Home Berries How to learn to sell well. Emotional attitude to sell. Create your environment

How to learn to sell well. Emotional attitude to sell. Create your environment

Why are you interested in sales psychology? Do you want to learn how to sell? Do more sales? Is your income directly related to this skill?

When I asked this question, I shoveled a “ton” of information.

Among the many resources offering information on this topic and paid trainings, I gathered for myself, in my opinion, the most a practical scheme of sales psychology. Every time my managers and I stick to it, the sale is easy. We leave no choice to the buyer, he is ours. We will talk about the selling structure of PSODA.

The first rule of sales psychology: Who knows the motivation of the buyer and focuses on it, he sells.

Motivation of the buyer (client) is the main component of the sale. The buyer pays not for the thing, but for the result! For solving your problem, task.

Something pushes him to buy. In order to sell him, you need to understand what exactly.

There are two psychological reasons:

1. Wants to avoid discomfort.

2. Wants to feel good.

In psychology, this is called "Motivation to" or "Motivation from". Consider an example.

Motivation "to": I want to rest! There I will sunbathe. Swim in the sea. I will meet new people. May I meet my destiny.

Motivation “from”: I want to rest! I got the job. Got the house. Native. Sick of all.

Think back to your last 3 purchases.

Think about what motivated you during the last 3 purchases? Was it "motivation from" or "motivation to"? A little later you will understand why this is necessary.

Consider the issue of motivation in the psychology of sales on clothing example.

Why does a person buy clothes? You can, of course, assume that he only needs it to protect himself from the sun, rain or snow ... but that was a long time ago. Today, there can be many motivations for buying clothes.

There could be hundreds of reasons for this, if you like. Some of them:

- wants to look attractive

- there will be a solemn event

- nothing to wear (here, if you ask a person, he is not recognized)

- wants to be liked opposite sex

- needed for work

wife insisted

wants to find something to match with his new shoes

- update your wardrobe

... suggest your options, 3 will be enough.

As you can see, there may be enough motives. Several reasons can motivate you to buy at once, but one will be dominant.

If the seller makes a mistake in the assumption, the likelihood of a purchase will be minimized. A potential client will have to convince himself of the correctness of the choice, and the seller will lose credibility.

Why do you need to understand the motive for buying?

You will better understand the client. Accordingly, you will enter into his position and your proposals will be more relevant for solving his problem.

Next, we will consider a scheme that will put everything on the shelves, help you learn how to sell, increase your sales by 2-5 times. This is a scheme for writing sales texts. The scheme used by the "gurus" of Internet marketing. It is directly related to the psychology of sales. PSODA scheme.

We will shorten it a little, as it is intended for a slightly different purpose, but the essence of its power in sales will remain the same.

Pain + more pain (we adjust - we are of the same blood)

Let's say we found out that the motivation of our customer is the desire to please her boss, who is 35 years old, and he invited her to dinner. Option right words will be the following:

Do you want him to like it? Do you want him to be unable to take his eyes off you? (Yes, she wants it and for her it ispain, here you can tell your story, how you won attention, it is important that it be true story otherwise you risk losing trust.)

Now imagine the motivation of your client that you know. What questions will hit the target? Which ones will cling to a living problem?

Feel free to ask such questions! You will see the result within 10 seconds on his face. You can repeat these questions at least every 2 minutes. They will be very relevant for him and cause a smile. Because he will feel that he is understood! And is it important.

Problem solving in general (how do others do?)

Back to our customer

We say such words only if the choice of the buyer is really successful, and not because you need money and want to make a sale:

Many look, try on this dress, then go to other stores ...

… and then come back and buy. Some after a few days.

(Attention! If such a practice is really present.)

Yes, it costs a lot, but many save money and as a result buy a thing that falls apart after the second wash.

Here we create conditions for thoughts: "these are stupid, but I'm not like that."

Our solution (in the form of boules and benefits)

Or you can buy this dress, it will serve you for a long time and wearing such a thing is more pleasant than a cheap one. (If the price plays important role for the buyer, this argument will be weighty). The men in our store are already looking at you. You will look good in this dress with both shoes and boots.

It goes well with black, gray and white colors. (Will work if the customer is wearing these colors).


The psychology of sales is such that when buying a person always doubts. By taking care of guarantees, you will increase the number of sales. Be sure to tell the buyer!

You can return the dress within 14 days provided that you do not wear or remove the tags from it. We will refund the full amount.

The % of returns will increase, but it will not increase significantly in relation to sales.

Gifts and Freebies

In addition to doubts, the human brain works in such a way that it begins to dissuade its owner, makes him doubt. Like: “It’s going to have to go back, so far ... and this time ...”

The brain needs to be given a gift urgently! Thus, we will concrete benefits, guarantees and leave no chance for this "harmful body"

Think about how you will apply the above in practice in your field.

"Sell the price" (explain why it is profitable)

Triple Headshot! What could be better?

