Home Trees and shrubs The combination of zodiac signs in marriage, love and friendship: astrological compatibility. Happy marriage according to the horoscope

The combination of zodiac signs in marriage, love and friendship: astrological compatibility. Happy marriage according to the horoscope

The position of the planets at the time of birth can tell a lot about the character of a person, his abilities and life values. In the same way, by comparing, you can predict the fate of their union. According to astrologers, it is easier for a man and a woman to build harmonious relationships if they are both able to think and feel the same way and, as they say, be on the same wavelength. Astrology studies the compatibility of the zodiac signs in marriage to help lovers understand which are weak and strengths exist in a relationship, will their life together be easy, or will they have to go through trials in order to be together.


Representatives of the sign Aries are distinguished by a strong will and incredible stubbornness. They are able to truly respect the opinions of others, but will never give up their own. In relationships, they behave self-confidently and even aggressively, but at the same time they are ready to protect their family to the last breath. In marriage, they need a partner who will easily relate to outbursts of anger and constant conflict and not encroach on his freedom.

Taurus are wonderful spouses, attentive, caring and reliable. They value home comfort, are prudent in financial matters and committed to the interests of the family. Calm and slow, they will always prefer a quiet evening with old friends to noisy parties. Due to their sensitive nature, they understand their partners well, but, nevertheless, they strive to establish complete control over them.

It is difficult for fickle Gemini to spend their entire lives with one partner. They rarely take relationships seriously, even when they are married. However, having met a partner with whom they can share their interests and hobbies, Gemini cherishes him and will never let him leave. Despite an easy attitude to life, they need understanding and support and are looking for a life partner who will calmly relate to their changeable nature and endless change of mood.

Cancers seem to be gentle, reliable and loyal spouses. In fact, it is not easy for their halves to deal with the fragile and contradictory inner world Rakov. They can be strong, energetic and at the same time emotionally dependent. Representatives of this sign are reluctant to share their experiences, which themselves are sometimes unable to understand why they become quick-tempered and irritable. They constantly need reciprocal love, support and gratitude.

Leos are stable and reliable in relationships, you can rely on them in practical matters and they are always ready to help. However, their desire for dominance in relationships does not leave room for compassion and respect for the opinion of the spouse. Despite the sincerity of their feelings, married life for vain Lions is rather a theater on the stage of which he can demonstrate to the whole world how he knows how to love.

Pragmatic Virgos carefully choose a partner, and their decisions are not always based on emotions. In marriage, Virgos are devoted, caring and ready to do everything to make their adored spouse satisfied and happy. Their affection knows no bounds and often looks like a desire to control the life of their life partner. In fact, Virgos are very afraid of losing the one they love and need regular proof of feelings. If they manage to meet the right partner, they create a very happy unions based on trust and true love.

Romantic and charming, Libra strives for long-term and harmonious relationships. However, they pay too much attention to the external side of the marriage: it is important for them how the partner looks, how they look together, and how others evaluate their marriage. In a harmonious relationship, Libra gains self-confidence and stops seeking approval, becoming amazing spouses who can turn every day into a holiday. family life.

With those who are close to them in spirit, Scorpios create sincere and lasting relationships. They are one of those who go down the aisle once and for all. Sensitive Scorpions it is important to feel an emotional connection with his beloved, he longs for complete understanding and respect for his person. Unfortunately, in this pursuit, they often encroach on the personal boundaries of the spouse, which causes him suffering, leading to a break.

Independent and impulsive, Sagittarians are not prone to long-term alliances. Despite the fact that many of them are not averse to finding a soul mate who can give meaning to their existence, they will try everything. possible types relationships, so as not to make a mistake in the choice. Generous, sincere and a little naive, they are drawn to everything new and unknown. Sagittarius can only be happy with a partner who will bring adventure into their lives, because nothing kills them more than everyday life and daily routine.

Capricorns are looking for a partner with high moral ideals, strong and independent, and at the same time able to feel their deeply hidden emotions. As a rule, the choice is not easy for them, but when they finally find the one with whom they are ready to spend their whole lives, Capricorns create a stable and reliable relationship. In marriage, representatives of this zodiac sign can prove themselves with unexpected side if their partner turns out to be patient and attentive enough to discern a soft and sensitive soul behind their seeming coldness and restraint.

