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How to decide on a divorce from your wife. How to make the right decision to divorce your husband. Do you feel that your life with your husband has improved compared to what it was before him?

Isometric gymnastics for the knee joint

Exercise "Frozen knee"

In the event that after an injury or surgery, movements in the knee joint are prohibited, then training of the knee joint begins with the quadriceps in the prone position.

Starting position - lying on your back, the affected knee is fully extended.

Tighten the quadriceps - this is a large muscle of the thigh in front, as if trying to straighten the knee joint even more. The tension continues for 20-30 seconds. After that, lightly massage the muscle with your hands, relaxing it. Repeat 2-5 times.

Exercise "Revitalize the knee"

Starting position - lying on your back. A small cushion is placed under the knee joint.

Lift your heel off the floor, fully straightening your knee joint. Hold the straightened knee for 20-30 seconds, then lower the heel down, and lightly massage the thigh with your hand. Repeat 2-5 times. After 1-5 days, depending on your training schedule, put a larger roller under the knee - the range of motion of the knee joint also increases. After restoring the full range of motion of the knee joint, you can proceed to the exercise "Pendulum-knee" and others.

The Frozen Knee and Revitalize the Knee exercises are available from the very first day after an injury to the knee joint and its ligaments. These exercises begin the rehabilitation program after knee surgery.

Exercise "Pendulum-knee"

Starting position - sitting on a high couch, legs hang down freely.

One leg straightens forward, the anterior thigh muscle (quadriceps femoris) contracts. Hold the position of isometric tension for 20–30 seconds, after which you relax your leg, and it dangles freely like a pendulum for 5–10 seconds. Then do the exercise for the other leg. The total number of repetitions for each leg is 3-5.

Exercise "Pendulum-knee with the help"

Starting position - sitting on a high couch, legs hang freely.

One leg straightens forward, the anterior thigh muscle (quadriceps femoris) contracts. Hold the position of isometric tension for 20-30 seconds. While contracting the muscles and straightening the knee joint, grab and press with both hands the muscles and tendons of the leg above the knee joint (thumbs on top, the remaining fingers and palm on the side and behind the joint), pressing them to the bones. This pressure facilitates muscle contraction and eliminates pain during exercise. Next, relax your leg, it should hang freely and swing like a pendulum for 5-10 seconds. Then do the exercise for the other leg. The total number of repetitions for each leg is 3-5.

Exercise "Squeeze the chair"

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Both feet rest with their heels on the legs of the chair.

In the phase of isometric tension, press the legs of the chair with your heels, trying to bend your legs at the knee joints. Hold the tension for 20-30 seconds. Then you get up, take a step forward with one straightened leg, hands are located on the back of the lower back, supporting its bend.

Perform a slight forward lean, keeping the exposed leg fully extended. During this phase, you feel a stretch in the back muscles of the exposed leg. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds. Next, stretch the second leg. Repeat the entire exercise 3-5 times.

Exercise "Squeeze a chair with your hands"

Perform the exercise "Squeeze the chair" and at the same time press down the muscles and tendons. Grasp and press with both hands the muscles and tendons of the leg above the knee joint (thumbs on top, the remaining fingers and palm on the side and behind the joint), pressing them to the bones.

Exercise "Kneading the feet"

Starting position - sitting on the couch. The brushes are located behind the lower back, support the lumbar curve. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are placed on the floor as far forward as possible, the knees are slightly bent.

Alternately tear off your heels from the floor (as if shifting on the spot), repeating the lift with each foot 10 times. Next, bring your feet closer to you a little - and repeat the movements again.

Exercise "Vibration of the knees"

Starting position - sitting on a chair. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor.

Alternately tap your heels on the floor, while feeling the vibration and shaking of the tissues of the knee joints and hips, which is very important for the normalization of microcirculation. Perform the exercise for 20-40 seconds.

Exercise "Hug the knee"

Starting position - sitting on a chair. The legs are bent at the knee joints. Grasp the soft tissues above the knee joint (thumbs on top, palms and other fingers on the side and bottom).

