Home Fruit trees Is Thomas Anders alive? Thomas Anders: “It was infuriating when they talked about our sexual orientation. "Death" and resurrection

Is Thomas Anders alive? Thomas Anders: “It was infuriating when they talked about our sexual orientation. "Death" and resurrection

Thomas Anders is an actor, musical composer, and also a famous German singer who became famous all over the world thanks to his participation in the Modern Talking group. Birth name is Bernd Weidung.

Thomas Anders: biography

The famous artist was born on March 1, 1963 in the small German town of Munstermeifelde, Rhineland-Palatinate. His parents and elder brother live on this land to this day.

As a child, Thomas Anders (photo of the singer can be seen in the article) performed in the church choir. The artist studied at a music school in the piano class, and at home he tried to play the guitar on his own.

But the parents of the musical boy saw him as a builder and showed concern, involving the guy in physical labor. So, Thomas' dad was engaged in building a house for his older brother, and the guy helped by pushing wheelbarrows with cement, while being dressed in a strict jacket with a tie.

After completing his studies at school, Bernd Weidung took up the study of the German language and literature, and also allocated some time for musicology. At the age of 16, the future member of the popular disco group "Modern Talking" won the "Radio Luxembourg" contest, having interested several recording organizations in his person. One of these companies offered the singer to use the pseudonym Thomas Anders and record the song Judy, which became 1 of 9 singles released by the musician before meeting the composer and producer Dieter Bohlen.

After that, two or three collaborations were released in German and the English-language single Catch Me I'm Falling. The song Wovon träumst du denn reached number 16 on the German charts.

Thomas Anders from Modern Talking

At the age of 21, Thomas and his new acquaintance Dieter Biter joined forces and began to perform as part of a duet called Modern Talking. The group's first hit was the single You're My Heart, You're My Soul, which held a leading position in many European countries. The recorded song was able to hold out on the first lines of numerous charts for 6 months.

For almost 3 years, the musicians performed together in the same group. During this time, 6 collections and 9 singles were recorded, 5 of which occupied leading positions in all music charts in Europe. The disco group has sold more than 60 million sound carriers, receiving 40 platinum and about 200 gold awards. In 1987, the contract expired, and Anders went on a world tour with a solo program.

Solo career

After 2 years, singer Thomas Anders released his solo album. And a year later he created his own music publishing house. For 11 years, the former member of the popular group "Modern Talking" has developed as a musician and creative person. In the late 90s, the singer was able to find an additional incentive for himself in his work, carried away by jazz. Anders even released an album with recorded compositions that were designed as a jazz concert. The collection includes songs of many famous artists performing songs in this style.

Return of the popular band

However, in the spring of 1998, unexpectedly for fans of the famous singer, a triumphant reunion of the famous disco group Modern Talking took place. Thomas and Dieter released a collection of remixes and old compositions of the group, with which they went on tour.

Modest and shy young people over time turned into courageous men and professional musicians. The group's fame increased significantly, and the new version of the single You Can Win If You Want became the main hit of that time.

However, returning to the group was far from easy. Speaking to the public, the men tried to appear as old friends, but behind the scenes they openly feuded. The musical duo reunited only for the sake of continuing their careers.

In 2003, 5 years after the reunion of the popular disco group, the duo broke up forever. During this period of time, the musical group "Modern Talking" released 5 collections, 3 of which became "platinum".

There have also been changes in the singer's personal life. In 1998, he filed for divorce from his wife, after living together for 14 years. The first wife of Thomas was Nora Balling, who created the stage image of her husband.

The second time the famous singer legalized the relationship with the translator Claudia Hess. The couple met in 1996, and in the summer of 2002 the couple had their first child, Alexander.

Thomas Anders (Thomas Anders) - German musician and singer, former lead singer of the pop group "Modern Talking", is now engaged in solo work.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the youth idol of the 80s is Bernd Weidung. Born in the small provincial German town of Münstermeifeld, whose mayor was his father, Peter Weidung. The mother of the future singer, Helga Weidung, kept her own roadside cafe on the highway to Koblenets.

