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What country is hong kong in? Hong Kong is. Local administration elections

Worker bees and queens have a sting (in the worker bee, it is a means of protection, and in the queen, in addition, the ovipositor). Drones have no sting.

The sting consists of two sharp chitinous needles, at the ends of which there are 8-10 serrations pointing backwards, as well as poisonous glands with a reservoir. The sting is located at the end of the abdomen and, in a calm state, is drawn into the body of the bee, and when stung, it pierces the skin of an animal or person. Notches, like a fishing hook, do not allow the bee to extract it back, and when trying to take off, the stinging apparatus breaks away from the body along with part of the internal organs.

The difference between the sting of a worker bee and a queen

The sting of the worker bee is a protective device. The uterus has a crooked sting with 3 notches. She freely pulls him out of the wound and can sting a few more times. The uterus uses its sting only in the fight against another uterus (if a rival accidentally gets into the hive, they enter into battle, ending in the death of one of them).

In exceptional cases, if the uterus is not yet fertilized, it can also sting a person. The sting is not painful at all, but sometimes a person feels something like itching at the puncture site for several days.

The sting of the uterus is also an ovipositor, which is probably why she avoids using it as a weapon of defense and attack.

A fertilized human uterus never stings.

Life expectancy of a bee after a sting

Having stung and lost its sting, the bee flies for only a few hours. In a bee family, such a bee no longer enjoys the location of other bees. A bee stung by another bee immediately dies.

Bee venom and the timing of the functioning of the stinging apparatus of worker bees

The bee venom flowing from the sting (a colorless liquid with a pleasant smell and an acidic reaction) is a mixture of secretions from two glands: a large and a small poisonous one. It is in a special bag, and when stinged, it enters the wound and exerts its painful effect.

The chemical composition of the poison is complex, it contains 13 amino acids and a number of other compounds. The basis of bee venom is the protein melitin. The poison has bactericidal properties.

The function of the stinging apparatus of the worker bee is related to age. From the 2nd day after its release from the cell, a small amount of poison is found in the reservoir of the poisonous gland. On the 6-7th day there is a noticeable replenishment of the reservoir with poison, and its maximum filling occurs between the 10th and 16th days. By the time the worker bee moves to guard service (age 12-15 days), the activity of the poisonous gland stops.

In the autumn generation of worker bees, the activity of the poison gland begins to manifest itself from the 14-15th day after leaving the cell, and ends by the 20th day.

When stinging, the bee releases 0.25 mg of poison.

Human bee sting

Usually, a person perceives a bee sting painfully. The sting torn off from the bee continues to deepen into the body of the victim, at the same time poison is injected into the wound formed by it. The longer the sting stays in the human body, the more poison will flow into the wound. Therefore, in order to reduce pain, it is necessary to extend the sting as soon as possible in such a way as not to press the poison reservoir, for which you should pick off the sting from the side with your fingernail or the tip of a knife, but do not pull it out with your fingers.

The sting site should not be rubbed, in which case the tumor may increase. The stung area must be moistened with 0.25% ammonia or 6 - 8% acetic acid. With a strong tumor, aluminum acetate should be used. Allergic persons should be given 50 g of alcohol.

When stinging, doctors use histamine or adrenaline injections (histamine dilates blood vessels, adrenaline constricts them). Allergy sufferers should first take an injection of calcium chloride.

In small quantities, bee venom is not harmful to most people. It is dangerous only for people with a sick heart.

People usually get used to bee venom, but the immunity is temporary, unstable, and disappears over time. Healthy people can withstand 500 stings. Persons immune to bee venom, such as beekeepers who come into contact with bees every day, are not even dangerous snake bites.

What kind of bees .. unlike others .. are able to sting repeatedly?

Apis mellifera scutellata is one of the honey bee breeds that originated from the African subspecies. This is a very aggressive insect. Its poison is not stronger, more non-poisonous than the poison of other bees, but the peculiarity of these insects is that, attacking the victim or defending itself, it stings not once, like most bees, but many times. Their sting does not have strongly pronounced notches; the bee easily takes it out of the body of the victim. Otherwise, Apis mellifera scutellata is similar to all other bees.

Death from bee stings
It has been established that people died from 100-300 stings, but the lethal dose for an adult is 500-1,100 bee stings.

If you are stung by a bee
Remove the sting. If there are several stings, remove most of them. If this is not possible, count how many bees have stung you to report this to the doctor. Wash the swollen area with soap and water. Put ice on the affected area.

