Home Fruit trees Bull scorpion girl. Characteristics of male and female scorpions in the year of the bull. Combination of the zodiac and eastern calendar

Bull scorpion girl. Characteristics of male and female scorpions in the year of the bull. Combination of the zodiac and eastern calendar

Sign Compatibility: Snake and Rat

Relying on astrological forecast compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, you can build a strong family union if the signs of the spouses are compatible. Undoubtedly, perfect couples does not exist, so even if astrological compatibility spouses will have to look for ways to smooth out some conflict situations which will certainly arise between them in the process of cohabitation.

If the horoscope shows a lack of compatibility of signs, their union is possible, but for a very short period of time and with numerous quarrels, scandals, endless showdowns. In such a marriage, the spouses will "exhaust" each other psychologically and eventually disperse due to mutual fatigue.

Character Features: Rat man

People of this sign are not unambiguous, they can be different, depending on the circumstances, their own mood, interlocutor or partner. They can be friendly and frank, understanding, sympathetic or harsh, rude, indifferent. All Rats are people who adapt well to any conditions, quick and easy adaptation to new conditions, along with their natural cunning, is the key to their survival.

It is also believed that the male Rat is the soul of any company, they always talk about him as a good and executive worker. At the same time, the Rat woman is considered extremely cunning, feminine and sensitive. People of this sign easily make contact, without much effort make new connections (including useful ones) due to the ability to win over people. Their friendliness and sociability, cheerfulness and activity bribes the interlocutor, attracts his surroundings.

Rat people possess amazing ability quickly navigate in difficult circumstances and instantly make the right decisions regarding the current situation. While the Rat has already found a way out of critical situation, others are just beginning to understand its severity and look for ways to overcome it. She will always find a loophole to make her existence easier, to shift some of her responsibilities to another person. This ambitious and decisive creature does not tolerate gossip and rumors, slander about himself and other people.

Loving fun, holidays and celebrations, sociable Rats do not miss a single meeting with friends. At the same time, these are great workers, always achieving the desired result. Sometimes, however, they also use dirty methods to achieve their goal, therefore, in the eyes of others, they often seem selfish and cynical. Rats are excellent organizers, they can be entrusted with the execution of any business, even one in which they themselves understand little. The Rat is smart enough to attract to the problem necessary specialists and organize their work so that everything is done on time.

The failures that sometimes happen to Rats lower the bar for their self-confidence and make them very depressing. After such failures, people of this sign quickly come to their senses, mobilize all their strength and take on new things. Their life is constant movement in the space of solving everyday problems and carnival performances.

Character Features: Snake man

People born under this sign are often said to be elegant, aristocratic, smart, have a subtle sense of humor and excellent intuition, are very self-possessed, tactful, well-mannered and educated. Thanks to all these character traits, Snake people often have weight in society and occupy leadership positions. They are very proud (and sometimes slightly arrogant), self-righteous, somewhat narcissistic, and dismissive of most people.

Snake - A good conversationalist, but exactly as long as she has an interest in the subject of conversation or in the interlocutor, otherwise she interrupts the conversation in search of a more interesting pastime. Such an attitude towards others, on the one hand, forces the Snake to look for something new and previously unknown, on the other hand, spoils her relationship with them. However, she is always surrounded by friends who are loyal and admire her.

Snake people can often make success in their careers in the field of politics, music, art, or by dealing with problems of psychology. Born philosophers, they love to give advice to everyone and know how to do it, but they have a negative attitude towards those who try to give advice to themselves. Moreover, they are very sensitive and vulnerable, they often take for offense the words that were casually spoken to them. If the Snake is offended, returning its former location to you is almost a utopia.

The snake loves itself so much that it does not notice anyone around, this repels many people from its environment. If you begin to condemn her - this is a bad idea, the Snake will not forgive you for this. She can hurt friends for the sake of getting some profitable prospect for herself. In the family circle or in relation to a loved one, people of this sign are very devoted and caring. If the Snake man is often characterized by high self-esteem and lack of patience, then the Snake woman is more often a narcissistic proud woman.

