Home Mushrooms The main problems of connecting the Internet to a private house

The main problems of connecting the Internet to a private house


A real alternative to a fiber optic network is access to the Internet through telephone using ADSL technology. If your home has one, contact your service provider and find out if they provide Internet access. In case of a positive answer, ask the operator for the technical capability to connect your particular apartment. If possible, leave your application for connection at the office of the telecommunications company. As a rule, for this you will have to pay an amount equal to the monthly subscription fee for the tariff you have chosen.

In addition to the application for connection, to access the Internet you will need a special device - ADSL-. Purchase an ADSL modem from any computer store. Modems are different, choose a device based on your own needs. The USB ADSL modem is power independent and easy to set up. A classic ADSL modem provides a higher connection speed. A modem with a function will allow you to connect multiple computers. To set up the device, insert the CD that comes with it into the drive, and in the wizard, enter the login and password given to you by your provider. After setting up, you will get a stable and high-speed Internet connection via a telephone line.

There are several ways to access the internet. Which one to choose depends on the availability of technical capabilities, the desired connection speed and those financial resources that a subscriber can afford to pay for Internet access.

You will need


Wherever there is a telephone line, the easiest and most reliable way is through ADSL. Leave a request for connection via ADSL technology at the telephone company whose communication services you use. Purchase an ADSL modem, a splitter (a device that extracts a modem signal from a telephone line), and a cable to connect the modem to a computer. Connect the equipment and install PPPoE protocol support.

You can also use the telephone line to access the Internet via a "dial-up" connection. To do this, you need a modem, cable and computer. The disadvantage of such a connection is the very low speed of network access.

Residents of high-rise buildings major cities you can connect the so-called Internet "from". It is a telecommunications connection that uses the power grid for information exchange. To a regular outlet PLC adapter that connects to a computer via a network cable. The connection speed is up to 100 Mbps.

In densely populated areas of the city, residents can now connect to the Internet based on broadband access to the network - FTTB. The speed of such Internet can also reach 100 Mbps. Connection equipment is provided by the provider.

WiFi Internet- is the provision of access to the network via wireless. This method of building networks requires an access point (server) and a client to which the network is directly provided. For creating WiFi networks would need network adapter and access in the area of ​​the Wi-Fi network.

Access to 3G and 4G networks is provided by telecom operators, directly through a cellular phone or through special equipment - modems. The data transfer rate in 3G networks reaches 384 Kbps, in 4G networks up to 10 Mbps. To connect to 3G and 4G networks, you need a phone or wireless modem with the support of network technology and the coverage area of ​​the telecom operator.

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A duplex satellite Internet channel is more expensive and requires special permission.

Useful advice

If you live far from a large settlement, then the only way to connect to the global network is most likely Satellite Internet


  • ADSL Internet connection

The gprs-wap profile is very convenient for solving various problems. With it, you can view wap-pages in your mobile browser. phone, i.e. go to wap-sites. From such sites it is convenient to download various pictures, games, ringtones, etc. to your phone. The main drawback is the rather expensive cost of traffic, and this, you see, is a weighty argument. If you have a modern phone that supports mp3, wave, mmf + voice formats, then it is best to connect the gprs-internet profile.


If desired, you can always order the installation of settings from the telecom operator. To do this, just dial the support service number and order the settings for the profile you need. After some time, you receive a notification that the profile settings have been received. Save them, and you can easily and without hassle get to the configured gprs-internet.

But there are situations when the Internet needed unexpectedly, and you don’t remember the number of the support service by heart. And even if you suddenly remember, it often happens that everyone is busy, you have to wait. Not only time is wasted, but also the charge. What then? You will have to install all the necessary gprs settings, for example, take a phone Sony Ericsson with the Beeline telecom operator. So, let's begin step by step instructions account settings:

Choose an "access point" - write down internet.beeline.ru.
Specify beeline in the username.

In the “password” section, write beeline
Select "require password", check the box "disabled".