The main benefit for the buyer in this case- like the boss. We can both catch this moment and miss it. Let's hook:

This dress is made of material X, which in itself costs a lot of money and is of very high quality, can withstand up to 100 washes. And given the quality of tailoring, you buy this dress for ridiculous money. I'm sure your chosen one will appreciate the way you look in it. (This phrase will hit the target, since you have recognized its motive.)

How to get it (clear instructions)

Psychologically, the client is already 3 times ready to buy. And here it is important to give him clear instructions on what needs to be done in order to make a purchase.

In order to buy this dress, go to the checkout, pay for the purchase and come to me with a receipt.

Important points:

The psychology of sales is such that if you communicate insincerely, if you flatter or something else, no sales psychology will help here. First of all, set a goal to help the buyer solve his problem! And if the product does not fit, it is better not to sell than to "sell".

Books on the psychology of sales:

I would like to share only useful information, but I have not yet found a worthwhile book.

For example, The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy is more about selling the book than it is about increasing reader sales. The same can be said about the book How to put the buyer in a trance. New psychology of sales and marketing”

If you have a book of techniques in your arsenal that helped to increase your sales by 2 times or more, write in the comments.

♦ Heading: , .

Everyone is shopping - only people in more, others to a lesser extent, but in modern world it is impossible to imagine those who do not have the need to buy something. But how do you choose a vendor? How to learn to sell? Let's discuss the process from a to z, identifying the main stages and patterns.

What qualities should a seller have?

Can anyone become a good salesperson? Probably not, because here, as in any work, vocation and abilities are important. But you can learn how to sell a product if you have the desire and desire. The seller is always a psychologist, a key figure on which the number of sales depends. What are the qualities of a good worker? To the professional and personal skills necessary for successful activity, include:

  • The ability to strike a balance between helpfulness and self-respect. Imagine that you walk into a store and are taken in by an active salesperson who wants to read your mind and spreads out in front of you like a doormat. Unpleasant excessive obsession? Certainly. Few people will be happy with excessive helpfulness and a fake fake smile, which are often perceived as forced hypocrisy. It is possible that people with low self-esteem will like such a meeting, but it is still worth focusing on an adequate part of the population. The seller is also a person, like the buyer, so you should not forget your self-esteem at home, leaving for work. Do not talk to potential buyers, choosing the intonation of a disenfranchised serf. Try to save fine line between "keep" the consumer and "bend" under him. But it is worth remembering the importance and necessity good manners: a greeting and a sincere smile, attentiveness and cordiality, competent speech are significant components in the work of the seller.
  • Ability to smooth conflict situations, solve the problems of buyers. Any seller cannot do without self-confidence, resourcefulness and self-control, since it is impossible to even approximately predict possible options buyer behavior. Many deliberately provoke conflicts, because they primitively lack emotions in their lives. What should the seller do? Do not panic - fear usually paralyzes your thinking abilities, which means that you will not be able to figure out how to achieve understanding. It is best to simulate common situations in advance and formulate for yourself universal methods and techniques that will allow you to find a way out that satisfies both parties. For example, a woman buys an expensive designer tie in a store, packed in a beautiful box. At first, everything is fine - the customer pays the money, takes the box and leaves quite satisfied and happy. But after a couple of minutes he returns and draws the attention of the seller to the fact that the packaging has a defect - it is slightly torn. It is logical - if a thing is purchased as a gift, then you want everything to be perfect. How to be? Change? And not for anything ... such ties are over. Return money? And the woman will remain dissatisfied, and the store will not make a profit, and the seller's time will be irretrievably spent. Of course, in no case can not refuse the buyer to return it cash. But it is better to politely apologize and offer him a choice: a refund; discount on the purchased goods (for example, 5%); discount card; a small gift with purchase. In most cases, buyers prefer to receive a discount than to return an already liked product.
  • Good product knowledge. Telling about the product and its qualities is the direct responsibility of the seller. And for this you need to perfectly understand and navigate the industry in which you work. You can only sell successfully if you understand what you want to sell. Buyers ask questions and expect logical and complete answers, so it is unlikely that someone will buy a "pig in a poke" when the seller cannot say a single articulate sentence. Here you can recall the Soviet cartoon about the sale of a cow, where an old man, having come to the market, could not get rid of it, but suddenly a boy appeared who decided to help him and praised his goods so much that the owner eventually decided - “you need such a cow yourself! ". Of course, it is much more pleasant and easier to trade Swiss watches, and not Chinese consumer goods, since the quality of products is main characteristic that attract consumers. If you sell food, then be prepared to answer questions about which cake is the most delicious, which cottage cheese makes the best cheesecakes, which sausage is suitable for salad, and which one is suitable for cheese rolls ... and so on. It is very unpleasant to see sellers who work, for example, in pastry shops, but customers are proudly informed that they don't know about the taste of sweets and cookies, as they are on a diet, don't like or don't eat sweets, etc. If you trade in complex (or not so) equipment, then it is very important to be able to show its capabilities and functions to potential owners. Also, usually people are interested in the country of origin, the subtleties and results of use.
  • Orientation to customer needs. It is important not only to be able to listen to what the buyer needs, it is also necessary to hear and understand it. The seller must have developed empathy (feel people), know the basics of psychology in order to establish contact and identify the needs of the client. Sometimes a person comes to the store, wanting to buy spoons, and leaves with a set of expensive pots, because the seller directed his thoughts in such a way that the buyer understood: yes, he dreamed of this wonderful set for a long time and strongly, new kitchenware is the first necessity! Selling a product to a customer is easy and unconstrained if you know how to communicate, are sincerely interested in people and want to help them.
  • Respectful attitude towards customers. In our country, the principle is cultivated in society - "we meet by clothes." Its fruits are also very noticeable in business - some sellers are trying to assess the solvency of potential buyers in appearance. It is sad to see the sometimes boorish attitude of trade workers towards people whose clothes do not seem presentable at first glance. You won’t find this abroad, it’s customary there that even millionaires can walk around in torn jeans and old sneakers. But in any case, sellers should not take on the role of appraisers - all visitors should be treated with respect, regardless of whether they are going to make a big purchase or not. After all, even if a person came for a trifle, and he was rude or served reluctantly, he simply will not return next time, choosing another store.
  • The habit of abstracting from personal problems at work. It is clear that everyone has difficulties and troubles - a toothache, a broken phone, insomnia or a quarrel with a friend, etc. But these details are of no interest to buyers, they are not your friends or relatives. They care about their problems. Arriving at the store, I want to see a friendly, polite and qualified professional as a salesperson, and not the sad shadow of Hamlet's father, wiping his tears with a silk handkerchief. People working in trade need to be able to control emotions and thoughts, leaving all the negativity at home.

