Home Fruit trees Directx updates for windows 7. Update DirectX on Windows XP

Directx updates for windows 7. Update DirectX on Windows XP

DirectX is a set of software solutions that developers use to create software. DirectX gained popularity as a means of developing video games. Every time with launch new edition Windows, Microsoft releases a new numbered build of DirectX, which allows you to create even more realistic and high-quality visual effects, more productive use of computer resources.

DirectX is distributed free of charge and is often found along with the purchased game on the same disc. Other than that, there are a few more ways to update DirectX on Windows 10.

Checking the current version of DirectX

By default, Windows 10 comes pre-installed with version 12 of DirectX. This assembly is the latest edition of the library, and it is not required to update it. To verify this and find out which one is being used DirectX version in Windows 10, you need:

  1. Click on the search bar on the taskbar or press the Win + R key combination.
  2. Enter the command "dxdiag" in the text field and click "Run".
  3. Examine the data in the window that appears, at the bottom of which the version of DirectX used should be indicated.

Important! Even though DirectX 12 is preinstalled on Windows 10, the dxdiag dialog box may in some cases show an earlier version. This is because the video card used in the computer does not support the technologies used in DX12. Information about the technologies supported by the video card can always be obtained on the official website of the device manufacturer.


The only way to update DirectX 12 on Windows 10 is to check for a library update via windows update. Any attempts to download the web installer from the official Microsoft website or get help on updating DX to the latest version 12 will take the user to the Windows 10 upgrade page.

So, to check for an update for system components, you need:

  1. Open "Computer Settings".
  2. Go to the "Update and Security" section.
  3. Click on the "Check for Updates" button.
  4. Agree to install updates.


For step-by-step instructions, we recommend watching the video.

In custody

It is important to remember that new editions of DX are extremely rare - often the update occurs only a few times before the next major version appears. Therefore, if the task of downloading Directx 12 for Windows 10 is set to improve computer performance in games, then it is better to check the status of the drivers or think about improving the hardware of the device.

The best way to update DirectX 11 - 9 for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 is to download the distribution from the official Microsoft website. And update DirectX to latest version, no problem, and you won’t catch any infection. There are two ways to update the Direct X driver, they are simple and effective.

How to update and install DirectX libraries.

Update #1. The first option is a way to update Direct X for any version of Windows from XP to 10, provided by Microsoft, in the form of a small web installer. The update requires an uninterrupted internet connection. Click on the button, just below - "web installer", download the file "dxwebsetup.exe" (285.3Kb).

Installation is extremely simple. Move to the download folder, double-click on the downloaded file - start the installation. Take note of the standard agreement, put a "pimp", click next.

In the next window, remove the “tick” from the Bing search engine so that the start page in the browser that you are used to does not change.

Click on "next". If you have an internet connection, the installer will check your PC for libraries, then update DirectX to the latest version. At the end of the installation of updates, do not run anything - first restart the computer.

Update #2. The second option, in my opinion, is the best way update DirectX Windows 7, 8 from the official site - for more practical. The update does not require an Internet connection, always at hand, indispensable when reinstalling windows, you can transfer it to a USB flash drive, “treat” the PC of friends and acquaintances.

After installation new game you may encounter the problem of missing some system files on your computer. When I try to start the game, I get an error about the missing file, for example d3d10.dll. That means it's time to update DirectX. Most games come with an archive in a separate folder, and you can update DirectX right away, since the installer file starts automatically when you install the game. But this does not mean that the update DirectX you won't need it anymore.

A similar error can also be thrown various programs working with graphics or audio.

What is DirectX not every user can answer, but everyone "advanced gamer" wants to put himself Latest version of DirectX.
DirectX is set of standard features developed Microsoft for working with color graphics, video, 3D animation and stereo sound. For Third Party Developers software this is a huge plus when writing various applications in which they can already use turnkey solutions present in Windows DirectX.

DirectX update the task is not difficult, you just need to find out the capabilities of yours. Not everyone can take advantage of all the features of the latest development for multimedia.

First you need to find out. This can be found, for example, through Device Manager.

Now you need to look at its description and clarify the characteristics. If you do not have information on your video card, then the data is available with ease.

If you think about the question which directx is better, then the answer will immediately appear: of course the last one. This is where things get interesting. Windows XP do not support latest developments for multimedia. Now, in addition to the characteristics of our video card, we also need to take into account the capabilities of our operating system. Latest version of DirectX 11 for Windows 7 will not work on older versions. For Windows XP any version up to the ninth inclusive is suitable, for Windows Vista the tenth version, therefore, despite all your efforts, you will not be able to update DirectX to the latest version. There are, of course, some ways to integrate DirectX 11 into Windows XP, but we will not talk about them now.

Our graphics card supports DirectX 10.1, Windows 7. Let's see which version we already have installed in the system. To do this, you need to run the utility dxdiag. We go to the menu "Start" and in the graph "Run" write the name of our built-in Windows programs.

After launching this application, a window with information will appear. If you run this utility for the first time on your computer, then a window may appear first asking you to check the digital signatures of the drivers. You can safely refuse.

As we can see, installed Latest version of DirectX for Windows 7, because DirectX 11 already included in the installation package Windows 7. But perhaps in Microsoft made some improvements and we need DirectX update.

Where to download DirectX for free, can be found in any search engine, for example Google. Sites will give out the sea and you will find the version you need. By the way, the latest version includes all the previous ones. Approximate latest version 103 MB.