Raising one leg, you begin to compress the soft tissues, while simultaneously performing light rocking movements in the knee joint. With each movement of the heel towards itself, the hands slide slightly up the thigh, reaching the upper third of the thigh at the end of the exercise. In this exercise, the arms push up the muscles and soft tissues of the thighs, improving venous outflow and lymphatic drainage from the tissues of the knee joint. Repeat 3-5 times. Next, do the exercises for the other leg.

Exercise "Roly-Vstanka"

Starting position - standing, take the "Corset" pose - that is, the palms are placed on the lateral sections of the lower back, the thumbs are directed forward, the remaining fingers wrap around the lower back from behind.

You squat slightly, make a short pause in the squat, rise up and at the end rise on your toes - and again a short pause. Then gently lower yourself onto your heels, then again do not fully squat - pause.

Repeat the whole cycle 8-10 times.

Exercise "Sliding feet in different directions"

Starting position - lying on the floor. The legs are slightly bent at the knee joints. Both brushes are placed under the lower back.

Slide your feet across the surface in opposite directions. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise "Knee support"

Starting position - standing facing the table. Both brushes are on the table. One leg rests on the edge of the table with the knee below the patella.

Bend this leg as much as possible at the knee joint, hold the isometric tension of the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks for 20–30 seconds. Then you get up, take a step forward with this straightened leg, hands are located on the back of the lower back, supporting its bend.

Perform a slight forward lean, keeping the exposed leg fully extended. During this phase, you feel a stretch in the back muscles of the exposed leg. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds. Next, do the exercise for the second leg. Repeat the entire exercise 3-5 times.

This text is an introductory piece.

Isometric gymnastics for the hip joint Exercise “Approaching the wall” Starting position - lying on your back, hands placed under the lower back to maintain the lumbar bend. Place both feet on the wall so that the knee joints are slightly

Isometric gymnastics for the knee joint Exercise "Frozen knee"

Isometric gymnastics for the shoulder joint Exercise "Pendulum - shoulder" Starting position - standing, lean on the edge of the chair with one hand, the second hangs freely. Swing your shoulder freely back and forth, from side to side, movements are like a pendulum. Fulfill

Isometric gymnastics for the elbow joint Exercise "Helping the Elbow" Starting position - sitting on a high chair, a sore arm on the thigh of the same name, rear up. The chair should be high enough, or the table should be low enough, or a stand should be placed under the feet.

Isometric gymnastics for the hip joint Exercise “Approaching the wall.” Starting position - lying on your back, hands placed under the lower back to maintain the lumbar bend. Place both feet on the wall so that the knee joints are slightly

Isometric gymnastics for the shoulder joint Exercise "Pendulum-shoulder". Starting position - standing, lean on the edge of the chair with one hand, the second hangs freely. Swing your shoulder freely back and forth, from side to side, movements are like a pendulum. Fulfill

Isometric gymnastics for the elbow joint Exercise "Helping the Elbow". Starting position - sitting on a high chair, a sore arm on the thigh of the same name, rear up. The chair should be high enough, or the table should be low enough, or a stand should be placed under the feet.

Self-massage of the knee joint The knee joint is one of the largest joints of the human skeleton. Regular self-massage of this area of ​​the body helps prevent salt deposits, as well as other joint diseases, including arthritis. Self-massage

Massage of the knee joint The knee joint has a complex structure and is therefore rather unstable and easily vulnerable. Since it bears the weight of the whole body, the ligaments, synovial membrane and meniscus of the joint are subject to frequent injuries. The most common

Exercises for the knee joint EXERCISE 1 Take the starting position: kneeling, resting your hands on the floor in front of you, sit on your heels. We raise the buttocks, and, pushing off the socks from the floor, raise the feet. We sit on our heels again. We repeat several times.