Important: a good salesperson should have personal qualities- adequate self-esteem, striving for excellence, positive and flexible thinking, self-confidence and stress resistance. If you want to improve yourself, but there is not enough time for this, then it is worth studying.

How to sell a product correctly?

In our time, the competition is so great that for a successful business, it is necessary to think through every step. In other words, you cannot do without a competent strategy. Now exists great amount literature describing effective . Of course, there is hardly universal way, suitable for all products, since everyone has a different, but some general trends and patterns that attract buyers can be identified. Consider step by step how to sell a product correctly.

Establishing contact with the buyer

This is basic and very milestone, since the outcome of the conversation often depends on the first impression. Without contact, a normal dialogue will not work, which means that the chances of selling the goods will rapidly approach zero. According to scientists, an opinion about a person (about the seller in our case) is formed at the very beginning of the conversation - literally in seconds. For sales, first impressions are often crucial, as lost customer confidence is almost impossible to regain. You need to understand - initially, most customers on a subconscious level are set against the seller and do not want to communicate with him. There is a widespread belief among managers that "everyone likes to buy, but no one likes to be sold to." That is, a person intends to purchase a product, just dreams, but active imposition and pressure can lead to the opposite effect, and the buyer will change his mind. Newton's third law will work - the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. How often does the buyer respond to the excessive affection of the seller, who failed to arouse the location, “I don’t need anything”? There are many more cases than it seems at first glance. To prevent this from happening, the seller should try to establish contact. How? For example, you can do the following:

  • Attract the attention of the buyer - start a dialogue with the client, captivate him. It is worth considering the standard rules: open posture, maintaining a “safe” distance (do not get too close, usually a one and a half meter distance from a person is optimal), eye contact, bright facial expressions and gestures. It will be useful to read. For example, Harry Friedman, in his book No Thanks, I'm Just Watching, does a wonderful job of describing the process of turning a regular visitor into a customer.
  • Get to know each other - introduce yourself by giving your name and unobtrusively indicating the scope of activity, and also ask about the name of the buyer. Acquaintance translates the “seller-buyer” communication model into “person-person”, and it is logical that it is much easier to trust a person than a seller. But you need to understand that banal and formulaic greetings (for example: “Hello, my name is Anna, I am a sales assistant”) do not distinguish you from the crowd of identical trade workers, so it’s better to show originality. If the buyer introduced himself in response, then address him by name, as everyone is pleased. However, it is still not necessary to transform someone else's name - if a man called himself Alexander, do not make Sashenka out of him, etc.
  • Interest the buyer - tell us about ongoing promotions, new collections, current trends, reflected in the assortment of your store, etc. To do this, you need to be well versed in your field of activity, know everything about competitors in order to inform the client about the benefits of your products. If a potential buyer is staring at an expensive sweater, then tell him about the composition and quality, emphasizing - a jacket made of natural wool, which means it will warm in winter and be worn for a long time, that is, it cannot be compared with acrylic analogues sold in neighboring countries. outlets.

Important: people perceive information in a complex way - visually, audially and verbally, that is, the seller is obliged to pay attention not only to his words and washed them away, but also to intonation, facial expressions, gestures.