Entering into any relationship, Aquarians rarely expect that they will last more than a month or two. And only step by step, gradually becoming convinced of the strength of the connection, they decide to give their heart. Aquarians dream of emotional and vibrant relationships that stimulate their lively minds and imaginations. If mutual understanding is established in a couple, they are firmly attached to a partner, despite their freedom-loving nature.

Pisces believe in love no matter what, and know how to enjoy it better than any other zodiac sign. It can be said that they are in love not so much with a partner as with love itself, and this often leads them to romance on the side or relationships with emotionally unhealthy partners. However, starting married life, these dreamers can come down to earth and settle down if they find a practical spouse who will teach them how to live in the real world.

Analyzing the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac in marriage, astrologers emphasize that it absolutely does not exist. Some combinations of signs lack passion, the second have to overcome disagreements, and the third are easily parted. But they all have a chance to create happy family. Low compatibility means it will take more effort for lovers to find mutual language and avoid conflicts than pairs with high compatibility.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Zodiac signs compatibility in love and marriage will help to understand the relationship with a loved one, to determine the most important points of contact between the two partners in order to create a strong and harmonious relationship. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac contains many important and interesting information about the interaction of two partners in different areas of life- love, marriage, everyday life, intimate life.

Quite often there are cases when the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is practically absent, but representatives of these signs of the Zodiac meet, get married, start a family and live in marriage for a long and happy life, full of love and mutual understanding. Does this mean that the horoscope that determines the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is unreliable? No, this means that people born under signs of the zodiac that are incompatible with each other have shown themselves best qualities, learned to love, give in, forgive and trust, and this is much more important than any information that a horoscope gives. In general, information about the relationship of two partners in love and marriage, which contains the compatibility horoscope of the signs of the Zodiac, should in no case be taken as a forecast life together in love, but just as advice, recommendations for representatives of each sign of the Zodiac, what traits of their character need to be developed in order for relationships to develop harmoniously in love, marriage, life. In the same way, one should not fall into a state of euphoria when the horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage speaks of one hundred percent compatibility of lovers. Even in the case when people are completely compatible according to the sign of the Zodiac, everyone has their own character traits, their own worldview, sometimes having nothing to do with the characteristics of the Solar sign. Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, compiled according to the dates of birth of lovers, gives general information about their relationship in love and marriage, so such information should be taken only as a recommendation. Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, compiled taking into account the exact time and place of birth of both partners, gives a more complete and exact information about the relationship between two people in love and marriage. Compatibility of signs will help you find out how representatives of different signs of the Zodiac relate to each other, how they perceive themselves in these relationships, what feelings and emotions they experience in relation to each other.

Check your - compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Aries Compatibility → Taurus Compatibility →
Gemini Compatibility → Cancer Compatibility →
Leo compatibility → Virgo Compatibility →
Libra Compatibility → Scorpio compatibility →
Sagittarius Compatibility → Capricorn compatibility →
Aquarius Compatibility → Pisces compatibility →

However, do not forget that not a single horoscope of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac will give an answer to the question of the right to exist. love relationships, because for strong, trusting and harmonious relations each of the partners must be able to love, interact with their soulmate, merging into a single whole. Create strong love union- this is not an easy job, and first of all, it is work on oneself, and the horoscope of compatibility in love and marriage will just help each of the partners to pay attention to their advantages and disadvantages, develop their best qualities in order to live together in marriage was full of love, harmony, trust and understanding.

The location of the planets at the time of the birth of a child lays in him not only character traits, but also the possibility or impossibility of building a happy marriage with one or another representative of the zodiac pantheon. And if people thought more about astrological compatibility, there would be much more happy marriages. That's what signs are best suited to each other, we'll talk today.

Lucky combinations of zodiac signs

The mutual attraction that occurs between some signs of the zodiac is not yet a guarantee of a harmonious marriage. Yes, and we often fall in love with those who do not suit us at all. So, for example, Lviv is attracted to Pisces by a magnet, but a happy family life between them is possible only in one case - if Pisces indulge the Lions in everything and at the same time never look to the side. And Cancers often fall in love with Sagittarius, but are extremely unhappy when they still manage to connect their fate with these "eternal wanderers."

