Home Grape Bermuda Triangle: one of the main mysteries of our time, or an exaggeration of the supporters of conspiracy theories? Interesting facts about the unexplained in science

Bermuda Triangle: one of the main mysteries of our time, or an exaggeration of the supporters of conspiracy theories? Interesting facts about the unexplained in science

Surely most people have thought at least once about what is happening in the notorious Bermuda Triangle. There are many misconceptions and myths associated with this ominous place, as well as theories and facts. Here is some of them.

1. "Devil's Triangle"

Bermuda Triangle also known as the Devil's Triangle. It got this name because of all the mysterious events and alleged disasters that happened in the area.

2. "Big fire"

Christopher Columbus was the first to record strange incidents in the area. One of his notes says that one night not far from the ship “ Big fire"(Probably a meteor) crashed into the sea with a thunderclap.

3. Compass

Columbus also noted strange compass readings. Today, some scientists suggest that this may be due to the combination North Pole and the magnetic North Pole.

4. Sense of timing

Some pilots claimed that they "lost track of time" as they flew over the triangle. This has led some people to speculate about possible time distortions and parallel travel.

5. USS Cyclops

The Bermuda Triangle did not receive much attention until 1918, when the American ship USS Cyclops with 300 people on board sank there. The ship did not send an SOS signal and was never found.
The president Woodrow Wilson said, "Only God and the sea know what happened to the huge ship." In 1941, two ships of the same series with USS Cyclops also disappeared without a trace ... while following the same route.

6. Loss of 5 naval aircraft

The Bermuda Triangle gained notoriety for the anomaly in 1945, when 5 naval aircraft went on a mission off the coast of Florida. The pilots were disoriented by the faulty compass readings and eventually the planes ran out of fuel. By at least so it is stated in the main theory.

7. "Bermuda Triangle"

It was only in 1964 that Vincent Gaddis coined the term "Bermuda Triangle", referring to this name in his article in the magazine. Since then, science fiction writers have offered a host of explanations, including aliens, inverse gravitational fields and even sea monsters. One scientist aptly noted that trying to find the cause of all accidents and accidents in the Bermuda Triangle is like trying to find out the cause of all car accidents in Arizona.

8. Miami, Puerto Rico, Bermuda

The area was called a triangle for a reason. It is located roughly in the shape of a triangle between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico.

9. Abandoned, drifting, unidentified ...

There have been several reports of abandoned ships being seen drifting in local coastal waters. In most cases, these ships could not be identified, and the fate of their crews remained a mystery.

10. "The plane seemed to fly to Mars"

In 1945, a search and rescue aircraft was sent to the Bermuda Triangle to search and rescue missing sailors. He disappeared with 13 people on board. After carrying out a massive search, representatives of the navy announced: "The plane seemed to have flown to Mars."

11. Average statistical rate

Scientists once conducted a study. Despite all mysterious disappearances, they found that, given tropical storms and other weather, the number of missing ships and aircraft actually does not go beyond what would be expected statistically.

12. Gulf Stream, reefs, storms ...

It is also worth noting that along with scientists, the US Coast Guard and even leading shipping companies do not believe that the Bermuda Triangle is inherently more dangerous than any other part of the ocean. The accidents are most likely caused by a combination of storms, reefs, the Gulf Stream and other factors.

13. Huge bubbles of methane

One of the craziest explanations for disasters is that huge bubbles of methane rising from the seabed cause ships to sink. As to why most of the wreckage was not found, it is assumed that all the wreckage was carried away by the Gulf Stream.

14. "12 Evil Whirlwinds"

Another popular science fiction explanation says that the Bermuda Triangle is one of the "12 Evil Vortexes" located near the Earth's equator. These vortexes are the site of numerous unexplained events and disappearances.

15.20 yachts and 4 aircraft per year

How many disappearances are recorded in the Bermuda Triangle every year? Regardless of the reasons, about 20 yachts and 4 planes are still missing here every year.

Bermuda Triangle - area in Atlantic Ocean, bounded by a triangle, the apexes of which are Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Those who are of the opinion that the mysterious disappearances of marine and aircraft in the Devil's triangle do occur, put forward various hypotheses to explain them: from unusual weather phenomena to abductions by aliens or inhabitants of Atlantis.

