Home Fruit trees The Del family case: the most important issues in the history of the removal of children. Children of Svetlana Del. Kate. Perhaps the most difficult child

The Del family case: the most important issues in the history of the removal of children. Children of Svetlana Del. Kate. Perhaps the most difficult child

Svetlana. These are the children whose fate we must now pray for - they were selected from the Del foster family and again plunged into the abyss of the orphan system. I can’t accept the thought that like that, indiscriminately, they were all taken away as things and doomed to ... no, it’s better not to think

"Meet our Katya. Perhaps my most difficult child. Although in this nomination Rita is now successfully stepping on her heels. :-)

Katya is originally a house child. There were three children in their family, in addition to Katyusha, there was also an older brother and a little sister. Lived - did not grieve. They drank, probably not without it. But they were not registered in custody, the neighbors did not complain. At the age of three months, my sister died .... She suffocated while her parents noted something there. After that, the parents finally set off in all serious ways.

Katya was taken by her grandmother. And again, everything was fine with the girl. And then my grandmother remembered that Katya should have been tested, since her mother (and grandmother's daughter, respectively) had a couple of unpopular diagnoses. They went to take tests (a year and a half later than expected), and take one diagnosis and confirm it ....

The next morning, her grandmother took Katya to an orphanage. Why does she have a sick child? She actually just got married and was pregnant. Grandma at that time was 38 years old, if anything. I don’t know how she explained all this to Katerina, but Katya was waiting for them to return for her.

The shelter is temporary, it's not forever .... And some children were taken back ... But not Katya :-(

About a year later, we took her into the family. Such a good girl, developed according to her age. Polina will have a sister-girlfriend.

Yep, shaaaaa.

The first year in the family, Katrin burned so that my hair really stood on end. The psychologist had a version that she took revenge on me for taking away my image from my grandmother - the image of the new mother was superimposed on the image of the blood mother. So I got it for myself and for that guy, as they say ...

Shortly after arriving home, I went to the store with the girls Katya and Polya.

Since Katya was "new", I was afraid that she would get lost and held her hand tightly.

Attention, this is important! I constantly held her hand in mine, and with the other hand I rolled the cart and put food there.

We have almost reached the cash registers and then Polina says: "Mom, Katya has hairpins and toys in her shorts and tights ...." I really broke into a cold sweat. She really had stolen things hidden everywhere. And she didn’t just put them in such a way that the cameras didn’t pick up and I didn’t see. She took off her guard! With one hand! Sonya's golden pen just nervously smokes on the sidelines. For her there are no locked doors and closed locks. I don't know where she got these skills. I can guess, but that's just my speculation...

She is also very sensitive to emotions and intellectually above average. Eh, these brains would be in a peaceful direction! Actually, she doesn’t need to steal, she is a super-manipulator, people take everything off themselves and give it away :-) I only spoil raspberries. She also cut books. In small spaghetti, so as not to stick together.

These books are a different story. I had a whole library brought from England. I studied there in my youth and for every free ruble, or rather a pound, I bought books. I collected a large library ... Then I took them out in two stages, because I took away only a small one on the plane. In general, it was these books that Katerina destroyed. From each - the first third, in order to do more. And she didn’t know how to read, but she unmistakably chose English books !!

Wow, how upset I was .... Well, what else to tell or enough horror stories? :-)

Honestly, there were thoughts more than once why I took it. Why did I open the PR page and read the pink PR text. Why rushed with a baby in her arms to the city of Vyborg. Fool, che :-) Sometimes (very, very rarely) I close my eyes and imagine our family without ..... Without difficult children. But what to do then. Life is generally not a walk across a field of daisies. Return - no. I can not. She will not be well in dd. It was good at the hostel. In the toddler group and temporarily. In dd they will beat her hard and ... I won’t write what they will do, but she won’t survive there for sure. I can't give a child to certain death...

We live on. I protect from society as much as possible, everywhere with me. Now everything is fine at home. He doesn’t tear books, he doesn’t poop (sorry) in flower pots, etc. I don’t dare to give it to school yet, I will study at home with a tutor, I really hope that after graduating from elementary school I will be able to go to a public school like all children.

How did your husband react? Wasn't happy, of course. But the main blow was not on him, since by the time he arrived from work, all the consequences had already usually been eliminated. Their relationship is good, since Katya always treated her dad with respect :-) She never spoiled his things, etc. At one time she even tried to push us, but this number does not work in our family.

