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Benefits of drinking water. Water - the benefits and harms for cleansing the body. When is the best time to drink water?

Black beans in our country are found on the tables of connoisseurs of Latin American cuisine. Beans can be maroon like Kindi or almost black like Preto. Of the known varieties of the product, the benefits and harms of black beans are enhanced due to the greater concentration of ingredients that make up the grain. This bean is distinguished by a sweetish taste, dense structure. A distinctive feature of black grains is a distinct smack of smoked meat.

The difference between black beans

The first difference is the calorie content of the product. The calorie content of any product is determined by the content in it:

  • proteins 25.3%;
  • fat 1.66%;
  • carbohydrates 73.04%.

The total calorie content of the product is 341 versus 284 kcal for red beans. The protein component in terms of weight is 8.9 g, while in red beans 8.4, and in white beans 7.0. Such a composition of the protein in structure close to the animal, allows vegetarians to receive good nutrition.

The ash residue of the bean is somewhat lower, it is 3.6 g of mineral fireproof substances per 100 g of the product. Fiber contains 15.5 g, carbohydrates 62.36.

The mineral component is presented in an amount that meets the needs of the body when black beans are included in the regular menu:

  • zinc - 3.65 mg;
  • iron - 5.02 mg;
  • magnesium - 120.4 mg;
  • phosphorus - 240.8 mg.

A far from complete composition of microelements has been named, there are 23 of them in total. Vitamins are represented by folic acid, phylloquinone, vitamin B6, nicotinic acid and others, the action of which is known. The present fatty unsaturated and polyunsaturated acids accelerate lipid metabolism.

Amino acids are presented in the amount of two dozen, and among them are well-known -, lysine, glutamic acid and others. The richest chemical composition creates the beneficial properties of black beans.

Studies of the nutritional and medicinal value of the composition of black beans have shown that this is the most useful plant product. It is recommended for the prevention of cardiac activity, cleaning the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol and to improve the functioning of the brain. It goes without saying that it simultaneously puts in order the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract. However, it is black beans that are the most effective food for the prevention of cancer. The same product is a barrier to the occurrence of type 2 diabetes.

People who regularly use black beans in their diet, imperceptibly and without cosmetic tricks, get satin skin, shiny hair and beautiful nails.

However, it is black beans that are the most satisfying and heaviest product of all beans. The benefits of black beans and the harm from it are inseparable if you treat the preparation of the dish carelessly. The cardiac glycoside in this type of bean is present in the same amount as in others, but due to the dense structure of the bean, it takes much longer to break down.

In addition, this product is designed for a healthy digestive tract. Therefore, in the stage of exacerbation of any chronic disease, it is better to exclude beans from the menu. For the elderly, you can offer dishes from. Those who are diagnosed with gout or nephritis should generally forget about beans.

Cultivation zone

Fans, of course, began to cultivate an exotic vegetable in Russia, and the cultivation technique does not differ from other varieties of common beans. But in China, the USA, Canada, this type of bean grows as an industrial crop over large areas. They also supply products all over the world. We know varieties "Preto" and "Kindi", which differ in color and grain size. At the same time, the Preto variety is at the heart of Brazilian cuisine, and the national dish of Feijoada is already 300 years old.

This bean is used in many countries of the world in vegetarian cuisine and during fasting among believers.

Of particular value are dishes from black bean sprouts without the bean itself. They are an independent dish or included in complex salads. The biological activity of bean sprouts makes the dish healing.

How to choose and store beans

Surprisingly, only black beans are not damaged. She just doesn't lay on black pods. Therefore, a common pest does not threaten this type of bean. However, the product comes in transparent packaging so that you can make sure that the fruits are not split into halves, which happens during long-term storage. In old beans, the taste changes.

When breeding this type of bean at home, you should harvest the crop on time and dry the grain well. When drying in the open air, the product is brought to marketable dryness, but beans should be stored in a cool place until the onset of cold weather, it is better to use the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In addition to grains, there are many other bugs that, on occasion, can infiltrate a sweet fruit.

