Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Not dealing with business etiquette, you can. Send separate thank you notes to all negotiators. Basic rules of business etiquette

Not dealing with business etiquette, you can. Send separate thank you notes to all negotiators. Basic rules of business etiquette

Business etiquette is a set of norms of behavior developed by many years of international practice business communication.

Business etiquette is the accepted procedure and form of behavior in the business sphere. It is based on all kinds of etiquette. The main functions of business etiquette is the formation of rules that promote mutual understanding between people.

Ethics (from the Greek - custom, disposition) is the doctrine of morality, ethics. The term "ethics" was first used by Aristotle (384-322 BC) to refer to practical philosophy, which must answer the question of what we must do in order to do the right, moral actions.

Business etiquette is richer in content, since it belongs to this category as special to the general. Domestic start-up businessmen fail many lucrative deals, especially with foreign firms, due to the fact that they do not know the rules of business etiquette. The rules of etiquette, clothed in specific forms of behavior, indicate the unity of its two sides: moral and ethical and aesthetic.

First side- it is an expression of a moral standard: preventive care, respect, protection.

Second side- aesthetic - it testifies to the beauty, grace of forms of behavior.

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. The rules of human behavior changed with changes in the living conditions of society, the specific social environment. Etiquette arose during the period of the birth of absolute monarchies. Adhering to certain rules of behavior was necessary for the exaltation of important persons, such as: emperors, kings, kings, princes, princes, dukes, etc. Not only a career, but also a person's life often depended on the knowledge of etiquette and the fulfillment of its rules. Etiquette has always performed and continues to perform certain functions.

For example, division according to ranks, estates, nobility of the clan, titles. Especially the rules of etiquette in the countries of the Far and Middle East have been very strictly observed and are still being observed. To Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. has become, Western etiquette will be introduced. Clothes, manner and external forms behavior. The observance of these rules by the boyars and the nobility was especially and persistently, sometimes cruelly, watched by Tsar Peter I. For their violations, they were severely punished.

Social progress contributed to the interpenetration of the rules of behavior, the enrichment of cultures. The world was getting closer. The process of mutual enrichment by the rules of behavior made it possible to develop mutually acceptable, generally recognized etiquette, enshrined in customs and traditions.

Etiquette began to prescribe norms of behavior at work, on the street, at a party, at business and diplomatic receptions, in the theater, and on public transport. But both in those ancient times, and now, the rules of business etiquette help to converge the economic and financial interests of trading people, businessmen. Profit was and remains above all differences in national character, social status, and psychological characteristics. These differences obeyed the etiquette of the country of interest to the businessman. Submission to the rules of the game by the determining party created the basis for the success of the transaction.

Rules of conduct that an entrepreneur needs to know:

1) First of all, it should be remembered that business etiquette includes strict adherence to the rules of a culture of behavior, which presupposes, first of all, a deep respect for human individuality.

2) The social role played by this or that person should not have a hypnotic effect on the business partner.

3) A cultured entrepreneur should be equally respectful to an ordinary technical worker of the ministry, the president of a company, a firm, that is, to show everyone sincere respect.

The culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal, speech) etiquette associated with the forms of speech manners, vocabulary, that is, with the entire style of speech adopted in the communication of a given circle of business people. V business conversation you must be able to give an answer to any question asked. In verbal (verbal, speech) communication, business etiquette involves the use of various psychological techniques. One of them is the “stroking formula”. These are verbal phrases like: "Good luck to you!" "I wish you success."

In the speech etiquette of business people, complements are of great importance - the accepted words expressing approval, a positive assessment of business activities, emphasizing the taste in clothes, appearance, the balance of the partner's actions, that is, an assessment of the business partner's mind. A compliment, especially if you are dealing with a female partner, is a necessary part of speech etiquette. During business communication, there is always a real opportunity for compliments.

Business etiquette requires special behavior in dealing with clients. Each type of service provided to clients has its own professional subtleties in behavior. But you must always remember what determines the relationship with clients the most main principle: the client is the most dear and desired person in your office (store, enterprise).

It is also important to follow certain rules regarding clothing and appearance. You don't have to wear a fancy suit. It is important that the suit is in good condition. The suit should be in place and at the right time. Since good clothes emphasize the elegance of a business person.

For business, etiquette means a lot. The clothes, behavior of an entrepreneur, a manager are his business card. They begin to form an opinion about the guest in advance, collecting information about him. Sources of information are the behavior of a businessman on the way to the place of a business meeting, behavior in a hotel, during the meeting itself.

Compliance essential rules behavior with strangers is a sign of your respectability, good breeding, and self-confidence. There are a number of rules of conduct in different types transport. A long journey is conducive to a leisurely conversation. We must be able to lead it. First of all, one should not abuse the attention of fellow travelers, not strive to seize all aspects of the conversation as quickly as possible, not be excessively talkative: talkativeness is a sign bad taste... The other extreme is isolation, gloomy appearance, unsociability.

Ethics of business communication "horizontally".

General ethical principle communication "horizontally" that is, between colleagues (leaders or rank-and-file members of the group). When applied to fellow executives, keep in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with peers of equal status. Here are some principles of ethical business communication between colleagues:

Do not ask yourself for any special treatment or special privileges from another.

Try to achieve a clear separation of rights and responsibilities in the common work.

In relationships between colleagues from other departments, you should be responsible for your own department, and not blame your subordinates.

Don't make promises you can't keep. Don't exaggerate your value and business opportunities. If they fail, you will be uncomfortable.

Business and professional life needs organization and order.

In the field of business, it regulates business etiquette. It is designed to organize interaction at work, in the performance of their official duties.

Ethics is a system of moral and ethical norms adopted in society.

Etiquette is a set of specific rules and laws of behavior adopted in society.

There are many types of etiquette: everyday, diplomatic, military, guest and others.

Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowledge of the rules of business etiquette, it is impossible to achieve success in the chosen field of activity.

Compliance with all the rules and norms of communication in a professional environment guarantees respect and authority among colleagues. Right choice, the appropriateness and timeliness of a word, gesture, posture, other ethical sign reveals the business and personal qualities of a person from the best side.

The rules of business etiquette must be followed as they:

  • contribute to the formation of a positive;
  • are conducive to successful negotiations, business meetings;
  • insurance in case of force majeure, awkward moments;
  • enable more successful and faster achievement of goals.

Violation of the generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship and business conduct makes it unsuccessful. Unethical entrepreneurs fail to establish themselves in the marketplace.

Etiquette includes universal universal moral and ethical standards:

  • respectful respect for elders;
  • helping a woman;
  • honor and dignity;
  • modesty;
  • tolerance;
  • benevolence and others.

Features of ethics of communication in a business environment

In a business environment, it is not enough to be just a well-mannered, cultured, polite person. Business etiquette has a number of features and differences. Business etiquette requires strict and precise execution.

Features of the ethics of communication in the organization are determined by the specifics economic sphere the lives of people and the traditions that have developed in the cultural environment.

Fundamentals of business etiquette - general principles of a culture of behavior in a corporate environment:

  • Politeness

The tone of communication with colleagues, partners, clients is always friendly and welcoming. A flawless smile is the hallmark of a successful person in business. Politeness helps to increase the profitability of the enterprise, to maintain good relations with partners and customers. Nervousness, irritability and panic are excluded by the rules of business etiquette.

  • Correctness

In a corporate environment, it is not customary to be rude and inattentive even towards a dishonest partner. It is necessary to be able to control oneself, restrain emotions and regulate behavior by an effort of will.

  • Tact

Business people do not forget about a sense of proportion and tact in relationships with people. They prudently avoid awkward, negative, unacceptable topics in conversation.

  • Delicacy

Delicacy implies softness, fluency, flexibility, ornateness of speech. It is customary to say compliments that do not turn into flattery and hypocrisy.

  • Modesty

The ability to behave modestly characterizes a person as educated, favorably emphasizes his business and personal qualities. A modest specialist and professional in his field is perceived as a balanced, harmonious, integral, mature person.

  • Obligation

If an employee or manager has taken on a duty, made a promise, he must keep it. The extent to which a leader or an employee of an organization is obligatory can tell about his ability to analyze, predict, assess the situation, strength, opportunities.

  • Punctuality

In the business environment, it is considered indecent to be inaccurate in time, not to be able to properly dispose of it, because this is a sign that a person does not value either his or someone else's time. For example, waiting important meeting for more than five minutes, the rules of business etiquette are defined as a gross violation. Time is especially valuable in business.

Ethics laws and regulations

The rules of business etiquette must be observed, as their violation can lead to the rupture of partnerships, loss of reputation, sales markets and other negative consequences.

All business people abide by job descriptions, act in accordance with the organization's charter and comply with oral and written rules of corporate etiquette.

The rules of business etiquette provide for the following working points:

  • Dress code

The style of clothing is classic, restrained, neat. Formal suit, acceptable colors in clothes (usually black, gray, white colors), neat hairstyle. Each organization can prescribe its own dress code rules, but they are always within the framework of the generally recognized features of the appearance in business.

  • Attitude to work

Conscientious, responsible, decent attitude to work, perhaps, main feature professionalism. At work, it is not customary to solve personal matters, visit social networks, talk a lot with colleagues not on business, often take tea breaks.

  • Time management

Nobody likes non-punctual people. And in business, every minute is expensive and scheduled, so the value of time cannot be exaggerated. The rules say: time is money; every professional and specialist must know the basics; need to plan a working day.

  • Written speech

An educated and cultured person always writes correctly. There are rules and canons for the design of business letters and other documentation.

  • Oral speech
  • Telephone etiquette

Business etiquette involves the rules of negotiations and telephone conversations. They prepare for a conversation on the phone in advance: they determine the time when it is more convenient for the interlocutor to talk, prepare the questions that need to be asked, mark the main points that need to be discussed.

  • Chatting in Internet

A new word has been invented for the etiquette of communication on the Internet - netiquette. It is no longer possible to imagine a civilized life without the Internet. The modern worker uses email, company website, internal chat, and so on.

The rules for writing business emails overlap with the rules for writing paper letters. Email it is customary to sign not only with the name of the author, but also to leave contact information (organization name, index, phone numbers, nickname in Skype, company website address, work schedule).

  • Desktop

On the desktop, according to the rules of etiquette, there must be order. Smooth stacks of papers, books, folders - everything in its place. The employer's and employee's desktop will tell you how it works. The unspoken rule says: the more order on the desktop, the more it is in the head.