The parents were already growing up the first-born, mischievous, so they were waiting for the girl. But the born second son did not disappoint the Vaidung couple. Bernd grew up as a quiet, calm child, from an early age he was fond of music, loved to sing and ... play with dolls. He studied piano at a music school and sang in the church choir. As a teenager, he taught himself to play the guitar. The boy loved to perform in his mother's cafe and dreamed of a professional stage.

True, his parents had other plans for his future: the Vaidungs ​​dreamed that their son would become a builder. But over time, they abandoned this idea and allowed Bernd to choose his own path in life. After school, he began to study musicology, native language and literature at the University of Mainitz.

Musical career

At the age of sixteen, the young man won the Radio Luxembourg song contest and interested representatives of one of the German recording companies. They signed a contract with him and advised him to change his unpronounceable name to a more sonorous pseudonym.

A year later, the first single of the novice singer Thomas Anders was released - the lyric "Judy", with which he, in the company of young performers, traveled to several German cities. In 1981, a charismatic artist with an angelic voice appeared in the studio of the Michael Schanz television show and finally won the hearts of the female audience.

After that, the composer Dieter Bohlen spotted him, and their personal meeting soon took place. The musicians recorded several joint singles, which immediately took pride of place in the charts. Encouraged by this success, Thomas and Dieter created the duo Modern Talking in 1984, which became a real event in the pop culture of the 80s.

During the four years of its existence (1984 - 1987), the group recorded six albums in the light and pleasant Europop genre, repeatedly became the owner of prestigious music awards and awards, collected stadiums during world tours. The clips of the group were shown even on the air of the Central Television of the USSR.

But, despite the resounding success, the musicians could not overcome internal disagreements in the team, and at the very peak of their popularity they decided to stop working together. Each of them continued their musical career, but they failed to repeat the success of Modern Talking.

Modern Talking - You "re My Heart, You" re My Soul

In 1987, Thomas returned to solo activities. With the help of producer Gus Dudgeon, who previously worked with David Bowie, Elton John and Paul McCartney, he recorded the album Different.

Subsequently, the singer created his own music agency, toured a lot in the cities of the USA and Europe. In 1994, he released an all-Spanish-language album, Barcos de cristal (Glass Boats).

Thomas Anders

In the same year, the musician made his film debut, starring in the sports drama "Stockholm Marathon" as pop star Ypsilon, while recording the title song "Marathon of Life" for the film.

In the late 90s, the singer was gradually forgotten. To remind himself, Anders returned to Germany again and in 1998 received an offer from Dieter Bohlen to revive the team. The return of Modern Talking brought the audience into indescribable delight. The group again firmly took first positions in the world charts, recorded 6 new albums and collected all the most prestigious music awards in five years. In 2003, the duo broke up again, this time for good.

Thomas Anders with the song "Tenderness"

Personal life of Thomas Anders

Thomas' first wife, the beautiful Nora Balling, played a fatal role in his life and most directly influenced his musical career. She was jealous of his fans, interfered in the creative process, conflicted with Dieter Bohlen, who reacted painfully to her constant presence. It was her fans who blamed the breakup of the group and Anders' departure to America.

The soloist of the popular 80s band Modern Talking Thomas Anders buys an apartment in the center of the Russian capital. The singer asked realtors to find him a mansion with a beautiful view from the window. They say that he is ready to pay at least $ 5 million for the housing he likes. It will be equipped by Claudia, the second wife of the singer. However, he still has not forgotten about the first one, Nora, and carefully keeps her gifts.

Our call found Thomas in Germany, with his family - his wife Claudia and son Alexander. Every now and then, the cheerful laughter of a child was heard in the receiver.

– Thomas, have you already found an apartment in Moscow? I asked.

In response, the singer only sighed tiredly.