Self-massage of the knee joint Perform in a sitting or standing position. During a standing massage, the center of gravity during the procedure is transferred to a non-massaged limb. First, rectilinear and circular stroking is performed, while using both hands. When massaging

Self-massage of the knee joint Self-massage should be performed after therapeutic exercises and before going to bed. If you practice 1 time per day, then the duration of the procedure should be 15 minutes, and if 2-3 times, then 10 minutes will be enough. When performing massage techniques

Compresses for the knee joint A compress is a bandage applied to a sore spot in order to relieve inflammation, pain and redness. To achieve the best effect, the place of the compress should be wrapped with a woolen or flannel cloth. used bandage

Baths for the knee joint In case of exacerbations of joint diseases, baths will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Bath with vegetable oil and garlic Add 50 g of chopped garlic to 1 liter of hot water, mix well and dip your feet into it for 15 minutes.

Self-massage of the knee joint It is definitely recommended to take a comfortable position, start self-massage with point relaxation, relaxation, sedating up to 1–1.5 minutes on the du-bi point located along the lower edge of the patella. Moving outward, palpate

Rehabilitation after damage to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament and lateral ligaments has a single rehabilitation scheme and may differ only in terms of recovery depending on the patient's age, lifestyle, goals of rehabilitation (return to big-time sports, amateur sports, return to lifestyle before injury).

Read more about recovery treatment after a torn knee ligament

Terms of rehabilitation (general)

  • conservative treatment: 1.5 - 3 months;
  • after ligament plastic surgery (surgery): 4-6 months.

The body, whether it is an injury or surgery, reacts in the same way - swelling, muscle spasm and pain. Due to prolonged immobilization, atrophy of the thigh muscles occurs. In order to lose muscle volume, experience shows that one to two weeks of inactivity is enough.

The condition of our joint depends on the condition of our muscles. Why? Because when walking, running, the muscles take on most of the load, while in the absence of well-developed muscles, the entire load falls on the articular surfaces of the knee joint, which causes swelling, pain, stiffness, etc. Based on the above, it is possible to identify the goals of the passive (and then the active) stage of the rehabilitation of a knee ligament rupture.


At this stage, all physical exercises are excluded, since it is still impossible to give an axial load to the joint.


  1. Remove swelling by physiotherapy, compresses, cold and kinesio taping.
  2. Reduce muscle spasm by performing lymphatic drainage massage.
  3. Relieve pain (reducing swelling and spasm results in less pain).
  4. Regain control of the thigh muscles and strengthen them through electromyostimulation.
  5. Improve passive range of motion in the joint.
  6. Achieve a state in which it will be possible to walk without crutches.
  7. The general goal of the passive stage can be called the preparation of the joint and muscles for further rehabilitation in the gym.

Example exercise:

Your attention is invited to one of the exercises that can be performed at this stage: “Isometric tension of the quadriceps femoris”.

STARTING POSITION: sitting on the floor, legs straightened, back straight, hands on the floor, gaze directed to the kneecap.


  1. Contract the quadriceps femoris muscle so that the patella is pulled up. If this does not happen, then you are not doing the exercise correctly and you should try again and again until you succeed.
  2. Fix the position for 3-5 seconds.
  3. To relax.
  4. Perform the exercise 25 times 3 sets, several times a day.
  5. Upon reaching the goals of the passive phase of rehabilitation, we proceed to its active phase, which can be conditionally divided into 4 stages, each of which pursues its own goal.

Isometric tension of the quadriceps femoris

IP: sitting on the floor, straightening the working leg, the second leg is straight, or bent in knee joint, hands behind the back, back straight.

1. Pulling the toe towards you, contract the quadriceps femoris muscle 2. Hold the position for 5 seconds.

2. IP (2 seconds). 4. Repeat the exercise 15 times.


Term: 4-8 weeks after surgery.

At this stage, all exercises are performed in a sparing mode in the supine or sitting position, with the exception of some exercises. In this case, rehabilitation after a rupture of the ligaments of the knee joint, despite the impressive time frame, does not present serious discomfort for the patient.