  • trade secret

Confidential information and trade secrets are not subject to disclosure.

  • Respect

In behavior and communication, a cultured person expresses respect for the interlocutor, partner, opponent, client. Business etiquette obliges you to be an attentive listener, respect other people's opinions, help a colleague with work, and so on.

  • Business negotiations, meetings, events

The ability to competently negotiate and effectively complete negotiations is a special art. Business etiquette says that negotiations and meetings should have a goal, a plan, a specific time frame and a location that is convenient for both parties.

Business events, such as meeting business partners at the train station or at the airport, introducing delegation members, handing flowers and other actions, are carried out according to the protocol. For example, there are certain seating rules at the negotiating table.

  • Subordination

The boss-subordinate relationship presupposes smooth communication with a certain distance. An ethical boss makes comments to a subordinate only one-on-one. Gives oral and written assignments specifically, succinctly, understandably. An ethical subordinate undoubtedly fulfills the orders of the manager, but can express his point of view, give useful advice, make a suggestion.

  • Team relationships

The microclimate in the team is of great importance, it affects the productivity and performance of employees. Business etiquette assumes the benevolent, respectful relationship, help and support in solving the assigned tasks. Taboo: gossip, intrigue, intrigue, cold war, as well as office romances (personal life is assumed outside work time and not in the workplace).

  • Business gestures

Gestures should be energetic, but not excessive or sweeping; gait is even, impetuous, walking speed is average (not jogging or walking); posture is straight; confident look.

The only touch allowed in a business environment is a handshake. At the same time, there are also rules here. When shaking hands, it is not customary for the hand to be sluggish, wet, cold. The interlocutor's hand should not be squeezed and shaken for a long time and strongly. There is a lot of body language psychological literature that looks at business gestures and how they can be interpreted.

To be ethical in a professional environment, you must follow all laws and adhere to the rules of etiquette.

Ethics and business etiquette are studied in general educational institutions, when attending appropriate courses, trainings, seminars, and are mastered independently by a business person.

Ethics as a personality trait

Business qualities of a person - the ability to perform tasks and achieve goals determined by the specifics of work, specialty, qualifications.

There are two types of business qualities:

  1. personal, congenital;
  2. professional, acquired.

When hiring new employees, self-respecting companies spend psychological testing, allowing to diagnose congenital and acquired business qualities.

The general and business culture of an employee is no less important than qualifications, ability to work and work experience.

Undoubtedly, when applying for a job, the moral and ethical qualities of a person are taken into account. But these qualities can also be acquired, nurtured, instilled in the process. professional activity.

A person's ethics is expressed in the following manifestations of his morality:

  1. conscience, a sense of personal responsibility for everything that happens in life;
  2. will, developed self-control, clear regulation of behavior;
  3. honesty, the ability to speak the truth and act accordingly;
  4. collectivism, social orientation of activity, friendliness, desire to strive for a common goal;
  5. self-control, stress resistance, control over feelings and emotions;
  6. adherence to principles, consistency, upholding of ethical positions, correspondence of words to actions;
  7. hard work, desire to work, interest in work;
  8. responsibility, seriousness, stability;
  9. generosity, tolerance, humanity, tolerance;
  10. optimism, belief in the best, self-confidence.

Morality and ethics - basic characteristics the personality of the cultural leader and employee. A successful person in business has a developed need to act in accordance with the requirements of ethics and morality, to be kind and honest.

We form an opinion about a person by how he behaves. If a person knows business etiquette, is polite, helpful, understands without words what they want from him, we can assume that he is his own in the business environment and has every opportunity to earn money.

If you understand the language of etiquette, recognize non-verbal signals addressed to you and know how to respond to them, then you are in the game.

Good manners when entering an elevator can take you to the top of your career. And knowing who is the first to climb the office ladder can be a stepping stone to business success. Someone will argue that this is a trifle. But "perfection is made up of little things, and perfection is not a little thing"!

The ideal place for a meeting is a meeting room where nothing distracts the attention of the meeting participants.

Your non-verbal behavior in negotiations should reflect interest in the outcome of the meeting and attention to the issues discussed, so you cannot:

  • yawn or engage in other extraneous activities,
  • draw in notes, keep cell phones on,
  • play with a pen.

Mobile etiquette

The most important rule of mobile etiquette is dictated by common sense: we have the right to use a cell phone if we do not restrict the freedom of other people, do not infringe on their interests and do not violate their privacy (confidentiality).

You need to call a mobile phone on business issues during working hours, on weekdays it is considered the time interval from 9:00 to 21:00. mobile phone.

At work can only be used to solve business issues- you should not devote everyone to your personal affairs. It is also undesirable to talk on the phone.

On public transport, in a restaurant and in other places where strangers will be forced to witness your private conversations. if you get a call and there are other people next to you, leave the room and talk.

Voice mail

If you want to dictate a voice message, speak it clearly, indicating the personal details and details of your department. Keep your message short. Do not include multiple phone numbers and addresses in your voicemail message Email, one is enough.


Before switching the conversation to speakerphone, ask the other person's permission. Do not answer the speakerphone call or check voicemail on speakerphone - especially if you work in a large crowded office, and not in a separate office. This will distract others.

How to seat guests at formal receptions

  • The hostess is the first to sit down at the table and invite the guests to take their places.
  • At the table, men alternate with women.
  • Spouses or employees of the same firm do not sit next to each other.
  • The men help the ladies in the neighborhood to sit down, then sit down themselves.
  • The most honorable place at the men's reception is to the right of the owner. If the reception is with the participation of women, then to the right of the hostess. If the guest of honor is invited with his spouse, then the guest sits to the left of the host of the reception, and the guest to the right of the hostess - of course, if the hostess and the host are sitting side by side.
  • At the end of the meal, the hostess leaves the table first, giving a signal to the rest of the guests.

Business etiquette around the world

Englishmen put the instruction for action in the form of a polite request. Nevertheless, it is imperative to carry it out.

If you have a mess in your business papers, the Germans will draw the appropriate conclusions. It is strictly forbidden to violate the terms and scope of work stipulated in the contract. Every single point must be strictly followed.

Business negotiations in France, as a rule, begin no earlier than 11 am. It is better to negotiate on French because the reverent and even painful attitude of the French to their language and culture is not at all a myth.

Family and hobbies are of great importance in America. Therefore, in the office of an American, you will always see photographs of his relatives and items related to his hobbies. But this does not mean at all that you can talk about personal topics. Personal information (age, physical parameters, marital status, religious and Political Views) is available only to relatives and friends and is not subject to discussion.

Italians pay great attention to the meal, so meetings are often made at the restaurant. If you refuse a treat, you risk losing partners. True, the agreements reached during the feast do not mean much. Final decisions are made later. Business conversations never start with business issues. It is customary to talk about life. Don't just ask questions about family and politics, and don't be disparaging about football.

The Confucian rule says that a man and a woman should not touch each other when giving or taking something. Therefore, avoid touching the woman. It is also not customary to open the door in front of her or give way.

A greeting in Japan is accompanied by a polite smile and a bow of at least 15 degrees. A 45 degree bow is more respectful. When the Japanese greet a very important person, the bow can be all 90 degrees.

The Japanese can shake hands with foreign partners. But if they bowed to you, answer with at least a small bow, folding your palms at face level. Avoid direct eye contact.

Arabs are free with time. Arriving at the agreed hour, you may not find your Arab partner, but you will be well received and treated to coffee, which will be poured until you shake your cup as a sign that you no longer want to. Business decisions are usually made at the highest level and do not depend on those who negotiate. Therefore, sometimes the solution process is delayed for a long time. Patience and the ability to wait will help you do business in the east.

When meeting, when you are introduced or you introduce yourself, do not rush to shake hands. The one to whom you are introduced must be the first to do so. Remember: according to business etiquette, it is not customary to kiss ladies' hands at an official meeting (according to the rules of secular etiquette, they kiss the hand only to married women and only indoors).

Shaking hands with both hands is discouraged by business etiquette as it is meant to manifest a closer relationship with people. Moreover, people may perceive such a gesture as an attempt to show condescension or patronize. However, don't forget about cross-cultural differences - for example, Americans love this gesture and find it appropriate in business communications.

If you didn’t find the person on the spot, but want to show him your respect, fold the upper right corner of the business card you left behind.

Today, badges are used all over the world - they can contain information not only about the name of the carrier and his position, but also the company logo and even a photograph. It is curious that since the invention (and it is generally accepted that the first badges appeared in England at the end of the 19th century) appearance badges have changed little - only the fastener is being improved, for example, badges on the lanyard, a special lanyard for fastening, have become widespread.

Simple human attention from a leader always inspires employees. The boss should notice the success of the subordinate and encourage him. Let it be a simple thank you, but it must be expressed. To congratulate the team on the holiday, and the employee on the birthday - people really appreciate such gestures.

All employees at work should be treated as "you", it is disciplined and a sign of respect. However, now in many companies communication in the "you" - in the American manner (in English language, as we remember, there is no division into "you" and "you", there is only a single reference to you). This has already become a variant of the norm. However, if your company does not adhere to such principles, it is not worth introducing the appeal "you", demonstrating openness of views and progressiveness: nevertheless, communication on "you" implies a close relationship that is not always appropriate at work.

Hospitality traditions provide for various courtesies. you can offer guests a cultural program by providing a car with a driver.

The leader should meet and escort the delegation, and then greet it at the official reception.

There is an unspoken rule (not categorical, but desirable) - if a guest arrives with his spouse, then the host leader arrives at the first meeting accompanied by his spouse.

The protocol visit usually takes place at the premises of the host country. In the lobby, the assistant manager meets the guests, and then escorts them to the office of the head of the institution. The initiative to leave this reception is for the guests. The next meeting of the delegations will take place during the negotiations.

In the business environment, the question of compliments is controversial. It is perfectly acceptable and even desirable to give compliments, but they should not be too enthusiastic and concerning the appearance. In both cases, you invade the personal space of the interlocutor, besides, excessive enthusiasm is very similar to banal flattery. The most successful option is to compliment the business qualities of your colleague or partner, to note his high professionalism, punctuality or ease of communication.

For casual conversation, there are a few win-win topics. It is appropriate and even desirable to discuss business, sports, entertainment and travel news and is also the easiest to maintain.