Relationships: Rat woman and Snake man

Each partner of this couple has characteristics, which can become the basis of their union. To begin with, both of them must give up selfish inclinations, otherwise there will be no sense. Otherwise, they have a chance to successfully build relationships and be useful to each other - to share knowledge and skills, learn to give in, seek compromise and act (when necessary) more decisively.

From the very first days of meeting the Rat woman, she will see how wise and calm the Snake man is, he has great inner potential and powerful life force.

With her inner instinct, she understands that with his help it will be easier for her to live and avoid those life traps that the Rat often falls into.

The male Snake is very impressed with the persistence of the Rat in matters of implementation own desires and aspirations. He is captivated by her perseverance in the implementation of plans, craving for comfortable life, blind faith in luck and ambition, which guides her.

If they cannot understand this, they will not be able to get along, which means that they cannot avoid mutual reproaches, criticism, quarrels and misunderstandings. In such a marriage, they will very quickly get tired of each other, the first to leave to seek their happiness with another person is the one who does not have the patience of the first.

The Snake man urgently needs spiritual intimacy with his marriage partner, he also expects fidelity and humility from her. The intimate side of their union is also important to him, although this is not a fundamental factor in a successful marriage. His mistake may be the desire to control the Rat woman in everything in order to be aware of her affairs and be able to keep her on a short leash.

The Rat itself can be annoyed by the laziness and slowness of the Snake man, his inertia. What others take for prudence, the Rat considers indecision and gets annoyed, she herself quickly makes fateful decisions.

The Rat woman is disgusted by the total control on the part of the man, most of all she appreciates the fidelity of the spouses and freedom based on the trust of marriage partners. If he does not understand this, the woman will have no choice but to leave him. And she is hardly ready to fulfill other desires of the Snake if they infringe on her pride, worldview and freedom of action.

The rat cannot stand the routine, and she does not want to sit constantly at home within four walls, she is more accustomed to the hectic rhythm of life, movement, vanity. She lives an eventful life, is in constant search for something and anxiety, so her partner should, if not run alongside her, then at least not interfere with her, make marches over long distances or have fun, if there is need.

If the Snake man and the Rat woman are interested in marriage, they will sit down at the "negotiating table", do "debriefing" and "work on the mistakes."

The Snake man needs to avoid pressure on his partner, as well as give up total control over her. If he succeeds, he will see how the Rat, inspired by his understanding and trust, will zealously begin to solve household and domestic problems, will begin to devote more time to children and her husband. She will open up from a completely different side and will show the wonders of nepotism, because the family for her is the main thing in life, if not limit her freedom.

The Rat woman should be more calm about the indecision, thoughtfulness and philosophizing of her partner in those matters that, in her opinion, require decisive action and instant results. Perhaps in some situations it would not hurt to think over a plan of action, not all problems can be solved "impudently" on naked bravado and desperate enthusiasm. The marriage of representatives of these signs will certainly succeed if both have enough patience, a sense of tact and the ability to trust a partner.

Relationships: Snake woman and Rat man

According to eastern horoscope, the likelihood of compatibility between the Rat man and the Snake woman is doubtful, since both partners do not want to be "under the heel", everyone wants to be the head of the family. Their relationship will develop quite rapidly, the main thing for them is not to force or dramatize events, but to try to understand them and find the root cause of the conflict.

The union of these two signs can be favorable and positive for both, if the inner power, activity and strength of the Rat man are added to the wise calmness of the Snake woman.

The Snake woman has enough wisdom and patience to teach a man to bypass the sharp and dangerous corners of life. In turn, she will be pleased that her man has many talents and is respected in society. She also likes his confidence and fearlessness, with which he tries to achieve more. The ability from any situation to find the fastest and only the right decision- this is his main advantage in the eyes of the Snake woman.

The Rat man has the opportunity to give his chosen one a sufficient amount of warmth, surround him with warmth, love and care, which she urgently needs. Outwardly seeming calm and cold, reasonable, the Snake woman actually loves the warmth given by loved ones. The more he “warms” her, the less likely she will “hiss” at him.