15. Christopher Columbus was the first to talk about the anomalies of the Bermuda Triangle

In 1492, Christopher Columbus wanted to find new way to Asia, and discovered America. Columbus was the first famous traveler that crossed the Atlantic region, which we now call the Bermuda Triangle. His logbook contains a description of the sea, completely filled with algae, a story about the unusual behavior of the compass needle, about the sudden appearance of a huge tongue of flame, about the strange glow of the sea.

14. Most of the missing ships and aircraft were never found

Since the 1600s, ships began to disappear in the ill-fated triangle. Many people associate the loss with the Gulf Stream. Due to the speed of the water reaching 2.5 meters per second, in this current any debris, debris and even an aircraft will be carried to a distance of several kilometers in just a couple of minutes. In 1925, Clinchfield Navigation's SS Cotopaxi cargo ship disappeared without a trace. This year, the Cuban Coast Guard discovered a ship that had disappeared 90 years ago in the Caribbean. There were no traces of the crew on board.

13. In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, the compass shows the wrong direction

Compasses in this area behave strangely and give incorrect readings. It is generally accepted that the Earth's electromagnetic field has holes. Exists a large number of areas on Earth where the compass will not point strictly north. So the Bermuda Triangle is not the only place on the planet where similar anomalies are found.

12. More ships are missing in the Bermuda Triangle than we know

Not all stories of the disappearance of ships and aircraft are covered by the media. Moreover, some disasters are attributed to the human factor. According to skeptics, those ships that crashed and disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle were just victims of crew errors.

11. Disappearance of crews

In 1872, the ship Maria Celeste sailed from Staten Island, New York, to the port of Genoa, Italy. On the ship, in addition to the captain and the crew of 7 people, was the captain's wife and his two-year-old daughter. The vessel was discovered 4 weeks later, without a crew. At the same time, provisions, personal belongings, money and jewelry remained intact. And the arrangement of things indicated that the ship did not fall into a strong storm.

10. The size of the Bermuda Triangle is much larger

The area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle within its classical borders is just over 1 million square kilometers. But some experts suggest that the anomalous area is much larger.

9. Not only ships are disappearing, but also planes

Most known case mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the base on December 5, 1945 naval forces The USA in Fort Lauderdale and back did not return. Their wreckage, like the crew, was never found. After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent in search of them, and one of them also disappeared without a trace.

8. Time portal

In 1970, Bruce Gernon, along with his father and friend, flew from the Bahamas and headed for Miami Beach, Florida, USA. Shortly after climb, the pilot noticed a strange semicircular cloud directly on the course. There were bright flashes inside the cloud, Gernon and the passengers felt a feeling similar to weightlessness. All navigation instruments were out of order, the compass needle was darting in all directions. When the plane took off from that tunnel, Bruce saw that he was already flying up to Miami Beach. At the same time, the flight took only 45 minutes, although it was supposed to last at least 75!

7. Anomalies do not only occur in the Bermuda Triangle

The Devil's Sea - this is how Japanese fishermen dubbed the Pacific waters around the island of Miyakejima (128 km south of Tokyo), located in the northern part of the Philippine Sea. Researchers of paranormal activity are bringing this area closer to the Bermuda Triangle because ships and planes mysteriously disappear in it.

6. Bad reputation

In spite of bad reputation Many routes of both sea and aircraft run through the Bermuda Triangle every day. At the same time, nothing has been heard about mysterious disappearances and disasters.

5. Atlantis at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

Studies of the ocean floor off the coast of Cuba using a deep-sea robot have confirmed that the city is located at the very bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. gigantic... Scientists suggest that this is Atlantis. "The US government has received evidence of the existence of underwater city during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 60s of the last century. The nuclear submarine was then navigating the Gulf Stream deep into the sea, where the structure of the pyramids was discovered. They immediately took control of the place so that it would not end up in their hands. Soviet Union", - say the journalists.

4. Territory of aliens

Although the existence of aliens has not yet been proven, some attribute everything that happens in the Bermuda Triangle to them. In 2009, unknown lights appeared in the night sky above this zone, which even formed what looked like a whirlpool, and disappeared an hour later.

3. Unpredictable weather

Severe tropical cyclones, storms and hurricanes are common in the Bermuda Triangle region. They happen most often unforeseen.