Video about the benefits of black beans

Black legumes are not particularly held in high esteem by the Slavic peoples. To a greater extent, they are used by Hispanics and Chinese. However, the marvelous combination of delicate and at the same time dense structure of these small fruits with a silky black skin, their friability and sweetish taste with hints of smoked products captivated gourmets all over the world. Moreover, beans have a wide range of medicinal properties. What are the benefits of it, methods of treatment, contraindications and harm - we will talk about all this later in the article.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Black beans are characterized by many differences from the cultures we are used to. First of all, the product has a low calorie content and high nutritional value, which is determined by its ingredients. When compared, and black beans, the winning qualities of the latter are obvious. Let's consider them in more detail in the BJU ratio table.


In addition, a significant advantage of black fruits is the rich composition of essential fatty unsaturated and polyunsaturated acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Together, they are able to provide the human body with all the necessary substances for the full functioning of the cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems. This is evidenced by the analysis of the chemical composition of ripe fruits.

Did you know? The first mention of beans, which appeared in Chinese chronicles, date back to 3000 BC. And Europeans discovered these useful fruits only in the 16th century, when the famous Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus brought bright oblong grains to his native land from America. However, overseas culture initially interested local flower growers, and the culinary qualities of the culture were discovered only in the 18th century.

Vitamins (per 100 g):

  • (E) - 0.9 mg (6% of the daily norm);
  • (K) - 3.3 μg (2.8%);
  • (B1) - 0.2 mg (20.3%);
  • (B2) - 0.1 mg (4.5%);
  • nicotinic acid (B3) - 0.5 mg (3.2%);
  • (B4) - 32.6 mg (6.5%);
  • (B5) - 0.2 mg (4.8%);
  • (B6) - 0.1 mg (5.3%);
  • (B9) - 149.0 mcg (37.5%).

  • iron - 2.1 mg (21.0% of the daily requirement);
  • - 27.0 mg (2.7%);
  • - 355.0 mg (7.6%);
  • - 70.0 mg (17.5%);
  • manganese - 0.4 mg (19.3%);
  • copper - 0.2 mg (23.2%);
  • - 1.0 mg (0.1%);
  • - 1.2 mcg (2.2%);
  • - 140.0 mg (20.0%);
  • - 1.1 mg (10.2%).

Did you know? The ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra used bean white for her face. They were prepared from powdered dry grains of white varieties and a small amount of warm water. The mixture was applied in a thin layer on the face so as to fill in all the wrinkles. The procedure gave the beauty smoothness, whiteness of the skin and the effect of youth. However, it was not possible to achieve a long-term result, since the mask dried out and cracked very quickly.

Benefits of black beans

Investigating the nutritional value and characteristics of black beans, scientists came to the conclusion that they are dealing with the most valuable plant product of all legumes.
Due to the rich and varied composition, the fruits have a set of health benefits:

  • contribute to the improvement of lipid metabolism;
  • clean vessels from heavy metals and slags;
  • remove cholesterol from the body;
  • stimulate the brain;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • block the development of carcinogens (therefore, black beans are considered the most effective for the prevention of cancer);
  • contribute to the normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • with prolonged consumption, they provide healthy, radiant skin, shiny and silky hair, strong nails;
  • have an antibacterial and liquefying effect;
  • have a diuretic effect (which is why they are recommended for urolithiasis);
  • positively affect the nervous system;
  • improve vision;
  • help to get rid of excess weight;
  • are the best therapeutic and prophylactic means in the fight against anemia, bronchitis, pneumonia, atherosclerosis.

Did you know? In Bulgaria every year on the last Sunday of November, Bean Day is celebrated. The ceremony includes a shot from a bean cannon and treats prepared from a wide variety of plant varieties.

Use in cooking

The unusual pleasant taste of black beans harmoniously complements the list of its positive qualities. Today, culinary experts in many countries improvise various dishes from silky grains, trying to create something new or repeat the traditions of Latin American cuisine.

Does it need to be pre-soaked?

The product is perfectly combined with spicy spices, as well as with, and. It can be safely combined with other vegetables, but before that it should be boiled.

So that the cooking process takes less time, and the beans turn out to be more juicy and keep their shape well after heat treatment, they should first be soaked in cold water for several hours. In addition, soaking will facilitate the selection of quality beans.

Important! With exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, it is better to completely exclude beans of any kind from the diet.

What is cooked in different countries of the world

Probably, each nation has a unique dish, the main ingredient of which is black beans. Traditionally, many peoples, like other varieties of legumes, add it to:

  • soups,;
  • stew;
  • salads;
  • pate;
  • fillings for baking and pancakes;
  • lean cutlets;
  • Dessert;
  • sweet products;
  • meat dishes;
  • sauces (pairs very well with seafood, fish and meat dishes).