Identification of customer needs

To sell a product, at least basic knowledge in the field is required. How to understand what the client wants to receive? Needs are called needs, which are embodied through specific services or goods. Needs are believed to be:

  • conjugated;
  • non-conjugated.

The satisfaction of an associated need leads to the birth of another. For example, a woman bought shoes, but they also need a suitable handbag. New skirt involves the purchase of a blouse, etc. The seller needs to understand and anticipate the desires of the client, to guide them. Correct Definition The needs of the buyer are very significant, since people come shopping, trying to solve any problems, but the exact same product may be needed for different purposes.

Consider an example: a potential buyer who wants to purchase curtains contacts the store. The seller finds out the approximate amount that the client is willing to spend, asks about the interior and color solution rooms, and then shows options that match the information that was announced. However, the purchase is not made, and the person leaves light… Why? The consultant did not tritely ask - what is the goal of the buyer, what does he want to receive? The seller offered those curtains that were combined with the interior, and the visitor sought to protect himself from sunlight, as the sun shone in his room from the very morning, preventing him from sleeping. In this case, a person would most likely buy blackout curtains (made of opaque fabric), if they were told about them, paying attention to the advantages - drawn curtains plunge the room into complete darkness, as they do not let in light from the street.

To identify the needs of the buyer, you need to ask him. Usually isolated the following types questions:

  • Closed questions - they can be answered unequivocally ("yes" or "no"). Do not ask too many questions like this, otherwise the amount of information received will be negligible. Example: "Do you prefer classics in clothes?".
  • Open questions - it is expected that the answer will be detailed. However, it should be borne in mind that if the buyer is not interested, then he will simply run away to another store, where he will not have to conduct long and tedious dialogues. Example: "Which dresses do you prefer?".
  • Alternative questions - give a person a choice in the form of several answers. Example: "Do you like Long Dresses or short?
  • Leading questions - are required in the case when the buyer himself does not really understand what he wants to receive. Example: “When choosing a dress, it is important to understand the purpose of the purchase: if you are planning to go on a holiday, will we see elegant and bright ones?”.
  • Rhetorical questions - create an atmosphere of ease in conversation, are necessary to maintain a dialogue. Example: “Do you want to choose a dress that best emphasizes your individuality and beauty?”.

Important: as a result of the conversation, the seller must mentally compose a kind of questionnaire that highlights client preferences. Products should be offered based on the information received. It is also important to remember about related needs: if you choose a shirt, immediately offer to match it with a tie, etc.

Presentation of a product or service

A presentation is a process during which you describe or show the client the goods or services offered. Of course, everyone understands: "it is better to see once than hear a hundred times." Therefore, the task of the seller is to show the product in such a way that the client understands that this is exactly what is needed! Usually, representatives of the organization sphere participate in the development of the idea of ​​product presentation, and sellers implement the idea. When presenting a product, you can pay attention to a number of points:

  • Show preliminary steps. It is impossible to sell a house without showing it to the buyer. If you're building custom kitchens, customers will want to see samples as well as designs made specifically for them.
  • Specify the benefit that the client will receive. Listing properties and characteristics alone is not enough, it is important to indicate how the product will change the life of the buyer, what it will allow, etc. Example: "This refrigerator does not need to be defrosted, so you save a lot of time."
  • Know how to correctly identify target audience. All people have different needs, but it is possible to identify types of buyers and come up with appropriate presentations for them. If you sell clothes, and young students come to you for shopping, then they prefer what is modern, which means that the emphasis should be placed on the latest fashion trends when presenting products.
  • Anticipate logical objections. Tired of persistent questions about why so expensive? Include your response in your presentation. For example: "Some people are surprised that the price is too high, in their opinion, but it is justified, since our doors are made of natural wood, therefore, they will not adversely affect your health."
  • Explain professional terms. Moreover, this should be done unobtrusively and easily - the client should not have the thought that he is stupid and does not know the obvious things.
  • Praise carefully, do not overdo it. When everything is too sweet, that is, often you don’t feel like it anymore ... and it’s hard to believe. Therefore, it is better to talk about the cons, as this will help to gain trust - after all, everyone understands that nothing is perfect.
  • Offer a choice. Comparing similar products is always interesting and useful - sometimes this is what helps the client to give something their preference.
  • Talk about the product, giving arguments. It is important for people to know that others liked and liked the product, as this automatically makes it attractive. Add digital data, graphics, photos and videos, available certificates, testimonials, newspaper excerpts or recommendations from social networks, etc. to your presentation. For example: “We have been selling similar greenhouses for 5 years, during which we received only thanks and not a single complaint.”
  • Include the buyer in the process of using the product. How? Due to trial periods, samplers, etc. Selling cars - pay special attention to test drives, because sometimes it is the opportunity to find out what it is like to sit behind the wheel of the car you like is the decisive factor in its acquisition.
  • Encourage the customer to buy. Everything is suitable for this: discounts, bonuses, additional guarantees, gifts, promotions ... Everyone wants a holiday, and it happens when you buy two bottles of cognac for the price of one.

