Home Fruit trees Turks blacklist. Turks are what kind of people they are. Blacklist of Turkish men photos. They are known not only by sight

Turks blacklist. Turks are what kind of people they are. Blacklist of Turkish men photos. They are known not only by sight

May 24, 2015, at 9:12 pm

For those who don’t want to meet people on the street and are tired of inventing original ways If you are a pushover and don’t want to be content with just SMS messages, there is an excellent alternative to dating and communication under the short name Skype. This wonderful program, very convenient and easy to use, allows you to meet people almost in person.

Almost every person takes advantage of the opportunities provided by the World Wide Web. On the Internet, people not only communicate thanks to text messages, but also through video and audio communications, which provide more opportunities for both simple communication or dating, and for holding business negotiations, seminars and other things necessary for work or development. The more Internet users, the more people they want to find new acquaintances, friends and even a soul mate among them. For this purpose, various dating sites and social networks are being created that really bring people together. But virtual world dating will not be complete without one program that is rapidly gaining popularity - Skype.

Skype is the key to great opportunities

This free program, which provides Internet users with text, voice and video communications. Every day the number of accounts is growing, and the total number of minutes spoken per day exceeds two billion. Impressive statistics, although this is not surprising since Skype is very practical to use. It is not surprising that with such a number of users, there are those who communicate not only with family and friends, but also are looking for new acquaintances.

To get acquainted via Skype, you need to install the program and create a personal account. Next, you need to fill in your personal information and select a profile photo. It is important to provide truthful information about yourself, and when choosing a photo, give preference to the one where you are depicted close-up. Thus, when communicating with you, the person will be calmer and more confident. After which, you can safely start looking for new people. If you are looking for dating on Skype with the prospect of real meetings, for this you need to open search engine specify search criteria, for example the city of Moscow. Voila, half the way has already been completed, the rest depends on communication skills, originality and desire.

But in fact, Skype is not a dating platform, so it’s not worth judging which is better. Obviously, there are many differences between social networks, dating sites, forums, chat rooms and Skype. Some functions predominate in one, some in another, it all depends on the purpose for which this or that resource was created. If you think about it, it’s more convenient to get acquainted in in social networks, if communication is progressing there good level, you can suggest that the person transfer the next stage of communication to Skype. But, if you like adventure and spontaneity, then it will be easier to meet on Skype; for this you need to take into account only a few rules.

How to get acquainted correctly?

  • As mentioned earlier, you need to fill out the form truthfully and the profile photo must be your personal one, forget about photos of flowers, animals or celebrities. False data will definitely turn against you. People are much more willing to communicate with those in whose truthfulness and reality they are confident.
  • Make sure your webcam and microphone are working properly and check their operation. Often on Skype you can come across people you can see, but for some reason there is no sound. But not everyone wants to correspond while looking at a silent picture. Knowing that everything you need works like clockwork, you will be prepared for unexpected calls and pleasant conversations.
  • Whatever interesting person the person you met was not, no matter how much you liked, it is just a virtual world, an illusion that can remain that way forever. The only way out May be real meeting with the person you like. Alas, not everyone decides to take such a step, content with virtual conversations. People forget where the real is and where it is not, plunging more and more into the world of virtual life while time steals reality.

Skype was created for communication and fully fulfills this function, satisfying all user requests. Trying to do something for which this program was not repurposed or not trying is a personal matter. In the end, if you like to experiment, meet people, talk, experience new emotions and share yours with others, then Skype will be a great find for you.

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Turks are what kind of people they are. Black list Turkish men photo.

What kind of people are Turks?

What are they like, Turks?

Hi all! Due to the move, there is absolutely no time to do anything or write on the blog: I don’t do makeup, I walk around with a broken nail and don’t get a manicure, my cosmetics are put into different boxes, two of which are unknown how they disappeared(

Most likely this week will pass in this mode and so that the blog is not empty at all, allow me to “pamper” you with excerpts from the book “These Wonderful Turks”. These people are very interesting and reading about their mentality and national character, I think, will be useful for us Russians, because our countries are separated only by the Black Sea, and in the summer Antalya and its surroundings are simply occupied by Russians, but we really don’t know anything about them we know, more precisely, you, dear readers).
160 thousand Kurds fled from Syria to Turkey in a week (news)

So, part one: National character .

