Home Fruit trees How many plane crashes happen in a year? The worst plane crashes in human history

How many plane crashes happen in a year? The worst plane crashes in human history

Every 2-3 seconds someone lands or takes off. Some are happy about this, others are afraid. Is it worth giving in to fear? The answer will be given by statistics: how often planes crash, where it happens and how high the probability of a crash is.

About 100 thousand planes take off into the sky every day, and, oddly enough, the same number successfully land. Aircraft transport about 4.5 billion people annually, which is more than half the world's population. How many of them do you think add up to the statistics of those killed in plane crashes? No more than 1000 per year. The ratio is impressive, right?

Throughout its existence civil aviation(almost 100 years) less than 150 thousand people died. This is less than the number of deaths per month in traffic accidents around the world.

How many planes crash per year?

According to Wikipedia, over the past 6 years, there have been 107 plane crashes worldwide involving fatal, in which 3,245 people died. This is approximately 540 victims per year. It is important to clarify that the statistics take into account both commercial airliners and private small aircraft, and the number of victims is indicated taking into account those killed on the ground. That is, if a falling plane rammed a bus with 10 passengers, then they are also included in the statistics. Therefore, the real numbers of passenger plane crashes are much lower.

2010: 14 accidents in which 792 people died. The biggest tragedy was the unsuccessful landing of an Indian low-cost airline on a Boeing 737 (158 victims) and the crash of a Polish TU-154 near Smolensk (96 deaths).

2011 passed without any loud plane crashes. The most big number There were 77 casualties in the Iranian Boeing 727, which could not be landed due to bad weather conditions. In total, 45 plane crashes were recorded, in which 552 people died. As is clear from the statistics, these were mainly light aircraft with no more than 10 people on board.

year 2012: 23 accidents, 315 dead. The worst case was the crash of a Pakistani Boeing 737, in which everyone on board (127 people) died.

year 2013 was relatively calm: only 5 aircraft accidents, the total number of victims was 128 people. 50 of them died in a Boeing 737 that crashed near Kazan.

year 2014 severely spoiled airline statistics: 15 accidents, with a total number of victims - 980 people. The most significant incident was the downing of a Boeing 777 over Ukraine, with 298 people on board.

2015 claimed 478 lives in just 5 plane crashes. The loudest was the Russian Airbus A321 that crashed over the terrorist attack, killing 224 people.

2016 remembered for the crash of the TU-154 of the Russian Ministry of Defense, in which 100 people died (92 passengers and 8 crew members. In total, over 12 months, air transport caused the death of 389 people.

2017 went down in history as the safest in the entire history of civil aviation. In just 12 months, 67 people died.

In which country do planes crash more often?

If we take into account exclusively passenger air transportation, then a pronounced “ Bermuda Triangle", in which planes most often crash, no. But if you take statistics on all air transport, the result will be somewhat unexpected.

Over the same 6 years, the most plane crashes occurred... in Russia - 41, the number of deaths - 559 people. During the same period, there were 11 aircraft accidents in the United States. It's interesting to note that the last one was back in 2013. Next comes Ukraine (7 disasters), Congo (6) and Germany (4, all in 2010).

Overall, the numbers are very encouraging. Having learned how often planes crash according to statistics, we hope you will feel more confident in flight.

In this post I would like to tell you about biggest and worst plane crashes in the history of world aviation. Most of the stories below are truly creepy. In general, it’s hard to believe that all this is possible... For some reason, real life not everything always ends with a happy ending, this is not a movie for you, friends...