2. Wandering waves

It has been suggested that wandering waves, believed to be as high as 30 meters, may be responsible for the deaths of some ships in the Bermuda Triangle.

1. Coincidence and human factor

Skeptics argue that main reason the disappearance of more than 100 ships in the Bermuda Triangle - a human factor. Errors are human nature, and even an experienced captain or pilot is not immune to error.

Greetings to the readers of the site "I and the World"! Today we will talk about what the Bermuda Triangle is and what is the secret in it? You will find out where and exactly in which ocean this dangerous territory is located, why everything disappears there, the location on the world map and how dangerous it is.

Every day planes and ships cross the borders of this anomalous zone. Every pilot and captain is in danger of not arriving at their destination, but this place cannot be excluded from the life of the whole world, since thousands of tourists travel through it every year. Many people simply do not talk about the Bermuda Triangle for fear of incurring "anger" from the depths of the ocean.


Who was the first to open the Bermuda Triangle to the world? In the middle of the 20th century, the American E. Jones published a brochure called "Bermuda Triangle", but nobody noticed it. They started talking about the facts of its existence only a few years later, when in one of Charles Berlitz's books the history of mysteriously disappeared ships was described in all colors.

The name of the mysterious place

What does the mysterious zone look like and why is it called so? The coordinates of this unusual place: part of the Atlantic, between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. If you conventionally draw a line between these points, you get a triangle with an area of ​​4 million square meters. km. But they talk about the missing objects beyond the borders of the "terrible figure", numbering more than a hundred sudden disappearances.

Why does everything disappear here?

True, the death of ships can be explained not by mysticism: there are many shoals here, great amount fast water and air currents, and cyclones and hurricanes are born too often. Another mystery of this place is the warm current of the Gulf Stream. What happens when it's warm and cold air, collide? They form a fog, and overly impressionable tourists tend to see something scary, dangerous and mystical in this.

It is also impossible to explain the mystery of this place due to the peculiarities of the relief under water, which does not allow finding parts of sunken objects. Science is also trying to explain the secrets of the death of ships and airplanes, the formation of huge methane bubbles on the surface of the ocean, which emerge from the oceanic cracks under water. The density in the bubble is too low and when an object hits it, it immediately goes to the bottom.

In the photo from space, air masses are visible, forming vortices, rushing in a circle at a speed of up to 50 km / h. They raise up columns of water, up to 30 meters high, which fly at incredible speed and fall from great heights on ships. There is no chance for a small object to survive.

There is also information about the infrasonic signals that the ocean emits, warning of the imminent occurrence of a storm. What happens if you get into the zone of such signals? They begin to psychologically press on the brain, causing in the minds of people the most scary visions... After this, the person flees by jumping overboard. A deserted ship can drift for decades before being accidentally discovered.

The legend about Mysterious Atlantis, which was located in this triangle, also plays a significant role here. As if it is she who sends signals from the depths, causing interruptions in the systems of ships and aircraft.

Another interesting fact is the opinion that space is curved in this area and objects fall into the 4th dimension. It is not known exactly whether such time gaps exist, but there are cases when planes disappear from radar for several minutes, and then reappear. Some people notice this and some don't.

And recently, American meteorologists, having examined photos from satellites, came to the conclusion that over anomalous zone Hexagonal clouds hang, which "exploding" form air currents rushing downward at a speed of up to 270 km / h. Such a wind, hitting the surface of the water, is capable of raising waves up to 40 meters in height. They overturn ships and disrupt the navigation of liners.

Unsolved mystery

For decades, scientists around the world have been trying to solve the Bermuda Triangle puzzle, but to no avail. It's sad to look at the photos of sunken ships - it's so scary to suddenly die for no reason. But if you do not believe in all these secrets, feel free to go here for a dose of adrenaline.

See also the video:

And we say goodbye to you until the next mysterious articles. Please share the information with your friends. Goodbye!

It is generally accepted that the Bermuda Triangle is a small area located in the Atlantic Ocean, in which the disappearances, shrouded in secrets, of the sea and air layers seem to occur. There are even limitation lines: from Florida ...

It is generally accepted that the Bermuda Triangle is a small area located in the Atlantic Ocean, in which the disappearances, shrouded in secrets, of the sea and air layers seem to occur. There are even lines of limitation: from Florida to the Bermuda Islands, then to Puerto Rico, then back to Florida through the Bahamas.