"What are we Turks? A strange cross between a fez and a hat. A knot, the center of contradictions between Eastern mysticism and Western rationalism, part of one and part of the other."

Turkish superstitions

(Khaldun Taner, Turkish writer and publicist).

“Turkey has always been a crossroads of civilizations. Therefore, the customs of the Turks and the norms of their behavior reflect the traditions of both Eastern and Western cultures. The Turks for the most part are very heterogeneous. Residents of remote villages differ sharply from residents of resort towns and megacities. In the outback, morals are quite strict, residents are zealous Muslims and religiously observe religious commandments; knowledge foreign languages very weak. At the same time in major cities you will meet completely different people who are focused on Europe. Urban population moderately religious, for example, some allow themselves to drink alcohol. (Not that they allow it, but they allow it very well, at the same time, in all 7 years of living here, I have not seen a person drunkenly walking along the road or falling asleep on the street. Drinking here is “cultural” - it is done either at home or in specially designated for this place - meykhane)

In the cities, many people, especially young people, speak English and German, some are learning Russian.

Traditional forms of communication between people originate in Islam. Religious greeting formulas, good wishes and other expressions of pointed politeness still play big role even in cities. Turks are distinguished by their courtesy and honesty. (As I already mentioned, it is quite normal here to say hello or exchange smiles with strangers, and they are really honest! How many cases have I seen when they could take away, for example, a bag left out of forgetfulness in the fitting room, or an iPhone, forgotten husband in one of the banks, and there are a lot of examples! Everything was returned!)

Turks are law-abiding and the Turkish police are known for their strictness, so crime rates are low. (I wouldn’t say that, the news is constantly about the murder of her husband by her wife, or vice versa, the theft of phones and other small things) On the streets of cities, even in dark time a day, the tourist feels safe, and in case of any difficult situation, he can always count on the help of local residents. Turks are polite and responsive when dealing with foreigners. (this is absolutely true, but there are exceptions! Some people like to fool, seeing that they are a foreigner, this happened to me too)

While in Turkey, you will probably notice that the majority of jobs are occupied by men. Sellers in markets, cooks and waiters in restaurants, service personnel in hotels - almost all of them are representatives of the stronger sex. This is due to traditions dating back centuries, which assigned a woman exclusively the role of wife and mother. It may seem that women in Turkey are a powerless and oppressed part of society. In fact, women play an important role in families, but activity directed outside the family is not welcome. (The attitude towards women here is twofold - on the one hand, all these young girls “covered” in headscarves do not always independently choose to wear a headdress, but for the most part at the will of the family. This shows that a woman here, especially in religious families, is a rather subservient creature. On the other side, modern women play an important role both in politics and in public organizations, in their own families. Judging by many of my acquaintances and friends of my parents and ours, almost all of them are the main ones in the house and their husbands really listen to their opinions. It is very difficult for a foreigner to understand who she is, a Turkish woman, everything is very subjective).

Like anyone eastern people, Turks, by Western standards, are quite slow and not very punctual. Promising but not delivering, or setting a time for a meeting but being very late is not a sin for a Turk. (This is a big problem for our family)) I like everything to be accurate and punctual, but my husband likes to sit, be late somewhere, make His Majesty wait) I associate this with both slowness and a certain comfort in the soul, so to speak. , he is always calm and relaxed, unlike me - nimble, emotional, overly responsible) We were raised by different mothers)

If you are negotiating a service or transaction, negotiate the price in advance. However, talking with local residents, you should not be hasty or impatient. (this is my everything!) Everyone business conversation need to start with several in general phrases, for example, tell where you came from and where you are going. Great importance attached to etiquette. A few words in Turkish often open any door for a foreigner. Tourists eager to take photographs face misunderstandings and sometimes even resentment, especially in rural areas. (But this is not true; they really like to be photographed with foreigners, especially blondes.) However, in most cases, a friendly look, gesture or question is enough to get permission to take pictures. When shopping, keep in mind that most stores have fixed prices. At the bazaar, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to bargain about the price of the product: here it is part of the ritual. (At the bazaar now they don’t reduce prices too much, maximum 5 lire)