In this context, about the most terrible disasters oh, I judged by the total number of victims in the plane accident. The September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, in which thousands of civilians and passengers on Boeing 767 and 757 aircraft hijacked by terrorists were injured, were not taken into account in the rating. Another interesting piece of information is that from the 1970s to 2017, the number of disasters occurring decreased by more than 3 times:

Plane crash in New York in 2009 with a happy outcome

The article will be full of terrible disasters that claimed thousands of lives. I want to start this tragic article with a rare incident in world aviation. Thanks to the professionalism of the pilots, on January 15, 2009, the lives of 155 people were saved. The US Airways Airbus A320 took off from New York Airport, but a few minutes later problems developed in the engine. Both engines were damaged and stopped due to the plane colliding with a flock of birds. The pilots managed to land the almost uncontrollable car directly into the Hudson River. More than 1,000 people took part in saving the lives of passengers. Read more about this terrible plane crash, but happy ending, you will learn from the video:

Plane crash in Tenerife - 1977

1. The largest and most tragic plane crash in aviation history occurred on March 27, 1977. On this tragic day on the Spanish island of Tenerife, 2 Boeing 747 airlines Pan Am and KLM collided on the runway. You can read more about the worst plane crash in which 583 people died.

Film about the plane crash in Tenerife:

Plane accident in Japan - 1985

2. On August 12, 1985, a Japan Airlines Boeing 747 crashed near the famous Mount Fuji in Japan. The plane crash in Japan is the second after the tragedy in Tenerife in terms of the total number of victims, and the largest air accident in the history of aviation involving a single aircraft. As a result of the Boeing 747 crash, 520 people died; only 4 passengers of the ill-fated Japan Airlines flight managed to survive. As a result of the investigation into the plane crash in Japan, it was found that the main cause of the tragedy was errors and negligence made during the repair of the aircraft, as a result of which, during the fatal flight, the Boeing 747 with tail number JA 8119 lost control and crashed.

Film with details of a terrible plane accident in Japan (in English):

Delhi plane crash - 1966

3. On November 12, 1996, two aircraft collided in the air over Delhi: an Il-76 of Kazakhstan Airlines and a Boeing 747 of Saudi Arabian Airlines. As a result of a misunderstanding by the crew of the Kazakh IL-76 of the air traffic controller's commands, the plane landing at a speed of 500 km/h crashed into the fuselage of a Boeing 747 flying towards the meeting. In a plane crash on November 12, 1996 over Delhi, all those on board the 2 planes died - 349 people. In addition to the error of the IL-76 crew, one of the reasons for the accident was that both airliners were not equipped with a collision avoidance system.

First film excerpt National Geographic about the plane crash in Delhi (you can also find the rest on YouTube):

Turkish Airlines plane crash - 1974

4. The largest Turkish Airlines plane crash occurred on March 3, 1974 in France near Paris Orly airport. A McDonnell Douglas DC-10 airliner crashed. The cause of the largest air disaster in the history of the DC-10 aircraft was an error in the design of the cargo compartment door, as a result of which the door was simply torn off during the flight, which led to subsequent depressurization of the cabin. The airliner became completely uncontrollable and crashed in the forests near Paris. The Turkish Airlines McDonnell Douglas crash killed all 346 people on board the plane.

Air India plane bombing - 1985

5. June 23, 1985 over Atlantic Ocean south of the coast In Ireland, extremists blew up an Air India Boeing 747 flying on the route Montreal (Canada) - London (UK) - Delhi (India). As a result of what happened terrorist attack(bomb explosion) on board the plane in the plane crash of flight No. 182, all 329 people were killed. The Sikh extremists also planned to blow up another Air India plane, but the bomb exploded prematurely in luggage compartment Tokyo airport.

Saudi Arabian Airlines plane fire - 1980

6. On August 19, 1980, a Saudi Arabian Airlines Lockheed L-1011-200 TriStar on flight 163 from Riyadh to Jeddah caught fire after takeoff from International airport Riyadh International Airport. 7 minutes after takeoff, a fire occurred in the cargo compartment of the plane, and the crew decided to return and make an emergency landing at Riyadh airport. As a result of numerous crew errors after a successful landing, all passengers of flight No. 163 died from poisoning poisonous gases caused by fire. In total, 301 people died in this tragic and terrible plane crash; no one managed to get out of the cabin of the burning Lockheed plane...