Goals and objectives of stage I:

  1. Regain control of the thigh muscles of the operated leg, through strength training and more.
  2. To promote the development of muscle strength and endurance to static loads, especially the inner head of the quadriceps femoris, as well as the posterior thigh and lower leg muscles, which ensure the restoration of leg support.
  3. Help achieve full knee extension through flexibility exercises.
  4. Achieve a knee flexion angle of up to 90° by performing strength and flexibility exercises, as well as various massage techniques, which include mobilization of soft tissues around the knee joint, patella, etc.
  5. Promote the return of proprioceptive sensitivity necessary for stability in the knee joint by performing balance exercises.
  6. Formation of the correct gait, which is possible only upon reaching the above goals.

An example of the exercises performed at this stage:

Lifting the leg with a weighting agent, lying on your back.


Lying on your back, arms at your sides, a healthy leg is bent at the knee joint, foot on the floor, the second leg is straight 5 cm from the floor, the toe is towards you. On a sore leg, a weighting agent with a value of 1 or 2 kg, depending on the condition of the patient's muscles.


  1. Slowly raise the leg up to an angle of 45? (we reproduce the tension of the quadriceps muscle, which we learned at the stage of passive rehabilitation - THIS IS IMPORTANT).
  2. Accept IP.
  3. Perform the exercise 15 times 3 sets.

The main thing to remember when doing this task is that the leg should be as straight as possible, we try to pull the kneecap up due to the tension of the quadriceps femoris muscle, the toe is always pulled over and the exercise should be done slowly without jerking. Observing all the principles of restorative medicine, the rehabilitation of knee ligament injuries will take place with maximum efficiency and without any problems.

Upon reaching the goals and objectives of STAGE I, we move on to STAGE II of the active phase of rehabilitation.


Term: 8-12 weeks after surgery.

At this stage, we propose to perform more complex exercises that are performed mainly while standing and are closest to such a natural movement as walking, etc. Basically, exercises are performed with a skier's expander, on a BOSU simulator (hemisphere) or a trampoline, they are added, they look so simple, but in fact complex coordination exercises like squats (without weight or light weight) or lunges, etc.

Goals and objectives of stage II:

  1. Contribute to the further development of strength, power and endurance of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, by performing more complex strength and coordination exercises.
  2. Reach an angle of flexion at the knee joint of 60?.
  3. To help improve the proprioceptive sensitivity of the knee joint by performing balance exercises on a barefoot or trampoline.
  4. Prepare muscles for running exercises by performing lead-up exercises (various barefoot lunges, etc.).

An example of an exercise for this stage: “Swing forward with an expander”

First you need to attach the skier's expander to the lower rail of the Swedish wall and put the expander's loops on the legs (on the ankle area).


Standing with your back to the Swedish wall, at a distance of a stretched expander, hands on your belt, back straight.


  1. Slowly perform a forward swing, pull the toe towards you (we reproduce the tension of the quadriceps muscle, which we learned at the stage of passive rehabilitation - THIS IS IMPORTANT!).
  2. Fix the position for 2-3 seconds.
  3. Slowly return to the PI, but do not put your foot on the floor.
  4. Perform the exercise 15 times 3 sets.

This exercise should be performed on both the sore and healthy leg. The fact is that the leg that remains on the floor is just as tired as the working one (if not more), and it will not be superfluous for us to maintain balance on the sore leg.

At the end of the second stage, the rehabilitation doctor assesses the condition of the patient's muscles (whether the inner head of the quadriceps femoris is well developed, as well as the posterior group of muscles of the thigh and lower leg), the condition of the joint (there is swelling or not). If the results of the examination are satisfactory, the doctor recommends moving on to STAGE III of active rehabilitation.


Term: 12-16 weeks after surgery.

At this stage, we begin to use power simulators for straightening and bending the legs in the static-dynamic mode, inertial exercises on a trampoline or barefoot.

Goals and objectives of stage III:

  1. Help increase muscle strength, power and endurance without pain.
  2. Promote a gradual return to functional activities characteristic of a particular sport.
  3. Ability to run well.
  4. Achieve full flexion and extension at the knee joint.
  5. Achieve the muscle volume of the diseased leg equal to the muscle volume of the healthy one. The difference in volumes can be no more than 20%.
  6. To form the correct motor stereotype of landing after jumps by performing plyometric exercises with and without interference.