However, despite the worldwide recognition of this culture and the imitation of the traditions of South American cuisine, not a single chef has yet managed to outdo the Brazilian specialty - feijoada. He is over 300 years old.

Also, legumes are widely used by many nations during fasting. They are adored by believers and vegetarians. Especially valuable are dishes made from bean sprouts. Most often, these are healing multi-component salads.

How to use for diabetes

The medicinal properties of black beans for diabetes are well known. According to experts, black beans are equivalent to insulin in their effects.

Due to the strong immunomodulatory effect, contained trace elements and vitamins, they nourish the body with the necessary substances, while protecting it from viral and bacteriological infections.

It is important that the fruits regularly enter the body of a diabetic, in which case it is cleansed and the pancreas is stimulated, and there are no restrictions on the number of grains consumed. In addition, official medicine recognizes the treatment of diabetes not only with peeled beans, but also with its leaves.
Bean grains must undergo appropriate heat treatment. Moderate friability testifies to their readiness.

Do not eat raw beans. This is fraught with serious disruptions in the digestive tract.

For therapeutic purposes, it is enough to add a peeled vegetable to daily meals. They can be stewed, boiled, fried and baked. It is advisable to consume this ingredient at least 3 times a day.

And from the bean flaps prepare an infusion. To do this, steam 1 liter of boiling water, 5 tablespoons of chopped raw materials in a thermos, cover with a lid and leave overnight to infuse. The finished medicine is taken 200 ml on an empty stomach once a day. The treatment course should last 4 weeks.

Important! It is characteristic that this method of therapy does not require additional consultations with specialists. However, if the patient during this period takes medications aimed at lowering blood sugar levels, then adding beans to the diet can only worsen his health.

Here are some bean recipes recommended for the treatment of diabetes:
Puree. To prepare it, you need to mix in a blender bowl:
  • one and a half cups of boiled black beans;
  • 1 finely minced garlic clove;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped onion;
  • half a teaspoon of pepper mixture (paprika, chili and ground nutmeg);
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of cooled boiling water.

The prepared mixture can also be used to lubricate bread rolls.
Bean cream soup. To get a healthy dish, stew finely chopped 1 small onion and 2 cloves of garlic in a pan.

When these ingredients reach transparency, transfer them to a pot with vegetable broth, add 300 g of pre-soaked beans and washed cauliflower florets to them.

After 2-3 minutes after boiling, break a little vegetable oil, a raw egg and dill into it, salt and pepper. Grind the finished dish with a blender until smooth.
Black beans will successfully replace white beans in traditional salads bean salad. The dish is prepared by mixing:
  • 200-300 g boiled beans;
  • 250 g raw grated carrots;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of grape vinegar;
  • salt added to taste;
  • fresh basil leaves.

Important! Black beans are one of the few species that are not vulnerable to bean attacks. Surprisingly, a common pest simply does not lay on black pods. However, when buying, you should give preference to a product in a transparent package. This way you can be sure that you are not buying split halves of old grains, but quality whole beans. Indeed, with prolonged storage, the taste of beans deteriorates.

Contraindications and harm

Of course, the benefits of black beans cannot be overestimated. However, it is not shown to everyone.
Due to the fact that legumes are a product that is difficult to digest, doctors strongly recommend that such categories of people refrain from consuming them:

  • elderly people (the ban is associated with an abundant amount of purines in the composition of the fruit);
  • patients diagnosed with ulcers of the digestive tract, as well as gastritis, increased acidity of the stomach, gout, cholecystitis, nephritis, flatulence;
  • allergy sufferers (contraindication is relevant only for people with individual intolerance to the product);
  • pregnant women;
  • children under one and a half years old.

Note that of all types of bean crops, the black variety is the most satisfying. This means that careless cooking with bean ingredients can harm eaters.
Experts draw the attention of cooks to the cardiac glycoside inherent in the composition of fruits and valves. Its quantity does not exceed that of other types of legumes. However, the dense structure of the fruit requires a longer cooking time to destroy this harmful substance.

In addition, poisonous phasin was found in raw beans, therefore, regardless of the method of further processing of this ingredient, boil it well beforehand.