In the “allow calls” section - select the answer “at your discretion”

Authentication - special significance does not have, but if there is no connection phone to the Internet y, then check the settings here.
If you do everything correctly, completing all the steps, then the gprs-internet profile will be connected on yours. Account configured, go to the Internet and download any information that interests you.

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ADSL modems have become widespread among Internet users. The advantages of ADSL modems are that they provide high speed Internet access. Also, to connect an ADSL modem, an existing telephone line is used, which remains free.

You will need

  • Computer, ADSL modem, installation CD, splitter, power adapter, ETHERNET cable, telephone cable, telephone line, network card


Connect the ADSL modem to the telephone line, for this purpose use a splitter - a kind of conductor. Connect the city telephone line to the "LINE" connector of the splitter using a cable. Connect a telephone set to the "PHONE" socket, when using several devices associated with this number, you need to use several microfilters. Connect the splitter to the modem using a telephone wire, one end to the "MODEM" jack and the other end to the "LINE" jack of the ADSL modem.


All telephone sets should be connected through a splitter, and not directly to the line, otherwise you will not be able to connect.
In ECI-TELECOM splitters, the "MODEM" connector is sometimes referred to as "LINE-OUT", and in D-Link splitters as "ADSL".

Useful advice

Since connecting a modem requires a network card, make sure you have one. If you did not find a port on the back of the computer for connecting an "ETHERNET" cable, then you will need to purchase and install a network card.
All cables and installation disk required to connect the ADSL modem to the computer are included in the modem delivery package.

Tip 5: How to connect the Internet to a computer via a modem

If in your mobile phone there is a built-in modem then you can connect it to computer and go online the Internet. This article is about how to connect the Internet on a computer using modem but. Connection is carried out in several steps.


Install the necessary software on your computer and connect to computer using bluetooth or usb cable. If you do not have a synchronizer program, but only a driver package, then after connecting the mobile to computer the system will start installing it, then in the appropriate window, specify the path to the folder with the necessary drivers.

After you have connected your mobile and installed all the drivers, click "start"\u003e "control panel"\u003e "printers and faxes"\u003e "phone and", indicate, in this window, your code, then click "ok". In the phone and modem» go to the tab « modem s", check the box - modem and click on properties. In the "properties" window (name modem a)" go to the "additional communication settings" tab. In this paragraph, write the line and click "ok". Before this, find out the line in the service or from the telecom operator.

Click "start" > "control panel" > "" > "create a new connection". In the new window, click next. In the "Network connection type" box that opens, check the "Connect to the Internet y" and click on the "Next" button. Check "set up connection manually" > "next" > "via modem» > «next». And in the window - "select a device" check the box only modem e phone for which the initialization string was prescribed. And click next. Enter a name for the connection and click the Next button. Specify which find out in advance in service center or from the operator, and click "next". There is no need to change anything further, click "next" and "finish".

Open the "internet connection" window and click "properties". On the General tab, check the box modem e phone you are setting up and click "set up". In the opened window "configuration modem a" uncheck all the boxes and click "ok". On the "parameters", "advanced" and "" tabs, do not change anything and go to the "network" tab. In the window "type of connected server remote access» select "PPP:Windows, Internet" and click "options". In the new window, uncheck all boxes and click OK. In the "components used by this connection" window that opens, check the boxes: "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" and "QoS Packet Scheduler". Click on the "properties" button and also check "obtain an IP address and DNS server address automatically" and click "advanced". In the "advanced options" window, uncheck the "use IP header compression" checkbox, click "ok" and close all windows.

The connection setup is complete. In order to connect to the Internet y go "start" > " network connections» > «internet». In the "internet connection" window, press the "call" button and wait for the connection.

Tip 6: How to connect to the Internet without landline phone

A few years ago, the most popular way to connect to internet carried out using a stationary phone. Now all this can be done without it. It is best to use a modem or a physical communication line (cable, satellite, etc.).

You will need


Tip 7: How to connect the Internet to a computer via cable

If you have several computers or laptops at home, then it is most reasonable to combine all these devices into local network. Naturally, in this case, there is a desire to provide computers with access to internet.

You will need

  • network card, network hub (when three or more PCs are connected).