Iranian airliner shot down by US missile - 1988

7. On July 3, 1988, the American cruiser Vincennes mistakenly shot down an Iranian Airbus A300 airliner with 290 people on board over the Persian Gulf. Subsequently, in 1996, the United States paid Iran compensation in the amount of 61.8 million US dollars for 248 victims, at the rate of 300 thousand dollars for each able-bodied victim and 150 thousand for each dependent.

American Airlines plane crash - 1979

8. On May 25, 1979, the worst air disaster in US history occurred when an American Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-10 crashed 31 seconds after takeoff from Chicago International Airport. The terrible tragedy was caused by errors in pilot training and DC-10 repair technology. The horrific plane crash in Chicago killed 271 people on board and killed two residents when the plane crashed into a nearby trailer park. But there could have been many more victims...

Watch a video investigation of the worst plane crash in US history. Only in English, but very detailed.

Pan Am plane bombing by Libyan terrorists - 1988

9. On December 21, 1988, Libyan terrorists blew up a Pan Am Boeing 747 flying from London to New York over the Scottish town of Lockerbie. The plane crash over Lockerbie killed 270 people.

Korean Airlines crash - 1983

10. September 1, 1983 in the airspace of the USSR over the waters Pacific Ocean A Korean Airlines Boeing 747 was shot down by a Soviet interceptor fighter. The incident occurred due to the severe diversion of the New York-Seoul flight and its intrusion into closed Soviet airspace. As a result, the Boeing with 246 passengers on board and 23 crew members was shot down by 2 Soviet R-98 missiles.

11. In 2016, a TU-154 aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Defense crashed, killing 100 people (92 passengers and 8 crew members).

12. 2017 turned out to be a relatively calm year. In Kyrgyzstan, due to fog, a passenger Boeing 747 crashed during landing, falling on residential buildings. 37 people died.

About a year ago I wrote a post on my Facebook on this topic (), I’ll copy it here:

When discussing the topic of plane crashes or accidents, I periodically hear the opinion that in Soviet time passenger air transportation was extremely safe, and then the USSR collapsed, chaos began in aviation, and flight safety fell sharply. Since I am very interested in aviation, I have long wanted to test this hypothesis and compare the safety of air transportation in the USSR/Russia in different years, and take the USA as a starting point. Now I finally got around to this activity.

For this exercise we will need: datasets (two); time (120 min.); Stata (1 pc.); Excel (1 pc.); and most importantly, manual dexterity (dexterity - 1 pc., hands - preferably 2 pcs.) and no fraud. So, we do the following:

1. Take here (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IS.AIR.PSGR/countries/US?display=default) data on the number of passengers in the USA in 1971 - 2014 and Russia in 1991 - 2014. Add from here (https://skorobutov.wordpress.com/2013/10/15/history-of-Aeroflot-part-2-3-1973-1983/) data for the USSR for 1976 and from here (https://skorobutov.wordpress. com/2013/10/21/history-of-Aeroflot-part-5-1983-1993/) - for 1990; Using two points, we construct a linear interpolation for the USSR starting in 1971 (not an ideal assumption, of course, but I haven’t found better data for the USSR).

2. We take here (http://aviation-safety.net/database/country/) data on all air accidents for Russia/USSR and the USA since 1971.

Note: Unfortunately, it sorts by country based on where the plane crash occurred, not based on what country the plane belongs to. So, for example, there is no Tu-154 crash over Donetsk in 2006. But, again, I have no other data, and manually sorting crashes is too time-consuming and boring.

Note 2 (I’ll take it from the comments): data on plane crashes in Russia/USSR from this site includes only crashes in the territory modern Russia. At first I didn’t take this into account, and then I didn’t have time to redo all the data, but I took into account the largest (about 20 fatalities) plane crashes on the territory of the Union republics manually. The remaining crashes with relatively few casualties are unlikely to change the overall picture; in addition, underestimation of disasters leads to an overestimation, and not an underestimation, of the level of safety in the USSR.