This unusual union can be successful if both understand that they should not retrain and resubordinate each other. A life partner must be accepted as he is, gently hinting at own example that it is not at all difficult to give up part of your habits and ambitions. This is important for both in order to avoid mutual reproaches and insults, not to bring their relationship and feelings to complete exhaustion. It should be noted that sexually, this couple is doing well, but for both, a successful marriage is not only “bed” matters.

Partner requirements and reasons for disagreement

The Snake woman, like the Snake man, wants to control her other half, but this will be a strategic mistake that can lead their union to collapse. Partner Rat really appreciates family relationships, but only if they are built on trust and do not restrict his freedom.

In any family, the head of the family must independently take important decisions regarding family well-being. This does not mean that the husband of the Rat does not intend to devote a woman to his plans in any way, he will definitely consult with her, but he must be given advice gently and not intrusively so as not to infringe on his male pride.

For the Rat man important aspect life is a journey, it can hardly be kept in a “cookie jar” for a long time. He loves new sensations and impressions, and vanity, change of residence, business trips and long trips are regular rhythm his life. The woman will need to come to terms with this in order to save their relationship. If she will

to throw tantrums at him about this, he will always be happy to rush home, because for him fidelity in marriage is not an empty phrase. It is impossible to infringe on his freedom, because he, too, will have to be condescending to the slowness and some “drowsiness” of his partner, who has unflappable calmness.

The composure of the spouse, even in important life situations will annoy the Rat man, but he should be condescending to the "sluggishness" of his partner. They will be able to agree among themselves if they really want it, if they love each other. After all, the well-being of this union can also depend directly on general level development, education and abilities of an individual order for each of the partners.

It is important for a snake woman to learn to restrain herself when she has a desire to curb another impulse of her chosen one, whether it is a desire to go on a trip or change the furniture in the apartment. Each of them must skillfully combine their own needs with the desires of a partner.

A snake woman, for example, will find it very useful to travel with her husband, during which she will not only be close to her loved one, but will also discover many interesting things for herself. If she does not have such an opportunity, she should boldly let him go on this trip.

Any man cherishes that woman who never limits his freedom and does not try by all means to keep him near her. The husband of the Rat will surely appreciate this heroic deed of his wife and, upon arrival, will generously endow her with his care, affection and love.

Strong-willed personalities and rulers

No other sign has given the world so much strong-willed women, royalty, talented writers. How can this be explained? Oddly enough, but people born under the sign of the Snake lead in any world literature. The greatest minds were born in this year. And it's the same in politics. Take Benazir Bhutto or Indira Gandhi. And from the depths of centuries rise the shadows of Margaret of Denmark or Elizabeth Tudor. At the same time, Rat and Snake compatibility, it would seem, are ambiguous. Well, yes - both of them are close to the earth and are considered spiritual, esoteric signs. In general, the Snake Woman - we will consider her compatibility with other signs - this is a unique phenomenon: beautiful, strong-willed, smart.

No wonder such ladies, along with men, decide the fate of the world. So, the Snake does not show its compatibility with all the signs of the Zodiac. A few examples. She is uncomfortable with the Snake man, and clearly lacks energy. Such people can contemplate the beauty of the world together, but since both of them are closed, introverts, then mutual language found only in the intellectual field. They have a similar ironic mind, sarcasm and a certain amount of misanthropy.

Spiritual connections

Rat and Snake - compatibility at an acceptable level. Compilers structural horoscope claim that this is a spiritual connection, that is, the highest. And this means that the spouses inspire and understand each other, that they speak the language lofty ideas. That is why we can assume that the Rat and the Snake show almost perfect compatibility. With whom else can there be such a connection? For example, with the Dragon. But sometimes he seems to the Snake too ostentatious, too fake.

Patriarchal marriages

These are ties that support centuries-old foundations. Here the roles are clearly distributed: one gets food, the other maintains the hearth. This is the kind of connection that the Snake has with the Snake, with the Bull and the Rooster. However, in alliance with the latter, she does not like his eccentricity. But the strong-willed Ox is able, together with the Snake, to really achieve heights.