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December 20, 2017

Owners of private houses often face the problem of connecting to the Internet. What are these problems and how are they solved?

Living in a private house, of course, has a number of advantages, but when it comes to connecting to the Internet, then this is a rather difficult task. What problems do owners and cottages face when connecting to the Internet?

  1. No wire. The main problem is that there is no technical possibility of connecting wired Internet in private house. This is primarily due to the fact that it is not economically profitable for large providers to connect and maintain the line in a private house. It is easier for them to connect a high-rise building, there is about the same amount of work, and there are much more customers. These are realities.
    Small wired Internet providers cover very limited areas, most often a few streets or blocks, because. they simply do not have the ability to stretch the wires everywhere.
  2. Long wait for wired connection The second problem follows from the first. Sometimes providers promise connection for years, but it never happens. For example, they may be waiting for check-in cottage village. Or have some agreements with the developer that he does not fulfill. In any case, residents who are unable to connect wired Internet suffer.
  3. Low Speed ​​ADSL. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries was on the crest of a wave. It made it possible to connect at very high speeds for that time, much faster than Dial-up, if anyone remembers one. However, in modern realities, ADSL is very outdated both morally and technically. Telephone lines are very old and, due to the development of cellular networks, operators are not very interested in modernizing them. That's why real speeds Internet ADSL for the private sector now do not exceed 5-6 Mbps. Moreover, for such a connection, a telephone line is required, which is no longer in new homes.
  4. Low speed and stability on 3G/4G modems. Private houses are not necessarily located within the city, most often on the outskirts or outside the city. As well as the coverage of 3G and 4G LTE networks is also unevenly distributed. Therefore, even if a regular carrier modem catches the network at home, the speed may be low, and the connection is interrupted from time to time.

How to solve the problem of connecting a private house to high-quality Internet?

Today we want to consider information on how to connect to the Internet services provided by Rostelecom in any of the regions of Russia. After all, today there are a lot of people who want to become clients of this provider, to be honest.

Why is there such an increase in the company's Internet customers

To begin with, I would like to deal with the issue of such an extensive popularity of the Internet services of this company in Lately. Of course, Rostelecom services are noted:

  • quality;

  • high speed;

  • Acceptable price.

But, it is worth admitting that today high-quality Internet is not uncommon, and most providers can boast of the same characteristics. But Rostelecom has one significant advantage - the company conducts the Internet even to hard-to-reach places, districts and cities, which allows residents of urban settlements, villages and villages to use wired internet, or access to the Internet through a telephone line. And this is already a rather serious step towards a noticeable increase in the audience of customers.

Therefore, let's take a closer look at the nuances of connecting to a provider.

Checking the technical feasibility of connecting to the Internet Rostelecom

To be able to use high-speed home Internet, you must, of course, apply for connection. But in the process of submitting it, you must also clarify the possibility of connecting services directly to your place of residence.

All this is done quite simply. You only need to familiarize yourself with the algorithm of actions below, and you will not have any difficulties:

  • Open a web browser on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or personal computer.

  • Go to the official website of the company rt.ru.

  • In the upper left part of the resource, select the city where you want to plug the Internet on address. For example - St. Petersburg. For this purpose, you need to click on the white triangle and start typing the first letters of the name of the region. After a suitable locality appears, select it and you will be automatically redirected to the appropriate version of the official Rostelecom portal.

  • Pay attention to the main menu of the resource, you need to follow the link "Internet". To do this, click on the schematic image of the laptop.

  • Once in the internet section, select the “Tariffs” item in the subcategories.

  • Check out the available tariff plans, their terms and prices. If necessary, you can immediately familiarize yourself with the package offers that are located directly above the Internet tariffs. After the choice is made, you must click on the "Connect" button located in the gray window immediately below the terms of the tariff packages.

  • By clicking on the button, move down the page, paying attention to the information about connecting additional options:

    • Interactive TV;

    • Equipment rent;

    • Use of antivirus software.

    If necessary, you can use toggle to activate and deactivate additional options.
  • At the bottom of the web page, you will find a form that you need to fill out. In addition to personal data, it also contains information about the connection address. There you need to enter locality, street name, house and apartment number. A little lower is introduced and the most right time to communicate with the operator of the company.