Curious that the ringtone mobile phone- another touch of the image of a person. Psychologists say that, for example, people who put on a ringtone classical music, most often they are far from the musical world (musicians do not listen to masterpieces in this performance). These are conservatives who love everything to be "like people", value a sense of proportion in everything. The more famous the melody, the more conservative a person is, according to psychologists.

As a rule, the Friday dress code is nevertheless closer to the Business Casual style and does not imply bright colors... Basic colors are traditional business ones: gray, beige, brown. Additional shades of clothing should be restrained, noble, by no means acidic or intensely saturated.

If you work five out of seven days a week, then business attire should make up 70% of your wardrobe. Accordingly, it is worth spending much more money on it than on leisure clothes. All over the world, business image is considered an economic category: investing in yourself, in your appearance, in your image brings income - just like investing in your knowledge, skills and abilities. Spend as much on your business wardrobe as your budget allows.

Rule for evening dress: the more it is open from above, the more it should be closed from below - and, accordingly, vice versa. Do not violate this proportion of closeness and openness.

Another rule, which does not apply to clothing, but to the etiquette of ceremonial receptions: if the invitation does not indicate that you should come with a companion, you need to appear alone.

According to unofficial statistics, about 35% business relationship begin with joint meals. They expand the circle of contacts, help find an approach to the client, negotiate a contract, establish mutually beneficial relationships. This is a good reason to find the compromises needed for cooperation.

You can be late for a cocktail and a buffet table and leave early. But keep in mind: if your visit is very short, it may look like disrespect for the hosts. On the contrary, being at the reception from start to finish is a sign of respect. If representatives of one company come to the event, employees should not come later than the leader and leave before him. Unlike a buffet table, you cannot be late for lunch and dinner. If it did happen, you need to apologize to the owners.

If you ordered a Japanese dish at a restaurant (for example, rice, noodles, sushi or sashimi), you may be brought in sticks. If you know how to use them, great. If you don’t know how, or you simply don’t want, it’s okay, you don’t have to do it. Just ask the waiter to bring the usual European cutlery: a fork and a knife are perfectly normal.

In many restaurants, waiters immediately clarify which devices you prefer to eat Japanese dishes: traditional chopsticks or European ones that we understand.

For a well-mannered person, it is an unconditional norm that alcohol abuse is corporate events not worth it.

History knows cases when too zealous observance of the rules of etiquette did not lead to anything good.

The French Marshal Bessompierre recalled in his memoirs that the Spanish king Philip III died of carbon monoxide while sitting in an armchair by the fireplace. The courtiers could not find in time the only grandee who, according to palace etiquette, had the right to move the king's chair.

In Thailand, tourists are told how a boat once capsized with Queen Sunanda. But no one dared to come to her aid. When the courtier arrived high rank who had the right to touch the queen, it was too late.

2. Speech etiquette.

3. Basic etiquette rules in business communication.

The concept of "etiquette" entered the Russian language at the beginning of the 18th century. Behavior rules, adopted in Russia were set forth in the "Teachings" of Vladimir Monomakh and in "Domostroy". In everyday language, the concept of "decency" is sometimes used. That is, what can or cannot be done by an individual in interaction with others. As a translation from French, the word "etiquette" or "label" first denoted the order of seating of status guests at the table, and then became a general generic term for describing regulated behavior.

Etiquette is a system of orders, rules and forms of social-role communication.

Functions of etiquette: regulatory (behavior in a situation); symbolic (attitude to the situation and the partner); communicative (form of communication).

Experts identify several types of etiquette. The most famous concepts: secular etiquette, business, service, diplomatic, professional, ethno-etiquette.

The main difference between these types is the degree of formality and the breadth of the scope. Business etiquette - the rules adopted in the field of business communication. Service etiquette (within business) includes the rules of service hierarchy and distancing, while secular etiquette emphasizes the equality of subjects entering into communication.

The main requirement of official etiquette can be briefly formulated as a parental call: "You are not at home." Organizational p Behavior is determined by role and professional status. This means: 1. Compliance with the rules of behavior in a regulated space - time. 2. Recognition and mutual teamwork of the Chief's role. That is: Any event begins in the presence of the chief. Any initiatives go through the levels of the service hierarchy. 3. Recognition and mutual teamwork of the role of the organization. That is: Recognition of the interests of the organization as superior over personal interests. Loyalty to the organization. Dispensing information about the organization. 4. Any real relationship (love, friendship, friendship, hostility) is disguised as the relationship "leader - subordinate", "colleagues", "partners".

Components of etiquette: appearance and clothing, manners, rules of conduct in regulated situations and culture of speech.

The rules of conduct in the private and public sphere are highly dependent on national characteristics. That is why experts emphasize "ethno-etiquette", that is, the rules and norms of communication adopted in the region (Europe, Asia, Africa) or in a separate country (Germany, England, Japan). There are universal rules, they constitute the so-called international etiquette, but there are not many of them.

1. This is the provision of partnerships. The priority of maintaining relations in controversial situations; taking care of the “face preservation” of the partner; equivalent exchange of visits, gifts, messages.

    There are official protocol events: meeting and seeing off, speaking to the press, etc., which requires unification of procedures and ceremonies.

    General requirements for formal attire.

Ethno-etiquette and the possibility and necessity of using it are dictated by the intensity of contacts in modern business life. It is difficult to give specific advice here; some general recommendations can be mentioned.

The handshake is a universal form of greeting accepted all over the world. At the same time, in the countries of the East, the imposition of physical contact is regarded as bad manners. Advice: when in an unfamiliar country, do not shake hands first to avoid an awkward situation. The same applies to smiling, direct gaze, punctual demands. Attitude to food, attitude to gifts, National clothes- all this requires attention, competence and tact when it comes about a foreign partner.

SPEECH ETIQUETTE is a technology for conducting any conversation. Speech etiquette is a set of semantic speech structures, the use of which is mandatory in terms of streamlining communication and increasing its comfort. Speech etiquette depends on the nature of the relationship and the characteristics of the national culture, but in principle there are universal norms of speech behavior that ensure success / failure in a particular situation. Speech etiquette forms include an appeal, greeting, compliment, sympathy, farewell. To speech etiquette norms should be attributed and "small talk". At the same time, we are talking about meaningful constructions and about formulas of emotive communication that express your attitude towards your partner.

Appeal. In etiquette, particular importance is attached to the appeal - further relationships between people largely depend on the correctly chosen form, tonality, energy of the voice. At the same time, there are certain standards of treatment adopted in an official and unofficial environment.

Choosing a form of appeal reveals the social hierarchy, and with equal social status, shows the nature of personal relationships between partners. Sun It is known that a person should be addressed by name, but this simplest way to win over is certainly used by a minority of the participants in communication. The appeal depends to the greatest extent on the national-cultural characteristics and personal relationships of partners. For example, in the Russian business culture, the etiquette norm of addressing each other by first name and patronymic is preserved. At the same time, when presenting, the middle name is often omitted, regardless of the age and status of the person represented. In the American - the practice of addressing by name, however, with the prior permission of the partner. In German, address by surname and title is possible. In any case, the rule applies: regardless of personal relationships, treatment in an official setting in the presence of other people must be official. If you find it difficult to say "you" to your former classmate, use more impersonal forms. Keep in mind that you can demonstrate your closeness with one partner to another by changing communication styles. A change in the style of address, for example, "You are the form," can be aimed at raising or lowering the status of the interlocutor, at demonstrating the intention to get closer or at the desire to distance themselves. The change in the style of address occurs at the initiative of the senior in age and status. In this case, you must express your consent and try to change the form in the next phrase. If it doesn’t work, tell me that you will gradually get used to it. But you should not tolerate it if, on equal terms, you say “you”, and you say “you”. In relation to a woman, a man is more likely to take the initiative. This is allowed, but her refusal is also not a violation of etiquette.

In everyday life, treatment can be very diverse. The main condition is that they should not be familiar, offensive to a person.

In modern Russian, there are no established forms of addressing to a stranger, therefore, it is recommended to use the impersonal form of address: "Forgive me ...", "Excuse me ...", "Be kind ...", "Be kind ...", "Tell me please ...", "Let me ...", etc. The named phrases are the most common forms attracting attention, followed by a question, a request, a proposal. The address "mister" plus a surname, adopted today in political and business circles, has not yet become widespread. The choice of the form of addressing the audience depends on its composition, the size of the audience and the status of the event. Today, the most common forms of addressing the audience are: "Ladies and Gentlemen", "Gentlemen", "Dear Colleagues", "Dear Friends", etc.

Today, when international contacts have grown enormously, the form of addressing a representative of another country, a foreign partner, is also of great importance. In an informal setting, it is customary to address a citizen of another country with the words "Mr." plus a surname, for example, "Mr. Johnson". When addressing officials with state status (regardless of rank), a military diploma or religious title, as a rule, do not mention the name. For example, "Mr. President", "Mr. Minister", "Madam Ambassador", "Mr. General" (without naming the full rank "Major General", "Lieutenant General"), "Mr. Secretary", etc.

Etiquette also provides for such a remarkable detail: usually, when referring to an official, he is slightly promoted. So, the deputy minister is called "Mr. Minister", the lieutenant colonel - "Mr. Colonel", the envoy - "Mr. Ambassador", etc.

If you have a scientist in front of you, then you should contact him "Dr. Keller", "Professor Wilson". In many countries, especially in Germany and England, the title of doctor is given to anyone with a university or medical degree. One subtlety - in Germany it is customary to say "mister doctor" plus a surname, while in Australia and Switzerland it is enough to say "mister doctor". In France, the title of doctor applies only to doctors. In France, England and Germany, university professors are titled according to their titles. In the United States, "professor" can refer to representatives of teachers of any rank at a university, college, etc.

It is preferable for a woman to be addressed by her husband's surname: "Mrs. John Smith", since married women bear the name and surname of their husband. In difficult to pronounce and complex names you can do without the surname, using the international form "madam". In England / USA, France and Germany, respectively, "miss", "mademoiselle", "fraulein" plus a surname is a form of addressing a girl, a young woman.

You should be especially careful when addressing men and women in countries where titles of nobility are retained. This is especially true for England, although the table of ranks with all its complexity of the hierarchy of titles and ranks is preserved mainly in writing and is used in full only in the corresponding correspondence and official documents.

In contrast to the appeal to strangers, the appeal (vocabulary forms), to familiar people, depending on the established relationship, their official position, environment, can be strictly official or take on an unofficial character.