3. Clean the data. It will only take into account those killed on board the plane, but not on the ground (everyone can be taken into account; I don’t think this will change anything much); we remove all missing and zero values ​​of victims; we remove “criminal” categories (H1 and H2, C1 and C2 - terrorist attacks, hijackings, hijackings, etc., since they have nothing directly to do with flight safety); if possible, we remove private and military (for the USSR/Russia: Soviet AF, Polish AF, Russian AF, Soviet Navy; for the USA: USMC, US Army, US Coast Guard, USAF, US Navy, Mexican AF, Mali AF ) operators. For the USSR, for the purity of the picture, I also removed the Japanese JAL plane crash; I didn’t clean it further for the USA, since there are a lot of airlines.

4. Since there are still a lot of light aircraft crashes (just not private ones, but some OgOgO “Horns and Hooves”), we delete all plane crashes with the number of victims less than 5 (again, not ideal, but at least that way).

5. We group the data by five-year periods: 1971 - 1975, 1976 - 1980, ..., 2006 - 2010, 2011 - 2014 (for 2015 there is no data on the number of passengers).

6. Divide the number of deaths in plane crashes by the number of passengers (in millions). We draw this whole thing on a graph (at the same time we add separate graphs with the number of passengers and the number of deaths).

Now some observations:

a) While the airline industry grew in the United States and around the world, in Russia it collapsed after the collapse of the USSR and never recovered to Soviet levels (and this decline cannot be explained simply by a decrease in territory or population caused by the collapse of the USSR).

b) Soviet aviation was not distinguished by any exceptional safety: on average it was almost four seconds one more time less safe than the American one.

c) There has been tremendous progress in air travel safety in the United States. Modern aviation in developed countries ah phenomenally safe.

d) If you look at absolute number dead, then overall the trend for Russia/USSR looks even better than for the USA, but the situation changes dramatically as soon as we take into account changes in the number of passengers.

And finally, to the answer to main question: what is happening with transportation safety in Russia? In my opinion, the answer to this question depends on the angle from which you look at the situation. I will rely on relative, rather than absolute, death tolls as I believe they better reflect flight safety.

Note: Changes in passenger numbers do not account for changes in aircraft passenger capacity. Modern aircraft are much larger than their counterparts of 40 years ago, so transport the same number passengers on the same route today need to make fewer flights. And the fewer flights, the fewer incidents, all other things being equal. At the same time, a single plane crash today causes more casualties than in the past. In theory, these two effects more or less compensate each other. But in any case, since the route network is constantly changing, I cannot estimate the number of flights performed from my data, and I do not have accurate data on the number of flights, so I work with what I have.

On the one hand, there really was a failure in transportation safety in Russia in 1991 - 2010 (1996 - 2000 were a pleasant exception); the country rolled back to the level of security characteristic of the USSR in the late 1970s and early 1980s. At the same time, it is not entirely clear what exactly caused this failure: a sharp deterioration in the situation after the collapse of the USSR or an unexpected positive leap in security in 1986 - 1990 (most likely, both).

Moreover, the situation with air transportation safety in Russia today, although inferior to the USSR of the 1986-1990 period, looks significantly better than in any other Soviet period.

But we must still admit that with regard to the United States, everything looks very bad: in Soviet times, the gap between the USSR and the USA was much smaller than it is now; While air travel has become much safer in the US, nothing similar has happened here.

In other words, in post-Soviet Russia there was no progress in the field of aviation safety, which is typical for developed countries, and there was even a significant deterioration in the situation compared to the late USSR, but at the same time even the worst Russian times comparable to individual Soviet segments. That is, it cannot be said that in the USSR aviation was very safe, but after the collapse of the USSR something unprecedented began to happen.