As you can see, the benefits and harms of black beans are equal. Proper use of it, of course, will benefit any person who has no contraindications to the use of legumes. But eating raw or half-baked grains can lead to serious poisoning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so do not neglect the gifts of nature, but use them wisely.

Black beans: video

How much does black beans cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Beans or Phaseolus belongs to the legume family and unites under its name approximately 87 plant varieties. However, not all types of beans are cultivated in order to further use the fruits of the plant for food. There are varieties of beans that are used exclusively for decorative purposes. The most commonly cultivated type of bean is the common bean or Phaseolus vulgaris.

Currently, there are a sufficient number of different varieties of common beans, which differ from each other in the color of the fruit, as well as in the appearance of the plant itself, and also in taste and consumer qualities. In cooking, not only bean seeds are used, but also green pods of the plant. Historians argue that beans, along with other plant species from the legume and cereal families, are considered one of the fundamental crops that began to be cultivated by the inhabitants of the ancient world.

It is believed that the first beans began to be cultivated in Mexico and Peru. Beans came to Europe thanks to the tireless traveler Christopher Columbus. Beans entered the territory of the Russian Empire from France at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, apparently for this reason for a long time the plant was called nothing more than "French" beans. It is also noteworthy that the residents did not immediately like the beans and took root in Russia. At first, beans were grown only as an ornamental plant.

Only over time, beans gained well-deserved popularity and in our time the plant is considered a common vegetable crop in the Russian Federation. Black beans are considered one of the most useful and at the same time delicious plant varieties. The beneficial properties of black beans have long been known to man. It is believed that the unique benefits of black beans for the human body lies primarily in the chemical composition of the plant, which is enriched with various beneficial compounds of natural origin.

The benefits of black beans

The beneficial properties of black beans are expressed in the fact that the protein that is part of the plant is closest in its chemical parameters to the protein of animal origin. In addition, the uniqueness of the benefits of black beans lies in the fact that the fruits of the plant perfectly saturate the body, and also evenly move along the human gastrointestinal tract, which helps to provide all the necessary trace elements, as well as vitamins and nutrients.

When eating black beans, the human body does not feel hunger attacks for a long time. In addition, black beans normalize the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby minimizing the risk of occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of black beans contributes to the prevention of cancer, namely the occurrence of malignant tumors in the intestines.

Black beans are prepared in the same way as other types of plants. Usually soups, cereals or salads are made from black beans. Often, black beans become an integral ingredient in main dishes. The greatest popularity. black beans are enjoyed in Latin America.

Black beans belong to the legume family and were first discovered and grown in America long before Christopher Columbus arrived with his tomatoes and potatoes. In appearance, the beans are very similar to ordinary seeds: a silky black color of the skin, combined with a cream-colored grain inside. To date, there is no country where they would not know about black beans, because it is not only easy to grow, but also very useful for humans.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times, the Indians have known that black beans are replete with numerous complexes of vitamins, minerals, salts and trace elements that our body needs for healthy and proper functioning. In particular, beans have the following actions:

  • Diuretic, which allows it to be used by people who are on a special diet for urolithiasis.
  • Hypoglycemic, which makes it an ideal product for people suffering from various degrees of severity of diabetes.
  • Antibacterial and healing. In order to treat the wound, many experts recommend using black beans, which are crushed and applied as a slurry to the damaged tissue.

In addition, black beans are an effective helper in the fight for weight loss, since the product is not only low in calories, but also allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. This property is very much appreciated in medicine, as it also helps to reduce the risk of blood clots in the vessels.

Another advantage of black beans is considered to be phytonutrients, which today are defined as substances that fight the formation of cancer cells in the body. In general, black beans have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems, improve immunity and help cleanse the body.

Use in cooking

Due to their beneficial properties, as well as a pleasant sweet aftertaste, black beans are an excellent ingredient for cooking. The cuisine of Latin American countries is replete with dishes based on it. This ingredient not only goes well with spices, but also with vegetables, allowing you to prepare excellent salads, pâtés and gravies for second courses.

However, black beans are popular not only in Latin America, but also in Europe, where there are hundreds of recipes for their preparation, both in soups and as a side dish for meat dishes. It is also combined with pastries and even fish, allowing you to cook wonderful desserts based on it and seafood dishes that are saturated with a pleasant sweetish-smoked aftertaste.