These bees live in "families" in which complex relationships are observed. Among them stands out the uterus, several hundred males - drones and several thousand worker bees (sexually underdeveloped females). Worker bees collect flower nectar, pollen, which they accumulate on the shins of the hind legs. On the abdomen of the worker bee there are wax-secreting glands, honeycombs are built from wax. The uterus differs from other bees in appearance: it is almost 2 times longer and 2.8 times heavier than a worker bee. The uterus lays fertilized eggs. The larvae that develop from the fertilized eggs are fed by the worker bees, who provide them with nutritious food. Each larva is fed by hundreds of bees.

The female worker bees are not capable of reproduction. They play the role of educators, nurses, orderlies, watchmen, nectar collectors.

There are sometimes up to 100 thousand bees in a bee family, and all of them are interconnected by a special form of behavior, which is due to the general metabolism through food, pheromones, sound signals, through temperature and humidity in the nest.

Some bees die after they sting someone. For example, a bee acting as a guard stings an enemy and dies because it cannot extract the sting from the enemy's skin. She rips it out along with part of the insides of the abdomen and dies after a while due to blood loss. But in the body of the enemy, one nerve node remains, which controls the action of the sting and poisonous glands, the poison is pumped into the wound, continuing to strike the enemy.

In Apis mellifera scutellata, such self-sacrifice is very rare. It has already been said that due to the fact that their sting does not have strongly pronounced notches, a bee can easily take it out and sting again.

Bee venom, including Apis mellifera scutellata, is not very toxic to humans. When a bee bites, it releases an average of 0.3 mg of venom. But in its properties, this poison is similar to the poison of many snakes. Therefore, it is very dangerous when it is Apis mellifera scutellata that stings, which can attack several times. And if a whole swarm attacks, it is very difficult to escape.

The stinging apparatus is located at the end of the abdomen and consists of a stinger, two venom glands, and a reservoir for the poison. Under the action of contracting muscles, the sting continues to pierce further and further into the skin until the poison gradually pours out of the reservoir into the wound. Therefore, in order to reduce the effect of the poison, immediately after the bite, you should remove the sting from the skin and prevent a second attack by the bee or the bite of other insects.

But even a single bee sting can be dangerous. With individual intolerance, swelling of the throat may occur. Very dangerous and capable of causing death are injections into the eye, pharynx, tonsils, soft palate, lateral surface of the neck. The most sensitive to bee venom are women (especially pregnant women), children and the elderly.

Apis mellifera scutellata lives mainly in Africa. The American continent is not home to honey bees.

Definition. bees- These are flying insects of the order Hymenoptera, which are closely related to wasps, ants, and also sawflies. There are more than 20 thousand species of bees in the world, the most popular of which is the European honey bee. The range of bees covers the entire planet with the exception of Antarctica.

Honey bees are bred specifically to obtain not only honey, but also wax. Beeswax is a powerful antibiotic, and therefore is actively used in medicine.

Etymology of the word

The name "bee" is an evolution of the Old Russian word "bchela", which is a derivative of another Old Russian word - "buzz", that is, "buzz". In Latin, the word bee (mellifera) is a derivative of the word honey (mel).

bee sting

The sting of a bee, 2 mm long, is located on the base of its abdomen. There is an opinion that a bee can sting only once in its life. However, this is not entirely true - the stinging apparatus has small notches, due to which it can get stuck in the victim's body and, as a result, escape from the bee's abdomen along with vital organs. But it is impossible to say for sure how many times before this tragic moment a bee will be able to sting.

Moreover, not all bees have a sting, but only females. Male bees are called drones, and they have neither a stinging apparatus nor an apparatus for collecting pollen.

There is also, in principle, stingless genus of bees - melipons, which are distributed mainly in Africa and South America. But the absence of stings does not make these bees defenseless - in case of danger, melipons attack an uninvited guest in a huge swarm, trying to penetrate his ears and eyes, biting with their mandibles and splashing with foul-smelling liquids.

  • Bees have 170 olfactory receptors, as a result of which these insects are able to distinguish hundreds of flower varieties, determining whether a flower has nectar or pollen from a few meters away. At the same time, a bee flies around 50 to 100 flowers per day.
  • In one hive there can be from 20 to 60 thousand worker bees. The life of one such bee in the summer is 6 weeks, while the queen lives up to 5 years - in the summer she lays about 2500 eggs a day, completely controlling the sex of future offspring.
  • The toxin in the venom secreted by the bee during a bite is called melitin - it can literally "kill" the human immunodeficiency virus. Melitin also significantly relieves pain in rheumatoid arthritis, and increases the level of glucocorticoids in the blood - hormones that have anti-stress, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Honey is the only insect product that is consumed by humans.. Moreover, honey is the only food that contains all the vital substances such as enzymes, minerals, vitamins and water. As for the healing properties, honey helps with burns, insomnia, seasonal allergies, calms the nerves, improves digestion and fights stomach ulcers.

