Home Fruit trees Games don't work on Windows 7. Games not working after reinstalling Windows

Games don't work on Windows 7. Games not working after reinstalling Windows

« Reinstalled Windows. Now the games just won't launch. What to do? »

Perhaps everyone, at least once, faced difficulties in launching games after reinstalling Windows. Their range is diverse and I cannot give an exact guarantee that after reading this article everything will work out for you. But still I advise you to read it and, if it does not help, contact people on the forums.

Common Problems and Solutions

Most often, the dog is buried in elementary absence required software. Therefore, the first step is to install or update drivers. You can find out which drivers are missing or outdated like this: Start - Control Panel - Device Manager (relevant for Windows 7). All modules that need attention will be indicated by a yellow triangle with exclamation mark inside.

In addition, you can download the latest video card drivers from http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/index.aspx?lang=ru.

You should also pay attention to the DirectX library. It is required in all toys. And most of the problems are related to it. Here is the most common one:

There are two ways to resolve this error.

  1. Completely uninstall and then reinstall the entire DirectX library.
  2. Install the useful DXUpdate utility, which will download everything that is missing, and in the future will monitor the integrity and relevance of the DirectX library.

I would like to mention that this error is due to the inadvertent removal or relocation of this dll from the system-32 library directory. This could have happened as a result of antivirus activity, which is often considered given file as a potential threat. So next time, pay attention to what you delete.

« Reinstalled Windows. Why does the game installed on drive D (non-primary) not start? »

The fact is that each game, in addition to copying the main components to the folder specified during installation, is registered in the registry and creates such a file in the Documents folder.

This file contains all system information required game program. Starting with the screen resolution and ending with the data of the game itself. Some toys prescribe their data there, without which they cannot be launched. Also, with the help of this file, you can adjust the game parameters, such as resolution or, for example, the parameters for entering information into the application, but this is a completely different topic.

So, when the operating system is demolished, the entire main disk is cleared, especially the registry, which is part of operating system. Based on the fact that 90% of games, if not more, require a mandatory registration in the registry, they simply will not work after reinstalling Windows.

But there are exceptions. For example, if the forerunner game, after reinstalling Windows, shows that it cannot find some file, you can safely delete the remaining files. gaming application no longer exists for the computer. You'll have to reinstall it. It's much easier than "reanimating" it.

Conclusion: reinstalled Windows - lost all entries in the registry - reinstall all games.

Any computer user at least sometimes, but plays games. Someone does it after work or instead of it. Others purchase a new PC for the purpose of playing computer games. No matter how powerful the computer is, a problem can always happen when installed game will not start. There are many reasons for this.

Let's delve into the topic in more detail and find out why this problem happens and how to deal with it.

Checking requirements

First, you need to look system requirements for Game. They will either be on the box or on the official website. It often happens that the game is made for processors certain brand AMD or Intel or for a specific video card. Then there may be problems with launching on other hardware. Or does the game require a certain amount random access memory , let's say you need 8 GB, and you are only 2, then the game will not work in any way.

You can check your processor model and the amount of RAM in the computer properties.

Checking and updating drivers

Drivers are programs that control hardware connected to a PC. They are constantly needed update to keep your computer working properly. Of course, the system will continue to work and no updates, but modern games, often require latest versions drivers.

Most often, games need a driver video cards. Some refuse to run until the latest version is installed. But how to check which driver versions you have? Very simple:

Now we need to update it. There are several ways to do this:

  • Download the latest version from the official site.
  • If you only know the identifier, then you need to visit the site http://devid.info and type it into the search box.
  • For convenience, you can find on the Internet, utilities that themselves will determine the versions of your drivers and offer to update them in automatic mode. That is, you only need to scan and choose which drivers to update.

Checking system components

Often games may not run if any of the components listed below are missing. Sometimes even installing the latest version does not save. The game may require exactly the one for which it is made.


It is an essential component, just like the video card driver. In order for the game to start and work correctly, you need exactly that DirectX version under which game created. Often this component is already included in game installer, but sometimes not. The latest version can be downloaded from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Download/confirmation.aspx?id=35.

net framework

This component is needed so that programs written in different languages programming. Basically, he built in into the system. But if not, you can download it from official site https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/framework.

Visual C++

This is the development environment in which various programs. Often this component is already included in the game installer. If not, then go to the official website and download latest version.

https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/framework - same link as framework. You can also download Visual.

Checking for viruses

Programs for cleaning and fixing errors

There are programs that will clean the system and fix registry errors. After all, because of this, the game may also not work.


Glary Utilities

This is a program that contains a whole complex to clean the system of debris, as well as its settings. She can do everything, and clean the registry, and defragment disk and registry, produce fine tuning systems and more.

After Windows installation or you just changed account. Everything seems to have gone without problems. But after downloading your favorite toy, you are surprised to notice that after clicking on the game icon, nothing happens. Why after reinstalling windows games do not start and how to solve this problem, the game process is visible in the “Task Manager”, but the game does not start?

You start the “Task Manager” and, again, with surprise, you notice that in the manager running game visible, i.e. the game process is, for example, "WorldOfTanks.exe".

At the same time, you perfectly saw that the process of installing the game itself on the computer went absolutely fine: whether it was just through install, or through mounting a disk image. After trying to restart the game many times, you did not find a solution to the problem: the game process is displayed in the “Task Manager”, but the game itself does not work. But before everything was fine! Having rummaged through the Internet on the forums, you will not find an unambiguous and simple explanation this problem. You will be answered with a question with a question, like “ what iron do you have”, or “ change drivers" etc. But it's much easier!