After some time, quite a long time, a tempting idea came to my mind to give Katyusha to the garden. Our garden was wonderful, my three children had already gone there by that time. I'm not just like that, I'm smart! Straws lay down and all that. I went to meet the teachers in advance, told about Katya's features.

Petranovskaya's books to help, again. I was completely delighted with the conversation, Katya got really very wise and professional educators. I spent a couple of weeks in euphoria almost. Katya, of course, desperately tried to manipulate, but the wonderful teachers did not give in, they looked after my maiden with both eyes, kept their bags with them and stopped attempts to put pressure on pity.

It was a good time, it's a shame it didn't last long. Because after 2 weeks I was called to the head of the garden. And persistently (threatened with complaints to the guardianship authorities) they asked to feed Katyusha at least on weekends! For she, poor thing, of course, eats well in the garden, but from Friday to Monday she can’t hold out in any way ... You are paid money for her!! Is it a pity for porridge??

I didn’t feel sorry for Kashi, but from amazement, the gift of speech disappeared for a while. While I was coming to my senses in shock (it must have been a funny sight), I was told that Katya, not finding understanding among the teachers, went straight to the headmaster's office, where she told about her difficult life. She said, the poor fellow, that no one in the group was friends with her (which is true, because there was nothing to rummage through other people's lockers) because she, a poor orphan, does not have the physical strength to play and walk, because they don’t feed her at home. At all. She was less than 6 years old!!!

Slightly coming to my senses, I spent an hour crucifying about deprivation, manipulation, adaptation. With quotes from Lyudmila Petranovskaya and Nancy Thomas. I called out in elementary logic. But why should I starve Katya alone?? The rest I obviously feed. It seemed to me that I even periodically met understanding in the eyes opposite.

But the verdict was disappointing. "I have 30 years of experience working with children. THIS child cannot lie." Touché. We left the garden, of course ...

It is very difficult for me now to assess and analyze the situation, I am worried and worried about my children, who were taken away from us. It seems to me that I am going crazy from the horror and improbability of what is happening. It seems that this is not my life, but some kind of fantastic dystopia. Thanks to friends, family and acquaintances for their support and offers of help. It was really scary without you. I was promised to give the children back and asked not to take any action. For the sake of the children, for the sake of their speedy return to the family, I was silent. But the children are still not at home. And I want to publicly declare.

1. I did not beat our children, including Seryozha. My husband did not beat our children, including Seryozha. He talked, inspired, explained, scolded - yes. But he didn't. We didn't beat our children. Now the question is, let's say my husband beat his son to hematomas. Why would I, a foster mother, take such risks and send my beaten son to the garden? By the way, there was information that another child, who did not go to the kindergarten that day, was also beaten, but guardianship officers did not find any bruises on him.

2. My husband left on the day of the events to St. Petersburg for the funeral, it was a planned trip - his mother died. When he left, this horror had not yet begun, we believed that everything would now be clarified and the children would be returned to us.

3. Everyone asks us, who did we cross the road to? I don't know, I can only guess. But for the last week, the teacher daily, convincingly and purposefully complained about Seryozha: she behaves badly, fights, offends others. Yes, Serezha is a very difficult child. But adopted children are rarely simple, and who of the established adoptive mothers will argue with me?

4. During these days, the diagnoses of our children and the secret of the adoption of some of them were disclosed.. Guardianship employees give comments in which the diagnoses of children are clearly heard, diagnoses, I note, to which society is treated strictly negatively. And our children now have to live with it. There is no way to erase this information from the Internet. Who exactly, what experts and journalists will be responsible for what is written?

5. Wild articles with wild headlines appear in the media.. In the comments, people talk about how we could infect our children in a foster family and consider our “income”. The persecution of our family has begun, but we are adults, we will survive, it is terrible that our children suffer. Children, each of whom has already experienced the loss of a blood family and received accompanying injuries.

6. Now about bruises. A number of media writes about hematomas and some scratches on the neck. They showed me a photo on the phone in custody, they said that dad beat him with a belt. I saw, attention, the most common bruises on the pope and elbow. Which the child could get in the garden. I asked a question in guardianship, was he also beaten on the elbow with a belt? In a few days these bruises will pass, and to defend your position, I'm sure you can write anything you like. You can even beat the child so that the necessary hematomas appear not only on paper, but also on the body. Why not? After what happened, I admit this.

7. Resume.Ten children, adopted and adopted, were taken from our family without documents, based on two bruises and the words of a six-year-old adopted child with mental retardation and attachment disorder (specialists know what RAD is). I believe that everything will turn out as a result, the nightmare will end, and our children will return home, this hell will end. But how are we going to live now?