Useful data for tourists about Hong Kong, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, the currency of Hong Kong, the cuisine, the features of visa and customs restrictions in Hong Kong.

Geography of Hong Kong

Hong Kong (Hong Kong) is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong is located on the Kowloon Peninsula, washed by the South China Sea from the west, south and east, as well as on more than 260 islands. To the north, Hong Kong borders the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the Chinese province of Guangdong.

Hong Kong is usually divided into three parts: Hong Kong Island itself, Kowloon and the New Territories.


State structure

Since July 1, 1997, Hong Kong has acquired the status of a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, but enjoys a high degree of autonomy and has retained its political, social and economic system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative - Parliament.


Official language: Chinese

English is widely used.


International name: HKD

The Hong Kong dollar is equal to 100 cents. There are 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 HK$ banknotes in circulation in four different designs, as well as coins in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 cents.

There are no currency restrictions in Hong Kong, any currency is freely sold and purchased, although when buying with Hong Kong dollars, you can get a number of price advantages and discounts.

You can exchange currency at exchange offices in banks (usually the most favorable rate), the airport, large shops and most hotels. Credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted everywhere, the ATM network is very extensive.

Popular Attractions

Hong Kong Tourism

Popular hotels



Office Hours

Most banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00-17.00 with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00 and on Saturdays from 9.00 to 12.30-13.00.

Most shops are open from 10.00 to 20.00, large trading houses often continue to work until 21.00-22.00. Many shops are open on weekends as well.


In Hong Kong, you must always carry identification (passport, driver's license, etc.) - immigration authorities often arrange document checks to detain illegal workers and immigrants with expired visas.

Emergency Phones

Police, ambulance, fire and emergency services - 999.

Photo and video shooting

Photography in temples and museums is either prohibited or charged extra. For the use of video cameras, the fee is much higher or it is not allowed to shoot at all. Photographing strategic objects (airport, train station, dam, bridge, etc.) is prohibited.

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Hong Kong (Hong Kong) is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong is located on the Kowloon Peninsula, washed by the South China Sea from the west, south and east, as well as on more than 260 islands. To the north, Hong Kong borders the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the Chinese province of Guangdong.

Hong Kong is usually divided into three parts: Hong Kong Island itself, Kowloon and the New Territories.

Hong Kong airport

Hong Kong International Airport Chek Lap Kok Airport or Hong Kong Guokchai Keichyeong International Airport

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Hong Kong weather

The climate of Hong Kong is subtropical, monsoonal. Cool and dry winter lasts from December to March. Spring and summer in Hong Kong are hot, humid and rainy, while autumn is warm, sunny and dry. Such a different climate at different times of the year is due to the different wind direction characteristic of each season. Tropical cyclones (typhoons) can pass through Hong Kong in summer and early autumn.

Hong Kong language

Official language: Chinese

English is widely used.

Currency of Hong Kong

International name: HKD

The Hong Kong dollar is equal to 100 cents. There are 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 HK$ banknotes in circulation in four different designs, as well as coins in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 cents.

There are no currency restrictions in Hong Kong, any currency is freely sold and purchased, although when buying with Hong Kong dollars, you can get a number of price advantages and discounts.

You can exchange currency at exchange offices in banks (usually the most favorable rate), the airport, large shops and most hotels. Credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted everywhere, the ATM network is very extensive.


Easy entry mode

Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit Hong Kong for a period not exceeding 14 days. The purpose of the trip must be tourism, transit, visiting friends or relatives, a short-term business visit, not related to making a profit in Hong Kong.

Customs restrictions

The import of foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is required). Duty-free imported up to 1 liter. alcoholic products, perfumery - no more than 60 ml. and toilet water no more than 250 ml. (packed), tobacco products - no more than 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 250 gr. tobacco.

It is forbidden to import weapons (including stun guns and gas cartridges), pornography, counterfeit products, drugs and poisons. Some medications, antibiotics, flammable and explosive substances and items are imported only with the appropriate permission from local authorities.

Is Hong Kong a city or a country? Where is Hong Kong located?

Valuable items (photo and video equipment, jewelry, etc.) must be indicated in the entry declaration; upon departure, the declaration is presented again. It is forbidden to export valuable items and works of art without a store receipt confirming the legality of the purchase.

Importation of animals

The importation of animals (even in the case of transit) is allowed only if there are relevant documents (valid for 90 days) from local border veterinary control services, as well as a veterinary certificate issued by the relevant veterinary services of the Russian Federation no earlier than 4 days before departure.

Mains voltage


Office Hours

Most banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00-17.00 with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00 and on Saturdays from 9.00 to 12.30-13.00.