For example, in oral use, in relation to a certain Mr. John F. Brown, Doctor of Philology, at the official level of appeal, the following forms are possible: Sir - at the university (younger colleagues, students), on the street (unfamiliar youth, children), in a store ; Professor - students or work colleagues; Dr. Brown - Employees; Mr. Brown - in all other cases.

Appeals in the course of historical development undergo some changes, for example, the form of appeal to women Ms ’ followed by a surname is a new entry. Form Ms ’ not indicating a woman's marital status, was recommended for use by the UN in 1974. This form has not yet received widespread distribution. However, modern official and semi-official correspondence tends to use the form “ Ms ’" etc.


Welcome Initiative. The first to greet the man with the woman (the woman is the first to extend her hand), the junior with the senior, the subordinate with the boss, entering with those present, regardless of rank, passing with those who are standing still. Of two people of the same sex, age, position, the first to greet is polite and well-mannered.

Entering the room in which the guests invited by the owner are located, a person must greet each person present separately or with all at once. Approaching the table, at which guests are already sitting, the latecomer must greet all those present with an apologetic gesture - a hand to his chest and a slight bow. Taking your place, you must once again say hello to the neighbors at the table. At the same time, it is not customary to give a hand to friends, especially across the table.

At official receptions, first of all, the hostess and the owner are greeted, then the ladies (first the older ones, then the younger ones), then the older and older men, and only after that the rest of the guests.

A seated man, welcoming a lady or an elder in age or position of a person, must definitely stand up. If he greets people passing by without engaging in conversation with them, he may not get up, but only rise.

Gestures accompanying the greeting. A greeting (like goodbye) is usually accompanied by gestures: a handshake, a raise of a hand, a nod of the head, a tilt, and sometimes a kiss of a woman's hand. Greeting gestures play a significant role - certain information (positive or negative) is conveyed by the interlocutors on a non-verbal level. The most common gesture is a handshake.

Handshake. There are firm etiquette rules when shaking hands. The first extends his hand: a woman to a man, an elder to a younger, a boss to a subordinate. The hostess must not forget to shake hands with all the guests invited to her house.

When greeting a woman he knows on the street, a man must take up a hat (with the exception of a beret and a winter hat). If the greeting is accompanied by a handshake, the man must take off the glove, the woman may not take it off (except when she greets a woman much older than herself), since gloves, a bag, a scarf, and a headdress are part of the women's toilet. At the same time, mittens, warm leather gloves when shaking hands, be sure to remove.

Demeanor is of great importance when greeting. An unfavorable impression is made by a person who stretches out his right hand to greet, keeps his left hand in his pocket, averts his eyes to the side, or continues a conversation with another person. All this borders on bad manners. Impoliteness, emphasized inattention does not dispose to further communication. Very noisy greetings are also considered a violation of etiquette. You should not flaunt your acquaintances and attract the attention of everyone present to your person.

The words that people greet each other when they meet should always be respectful, friendly, and benevolent. Greeting is a perfectly valid way to enter into a conversation or make a new acquaintance.

It is desirable that the greeting should be detailed and open to continue the conversation. For example: "Good afternoon, Tatiana, how are you?" Many are afraid of a direct reaction to a question, that is, a story about cases. It's not scary. There are several unconditional advantages in the extended greeting: everyone loves their name, everyone loves to show attention to themselves, the question allows you to stop the person you need. When greeting, one can and should take into account the status and gender-age characteristics of the interlocutor. You can't ask a boss: "How are you?" On the other hand, in relation to colleagues and subordinates, the formula is always appropriate: “Glad to see”. You can say to the boss: "How good (fortunate) that I met you." It is advisable to have your own “Hello”, that is, your own welcome address to the person. This makes you memorable - an important condition for a long-term business relationship.

Acquaintance and introduction:

Representation. It is known that the youngest are introduced to the older, man-woman. If a person who knows only you approaches you and your partner, first of all you need to introduce him to your partner. If you don't want to, step aside with him. In the situation of several strangers, the following options are possible: you ask to introduce you to everyone at once; You loudly introduce yourself to everyone at once; You bypass the campaign by introducing yourself to everyone. One should not remain nameless.

There are two ways of acquaintance: acquaintance through an intermediary or introducing yourself to an unfamiliar interlocutor.

Acquaintance through an intermediary. When meeting through an intermediary, the principle of emphasized respect is respected, which requires that: a man is introduced to a woman; junior senior; all parents, regardless of age and social status; a person less familiar to a more familiar person; entered by those present.

Typically, the reseller first names the person to whom the guest, visitor, or new employee is introduced, and only then the name of the person they represent. The following clichés are commonly used:

let me / let me introduce you to ...; let me / let me introduce you ...; please get acquainted with….

The one who was introduced should pay attention, it is impolite not to show interest. The one who was introduced is a passive person, he is waiting for an outstretched hand, a compliment, participation.

If one person is introduced to two, three, four, the dating procedure will be mutual, if there are five or more people, they are not called. The host must introduce the visitor to everyone and bring him to one of the guests. This latter already fulfills the role of a mediator.

In a situation of official acquaintance, one of the etiquette rules is the indication of the profession, position, position. This is a mutual procedure.

Acquaintance without an intermediary. Good manners do not provide for dating without an intermediary. But situations are different, so in the case of acquaintance without an intermediary, you can resort to one of the proposed formulas: let me get to know you; let me get to know you; let me introduce myself; let me introduce.

In the youth environment, when meeting, the first name is usually called, in the conditions of an official or business meeting, the surname or surname and first name are called.

In a formal setting, a business compliment follows the exchange of greetings and the dating procedure.

Compliment- pleasant words, somewhat exaggerating the positive qualities of the interlocutor, pronounced in order to please the person, to gain favor with oneself or the issue under discussion. Difference from praise: praise is directed from top to bottom and states the fact of a positive attitude towards the work done. The difference from flattery: flattery is directed from the bottom up, always has selfish goals.

Conventionally, a compliment can be divided into two types: secular and business.

A secular compliment. A secular compliment is a compliment to a person's appearance and dignity. It is intended, as a rule, for acquaintances: relatives, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues. At the same time, it should be emphasized that even today, one should distinguish between a compliment addressed to a man and a compliment addressed to a woman.

Complimenting a woman is a little easier. You can praise her appearance, clothes, perfume, jewelry, etc. Complimenting a man is more difficult. In the West, it is customary to praise a country villa, a car, horse riding, playing golf, etc. Property, intelligence, abilities - these are the main topics for a compliment intended for a man. But in all cases, a compliment always emphasizes the dignity of your interlocutor.

A compliment requires special tact in relation to the addressee. On the one hand, one should not get carried away with this form of verbal communication, on the other hand, in some cases, an unspoken compliment may border on impoliteness. For example, if you have not been able to appreciate the hospitality of the owners of the house.

A secular compliment is very common in an informal setting. However, this form of compliment is also necessary at the level of formal relations, especially in the field of management.

A compliment is always addressed to the interlocutor, brightly addressed, while the speaker's "I" steps aside somewhat: "You look great!" "," Thank you, "" You are very attentive, "and others. Responses:" You flatter me "," This is just a compliment "and others are considered impolite. Any compliment must have a fair amount of truth in it.

One small detail. If you always just thank for a compliment, nodding your head with a contented look: "Yes, I am like that", you risk losing the disposition of your acquaintances, friends, colleagues. In any situation, in almost any person, you can find, emphasize something good, worthy of encouragement. Find a reason for reciprocal words of approval, admiration, recognition to your close friends, colleagues, acquaintances.

Business compliment. A business compliment is an exchange of pleasantries between parties, partners ("I'm glad to see you," etc.). A business compliment begins and ends any business meeting, conversation, negotiation. According to the protocol, this is a mutual and obligatory procedure.

In written business etiquette, a business compliment is an expression of courtesy that ends any formal or semi-formal letter. A compliment at the end of the letter is an obligatory part of correspondence, including private. The letter uses the following final formulas of politeness: "Yours faithfully ...", "Sincerely yours," "Loyal to you," etc. In their style and tone, the final formulas of politeness should be in harmony with the address and the main text of the letter. So, if the letter begins with the words: "Dear Sirs!"

Rules for using compliments.

    Compliments must be said.

    A compliment should be interpreted unambiguously so that the interlocutor does not perceive it as a “hairpin”.

    The compliment should also be truthful: if you praise those qualities of the interlocutor that he does not possess, then you will be suspected of insincerity.

    The best compliment is the pleasant words that you have found for this particular person, that is, individuality is an obligatory quality for a compliment.

    The compliment should sound sincere. Praise what you really like.

    Compliments not only need to be able to speak, but also to accept. If you are praised, and you begin to hotly or with a grin to deny your positive qualities, you put the interlocutor in a very unpleasant position. As a last resort, you can always just say "thank you", although it is better to show that you enjoy compliments, especially from this person.

    The compliment can be closed: “How nice that you are punctual!” and open: "Students like your lectures very much, you probably prepare a lot?" A contrasting compliment is psychologically effective: "You always do everything on time, I can't do that."

Congratulation- A symbolic form of communication, emphasizing the recognition of the significance of an event or partner.

Reasons for congratulations: holidays - human, state, corporate, personal, significant events. As a general rule, the partner should share with you the idea that this event is a reason for congratulations. And vice versa, accepting with gratitude a congratulation on an occasion insignificant for you, you save the face of a congratulatory one.

Congratulation is a sign of attention to a person or organization - here, timeliness and individual form are also important. Other equal conditions the written form of congratulations is valued higher, then the oral one, and the personal one is more expensive than a telephone contact. V in this case it is obvious that etiquette norms lag behind technical means of communication. The rule of the hierarchy of forms of congratulation can be formulated as follows: the more effort is spent on congratulation and the more individual (from this particular subject to this particular subject) it is, the higher it is valued.

Parting. The main requirement for goodbye is never to say goodbye for good, always leave the opportunity to continue contacts. Saying goodbye to your business partner, repeat the terms. time and place of the next meeting. In parting, as well as in greeting, it is recommended to express the pleasure of the meeting and have your own "goodbye" that distinguishes you from others. The "somehow" form.

The basic rules of speech etiquette are that any appeal or display of attention to a partner should be: thought out meaningfully, intonationally verified, timely, adequate to the situation and the partner's status, the nature of the relationship.

