Home perennial flowers Structural horoscope of marriage woman rat man dog. The relationship of a dog and a rat in love and friendship. Dog and Rat General Compatibility

Structural horoscope of marriage woman rat man dog. The relationship of a dog and a rat in love and friendship. Dog and Rat General Compatibility

The compatibility of the Snake woman with other signs determines her features and belonging to the elements.

Characteristics of the sign

A girl born in the year of the Snake is very capable and purposeful. She loves luxury and prosperity: for this she is ready for anything. Cunning and ingenuity are qualities inherent in all representatives born this year. With its sexuality and attractiveness, the Snake will attract the attention of any man.

You can win the favor of a woman by demonstrating your strength and capabilities. She is attracted to self-sufficient and status men, she is not interested in excessive tenderness and romance.

The influence of the elements on the character

The characteristic of the Snake woman according to the elements is as follows:

  1. Women who were born in 1965 are representatives of the wooden element. They are smart, agile, sociable, they are characterized by directness in statements. Everything they think about is always spoken head-on, they never leave the conversation. Such women are able to give advice and compassion to others. They value stability and fidelity in their lives.
  2. The horoscope belonging to a girl born in 1942 and 2001 corresponds to the metal element. Such girls are determined and quick-witted. Often women of the metal element are lonely, they do not need anyone. Such ladies live in luxury and prosperity.
  3. The fiery representative of the elements, born in 1977, has a highly developed intuition, is energetic, mobile, she is a born leader in life.
  4. Earth Snake born in 1989 is a very lucky person. She is always financially independent, overly self-confident, but this is only in words, in fact she cannot do anything without a rich patron.
  5. The water representative of the elements born in 1953 and 2013 is loved and adored by everyone. She is childishly naive and sincere, very devoted. But this is only one side of the coin, on the other hand, such girls are vindictive, capable of hatching a revenge plan for a long time.

Snake girl in a relationship

A strong and erudite man is suitable for a snake in marriage and love, capable of throwing the whole world at her feet. Whatever the woman, she should always feel guardianship and protection. She should be honored and respected, such a lady loves to be consulted with her.

The Snake woman in love is very picky, she needs stability and prosperity. In return, she will give indulgence, love and tenderness. If the Snake sincerely loves, then for the sake of a partner he will do everything, even sacrifice his career.

snake and tiger

Compatibility in relationships is extremely low. The tiger does not understand his companion, he does not at all share her zeal for luxury. Tigers always go ahead to their goal, they don’t know how to cheat and bend under the situation, which annoys their spouse. In sex, they are only half satisfied.

Their friendship and work is not promising and unlikely: the signs have too different priorities.

snake and rabbit

Relationship compatibility is great. The Rabbit admires and honors his partner. He needs a woman who will push him to action.

Their working tandem is well-coordinated and promising. The hare is ready to carry out any assignments and offer many valuable ideas. Friendship is long and true: they know each other as flaky and ready to help.

Snake and Bull

The Ox man is able to provide his companion with everything necessary. In marriage, peace and order reign. The bull idolizes his beloved. In sex, they are completely suitable for each other in temperament.

They can be friends from childhood to old age. Also in work: the Ox is able to fulfill any requirements of the Snake.

Snake and Pig

The union is short-lived due to the jealousy and irascibility of the Pig, especially since the gullibility and stupidity of a man will quickly get bored with a woman. Sexual relationships also do not go well: partners simply do not satisfy each other.

In friendship, the Snake takes advantage of the gullible nature of the Pig and uses it for personal gain. They can cooperate only if the male Pig is a subordinate.

snake and dragon

The snake is compatible with the Dragon. Their families are stable. The dragon is reliable, status and smart, which allows him to achieve heights. In the family, everything is smooth and even.

Making friends and working together is a pleasure for them. They complement each other perfectly.

snake and dog

Who is compatible with the Snake in a relationship is the Dog. In marriage and family they have prosperity and happiness. Guy Dog is reliable and faithful, if he fell in love, it's forever. The couple's sex is hot and passionate.

They are excellent comrades, they will always find time for a simple walk or a trip to a cafe, but in work it is better for them to avoid each other.

snake and monkey

The Monkey horoscope is absolutely incompatible with the Snake horoscope. Cheerful and resourceful Monkeys are always full of energy and ideas, while Snakes are considered boring and gloomy.