Ocean and sea secrets have interested people of all times. There are many cards that depict various monsters. Remember at least the legends that tell about the Kraken. No matter how time changes, and no matter how civilization develops, some secrets still remain unsolved. An illustrative example is the Bermuda Triangle, which inspires fear in many. The brightest minds try to explain mysterious phenomena and the disappearances that occur in the area. As is already known, scientists have not been very successful in this matter.

Why a triangle?

If you believe the existing theory of the Bermuda Triangle, then the territory itself, as such, has no clear boundaries. Scientists believe that the top points of this unexplained phenomenon these are: Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. Although statistics say that most of the anomalies occur outside of this conditional zone. Nearby, but not in it. People who are engaged in research, at their discretion, change its guidelines. It should be noted that the name Bermuda Triangle began to be used not so long ago, in the 50s. Only thanks to the latest technology scientists have been able to track down various anomalous incidents that occur in the area. However, no technique is able to explain why planes and ships disappear from all radars and monitors in one second.

Various events that took place in this anomalous zone.

In 1945, surveillance was established over the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. Rescuers as well as specialists and scientists took part in the project. Thanks to this team, 140 thousand were saved human lives... It seems that the secret is about to be revealed. But not everything is so simple. Everything that became known to scientists only puzzled them more. From the very moment that the observation of the triangle was established, more than 100 pieces of equipment, both water and air, disappeared without a trace in this territory. They simply disappeared, leaving no trace behind. No characteristic oil stains were found, no debris, nothing at all. The bottom in the Bermuda Triangle was examined completely, every centimeter, but nothing was found. Since no passengers were found, the Bermuda Triangle was nicknamed the Atlantic Cemetery.

What is the purpose of finding scientists in the Bermuda Triangle?

As you already understood, scientists are seriously interested in the Bermuda Triangle. They examined not only the bottom of the ocean, but also thoroughly studied the minerals, as well as the topography of the bottom itself. They even examined all the weather conditions, as well as how the water current affects the atmosphere. During the study, scientists managed to discover a lot of new things, but these discoveries did not bring them one step closer to solving the Bermuda Triangle. They could not understand why the ships and planes with people on board simply disappeared, by chance, ending up in this zone. The only thing that scientists have been able to prove is that the Bermuda Triangle is a unique part of the ocean, which has unique, previously unseen properties and conditions. However, this in no way explains all the tragedies that happened here.

What is the mysterious pyramid in the center of the Bermuda Triangle?

To be fair, it is worth noting that one important discovery scientists still managed to do it. They did not keep silent about it, but they did not give it wide mass publicity either. American scientists in 1992 analyzed the bottom over the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. At its very center was discovered great pyramid... An interesting fact: its size was almost three times the size of the Cheops pyramid. In order to fully study it, the researchers took more than a month. The pyramid was not only incredible in size, but also had a very smooth surface. The signals that were reflected from this object established that the material from which this huge pyramid is made has a perfectly even state. Not a single shell and not a single algae were fixed on it. Scientists have not been able to find anything at all that would indicate that the pyramid is deep under water. People who directly saw the pyramid claim that the material from which it is made is very reminiscent of glass or ceramics, moreover polished. They also did not find any divisions into blocks. As far as is known, no official records of the pyramid located at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle have been carried out. Perhaps they were highly classified.

Perhaps an Atlantean legacy?

Let's first recall the legends in which the inhabitants of Atlantis, at one time, created a kind of repository of knowledge before the very death of the mainland. Such repositories are still located under the Temple of the Potala, Tibet, and under the pyramid of Cheops, Egypt. Scientists immediately suggested that the sunken continent of Atlantis is located in the Bermuda Triangle. However, this theory has not received any confirmation. Today, not far from the shores of Puerto Rico, people often notice various objects, shining and flying. It is worth noting that from the Bermuda Triangle itself, researchers have repeatedly noticed that unidentified objects flew straight from the depths of the ocean, and took off in zigzag movements.

Riddles and secrets.

Many are sure that everything secret will sooner or later become apparent. Today the most important question scientists: "what exactly is hidden in the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle?" We do not know the answer yet. We can only wait and watch the incredible events that take place in this area. As a rule, such events are not pleasant. And on this moment The Bermuda Triangle is equally intimidating and attracting scientists and researchers from all over the world.

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