Romantic alliances

Let's say right away that the Snake - especially the woman - does not like these types of marriages. The ostentatious suffering due to nonsense seems to this intellectual an atavism and an absurd game of hormones. Well, you can give flowers a couple of times, you can also sing a serenade under the window (this applies to aesthetes - the Cat and the Boar, who love spectacular gestures). But without strain and exaggeration. And your heart will not burst from love (someone, but the Snake knows about it for sure), and your ardor will die out. Especially once you realize that such a mind is too tough for you. And also the fact that the Snake looks at you with undisguised irony.

Freedom, equality and...

True partnerships in the spirit of our century are to the liking of this sign. With whom? With Tiger, Dog, Horse. However, there are many pitfalls here as well. On the one hand, rivalry - and it often occurs when potentials are equal - the Snake does not like. Creep away, hissing about the vanity of vanities. On the other hand, problems with the Tiger, the eternal struggle of two strong characters. This is a scythe on a stone, not the most the best option. And the Dog discourages the Snake with its primitiveness. Loyalty and a sense of duty, of course, are good - but you can’t keep a woman of this sign.

When it blows the roof

Oddly enough, the Dragon, Rat and Snake compatibility is almost perfect, but they are rarely together. But here, in vector marriages that are not subject to any reasonable arguments, these signs fall quite often. The owner for the Snake is the Goat. She will look with contempt and displeasure at the poor Snake, trying to please her. And the poor reptile will never understand that "meeeee" is not at all from the fact that the Goat is smarter than her, but only from absolute and complete incompatibility. The same can be said about the Monkey - the vector servant. Here everything happens the other way around. It is the Monkey who is in a vulnerable position. After all, the Snake fascinates her, attracts, delights. She seems to the Monkey a creature from another world. But at first the antics and jumps touch the Snake, and then they begin to annoy more and more. Well, they're just not a couple. True, some manage to carry this unique feeling through their whole lives and not go crazy, but there are only a few such heroes. In a word, astrologers recommend: Dragon and Snake, Rat and Snake - five compatibility. On a good four - Ox and Rooster. But with the rest of the signs, the Snake needs to be more careful.

Based on the astrological prediction of the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, you can build a strong family union if the signs of the spouses are compatible. Of course, ideal couples do not exist, therefore, even with astrological compatibility, spouses will have to look for ways to smooth out some conflict situations that will certainly arise between them in the process of living together.

If the horoscope shows a lack of compatibility of signs, their union is possible, but for a very short period of time and with numerous quarrels, scandals, endless showdowns. In such a marriage, the spouses will "exhaust" each other psychologically and eventually disperse due to mutual fatigue.

Character Features: Rat man

People of this sign are not unambiguous, they can be different, depending on the circumstances, their own mood, interlocutor or partner. They can be friendly and frank, understanding, sympathetic or harsh, rude, indifferent. All Rats are people who adapt well to any conditions, quick and easy adaptation to new conditions, along with their natural cunning, is the key to their survival.

It is also believed that the male Rat is the soul of any company, they always talk about him as a good and executive worker. At the same time, the Rat woman is considered extremely cunning, feminine and sensitive. People of this sign easily make contact, without much effort make new connections (including useful ones) due to the ability to win over people. Their friendliness and sociability, cheerfulness and activity bribes the interlocutor, attracts his surroundings.

Rat people have an amazing ability to quickly navigate in difficult circumstances and instantly make the right decisions regarding the current situation. While the Rat has already found a way out of a critical situation, others are just beginning to understand its severity and look for ways to overcome it. She will always find a loophole to make her existence easier, to shift some of her responsibilities to another person. This ambitious and decisive creature does not tolerate gossip and rumors, slander about himself and other people.

Loving fun, holidays and celebrations, sociable Rats do not miss a single meeting with friends. At the same time, these are great workers, always achieving the desired result. Sometimes, however, they also use dirty methods to achieve their goal, therefore, in the eyes of others, they often seem selfish and cynical. Rats are excellent organizers, they can be entrusted with the execution of any business, even one in which they themselves understand little. The Rat is smart enough to attract the necessary specialists to the problem and organize their work so that everything is done on time.