- The search is still ongoing. I want to choose a home that will be comfortable for me, my wife and son. I dream of living on the Patriarch's Ponds, where the heroes of the novel of my favorite writer Bulgakov used to walk. I want an apartment that is spacious and bright, and I want a beautiful view of Moscow from my windows. And I hope that no one will deceive me again.

Thomas had an unpleasant story last year. The gullible singer handed over the money for housing to the adventurers, who immediately fled with an impressive amount, leaving him penniless. Anders had to raise all his connections in order to return his hard-earned savings. Now Thomas has become much more cautious and entrusted to represent his interests to a reputable real estate agency.

– Claudia is not against the move?

“My wife and I haven’t talked about it yet. Most of the time, of course, I will spend in Germany with my family, and I want to stay in a Moscow apartment only for the duration of tours or concerts. I hope that it will be Claudia who will design our new housing in Russia, she has great taste.

- Aren't you afraid that separation will have a bad effect on your family?

- I was already married. And he made a lot of mistakes in his last marriage. This will not happen again,” Anders answered laconically.

Nora Balling - Thomas's first wife - was called by fans of the Modern Talking group nothing more than a "shrew". In their opinion, she not only ruined the legendary team, but also made the soft-bodied Anders dance to her tune. Nora selected songs for the group and took care of her husband's image. It was she who insisted that Thomas in the clips tint his lips and curl his hair. When fans saw Anders in a new image, they immediately suspected him of being gay. Painfully languidly the singer danced and suspiciously made eyes to his colleague Dieter Bohlen. And no matter how much after that Thomas and Nora publicly kissed passionately, the “blue” train trailed for the singer for many more years.

Today, 49-year-old Thomas still excites girls' hearts. But the image changed dramatically, and there was no trace left of the “sweet” boy. No more pomaded hair and lipstick, tight jeans and revealing T-shirts.

“I was always embarrassed by the enthusiasm of the fans about my appearance,” the singer admitted to me when I asked if he missed the crowds of girls under his windows. “I never considered myself handsome. Believe me, I have a younger sister who is much prettier. And I don’t wake up with the words: “God, how beautiful I am!” If this suddenly happens, wife Claudia will quickly put me in my place!
His fans will not get enough of his new wife Thomas. Clever Claudia keeps in the shadow of her star husband, never gets into his affairs and does not try to manipulate him, unlike her predecessor Nora.

Anders' fans took up arms against the vixen after she gave her husband a chain with her name on it for his birthday. Fans of Thomas immediately dubbed this decoration "collar". But the singer liked the gift, and he wore it without taking it off for many years. After the collapse of Modern Talking, everyone was wondering what happened to the chain. At first, Anders said that he kept it in a safe, then he suddenly blurted out in an interview that he melted it into a bracelet. "Only the stars" figured out what really happened to Thomas' "collar".
- The chain is complete. I didn't melt it down the way I wanted to. I still keep a gift from Nora, - the singer admitted in a low voice. It's hard for me to forget her.

Unlike the sentimental Thomas, Nora quickly put her husband out of her mind as soon as a better-off man than Anders appeared on the horizon. After the collapse of the group, she organized a tour of America. Soon, Nora announced to her confused husband that she had another boyfriend and she was demanding a divorce. They say that Thomas's ex-wife still lives in America, owns several hotels and shops. After a scandalous divorce from the singer, she was engaged in the design of jewelry and jeans. But Nora never found personal happiness.

But once they dreamed that they would be together forever. So different - shy Thomas and lively Nora met at a party with friends. For a long time they just talked, walked in parks, sat in cafes, chatting about everything in the world. Nora took the initiative, and soon the couple began to live together. Already in marriage, Thomas learned about the extremely unusual hobbies of his wife. For example, Nora believed in mysticism, read books about séances, often invited psychics and magicians to their house, who supposedly knew how to communicate with the souls of the deceased. Practical Thomas did not believe a single word they said, but he never contradicted Nora. Gradually, the singer himself did not notice how he became interested in mysticism. It happened after the breakup of the group. Anders was at a crossroads, he did not know what to do. Nora, catching his mood, suggested that her husband go to a session with a psychic. After much persuasion, the singer agreed. And did not regret. The sorcerer gave the lost Thomas back his self-confidence, saying that a brilliant solo career awaits him in the future.