So which signs are great for each other?

The perfect union between Aries And lion . Leo - generates ideas, and Aries brings them to life. These two are never bored with each other, since their "fiery" essence does not burn at half strength. Outbursts of jealousy add spice to the relationship, but at the same time they rarely become the cause of a real quarrel, since these two are so confident in their uniqueness that they seriously do not allow the thought that they can be cheated on.

good union between two Aquarius . And indeed, who else, apart from representatives of their own sign, can understand the contradictory and at the same time subtle nature of Aquarius. These two have a well-developed sense of duty, so there are no everyday problems like the one who washes the dishes or takes out the trash. They also have similar views on raising children, and a joint craving for everything beautiful will pleasantly diversify their leisure time.

Another option for a harmonious marriage between representatives of the same sign is Gemini-Gemini . In general, getting along with Gemini is difficult. They are too complex in nature. And two Gemini under one roof - fireworks in a powder warehouse. They both get the whole gamut of emotions in the family, so they are no longer drawn to the side. Gemini needs scandals - for them it is self-expression and play. And two Geminis turn the showdown into a show, after which it is so sweet to put up.

A happy family can be built with twins And scorpions . The basis of such a marriage is sexual relations and, paradoxically, independence. These two are leading their separate life. They come together under one roof in order to feel at home for a moment, to be glad that they have a place to return to, and then to plunge into their own affairs again. And at the same time, they miss each other and value their family much more than if they constantly spent time together. And this is the key to their happy family life. They do not have time to get bored with each other, and each meeting is like a first date.

Happy together Aquarius and Taurus . Even though they belong to different elements The two complement each other harmoniously. The grounded Taurus is engaged in "daily bread", that is, earns money, and the airy Aquarius arranges life in such a way that it is cozy, beautiful and tasty. And it does not matter which of them is a man and which is a woman. The main thing is that each of them feel needed, respected and, of course, loved.

Make a good couple Pisces and Capricorn . They both know how to set a goal and achieve it with all accessible ways. And if this goal is common, then there is no force that will stop this tandem. The romanticism of Pisces softens the pragmatism of Capricorns. They are both laconic, do not like to often admit their feelings, but they prove their love by their actions.

A happy union is obtained between Pisces and Scorpio . Intuitive perception of life and at the same time the difference in temperaments makes the joint life of these signs interesting, sometimes mysterious, but most often harmonious. Pisces extinguish the flashes of Scorpios, and in causticity these two can compete from morning to evening. In general, Scorpios are not easy people, and it is quite difficult to adapt to them. Pisces, with their angelic patience, does this wonderfully. And they, in turn, receive from Scorpions those vivid emotions that they lack in everyday life.

A wonderful marriage awaits Libra and Leo . The tact of Libra neutralizes the emotionality of Leo, and Leo, in turn, gives Libra vitality. The ever-doubting Libra simply needs the impenetrable optimism of the Lions. And Libra cooks so deliciously ... But Leo is a recognized gourmet. True, there is one “pitfall” in such a marriage: these two are eternal children, so they will periodically share “toys”. But they buy them together, without reproaching each other for spending too much.

archers , despite their love of freedom, acquire family happiness from Aries . However, it is worth considering the explosiveness of both characters, otherwise the scandals that first stimulated the relationship can become traumatic. However, if each of them finds a worthy occupation in life, and there is no time left to sort things out, then they will live to see the golden wedding. And "soul to soul".

Leo Virgo - a happy couple with excellent chances to live a long family life. Despite the huge, at first glance, the abyss, these two can literally turn into Siamese twins, especially if they do not kill each other in the first year of marriage. Virgo will make Leo more disciplined, and Leo will teach Virgo to love life in a way that only he alone can. In this pair, the main thing is to take all the best from the partner.

Get along well with each other Taurus and Cancer . For both of them, it is important that the house always has everything that should be there. By joint efforts they equip life, deal with children, preserve family traditions. True, such a marriage may seem boring from the outside, but these two have their own value standards, so they can quietly have fun on the side, but at the same time they will never hurt their soulmate.