Presents. As part of business etiquette, it is necessary to mention the rules and regulations for giving or presenting gifts. The meaning of the gift is an expression of attitude towards the event and the gifted. A gift is a bilateral commitment in which the act of the gift, its content and value matter. When, to whom and how to give gifts? What can and cannot be gifted? The reason for a gift, as well as for congratulations, are generally recognized holidays, personal and corporate achievements, personal events: birthday, wedding, birth of a child.

It is better to give a gift to the leader from the team and on solemn (personal) occasions. Personal gifts to the boss can be presented behind closed doors and motivated by the special solemnity of the occasion. Otherwise, you will be mistaken for a sycophant or a person counting on special treatment from your superiors.

Gifts for colleagues. Here the principle is: "You - me - I - you". The norm of organizational behavior in Russia is to make a common gift. If a colleague or colleague gives you a gift unexpectedly, do not refuse, thank, accept and do the same at the first opportunity. It is better to keep at work postcards and good knick-knacks that can be gifted regardless of gender, age and status of the partner.

Subordinates are also given gifts. The circle of subordinates who receive gifts from the manager is, as a rule, limited. Such gifts should either be given individually, to each - his own: or publicly - to all - the same.

Gifts for clients. A present from the company is an image event of a situational nature. The goal is to attract customers with products or attention.

Gifts for partners. Etiquette assumes that during the first meeting, the gifts are presented by the hosts, not the guests. At subsequent meetings, the exchange of gifts is mutual.

As a rule, memorable souvenirs and gifts are exchanged during official receptions after solemn speeches (toasts) have been made; they can also be presented in the course of business cooperation, for example, after signing an agreement, contract; or during parting parties.

As a gift to officials, business partners, you can present a well-published book, an album with reproductions of paintings by famous artists, etc. In this case, you should always remember what was donated earlier, since only alcoholic beverages can be donated again

What to give? Usually, regardless of our consciousness, the law of projection operates: I give what I like. Does he like it? The value of the gift and its content must correspond to the level of the event and the status of the recipient of the gift.

First, they give deindividual gifts: paintings, art albums, wall or table clocks, writing instruments, vases, decorative items, stationery, leather goods, books.

Secondly - corporate gifts - products of your company with the corresponding trademarks.

Thirdly, "edible" gifts are possible: alcoholic and sweet. Alcohol as a gift is practiced but discouraged. Forms - alcohol must be in the package; sets; a gun with brandy and so on. For a man - cognac, vodka, wine. For a woman - wine, vermouth, martinis, liqueurs, balms. Champagne is presented as a collective gift to the table.

Fourthly, flowers. Flowers are given to women for any reason, and for a woman, flowers are a gift in themselves. For men - on anniversaries with an address or a gift. Flowers are presented in solid colors or specially arranged, without a pungent smell. In Russia, it is customary to give an odd number.

Individual gifts are possible. For men - in accordance with the addictions; women - perfume, jewelry.

Quite often, the problem of giving a gift to someone who “has everything” arises. In this case, you have to fantasize and give something and something individual, irrational or, on the contrary, super-technological - alcohol, chocolate, sweets. That is, what will be used in any case.

Etiquette rules for giving and receiving gifts. Gift-giving etiquette states: if you received an expensive gift, in return you must present an equivalent (or more expensive) gift. If you have received a very expensive gift and are not able to make a reciprocal, equivalent gesture, you should not accept such a gift: this is a kind of addiction. Therefore, when presenting you with a very expensive valuable gift, the etiquette norm is as follows: “Thank you. I can't afford it, ”without explaining the reasons. It is better to present the gift personally, but even in this case it is advisable to put a postcard or a business card in it. Memorable souvenirs can be handed over by a courier, in this case a business card is attached to the souvenir or gift.

Etiquette rules for negotiations and receptions.

The time and place of negotiations is determined by mutual agreements of its participants.

When determining the time, the etiquette form is used: "At any time convenient for you, for our part, we offer... Time." The final decision on this issue must be left to the invited party. When changing the time of negotiations or postponing them to other days, it is necessary to inform all participants in the negotiations about this.

Negotiations can be held: on their own territory; on the partner's territory; in neutral territory. On your territory you = “master of the situation. Therefore, the meeting “at you” is a threat to a strong partner, protection to a weak one; and comfort and safety for a partner counting on a positive interaction with you. Meeting "at his" can be useful, as it allows you to "reconnoiter" the state of affairs of your partner, in addition, if you are an influential person, then your appearance can be regarded as a sign of attention and respect for your partner. Meetings in neutral territory symbolize equality as a partner, but sometimes are the result of major disagreements or conflicts.

When forming delegations at bilateral negotiations, proceed from the protocol principle of equality in the numerical composition of delegations.

The principle of equality also applies to the level of representation in negotiations, both of members of delegations and heads of delegations.

It is customary all over the world to come to negotiations in formal business suits.

How guests sit

In the world, the generally accepted norm is the so-called command-presidential seating: distinguished guest - opposite the main host, on the right - the first deputy, on the left - the second deputy, and so on by rank. The farther from the head of the delegation, the less honorable the place is, therefore seating requires strict adherence to a recognized official and social position.

If negotiations are held with the participation of an interpreter, the seating order is as follows: distinguished guest - opposite the main host, on the right - the first deputy, on the left - an interpreter, and so on by rank

If three or more parties are involved in the negotiations, then they are seated in alphabetical order clockwise around a round or rectangular table. The heads of the delegation shall preside in turn in alphabetical order, or the host presides at the first meeting, then in alphabetical order.

Where the guests sit

The most widespread principle in world practice is that guests sit facing the front door.

The second principle: guests sit facing the windows facing the street (if the door is on the side).

When negotiating with foreign partners, one should take into account and national characteristics of the interlocutors, psychology, customs, traditions.

So, for example, the exchange of handshakes from the British was accepted only at the beginning of negotiations. In the future, you can limit yourself to verbal greetings. The French are very scrupulous in matters of distance and from touching in the business sphere only handshakes are accepted, and mainly on arrival and departure. In Italy, handshaking is very important. When meeting with German and Austrian partners, the handshake must be strong. In Denmark, it is also common to exchange strong handshakes, even with children. In India, men shake hands when they meet, and a greeting to a woman looks like this: put your palms together and bow slightly. In Japan, shaking hands as a greeting is not popular. The Japanese greet each other with bows. Your outstretched hand will be perceived as disrespect for tradition. If you've been bowed down, bow back. When you receive a gift, give thanks and bow. The older your partner is, the deeper your bow should be.

Formal receptions are divided into afternoon and evening receptions; receptions with and without seating at the table. In international practice, it is generally accepted that afternoon receptions are less solemn than evening ones.

Afternoon meals include a glass of champagne, a glass of wine, and breakfast.

"A glass of champagne" usually starts at 12 noon and lasts about an hour. The reason for organizing such a reception may be the anniversary of a national holiday, the departure of the ambassador, the stay of the delegation in the country, the opening of an exhibition, festival, etc.

The technique is similar "glass of wine"... The name in this case emphasizes the special nature of the reception.

"Breakfast" takes place between 12.00 and 15.00 hours.

The most common start time for breakfast is from 12 to 13 hours.

Evening receptions. Reception type "Cocktail" starts between 17 and 18 hours and lasts about two hours.

Reception type "a la buffet" held at the same hours as "cocktail"... However, at the buffet reception, as a rule, tables with appetizers are set, including hot dishes.

Cocktail and buffet receptions are held standing.

"Dinner" considered the most honorable type of reception. It usually starts between 20 and 21 hours. In the protocol practice of our country, lunch can begin at an earlier time.

"Dinner" differs from lunch only by the start time - not earlier than 21 hours.

TO evening receptions also applies "tea". Tea is arranged between 4 pm and 6 pm, usually for women only.

Reception type "zhur fix"

Presentation. The presentation is arranged about the opening of a new company, bank, college, presentation of a new type of product, book, performance, exhibition, etc. out contacts.

The types of official receptions also include film screenings, musical and literary evenings, friendship evenings, meetings for playing golf, tennis, chess, and others. sport games or competition. As a rule, they are all accompanied by a light treat. The dress code for such events is a casual suit, for women - a suit or dress.

Seating at the table. At receptions such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, guests are seated at the table in a strictly defined order in accordance with generally accepted protocol rules.

Seating requires strict adherence to the guests' recognized official or social position. In this case, the following rules for seating guests are observed:

the first most important place is considered to be the place to the right of the hostess of the house, the second - to the left of the owner of the house (if the owner and hostess are sitting at the table next to each other). With distance from the hostess and the owner, the places become less honorable;

in the absence of women, the first place is to the right of the owner, the second - to the left of him;

 a special guest of honor can be seated opposite the owner of the house, in this case the second place will be to the right of the owner of the house;

 if the hostess of the house is absent, one of the invited women (with her consent) or the most honored guest can be seated in her place;

 a woman is not seated next to a woman, a husband - next to a wife;

 women are not seated at the end of the table if men are not seated at its end;

 the knowledge of languages ​​of the guests sitting next to it is taken into account;

 If an interpreter is required, in our country the interpreter is seated next to the guests. In other countries, an interpreter may be placed behind the host and main guest chairs;

 After or during any bilateral meeting or conference, one delegation may be seated opposite another for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In this case, the place opposite to front door if the door is on the side, the side facing the windows facing the street is considered honorable.

It is possible that drawing up such a preliminary seating arrangement may introduce changes and additions to the initial list of invitees. Therefore, based on the main seating rule - the most honorable guests sit in the most honorable places - it is necessary first of all to determine the seniority among the guests. It should be remembered that the spouse is assigned the seniority of the spouse. This rule helps to correctly arrange the seating at a reception where women are present or at a purely feminine reception.

The seating is specified as responses to invitations are received.

On the day of admission or the day before, a general list of participants in the admission is drawn up.

Toasts. At receptions organized on official occasions, an exchange of toasts is envisaged. At breakfasts, lunches and dinners, that is, at seated receptions, toasts are usually made at the end of the reception, when the dessert has been eaten and the champagne has been poured. At other types of receptions, toasts are pronounced no earlier than 10-15 minutes after the start of the reception.

The host of the reception is the first to make the official toast, with the main guest speaking in return. The rest of those present from any public speaking abstain at receptions.

The nature of the toast, its content and style depend on the level at which the reception is held, and on the occasion about which it is arranged. However, every official toast is subject to the following rules:

1) the toast begins with a greeting to the main guest (s);

3) at the end of the toast toast in honor of the main guest, people, government, country of organization or company.