They have a higher percentage of compatibility in friendship, but there is a catch, because the Snake is trying to use and manipulate the other. Their work will not get better, they will not work together: their views on the same things are too different.

snake and snake

A sign that is identical in character will suit such a girl one hundred percent. In the family, partners will amass great wealth, housing will be equipped in the best style. The Snake man can read his beloved like an open book.

In friendship, they have no common ground. Employees of them also do not work: the couple lacks creativity.

Snake and Sheep

Their union is not very good. The snake will not be able to endure a homely and eternally asking for compassion man for a long time. The sheep is used to go with the flow, he is not interested in what is happening around him, he only looks after himself.

Comrades among them are bad: these are people who simply greet each other when they meet. They have no common topics for conversation. It is better for such signs to avoid dating altogether.

Snake and Rooster

The rooster immediately falls in love with a sexy and beautiful girl. By nature, he is a leader and innovator, seeks to conquer the unknown. In everyday life, he can perform any tasks. His home and family come first. The union promises to be long if the girl does not walk, flirt with others, because the Rooster is a terrible jealous one.

They cannot be friends, because at the sight of each other they experience sizzling passion and lust. In any relationship between these two signs, sex comes first.

snake and horse

Guy Horse - a profitable party for a girl. Hardworking, persistent and purposeful, he is the dream of any Snake. There is no particular passion between them, often their marriage is the result of a calculation that suits both partners.

Friendship is unlikely due to the constant conflicts between the signs: they will not agree in any way. At work, their disputes generate new ideas and ways to solve problems.

The snake woman is a femme fatale par excellence: men are irresistibly attracted to this angel of femininity, this sex symbol. Undoubtedly, there is an air of voluptuousness in it, which makes men lose their heads. She always has a large crowd of unconditional admirers and never faces the problem of finding a lover or spouse. But what these people don't know is that she herself needs a man in order to function properly - she just can't do without men, and the prospect of being alone scares her more than anything else.

The Snake woman believes with all her heart that to love and be loved are always the most important things in life. She cannot live without love. Due to her prioritization of love, she undergoes a complete personality change when she bestows her heart on a man, but this is entirely logical. How does she love? With intensity, passion and romanticism. Anything less than that would be foreign to her behavior. Her ability to love is so great that she demands to be loved in return with such sincerity and passion. With every fiber of her being, she resists mediocrity and non-reciprocity in relationships.

How does a Snake woman make love? Her rule is not to follow any rules to allow one to succumb to spontaneous desires. There is something so blissful, so heavenly in the simplicity of her approach to physical intimacy, that those men who have made love to a Snake woman will be delighted, and then their subsequent love mergers with any other woman will seem rather bland and boring to them. She can take turns being fiery passionate or prefer long tantric sex as her instinct and desires of her partner tell her. She also willingly plays a rather passive role, allowing her buddy to dominate her and feel happy.

Men who want to enjoy her inexpressible grace often have to pay a high price for them. Loving a Snake woman almost always means being in her crosshairs, for she has a reputation for making trials for a spouse or lover. Proprietor by nature, of course, she has no reason to envy other women on this score; while her fidelity is less assured, she refuses to make allowances for her adventurer, except when she is with a Snake or Horse man. In a fit of jealousy, she lashes out with caustic words and can be very aggressive. If her pride is hurt, then coquetry disappears and capriciousness appears. She wants all her men to constantly prove to her verbally and otherwise, their unconditional love; she wants to die for her not only figuratively, but sometimes even literally, and incites them to commit the worst antics to satisfy their desires and whims. But men can never be sure that it can be proportionately beneficial for them to withstand a Snake woman, compared to the nerves and efforts expended.

The Snake Woman is a contradictory and complex nature. It coexists with a die-hard bourgeois, a conformist and an uncompromisingly preoccupied person with his own comfort. At the same time, she is a wonderful lover and can be very caring. The Snake woman believes in the social and moral virtues of marriage, but she harbors serious fears about the possibility of happiness with one man for life. For her, the main thing is to allow herself material security and comfort, which are as vital to her as the air she breathes. Love is love, yes, but it enters into marriage mainly for success in wealth, rank, prestige or social progress. She never hides the fact that she marries for money to satisfy her love of easy living and luxury. That is why it can be a cause of ruin for men. That is why, as soon as the husband disappears, she is in a hurry to look for a new one, preferably richer and more influential than the former.