Most shops are open from 10.00 to 20.00, large trading houses often continue to work until 21.00-22.00. Many shops are open on weekends as well.

Photo and video shooting

Photography in temples and museums is either prohibited or charged extra. For the use of video cameras, the fee is much higher or it is not allowed to shoot at all. Photographing strategic objects (airport, train station, dam, bridge, etc.) is prohibited.


Since July 1, 2009, Hong Kong has introduced a ban on smoking in public places, including restaurants, bars and even public toilets. In addition, restrictions on smoking on the streets will be tightened - there are already entire “tobacco-free areas” on the island.


In Hong Kong, you must always carry identification (passport, driver's license, etc.) - immigration authorities often arrange document checks to detain illegal workers and immigrants with expired visas.

Code of the country: +852

First level geographic domain name:.hk

Emergency Phones

Police, ambulance, fire and emergency services - 999.

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Districts of Hong Kong

The geography of Hong Kong is bizarre and intricate. It is said that 90% of its territory consists of mountains, and another 10% is occupied by skyscrapers. Hong Kong is located on Hong Kong Island, but this, of course, is not all of its territory, but only a small part. This special administrative region occupies, in addition to Hong Kong Island, another 206 small islands and islets, as well as the rather large Lantau Island. Hong Kong also includes the Kowloon Peninsula. There are also the so-called New Territories - the area that adjoins the peninsula.

The total area of ​​the district is 1194 square kilometers, of which about a quarter is inhabited and developed. The rest is nature in its untouched form, with more than half of the area registered as national parks and reserves.

Administratively, Hong Kong is divided into 18 districts. These are Central and Western (one district), East, South, North, Kowloon City, Wanchai, Samseipou, Wontaixin, Yauchimmon, Kunton, Sathin, Thumun, Saikun, Taipou, Khuaichin, Chhuwan, Yunlong, Islands. Each of them has its own characteristics, attractions and tourist reason to visit it, it all depends on what kind of tourism you prefer.

As you know, many different areas of tourism are developing now: educational, sightseeing, historical, ethnographic, gastronomic, thematic, erotic, ecological, active sports, shopping, beach, religious, wedding, fashion tourism, business tourism. For any of these views, Hong Kong is simply heaven. And in each of its districts there is something special, interesting from the point of view of a visitor.

Central and Western District

Central and Western, aka Central and Western - one of the oldest and most developed areas of Hong Kong was once the city of Victoria. It occupies the east and center of the island, respectively. This is a business and shopping area. Many world-famous corporations have located their headquarters here. Among the most famous are Barclays Capital, Royal Bank of Canada, Honkong Land, First Pacific and many more.

There are luxurious hotels and a huge number of the most famous shopping centers. If you pay great attention to shopping tourism, then you should definitely remember the names Princess Building, Pacific Place, Landmark, World Wide Plaza, Chater House, AFC Moll. These are the largest shopping centers in Hong Kong, where you can buy almost everything.

In addition, it makes sense to take a walk along such shopping streets as Hollywood Road, Lindhurst Terras, Wing Lock Street. The latter is especially interesting for lovers of traditional Chinese medicine, as shops and shops of this industry are located here. Any photo products, including the latest novelties, professional equipment, you will find on Stanley Street. Nearby are many famous Hong Kong restaurants like Dai pai dong and the famous Graham Street Market. This is not the only market that can be recommended to tourists in the area.

It is interesting that here, in this business center full of skyscrapers, one of the natural attractions of the district is also located - this is Victoria Peak, a mountain with several peaks. You can climb it using the funicular or go there on foot or by car. It's nice to sit in a cafe there, you can take wonderful pictures of the views of Hong Kong.

Eastern District

East, or Eastern (Eastern), a particularly popular area for tourists, is also located on Hong Kong Island, in its northeastern part. The most attractive places here are Wan Chai and Causeway Bay.

The idea of ​​Wan Chai as just a couple of blocks filled with cheap girl bars and drunken American sailors is long gone. Trade and business life is in full swing here, the breath of a big city is clearly felt here, and walks are always interesting and safe, despite the former glory. Between Johnston Road and Queen's Road East, there are plenty of family-run shops and traditional shops selling everything from tropical fish to cheap clothing.

Causeway Bay is the location of the largest shopping centers, the star among which is Sogo. A huge crowd is an integral part of this area, but you can shop and visit all kinds of restaurants and food outlets here almost around the clock.

Times Square, the area's main square, always has something interesting going on. This place is also important for those who are interested in fashion, here you can see all the latest trends of the seasons.

