it. And for this we need to get rid of excess moisture in the product. We spread the noodles in one layer on a flat surface, you can use a tray or baking sheet. Dry at room temperature for several days.

11. For long-term storage, the noodles must be completely dry. After that, it can be transferred to a tin can and stored on a shelf along with the rest of the cereals.

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