Nothing could be more stupid than to take her devotion for granted. No matter how deeply her love extends to her significant other, her stability is always the main issue. She can be faithful for as long as she sees fit - as long as she still finds it beneficial to her in one way or another and can work to ensure the success of her union. But if the chosen one falls below her expectations, then her prodigal instinct immediately wakes up in her. In addition, she sincerely does not consider promiscuity to be evil and does not feel any remorse for denying herself infidelity. But despite her penchant for flirting, she is rarely ready to go for a divorce due to fear of insecurity, loss of face, and loneliness.

The Snake Woman often states that her children are everything in her life. She may sincerely believe in this own statement, but it has no basis in itself, since she is infinitely more a lover than a mother. There is not the slightest trace of maternal instinct in her personality. She is afraid of childbirth, which harms her thin figure and hurts her aesthetic feelings. The Snake woman does not tolerate babies who do not know anything yet, she does not like it when they cry and does not want to mess with them. Her relationship with her children can become somewhat normal when they are mature and independent.

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The compatibility of the Snake and the Snake is very successful not only because they are representatives of the same sign, but also because these people have common goals in life and the same dreams. It is very rare when people of the same sign of the Chinese horoscope are present in a couple and they are doing well. Snakes need to appreciate their unusual compatibility. Next, we will consider the characteristics of a man born in the year of the Snake, as well as the character of a woman of the same year. We will also take a closer look at the compatibility of the two representatives of this creeping sign of the eastern horoscope in marriage and love, as well as in friendship and in professional activities.

Snake Man: What is he really like?

Men born in the year of the Snake have great charm. They are always courteous and nice. Such a man can easily attract the attention of a woman and knows how to impress the opposite sex. He always has a lot of fans. By nature, he is not a predator, but he knows how to attract the attention of women. It is always interesting with him and there is something to talk about.

The Snake man deep down dreams of pure and eternal love and is constantly looking for that one and only in the crowd. Rarely with what signs of the eastern horoscope this man can be perfectly compatible in love and marriage. But with a representative of his own sign, that is, with a woman Snake, this man can find a common language and build a strong marriage.

Men of the following zodiac signs can give special tenderness and fidelity in relationships:

  1. Taurus;
  2. Virgo;
  3. Aquarius;
  4. Fishes;
  5. Scales.

Snake Woman: Her Characteristics

There are always a lot of gentlemen around a woman born in the year of the Snake, but she is looking for her only man with whom she dreams of tying her fate forever. She is rarely compatible with anyone and is in no hurry to marry. A man of the same Chinese zodiac sign as she is ideal for her. In marriage, such a woman is very patient and is used to the fact that she will give herself entirely to the family, and she will not even think about taking something from the household for herself. She does not tolerate betrayal and betrayal, therefore we do not advise you to offend the representative of this sign, otherwise she will sting you painfully or even grind you to powder, figuratively speaking.

Especially passionate and jealous natures are women of the following zodiac signs:

  1. Scorpion;
  2. Sagittarius;
  3. Aries;
  4. Twins.

Snake Man and Snake Woman: Compatibility in Love

The union of two Snakes is very successful and their family can turn out to be strong. Both partners know what they want from life and understand each other perfectly. The Snake man has finally met his one and only woman in the face of the Snake girl, and his partner sees her prince on a white horse in this man. They take care of each other with trepidation and try to have fun. The woman in this couple always tries to look beautiful and she does it only for her partner to please him.

The problem can arise only because of the excessive depression of both partners. If they both fall into depression, then there will be no difficulties. They will be able to be sad together, watching another sad movie about love and eating popcorn or cakes. But if one of the partners falls into depression, then the second will not be sweet, because the sad Snake can ruin everyone's mood and it is better not to approach her so as not to provoke a scandal.

A family where a husband and wife were born in the year of the Snake do not listen to other people's advice, because they themselves know perfectly well how to live in marriage. They can give practical and valuable advice to those around them. The compatibility of the Snake and the Snake is so good that representatives of this sign can live a long and happy family life with each other without betrayal and lies.