Women should not be photographed wearing black capes. If you want to take a photo of a man, be sure to ask permission. Entering a private house or, especially when going to a mosque, you need to take off your shoes and leave them at the entrance. In crowded mosques, you can put your shoes in a bag and take them inside with you. In addition, when visiting a mosque, you must be neatly dressed, exclude shorts, T-shirts, mini-skirts from your clothes, and maintain silence. Drinking alcohol on the streets may be frowned upon. Women in Turkey are excellent dancers and some of the most beautiful in the world. (I will argue with this, their men are superior to their women in beauty, since the facial features of the Turkish nation are rather rough - expressive noses, hairy eyebrows, mustaches, dark eyes and facial structure, all in favor of men. When, for example, among the Slavs, the features more feminine, soft, rounded, which for the most part makes Slavic women prettier than Slavic men. Never noticed, no? Of course, there are beautiful Turkish women too, someday I’ll have to show them to you!)

Many tourists try to meet Turkish women on vacation. (What, they get to know them too?)) Just kidding.) Here you need to behave very carefully. Morality in Turkey sets very strict rules of behavior for women. Dubious connections are a stain of dishonor that casts a shadow not only on the sinner’s family, but on the entire village. There are many known cases where vacationers who tried to care for Turkish women experienced big problems with her relatives. (Absolutely true. Therefore, cunning Turks prefer to deal with vacationing foreign women whose dad is far away, and honor and dignity completely disappear somewhere in the hot sun)) If you know these simple customs, then your holiday in Turkey will be truly unforgettable, and it will not be overshadowed by minor troubles.

No matter how intricate the customs are, the most interesting thing in every country is its people. Anyone who has already been to Turkey obviously paid attention to the fact that even in appearance the Turks are very different. Among them you can find burning brunettes, blue-eyed blonds, bright redheads, Armenoids and Caucasians. Thus, the appearance of the Turks reflected, as if in a mirror, all the features of their origin. But one distinctive feature is common to almost all Turks, with the exception of officers, and that is the presence of a mustache. A subject of special male pride. (IN Lately everyone has this mustache, and it’s all because of the series Magnificent century, where the handsome Malkovich (is that his name there?) wears a playful long mustache, young people caught up with this wave, even our brother got hooked, but thank God he shaved it off, otherwise I couldn’t see him with it)) gosailing.ru

What do you think about the Turks as a nation? Do you have anything to add to what was written?

Source: http://inesa-baronessa.livejournal.com/36571.html

blacklist of turkish men photo

Turkey blacklist

This section contains the names of only those Turks who, for some reason, are considered DANGEROUS. A person who systematically violates a criminal or civil Code . Don't post people just out of curiosity or revenge. To describe your love affairs or an attempt to “break through” Ashkym, use other topics! Remember, if a Turk does not talk or lies about himself, he is simply married.

If you were robbed, raped, beaten, forcibly held, documents taken away, forced into prostitution or organ removal, fraudulently persuaded to sell an apartment, threatened with murder or physical harm, fraudulently obtained your erotic and pornographic materials and posted them online, tried to second (third, tenth) religious wife, etc. We place only such people here.

Pay attention to the design of posts, indicate: City of residence Name or nickname of the candidate on the blacklist. Approximate age Date and place of acquaintance Photo JUSTIFICATION for blacklisting.

ATTENTION! Do not post additional photos of the Turk in separate posts, attach everything to the request post. Don't clutter the topic, it's too important for users. All incorrectly formatted requests will be retire. and the user goes to BAN!

Similar articles: Turkey Identification Board - ONLY those you want to know about or find, identify from photos, etc. are listed here. Turkish love - here and only HERE we talk about our ashkym and our experiences. A topic for those who are looking for relatives of Umut - Umut himself, his Russian relatives, Turkish relatives, people similar to Umut, etc. Matchmaking - here you can offer single acquaintances for communication and acquaintance.