In general, it must be said that Cancers are practically ideal partner for marriage. With them, almost all representatives of the zodiacal pantheon find family happiness. The only exceptions are those signs for which family values are not fundamental. So, for example, Lions, with all due respect to Cancers, howl with them out of boredom, Sagittarius are constantly trying to escape from obsessive nepotism, and Aries are furious with suffocating love. We talked about Cancers in such a general way in order not to return to this sign anymore. They are the best families. And point.

But back to happy marriages between representatives of other signs of the zodiac.

A couple has excellent chances to live a long and happy family life Aries-Capricorn . These two are ambitious, active, not used to resting on their laurels, and at the same time they attach great importance to their social status. Therefore, they always have something to talk about with each other, their house is usually a full bowl, and the careers of a man and a woman in such an alliance are much more successful than when they build a family with representatives of other zodiac signs. Capricorn and Aries spur each other on, and the element of some kind of competition adds spice to the relationship.

By the way, despite the fact that it is quite difficult for Capricorns to find a mate for themselves, they are very well suited as a marriage partner to Virgo and Libra. However, Capricorns (as well as Aquarius and Gemini) get along best with representatives of their sign. Two Capricorns - one of the most harmonious and happy couples in the zodiac pantheon. Capricorns are “born adults” and only with time begin to “get younger”. That is why they start a family quite late. But then they make up for lost time. And it is best to do this with the person who has the same unique property.

Naturally, we did not mention all the favorable combinations, we simply outlined the most harmonious of all possible ones.

Ideal couples according to the eastern horoscope

In general, as practice shows, for a happy and harmonious marriage, one zodiac compatibility sometimes it's not enough. The character is influenced by the year of birth of a person, and the planets that at the time of his birth were in one sign or another. combinations of planets in natal chart- the destiny of personal astrology, that is, for each person it is necessary to draw up individual horoscope. So let's just list what signs Eastern horoscope are perfect for each other.

Bull-Rat - a great union, everyone gets what they want.

Cock-Ox - complete harmony, the Rooster shines, the Ox provides the rear.

Monkey Rat - love and forgiveness on the part of the Rat will make the marriage happy.

Rabbit Monkey - all life is a continuous holiday.

Dragon Monkey - a wonderful union - the Dragon will protect, the Monkey - will advise.

Tiger-Dog They don't get bored in each other's company.

Pig Dog - Mutual respect and understanding.

Rabbit Snake - they value relationships and admire each other.

Rat-Rat - a beautiful couple, they dearly love each other.

Horse-Horse - they are very good together, but they do not strangle each other. This is what makes them strong.

It is worth adding that if representatives of the same zodiac sign are not so often happy together (with the exception of Gemini, Aquarius and Capricorn), then people born in the same year almost always make up a harmonious couple. Naturally, in the presence of other favorable indicators. The only exception, perhaps, are Roosters and Goats (Sheep).

In general, by and large, any representatives of the zodiac and eastern horoscope can get along together and be happy. The main thing is to take into account the astrological features of the character of your partner and have the desire to compromise. However, this is not easy. Only true love able to overcome the contradictions laid in us by the stars.

Nadezhda Popova especially for

Astrology is of interest to many not only in terms of making predictions for the near future. With the help of this science, many want to know what their compatibility in marriage with this or that person will be in order to understand what awaits their relationship in the future. As well as name compatibility, astrological compatibility in the sphere of love, it provides quite reliable information, based on which representatives of different zodiac symbols (Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and others) can learn the intricacies of communication with the opposite sex. And in today's article we will tell you how the horoscope helps to determine the compatibility of different zodiac signs in marriage.

Quite often, the lack of mutual understanding and the rapid fading of love become the causes of quarrels in the family, breakups and even divorce. It is possible to prevent the occurrence of such phenomena if you first familiarize yourself with the information that astrological compatibility offers for all 12 zodiac signs representing the horoscope.

To understand how compatible you will be with one or another representative of the zodiac circle, you should first of all determine who will get the leadership in marriage. To do this, each person studying the horoscope of love will need a classification of all 12 characters according to the way they build relationships with them.