The failures that sometimes happen to Rats lower the bar for their self-confidence and make them very depressing. After such failures, people of this sign quickly come to their senses, mobilize all their strength and take on new things. Their life is a constant movement in the space of solving everyday problems and carnival performances.

Character Features: Snake man

People born under this sign are often said to be elegant, aristocratic, smart, have a subtle sense of humor and excellent intuition, are very self-possessed, tactful, well-mannered and educated. Thanks to all these character traits, Snake people often have weight in society and occupy leadership positions. They are very proud (and sometimes slightly arrogant), self-righteous, somewhat narcissistic, and dismissive of most people.

The snake is a good conversationalist, but exactly as long as she has an interest in the subject of conversation or in the interlocutor, otherwise she interrupts the conversation in search of a more interesting pastime. Such an attitude towards others, on the one hand, forces the Snake to look for something new and previously unknown, on the other hand, spoils her relationship with them. However, she is always surrounded by friends who are loyal and admire her.

Snake people can often make success in their careers in the field of politics, music, art, or by dealing with problems of psychology. Born philosophers, they love to give advice to everyone and know how to do it, but they have a negative attitude towards those who try to give advice to themselves. Moreover, they are very sensitive and vulnerable, they often take for offense the words that were casually spoken to them. If the Snake is offended, returning its former location to you is almost a utopia.

The snake loves itself so much that it does not notice anyone around, this repels many people from its environment. If you begin to condemn her - this is a bad idea, the Snake will not forgive you for this. She can hurt friends for the sake of getting some profitable prospect for herself. In the family circle or in relation to a loved one, people of this sign are very devoted and caring. If the Snake man is often characterized by high self-esteem and lack of patience, then the Snake woman is more often a narcissistic proud woman.

Relationships: Rat woman and Snake man

Each partner of this couple has characteristic features that can become the basis of their union.

To begin with, both of them must give up selfish inclinations, otherwise there will be no sense. Otherwise, they have a chance to successfully build relationships and be useful to each other - to share knowledge and skills, learn to give in, seek compromise and act (when necessary) more decisively.

From the very first days of meeting the Rat woman, she will see how wise and calm the Snake man is, he has great inner potential and powerful vitality. With her inner instinct, she understands that with his help it will be easier for her to live and avoid those life traps that the Rat often falls into.

The Snake man is very impressed by the Rat's perseverance in matters of realizing his own desires and aspirations. He is captivated by her perseverance in the implementation of plans, craving for a comfortable life, blind faith in luck and ambition, which she is guided by.

AT this union partners find many interesting qualities in each other

If they cannot understand this, they will not be able to get along, which means that they cannot avoid mutual reproaches, criticism, quarrels and misunderstandings. In such a marriage, they will very quickly get tired of each other, the first to leave to seek their happiness with another person is the one who does not have the patience of the first.

The Snake man urgently needs spiritual intimacy with his marriage partner, he also expects fidelity and humility from her. The intimate side of their union is also important to him, although this is not a fundamental factor in a successful marriage. His mistake may be the desire to control the Rat woman in everything in order to be aware of her affairs and be able to keep her on a short leash.

The Rat itself can be annoyed by the laziness and slowness of the Snake man, his inertia. What others take for prudence, the Rat considers indecision and gets annoyed, she herself quickly makes fateful decisions.

The Rat woman is disgusted by the total control on the part of the man, most of all she appreciates the fidelity of the spouses and freedom based on the trust of marriage partners. If he does not understand this, the woman will have no choice but to leave him. And she is hardly ready to fulfill other desires of the Snake if they infringe on her pride, worldview and freedom of action.

The rat cannot stand the routine, and she does not want to sit constantly at home within four walls, she is more accustomed to the hectic rhythm of life, movement, vanity. She lives an eventful life, is in constant search for something and anxiety, so her partner should, if not run alongside her, then at least not interfere with her, make marches over long distances or have fun, if there is need.

If the Snake man and the Rat woman are interested in marriage, they will sit down at the "negotiating table", do "debriefing" and "work on the mistakes."