Mehmet Naci Efe (Istanbul) - Mehmet Naci Efe (Istanbul)

Teacher, businessman. Lives in Istanbul. Married, two children. But constantly in active search. He meets Ukrainian girls on the Internet, invites them to visit him in Istanbul (sometimes sends them a ticket). He lies like crazy about marriage.

He may have herpes (from his own words).

On this moment 3 of his victims are known, whom he met at the same time and who, in turn, without knowing about each other (after all, each was the only one), repeatedly visited him over the course of six months.

He promises his women, who find out about his Turkish wife, a “Muslim marriage”, provided that the lover converts to Islam. One fell for it. Needless to say, no ceremony followed. Don't get your hopes up - he doesn't need children together.

Be careful, take care of yourself!

Aytekin Karabacak (Side, Istanbul) - Aytiken Karabacak (Side, Istanbul)

Job: animator 2007 worked at the Selge beach hotel in Side, 2008 worked at the Sunrise resort hotel in Side. This year 2009 he works at Aspendos beach (by at least I started the season with this hotel and it’s still there for sure). Description: during the off-season he lives alone in his apartment in Istanbul in the Kartal district. Highlighted hair, pierced ears. After the accident, he has scars on his arm, leg, and back. There is a large tattoo on my left arm. According to his passport, 05/30/81, but he likes to say that he was born in 1979. Very charming open smile. According to him, he does not communicate with his father, and of his entire family he only has a grandmother who raised him (his mother died during childbirth, I think this is true). When talking about love, he always mentions that in his life there are only “you” and his grandmother. Speaks English, German, very little Russian (maybe knows a little Swedish too). Tourism education.

Characteristic: He always lies (but very beautifully). At the same time he has relationships with many girls. not only from Russia - there are also from England and from Poland and from Switzerland and from Germany, etc. Some are used for entertainment and sex (so as not to get bored in the off-season), some for money, some for this and that another at the same time. All the girls constantly go to his home in Istanbul, but do not know about it for the time being. He himself cannot remember who exactly came when, until you say a specific month. When he can’t use msn and webcam (by the way, he has several different addresses for msn, for each lady) because of the arrival of his next passion, he comes up with reasons. One of the reasons is that he flew to the village to visit his grandmother, she is sick and in the hospital, and he spends the night with her in the hospital all the time and cannot use the Internet and cannot use his mobile phone in the hospital. He uses stories about his grandmother, about her illnesses and hospitalizations, both with and without reason. He always lies, and even when you poke his nose into his lies, he continues to assure that he is honest. Swears to eternal love, says that he wants a family and children (he tells everyone the same thing), assures that if you leave him, he will commit suicide.

During sex he refuses to use protection, which can be dangerous. Hidden infections has 100%. The topic of suicide is also his favorite. Talks about constant depression, that he tried to commit suicide a couple of times, loves to be pitied and sympathized with and consoled. Then, when you leave him, he will write and call for a long time, and even a year later he may appear and start the same topic, I love only you, I couldn’t love anyone but you, when you arrive, without you I will kill myself, etc. . All this does in order to get money from you later. And then he can start insulting when he realizes that nothing is going to happen. Favorite expression for insults is fucking lier bitch. He always says that he broke up with his previous one because of her deceptions. Constantly suspects you of lying and is terribly jealous. During attacks of jealousy, all boundaries of respect are crossed. He considers all Russians to be ladies of easy virtue, and at the same time says that he wants a Russian wife, and that he hates Turkish women. He says he is not religious. The phone is full of names Anya1, Anya2, Katya 1, Katya 2, Katya 3 and foreign ones as well.