After two weeks of doing exercises on weight machines, the patient undergoes a functional test to determine whether the operated limb is ready for running and jumping exercises.

An example of an exercise of the III stage, aimed at the development of the quadriceps femoris muscle in the static dynamics mode “Extension of the legs while sitting in the simulator”.


Sitting, the back is straight, the lower back is pressed against the back of the simulator, the shins firmly rest against the rollers, the knee joint has an angle of more than 90 degrees, the hips do not go beyond the seat.


  1. Bend - unbend the legs at the knee joint for 30 seconds. During this time, you need to have time to do 20-24 repetitions. There should be 3 such approaches. Rest between sets for 30 seconds.
  2. The movement should be uniform (no jerks).
  3. A burning sensation in the muscle is an indicator of the correctness of the exercise.

Stato-dynamic training is performed twice a week, one training is tonic in nature, the second is developing. after a few weeks, with a positive leg test result, we start running and jumping exercises. The goal of a running and jumping program is to prevent recurrence of the injury. Quite often, a re-injury occurs due to the inability to land correctly after a jump, an incorrect motor stereotype in running can also lead to swelling and pain in the knee joint. Your rehabilitation specialist will tell you how to properly alternate strength and running workouts.

The structure of the knee joint. Meniscus injury. Cruciate ligament rupture

Isometric loading (also known as static endurance loading) is one of the most underestimated training methods that can help overcome the “plateau” in the development of weightlifters and increase the overall endurance of the body.

To begin with, I note that in the process for the triathlon as a strength program, one of the leading trainers in this area - from the TriFit personal training studio, gave a program in a static-dynamic style according to Seluyanov's methods: the time of work under load was of key importance - squats with a light weight barbell are done slowly, the exercise is performed not for times, but for a while (3 sets of 30 seconds each).

Here is an example of such a strength training:

Stato-dynamic training refers to the isometric type of load. Zozhnik publishes a translation of an article about the benefits of this type of training.

What is isometric training

During exercise, our muscles tend to contract in three different ways (depending on the movement being performed). When the weight is lowered (for example, during the lowering of the bar when performing squats) or when “extension” with a load, an eccentric muscle contraction occurs. The opposite process: when lifting weights, the muscles contract, reducing the distance between the joints - this is a concentric contraction.

But there is a third type of muscle contraction, when the muscles contract but do not change their length - isometric contraction. Unlike standard strength training, when the muscles consistently perform concentric and eccentric contractions, isometric loading is performed in a static position.

Examples of such exercises are pushing a stationary object, say a wall, or tensing muscles without moving, such as a plank exercise, a wall squat, or holding a low position while performing exercises, such as a squat. As a rule, isometric loading uses body weight (as you will see below), however, if your training allows, you can use additional weights.

Benefits of isometric exercise

Increasing muscle strength

Due to muscle contraction in a static position, the length of the muscles remains unchanged, the athlete does not perform the movement over the entire amplitude. To some, this approach will seem of little use to the development of strength skills, but this opinion is far from the truth.

Think about how much load will fall on your shoulders and arms if you hold your arms in a lowered position for as long as possible while deadlifting? In reality, during isometric training, the body is able to use almost all motor units.

Motor units are made up of motor neurons and skeletal muscle fibers - groups of motor units work together to coordinate the contraction of individual muscles. Back in 1953, German researchers Goettinger and Müller, who studied the effect of isometric load on strength qualities, came to the conclusion that an isometric load lasting 6 seconds a day would be enough to improve strength qualities by 5% in 10 weeks.

Isometric loading helps weightlifters develop the strength needed to perform movements that involve contractions of large muscles, and also helps to overcome "dead spots" in these movements.

When performing dynamic movements - for example, a squat with a barbell behind the back - the muscles perform eccentric and concentric contractions. When performing a movement over the entire amplitude, maximum effort is applied, however, such a dynamic movement does not allow focusing on muscle tension in each specific section of the movement trajectory.