  • Click on the blue "Order" button.

  • Wait for a call from the operator who will inform you about the presence or absence of the technical possibility of connecting Rostelecom's Internet services at a specific address.
  • That's all you need to know to become a new user of Internet services from Rostelecom.

    In houses where metering devices are not installed, communal payments higher, because from the new year a multiplying factor of 1.5 is applied to the consumption standard. But what if there is no MKD technical ability to install a meter? Should I apply a multiplier in this case?

    Today we will talk about a number of issues installation of metering devices in apartment buildings : what is the technical possibility of installing a launcher, when the IPU starts to operate, and what to do if the launcher has worked less three months.

    Technical possibility of installing a metering device

    Owners of buildings, structures, structures, owners of premises in MKD must ensure that such buildings comply with energy efficiency requirements and install metering devices in them (clause 9 of article 11 N 261-FZ).

    If the owners do not fulfill their duties and do not install metering devices, this is done for them by the RSO. The owners, in fact, pay for the RSO for the installation of the launcher in equal installments over a period of five years (clauses 9-13 of article 13 N 261-FZ).

    At the same time, there is a negative arbitrage practice when the obligation to indemnify expenses of RSO for the installation of metering devices is assigned to the managing organization with further compensation from the owners of the premises (determination of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 06/17/2015 N 310-ES15-912 in case N A14-13747 / 2013).

    This is due to the systematic interpretation of Art. 162 ZhK RF, p. 20 RF PP N 416, p. 24-26 RF RF N 491. The MA, by virtue of its status, has comprehensive information on the share of each owner in the common ownership of the common property in the MKD. Also, the MA has the authority to settle with the RSO and to receive payments from the owners for the services provided.

    Therefore, it is important to convey to the owners that the installation of metering devices is their responsibility, not their right. If the owners do nothing, by default it can be assumed that there is a technical possibility to install a meter, but it is not available.

    If the owners are sure that it is impossible to install an EA in their house, they have the right to demand that the EA executor draw up an act on technical impossibility of installing a metering device(Clause 33 to (3) RF PP N 354).

    If there is no such act, then norm of consumption of communal resources a multiplier of 1.5 is applied. This means that the amount in payment documents will be higher.

    Technical impossibility of installing a metering device

    cases technical impossibility of installing metering devices are listed in paragraph 3 of the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 N 627. You cannot install the PU when:

    • vertical wiring of house engineering systems;
    • the need for reconstruction or major repairs of in-house engineering systems;
    • inability to ensure compliance with technical requirements;
    • the need to ensure the operation of the meter: electromagnetic interference, humidity, it is impossible to take readings, flooding.

    Who should compose act of inspection of the metering device, you ask?

    • ODPU - the inspection report is drawn up by the RSO and the MA / HOA or the MA / HOA with the right to check the RSO,
    • IPU is a utility service provider.

    When does the IPU begin to operate?

    The meter is ready for use and begins to operate after commissioning (clause 81 of the RF PP N 354).

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2016 N 1498 says that the meter is put into operation within a month after installation. From the first day of the month following the month of putting the PU into operation, the contractor begins to calculate the amount of the fee for the CU according to the indications of the commissioned operation of the meter.

    If an individual or common (apartment) meter worked for less than three months (for heating - less than three months of the heating period), payment for utilities provided to consumers in residential or non-residential premises for the billing period, is determined based on the consumption standards of the corresponding CU.

    What is the lack of technical feasibility of installing an ODPU? To answer this question, we initially need to know some, not very complicated things, which I will try to explain clearly. There are two main types of connection (two heat supply systems): "open" and "closed" ...

    “Open” (shown in the figure above) is when the coolant, which is heated in the boiler room, is supplied to the hot water tap, while it, the coolant, as a rule, “visits” heating radiators in winter before entering the tap (circulates from boiler to the radiator and back).