There are three types of people in total:

  • Radical. This category includes signs different by date of birth - Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer. They are all leaders by nature. They can be called born rulers who prefer to reserve the right to choose, depriving others of it. Of course, representatives of these signs know how to solve problems and do it pretty quickly. Such people will not be left in trouble. Despite the difficulties of their position, in marriage and in relationships with relatives, they always prioritize close relationships.
  • Permanent. This type is represented by the most stubborn and self-confident signs of the zodiac - Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius. These are very complex people. Having a different date of birth, they have similar features - they are reliable, honest, act according to their conscience. In most cases, such people are not able to make rash decisions. In addition, in love and marriage, every choice will not be easy for them. Representatives of these zodiac signs (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius) do not see the normal existence of marriage without love.
  • Changing. This category of people includes representatives of other zodiac signs - Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. As the saying goes astrological horoscope love, these people are not at all adapted to leadership. They will feel quite comfortable in the role of a subordinate. Whatever difficulties befall such people, they will easily transfer the right to make decisions to someone from the outside. Often they relieve themselves of all responsibility, so as not to be “extreme” as a result.

Knowing your desires and taking into account the description that such a horoscope offers, you can first understand who will become the leader in marriage. For taking more important decision you can also refer to the astrological compatibility of all signs or find out the secrets of combining your names with your partner. However, in any case, the final choice will be yours. Such data that offers a forecast by year (date of birth), a horoscope of love or compatibility is the main base, having studied which you can only find the right approach to specific people.

The likelihood of creating relationships with representatives of the Air element

The element of Air is represented by three symbols of the zodiac:

  • Aquarius;
  • Twins.

Each of these representatives with a different date of birth is, to one degree or another, dreamy natures, far from serious relationship. Such people can be safely called "subtle natures", since they are almost always in search of spirituality. They prefer physical love over high relations with a philosophical note. However, each has its own, unique features and its own compatibility.

So, for example, a pair of Aquarius and Aries has a good compatibility. Aquarius get along well with Cancer and Libra, but Pisces, Capricorn and Leo are considered not quite suitable partners for this zodiac symbol.

At the same time, Libra, in the face of their strong representatives will be well compatible with women who, by year of birth - Aries, Virgo or Gemini. However, for Libra women, the compatibility horoscope promises happiness in marriage with Taurus. A Leo man is also a good fit for a family.

If we talk about Gemini, then Capricorns and Cancers are considered quite acceptable for building a serious relationship for them. For the most part, the Gemini-Pisces/Aquarius relationship will work out very well if both partners are faithful to each other.

Representatives of the elements of the Earth and their compatibility

Representatives earth element The following zodiac signs are considered:

  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn.

All these people, whose date of birth corresponds to the year of the reign of one of these characters, are considered difficult people. They are reliable and very pragmatic. Next to such a person, not every sign of the horoscope will feel comfortable, but still compatibility with some of the zodiac circle will be excellent for them.

For example, the compatibility horoscope advises Taurus to cement their relationship with those who, by month of birth, are Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Libra. Very difficult, but quite possible is the marriage of Taurus with those whose date of birth corresponds to the signs - Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio.

In terms of love and marriage, for those whose patron is Virgo according to the horoscope, an alliance is possible with Taurus or Capricorn. But the couple Virgo and Leo will be completely unproductive for building a family.

For Capricorns, the compatibility horoscope promises an ideal marriage with representatives of the signs - Virgo, Taurus, Pisces. Relationships in Capricorn-Aries and Capricorn-Sagittarius pairs will be less harmonious, although they are considered compatible in temperament. Relationships between Capricorn and Cancer, Libra will be difficult.

The element of Water and its representatives

This element is considered native to such signs of the zodiac:

  • Scorpion.

If we talk about what kind of people they are, then all of them can be described in a few words: passionate, emotional, devoted, compliant. Most They spend their lives in search of love.

As for the compatibility horoscope, representatives of such zodiac signs are considered suitable for Pisces in terms of marriage: Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus. Frequent conflicts await Pisces with those whose astrological symbol is Libra, Sagittarius, Aries.

Cancers can connect their lives with people corresponding to astrological symbols - Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, and in some cases - Gemini, Aries. At the same time, Capricorn, Virgo, and Libra are not recommended for living together with Cancers.