In the response toast, they sound:

1) gratitude for the hospitality;

2) something on the merits of the meeting;

3) toast in honor of the owners, country, people.

Table behavior. There are the following rules of conduct at the table. It is not customary to start eating until the hostess of the house has started eating. Men should also wait until the ladies next to them eat.

As soon as all the guests have finished eating (the host should not be the first to finish the meal), the hostess gets up, everyone else goes up after her. Drinks are poured in a proactive manner, primarily for mineral water and vodka. Alcoholic and soft drinks, as a rule, it is poured into 2/3 of the volume of a glass or shot glass. If the cognac is served in a special large glass with a wide bottom, then the cognac is poured into the very bottom of the glass, which is held not by the leg, but by the base, warming the contents of the glass with the palm of your hand. They drink cognac in small sips (vintage cognac is always served with coffee).

Arrival and departure from the reception. For a full-seated reception (breakfast, lunch, dinner) you should arrive at the exact time specified. Being late is considered a violation of etiquette and can be perceived negatively.

It is customary for the reception with full seating to be the first junior employees, then senior employees. Departure from the reception is carried out in the reverse order: first, senior employees leave, then younger ones. Care Initiative - for the main guest. The guests disperse gradually, so that by the time the reception is over, indicated in the invitation, the last of those present say goodbye to the host and hostess. It is not recommended to delay receptions as it can be burdensome for the hosts.

For receptions held without seating at the table, you can come and go at any hour within the time specified in the invitation. It is not necessary to arrive at the beginning of the appointment, just as it is not necessary to be in the appointment until the end. However, it is believed that coming to such a reception at the appointed time and leaving the reception at the end of it are an expression of the guest's particularly friendly and respectful attitude towards the host of the reception. And, conversely, it is enough to stay at the reception for 15 - 20 minutes and leave after saying goodbye to the owner in order to emphasize the coldness or tension of relations with the organizer of the reception.

When arriving at a reception and leaving it, it is not necessary to shake hands with everyone present. One should greet (or say goodbye) by the hand with the owner and hostess, the rest can only bow.

Relations between a man and a woman: norms of secular and official etiquette

In modern service etiquette, another important section of interpersonal relations is distinguished - this is the relationship between a man and a woman in the service. Unlike secular etiquette, where the priority always belongs to a woman who is older in age or social status, in official etiquette relations between a man and a woman are based on the principles of equality and mutual respect.

As an example, we will give some features of behavior within the framework of secular and official etiquette.

Secular etiquette

Service etiquette

The door is opened by a man, letting in a woman.

The door is opened by the one who stands closer to it.

At the elevator door, as in any other unfamiliar door (cafe, restaurant, front door), a man is always the first to enter.

A person who is closer to the door enters or exits the elevator door.

A man always rises to greet a woman or an older person.

M A man and a woman always rise from a chair to greet a client or visitor, regardless of gender.

A man always greets first.

The woman always gives the first hand.

Both man and woman shake hands when meeting, depending on the situation. There are no strict rules in the service that dictate who is the first to shake hands (it all depends on the situation).

BB cafe, restaurant is always paid by a man.

N Regardless of who invited to lunch, a man or a woman, the inviter always pays (on his own initiative, the one who is older in age or social status can pay.

Some etiquette requirements for business correspondence.

1. General rules.

2. Types of business letters.

3. Business card.

4. Summary.

Business correspondence is a form of official correspondence, therefore, the style of writing and its design should be based on the rules determined by international practice and conventions.

Protocol requirements for official correspondence provide: the provision of the marks of respect to which he is entitled, while respecting the ratio of ranks between the sender and the addressee, are based on the principles of equality, respect and mutual correctness.

First of all, the sender of the letter should pay attention to the correct spelling of the name of the address and its title (by rank or position).

It is advisable to write business letters on the letterhead of the organization. The more formal the letterhead, the more formal the tone of the letter. But you should find out in advance, maybe a letter on such a form is signed only by the top management of the company.

Envelope. We have switched to the world practice of writing an address, starting with a name. It is supposed to write the initials first, then the surname. Nowadays, the initials are often written Mr. or Mrs. If you know the title, it is better to indicate it. In all countries of Europe and the United States, it is considered impolite to omit titles in speech and writing. In Germany, they write Mister + Title + Surname. Possible options: Mr. II Ivanov General Director ...; General Director ... Mr. II Ivanov; II Ivanov to the General Director….

Treatment: Mr, Ms. G-yes. First name Last name, title or title. "Dear + first name" or "Dear + last name"

One-piece style, no padding. But at intervals.

It should be remembered that the first sentence of the letter is important because sets the tone for the rest of the text. So, follow the first rule of business correspondence - start the first sentence with a thank you. "Thank you for your attention ...", "It was a great pleasure for me to meet in you", etc. This will not only set your writing in a sympathetic and gracious tone, but it will also give the impression that you are putting your reader first. Avoid using the pronoun "I" at the beginning of the letter, because otherwise, you get the impression that you are putting yourself first.

A business letter must contain an appeal, personal signature, date, address, compliment.

Appeal indicates the official and honorary title of the addressee.

Compliment- This is an expression of politeness that ends any letter (for example, "Sincerely yours", "Sincerely," "Sincerely," etc.).

Signature- certifies this document. The surname of the person authorized to affix his signature, usually printed at the end of the letter.

date should include the day, month, year and place of writing the letter. This data should never be abbreviated.

The address- the full surname, title and address are placed either in the upper left corner of the sheet, or at the bottom of the page below the date of the letter and are reproduced on the envelope.

These forms ensure respect for the official position of both the sender and the addressee. Any change in these forms (mishandling, lack of a compliment at the end of the letter or lack of title in the address, etc.) can be perceived as deliberate disregard of etiquette or lack of respect. In unclear cases, these forms can be modified, but you should always remember that there are people who are very scrupulous in these matters.

A business letter must have a flawless appearance. All types of official and business correspondence are printed on a computer, on paper highest quality, machine cutting. When typing the text, corrections are not allowed, the text itself should be nicely positioned throughout the sheet, the width of the left edge is at least 2 cm. Envelopes for letters should be of the appropriate size and quality.

However, no matter how important the form and attributes of politeness are, the priority still belongs to the content.

A benevolent tone should permeate the entire text of the letter. If the letter contains negative information, it should be located in the middle of the letter.

A business letter (commercial, scientific, legal, etc.) should be drawn up in the language of official correspondence, which is characterized by the absence of redundant information, the utmost rationality of constructing proposals, clarity and clarity of presentation, taking into account the characteristics of the addressee and possible reaction from him.

If you are writing to a person you do not know, you should first take the time to find the name of the person who will receive your letter. If all attempts to find out the name of the person with whom you will be in correspondence come to a standstill, you can use the following method of address: "To a specialist in the field ...".

In addition, when registering official and business correspondence, it is advisable to adhere to the following generally accepted rules:

    The letter must be written in the language of the country where it is sent, or in English. In order to avoid mistakes and inaccuracies, the Russian version of the letter may be attached.

    In international practice, it is not accepted to write long letters, but if the letter is more than one page, then at the end of the sheet you need to put "continued over".

    Each page, except for the first one, is numbered with Arabic numerals.

    Outgoing information of an official nature should not contain any marks, they are acceptable on the copy that remains with the sender.

    Resolutions on all types of incoming correspondence are made in pencil, or on separate sheets and pinned up.

    The letter is folded with the text inward. It is advisable not to fold the most important business letters, but send them in large thick envelopes. Less formal ones can be folded.

    An urgent request must be answered within 3 days. For a letter - up to 10 days. If the request requires detailed consideration, then within 3 days you should inform that the letter has been taken into account, and give a final answer within 30 days.

    In case of refusal, they apologize. Failure to respond on time is considered a negative response and can lead to a breakdown in relations.

Congratulations, thanks, condolences, as well as handwritten statements.

Types of business letters:

Letter - request "I beg you ..." Briefly, reasoned. Emphasize personal interest and thank you in advance for the performance. Option "Memo" "Application". Addressee, resolutions and visas.

Transmittal letter. May be sent along with your CV. A specific appeal to the firm or to its manager with a request to consider the documents.

Option 1. Request "to assist the bearer". Valued due to the status of the signer.

Option 2. Personal requests for protection. The relationship between the writer and the addressee is important.

Option 3. Professional recommendations. The question is who writes it and who signs it. Structure: education or professional experience; work experience and employability of the employee; personal qualities of the person being recommended; an indication of the duration of acquaintance or teamwork is desirable.

Confirmation letter. A sign of respect and gratitude.

Option 1. Letter of thanks. Written after receiving a gift, award / prize; attending the event. The goal is to strengthen friendly relations with a partner.

Option 2. The letter is a congratulation.

Letter of claim. “I am bringing to your attention, I am informing you. I consider it necessary to warn you "

Letter - refusal. Start and end on a positive note.

Letter of apology An explanation of the reasons for the default. Sent after notification by phone.

Business card.

Business cards are widely used in diplomatic and international business practice. They are exchanged when meeting, establishing and maintaining contacts with government, diplomatic, business and public circles of the country. The goal is to make it easier to obtain information when meeting, therefore Business Cards contain accurate output.

A business card can be used to represent its owner in absentia. A visiting card can be congratulated on this or that event, national or other holidays, happy birthday, with a promotion, any family event, etc.; express condolences; convey gratitude; v certain cases you can send a business card in response to a visit; it is convenient to send a gift, souvenir, flowers, book with a business card.

In an open form, a business card is handed over only upon personal acquaintance. Special envelopes must be ordered with the card. Only the name and surname of the person to whom it is addressed is written on the envelope. In international practice, the following short symbols have been established, expressing one or another attitude of the owner of a business card to the person to whom it is sent. These symbols (letters Latin alphabet) are written in the lower left corner of the business card, usually in pencil:

p. f. [ pourfeliciter] - congratulations (for any reason);

p. r. [ pourremercier] - expression of gratitude;

p. c.- expression of condolences;

p. f. N. A.- happy New Year;

p. p. c.- an expression of farewell to the final departure from the country, when a farewell visit is not paid;

p. p.- correspondence introduction or recommendation of another person (instead of a personal visit). Business card on which letters are written p. p. , is sent together with the visiting card of the newly arrived person, on which no conventional inscriptions are made. The answer is given with a business card without an inscription addressed to the person being represented.

In less formal cases, depending on the occasion, on business cards, below (necessarily in the third person) is written: "Congratulations on the national holiday"; "Thanks for your attention" (as a response to a sent souvenir, gift, etc.); "Best wishes" (when sending a souvenir, gift, etc.).