Bottom line: in my opinion, the question should be raised not about how to return to the times of the USSR (because then they flew a lot and crashed a lot), but about how to get closer to modern USA(because there are a lot of people flying there and it’s almost absolutely safe).

P.S. It would be very interesting to look at this data in the context of individual airlines, but, unfortunately, there is no such detailed data on the number of passengers. For example, Aeroflot has not had any fatal accidents on passenger flights since 1994; Transaero has had no such accidents at all in its 24 years of existence; "Sibir"/S7 had only one such case (if you don't count the terrorist attack and the plane, apparently shot down by a Ukrainian missile). There is a feeling that the presenters Russian companies Now in terms of security they are not much inferior to Western ones, but in small companies It’s unclear what’s happening. But you shouldn’t take this as a call to nationalize and unite everything: it’s more likely not about the size in itself, and certainly not about who the owner is, but about the level of training (and salaries) of the pilots, what is the safety culture in the company etc.

How many planes crash per year is a question that interests many people, even those who are not planning to fly. The following data can be provided:

  1. Statistics show that about 10,000 airliners take off into the sky every day.
  2. IN aircraft Approximately 4.5 billion people fly – that’s more than half the world’s population.
  3. Of these, about 1,000 people die in plane crashes.
  4. In 100 years of passenger aviation, 150,000 people died.

Statistics of plane crashes in the world

According to global statistics of plane crashes, the leaders are:

  1. Russia
  2. Canada

Where are the most plane crash victims?

(from 1945 - 2013)

  1. USA: 763 disasters, 10,514 victims;
  2. Russia: 307 disasters, 7061 victims;
  3. Canada: 173 disasters, 1,755 victims;
  4. Brazil: 172 disasters, 2681 victims;
  5. Colombia: 164 disasters, 2774 casualties;
  6. Great Britain: 102 disasters, 1278 victims;
  7. France: 101 disasters, 2240 victims;
  8. India: 93 disasters, 2341 victims;
  9. Indonesia: 93 disasters, 1902 casualties;
  10. Mexico: 88 disasters, 1226 victims.

Statistics of plane crashes in Russia

Speaking about our country, it is with bitterness that we have to admit that over the past six years we have taken first place in the world in the number of plane accidents.

So during this time, 38 plane crashes occurred in Russia, in which 378 people died, while in the United States there were only 11 plane accidents.

Airplane crash statistics by airline

What airlines did this happen to? greatest number accidents? To answer this question, you need to rank airlines based on the number of plane crashes.

Turkish Airlines

The most widespread and popular (especially among Russian tourists) the carrier has not experienced an accident since the 1970s, but a series of small incidents, as well as a 2009 crash near Dutch Schiphol airport that killed nine human lives, significantly damaged the airline's reputation.

China Airlines

The Taiwanese airline is considered one of the most unsafe in Asia.

Over the past thirty years, about 755 people have died in accidents involving the planes of this air carrier, which gives reason to suspect this company of an unprofessional approach to the issue of the safety of its customers.

Korean Airlines

The largest air carrier in South Korea spent more than a billion US dollars on various systems amenities for passengers. The ships of this company constantly get into some small accidents, fortunately, so far there are no casualties. The last tragic incident occurred back in 1997.

Saudi Arabian Airlines

Main carrier Saudi Arabia. Since the year 2000, it has had a reputation as a not very safe company; various incidents often occur with the aircraft of this carrier, although only one person died in them (in a crush that occurred during the evacuation), the frequency of various incidents involving aircraft of this company is very alarming.

Skywest Airlines

A well-known American airline specializing in local transportation. After the 1990s, which dealt a serious blow to the company's reputation, it was only marked by the 2008 disaster in San Antonio. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the carrier's reputation was dealt a serious blow.