Scorpions, despite the fact that they are very complex personalities, the compatibility horoscope promises family happiness with Capricorns, Pisces, Sagittarius. Virgo is also considered a good candidate for marriage with Scorpio. However, Gemini is not very suitable for the representatives of this symbol to build strong relationships.

The fire element in the face of its representatives

Astrological symbols are considered united by one element:

  • Sagittarius.

Representatives of these signs are smart, determined, purposeful. They are somewhat hot-tempered, but they quickly move away. Those people whose date of birth falls under the protection of such signs of the zodiac, in most cases, are romantics who value spiritual intimacy in relationships, they know how to make sacrifices for the sake of love.

The horoscope of love and compatibility for those whose symbol is Aries promises happiness with Scorpions. No less suitable partners for them are Libra, Aquarius. However, a Leo or Aries partner is far from a suitable choice.

Leo, according to a love forecast, will be happily married to Gemini and Sagittarius. Marriage of Leo with a person born under the constellation Libra or Pisces is considered possible. Aquarius and Virgo are also good candidates for the role of spouses for Leo.

Sagittarius horoscope for love compatibility in marriage promises harmony with Scorpio, Cancer. At the same time, they can try to build a relationship with Libra, but in most cases such unions can hardly be called long-term.

As you can see, the horoscope love compatibility, name horoscope or year compatibility provide general information. Having received data for reflection, you can try to build a connection by correctly setting priorities and understanding the desires of a partner.

The characteristic of the signs of the zodiac allows us not only to get acquainted with the temperament of a person, but also to find out which of the signs will make him best couple in love and marriage. Each of the signs is patronized by a certain element, which determines optimal compatibility. Water is best understood by Earth, but Fire is comfortable next to air signs.

Fiery Aries

Pet of the element of Fire. Bright and hot, like a flame itself. He lights up wherever he is destined to appear. This is a born leader. Active and active as much as he has enough strength. And he draws strength from activity, so this perpetual motion machine never stops.

In love, the sign needs absolute submission. It is important for him to feel like the captain of the ship, so only a humble and obedient person is suitable for him. Aries will be able to make friends with a representative of his element. But this union can be crowned with eternal struggle and rivalry.

Favorable alliance with Leo. Good relationship with Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Although the latter may seem too freedom-loving to Aries.

Relationships will be difficult, if at all, with Pisces or Capricorn.

Stable Taurus

Earthy and cozy Taurus personifies family happiness in the zodiac. This is a calm and balanced bull, who knows no fuss. He is a responsible worker and devoted husband. Relatives are the greatest value of Taurus in this unstable world.

In love, Taurus is also calm and peaceful. He appreciates Tasty food, comfortable chairs and a long sleep. It would seem, what more could you want in a family nest? But some signs will start to get bored in such an environment in the first half hour. Therefore, compatibility for Taurus should be a weighty argument when choosing a partner.

Suitable for an earth sign in marriage will be practical and wise virgin, as well as aquatic Pisces and Cancer. All these signs get along well with earthly symbols, and are also ready to give the bull the necessary comfort.

Taurus is unlikely to be satisfied with the neighborhood with Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. However, these signs themselves will not dare to share life with a passive and conservative Taurus.

The Elusive Twins

A typical representative of Air. The element endowed the Gemini with a changeable mood, an eccentric character and an obstinate disposition. It is very difficult to understand the sign. It can only be accepted.

The activities of Gemini cannot be tracked. Today this man is studying Chinese cuisine, plays hockey tomorrow, and breeds Pekingese on Thursday. And do not hesitate, it will be enough for absolutely all hobbies. The only trouble is that the Gemini forget to complete the work they have started.

As a partner for Gemini, the same active and energetic character is perfect. For example, Aquarius, Capricorn or Libra. True, the latter will have to be caught around the world in the same way as the Gemini themselves. Partners will meet in a family bed, exhausted and tired.

Scorpios, Sagittarius and Cancers will not be able to understand this windy soul, and Leo will try to subdue it at all, which is unacceptable for an air sign.

Sensitive Cancer

Mysterious and deep, like a dark pond, Cancer is under the auspices of the element of Water. Moreover, the Moon also rules over him. Such a cocktail gives birth to a sensitive and romantic soul. Her mood changes like the weather.

