Home Fruit trees §1.2. Case endings of nouns

§1.2. Case endings of nouns

Goals: on the basis of group and collective observations, fix the rules of spelling of case endings and draw up an algorithm for checking unstressed case endings of nouns of the 1st declension, teach how to use it.


1. Repeat the types of declensions of nouns.

2. To improve the ability to write correctly the case endings of nouns of the 1st declension.

3. To develop thinking, attention, speech of students, the ability to use the spelling algorithm of unstressed case endings of nouns.

4. To cultivate interest in the subject, communication skills, culture of behavior.



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Slide captions:

Fourth f ... r ... la. Kla ... ..near r ... bot. The lesson begins, He will go to the guys for future use. Let's get knowledge. To apply successfully! e a ss a

Travel lesson

st. Calligraphic and nj e n r /

r. m.r. -a -ya 1 declension with ... fear ... dba st ... on green ... street Orthographic e e e o

1 sq. 2 sq. 3 sq. Camp "Declination" in a window by a pine tree in silence at the bottom in the country on a chain by a horse in the wilderness with Ilya

Alley of proposals Grandma, Kolya, vacationing in, summer, y, village.

In the summer Kolya rested with his grandmothers ... in the villages .... and e e and? ? Topic "Spelling of case endings of nouns of 1 declension"

Sanatorium "Padezhny" I. p. R. p. D. p. V. p. Ect. P. p. moon sister earth

I. p. R. p. D. p. V. p. Ect. P. p. Endings of 1st declension nouns

Training center Textbook p.22 exercise. 34

In the summer Kolya rested with his grandmothers ... in the villages .... ? ? 1 sq. R. p. and 1 sq. P. п е Unstressed case ending of a noun - spelling.

Know the endings of a noun by declension in the required case. st. Correct 1 way 2 way? Check the ending using the pivot words of each declension

1sq. 2sq. 3sq. wall earth table window rye steppe Clinic

In the summer Kolya rested with his grandmothers ... in the villages .... ? ? 1 sq. at the ground and 1 word in the ground The unstressed case ending of a noun is an orthogram.

I write the ending as the pivot word Algorithm store. I select the pivot word. I determine the declension. I put the noun in n.f.

I. p. R. p. D. p. V. p. Ect. P. p. glade grandmother uncle

e and oak. from anger. to the floor. from barrels. into the lakes. to the ox. in green. st. Game noun.

On mountain ash .., in newspapers .., in lakes .., in a notebook ..., from dens .., on a cedar .., on smooth .., to the edge .. Word factory Draw a graph e and 5


On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Spelling of case endings of nouns of the 1st declension

The presentation is intended for a lesson in the Russian language on the topic: "Spelling of the case endings of nouns of the 1st declension" in grade 3 - the Zankov system. In addition, the material can be ...

Summary of the Russian language lesson on the topic: "Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension in the singular" ...

Russian language OBZH. Grade 3 Topic. “Spelling of case endings of nouns of the 1st declension. What the road signs are talking about ”.

Topic. “Spelling of case endings of nouns of the 1st declension. What are they talking about road signs". Goals. Consolidation of the skill of spelling the case endings of nouns of the 1st slope ...

Russian language lesson in grade 4. Topic: "Checking unstressed case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension."

Lesson in learning new material ....

Kostareva G.M.

teacher primary grades


Endings of nouns 1, 2, 3 declensions


    Study of the essential features by which these cases are recognized.


    Develop the ability to correctly write the endings of nouns 1, 2, 3 declensions.

    Learn to use a key word to determine the endings of nouns 1, 2 and 3 declensions and determine unstressed endings by case and declension of nouns.

    To develop the speech of children, the ability to generalize, to carry out reasoning by analogy.

Lesson type: combined with the use of ICT.

Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, problematic, partially search.

Forms of organization cognitive activities students:


  • group,



    textbook: Ramzaeva T.G. Russian for grade 4, pp. 115 - 116

    computer, projector;

    lesson presentation;

    algorithm for determining unstressed endings of nouns;

    individual tables for each student for research work;

    signal cards with letters and , e ;

    task for group work;

During the classes

I. Organizing time

Greetings, emotional attitude.

II. Spelling and vocabulary work

Teacher: Let's start our lesson by recognizing words with verifiable and unchecked vowels at the root.

I name 2 words each, you write down only the spelling of which cannot be checked. (1 student works on the board.)

Tree, Birch; painting, wall; land, Apple tree; notebook, leaf; trail, alley; Fox, Hare; month, winter; horizon, fields. (Testing, self-assessment, teacher assessment of 2-3 students).

III. Knowledge update

(Slide 2)

Can you name these words in one word? (Nouns.) What 3 groups can they be divided into? (By declensions.)