About money. He may pay for you in a restaurant at the very beginning of the relationship. Then he will talk about how in Turkey it is not customary to pay for a woman, that everyone is for himself. After a certain period of time, it begins to act more cunningly. In some places and establishments they may say that if you pay, I’ll give it back at home or tomorrow, which he will happily forget about. When you remind him of this, he may throw a tantrum, or insult him, saying that you only think about money, etc. First he talks about the fact that he has his own business, then that he sold the business (and also sold a second apartment) and gave out all the money on credit, no one paid it back, but he always likes to help people. After this, he begins to constantly cry about the lack of money and the difficult situation. He begins to very persistently ask for a loan, carefully asking how much you can give him. If possible, he will even take $100. Will not give it away. Insists that you, as his beloved, take care of him financially, because... he doesn’t work in the off-season, he asks you to pay for him in restaurants, for groceries (when you are visiting him there). If you refuse, he insults and creates scandals. To the question - why don’t you work, since everything is so bad with money? The answer is the best - I don’t want to work in winter, it’s cold and rainy, and in general I don’t want to work for my uncle, I want my own business, but it doesn’t matter for what reason I’m not working now, if you love me, you should take care of me. Often in stores, when you buy something for yourself, he says that let me pay by card, they say I can’t withdraw cash, it’s on credit, and you’ll give it to me later, and then he slips in left-handed checks with a different amount. He is trying to figure out how much you earn by cunning. There comes a time when they start DEMANDING money, if they refuse applies physical strength . For which I handed him over to the police on January 10, 2009 in Istanbul.

There are mental problems too, sometimes it’s just dangerous to be around him. He may threaten to kill, he may beat him. You can write on a few more sheets, and that’s already enough. We must give him his due - at first he plays at love very sincerely, you will listen to him, believe him and fall in love. He loves to cry, proving his love with his tears. He lives by what he lies about, and in my opinion he himself periodically believes in it. After girls who communicated with him and did not know about his essence responded on other forums, and when he found out that he was hanging on such sites, he wrote to me asking me to delete him, and when I sent him away for a long time, wrote: i will have million girls i my life. millionnnnnnn again again again. (I will have a million girls in my life. a million again and again and again) because i love girlsss (because I love girls) i love russian bitchessss (I love Russian whores)

I vacationed in Turkey a couple of years ago with a friend.

We met two friends there. One of them was the dream of every Turk. chest size 5-6, 40% of weight in the back of the body.

From time to time we went to a nearby supermarket for wine and fruit, passing by a small restaurant. There were always two Turks sitting there. One of them, as it turned out later, was the owner of this restaurant.

For a couple of days they rolled their eyes and clicked their tongues when our curvy friend walked by.
A couple of days later I went to the store alone and when I passed this restaurant, one of these Turks called out to me. As is their custom, I was invited to have tea. They even called a Russian-speaking Turk to talk to me. And that's what they wanted from me.

In all their Asian simplicity, they told me literally the following.
If I can persuade our friend to spend the night with one of them, they will feed me for free at their restaurant.

I didn’t take offense at them, since they all have their own morals and customs. And I am not writing all this at their request.

It’s just that while we were drinking tea and talking, I began to see “Turkish Love” through the eyes of the Turks themselves.

They are like everyone else oriental people, they can, of course, spend some part of the day without a woman, but they feel in “high spirits.” All this is aggravated by rather harsh conditions, traditions, and rather scary compatriots. It’s quite scary for a married woman to “walk” there. If her husband and relatives find out, she better go and drown herself right away. And the girls take care of themselves. These are the mores of society. (I am of course not writing about the capital and big cities)
The only way to calm passion is brothels. But they cost money.

And then, like a gift from fate, our ladies arrive.

So, over tea, their favorite conversations are about who, where and when managed to sleep with ours. They treat these ladies as free prostitutes who you can fuck for dinner in your own restaurant (or your friend’s). And it’s very funny to read phrases like:
"I cherish the hope that I was his first love and skimmed the cream natural beauty sensations"

The girl raped you and then talked about it in detail over a cup of tea.

I am not writing this as a condemnation. Sleep with whoever you want and as much as you want. I just wanted to dispel the myth that for Turkish men you are a “heavenly angel”. Listening to them over tea, I realized that you are a cheap form of relieving sperm pressure.

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