South African Airways

The largest airline in South Africa, specializing in domestic and international flights. The company's reputation was ruined by a failed terrorist from Zimbabwe who hijacked a plane belonging to the carrier in 2006. No one was injured as a result of the incident, and although responsibility lies with the airport security service, this did not save the carrier’s reputation from a serious blow.

Aeroflot plane crash

Several dozen airlines are registered in our country. To determine their reliability and safety, a company is assessed according to various criteria, one of which is the technical safety of aircraft. The European Aviation Safety Agency has compiled a rating of the most reliable air carriers, the list of which includes the domestic company Aeroflot.

The company was founded in 1923. After the collapse of the USSR, many small carriers separated from it. In 1992, Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines JSC was created, which marked the beginning modern history airlines. Today Aeroflot is the largest air carrier in Russia. During the period from 1992 to the present, there have been 4 plane crashes that have claimed lives. There is also information about 5 more accidents, which, fortunately, resulted in no casualties.

The most famous disaster that occurred in the entire history of the airline is the tragedy near Mezhdurechensk. In the spring of 1994, a passenger plane en route from Moscow to Hong Kong crashed. During the investigation, it turned out that the crash was due to the fault of the aircraft commander. The man put his fifteen-year-old son at the helm. This disaster claimed the lives of 75 people.

When traveling to another country, people are interested not only in the reliability of airlines, but also in the safety of the aircraft themselves. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to give a rating of the most unreliable and dangerous aircraft.

The Boeing 737 was recognized as one of the dangerous aircraft, since most of the accidents occurred on this type of aircraft.

IL 76 is also considered an unsafe aircraft, since it was on this ship that an accident occurred 13 years ago. major disaster, which claimed many human lives

TU 154 was recognized as very dangerous and unreliable; many accidents and emergency situations also occurred on this airliner.

The Airbus A 310 is also notorious; it was on this ship that a disaster occurred on June 30, 2009, which claimed more than 150 lives.

McDonnell-Douglas DC 9, this type of aircraft has not been produced for a long time and is out of production, but during its entire existence there have been several accidents resulting in the death of 44 people.

2016 turned out to be the busiest year in terms of aviation accidents. This conclusion can be reached by referring to the statistics of plane crashes that occurred during this period.

On February 24, a DHC-6 passenger plane crashed in Nepal; there were 20 passengers and 3 crew members on board. As a result of the disaster, no one managed to survive.

A month later, on March 9, AN 26 crashed in Bangladesh, the plane fell into the sea. There were 4 people on board, all of them were citizens of Ukraine. As a result, three people died, and only one managed to survive.

On the night of March 19 of the same year, a Boeing 737 plane crashed in Rostov-on-Don while climbing, the airliner began a sharp decline and crashed onto the airport runway. There were 55 people and 7 crew members on board. As a result of the plane crash, everyone on board died.

Two months later, on May 18, AN 12 B crashed in Dwyer. There were 9 people on board. As a result of the crash, 7 people died, only two technicians managed to survive.

The next day, May 19, another disaster occurred when an Airbus A 320 crashed into the Mediterranean Sea. All 66 people (56 passengers, 10 crew members) on board died.

Two months later, on July 1, while extinguishing forest fires, due to poor visibility, the transport plane IL 76 of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations crashed. All 10 crew members on board died.

Six months later, on 28 November, a BAe 146 crashed in Colombia due to fuel shortage. There were 77 people on board. As a result of the incident, 71 people died and only 6 people were saved.

A month later, on December 7, an ATR 42 plane crashed near the city of Havelian. All 47 people on board were killed.

On December 25 of the same year, a major disaster occurred: the TU 154 aircraft of the Russian Air Force, as a result of an error by the crew commander during landing, crashed and was completely destroyed. All 92 people on board were killed.

In general, looking at the statistics, we can conclude that traveling by plane is much safer than by land transport According to calculations, the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1:8,000,000. Therefore, you should not be afraid to fly on airliners, because the risk of dying on the ground is much higher than in the air.