Important: when presenting a product, one must not only act according to a well-established and rehearsed scheme, but focus primarily on a specific buyer and his needs.

Proposal wording

After the presentation, you should check the readiness of the buyer to make a deal. It is better to ask open questions, for example: “Did you like the offer?”, “Are you satisfied with the conditions?” and the like. If you ask directly, it's easy to hear "no", so it's worth proceeding carefully, as there may not be a second chance.

When formulating a proposal, there is an opportunity to add value to the proposed product or service. How? There are three methods:

  1. Deficiency - acts as a kind of psychological factor, making a person want to get what is only in limited quantities. Owning something exclusive (or at least not mass) helps a person feel his uniqueness.
  2. Time-limited offer - is a catalyst that helps to accept positive decision. The promotion will expire, which means the buyer will miss out on the benefit ... and who would do that?
  3. The effect of repetition (imitation) - often people tend to copy others on a subconscious level, therefore a large number of customers who bought the product is a kind of proof of its quality and relevance.

Important: the wording of the offer must be clear, transparent and in no way misleading buyers, otherwise the lost trust will not be returned.

Handling possible objections

Every salesperson faces customer objections every day of their work. They can arise both at the very beginning, that is, at the stage of establishing contact, and after the presentation of the product. It is normal and logical that the client doubts. The seller's task is to give a reasoned answer, dispelling doubts or explaining incomprehensible points. Consider examples of the most common objections and how to deal with them.

"Too expensive!"

A common objection, especially in retail stores. What should the seller do? Carefully find out what this decision is connected with. Depending on the cause, a method of neutralization should also be devised. For example:

  • The customer saw a similar product in another store, but at a lower price. Then you need to prove that the sentences are not identical at all. Your product is better in certain parameters, so the price is higher. You can build a dialogue in such a way that the buyer himself realizes the superiority of your product, for example: “Are the glasses in the Alfa store also crystal, like ours, or are they made of glass?”.
  • The customer wants a discount. If the policy of your organization provides for discount cards, then make a discount, go forward. Otherwise, however, you are not required to do so. Explain that the price of the product is logical and reasonable.
  • The price is really too high for the client. Then you can offer a similar product with a lower price.
  • The buyer thinks the price is unfair. Give arguments that prove the objectivity of the price. For example, high quality goods, prestige, compliance with the latest trends, etc.

"I'll think about it…"

Everyone thinks before shopping - someone wants to consult with friends, evaluate the assortment in other stores, or simply reflect on the need for the desired product. Is there nothing the seller can do? Can. Usually people put off the purchase because something stops them - they didn’t understand, but, for example, they are embarrassed to ask. In this case, the salesperson should ask what prevents the client from making a decision, what information he lacks.

Important: set a deadline for the buyer, that is, the deadline for which the announced price for the goods is valid. In other words, tomorrow the selected cabinet will cost 10% more, as the new month, from which the supplier raised the prices of materials.

Closing a deal and resolving issues

It seems that the client is already ready to buy, but even at this stage, failure can occur. The buyer does not dare, and the seller is already afraid of failure. It is important to gently push a person to a deal - to remind him of the possibility of a return within a certain period, of a guarantee, of a discount card that will be issued along with the purchase. Usually this is enough, and as a result, an agreement is concluded, documents are drawn up, etc. Maybe the purchase will be made on credit, then the seller must help the client.

The role of merchandising in sales

Merchandising is the art of selling, that is, a kind of set of activities aimed at increasing sales in a particular store. According to statistics, more than half of all decisions to purchase any product were made by customers standing directly in front of the counter. Why? A person chooses with his eyes ... seeing something, he can suddenly realize the need for this thing. If you come to a clothing store, it is easy to see that handkerchiefs and gloves often hang next to the bags, Men's shirts side by side with ties. By chance? Not at all. The location of marketable products should ideally encourage visitors to buy, and preferably not one.

It is believed that the promotion of the product is carried out in two stages. First, the manufacturer organizes advertising campaign in the media, on billboards, in in social networks etc. Its purpose is to inform potential consumers about the quality of the product, its properties and characteristics. Due to the branded packaging, brand, star involved in advertising, the client also creates an image of the product. Merchandising belongs to the second stage, it is a way to draw the attention of the consumer, to show him the goods favorably. So that you want to buy.

Features of sales with cold contacts with a client

Today, everyone faces cold sales - they are often called "telephone spam" because they are carried out solely at the initiative of the seller. Cold contacts can occur both with the help of telephone communication, and personally, for example, by going round the apartments. The client most often does not show any interest in the product, and simply does not want to talk with the seller. However, this does not always happen - out of 50 unsuccessful calls, one may turn out to be winning, that is, to attract a buyer.

