Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill 1st trimester of pregnancy severe nausea weakness drowsiness. Why does weakness occur during pregnancy? Chronic insomnia leads to decreased immunity in pregnant women

1st trimester of pregnancy severe nausea weakness drowsiness. Why does weakness occur during pregnancy? Chronic insomnia leads to decreased immunity in pregnant women

Perhaps every modern woman feels weakness, fatigue, dizziness and even nausea, at least from time to time. Chronic fatigue, fast pace of life, lack of proper rest, short sleep, chaotic unbalanced nutrition, stress... It is not surprising that against such a background we do not always feel good. You shouldn’t be surprised that weakness occurs during pregnancy, and it’s certainly not worth it: bearing a child requires even more strength, resources, and energy costs. But sometimes women, from the first weeks after conception, feel such a sharp loss of strength that they are unable to get out of bed in the morning. And, of course, they are interested in whether very severe weakness occurs during pregnancy and whether this is normal.

Let's talk today about whether it is normal to feel terrible weakness, fatigue and drowsiness during pregnancy.

There is no need to tell you that with the onset of pregnancy, changes affect absolutely all organs and systems in a woman’s body. This cannot but affect the well-being of the expectant mother. The baby requires a lot of nutrients, which he “pulls” from his mother, the appearance of an additional circle in the circulatory system leads to a decrease in the concentration of iron and hemoglobin levels in the blood, all organs experience double load, working in “emergency mode”. If there are not enough vitamins and minerals in your body, then now you can acutely feel their lack and its consequences. Weakness during pregnancy is not the worst of them, and not the only one.

A constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, morning weakness, and impotence during pregnancy are a consequence of an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood, doctors say. This same hormone, among other things, changes the functioning of the nervous system of the expectant mother, preparing her for motherhood.

She becomes more relaxed, passive, peaceful. Of course, irritability and nervousness also arise, but in general the woman’s neuropsychic state changes.

Our point is that feeling weak in early pregnancy is completely normal and very common. Also, do not worry if you feel weak after eating. Many people feel this way, and there is a scientific explanation for this: in the process of processing consumed food, a lot of energy is spent, blood actively flows to the stomach, retreating from the head, which is why blood pressure decreases somewhat - and you want to sleep.

Meanwhile, weakness and fatigue may be one of the signs of problems in the health of a pregnant woman. Which ones exactly will be determined by other symptoms that arise during this period, as well as test results and a doctor’s opinion. Weakness during pregnancy in the first trimester most often accompanies the following ailments:

  • Early toxicosis . Its most common manifestations are nausea, vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, but there are other forms of toxicosis. If there is morning weakness and nausea, apathy, headaches, if there is no appetite and dizziness - all this may indicate the development of early toxicosis. There are multiple versions regarding the causes of its occurrence, as well as various methods of combating toxicosis. First of all, you should change your eating habits: chew something in the morning while still lying in bed, and throughout the day, eat small, often, but small portions. Try to avoid strong odors; be sure to take daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Hypotension . Weakness and dizziness in early pregnancy most likely indicate low blood pressure. Poor health and constant fatigue are not the only and not the most dangerous consequences of hypotension. With reduced pressure, blood circulation in the vessels is disrupted, which means that the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrients, which, of course, negatively affects its development and can lead to intrauterine hypoxia and even death. Therefore, under no circumstances should weakness during pregnancy, accompanied by dizziness and fainting, be ignored. Try starting your day with a glass of orange or apple juice. It is recommended to avoid coffee and tea during pregnancy, but with low blood pressure, even daily consumption of a caffeine-containing drink may come in handy.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia . Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy manifests itself in a similar way, which develops when there is insufficient amount of iron in the body of the expectant mother. In addition to this, the skin and mucous membrane of the inner eyelid become pale, nails become brittle, hair falls out, hands become numb, and shortness of breath may occur. Anemia in pregnant women is very common, and if detected early, it can be easily corrected. Sometimes it is enough to increase the amount of iron-containing foods in your diet (red meat, liver, legumes, buckwheat, nuts, leafy greens, green apples) and take more walks in the air. But if severe anemia has developed, then most likely you will have to go to the hospital, and it is better not to refuse such treatment.
  • ARVI, colds, flu . Weakness and fever during pregnancy are certainly not the norm. If they are accompanied by body aches, chills, muscle and headache, runny nose or cough, then there is no need to guess. But it’s better to start acting in advance: bed rest, warm, plenty of fluids and rinsing the nose with saline (if the need arises) will help stop the development of the virus.

There are other possible pathological causes of weakness in pregnant women in the early stages, in the first and second trimester. The doctor will be able to identify them after a thorough examination of his patient.