By doing isometric muscle tension work (work consists of holding the body in a certain position) or isometric coping work (performing pushes or pressure on stationary objects), you can focus on certain stages of movement that cause difficulties, and with the help of isometric load develop muscle strength responsible for the "passage" of these sections.

Let's say you're having trouble getting out of a low position while doing a back squat. In this case, the best isometric exercise for you is to take a barbell with weight and take a position just above the lowest point of the squat, trying to maintain this position for as long as possible. The muscles around the joint that are responsible for moving at that joint angle will receive sufficient stress to allow them to adapt more quickly to the tasks at hand.

Coach Mel Siff writes in his book Supertraining:

“Isometric loading also allows a significant increase in muscle strength in the range of up to 15 degrees on either side of the selected joint angle. Moreover, as with all measurements of strength, there is a specific force or moment per joint angle for each type of muscle contraction, so it is very unlikely that the increase in force will be limited to a certain joint angle and not show up elsewhere.”

Improved body position control

While static isometric loading helps to improve performance in weightlifting, it is less effective in areas such as movements that require complete control of body position. However, this does not mean that it cannot be useful.

Athletes can use popular gymnastic stances (eg, handstand or corner) to achieve the same levels of muscle activation as isometric holding and pushing exercises. These exercises simultaneously improve body control, confidence, and core activation. To demonstrate how these areas of your body work, simply stand on your hands against a wall and try to hold this position for as long as possible. Very soon your whole body will begin to shake, so you will have to focus on tensing your abdominal muscles to keep your body in position.

Increasing Flexibility

A great side effect of isometric exercise is improved body flexibility. How to improve hip mobility when doing a squat? One exercise that can help you is to simply squat down to the bottom of the squat range and maintain that position with a focus on keeping your knees apart and your chest upright. You will feel tension in your groin, quadriceps, hamstrings, and muscles surrounding the hip joint. The fact is that in this position of the body, the muscles are constantly contracting and stretching in order to maintain the desired position of the body and prevent you from falling to the ground. Your body weight acts as a load, and you are technically performing an isometric exercise.

If we add an additional load in the form of a barbell to this position, we get an isometric hold load. Maintaining the position at the bottom of the squat while simultaneously loading the barbell will be a major challenge for your hips, so by practicing this stance, you will notice a significant improvement in the work of the hips when doing a standard squat. Olympic weightlifting champions use isometric training to improve flexibility.

Isometric exercises

Below are isometric exercises that you can do at home or in the gym.

Wall squats

Find a flat wall and squat next to it until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle and your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your back should be exactly against the wall. Hold this position for as long as possible (after a while you will feel serious tension in the quadriceps), do 3 sets.

Isometric push ups / lunges

Do regular push-ups or lunges, but with a pause in the middle of the movement: hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then rest and repeat 3-5 times.

Hip extension

Stand facing a table or chair, lift your right leg in front of you, trying to keep it as straight as possible, leaning forward slightly at the waist. You can lean on a table/chair. Your leg should be parallel to the floor. The muscles of the back of the thighs, calves and lower back should be tense. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.

Variation of the same exercise:


After the warm-up sets on the deadlift, load the barbell with a weight that exceeds your maximum for one rep. Get into the starting position for a deadlift and pull the bar up with maximum effort for 6-8 seconds. It is very important to maintain the correct position and posture when performing this exercise.

Barbell squat

Before attempting this exercise, it is necessary to master the barbell squat itself well. Take a barbell and throw a small weight on it, as soon as you master the exercise and feel confident, you will be able to choose the right load.

Now lower yourself and assume the required body positions during the squat (full squat, thighs parallel to the floor, thighs just above parallel, etc.), hold each position for 5-8 seconds. For safety, you can use an additional set of holders that set the same height as you hold. This way you can do reps without trying to get up or drop the bar after completing the exercise, which is important when working with heavy weights.