The main feature of cold sales is the difficulty in establishing contact with a potential buyer. You call on the phone, but you can’t even imagine - who will pick up the phone? Retired, student, secretary or CEO? How to behave and adapt to the interlocutor in order to interest him? Usually cold callers have developed communication plans (they are called “sales scripts”). However, one must be able to form an opinion about a hypothetical client in the first seconds of the dialogue in order to select the appropriate scenario. It is very important to understand what you are selling and to know everything about your competitors.

Important: to engage in cold sales, it is necessary not only to have stress resistance, conversational skills and competent speech, good knowledge about the product and flexibility of thinking, but also a beautiful, pleasant voice that causes disposition and a desire to continue the dialogue.

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Thus, it is quite possible to learn how to trade correctly, increasing sales volumes, if you focus on the needs of the buyer and understand the importance of each stage in the process of selling goods. The world-famous marketer Philip Kotler said that "the client needs to be given a choice, and then he will leave all his money with you." And you can help with the choice ...

In contact with

Whether the entrepreneur knows how to sell the product depends on his income and the income of the seller. Let's consider the main nuances of marketing in several "projections".

The advertisement is engine of the trade

From practice it is known that the majority of purchases by people in the store is carried out impulsively (unintentionally). In this case, the appearance of the goods, its packaging or the advice of the seller are of no small importance. Therefore, the role of such a specialist in this field acquires a certain variety.

How to sell a product correctly? Of course, the first point of the answer to the question posed should be a friendly meeting of the buyer in the store. The seller must also be able to offer the thing he needs. They may also be asked to purchase some related products. So, for example, when purchasing a suit, the buyer also chooses the appropriate tie.

The seller, having decided for himself how to properly sell the goods to the buyer, should nevertheless put the method of persuasion as the basis. The analysis of sales processes showed that the decisive influence on the buyer is the use of such tools as speech, manners and knowledge of the merchandising qualities of goods.

The advantage of word of mouth advertising over its other types is in individual communication with buyers. In fact, these two traders are independent individuals with different needs, characters, requests and temperaments.

The character and mood of a person determine his desire to buy a product.

In order to decide how to sell a product, the seller needs to recognize not only the mood, but also the nature of the buyer. The second quality is a set of basic and rather essential personality traits, thanks to which a person differs from other members of society. By character, all people are divided into decisive and indecisive, strong-willed and weak-willed, passive and active, etc. Often, character directly depends on temperament: melancholic, sanguine, choleric and phlegmatic. It is easiest for the seller to determine the nature of the buyer in the course of a conversation with him.

Therefore, the distributor, determining how to properly sell the goods to a particular person, must choose the appropriate approach. For example, inert customers need to be served more actively, and choleric people get irritated too quickly, so you need to be especially careful with them.

Purchase motivation

Purchasing motives may include factors such as quality, economy, seasonality, and specific dates. The seller needs to find out all this, and only then offer a product that meets the needs of the person. These factors cannot be considered in isolation from each other. Often, several factors influence the purchase at the same time. Sometimes there are motives that are based on emotions. Therefore, the seller, having decided how to sell the goods, takes into account the data about the person to whom it is intended.

Purchase motivation is influenced by both external and internal factors. External factors include the reputation of the store and the recommendations of friends. Internal factors are the characteristics of the product itself. Often the buyer makes a decision to buy a particular product under the influence appearance the last one.

Sale of foreign-made goods

Today the market is quite diverse and saturated with goods of both domestic and foreign production. At the same time, many specimens, unfortunately, cannot “boast” of their high quality. When deciding, for example, how to sell goods from China, the store needs to have all the permits and certificates for these products available. Only in this case, successful implementation and obtaining the desired profit is possible.

How to sell a product over the Internet?

Studies have shown that about 35% of all buyers perceive the product by sight, 15% by ear, 20% by sensation, 6% by taste and 4% by smell. It is also necessary to take into account that a person is able to remember only one-fifth of what he heard.

Therefore, the seller, when determining how to sell a product via the Internet, cannot but take into account these observational results. A prerequisite in online stores should be the presence quality pictures goods, his complete characteristic and preferably reviews. Of course, if the buyer decides to call the contact number, then a competent operator must answer him.

Basic trading rules

In modern trade very often you can find concepts such as marketing, merchandising and cold contacts. Any self-respecting seller needs to know the basic rules of how to quickly sell a product and get in full money for him. So, let's try to understand the above concepts.

To obtain a successful sale of goods, you can try the techniques used by sales representatives (specialists involved in promoting goods in retail outlets). Their work is based on a catalog of products that they bring to the store and subsequently conclude sales contracts.

Modern large companies selling several groups of goods oblige sales representatives who are on their staff to undergo special trainings on the topic “How to learn to sell a product”, the main focus of which is to study the tools for increasing sales by expanding the customer base.

It is these specialists who later become marketers, i.e., professionals in the sale of goods to the consumer.


Today, this term is no longer surprising to anyone. In large trading companies, there are entire departments whose employees are engaged in merchandising. The profession of "merchandiser" in the West is obtained in the process of training not in one year.