Cancer is emotional, vulnerable and a little whiny. He urgently needs sensual love, its constant confirmation and languid conversations. In exchange for a reverent attitude, Cancer gives the partner the highest quality life that this born family man can only arrange. You will never be hungry, cold or tired if you are lucky enough to be Cancer's love.

Feeling of love and feeling needed by Cancer will be able to give gentle Pisces and cozy Taurus. A good alliance can also work with Scorpio, but partners are advised to work on themselves:

  • Scorpio should hold off on trying to compete with a loved one. You are not on the relay, but in love. Compete only in the amount of attention given to half.
  • Cancer needs to understand the quick-tempered Scorpio. If a hurricane is raging in it, wait it out. You can not go to sea (start important conversations) in a storm. Otherwise it will flood you.

noble lion

The embodiment of the superiority and grace of the horoscope found its personification in Leo. This is a wonderful sign in all its manifestations. He is noble, generous and slightly proud. The element of Leo is Fire, therefore acute nature he does not care.

This is a self-confident character who is important to feel his greatness. He achieves it very extravagantly. The Leo is so caring and neat-dominant that you will admire him willingly. Forget everything you've been told and fall in love with Leo.

This sign is beautiful and wonderful, but not everyone can be in a relationship with him. If he is looking for an ally, then the couple will develop with Aries or Sagittarius. If he is looking for an admirer, then he will like Pisces.

The king of the whole horoscope has poor compatibility with Capricorns and Virgos. The first will not notice the greatness of the partner behind his worries, and the second loves to criticize too much, which is unacceptable in the case of maned perfection . These zodiac signs don't get along well in relationships. even if they are alone on the planet.

Practical Virgo

The representative of the elements of the Earth, Virgo, came into this world in order to restore order in it. She loves to count, calculate and plan. This is the embodiment of the elements in the very best performance. Virgo is practical and stable, like a hundred-year-old oak. Everything in her life is subject to some laws.

The zodiac sign in marriage is neat to the point of impossibility. The spices on the kitchen shelf are in alphabetical order, and the socks in the dresser are stacked according to the colors of the spectrum. Loves Virgo and beauty, so these spices will be the most exquisite, and socks - from a well-known brand.

The sign combines practicality and elegance. This is a real phenomenon, because only the Virgin will be able to keep life in such a luxurious form, without spending a single extra penny.

Not everyone can understand the practical and stable Virgo. And this sign will not dare to trust the first comer. Favorable relations will be with the same Virgo, Scorpio and, possibly, Taurus. The bull will be cramped as part of the economy, but it will do him good. After all, Taurus tends to abundance, bordering on squandering.

Poor compatibility of Virgo with Leo, who will not withstand sharp comments. Yes, and windy characters will not get along in this earthly paradise. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius should pass by.

Windy Scales

Airy and light Libra personifies interaction with the outside world. They are volatile, free and sociable. A flock of Gemini-Aquarius is always circling around Libra, who are ready to embark on any adventure that comes into their windy heads.

They love Libra and beauty. Their life is woven of luxury, so the sign does not cut off the tags from branded items, but hides them behind the collar.

Air is difficult to hold in the palms, so Libra relationships are often fleeting, like time. If the sign decides to marry, he will be a good family man. Libras are caring and know how to find compromises. These two qualities save their fillets from constant nagging halves.

But no matter how hard Libra tries to agree, for many years they will be able to find a common language only with their “brothers”. Aquarius, Gemini yes fiery Aries will be able to understand this indecisive secular character.

Libra should not waste time and nerves of Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. Taurus and Scorpio are also advised to avoid.

Scales are complex characters, so when you enter in a relationship, they need to adjust their temper:

  • If you can't get rid of windiness, then at least camouflage it. Get in the habit of being consistent about certain things. SMS at lunchtime, dinner together on Fridays.
  • Don't try to stay forever young. You still have to grow up. It's easier to do this at 25 than at 40.

Hot Scorpio

unknown why this sign was born under the auspices of the element of Water, while being filled with flame along the edge of the carapace. Scorpio is 90% passion. He is hot in everything. If he is interested in any phenomenon, he will absorb the sign with his head.