Both partners know how to make money and are not afraid of hard work. They manage to accumulate the necessary amount for a large purchase and set aside some savings for their old age. These two will never need anything and their children will be provided with everything they need. They will travel a lot, as they can afford it financially. Their marriage will be built solely on love, and not on self-interest and profit. Love makes this union strong and happy.

Snake Woman and Snake Man: Horoscope of Compatibility in Friendship and Work

Friendship between representatives of this sign, as well as compatibility in marriage, is very good. They understand each other and know each other's sore spots. These friends will never betray or set each other up. They are capable of mutual assistance and tremendous support. Always and in everything they will defend the opinion of their friend.

But such friendship has one peculiarity. And it lies in the fact that this couple can turn from friends into a family. The fact is that a spark of love can flare up between two Snakes of the opposite sex almost immediately after they meet and they will not be able to be friends for a long time. Over time, their friendship will still develop into true love.

And a woman and a man born in the year of the fiery Snake can work together, and they do it well. Here, the matter does not always end with a love relationship, but all the same, sympathy can arise if both partners have not yet had time to start a family. If they are married, they are unlikely to commit adultery.

This is the compatibility of a woman and a man born in the year of the Snake. We hope that this article has become useful for you and you will definitely use the information received from it in your life.

One of the most mysterious and controversial zodiac signs in the eastern horoscope is the snake. A person born this year is given a heavenly gift to be always respected and enjoy success because of the quality of exerting a powerful influence on people. Although many are very wary of them, attractive Snakes are able to captivate the opposite sex for a long time.

And here some interesting questions arise. Are male snakes and female snakes compatible? Can they have a long-term relationship? To do this, let's take a closer look at what features and features they possess.

Characteristics of the sign

The main virtues of these people are a cold mind, calmness, prudence and sensual magnetism. The disadvantage is their excessive impulsiveness. Both a man and a woman can solve very difficult issues, quietly bypassing all obstacles thanks to their innate cunning. Often they are the soul of the company.

The snake patronizes those born in the following years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

Sex differences can have a strong influence on the formation of the character of "reptiles".

snake man

Despite his overconfidence, he is a charming and pleasant gentleman with an excellent sense of humor. He knows how to win over, even those who he does not like at all.

He is courteous and educated, knows how to make a good impression, so he easily wins women's hearts. But, a strong union is possible only with one that corresponds to it in terms of temperament, intelligence and financial situation.

A man born in the year of the Snake dreams of a pure unearthly relationship with a one and only woman. It is very difficult for such a person to find ideal love. But with a representative of his sign, he can build a strong alliance.

snake woman

Such a lady has a special beauty and excellent taste. She has her own unique style in clothes and always looks chic. Thanks to these qualities, she instantly captivates the men she likes.

A woman who is lucky to be born in the year of the Snake is balanced and wise. You can always turn to her for advice in a difficult life situation, and she is really able to help other people by giving valuable recommendations and sharing her own life experience.

Snakes are versatile individuals with many interests and hobbies. It is very important that they are surrounded by like-minded people and friends whom they highly value. The snake woman is always open to communication, but she never flaunts her personal problems.

Most often, they choose a life partner themselves, but, unfortunately, not always successfully. In marriage, it occupies a dominant position. He likes to command, set his own rules in the house and periodically sting loved ones.

Therefore, calm and balanced men who are able to withstand such a difficult character are suitable for her.


To have a complete picture of the nature of the Snake and its compatibility with other signs, you also need to know who he is according to the European horoscope. So, if you have a Taurus in front of you, then this is a persistent and unshakable stubborn. His significant other must be wise and patient. But in the question of the compatibility of the male snake Sagittarius and the woman of any other sign, one should take into account his restless character and the desire to always put himself in the first place.

A great rarity in the Chinese horoscope is the perfect compatibility in love, marriage and sex of representatives of the same sign, which include Snakes. This is due to common life values, views, goals and amazing flexibility of character.

In love

Often, serious relationships begin with tender friendship. Gradually, sympathy and mutual understanding are strengthened. And in the end, their feelings develop into true love. The key to a strong relationship is complete autonomy from the outside world, absolute trust, support and devotion to each other. Under these conditions, the feelings of snakes will live for a long time.