Another nice neighborhood here is Happy Valley. The local relaxed atmosphere is quite consistent with the name. Although this valley was not always happy, rather the opposite, the name sounded sarcastic after the British army suffered numerous losses from malaria here. In the eastern area are two famous Buddhist temples, Tin Hau and Shing Wong.

In the East District, you certainly cannot miss one of Hong Kong's tallest and most remarkable skyscrapers completed in 2008, One Island East. It has 70 floors and the height of the building is 298 meters.

South District

The southern region, or Southern (Southern), occupies the southern part of Hong Kong Island. This is a less densely populated area, but there are also quite large shopping centers, as almost everywhere in Hong Kong, for example, in the Aberdeen quarters near the fishing port. It was here, in this port, that the cult film Enter the Dragon with Bruce Lee was filmed.

Here, in the port, is the world-famous Jumbo Kingdom, which consists of two floating restaurants, made in the national style. To date, more than 30 million tourists have visited them, including Queen Elizabeth II.

The southern region is loved by tourists for the abundance of attractions and entertainment. Among them, Ocean Park Hong Kong, which receives more than 5 million visitors a year, is especially worth mentioning. On the south coast of Southern is Repulse Bay, one of Hong Kong's most visited beaches.

Van tea

Wan Chai is one of four districts located on Hong Kong Island. It occupies a central position in the northern part of the island. This is one of the richest and most prestigious areas of Hong Kong.

Once it was famous for being a red light district, today it is an entertainment and recreation area, known for an abundance of various restaurants. Red lights, by the way, have not gone away, this zone has been preserved in Wan Chai, it is easy to find it - Lockhart Road, a street that crosses the area from west to east. Bars, pubs and nightclubs are located towards the west.

Western tourists love this area because the famous Hollywood movie The World of Suzie Wong was filmed here. Among the attractions of the area: the third largest skyscraper in Hong Kong Central Plaza with a height of 374 meters, the old Wan Chai post office declared a monument, Golden Bauhinia Square with a giant statue - a golden bauhinia flower - in the middle.

Many seek to approach the Lover's Stone, which helps keep marriages happy. This is a nine-meter granite monolith. From this place, by the way, a magnificent view of Port Victoria opens.

Kowloon City

Kowloon City District is located on the Kowloon Peninsula, just opposite the East District. This is a rapidly developing district, where skyscrapers are growing right before our eyes with great speed. Until 1998, there was an airport here and the construction of high-rise buildings was prohibited.

Kowloon City is a multi-ethnic county, but it is considered sparsely populated compared to many parts of Hong Kong. There are four universities, Radio Television Hong Kong, several large shopping malls and business centers in the area.

Previously, the area had the glory of a dysfunctional one, the gaming business and prostitution flourished here. These issues have now been resolved. The large Kowloon Walled City Park opened in the area in 1995. Its territory includes the territory of the old fortress. Another major park here is Sung Wong Toi Garden, which has a large number of historical relics.

Samseipou and Wongtaixin

Samseipou (Sham Shui Po) - an area located in the western part of the Kowloon Peninsula, may be of interest to those involved in electronics. Here you can buy everything related to electronics, mobile phones and accessories. Flea market lovers should visit this area. This area is quite densely populated, it is considered one of the poor and disadvantaged.

Hong Kong City is the capital of which country?

So, if there is no special need, you can not add it to your route, at least in the evening.

The same should be said about the area of ​​Wong Tai Sin, Wong Tai Sin. It is located north of Samseipou. Although, as in all of Hong Kong, there are interesting places, attractions, such as the Wong Tai Sin Temple, you can skip visiting the area to avoid trouble. By the way, this is the only area in Hong Kong that has no access to the sea.


Yau Tsim Mong, Yau Tsim Mong, occupies the southwest of the Kowloon Peninsula. This is an international area, which is also considered traditionally Chinese. Its main direction of development is trade and tourism.

The area has a large number of shopping centers, a polytechnic university, a night market on Temple Street. In 2010, the International Commerce Center was built here, the tallest skyscraper in the city, consisting of 108 floors, 484 meters high.

On Tsim Sha Tsui Street is the Avenue of Stars, where many world celebrities who have visited Hong Kong have been noted.


The area located in the southeast of the Kowloon Peninsula is called Kwun Tong, Kwun Tong. Many people come here on business trips, there are a large number of technical parks, a large and well-developed industrial zone. There is also a large residential area, this is the most densely populated area. Those visiting the area should take a stroll along Kwun Tong promenade, a beautiful promenade that is originally lit up in the evening.


In the north of Hong Kong is located the agricultural Northern region, or North (North). It occupies the New Territories, a large number of villages have been preserved here and an urban residential area has also grown. The area is adjacent to the archipelago of islands.