Get into the position that gives you the most trouble doing pull-ups and hold that position. If you find it difficult to pass the last stage of a pull-up, pull yourself up to a height where your eyes are located against the bar. You may need straps to help you get into the right position. Hold the desired position for as long as possible, lower your arms slowly to further load the muscles. Repeat if necessary.

3 ineffective and harmful exercises for the press

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Many people believe that in order to strengthen muscles, increase their strength, and in general for effective training, it is necessary to do a lot of dynamic exercises for as long as possible. However, this is not true. Therefore, below you will learn how else you can train your body without harm, fatigue and loss of time.

What are isometric exercises

Unlike the intense training that is familiar to many, isometric exercises are constant muscle tension in static. That is, without changing the position of the body, you work out the muscles and tendons at all no worse than with a dynamic load, and sometimes even better. The huge advantage of this way to get stronger is that you don't have to spend a lot of time doing the exercises, and the result will be even better.

Performing exercises for the chest, back, legs or arms in dynamics, the static work of the muscles of the body does not occur constantly, and in total it can sometimes reach only 2-3 minutes. for a lesson of 1-1.5 hours. In the case of static exercises, everything is just the opposite: the time of tension of your body is equal to how much you spent on training. To work a muscle for 10 minutes, you will need a little more, given the change in position and preparation.

How to do isometric exercises

As before any workout, isometric exercises require pre-warming up or simple exercises. To do this, you can make swings with your arms, raising your shoulders, tilting to the sides, back and forth, lifting on your toes. After you feel warmth in your body, you can proceed to the lesson itself. General requirements:

  • Each exercise should be performed with a breath.
  • All efforts for resistance are applied smoothly, gradually. You can not work with sharp muscle contractions.
  • Up to 10 seconds are allotted for each approach, the number of approaches for one exercise is 2-3.
  • In general, one workout should take no more than 20 minutes.
  • You can train like this at least every day, alternating with dynamics.
  • Develop a regimen that you will practice daily.

Isometric exercises for the neck

You can perform isometric exercises for the cervical region absolutely anywhere, even sitting in the office, which will be especially useful for those who spend most of their time in a sitting position. Static exercises for the face and neck:

  1. Lying on your back, start pressing the back of your head on the floor.
  2. While lying on your stomach, press your forehead on the floor.
  3. Sitting at the table, fold your hands in front of you and rest your head on them. Press hard with your forehead.
  4. Put your hands in the lock on the back of your head and start to push, while resisting with your head.

Isometric exercises for the back

Performing isometric exercises for the back will help not only strengthen it, but also align your posture, because gymnastics is aimed at both the rectus and the latissimus dorsi. Isometric training in several versions:

  1. Lying on your stomach, take your hands back and press along the body or fold into a lock at the back of the head. Raise your legs and shoulders up, while tensing strongly. Freeze, count 5-6 seconds.
  2. Starting position, as in the previous paragraph. Raise only your shoulders, legs strongly pressed to the floor.
  3. Starting position from point 1. Tear off your legs from the floor by 10-15 cm, shoulders firmly pressed to the floor.
  4. While standing, imitate the pressure of the fists on the hips on the sides.
  5. The same as in paragraph 4, only the pressure is on the hips in front.

Isometric leg exercises

Like neck exercises, isometric leg exercises can be safely performed anywhere. Most of them happen standing or sitting. Isometric gymnastics for leg muscles:

  1. Stand up straight, tense all the muscles of the legs. Do 3-4 sets of 10 seconds.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend down and simulate extension, resisting with the thigh muscles.
  3. A similar position, only you need, on the contrary, to try to bring your legs together.
  4. Sitting on a chair, try to straighten your legs.
  5. The same position, only the feet must be rested against an obstacle, for example, a wall. Try to straighten your legs.

Isometric exercises for the press

An excellent gymnastics for women at home, which will help get rid of the fat layer on the abdomen, is isometric exercises for the press. The process does not require much time at all, and the result due to such statics will not keep you waiting. No strength training can compare with these simple but effective loads:

  1. Sit at the table, put your hands in front of you and start pressing on the tabletop, while straining your abs a lot.
  2. Standing, begin to perform delayed crunches, count 5-6 seconds on each side.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees (90 degrees) and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. In this case, it is best to stretch your hands forward.
  4. Lying twist. At the same time, the legs are bent and stand on the floor, hands are locked behind the back of the head. On each side - 5-6 seconds in static.