The story of Svetlana Del from Zelenograd, from whom the guardianship authorities seized 10 children, attracted the attention of even Russian celebrities. Singer Vera Brezhneva and Russian TV presenter Irena Ponaroshku stood up for the mother of many children. The story itself is not yet finished and there are still many questions in it.

Irena Ponaroshku posted on her Instagram a link to support Svetlana Del and wrote an emotional post. “A few days ago, the guardianship authorities took away 10 children from a mother of 16 children, Svetlana Del, because kindergarten teachers found a bruise on her elbow and pope from one of them. People, wake up! My child is also covered in bruises and abrasions! Although we don’t touch him with a finger, ”the star was indignant.

Then she told a story already known from the words of her friend Svetlana and various media. “Children with the police were literally stolen from the garden, from circles and classes! Without providing documents, without explanation! Then they didn’t give them the opportunity to see each other, so far there is no information about the future fate of the children,” she explains.

Indeed, according to the kindergarten teacher, who discovered two bruises on the body of six-year-old Serezha, representatives of the guardianship authorities and the police came to Svetlana Del's house. And then they decided to remove the children from the family. In total, Svetlana Del and her husband are raising 13 children, two of whom are already adults and live independently. Among them there is a blood child, adopted and adopted children. Many guys have different diagnoses that require special care.

“Without informing the parents, without clarifying the circumstances, within literally half an hour, the guardianship authorities, together with the police, ORGANIZEDLY TAKEN 10 children from different parts of the city. The police did not distinguish between adopted, natural and adopted children. No papers were presented to the parents. Today, children are in shelters and hospitals,” the text of the petition in support of Svetlana Del says.

Now the woman's family, together with the children who remained in it, continues to fight for a peaceful future together. There are different reports in the media. According to one report, the children were starving, walking around in rags and sleeping on the floor. According to others, the family of Svetlana Del was in good standing with the guardianship authorities.

“Look carefully at the @svetkaaa2012 profile, as I did before writing about this situation - I wound up to the very beginning of the tape, read all the posts, watched all the videos. There is no violence in this family and there is unconditional love! Svetlana and her husband found a place in their hearts for healthy babies, and for children with severe diagnoses, and not babies at all - one of the boys was 16 years old when Svetlana took him to her. A year later, he began to call her mom ... I have been following this story from the very beginning. It was not clear to me only one thing: why does the eldest daughter Daria not write anything about this in her @dell_daria account, although she posts posts with jokes and poems? This disturbed and stopped me. But last night, after my question in the comments about this, posts appeared in her,” Irena Ponaroshku continued her emotional post.

“The worst thing is that now hundreds of other children can stay forever in orphanages, because adoptive parents, knowing how juvenile justice works in our country, will be afraid to take them into the family! After all, they can come and take away everyone: both relatives and adoptive ones (who are already relatives too!), ”the Passion portal quotes the star.

Supported the family of Svetlana Del and singer Vera Brezhneva:

How much is happening around us... that neither the heart nor the head understands. I'm reading the story of @svetkaaa2012 and I can't understand... who needs it, who benefits from it... The only important, important and necessary thing for each of us since childhood is mom, family, love and support. Why and why now her children are deprived of this ... is not known. And this is just one of the stories. It hurts to see unhappy children, people. Can we influence ourselves? Yes. It is in our power to contribute to the world. If you have an unhappy person in your environment, smile at him more often. This is the least we can do.

Note that many famous people have joined the investigation of history. The circumstances are clarified by the Russian psychologist and teacher Lyudmila Petranovskaya. “We don't know, we can't know, and we don't need to know yet whether the child was physically punished or not. For me personally, since we are well acquainted with Svetlana, it’s hard to believe, but my feelings have nothing to do with it, ”she noted. “What we know is that on the basis of only the words of a 6-year-old child, without doing any work, not even any conversation with foster parents, 10 children, including adopted ones, are taken away from the family. The children are lied to in the process, the adoptive mother is not given any documents on selection, the children are thrown into shelters and hospitals without providing therapy, ”continued Lyudmila Petranovskaya, noting that she sees monstrous lack of professionalism and cruel treatment of children in this case.

The Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova also understands the situation. According to her, the mother will be allowed to see the children in the near future. “It was decided that the woman would visit the children without restrictions,” the Ombudsman's website says.

“We must thoroughly understand the situation, consider all the conditions under which the return of children is possible. But for this you need to understand what happened, get a general picture of the children's health, their psychological state, get clear guarantees from mom and dad that the children in this family will be safe," said Anna Kuznetsova.

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