The Snake man needs to avoid pressure on his partner, as well as give up total control over her. If he succeeds, he will see how the Rat, inspired by his understanding and trust, will zealously begin to solve household and domestic problems, will begin to devote more time to children and her husband. She will open up from a completely different side and will show the wonders of nepotism, because the family for her is the main thing in life, if not limit her freedom.

The marriage of representatives of these signs will certainly turn out well if both have enough patience, a sense of tact and the ability to trust a partner

The Rat woman should be more calm about the indecision, thoughtfulness and philosophizing of her partner in those matters that, in her opinion, require decisive action and instant results. Perhaps in some situations it would not hurt to think over a plan of action, not all problems can be solved "impudently" on naked bravado and desperate enthusiasm.

Relationships: Snake woman and Rat man

According to the eastern horoscope, the likelihood of compatibility between the Rat man and the Snake woman is doubtful, since both partners do not want to be “under the heel”, everyone wants to be the head of the family. Their relationship will develop quite rapidly, the main thing for them is not to force or dramatize events, but to try to understand them and find the root cause of the conflict.

The union of these two signs can be favorable and positive for both, if the inner power, activity and strength of the Rat man are added to the wise calmness of the Snake woman.

The Snake woman has enough wisdom and patience to teach a man to bypass the sharp and dangerous corners of life. In turn, she will be pleased that her man has many talents and is respected in society. She also likes his confidence and fearlessness, with which he tries to achieve more. The ability to find a quick and the only right solution from any situation is his main advantage in the eyes of the Snake woman.

The Rat man has the opportunity to give his chosen one a sufficient amount of warmth, surround him with warmth, love and care, which she urgently needs. Outwardly seeming calm and cold, reasonable, the Snake woman actually loves the warmth given by loved ones. The more he “warms” her, the less likely she will “hiss” at him.

This unusual union can be successful if both understand that they should not retrain and resubordinate each other. A life partner must be accepted as he is, gently hinting by his own example that it is not at all difficult to give up part of your habits and ambitions. This is important for both in order to avoid mutual reproaches and insults, not to bring their relationship and feelings to complete exhaustion. It should be noted that sexually, this couple is doing well, but for both, a successful marriage is not only “bed” matters.

The cold-blooded Snake annoys the Rat at times
Partner requirements and reasons for disagreement

The Snake woman, like the Snake man, wants to control her other half, but this will be a strategic mistake that can lead their union to collapse. Partner Rat appreciates family relationships, but only if they are built on trust and do not limit his freedom.

In any family, the head of the family must independently make important decisions regarding family well-being. This does not mean that the husband of the Rat does not intend to devote a woman to his plans in any way, he will definitely consult with her, but he must be given advice gently and not intrusively so as not to infringe on his male pride.

For the Rat man, travel is an important aspect of life; he can hardly be kept in a “cookie jar” for a long time. He loves new sensations and impressions, and vanity, change of residence, business trips and long trips are the usual rhythm of his life. The woman will need to come to terms with this in order to save their relationship. If she throws tantrums at him about this, he will always be happy to rush home, because for him fidelity in marriage is not an empty phrase. It is impossible to infringe on his freedom, because he, too, will have to be condescending to the slowness and some “drowsiness” of his partner, who has unflappable calmness.

The composure of the spouse, even in important life situations, will irritate the male Rat, but he should be condescending to the "sluggishness" of his partner. They will be able to agree among themselves if they really want it, if they love each other.

In the end, the well-being of this union can also directly depend on the general level of development, education and individual abilities of each of the partners.

It is important for a snake woman to learn to restrain herself when she has a desire to curb another impulse of her chosen one, whether it is a desire to go on a trip or change the furniture in the apartment. Each of them must skillfully combine their own needs with the desires of a partner.

A snake woman, for example, will find it very useful to travel with her husband, during which she will not only be close to her loved one, but will also discover many interesting things for herself. If she does not have such an opportunity, she should boldly let him go on this trip.

Any man cherishes that woman who never limits his freedom and does not try by all means to keep him near her. The husband of the Rat will surely appreciate this heroic deed of his wife and, upon arrival, will generously endow her with his care, affection and love.

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