- What nouns belong to the 1st declension? 2 declension? 3 declension? Give examples.

IV. Formulation of the problem

- Let's write down the sentence:

(2 students work on a portable board.)

- What difficulties did you encounter while writing this proposal? (In the spelling of endings.)

- Which of the guys spelled the endings of nouns correctly?

- What should we learn today? (Have to repeat the spelling of unstressed endings of nouns.) (Slide 4).

- We will work on this in the lesson. Lesson topic: "Spelling unstressed endings of nouns in the genitive and dative cases."

V. Assimilation of new knowledge

1. Frontal work.(Slide 5)

- What do you know about these cases?
- Let's characterize them, fill in individual tables. ( Appendix 2 ).



whom? what? (from where? where?)

From, to, from, at, without, for, about, with, except, near

to whom? what? (where? where?)

- What semantic question is found in each of these cases? (Question where?)

Is it possible to distinguish between cases on this issue? Why? What should be done to avoid making a mistake? (I have to add a case question: why?- in d. P.).

What semantic question is found in only one of these cases? (Question where?- in p. P.)

Let's read the conclusion in the textbook on page 100.

How else can you distinguish between cases? (On pretexts .)

How to write an unstressed vowel? (They must be remembered.)

2. Research work.

Do your research. Put nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions with stressed endings in genitive and dative case.

Which keyword at the first declension? ( Fox). 2 declensions? ( Horse). 3 declensions? ( Steppe).

3. Work in pairs.

Practice Exercise 213

Put stress, highlight the ending, fill in the individual table to the end.



whom? what?

From, to, from, y, without, for, about, with.

to whom? what?

Compare the resulting table with the table in the tutorial on page 101. (Slide 7).

Whose couple did the task completely independently?

Grade your work in the margins of the notebook.

When the endings are written -and, and when -e.

Which endings do not require verification? (Assessment by the teacher of 2-3 pairs of students).

Vi. Initial test of understanding

Let's get back to our proposal. Check yourself.

He went to his dugout ... and the dugout ... there is no longer a trace.

What unstressed endings can we write in words? (Held teamwork: strong learners explain spelling to weak learners).

What actions do we take to write the endings correctly?

(An algorithm for determining the vowel at the end of the noun appears on the board).

Turn to each other and speak the algorithm.

Vii. Physical education

Students perform rhythmic movements to music.

VIII. Primary anchoring

Work according to the textbook. Exercise # 217 on page 116.
Option 1 - ending - e

Option 2 - ending - and.

Check in pairs, rate. (Assessment by the teacher of 2-3 students).

IX. Group work

I invite you on an imaginary journey to the reserve, which is located on the territory of our city. What is it called? (Ice mountain and Kungur Ice Cave). (Slide 8).

What is a nature reserve? (The reserve is natural area completely excluded from economic use for the protection and study of the natural complex as a whole).

What style do we refer this text to? (To the scientific). Why? (The author does not express his attitude, but only states the facts).

X. Lesson summary

(Slide 15)

- What did you work on today in the lesson?

- What new did you learn in the lesson?

- What do you need to remember?

- What can you praise yourself for?

Show by signals:

    red square - I have not learned the lesson material

    green square - I understand, I can explain and give examples.

XI. Homework

(Slide 16)

P. 107, 113, learn the endings table; R.T. p. 63 ex. 147 - 149

Endings nominative plural nouns

Setting the correct ending for masculine plural nouns is often difficult. How to say: contracts or contracta ? V colloquial speech more and more often we hear the form contracta . Unfortunately, this is a mistake!

Choosing the end type ( - s/- and or -and I) is determined by a number of factors. Let's consider them.

TOthe number of syllables in a word and the place of stress

a) Monosyllabic words often form forms on -a/-I am: snow - snowa , House Housea , forest - foresta , grade - gradea .

b) Monosyllabic words can also have endings - s/-and: court - courts , soup - soups , knife - knifeand , cat - cats ... Frequent speech errors calls the word cake... The plural of this word is cakes.

c) Two-syllable words with stress on the 1st syllable, as a rule, have an ending -a/-I am: ve black - eveninga , Pa sport - passporta , voice - voicea , ve xel - billI am .

d) Polysyllabic words with stress on 2nd, 3rd, etc. syllables usually form forms on - s/-and: apte career - pharmacistand , librarye career - librarianand , computerYu ter - computers , engineere p - engineers .

Note that the stress in these singular and plural forms remains in the same place.

Exceptions : cuff - cuffa , sleeve - sleevea .

The origin of the word and its structural elements

a) Words with elements - ep / -er have an ending - s/-and: actor - actors , chauffeur - chauffeurs , director - directors , conductor - conductors etc. These are words of French origin.