A particular attraction in the area is the walled village of Fanling Wai, which is a fortified village that has retained its characteristic architecture.

Another village that tourists love to visit is Sheung Shui Heung. Here you can see one of the most amazing ancestral halls preserved in Hong Kong.

Districts of the New Territories

Sathin, aka Sha Tin, Taipou or Tai Po, Islands or Islands, Khuaichin or Kwai Tsing, Chhyunwan, aka Tsuen Wan Thunmun or Tuen Mun, Yunlong or Yuen Long are all developing areas of the New Territories, with their skyscrapers, attractions, parks and shopping centers. There is no such thing as having nowhere to go or nothing to do in Hong Kong. All this applies to the named areas.

And yet it is worth including a visit to Hong Kong Disneyland on Lantau Island in the Chungwan region in your itinerary.

Beach lovers are advised to visit at least one of the six beautiful beaches in the Thun Mun area. These are Butterfly Beach, Castle Peak Beach, Kadoorie Beach, Cafeteria Old Beach, Cafeteria New Beach, Golden Beach. All of them are protected from sharks. There are also a large number of monasteries and temples in the area.

In Yunlong, don't miss the famous Tsui Sing Lau Pagoda, a historical and architectural monument.

Staying in Taipou, keep in mind that one of the areas of development of the area is resorts and spas, you can take advantage of this. In addition, it is worth visiting the Tai Po Water Park there with the famous Taipou Observation Tower built using new technologies.


Sai Kung, also known as Sai Kung, is another area of ​​the so-called New Territories, the second largest in Hong Kong, includes the mainland and the island part. Actually Sai Kung Town was once a fishing village. Now this place is a paradise for lovers of fishing, fish and seafood. Fishermen have always gathered at the Sai Kung Hoi fishing port, and they still do it now. This area will also be of interest to fans of gastronomic tourism - there are a huge number of restaurants here. In addition, this area is famous for its beautiful beaches and a large number of temples.

Four main parts of Hong Kong

If we do not take into account the administrative division of Hong Kong, then it can be conditionally divided into four parts: this is Hong Kong Island itself, the Kowloon Peninsula, the New Territories, the island part, which includes both large and small islands. Of course, first of all, tourists tend to Hong Kong Island - the historical, administrative, financial heart of Hong Kong. There are enough cultural and entertainment facilities, and luxurious beaches. For entertainment and beach holidays, you can also go to the islands.


Hong Kong is the star of China

If you look at Hong Kong from a historical point of view, then this place will seem truly phenomenal and unique, from its inception to its formation and development. From a small fishing village called Hong Kong, the largest financial and economic center has grown - the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Xianggang).
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The formation of Hong Kong took place over a rather long period, starting from the time when this territory was ruled by the British. Only since 1997 has Hong Kong been taken over by China. However, legally, the PRC controls Hong Kong only partially. Hong Kong is the official name of an administrative region of the People's Republic of China., which retained full autonomy in the management of the economy, finances, politics, legislative and judicial power, with the exception of defense and external political territorial issues.
Hong Kong is the capital of fashion

Literally, Hong Kong means “fragrant harbor”. This name arose from the trade on this island of incense and various products made from fresh wood with a pronounced woody-herbaceous aroma.

So let's consider main features that this amazing place has.

Among the many islands washed by the South China Sea is Victoria Bay. This deepest natural port in the world. It is located in the strip separating Hong Kong and Kowloon. From a legal point of view, it is unprecedented that the Hong Kong Constitution regulates full sovereignty of the region. China controls only the foreign policy and defense of the territory. Hong Kong is one of the few places on Earth with population density of 6 million people per square kilometer. This city ​​of skyscrapers. The first skyscraper was built back in 1980 with a height of 180 meters. Today, one of the tallest skyscrapers is the building of the International Commerce Center with a height of 484 meters. All floors are lit with bright colored lights, and on many floors of the building you can see amazing pools, full of brilliant turquoise. In Hong Kong is the largest escalator for the movement of passengers on the street. Its developers were French engineers who decided to design an escalator designed for 8,000 people per hour!

Hong Kong is a city or a country? Where is Hong Kong located?

The world's largest water park Ocean Park. In order to get around it, you will have to spend the whole day, since such an interesting accumulation of entertainment will not make you pass by and will not leave anyone indifferent. Reserves with rare species of birds and animals, as well as unique plants, dazzling with their beauty and diversity.

For tourists coming to Hong Kong, a whole program of places that are mandatory to visit has been developed. First of all, this seated buddha, the largest bronze statue located near Po Ling Monastery on Lantau Island. In order to climb to it, you need to overcome 268 steps. Visiting the Buddha itself is free. The monastery itself conquers with its solemnity, especially the Hall of the Heavenly King and the Hall of the Great Hero. In Hong Kong itself, there are many temples and museums, parks, attractions and exhibition centers.