So, merchandising - actions aimed at increasing the volume of trade. The main tools in these actions are: the availability of price tags, beautiful layout and compliance with the standards of a particular company in terms of presentation. As you can see, there is nothing new here. This rule worked in Russian trade before, but did not have such a beautiful name.

An important component in all this is the price tag, which is in some way a document for the product and carries information about the manufacturer and cost. If a discrepancy between the price in it and the amount in the cash receipt is suddenly revealed, then this is a gross violation. In large retail chains, it is the merchandiser who is responsible for this, in small shops- the seller, and in online stores - the administrator.

Cold contacts

This term is also known as "cold sales". In this case, the same rules apply as for any other sales, but with some additions. So, the rules of greeting, presentation and definition of needs must also be observed, but the conclusion of the transaction will take place already at personal meeting(unless it's an online store).

The structure of the conversation has some differences from personal communication. The seller does not see the eyes of a potential buyer, which significantly reduces the likelihood of a successful transaction.

How to sell goods over the phone? This question interests many people today. This type of sales often requires great patience and readiness for the fact that the expected success may not come on the second, not even on the fifth call.

One of important points telephone sales - the ability to conduct a conversation. You need to prepare for the fact that the interlocutor can give a large number of excuses and arguments in order not to buy the product. Therefore, one must be 100% confident in the quality of products and be able to correctly describe its advantages.

How to sell expensive goods?

If the company is engaged in the sale of expensive goods, then in this case there are some nuances that must be taken into account.

First, before offering an expensive product, you must first collect information about the client's solvency.

Second, if in question about cold sales (by phone), you need to find out how convenient it is for the interlocutor to talk with the manager. If a potential buyer this moment busy, you need to find out the time at which you can contact him again.

Thirdly, the manager must know his text thoroughly, literally by heart. That is, to own complete information about components, price list, warranty period and possible discounts.

Summing up the material presented in this article, it is necessary to note the following. In order for a product to be successfully sold, you need to know a few simple rules, have specially trained employees (managers, marketers and merchandisers) and, of course, a desire to work.

good afternoon dear readers and blog followers Tvoya life. Today I am starting a series of articles on the following topic: Technique effective sales or how to sell? We all strive for prosperity, wealth, success. We are selling something every day.

Someone is directly connected with trade, sells some goods, someone is not, but we all face situations in our lives when we need to achieve something from other people.

Sign the contract, convince the mother-in-law, wife and evil boss. So I think that salesmanship necessary for all people without exception.

In the CCCP, trading was considered something shameful and not noteworthy, nevertheless looking at most of the well-known today, who even then all started with different kind trade, you understand that this skill cannot be ignored.

In the capitalist countries, all large fortunes began to be earned in the trading business. It was after that large investments and profitable projects had already begun, and at the beginning there was the most ordinary banal trade.

What are the advantages of a person who owns the technique of effective sales:

1 person salesman always, at any political situation in the country, will be provided with work. The demand for sales managers is constantly growing every year. Real professionals make really big money.

2 Any person who knows how to sell will always be able to present himself from the most favorable side, it will be easier for him to find mutual language with colleagues and relatives, will be in any situation in life.

3 Knowledge effective sales techniques- this is the knowledge of psychological principles and laws that are also applicable to ordinary life.

So these articles will not only be useful for sales professionals, but they can also be easily used in everyday life.

The articles will be broken down in the following order:

1 Theoretical part - a description of the basics, how to learn to sell.

2 Practical part - various examples application of specific techniques.

That is, the first article will be the theory, the second practice, the third theory, the fourth practice, and so on.

The frequency of articles will be once a week, during which time I will have time to prepare new material and you put into practice what you read. And finally, a joke about sellers:

The new employee got a job as a salesperson. The first working day passed, and the young salesman went to submit a report.

The manager asks:

How many people have you served today?
- One.
- One? In our store, salespeople on average serve from 20 customers per shift! Not good.
And how much did you serve the customer?
- $120,500
- What-o-o? 120 thousand 500 dollars! How so?

First I sold him a fishing hook. Then I sold him the most expensive rod. When everything was packed for him, I asked where he would go fishing? He replied that to Baikal. To this, I told him that it was impossible to do without a boat there.

We went down to the boat department and I recommended him to see a motorboat. He liked it, but the buyer said that his sports car could not tow such a boat. We went to automotive department and I sold him a Nissan Jeep with a trailer.
The crazy manager asks his new one
- You want to say that this buyer came to buy a fishing hook, but bought a motor boat and a jeep?
- No. He came to buy pads for his wife. And I told him that since there is nothing to do at home, it’s better to go fishing ...

Although this is an anecdote, but that seller clearly knew effective sales technique.

It is impossible to learn how to ride a bike by reading a book, just as it is impossible to learn how to sell by reading books and articles. Everything that is written below is nothing compared to practice. The more you interact with people, the stronger you are as a seller.