“All this is in the past,” the singer answered irritably when I asked him about past hobbies. “I no longer take part in dubious séances. But then he changed his anger to mercy. “Although I believe there is life after death. Life experience tells me: there is something after our last hour strikes. Maybe when I'm gone, my soul will move into a new body. Or it will turn, as the Indians believe, into a butterfly or a flower.

Thomas Anders is a German musician and singer, former lead singer of the pop group Modern Talking. Personal life, musical career, behind-the-scenes scandals - all this interests his many fans and, especially, fans. There are few people who have not heard the songs of the super popular group.

The birth of a star

Fans are often interested in information about how old Thomas Anders is. This fact is known and fully available to the public.

On March 1, 1963, in the German town of Münstermaifeld, located near Koblenz, Peter and Helga Weidung had birth second child Bernd. It will take about twenty years and first Germany, and then the whole world will recognize him as a famous singer. Father Peter Weidung was Mayor of Munstermeifeld, and mother Helga was engaged in small business.

The older brother Achim was a noisy and restless boy, so Helga dreamed that the next child in their family became a girl. Little Bernd was the opposite of his brother - quiet and calm. He had a tender, feminine face, so that part of the mother's wish was fulfilled.

Of all the toys, Bernd loved the Barbie doll the most. Subsequently, both women he married will be blondes with blue eyes. Their type, similar to the famous toy, is probably not accidental.

Childhood and youth

The first fame came to Bernd Weidung at the age of six. His parents rented a small cafe where Helga was in charge. It was here that her young son began his public performances. The inhabitants of Münstermaifeld appreciated his talent and even gave him a guitar, which he immediately began to learn to play.

At the age of seven, the boy went to school and began to sing in the church choir. At the same time, his younger sister Tanya-Katrin was born. Young Bernd Weidung continues to learn to play the guitar and piano. And he also begins to take vocal lessons. At such an early age, he was already firmly convinced that a career as a professional musician and singer awaited him.

Upon completion of schooling, the young man goes to Mainz to study German language and literature, as well as musicology.

professional stage

In 1979, Bernd became the winner of a music competition held by Radio Luxembourg. Then, in 1980, the single Judy was released, after which a contract was signed with CBS. It was at this time that the transformation of Bernd Weidung into Thomas Anders takes place. The age of the young star by that time had not reached 18 years.

After recording the song, he goes on his first tour in Germany. In 1981, he made his debut in Michael Schanz's television program Do You Have Time for Us Today?

Modern Talking

In 1983, a historic event took place. acquaintance of young Thomas and budding composer and producer Dieter Bohlen. Several joint compositions were recorded in German, one of which took 16th place in the national hit parade.

Success in Germany for a young group was a good result, but Thomas and Dieter wanted much more. It became clear that for an international breakthrough, songs in English were needed.

On October 29, 1984, the single "You' re My Heart, You' re My Soule" was released by the new musical duo Modern Talking. After its release, this song was not very popular. But on January 21, 1985, the team performed in the Formula 1 television program, and from that moment on, the composition broke first into the German and then the European charts.

Then comes the first album of the group, which was a great success. In September 1985, on the Peter's Pop Show, the musicians received 75 platinum and gold discs.

Between 1984 and 1987, the duo released six LPs. The musicians of Modern Talking have set a personal record of popularity that no one has been able to surpass so far: the release of five No. 1 singles in succession in the German charts. In just three years, the duo received 40 platinum and 200 gold discs.

The European musical life of that time is unimaginable without such hits as "Cheri, Cheri Lady", Brother Louie, Atlantis Is Calling and "Geronimo's Cadillac". The musical group had fantastic popularity in the territory of the former USSR. Several albums were released at the Melodiya record company, which quickly received platinum status.