But one of the main reasons for traveling to this island is shopping attracting tourists from all over the world. The fur industry is actively developing in this place, so you can buy a high quality fur coat at a reasonable price. Moreover, all shops in Hong Kong are open without lunch and weekends.

Basic information that every tourist should have:

For your safety, you should always have the passport or other proof of identity. The official languages ​​in Hong Kong are Chinese and English. Monetary unit of Hong Kong - hong kong dollar . Hong Kong- the capital of Hong Kong, a major administrative center. Climate of Hong Kong subtropical, the most comfortable season is autumn, it is usually warm and dry in Hong Kong.

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Hong Kong

Hong Kong (or Xianggang, Hong Kong) is located in southeast China near the South China Sea and near the mouth of the Dongjiang River. Hong Kong consists of the islands of Hong Kong and Lantau, the New Territories and the Kowloon Peninsula. In addition, Hong Kong owns almost 260 islands in the waters of the South China Sea.

Lantau Island is considered the largest island, while Hong Kong Island is the most populous island. Until now, most of the territory where Hong Kong is located remains unexplored due to the large number of mountains and hills.

The central part of the city occupies a significant area of ​​the Kowloon Peninsula and the northern coast of Hong Kong Island. A number of other settlements are dispersed throughout the New Territories. The rest of the area of ​​the state is covered with dense greenery. Recreation areas and reserves occupy a little less than half of its territory.

Hong Kong borders on China - the People's Republic of China. The total area of ​​​​the entire territory of the state (including islets and islands) is 1104 square kilometers.

Hong Kong has a time difference with Moscow of 4 hours, and the difference between Hong Kong and Greenwich is 8 hours.

Hong Kong became part of China at the end of the third millennium BC. e., and the first human settlements began to appear on the island only in the eleventh century BC. By the time the British arrived in Hong Kong, only about 5 thousand people lived here, who were mainly engaged in fishing, farming and cattle breeding.

For the first time Hong Kong is mentioned in history only in the 17th century. The convenient location of Hong Kong on the banks of the Dongjiang River made it famous as a profitable port for merchant ships from all over the world. Although China did not seek to trade with foreigners, the Portuguese in 1550 founded a colony in neighboring Macau, where they traded in Chinese goods.

Located on the Dongjiang River, the city of Guangzhou (Canton) since 1685 began to attract the attention of merchants from other countries.

Hong Kong is the capital of which country?

China was not interested in importing products, but succeeded in exporting tea, silk and porcelain. In the 18th century, the situation changed dramatically when the British discovered that it was very profitable to import opium to distant China.

It was in Hong Kong during the First Opium War that an English stronghold was equipped. After the war (according to the Nanjing Agreement), Kowloon and Hong Kong Island went to Britain. At the end of the Second Opium War, England annexed several surrounding islands and a small part of the Kowloon Peninsula to Hong Kong. And in 1898, Britain took over the New Territories and all of Kowloon for 99 years.

A hundred years later (more precisely, in the summer of 1997), a significant event took place in the history of Hong Kong - it was finally returned to China. Hong Kong has been a Special Administrative Region of China ever since, while retaining its own executive power and judicial administration.

Currently, Hong Kong is one of the ten largest trading formations in the world. It is considered one of the most profitable financial centers, thanks to which the standard of living here is the highest in Asia. In addition, Hong Kong is a fairly large port.

Having almost no natural resources, Hong Kong has received a fairly high economic development - due to its favorable geographical position and thanks to its perfect infrastructure.

Now Hong Kong attracts special attention of tourists. And this is not surprising, because Hong Kong is not an ordinary country that delights with its almost untouched nature and at the same time with an abundance of skyscrapers. It surprises with a huge number of people, and an endless stream of cars, and numerous neon signs.

This is a real paradise for fans of the nightlife, and shopping in Hong Kong creates legends. Surprisingly low prices of local shops, an abundance of countless clubs, bars, restaurants and discos that are available around the clock for visiting - all this is Hong Kong.

Connoisseurs of cultural recreation will also not be disappointed. They will have a unique opportunity to visit not only the numerous museums of Hong Kong, but also to see the Buddha statue, the largest in the world, to visit ancient settlements and ancient temples, where they are very reverent about their traditions.

However, the most famous attraction of Hong Kong is a seething, ebullient, intense life to the limit. Here, skyscrapers and buildings of colonial architecture create the most amazing contrast. Therefore, both lovers of entertainment and connoisseurs of history feel equally comfortable in it.