Harm and contraindications

Despite their many health benefits, black beans can also be detrimental to some people's health, especially if consumed without consulting a personal nutritionist. In particular, this product is not recommended for use by people with gastritis and gout, since the coarse structure of the seeds will cause even more irritation of the gastric mucosa. For the same reason, black beans are also contraindicated for people with a stomach ulcer, so as not to provoke a change in the microflora and aggravate the disease process.

Black beans are strictly prohibited for use by people suffering from flatulence of various degrees of severity, since the product, after active interaction in the stomach, causes strong gas formation and can cause a deterioration in the patient's condition. In addition, it is necessary to remember about individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to beans, which is also a signal to stop using it.

Beans belong to the legume family. Its homeland is considered to be South and Central America. Breeders have bred a large number of varieties, among which there is also a culture with black fruits. In cooking, it has established itself due to its nutritional value and large size. And the benefits and harms of black beans have been studied by traditional medicine.

What does black bean look like?

Beans are an annual crop. It can grow like a bush, reaching half a meter in height, or weave like a liana, growing 3 - 5 m in length. The plant has developed roots growing up to 1 m. Pointed heart-shaped leaves with a wrinkled surface extend from the fleecy stem. They are arranged in order. The flowers of the culture grow in inflorescences. They are white or purple in color. Inflorescences bloom in late June or July. And at the end of August and in September, the fruits ripen. These are long beans, the color of which can be green, yellow and purple. Inside are large grains resembling an ellipse in shape. Beans are smooth, black or purple. They are monophonic, spotted, with patterns in the form of veins. The taste of grains is sweetish and tender.

Vitamin and mineral composition of black beans

The benefits of black beans are scientifically proven. It contains a large number of amino acids, among which the body needs arginine, lysine, glutamine. These substances have healing properties, play an important role in metabolism and are needed for the prevention of neoplasms. Culture also contains:

  • vitamins A, K, E, group B;
  • useful minerals;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

The content of nutrients in black beans is much higher than in other types. Grains are saturated with fiber, which supports the intestinal microflora, takes an active part in metabolism, and lowers cholesterol in the blood.

With a large number of useful elements, beans contain heavy metals and toxic substances that can harm the body. Therefore, it is necessary to eat it after heat treatment. Raw consumption can lead to severe poisoning.

Calorie and nutritional value of black beans

Black beans are moderate in calories, which enhances their benefits. There are 132 calories per 100 g of beans.

Nutritional value (BJU) of beans per 100 g

Benefits of black beans

Among legumes, black beans are among the healthiest. Its composition is closest to the protein of animal origin. The benefits of the product are as follows:

  • thanks to protein and calcium, beans strengthen muscle, bone tissue, nails and hair;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases metabolism, normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • stabilizes carbohydrate balance;
  • removes excess water from the body, relieves swelling;
  • black bean amino acids fill with energy;
  • thanks to iron, the culture normalizes the work of the heart, cleans the blood vessels;
  • black beans are recommended as a prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • the culture has a diuretic property, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver;
  • as an antioxidant, improves skin condition and rejuvenates;
  • thanks to the vitamins of group B, especially folic acid, beans calm the nervous system, help to cope with apathy, stress, insomnia;
  • normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity.

Due to the rich content of useful elements, the bean product is added to medicines, including those intended for the treatment and prevention of colon cancer.

For women

The beneficial properties of black beans have a beneficial effect on the female body. It is recommended to use it in food during the diet. With anti-aging properties, the product improves skin condition and complexion. The use of legumes helps to strengthen nails and hair. Its reception helps to cope with mood swings during menopause, and it is easier for teenagers to endure the restructuring of the hormonal background without harm to the body.

For men

The constant use of black bean grains has a positive effect on men's health. They contain zinc, which plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. Eating a vegetable improves sperm quality and enhances libido.

Are black beans good for pregnant and lactating women?

For pregnant women, eating bean fruits brings great benefits. It can cause harm when overeating and personal intolerance to the product. Due to the minerals and vitamins it contains, beans are useful not only for expectant mothers, but also for the fetus. The benefits of bean treats for women in position are as follows:

  • fiber removes toxic substances from the intestines;
  • helps to cope with the constant feeling of hunger;
  • thanks to folic acid, it replaces vitamin preparations with its content;
  • the culture is saturated with iron, which prevents anemia;
  • calcium and potassium in beans contribute to better formation of the heart and bone tissues of the fetus;
  • contains magnesium, the property of which is to strengthen the nervous system;
  • iodine and zinc contribute to physical, emotional and mental development.