Despite such a grandiose success, in 1987 the duet suspended its activities at the mutual desire of the participants. The reasons for this are various:

  1. Mutual dislike of the duet members.
  2. Dieter's selfish and arrogant behavior towards Thomas.
  3. Copyright dispute.
  4. The constant interference of Anders' wife Nora Balling in the affairs of the group.

Solo activity

After the collapse of Modern Talking, the singer goes on a tour called The Thomas Anders Show, which was a major success. In 1987, Thomas Anders and Nora Balling moved to Los Angeles. In 1988, Thomas wrote the song "I Can Never Let You Go" for the world famous singer Engelbert Humperdinck.

Six discs were released between 1989 and 1995, including a Spanish-language album that reached number one in Argentina, but they did not have the same success as a duo. In 1990, Anders created his own music publishing house Thomas Anders Music, then transformed into KA. G. B. Music GmbH.

In 1993, the singer made his film debut. In the movie "Stockholm Marathon" he starred in one of the main roles, and also wrote the soundtrack called Marathon Of Life.

In 1994, there was a change in the image, which was radically different from the image of Thomas Anders in his youth: the hairstyle was noticeably shortened, the style of clothing changed, from multi-colored shiny suits to strict dark tones.

Duo resurrection

In March 1998, a press conference was held at the Marriot Hotel in Frankfurt during which the reunion of Modern Talking was announced. Then the duet performed live on the television program "We bet that?". Several old songs were presented in modern arrangements.

At the same time, the album Back For Good was released, which went platinum in Germany and other European countries. In total, 26 million copies have been sold worldwide. This result surpassed the success of the duo in the eighties.

The group's style has transformed from eurodisco to eurodance. Initially, rap artist Eric Singleton appeared in the line-up, but this experiment drew criticism from the duo's old fans. Since 2001, the musicians began to perform and record in the same format.

A total of five albums were recorded between 1999 and 2003, many of which have gone platinum. Despite this, on June 7, 2003, at a concert in the German city of Rostock, the final disintegration of the duet was announced. On June 21, the final concert of the famous band was played in Berlin.

Among the reasons for the final closure of the project were official and unofficial versions:

  1. Anders' solo tour in the US in the summer of 2003 with the German singer CC Catch.
  2. Falling sales of the duo's albums.
  3. Dieter Bohlen's desire to engage in the German TV show "Germany is looking for a superstar".

Continuation of own creativity

After the collapse of the duet, Thomas Anders in September 2003, together with the Scorpions, gives a triumphant concert in Moscow on Red Square. In 2004, the singer's album This Time was released, which became the most successful throughout his solo career.

In 2010, the Strong album was released, intended for Russian fans. In one month, he achieved gold status. In his support, a large tour of the cities of Russia was held. In March 2012, this disc goes platinum.

The singer continues active creative work, recording new songs. Concert activity covers different cities and countries.

First marriage

The first wife of the singer was Nora-Isabelle Balling. She was born on July 31, 1964 in the German city of Koblenz. Also known as Nora Anders, she was the third child of wealthy parents.

Their acquaintance took place in 1981, when Thomas was still Bernd Weidung. At that time, Nora received a diploma in make-up and cosmetology, and was also engaged in painting. A distinctive feature of her character was stubbornness and intemperance.

On December 28, 1984, Anders and Nora got married, and on July 27, 1985 they got married in a Catholic church in Koblenz. The couple took each other's surnames and Thomas was now recorded in the passport as Bernd Weidung-Balling.

During the band's active times, Nora was Anders' personal manager and image maker. Thanks to her advice, Thomas appeared on stage with tinted lips and looked languidly at his duet partner, which gave rise to rumors about the singer's unconventional orientation.

Dieter Bohlen could hardly endure the explosive nature of Anders' wife and, according to one version, it was Nora who was the true cause of the conflict between Dieter and Thomas.

After the duo broke up in 1987, the couple moved to live in California. They jointly performed under the banner of Modern Talking, which caused bewilderment of the fans.