    “Closed” (shown in the figure below) is when the coolant is not used for hot water supply, it only heats cold tap water in the heat exchanger (water heater), which, after heating, is supplied to the hot water tap. It looks like this (double arrows show the move tap water through a heat exchanger).

    Most of of our city is connected according to an open scheme. But according to the Federal Law "On Heat Supply" Art. 29 from 2022 it is not possible to use the "open scheme". That is, a mandatory reconstruction of the heating units of all houses with an “open scheme” and their transfer to a “closed” one is needed. For what? The answer is simple - "do not drink water from the radiator, you will become a radiator." But seriously, these are the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological legislation - hot water must be truly drinking, and not technical. And savings - reducing consumption costs (if done correctly) and the ability to set a single tariff for hot water and heating.

    What did all this seem to have to do with the commercial accounting of thermal energy using common house meters (ODPU)? Everything is very simple. All commercial accounting should be organized not just like that, but according to the rules specially developed in accordance with the legislation (according to the law "On Energy Saving ..." article 12, clause 2, common house metering devices can be put into operation only when they are installed in accordance with with the law, Federal Law “On Heat Supply” Article 19, Clause 7. Commercial metering of heat energy, heat carrier is carried out in accordance with the rules for commercial metering of heat energy, heat carrier, which are approved by the Government Russian Federation taking into account the requirements of technical regulations). And these rules exist. From 1995 until November 27, 2014, the Rules for Accounting for Thermal Energy and Coolant were in force, approved by the First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation V.N. Kostyunin on September 12, 1995 No. Vk-4936 was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 25, 1995, registration No. 954 (hereinafter referred to as pr954). And from March 2014 to this day, the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 17, 2014 N 99 / pr “On approval of the Methodology for the implementation of commercial accounting of thermal energy, coolant” Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 12, 2014 N 34040, issued at the request of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1034 "On the commercial accounting of thermal energy, coolant" (hereinafter referred to as 99).

    See also footnote

    What do these rules require? Measure in only in certain places! Where exactly? Here are the principles.
    Rice. Conventional designations.

    Rice. circuit diagram placement of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass of the heat carrier in open heat supply systems with a total heat load not exceeding 0.5 Gcal/h.

    For clarity, I gave the same figure, only highlighted the hot water system in red, heating in green, intermittent blue locations of the sensors (measuring points) of the metering unit, yellow what is not used in the "open system" (the scheme is mixed type).

    As you can see, there are no thermometers behind the separation of heating and hot water supply (needed to calculate the amount of thermal energy), they are located before the separation and only general energy is calculated (for hot water supply and heating together), with the ability to calculate the mass of hot water and there are no flow meters for heating system.

    The drawings are from Project 954. Rules pr99 established a similar schematic diagram of the location of measurement points.

    But such a scheme (and for open system, the other one, which separates heating, is not in either pr954 or pr99), the location of the measurement points allows you to keep records only at the established single tariff per gigacalorie for heating and hot water supply. As we know, tariffs for an open system in Sochi have always been different, now, for example, the cost of a gigacalorie for hot water is 3172.23 rubles. and heating 2192.36 rubles. Thus, in accordance with the rules, the organization of commercial accounting for the “open” scheme could become possible only with a change in the tariff policy (adoption of a single tariff), or, through reconstruction ( overhaul) heating units in houses with an "open" scheme and their transfer to a "closed" one, for which a single tariff is set.

    Rice. Schematic diagram of the placement of points for measuring the amount of thermal energy and the mass of the coolant in closed systems (there is no red contour in the figure, yellow - the circuit for heating tap water passing through the heat exchangers).

    Such a direction would be long-term and the organization "MUP Sochiteploenergo" found an unusual, "quick" way out - it was decided to locate the measurement points after the separation of hot water and heating. This gave (logistically) the possibility of separate accounting, but not according to the rules.

    Rice. The actual location of measurement points for an open circuit, carried out by the organization "MUP Sochiteploenergo", "Scheme of Sochiteploenergo".

    But such a “performance” does not comply with the rules and raises the question - can such an ODPU be accepted for commercial accounting? To answer this question, you need to know something else.