In order to consider the words of the next group, we need to remember the concept of animate / inanimate.

b) Words of Latin origin with the element -Top- inanimate (objects) have an ending - s: reflectors , detectors , refrigerators , capacitors .

c) Words with -Top animates (persons) have an ending - s: authors , lecturers , rectors , constructors and ending - a: doctora , directora , Professora ... Why do we say lecturers, but professors? The choice is explained by tradition.

Remember that colloquial forms accountanta , engineera , choicea , contracta , the verdicta , officialI am , chauffeura , handwritinga , creama , soupa and the like are considered as a gross violation of the language norm.

Difference in the meaning of words

In some cases, the endings - s and - a serve to distinguish the meaning of the word:

images (artistic) - imagea (icons);

the wires (upon departure) - the wirea (electrical);

colors (plants) - colora (coloring);

passand (oversights) - passa (documentation);

belts (geographic) - belta (clothes), etc.

There are enough such pairs in Russian: sheets - leaves, teeth - teeth and etc.

There are normative variant forms (i.e. both forms are correct). These are they:

bunkers - bunkers

years - years

instructors - instructors

valves - valves (technical term)

tunics - tunic

spotlights - spotlights

sectors - sectors

workshops - workshops

The choice of some forms is fixed by tradition. So, we say: Years have passed.Myyears is my wealth... But: So the years run! In her years!

Let's memorize the most frequently used words with both types of endings.

Forms on -and /- s



spare parts












Forms on -a /-I am

Genitive plural endings

The genitive plural endings are another difficult topic for our speech practice.

How to choose the right ending? How to say: no stocking or stockings? Without sock or socks?

Why do we say Armenians, but Mongols?

How to ask correctly in the store: 5 kilogram or kilograms? Orange or oranges?

When choosing an ending, the following rules should be followed.

Masculine gender

1. All names of paired objects have zero ending: boot, boot, stocking, trousers, shoulder straps, scissors.

An exception : sockov .

2. Nationality names are subject to the following rules:

a) words based on - n, - R have zero endings: Englishmen, Armenians, Georgians, Lezghins, Ossetians, Romanians, Turkmen, Gypsies, Bashkirs, Bulgarians.

An exception: black personov.

b) words based on other letters have an ending - ov: Kyrgyzov , Kalmykov , Tajikov , uzbekov , mongolov , Yakutov .

An exception: Turks, Buryats.

3. The names of military groups and former types of troops require the following endings:

a) without numbers, they have a zero ending: partisan, soldier, grenadier, midshipman, hussar, dragoon, lancer;

b) the previous types of troops with numerals have endings - ov: 10 hussarsov .5 midshipmanov , 6 hussarsov , 7 lancerov .

4. The names of the units of measurement are variable:

a) ampere, watt, gram, kilogram, x-ray, pendant;

b) ampereov , wattov , gramov , kilogramov , x-rayov , pendantov .

Truncated forms ( ampere, gram

5. The names of the "vegetables - fruits" group have the endings - ov: Orangeov , tangerineov , bananaov , tomatoov , eggplantov .

Truncated forms ( orange, tangerine, banana, tomato) are typical for colloquial speech.


1. Nouns ending in - lI am, -nya have a null ending: waffles, roofing, gossip, nannies, cherries, apple trees.

2. Some nouns have an ending - eth: candlesher , rakeher , sheether .

There are also variant forms: The game is worth the candle but: The house is notcandlesher . However, the word candle used here in direct and figurative (phraseological) meanings (indicate where which).

3. Nouns ending in - and I have an ending - ui: auditorui , academicui , conservativeui .

Neuter gender

1. A number of names have a zero ending: apples, shoulders, saucers of towels, mirrors.

Pay attention to the shape of the shoulders ( Dress with shoulders and without shoulders!)

2. Forms for - ui: coastui , backwaterui , drugsui .

3. There are also forms on - ev: ustev , swampev , upperev , lower reachesev .

How do they form Genitive those nouns that are always used only in the plural? Nouns that are always used only in the plural (not having a gender) form the genitive case with the help different types endings:

zero: twilight; days;

- ov: freezingov ;

-her: weekdayher , nurseryher , sanher .

Questions and tasks

1. What factors influence the choice of the nominative endings for the plural of nouns? Name them.

2. How to educate plural from words with element-er / -er (conductor)? What language did these words come from?

3. Give examples of when endings- s/ -а serve to distinguish words by meaning.

4. What is the plural genitive ending for the names of paired objects (boots, trousers)? How to correctly say: no socks or no socks?

5. Which of the forms are formal and business, and which are conversational style speech: grams, pendants / gram, pendant? tomatoes, oranges / tomato, orange?

6. How do nouns that are used only in the plural form the genitive case: frost, twilight, manger?

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