Their love is not able to destroy everyday problems, because they know how to clearly distribute duties and household chores among themselves. The cause of contention is usually a banal suspicion of infidelity.

To eliminate the tension of relations associated with excessive jealousy, they need to spend most of the time together.


Snakes are very careful about choosing a life partner. Before finally deciding, they go a long way, associated with both happy periods and disappointment.

But, having found “their” person, they are sacredly faithful and break the bonds of marriage only in exceptional cases, for example, because of treason, which is considered a betrayal.

Snakes are very jealous. And, surprisingly, this trait does not weaken throughout life. They are avid owners. Even if love has long faded away, they will try their best to keep their partner.

Strong trusting relationships will be preserved only if there is mutual understanding and constant help to each other, as well as thanks to the strong-willed patience and wisdom of the snake woman.

Joint housekeeping and a clear division of responsibilities are the key to a successful marriage. And common interests and hobbies will strengthen relationships and save you from love affairs on the side.

A successful marriage of Serpents, thanks to mutual patience, will be with:

  • bull;
  • Rabbit;
  • Rooster;
  • Goat.

An unsuccessful union, due to the cause of differences in outlook on life, develops with:

  • Boar;
  • dragon;
  • Tiger;
  • Monkey;
  • Rat;
  • Horse.

Neutral relationships can bring marriage with the Dog.

In sex

Despite the fact that Snakes love to flirt on the side, in bed they are usually faithful to their partner. For them, physical betrayal is unacceptable and they give themselves completely to only one person.

The main condition for attraction and subsequent maintenance of interest in intimate life is the presence of intelligence in the opposite sex. It’s not enough for Snake partners to just be attractive and sexy. They must be intelligent and reasonable.

If we are talking about two representatives of the sign, then such a problem does not arise between them and passion is always present in their relationship.

Snake Man has a calm character, does not flaunt his talents too actively. A wonderful family man, he is ready to support his beloved in all her endeavors. Homey and enterprising, a good owner who likes to do everything in the house with his own hands. Rational thinking, logic in actions and decisions give advantages in military specialties, as well as in all areas of business. From a life partner, the male Snake will expect a high appreciation of his actions and achievements. Moral support in the family is the key to a long life together and the prosperity of the whole family. Without support and guiding power, the Snake man can waste his indefatigable activity in vain, on trifles or strangers.

The best for the sign of the Snake will be a marriage with a Horse, Tiger or Dog. In this case, the partners will equally participate in building a family. A good marriage is with a representative of your sign, as well as a friendly trio - Rooster and Bull. Marriage with the Rat and the Dragon, as well as with the Rabbit (Cat) and the Pig (Boar) will require a high tension of feelings, which the Snake man would like to avoid. Relationships with Monkey and Goat (Sheep) can be exciting and challenging but will only survive in a creative environment.

Snake Woman intelligent and purposeful. She sets great goals for herself and knows how to achieve them. Her weak point is love. She won't wait for love, she loves to love itself. Without a strong feeling, the Snake will not be able to create a strong union. The combination of dedication to their work and the sensual harmony of relationships will allow the Snake to be fully realized in life. If she is limited to taking care of life and the household, then she will quickly get bored. It is important for her to realize her potential in society, to do what she loves and, of course, to be in love all year round. She is attentive to her lover, loves to maintain a well-groomed beautiful house, but she must necessarily combine career and family life. The snake has sexuality and attractiveness, so it needs constant attention from a partner. Otherwise, someone else might be attracted to her. For her, her personal space is important, she is pleased with prudent, but she is never stingy and greedy. The snake is a real treasure, with it that rare mutual understanding and complementation of each other is possible, which forms the basis of a successful marriage and the well-being of the family.

For the Snake woman, marriage based on romantic ideals and love with the Rabbit (Cat) and Pigs (Boar) is most attractive. Common interests and the gift of love are a good basis for marriage with the Rat and the Dragon. Monkey and Goat (Sheep) rarely meet the high requirements of the Snake, the union is possible with a serious age difference. With your sign, as well as with the Rooster and the Ox, deep relationships and stability are possible.

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