One way or another, all people are involved in the process of trading. At the same time, everyone has their own role, but if you have to participate in some kind of process, you should probably understand its laws and mechanisms. Question: how to learn to sell? Asked, not everyone. Although, knowing and understanding the technique of sales, you can achieve much more in life. After all, any person has to be in the role of a seller. This article is about how to learn to sell? And why is it needed.

Why learn to sell?

There is a proverb " a real man must: build a house, plant a tree, raise a son. I think that most people will agree with this, but have all those who agreed achieved these goals? Probably not, the question is, why didn't it happen? Why people often do not achieve what they want and what needs to be achieved. There are actually a lot of reasons, but I would like to highlight one of the most important, in my opinion, people do not strive to develop themselves comprehensively. By comprehensive self-development, I mean an independent search for knowledge, skills and abilities that can be useful in everyday life.

Very often a person, having achieved knowledge in one area, ceases to develop further. More than once I heard the opinion from highly qualified specialists in their field that they do not need other knowledge. But there are skills that will be useful to everyone, for example, the ability to sell. The ability to sell does not mean standing at the market at the counter. The ability to sell is an understanding of human needs, ways to identify them and building a dialogue with a person based on his needs. Any seller must first.

Learning the theory of sales

In order to fully learn how to sell, you need to master a number of theoretical materials. They will give an understanding of the laws by which sales "live". First of all, you should study - this is the basis of any sale, a kind of trading rules that can be violated, but then this process is not called selling, but or informing. Both are aimed at selling, but do not fit the definition of sales.

In studying the stages of sales, you need, first of all, to understand. This stage of sales is of great importance in understanding the sales process. I recommend reading about and finding out what it is. At first glance, everything seems simple and clear, but try to understand what needs your family and friends have by talking with them for a few minutes. Then practice on people you don't know. This training will help you apply your sales skills to stressful situations, for example, at an interview or when communicating with the boss.

It must be remembered that a good seller speaks only 20% of the dialogue, the rest of the time he listens to the client. But do not forget about such sales stages as:, and. In order to effectively use these stages, you need not only to study the theory of sales, but also to carry out serious work on yourself.

From theory to practice

In sales, this is, first of all, communication, and in any communication, not so much words are important as emotions. How best seller knows how to convey emotions to the client, the higher its effectiveness. On the one hand, it seems to be quite difficult how to manage your emotions so that a client buys a product from you. First you need to understand how people communicate. Assume that when communicating people use 3 tools to convey thoughts and emotions:

  • Verbal - words their quantitative and qualitative expression.
  • Non-verbal - body language, can be conditionally divided into facial expressions and gestures.
  • Paraverbal - intonation, timbre and tempo of voice.

The seller must skillfully use all means of communication. Scientists have found that the distribution of transmitted information between people is approximately the following: verbal - 7%, paraverbal 38%, not verbal communication 55%. And if we are taught to develop verbal communication from childhood, then the rest will most likely need to be worked on.

Verbal communication

This is the ability to correctly build sentences and formulate your thoughts. Most people are great at doing this. For sellers trade organizations create the so-called They literally spell out what and at what stage the seller should tell the client.

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is natural for some, but most need to work on this skill. The fact is that the unconscious part of the mind is responsible for, and we instinctively take many poses. Most of the teachings of the so-called NLP are based on this, by the way, they are also actively used. Remember that each word has its own weight, but the more words you say, the less the weight of each individual word. Therefore, the seller should not shake the air during the post, each of your phrases should pursue the goal - to sell. It is better not to pronounce all words that are not aimed at this.

The seller must be self-confident and open to communication, therefore it is wrong to take the so-called “closed poses” and look at the floor. On the contrary, it is important to smile, look into your eyes, keep your palms in sight. Very big role in non-verbal communication occupies facial expressions, up to 80% of non-verbal information is transmitted using facial expressions.


The art of voice control. How well the interlocutor will perceive what you say depends on the chosen intonation, volume and timbre. In order to learn how to speak correctly, you need to read more often with an expression, this is very developing. Also look at how great speakers speak: politicians and TV presenters. How much they convey the mood of their listeners with their voice.


A very important stage of sales, which is often forgotten, is the preparation for the sale. Preparation includes: emotional preparation, collecting the necessary information about the client and the product, thinking through behavior patterns.

Emotional attitude to sell

The seller must feel like a winner, he must be confident and. People don't like losers, everyone wants to hang out with successful people, and the seller must be configured for such communication with the client. Unfortunately, there are situations in life when it is very difficult to be positive, and if you see that you cannot tune in to sell, then it is better not to try. But remember that it is the ability to tune yourself that distinguishes a strong person.

Gather customer information

The initial collection of information about the client increases the effectiveness of sales at times. If you want to learn how to sell, learn how to gather information. Before communicating, you must understand who your client is? What can you offer him? What benefits should be pressed and what arguments should be used? This information is very important when working in, but in the mass market, you should not neglect the collection of information.

Improve the quality of your work

In quality management, there is a so-called, this cycle is aimed at constantly improving the results of performing the same processes. Selling is the very process that needs to be constantly improved and made changes and adjustments.

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