This problem occurs only for those who use pirated Windows, and also disables “ Automatic update systems." The fact is that pirated Windows, as a rule, lack many of the necessary programs that are needed for the normal operation of Windows.

Well, the most important package for running all kinds of programs and games is Microsoft. NET Framework - this program must be on your computer!

Also an important component is the package Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, it is needed to help your PC understand the programming language.

And one more thing necessary for the normal launch of games is Microsoft DirectX.

By downloading and installing all the listed programs, you will instantly solve your problems with non-working games!

If you reinstalled Windows, then in no case turn off the “Automatic Updates” option. It is this option itself, without your direct participation, that will download absolutely all the necessary packages from the Internet and install them on your computer itself!

And only after installing all the packages you will be able to absolutely normally play games and run those programs that have not previously been launched on your computer!


  • Never turn off "Automatic Update" because it will not solve the problem with running games. Despite the fact that the process of installing the game will be absolutely normal.
  • Always check for packages DirectX, .NET Framework and Visual C++ 2010: “Start - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs - check the box next to the “Show updates”, wait a few seconds and study for updates.

If among them there are no above listed packages, then they must be installed.

There can be several reasons for problems with launching many games on Windows 7. Consider the most popular of them:


Many games were created under the old Windows versions(XP, Vista, 98). To run them, you need to do the following:

1. Right-click on the game shortcut - Properties.

2. Go to the Compatibility tab and run the game in Windows XP compatibility mode. Apply the changes.

Run as Administrator.

Some games need to be run only as Administrator.

1. Right-click on the shortcut of the game - Run as Administrator.

Prevent changes to system folders.

It happens that you have restrictions on changes in system folders, so games cannot be installed properly on your PC.

1. Remove completely previously installed game.

2. Go to the game installer - find the Setup.exe file and run it as an administrator.

3. Install the game and run. She should be fine.

Missing .dll files.

There can be many reasons for problems with dll files.

1. Remember the name of the file and the game.

2. Open search engine Google enter the name of the game and the name of the dll file into the search box.

3. Read information on popular sites. In some cases, you will be recommended to download the finished dll file, and in others - to carry out some other manipulations.

Drivers, DirectX and additional software.

Always try to have the latest video card drivers, update DirectX and install additional software. Most of the time it all comes with the game.

1. Open installation disk with the game.

2. Install all contents of the Redist folder.

3. Find the latest drivers for your graphics card online and install them.

When an error message or a blue screen pops up when you try to turn on the game, do not rush to call the wizard. You can solve the problem yourself by following the recommendations below.

Incorrect installation

Often the reason is that the installation of the game was not completed or the messages that appeared during the installation process were ignored. Perhaps an overly vigilant antivirus did not allow some elements of the game to install. Therefore, when installing games, it is recommended to temporarily disable it.

Missing Compatibility

This is the most common problem, since most of the previous games were developed under Windows XP or Windows 98. In order for such games to run on the seven, you need to right-click on the game's shortcut and select "Properties" from the drop-down menu. Then go to the "Compatibility" section and select the desired OS.

Deprecated DirectX

This is a set of libraries necessary for working with graphics and interacting with the system. Legacy version Direct can create problems when installing and running applications.

The problem is solved by DirectX updates. The latest version can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. Download, install and the problem disappears. Another way to update is to install a newly released licensed game. When installing it, the installer will ask for consent to install DirectX.

It is necessary to agree and thus update it. After installation is complete, be sure to restart your computer. Otherwise, the new Direct will not work.
For the normal launch and operation of games, in addition to DirectX, NET Framework and Visual C ++ must be installed on the computer. You can also download their latest versions from the official Microsoft website.

Pirated version of the OS

Another common cause of various problems is the installation of a non-licensed operating system. After installing the licensed version of the OS, the games, as a rule, start and work normally.

If you do not want to buy a license, you can try to download and completely reinstall another version of the system. But this does not give a 100% guarantee of getting rid of problems with games.

Problems with games

Most Lovers computer games are not spent on the purchase of licensed games. From various sources they download hacked games. Naturally, such disabled people do not want to start.

In this case, it will not be possible to quickly solve the problem. You will have to purchase a licensed game or search the forums in search of a magic "pill" for a particular game. Downloading a game from another site is very rarely successful.

Problems with hardware

In the case when a certain game does not start, and the rest function normally, you need to check the compatibility of the computer's capabilities minimum requirements games. If at least one requirement of the game is not feasible on this computer, the game will not start.

The problem is solved quickly and simply - it is enough to replace the outdated hardware with a suitable one. After replacement, you must install the appropriate drivers. Then restart your computer and start playing.

Sometimes, during the launch of some games, the system reports that the user does not have permission to run. Then you need to right-click on the shortcut and select "Run as administrator". If this does not work, you must turn off UAC by doing the following:

  • by clicking the "Start" button, go to the "Control Panel", from it - to "Accounts";
  • select "Change User Account Control Settings" (UAC);
  • move the slider down to the stop, and reboot.

Checking drivers after reinstalling the OS

Windows 7 has interesting feature- when reinstalling, instead of the video card driver, the standard WDDM driver is installed. Therefore, after completing the reinstallation, you need to check for the presence of drivers for the video card. If necessary, they can be downloaded from the official sites - NVIDIA or AMD.


Sometimes it happens that previously normally working games have stopped running. Viruses that have penetrated the computer are guilty of this. The issue is solved by a total scan of the computer with an antivirus. After the end of the procedure, the detected viruses must be deleted, the infected files should be cured if possible, the registry cleaned and the computer restarted. Usually after that, the performance of games is restored.

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