Other texts are also possible depending on the specific case. They are not signed, no dates are set. In response to the received business card with congratulations, it is customary to send your business card with the inscription p. r. A card with such an inscription is sent to express gratitude.

If a business card is handed over by its owner personally (but without making a visit), then it is folded with right side across the entire width of the card. In some countries, the top right or left corner of the card is folded, depending on local practice. It is considered a gross violation of etiquette if the folded card is delivered by a courier or chauffeur. Business cards that are not folded should preferably be sent by courier or chauffeur, but not by mail. Replies to business cards are made by business cards within 24 hours of receipt.

The business card indicates their official position, address, office telephone number, telefax, telex. Number home phone, home address is not indicated.


Your only chance to succeed with your resume is the moment it is read for the first time. As a rule, it takes no more than 2-3 minutes to view a resume. If you failed to attract attention, then the resume did not work.

Appearance of the Resume. Shouldn't look like a personnel record. Should not be gray and faceless. Should not be a "copy". A resume and a cover letter are two different things.

When writing your resume, follow the principle of selectivity. Information for a resume should be selected based on its purpose. In other words, your resume should include a description of exactly those aspects of your experience that are relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, if you were engaged in scientific work and at the same time consulting, in a resume aimed at obtaining a job in the field of commerce, you should not describe your scientific achievements and give a list of your scientific works, it is better to list those specific skills and knowledge that you received in the process of consulting.

A good resume can be the reason for an interview, i.e. personal meeting with the employer or his representative, but does not yet guarantee a job. Your chain is to get the reader to want to meet you in person.

    Your name, address, telephone number (including area code). Psychologically, the address is necessary to determine where you live, whether it is easy to contact you, whether you conceal the lack of registration, registration, and so on. If you want to hide, keep in mind that they will immediately pay attention to this. It is possible to indicate "contacts" at the end of the CV.

    What position are you applying for (no more than 6 lines, and preferably 2-3). If you write a CV “in general”, then indicate the field of activity in which you want to realize yourself. There is no need to indicate personal motives such as money. Careers. Self-realization.

    Work experience in reverse chronological order(the last place of work is indicated first). This part is basic. Specify start dates and finishing work, the name of the organization, the title of the position (there may be several of them if your career has developed successfully), and briefly describe. Job responsibilities and production achievements, if you had any. When describing your accomplishments, use action verbs such as developed, saved, increased, or reduced.

    Education (the more time has passed since graduation educational institution, the less space this paragraph should take in the resume; for graduates and ,. students should place it before the previous one, since work experience, if any, is less significant. You can report on awards, emphasize those studied disciplines that correspond to your Purpose).

    Foreign language skills, PC skills

    Additional information: having a driver's license, membership in professional organizations, etc. (a hobby should only be mentioned if it is closely related to the desired job).

    An indication of the possibility of providing recommendations.

The CV must contain either information necessary to obtain a specific job or all information about you, but structured in a certain order. Education: from the present to the past; from higher to additional. Awards and incentives in any form should be indicated. If work experience does not fit the desired field of activity, present it as work experience. Do not point out anything that is not in your favor. Don't use the "not" particle.

The purpose of a business letter is always twofold - to get the desired result and to make the impression of a worthy business partner. In a business letter of any level: resume, report, statement, memo, the following should be taken into account: 1. Type of text. The date, address, title and name of the sender and addressee must be free of errors.

    Be sure to indicate whether you are waiting for an answer and thank you for your attention. The main thing to keep in mind is that a business letter is read quickly and either recognized as worthy of attention and response, or not.

New etiquette requirements: telephone, cellular communication. Internet.

Peculiarities telephone etiquette.

According to experts, today over 50% of all business issues are resolved by phone. This is the fastest way of communication, which allows you to establish contacts, arrange a meeting, business conversation, negotiations, without resorting to direct communication. But the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations largely depend on the way your voice sounds, on your manner of speaking on the phone. Therefore, the ability to speak correctly and correctly on the phone is now becoming an integral part of the company's image policy.

The culture of business communication presupposes knowledge of: the general rules of telephone conversation and the basic rules of business telephone etiquette.

General rules for a telephone conversation:

1. Pick up the phone before the fourth ring: the first impression about you or your company is formed by how long you have to wait for an answer.

2. When talking on the phone, you should leave all extraneous conversations for a while. Your interlocutor has every right to be paid attention to himself.

3. During a telephone conversation, it is considered indecent to eat, drink, smoke, rustle paper, chew gum.

4. Learn to listen carefully and not interrupt your interlocutor if you don't need to.

5. It is unacceptable, after picking up the phone and answering: "Wait a minute", to make the caller wait until you cope with your business. This is possible only as a last resort and only within one minute. If at the moment you are very busy and cannot talk, it is better to apologize and offer to call back.

6. Call back whenever your call is expected.

7. If you "got to the wrong place", you should not find out: "What is your number?" You can clarify: "Is this number such and such ...?", Having heard a negative answer, apologize and hang up.

8. It is considered a violation of etiquette, having dialed a number, asking: "Guess who it is?", Regardless of whether it is addressed to friends, colleagues or relatives. If you are not recognized, you should always introduce yourself.

9. Calling home is an invasion of privacy, so always ask if you call at a convenient time: "Do you have time to talk to me?", "Are you very busy right now?" etc. If the answer is yes, you can talk to your pleasure, but when you hear the first signs of wanting to end the conversation, you should politely say goodbye. At the service, the time of the telephone conversation is also limited.

10. Talking on the phone should be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to shout and get annoyed during a telephone conversation, this is a gross violation of the ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to the insult, they hang up. Swearing over the phone is illegal.

11. Telephone conversations in someone else's house, company, organization should be as short and businesslike as possible. It is very impolite to have a long conversation while visiting.

12. The telephone conversation should be courteous, but immediately closed if a guest or visitor comes to your office. You should apologize and, briefly giving the reason, arrange a call. At home you can say: "I beg your pardon, guests have come to me, I will call you back tomorrow evening (in the morning, ...)"; at work: "Sorry, a visitor came to me, I will call you back in about an hour." Make sure to keep your promise.

13. If during a conversation the connection is cut off, hang up; the caller dials the number again. If a company representative spoke with a customer or client, then he must dial the number.

14. The initiator of the end of the telephone conversation belongs to the person who called. An exception is a conversation with elders by age or social status.

15. Nothing can replace warm words of gratitude and goodbye at the end of any conversation, conversation. At the same time, it should be remembered that the words of farewell should contain the possibility of future contact: "Let's call you next Tuesday," "See you tomorrow," etc.

Basic rules of business telephone etiquette:

It must be remembered that a business telephone conversation should not exceed four minutes.

You need to call

1. The rules of etiquette require, after hearing the answer of the subscriber:

    say hello;

    introduce yourself;

    briefly outline the essence of the issue;

    at the end of the conversation, thank and say goodbye.

Greeting and introducing during a conversation with a stranger is a mutual and obligatory procedure.

The main rule of business protocol is that a telephone conversation must be personalized. If the subscriber has not introduced himself, you should politely ask: "Excuse me, who am I talking to?", "Let me know who I am talking to?" etc.

2. If the call goes through the secretary and where you are calling, you are not known, the secretary has the right to ask about the reason for the call.

3. Regardless of the circumstances, try to smile, otherwise you will not be able to win over the interlocutor.

4. Always keep a notebook and pen handy for the necessary notes.

5. As you prepare for your phone call, make a list of issues to be discussed. Calling back to apologize for missing something leaves a bad impression and is only acceptable as a last resort.

6. If you could not find the person you need, ask when it is more convenient to call back.

7. Schedule a message in advance if you know the information will be communicated through a third party or through an answering machine.

8. If you are leaving a message on your answering machine, after greeting and introducing, state the date and time of the call, followed by a short message and goodbyes.

When they call you

1. According to the rules of etiquette, after picking up the phone, you need to:

    name the company, institution that you represent;

    say hello;

    for performance - performance;

    to a question - the correct polite answer.

2. If they want to talk not with you, but with someone else: “Wait a minute, I’ll turn the phone over now”; the one who is called to the phone should thank: "Thank you", "Thank you, I'll be right there."

3. If the required person is not present at that moment, the person who comes up specifies that this person is absent. Such responses should include a request to call back after a certain time: "Could you call back in an hour", etc.

4. If the phone rings, and you are talking on another device at this time, you should, after picking up the phone, apologize, if possible, end the first conversation, hang up, then start talking with the second interlocutor or apologize and ask to call back after a certain time. It is unacceptable to make the caller wait for more than one minute.

5. It is better to refrain from answering calls if you are holding a business meeting or business meeting. The priority always belongs to the living voice.

    If they call you on important business when there are people in the office, it is better to answer a call from a nearby room or, if there is no such opportunity, ask to call back after a certain time, or reduce the conversation to a minimum.

In the modern business culture of communication, special attention is paid to the telephone conversation. Several axioms of telephone communication, especially if you are calling for the first time.

    Phone call - Your business, even if you call on business.

    You can only call home with your partner's permission.

    The vast majority of business telephone conversations are received only the second time because people call at a time convenient for them, and not for partners.

    It was accepted to call home on business from 10 o'clock. in the morning until 10 pm. If there was no additional agreement.

    At the moment you start talking on the phone, try to smile - it will add warmth to your voice. After the obligatory introduction, take a short pause and try to understand, by the reaction to your name, in what state, mood your partner is and his attitude to your call.

    Introducing yourself on the phone, call not only your surname and official position, but also the name with which you can contact you. Your partner shouldn't have to painfully remember your name.

    If you call a stranger for the first time, think in advance what you will say, offer, ask - otherwise you will give the impression of an unassembled mumble, who does not value other people's time.

    A business conversation, especially the first one, should not last more than 4 minutes. Its structure: presentation, purpose of the call, solution of the issue, agreement to continue contact, gratitude for the conversation.

    You need to speak clearly and actively.

    If you call an institution, be sure to ask who you are talking to. Leave a message or ask for advice only from competent people.

    If they call you, answer politely and in detail. From home: "I'm listening to you." From the institution: name the company or department so that the caller immediately understands where exactly he is.

    Better to answer everything phone calls, but if you did not agree in advance, and the other party is interested in contact, then you can leave the initiative to establish contact with her.

    If you promised to call, then it is necessary to get through during the day.