Plane crash statistics for 2017

Over the past months of this year, there have been only 4 plane crashes, which is significantly less than in 2016.

On January 16, a Boeing 747 crashed while landing. As a result of the incident, 39 people were killed and 14 were injured.

Three months later, on March 20, while landing, an accident occurred with the AN 26 aircraft. As a result of the incident, 37 people were injured.

On April 29, AN 26 crashed. There were 8 people on board. Everyone on board died.

Three months later, on June 7, the Y8 airliner crashed, half an hour after the plane took off, the airliner crashed into the Andaman Sea. There were 122 people on board. As a result of the disaster, no one managed to survive.

Every day in the world someone asks the question - what are the statistics of plane crashes? After all, every minute any air transport is exposed to the same risk of crash:

  • passenger;
  • cargo;
  • military.

Statistics of plane crashes in the world indicate that last years most often occurred in the USA. Unfortunately, Russia's rating is second place. The United States is trying to improve the situation, especially with passenger transportation. Russian government pays more attention to military aircraft.

Under the Soviet Union, aircraft crash statistics were difficult to accurately determine, as they were almost always kept silent. Today this is almost impossible to do.

Why do planes crash?

Every person going on an air trip for the first time tries to find information about the main reasons for flying cars. Despite the fact that aircraft are noted as the most safe transport movement in the world, the future passenger does not even think that on land he is accompanied by danger much more often than in the air.

The invented one does not allow one to calmly analyze the situation. After all, in a million flights there may be one accident, which will be reported on by everyone. information sources. Moreover, they sometimes happen without victims. How many things happen every day where more than one person dies?

Statistics on the causes of plane crashes confirm that the fault is not a malfunction of the aircraft, but human carelessness. Often, dispatchers, staff or passengers, not adhering to the equipment, contribute to the occurrence of malfunctions in the operation of devices, which leads to a crash.

Airlines also have direct relation to tragedies. Many of them save on pilot training and hire pilots whose entire practice comes down to training in simulators.

Some companies, especially those involved in the transportation of goods, are more interested in income. They are not particularly concerned about the safety of the flight and often ignore maintenance. Very often they use old machines that are dangerous to use in such conditions.

There are airlines that, when purchasing an old aircraft, make repairs. Wanting to save money, they replace old parts with new ones that do not have certification. Although their cost is cheaper, reliability remains a big question.

Countries leading in plane crashes

Air crash statistics by country indicate that the leaders in tragedies are:

  1. United States.
  2. Russia.
  3. Canada.

In the United States, looking at each year since 1945, more than 630 disasters have occurred, killing more than 10,500 people.

In Russia and the USSR during this time, less than 307 accidents occurred, where approximately 7,000 fatalities were counted.

In Canada during this period, there were 173 accidents, where approximately 1,755 fatalities were counted.

Ecuador ranks last among countries. The planes of this country crashed the least.

Aircraft crash statistics

Statistics of aircraft accidents in the world highlight the Boeing brand. These aircraft are considered the most dangerous and are most often found in the zone. The Boeings 747 and 737 are highlighted in particular. They are the most frequently crashed.

The statistics of those killed in plane crashes in Russia and other countries on Boeing aircraft is astounding. To avoid trouble, a special accident assessment service strongly recommends correcting certain errors so that this does not happen again in the future.

Many airlines have already stopped transporting people on the Boeing 737, but some countries still operate this brand of aircraft. Despite its poor performance, the Boeing 737 is considered the safest passenger transport.

The Tu 154 has also been noted for the number of aircraft crashes in the world. During the period of its use, starting in 1973, at least once every twelve months one of these aircraft crashes. However, experts say that this model is one of the most reliable for transporting passengers. The reasons for their accidents are the carelessness of pilots and dispatchers, since the complexity of the structure of this equipment requires appropriate professionalism and attention.