When they come to Hong Kong, the very first thing that is especially striking is the incredible cleanliness, which, unfortunately, cannot be observed in any world capital. It is enough to look at the photos of Hong Kong to make you want to come here.

Many ignorantly write the name of Hong Kong in two words - Hong Kong. This is spellingly incorrect (perhaps due to the analogy with the English name Hong Kong). And the correct spelling is exactly this: Hong Kong.

Watch our small beautiful video with the sights and beauties of Hong Kong.

Landmarks of Hong Kong
See maps of Hong Kong

Hong Kong is the capital of which country?

Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Its official name is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China.

Just a few centuries ago, Hong Kong was a small fishing village. Now it has the highest population density in Asia - at 300 square kilometers. km. more than 6 million people live. And the standard of living today is one of the highest among Asian countries. Hong Kong is a city-country, with many religions and different languages. It is the largest financial, economic, exhibition and transport center of the Asia-Pacific region.

The climate in Hong Kong is subtropical, which allows tourists to come here all year round. In spring, the average air temperature is +23C, in summer +28C, in autumn +23C, and in winter +17C. Humidity, depending on the season, ranges from 72 to 82%.

Geographical position
Hong Kong (Hong Kong) is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, one of the leading financial centers in Asia and the world. It is located on the Kowloon Peninsula, bordered on the west, south and east by the South China Sea, as well as on more than 260 islands, the largest of which are Hong Kong (the location of the supreme authorities and the financial center of the territory), Lantau and Lamma. To the north, Hong Kong borders the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the Chinese province of Guangdong. Hong Kong is usually divided into three parts: Hong Kong Island itself, Kowloon and the New Territories.

When is the best time to go and how to get there
Hong Kong is best visited between October and December. At this time, the weather is most pleasant: dry, sunny, warm during the day (in October about + 28 ° C, in December - + 21 ° C), and cool at night. March and April are also good times to visit, but during these months the humidity increases.
You can get to Hong Kong by direct flights of Transaero and Aeroflot airlines.
Flight time is about 9 hours 50 minutes. The international airport is located on Lantau Island and is connected to the mainland by a two-kilometer bridge. Central Kowloon can be reached in 25 minutes.

Difference in time
Time difference with Moscow +5 hours in winter, +4 hours in summer.

Citizens of Russia do not need a visa to visit Hong Kong for a period not exceeding 14 days. In other cases, a visa must be pre-registered at the Chinese Consulate.

The official currency in the country is represented by a monetary unit called the Hong Kong dollar. It has an international designation - HKD, within the country - HK$. One Hong Kong dollar is equal to 100 cents, the Hong Kong dollar is rigidly pegged to the US dollar.

The official languages ​​are Chinese and English. Therefore, inscriptions, signs and other information in English are required in Hong Kong.

January 1 - New Year
January-February - Spring Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year, three days off.
March 8 is International Women's Day.
March 12 is Forest Planting Day.
May 1 is International Workers' Day.
May 4 is Chinese Youth Day.
June 1 is International Children's Day.
August 1 is Chinese People's Liberation Army Day.
September 10 - Teacher's Day.
October 1 - National Day of Education of the PRC, two days off.

Our service will help you find out geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) and height above
sea ​​level of any place in Hong Kong or any other point on the geographic map of the world.

Search for geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) for an address.
If you want to know the GPS coordinates of any building in Hong Kong
you need to enter in the search field (Enter the address) the address of this place and click on the button
search (Find GPS coordinates on the map), a marker will appear on the geographical map that will indicate
you the location according to your search query and you will get the geographic coordinates of the point
on the world map (latitude and longitude) in decimal degrees and altitude in meters.

DD stands for (decimal degrees).
You will be able to find a place on the geographical map of the world by DD (decimal degrees) if you already have
geographic GPS coordinates in DD decimal degrees, then enter them in the appropriate
fields (latitude and longitude) and click on the search button (Search for a place), on the geographical map of the world
you will see the marker and its position will correspond to your GPS coordinates in DD decimal degrees.

DMS stands for (degrees, minutes, seconds).
You will be able to find a place on the geographic map of the world by DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds) if you already have
have geographic GPS coordinates in DMS degrees, minutes, seconds, then enter them into the appropriate
fields (latitude and longitude) indicate the cardinal directions you need for (latitude N or S) and for (longitude E or W)
and click on the search button (Search for a place), on the geographical map of the world you will see a marker and its position
will match your GPS coordinates in DMS degrees, minutes, seconds.

If you need to find out the geographic GPS coordinates of any point on the world map, click the left button
computer mouse to the right place on the geographical map of the world and you will get
geographic GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) of this place, altitude
above sea level in meters, as well as the detailed address of this point on the world map.

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