The art of talking on a cell phone:

This invention brought with it its own etiquette.

If you call, then after the introduction ask if it is convenient to talk to you at the moment.

Remember that when using a mobile phone, time goes by... Therefore, only discuss urgent matters. Leave the rest to call the office.

If you receive a call on your cell phone, introduce yourself first.

If you have passengers in your car, use the phone sparingly, or better not use it at all.

The mobile phone must be turned off during business meetings, conversations, meetings.

When you start working, you will very soon realize that the ability to follow the basic rules of business etiquette contributes to professional success in any area and is valued as highly as business qualities. It will help you easily fit into any team and quickly gain credibility with colleagues and management, especially if you can quickly grasp the difference between business and and learn to choose the right line of behavior.

Basic rules of business etiquette

Good office manners or government agency somewhat different from what is considered decent (habitual) outside of them.

  • If the leader is a man, women should not expect him to get up when they enter the office. Although they meet well among the bosses well-mannered men who have this habit brought to the level of a reflex and who always get up when a lady enters the room, but this is an exception. And even if it is pleasant, but still the secular tone at work is inappropriate. In an office, government office, the male boss is the first to walk through the door, and when you are driving on business, he is the first to get into the car.
  • The words "thank you" and "please" are even more desirable in a work setting than in a "high life." Thank your colleagues for any, even the most insignificant, service and do not forget about the "magic word" when you make a request or simply pass an order from your superiors to someone from the staff.
  • Always smile when greeting colleagues and respond with a smile to their greetings.
  • Talk to people in a calm, friendly tone and show them courtesies, regardless of their gender.
  • If the man walking in front of you to the door has a lot of documents, overtake him to open the door and let him pass. Help in the office should always be the one who is more comfortable and handy, however, in the office relationship there is a clear hierarchy that you must feel and support. This does not mean that you should be timid in front of your superiors or show extra attention to every word, no, but you should give him or her the respect it deserves.

The rules adopted can differ significantly not only in different industries, but also in individual companies. However, there are rules that both office workers and government employees must follow. Among them - adherence to punctuality, compliance with the company's image in clothing, the ability to keep secrets and the ability to leave personal problems outside of work. Let's talk about each of these rules in more detail.

The need to do everything on time

The rules of business etiquette in the office, government agency require that you always come to work on time, complete all tasks on time. Delays, delays in work, which must be completed at exactly the promised time, are unacceptable.

Never miss a business meeting, come to them in advance so as not to expose companies, not just your own. If you need to delay, notify about this in advance, the bosses should be aware of where you are. Remember that observance of accuracy, punctuality in all matters is an indispensable rule of business etiquette and office worker, as well as a manifestation of respect for others, which is natural for any educated person.

How to dress properly for the office or government service

It is necessary to observe generally accepted rules of business etiquette in clothes.

  • The appearance of the employee should match the image of the company, creating a pleasant impression, and when you work in a government institution, this is even more important.
  • Women are required to wear skirts and dresses no higher than the knee; tailored trouser suits are allowed. It is unacceptable to wear clothes in bright, flashy shades with sequins, rhinestones, as well as tight things to work in the office.
  • Men should stick to business style, wear suits, trousers, shirts with or without a tie. It is better to exclude jeans and sweaters from the work wardrobe.
  • Modest can be worn to work Jewelry that are in harmony with the clothes, like other details of the costume.

Privacy rule

You must be able to keep the secrets of the company, any transaction, without spreading on this topic either with colleagues or with your loved ones. Do not read letters intended for others, pass all messages personally, without intermediaries and unauthorized persons. If you need to send a fax, call the addressee in advance so that he is nearby and can personally receive the document or letter. Do not confuse your personal life with work, do not talk about problems in life, seek solace or ask for help from colleagues. In the office, it is important to maintain composure and good mood, regardless bad mood... These rules of business etiquette of a civil servant and an office worker must be strictly followed.

You and the bosses

The rules of business etiquette for subordinates imply a remote, non-familiar address to a manager. Even if the boss (boss) is a girl or a young man only a little older than you, it is worth saying "you". If you are in the office of a manager, and a business partner or another boss comes in to him, whether you should stay or leave - he must decide if he asks you to leave, there is no reason to feel slighted. If your boss ever insults you in front of strangers, don't reciprocate. If you are upset, do not jump out of the office, try to calmly get out and find a secluded place where you can calm down. Don't discuss what happened with your coworkers. You can find out the relationship with the leader outside of working hours, calmly listening to his wishes and expressing your claims. The higher the boss, the more difficult your role is, and in some situations it is important to remember the rules of business etiquette. If a particularly respected person needs to be escorted along the corridor of an institution, you need to open the doors to let an important guest pass, and then move next to him, lagging behind only a quarter of a step. If the corridor forks, you will have to point it in the direction with a graceful gesture. If the corridor winds, you can say "Let me, I will take you" and then boldly go ahead.

A word about bad manners

There are norms and rules of business etiquette that are unambiguous for all employees: do not read other people's letters, speak with restraint and courteousness, be friendly with colleagues and keep a distance from superiors. But sometimes at work an exception is made to these rules, for example, when you need to find a document in the desk of another employee who is not. The general conduct in the office and in the office should be dignified, with impeccable manners. You constantly need to monitor your behavior, how you walk, communicate, sit. Remember that it is indecent to touch your nose, ears, hair or other body parts in front of everyone.

What should not be done in the workplace under no circumstances:

  • Chew, pick your teeth.
  • Gnaw on pens, pencils, papers, or nails.
  • Correcting makeup, manicure, painting lips at the workplace - these are the basic rules of business etiquette for a secretary.
  • Yawn without covering your mouth.
  • Cross your legs on the table, cross your legs

Every day you need:

  • Keep your clothes, hair, body clean, use deodorant, but not perfume.
  • Have a neat handkerchief with you.
  • Monitor dental health.

These rules and wishes are indispensable norms of etiquette, they allow you to become not only a good, valuable employee, but also a pleasant person with whom you want to deal. Appearance is the best way to demonstrate respect for other people.

Good manners when communicating with colleagues

When you just start working in the office and get to know your colleagues, you begin to build relationships on which the climate in the team will depend and the results of the common work. How to behave in order to win them over? Be friendly to everyone, but don't want to get close to one person right away, give yourself some time to get to know people better. Feel free to ask employees about the job, but don't have personal conversations with them at first. Do not worry if you did not manage to join the team from the first day, there is nothing wrong with that. Always thank your colleagues for their help and remember not to go beyond the rules of business etiquette.

For instance:

  • do not bother colleagues with your conversations and do not interfere in other people's conversations;
  • do not gossip and do not listen to gossip, do not eavesdrop on other people's telephone conversations;
  • do not discuss health and body functions with colleagues;
  • do not try to express or impose your personal opinion on any occasion;
  • do not scold anyone in the presence of strangers, even if you are three times right, suddenly lose your temper - apologize immediately;
  • do not pretend that you are more busy than others, sometimes you can politely ask your colleagues not to make noise, but do it politely and without being called;
  • do not be selfish, in your service zeal, try not to harm your colleagues in order to earn some advantage or curry favor with your superiors.

And the main rule of business etiquette, as an office worker, reads: "you need to be polite, tactful, courteous and tolerant in dealing with colleagues and management, never following your emotions."

Telephone etiquette rules for the secretary

The first impression of a company is often formed when telephone contact and a bad first impression is hard to get rid of. Very often, when you call a company on business, you can come across an answer that has nothing to do with either business etiquette or simple ones.Some employees answer the office phone as if they are doing a favor, others do not consider it necessary to name the company or department ... And everyone knows how pleasant it is after that to communicate on the phone with well-mannered people who respond quickly, amiably, and express their willingness to help.

Phone calls are usually answered by the secretary, but not only he, but all employees must know the basic rules of business etiquette, which are important to observe when communicating on the phone.

  • Don't make people wait for an answer, just pick up the phone and answer. If you cannot talk, ask to call back, do not make the caller wait. And it is considered bad form to connect music to the line to fill the gap.
  • Immediately after picking up the phone, say hello, name your company and introduce yourself. If you work in a large institution, you need to name a specific department to help the subscriber navigate.
  • When someone else is asked for the phone, accept the message for them or offer to call back later.
  • During a conversation, keep yourself in control and behave correctly even with the most dull clients. If the person is "on edge", help him to calm down, but in response to the insult, just hang up.
  • Monitor your speech and choose your words, remember that jargon in business communication is completely inappropriate. Never say "aha" or "okay", just "yes", "good" or "of course."
  • Hold the receiver in your hands, not between your shoulder and chin, speak clearly and directly into the microphone, not past. And never speak with your mouth full.
  • When you call - say hello and immediately name yourself and the company you represent. Be polite, short and to the point.

Business etiquette in dealing with visitors

Civil servants and office workers often host clients in their offices. Good manners are extremely important here, people like to deal with someone who shows them respect. The rules of business etiquette and behavior must be observed in everything: in meeting a visitor at the door, helping him to undress, and in not making him wait. If you still have to wait, be sure to apologize, even if the fault for this delay does not lie with you, offer him tea or coffee. Meet people with a friendly smile, try to establish informal contacts, but never gossip about anything. Keep your distance in conversation, but be polite, polite, and patient. Accompany visitors to the office door as your guests.

Good form in business letters

Rules of etiquette business correspondence affect both the appearance and the content, the content of the letter itself. Before writing, you need to draw up a plan that will help you to concisely and clearly state the essence of the matter. At the same time, it is important to take into account several mandatory rules for conducting business correspondence.

  1. The letter must be written correctly in terms of style, spelling and punctuation.
  2. It is customary to print official messages, this is a sign of respect for the addressee.
  3. According to the rules of good manners, none of the letters, with the exception of thanks, should be left unanswered.
  4. The letter must be neatly drawn up; it is customary to write business letters only on white A-4 paper.
  5. Always date your letters at the bottom left, and include your signature, last name and initials.
  6. When addressing, it is customary to use the word "respected", and when using the personal pronoun "You", write it with a capital letter.


Perfection is achieved by diligence and repetition. Strive for excellence in everything, proclaim the rules of business etiquette - in the manner of behaving, in the manner of speaking and moving, but do not stop only at the outward manifestation of good manners, correct shortcomings of your own character, be attentive to colleagues, learn endurance and patience, treat yourself and to other people with equal respect. If you work hard, you will very soon see results that will transform your life.

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