    Why were the measurement points arranged in this way and not otherwise (before separation)? Everything is very simple. So it is easier to make ODPU, and most importantly cheaper. According to the rules, the metering unit (ODPU) was located as close as possible to the head valves (common inlet valves), which is of particular importance:

    Head valves usually have room for measuring points.

    On hot water, still in Soviet times, the projects provided for places for flow meters.

    The size of the heating units imposed restrictions on the location of the equipment.

    The presence in the heating and hot water supply systems of interconnected energy-saving equipment (hydraulic elevators, thermostats, throttles), for which there was barely enough space and the installation of another (metering) was not provided for at the place of separation of heating and hot water supply and could adversely affect the operation of the system as a whole.

    Security, Rosenergonadzor can stop the operation of an energy-consuming installation if it does not comply with the original, current project (just the case when Sochiteploenergo arbitrarily carried out the actual reconstruction of heating units).

    So it turned out that after the installation of metering units from Sochiteploenergo, many heating units lost their original appearance, and instead of energy-saving equipment, there are now metering devices and consumers began to receive increased payments for heat supply services and for the installation of ODPU and installments. And if we take into account the fact that the requirements of the Federal Law "On Energy Saving ..." Art. 13, part 1, in terms of organizing resource accounting, did not apply to houses subject to major repairs until January 1, 2013, then how can you pay for all this? How can I accept ODPU and calculate on them? And such “equipment” of houses with ODPU resembles damage to the common property of the owners. Unauthorized change in the state of engineering systems can create a safety hazard during their operation. As we know, all services and goods in the energy sector must comply with safety requirements.

    Based on the foregoing, it follows that the technical feasibility of installing common house metering devices according to at least for an open connection scheme without reconstruction of heating units (overhaul), at different tariffs for hot water and heating, there was no. This, in turn, does not allow applying the multiplying factor to the indicated consumers (residential buildings). But the organization "MUP Sochiteploenergo" applies a multiplying factor for heating. On this topic, see my blog "Increasing coefficient for heating" http://krasnoarm37.blogspot.ru/2016/12/1.html

    We also know that from this year the payment for consumption public service for the maintenance of common property must be paid by the managing organizations. In this situation, the question arises whether it is possible to pay for this type of consumption according to the readings of common house meters and whether safe operation such ODPU?

    The news about the beginning of the collection of signatures to the Governor was posted on Max Portal Krasnodar Territory according to common house meters.

    The same material is posted on "Hello Sochi"

    Already more than eighty houses are collecting signatures, from 8 they have been sent, new houses are joining the petition. Support, help organize a gathering in your home, show it to your house committee or house council.

    The signature application file is available at the link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4p7lbPfdR-_M3YtREsxdkVDbE0/view

    - Federal Law No. 261 "On Energy Saving ..." Art. 13 h. 1 ... Requirements for the characteristics of metering devices used energy resources are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Relations that arise when performing measurements, establishing and complying with requirements for measurements, measuring instruments, methods (methods) of measurements, as well as when carrying out activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements are regulated federal law“On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” dated June 26, 2008 No. 102-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements).

    In accordance with the Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, requirements are established for the implementation of measurements in accordance with certified methods.

    Sphere Related Measurements state regulation ensuring the uniformity of measurements, must be carried out according to certified measurement procedures (methods), with the exception of measurement procedures (methods) intended for performing direct measurements using measuring instruments of an approved type that have passed verification. The measurement results must be expressed in units of quantities approved for use in the Russian Federation (Item 1 of Article 5 of the Law on Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements).

    Techniques (methods) of measurements intended for performing direct measurements are included in operational documentation for measuring instruments (paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Law on Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements).

    In accordance with Article 9 of the Law on ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, measuring instruments of an approved type that have been verified in accordance with the provisions of the law, and also ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, including mandatory metrological requirements for measurements, mandatory metrological and technical requirements to measuring instruments and mandatory requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation. The mandatory requirements for measuring instruments, if necessary, also include requirements for their constituent parts, software and operating conditions of measuring instruments. When using measuring instruments, the mandatory requirements for the conditions of their operation and safety must be observed.

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