Statistics of plane crashes in the world by year make it possible to evaluate the actions of specialists who are trying to correct all the shortcomings and make sure that planes are exposed to a minimal risk of crashing. This can be seen on Wikipedia where a table is provided as with exact numbers, and as a percentage, showing accidents and the number of deaths in each of them. The five worst crashes in the last two years:

Year A country Airline Aircraft brand Flight course Number of victims
2015 Taiwan TransAsia Airways ATR 72 Songshan–Kinmen 43
2015 Germany Germanwings Airbus A320-211 Barcelona – Dusseldorf 150
2015 Russia Kogalymavia Airbus-321 Sharm el-Sheikh – St. Petersburg 224
2016 Russia Boeing 737-800 Dubai – Rostov-on-Don 62
2016 Egypt EgyptAir A320 Paris-Cairo 66

Despite all the efforts of the experts, the statistics of plane crashes in the USA and Russia have not changed much. They still rank first. Considering separately accidents during freight transport, we can confidently say that they occur due to incorrect Maintenance and violations of safety rules. Mostly they use old cars, the repair of which no one monitors. And the statistics of plane crashes due to dangerous ones only confirms this.

Often cargo planes are loaded with much more weight than necessary. Considering the still old design, this is the most main reason crashes of such transport. Airline crash statistics for airlines are difficult to determine. No one can say with certainty which one is better or worse. It all depends on the transport and how its working condition is monitored. The twenty safest airlines today:

Place A country Airline
1 China (Hong Kong) Cathay Pacific Airway
2 UAE Emirates
3 Taiwan Eva Air
4 Qatar Qatar Airways
5 China Hainan Airlines
6 Netherlands KLM
7 New Zealand Air New Zealand
8 UAE Etihad Airways
9 Japan Japan Airlines
10 Portugal TAP Portugal
11 USA JetBlue Airways
12 Germany Lufthansa
13 Australia Qantas
14 Great Britain Virgin Atlantic Airways
15 Japan All Nippon Airways
16 Canada Air Canada
17 USA Delta Air Lines
18 Great Britain British Airways
19 China Sichuan Airlines
20 Germany Air Berlin

As for Russia, it ranks 35th.

Plane crashes in Russia

The statistics of plane crashes in Russia and the USA are in the lead for both airlines and aircraft for one reason. These two countries are most involved by air transportation. Considering that there is one crash per million flights, then with such a busy schedule it is difficult to avoid such tragedies.

Statistics of air accidents in the USSR show that at that time air accidents were rare - one every couple of years. The frequency of accidents began after a long period of use of the equipment, when vehicle repair work was ignored.

The considered statistics of plane crashes in Russia by airline are noted by Aeroflot. It is one of the oldest. Perhaps that is why it is considered dangerous for passengers. At the same time, few people pay attention to the fact that these are mainly her “daughters”. In the company itself, accidents have decreased greatly over the past 20 years.

Despite the fact that according to statistics, Aeroflot aircraft accidents are off the charts, the company is doing its best to correct the situation and reduce the number of accidents to a minimum. To do this, it is modernizing its aircraft fleet and certifying its pilots for professionalism. Such tests help determine how capable an employee is of adequately assessing critical situations.

Judging by Russian airlines and those killed in plane crashes, the statistics of victims at Aeroflot is frightening. Over the entire history of its existence, there have been approximately 130 crashes.

However, over the past 10 years, airlines have proven that flight safety is much better than ground travel. At the same time, over the past 5 years in Russia the number of accidents has decreased significantly. This proves that the country is worried not only about income, but also about security. Experts try to reduce flow disruption to a minimum.

Looking at recent years, 2015 was an unusually quiet year. There were only 16 disasters, killing 560 people. But it was like the calm before the storm. In 2016, there were as many accidents with victims as there were in several years.

But, regardless of the statistics of plane crashes in Russia in 2016, the popularity of air travel has not decreased. Every day there are more and more people wanting to fly.

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