This also happens when Scorpio decides to acquire a loved one. It is to acquire, because he is used to owning and not sharing. This is the leader, and you will have to put up with it.

He is furious and all his life is in search of someone to sting. Purposeful and assertive, like a rock. Poisonous, like... a scorpion.

Do not be afraid, rage and a thirst for revenge will not penetrate your relationship. After all, they will have no place left from the unrestrained sexuality of the sign. In love, he is caring and vulnerable. But just don't tell anyone. This is the secret of Scorpio and his weak point.

Relationship with Scorpio this is a test, so the sign is advised to keep its sharp character:

  • Scorpio, speak up. Your habit of being silent will bring anyone to white heat;
  • Control your outbursts of emotions, otherwise one day only sticks will remain from the family nest.

Scorpio is better to pay attention to Cancer and Pisces. They will understand the sting from the first word and support in the fight against it. cruel world. Water signs are able to smooth out conflicts and reassure that the stinging symbol needs more than air.

Scorpio should not appear in the life of Libra, Aries, Leo or Virgo. None of these signs deserve such a test.

Cheerful Sagittarius

Fiery Sagittarius - the personification of faith in a brighter future. This is the most optimistic sign of the zodiac. And also the most energetic. His vitality Enough to power the entire city.

He loves to act, hates to sit still and knows no sadness. Love sign and dream. But his dreams are not groundless. He knows how to set goals for himself and achieve them.

Sagittarius in relationships needs fiery or air signs. He sees an ally in a partner, so most often he finds himself in the arms of Aries or Leo. Although, to tell the truth, no sign can fully understand Sagittarius. He's too hot to get close to him.

Signs of the zodiac, whose compatibility in marriage is undesirable, should beware of meeting with the owner of the arrows. Having met Pisces, Sagittarius will boil this pond, therefore the compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces is the most negative in the entire horoscope.

Restrained Capricorn

The hardest working sign. While the others are reading their compatibility and sighing languidly, Capricorn has already plowed the field, written a dozen reports and manually assembled the cabinet. He knows no fatigue. He can work day and night, snacking on the run and resting while blinking.

Family life with Capricorn has pros and cons. From positive sides it is worth noting security and prosperity in everything. Money simply cannot fail to come if you earn it so hard.

The disadvantage of love for Capricorn is its absence. He is always working: when you work, when you are waiting for him for dinner and when you go on vacation. Even a birthday present will be brought to you by a courier. And if you still catch Capricorn by the tail and seat him on the sofa, his consciousness will be somewhere far away. He's not used to romance. Stale and dry like an easter gingerbread under New Year. Therefore, it is incompatible with tender and soft.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage says that loving Capricorn is difficult, but possible. The same active natures as he himself will cope with this. There will be no time to be offended by the omnipresent Aries, the calm Taurus or the hardworking Virgo.

It is better not to mess with capricious Cancer and demanding Pisces. Capricorn will not have enough attention and patience for them.

Creative Aquarius

Air extravagant sign. He loves everything interesting and unusual. And also freedom. Being the wind, Aquarius cannot sit still. For a long time does not risk tying himself in a relationship. But it is active in everything else.

In family life, he is faithful, although he constantly stumbles upon the suspicions of his partner. It is painfully rare that Aquarius can be seen at home. Compatibility of signs in marriage and love advises Aquarius to fall in love with the windy Gemini, Libra or the fiery Leo.

It is better not to disturb the peace of stable Virgos, Capricorns and Pisces. Avoid Scorpio altogether.

Dreamy Pisces

Romance and tenderness in one bottle. water sign Pisces are a miracle zodiac circle. They are romantic, loving and reverent. But also vulnerable, touchy and emotional.

With Pisces it is difficult, but so good. A warm dinner, a soft bed and a good movie will always be waiting for you. The fish will listen and advise, hug and warm.

Fish dreaminess can interfere with the idyll. Few signs will tolerate Pisces' flights of fancy. Today these fins are going to learn how to play the guitar, tomorrow they are baking cupcakes, and in February they will be skiing. And who will go to work?

Cancer and Scorpio can understand Pisces. Bring them down to earth Taurus. Virgo will offend. Yes, and fiery Aries will not give the desired comfort.

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