Isometric hand exercises

Who does not dream of beautiful arms or shoulders. You can achieve this with the help of a power load and dumbbells, or use isometric exercises for the hands of Alexander Zass, who actually founded this unique training system and proved its effectiveness by his own example. No wonder he was also called "Iron Samson": this man could easily lift a horse on himself, and all thanks to only static loads. Favorite Zass exercises for arms and shoulders (can be performed with a rope or with a belt):

  1. Put your hands on the doorway and start to push it apart. The muscles of the shoulders and arms will be very tense. Hold on for up to 7 seconds. Repeat 2 more sets.
  2. Hands are wrapped in a chain and bent in front of the chest, elbows at shoulder level. With the strength of the chest, shoulders and arms, begin to break the chain, as it were.
  3. Raise your hands with the chain above your head, and then try to spread your arms to the sides.
  4. Position the chain behind your back, and then use your hands to try to break the chain.

Territory of Fitness personal trainer Julia Glyantseva explains how isometric exercises differ from regular ones, what are their clear advantages and how they affect muscle strength and weight loss.

Julia Glyantseva

An isometric (static) load is a force without movement. This is the work of muscles without changing their length and with immobility of the joints. Isometric exercises train muscle strength, do not increase their mass, while maintaining speed and endurance.

Even at the beginning of our era, Shaolin monks used isometric (static) load to develop the strength of warriors. Isometric exercises began to gain particular popularity in 1961, when reports began to appear in the media about the sensational achievements of athletes who used these exercises in their workouts. Now isometric exercises have gained recognition among athletes of various profiles: weightlifters, athletes, representatives of cyclic sports (rowers, swimmers, cyclists, skiers).

The isometric tension technique can be used in the development of strength indicators in such basic exercises as squats, pull-ups, push-ups, bench press, plank, thrust, angle, bicep curls. You should start with exercises that do not require special equipment and advanced physical fitness. For example, the technique of negative pull-ups is available only to already trained people. But almost everyone can perform squats without weights, push-ups or a bar.

Isometric training in the gym

Basic isometric exercises are divided into three groups:

  • bench press (position of the crossbar at chin level, at eye level, 3-5 cm below a fully extended arm);
  • thrust (crossbar at the level of the knees, at the level of the hips, at the level of the waist);
  • squat (parallel squat, quarter squat).

It is necessary to do isometric exercises regularly and in a sufficient number of approaches (3-4 per muscle group). They are performed with a maximum voltage of 6 to 12 seconds. The muscles should be so tight that there is no movement in the joint. To restore breathing, the pause between sets lasts 45-60 seconds. With the help of isometric exercises, you can quickly pump the muscles that require it right now.

Isometric exercises can be performed in the gym, where there is the necessary equipment. For most muscle groups, the Smith machine is enough. For example, to develop hip strength, an isometric exercise would be the so-called parallel squat. The bar in the machine is set and fixed so that it rests on your shoulders when you are in a squat position with your thighs parallel to the floor. Place the bar comfortably on your shoulders, grab it, and place your feet the way you would do a classic Smith machine squat. Now lift yourself up, pushing off with your legs with all possible force, from 6 to 12 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times with rest between sets, as in a regular strength workout.

To develop the strength of the pectoral muscles, set and fix the crossbar 5 cm below the outstretched arms. Grasp the bar, hands shoulder-width apart, look straight ahead, press as if it were a classic bench press, maintaining maximum effort, 6 to 12 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times with rest between sets.

To develop triceps calf strength, set and lock the bar just above shoulder level when you stand in front of it with a straight back. Stand under the bar, lay it on your shoulders, hips and knees closed, back straight, hands fixed on the bar in a comfortable position. Rising on your toes, press on the crossbar with all possible force - from 6 to 12 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times with rest between sets.

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