The benefits of nutritious beans are believed to increase lactation. Therefore, it is recommended for nursing mothers to increase the amount of useful vitamins in milk. But you need to carefully introduce fruits into food, as there is a chance of harming bloating and colic in the baby. Useful elements and salts that make up the vegetable also contribute to the overall strengthening of the body of a young mother.

Benefits of black beans for weight loss

Is it possible to black beans with diabetes

One of the useful qualities of black fruits is their ability to normalize blood glucose levels. Therefore, it is recommended to eat with diabetes. And nutrients and vitamins strengthen the body as a whole, which helps it resist various diseases.

The use of black beans in traditional medicine

Due to its healing properties, black beans are used in alternative medicine for the preparation of infusions and decoctions according to folk recipes. They are prepared for the treatment of diabetes, removing stones from the kidneys and bladder, excess fluid from the body.

A few recipes based on black beans:

  1. The first infusion is drunk from diabetes. For its preparation, it is necessary to grind the beans to a powder state. Dissolve 50 g of the resulting powder in 400 ml of boiled water. Pour the composition into a thermos and insist for 12 hours. Drink the infusion in half a glass before meals. Such a drink will help improve overall health.
  2. To prepare another infusion, grind to a powder state 2 tbsp. l. bean shells and pour 600 ml of cold water. Infuse for 7 hours, filter. Drink throughout the day 200 ml.
  3. To prepare bean broth, take 1 kg of leaves and 3 liters of water. Add the crushed grains of the culture to the water and cook for half an hour. Filter and let cool. Drink a glass of decoction on an empty stomach every day. The course is 30 days.

Black beans in cooking

Black beans are widely used for cooking various dishes. It is especially popular in Latin American cuisine. Prepare it yourself or add it to salads, soups, sauces.

How to cook black beans

Before boiling the beans, they must be soaked and left for 8 hours. Then drain the water by throwing the beans in a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water. Pour into a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 2 hours over low heat until it becomes soft.

What can be cooked from black beans

Black beans are good to season with onion, garlic, pepper and other spices. They go great with vegetables. Beans are added in the preparation of pates, pasta, borscht, vegetable stews, fish sauces, soups. It is also added to vegetarian cutlets, vegetable pancakes and pastries. In Guatemala, bean seeds are made into a sweet treat by coating the beans in chocolate.

How black beans are used in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the bean product was noticed due to its anti-aging properties. Masks are made from it, which saturate the skin with nutrients, moisturize and improve its condition.

To prepare a mask that benefits the skin, you need to boil some beans. Then ceiling it to make a slurry. Add olive oil and lemon juice, mix well. Apply the resulting composition to cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use the mask once a week. Thanks to its antibacterial property, it prevents and reduces skin rashes.

Harm of black beans and contraindications

There are enough useful properties of black beans, but it can also cause harm if consumed in large quantities and incorrectly. Her beans are difficult to digest, so they should be excluded from their diet for people who have intestinal colic, gastritis, and ulcers. You should not eat legumes with gout and high acidity of the stomach. Individual intolerance is also the reason for the need to abandon their use.

How to choose black beans when buying

When choosing a product at the time of purchase, it is important to pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date. Dry beans must be whole and undamaged. They should not have cracks and traces of insects. It is important that the packaging is stored in a dry place and not exposed to moisture. Bean grains in it should not stick together.

When buying canned beans, the first thing to check is the ingredients listed on the can. It is important that its content consists only of beans, water, salt and sugar. Quality fruits should be whole. The brine should not be cloudy.

Storing black beans at home

To prepare a vegetable for storage with maximum savings of its properties, it is necessary to dry well and remove damaged and dried beans. Pour them into jars or cloth bags and place them in a cool, dark place where the air temperature does not rise above +10 degrees, and the humidity is kept at around 50%. Beans can be stored this way for up to two years. If heated in an oven at 90°C and placed in hermetically sealed jars, the shelf life can last up to five years.


The benefits and harms of black beans are important points that you need to know about when starting to introduce them into your diet. The product is undoubtedly endowed with a mass of useful, healing properties, so it can be taken by adults and children. But it is worth remembering the possible harm that individual elements that make up the delicacy can cause and not abuse it.

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