In the future, Anders was forced to spend more time in Europe, since in America it was not possible to achieve success in the nineties. At first, Thomas regularly visited his wife in Los Angeles, but since 1994 he stopped doing this.

On February 21, 1999, Anders and Nora Balling officially divorced. Now her family leads a secluded lifestyle in a resort town near Koblenz. Nora is sometimes seen attending veteran golf tournaments that her sister participates in.

New relationship

Shortly after parting with Nora, which Thomas was going through hard, he met Claudia Hess, who became his translator. Unlike the first wife, the character of the new girl was light and cheerful, exactly what Anders needed.

Young people started dating, and in 2000 Thomas Anders and Claudia Hess got married. In 2002, they had a son, Alexander Mik Weidung.

Interesting facts about the singer:

  1. Thomas is the owner of a Michael Jackson hat, signed by Michael especially for him.
  2. Anders is the author of the anthem for the ballet Holiday On Ice, which was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
  3. During the release of the first Modern Talking album in the USSR at the Melodiya record label, the singer was named Thomas Peters.

Now the singer and musician is completely satisfied with his life and in an interview calls himself a happy person. Looking at his family photos, this can be easily believed.

Attention, only TODAY!

Thomas Anders is a German pop artist, lead singer of Modern Talking, composer, performer of the songs "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", "Cheri, Cheri Lady", "Brother Louie". Thomas was born on March 1, 1963 in the small German town of Munstermeifelde, not far from Koblenz, in the family of Burgomaster Peter Weidung, a financier by education. The boy was born with the name Berndhart Weidung. The mother of the future singer Helga Weidung was engaged in entrepreneurship - she kept a cafe and a shop along the highway to Koblenets. In the family, in addition to Bernd, the eldest son Achim and the youngest daughter Tanya-Katrin were brought up.

From the age of 7, Bernd began his studies at the general education and music schools of Münstermaifeld. For several years, the boy mastered playing the piano and guitar, repeatedly became the winner of music competitions and festivals. From an early age, Bernd sang in the church choir. In high school, Weidung transferred to the Koblenz Gymnasium.


In 1979, Bernd became the winner of the Radio Luxembourg competition, and a year later he made his debut with the single "Judy" and immediately, on the recommendation of the producers of the recording studio, took a sonorous pseudonym. The name for the scene Bernd chose together with his brother, using the telephone directory. The surname Anders was the first on the list, and the brothers considered the name Thomas international.

A year later, the young artist was invited to air the music show Michael Schanz. In 1983, a meeting with a musician took place. It took the singers a year to unite in a joint project called "Modern Talking".

"Modern Talking"

The first single of the new disco group "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", which was included in the debut album "The First Album", was the opening of the year. The song held the leading position in the European popular music rating for six months, and the disc itself was sold daily in the amount of 40,000 copies.

The musicians became winners and laureates of international music awards, and each appearance at the concert of the band's frontman Thomas Anders caused a storm of delight among the fans. The soloist of Modern Talking, having an attractive appearance and a slender figure (Thomas's height is 172 cm, weight is 84 kg), became a real sex symbol of that time.

The musicians signed the first contract for three years. During this time, Thomas and Dieter released six records, among which the first four received the greatest popularity: "The First Album", "Let's Talk About Love", "Ready for Romance", "In the Middle of Nowhere".

Thomas Anders in duet "Modern Talking"

In 1987, after the expiration of the contract, the group broke up, and each of the leaders of the musical group began a solo career. But neither Thomas nor Dieter managed to repeat the success of Modern Talking, so in 1998 the musicians resumed their creative union. The group's musical style changed to techno and eurodance: the first album after the break, "Back For Good", contained mainly dance tracks and remixes of previous hits.

In 1999, the duo received an award at the Monte Carlo Music Festival in the nomination "The best-selling German group in the world." Soon 4 more discs appeared: "Alone", "Year of the Dragon", "America", "Victory and Universe". To diversify the sound, rap artist Eric Singleton was invited to the group. Fans did not like the new trio, so the clips in which the rapper participated were re-shot. In 2003, the group ended its existence.