Any person who plays games on a computer or even uses the latter for everyday tasks has most likely come across such a thing as DirectX, but not everyone knows what it is, whether this component is required, why it needs to be updated and where download Microsoft DirectX 12 for Windows 10 for free?

What is DirectX?

Explanations are difficult technical language in this case irrelevant, such information is always easy to find on official websites or on Wikipedia. In simple words is a library or set of instructions that are responsible for the interaction of computer hardware and software. DirectX uses mainly the graphics card, but does not leave without attention and knows how to open other parts of the PC in order to direct their power to the maximum in order to reproduce or in real time create game elements pre-written by developers. It works automatically, so you don't have to worry about how to enable DirectX 12 on Windows 10. And, yes, it's not only a playback tool used by gamers or regular computer users, but also a tool for developers, starting from which they find maximum level interactions between hardware and software components. However, the question of how to reinstall DirectX on Windows 10 x64 or, in general, whether it is necessary to install it, arises especially often among the first.

This set of libraries was developed by Microsoft and is used exclusively in operating systems ah Windows.

What is DirectX for?

It should be noted that if you still have never encountered such a concept and can vouch for not installing anything like this into the system, the component is still present, and there is even a way to see the DirectX version on Windows 10. Despite that it is aimed at game projects, is also used by other OS processes, therefore it is necessary, and is installed along with it. Depending on the Windows versions the version of the libraries also varies - from 9.0 in Windows XP to 12.0 in Windows 10. And so on, when a new OS comes out, there will be a new library update. Again, this is a very important indicator. Each new version of the set not only adapts to the new operating system, but also provides enhanced opportunities for developers, so, in theory, the same game launched with versions 9 and 11 can look very different - especially in terms of visual effects. That is why it is important to know how to install DirectX 12 on Windows 10.

Important! The set itself will not affect the quality in any way, but the number of technologies available in different versions can significantly affect how a developer uses them and what the game ends up with. Based on this, one can understand .

How to find DirectX version in Windows 10?

Checking the current version installed in the system will not be difficult even for novice users.

The easiest way to check DirectX version on Windows 10.

Fortunately, these libraries are such a component that is easy to find and install. It's free and always has been. However, this also hides another difficulty, especially for inexperienced users. There is a high probability of receiving a malicious file. But, again, there is a simple but reliable way how to avoid all possible problems- download installation files exclusively from the official site.

Download and install a set of libraries

In this case, this is the official Microsoft website. Find the "Download" or "Download" button on the site.
Then click "Abandon and continue".

Download the dxwebsetup.exe file, then run it.

It is recommended, both during downloading and during installation, to pay attention to all stages of the installation process and to the emerging dialog boxes, during which the company will try to deliver several of its products to you - from Microsoft office to the Bing bar. These, of course, are not malicious files, but if you do not need them, they can be absolutely useless.

We agree to the terms of the license agreement.

Then installing them.

After installation, click "Finish".

The site emphasizes that this component cannot be removed, so it is advisable to create a point so that in case of any problems you can easily restore it from the right place, thus avoiding the need to reinstall it entirely. There are no options offered during installation, and you don't know where DirectX is located in Windows 10. Even the path is automatically selected, so there shouldn't be any difficulties in the process.

How to update DirectX 12 version for Windows 10?

It is important to know how to update the version of DirectX 12 for Windows 10 for 64 bit or 32 bit - by downloading the installation file from the Microsoft website, you do not get a distribution kit for a specific library, but rather an assistant that will first determine the version of your video card and operating system, and then, based on on this, downloads necessary files for installation. Therefore, in fact, by installing libraries in this way, you update the set of libraries to the latest version. This is not manually regulated, but repelled by certain factors.

In rare cases, the set is not updated. This is solved by a simple reinstallation.

This is the only answer to why DirectX 12 is not installed on Windows 10.

What if I don't trust Microsoft?

If you don't trust Microsoft and want to find out for yourself which version your graphics card supports, there are a few things you can do:

  • Visit the official website of the manufacturer and find the corresponding table. This is an urgent question, so there should be no problems with the search;
  • Use any program that determines the set of PC components. As one of the options, you can offer a free GPU-Z. Necessary information located in the "Graphics Card" section in the "DirectX Support" field.

DirectX is a free build of Windows add-in programs needed to support new technologies that are used to improve the performance of multimedia applications, such as games, video files, and sound. As a rule, after installing this new API package, you will experience an increase in the performance of your video card, in games there will be no problems with graphics and sound (if any). To download DirectX for free, follow the direct link at the end of the article.

AT recent times, such API packages are bundled with new games, as the game manufacturer obviously wants to make sure that their new creation will work without any problems on your computer. If necessary, you can download new version free of charge, via a direct link on our website. Support for new operating systems Windows systems 7, as well as Windows XP - is present.

DirectX in Windows 7 includes many enhancements to game visuals, sound effects, 3D performance improvements, and great amount other auxiliary functions for your full operation of the multimedia devices of your computer. We recommend that you follow new versions of the program and update it regularly is the key to getting the most out of your workstation.

Install DirectX

To install DirectX simply download the file to your computer and run it. Follow the instructions in the Install Software Wizard on your Windows. Next, restart your computer. This is a clean assembly of add-on files to improve the performance of the computer's graphics core, which contains everything existing versions programs including Latest updates. So, download DirectX You can follow the link below in this article.

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