Solo career

Work in the disco group Modern Talking played a positive role in the development of the creative biography of Thomas Anders, and the singer was able to achieve the same success on his own only in the 2000s. After the first breakup of the band, the musician leaves for America with his wife. For 10 years, Thomas has released six solo albums: "Different", "Whispers", "Down On Sunset", "When Will I See You Again", "Barcos de cristal" and "Souled".

In the early 90s, Anders recorded the songs "Waiting So Long", "I Believe", "The Sweet Hello", "The Sad Goodbye", "Can't Give You Anything". In 1993, Thomas Anders gained acting experience by starring in the films Stockholm Marathon and Phantom Pain. Working in the USA, the singer tries himself in various musical directions: Latino, soul, lyrics, ballad style, jazz.

In the second half of the 90s, Thomas mastered the dance direction, working on joint projects Phantomas and Chain Reaction. In 1997, Anders recorded a live jazz concert, the full video of which was distributed only among members of the singer's fan club.

Thomas Anders and the Scorpions in Moscow

After the second breakup of the Modern Talking group in 2003, Anders began his solo career again. Together with the production center that worked with, the artist creates the album "This time". The singer gives concerts in major US cities (Atlantic City, New Jersey, New York and Chicago), gives a joint concert with the Scorpions on Red Square in Moscow.

For the second disc “Songs Forever”, the artist reworks a number of compositions from the mid-80s, performing them in a swing style, accompanied by a symphony orchestra. In the same year, a disc from the DVD Collection series was released, which included all the videos filmed over the 20-year period of Thomas Anders' musical career.

In 2009, the duet of Thomas Anders and the star of the 80s singer Sandra "The Night Is Still Young" was released as a single. A year later, the premiere of the album "Strong" took place, which was created specifically for the Russian fans of the singer.

A number of pop songs "Why do you cry?", "Stay with me", "My Angel", "Sorry, Baby" provide the disc with double platinum status and second place in the Russian rating of pop artists. In support of the album, Thomas Anders conducts a large tour of the cities of Russia Strong Tour. In 2012, the singer publishes the collection "Christmas for You", consisting of 4 new compositions and a number of cover versions of Christmas-themed hits.

Personal life

Thomas Anders is married for the second time. The first wife of the singer was the aristocrat Eleanor (Nora) Balling. The wedding of young people took place in 1984, the wedding - a year later. Nora had a strong influence on her husband, she often interfered in the creative process of Modern Talking.

Educated as a cosmetologist-make-up artist, Balling participated in creating the image of her husband. In 1987, the couple moved to the California coast, since 1994 the relationship of the spouses was completely upset, and in 1998 a divorce took place.

In 1996, Thomas met Claudia Hess, who became his translator. The easy nature of the girl attracted the artist, and soon the young people began to meet, and in 2000 they got married. Two years after the wedding, Thomas and Claudia had a son, Alexander Mick Weidung. Now Thomas is satisfied with his personal life and career and calls himself a happy person, which is confirmed by joint family photos that regularly appear in the media.

Thomas Anders now

In 2016, Thomas Anders delighted fans with the release of the History disc, which, in addition to the hits of past years, included two new songs, Lunatic and Take the Chance, recorded in the style of Modern Talking. The Russian premiere of the album took place in Moscow in the Great Hall of Crocus City Hall. The online broadcast of the performance of the idol of the 80s was held on the radio "Retro-FM".

In 2017, the artist released the next album "Pures Leben", all the songs of which were performed in German. In the same year, a video clip for the hit "Der Beste Tag Meines Lebens" was released.


  • "Different" - 1989
  • "Whispers" - 1991
  • "Down On Sunset" - 1992
  • "When Will I See You Again" - 1993
  • "Barcos de Cristal" - 1994
  • "Souled" - 1995
  • "This time" - 2004
  • "Songs Forever" - 2006
  • "Strong" - 2010
  • "Christmas for You" - 2012
  • "History" - 2016
  • "Pures Leben" - 2017

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