Weakness in late pregnancy, third trimester

Any of the reasons described above can manifest itself in the form of weakness in the third trimester, and even toxicosis. But it’s not early, but late, called gestosis by obstetricians. Unlike early toxicosis, gestosis often has to be treated. If, along with weakness, swelling is observed, blood pressure rises, and the analysis shows the presence of protein in the urine, then you should definitely consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate therapy. We are talking about the development of severe gestosis - preeclampsia.

However, much more often weakness in the third trimester of pregnancy embodies fatigue from carrying a baby, and weakness in the legs also appears. Closer to the expected date of birth, a woman already wants to give birth as soon as possible: the expectant mother is both psychologically and physically ready to become a real mother. By the way, preparing the body for childbirth is also very exhausting and tiring...

Another specific cause of weakness in late pregnancy may be compression of the inferior vena cava, which runs under the uterus.

Under a heavy load, it is compressed, which leads to poor circulation. Mom may experience weakness, dizziness, and throbbing in the lower abdomen. Most often, this happens when lying on your back, and therefore doctors advise avoiding this position during sleep and rest in late pregnancy. The knee-elbow position helps reduce pressure from the inferior vena cava, as well as generally relieve stress on the musculoskeletal system.

We have found out why weakness occurs during pregnancy, the reasons for this condition, and now you, of course, are interested in how to deal with it.

If fatigue and loss of strength are a consequence of physiological changes occurring in the body, that is, they are explained by the actual state of pregnancy, then we can advise you to sleep more and be in the fresh air. Playing sports will help improve blood circulation, and at the same time your well-being, if there are no contraindications to this. An excellent option would be fitness for pregnant women, gymnastics, swimming, and water aerobics.

Of course, it’s not easy to arrange a vacation for yourself if you work 8-10 hours a day. But then there is nothing to be surprised at your weakness. Think about it: maybe it’s better to take a vacation or sick leave, and at least rest at home for the first weeks of pregnancy to feel better and not put your pregnancy at risk. By the way, doctors believe that the expectant mother should sleep at least 10 hours a day, and it is very desirable - an additional hour or two during the daytime. So without vacation it will be difficult...

There is also an opinion that weakness during pregnancy is a natural defense mechanism, forcing the expectant mother to rest more and expose herself and the baby to less danger.

Also review your diet: it should include energy-rich foods: instead of simple carbohydrates, which do not saturate or nourish our body, add complex, energy-rich ones to the menu. These are whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruits, fresh juices. Don’t forget about high-quality protein (lean meat and cottage cheese, eggs, dairy products). You can improve your well-being and increase your vitality by taking biological supplements, in particular omega acids (fish oil). A contrast shower invigorates you well in the morning and gives you energy.

Over time, your well-being will stabilize - in the second trimester, most pregnant women feel an increase in energy and a surge of strength. The body gets used to the new state - and life gets better!

If you detect any painful conditions accompanied by weakness and weakness, or only if you suspect them, you should immediately contact a gynecologist for advice, even if you have not yet registered. The doctor will refer you for tests and give recommendations on what to do if severe weakness during pregnancy complicates everyday life.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

If a woman carries a baby without complications, then she works until the 30th week of pregnancy (in case of multiple pregnancy - until the 28th). That is, he “remains in service” along with his other colleagues who are not expecting an addition to the family. However, compared to the latter, expectant mothers, to put it mildly, are in a less advantageous position, and primarily due to unstable health and increased fatigue.

Pregnancy is a natural state, but not at all in the sense of “easy” and “ordinary”. Literally from the first days, global changes occur in the body, affecting the work of all organs and systems, physiological loads increase, which explains the tendency to greater fatigue than before. Moreover, each pregnancy is unique, even for the same woman. So we can only talk about standards of well-being, mood, and ability to work conditionally. It can be difficult to determine why in this case pregnancy proceeds this way and not otherwise - there are many objective and subjective reasons. The factors for fatigue during pregnancy can also be different. There is only one way to figure out what has a decisive effect - listen to yourself, observe, learn to track your condition. Let's consider typical situations that reveal certain reasons for the fatigue of a working pregnant woman. And, of course, tips for “survival” in each of them.

Cause of Pregnancy Fatigue #1: Physiology

“I was happy about the pregnancy, my husband and I planned it, but after a couple of weeks I began to worry about my health. The fatigue during pregnancy was not simple, but terrible. I could barely get up in the morning, fell asleep at lunchtime right in the cafe, and didn’t have enough strength to talk on the phone. I was afraid that this was a sign of some kind of disease, so I decided to get examined. The doctor immediately understood what was going on and said that it was just an adaptation and that it would be easier later. And so it happened. But now (in the sixth month) it’s about the same again. I’m terribly tired, I have no strength, despite the fact that I love my job, now we’re launching a PR campaign, which I thoroughly invested in before pregnancy... I’m upset when I see cheerful and vigorous pregnant women. Does adaptation not concern them?”

Maria, 25 years old

It has been noted that especially severe fatigue during pregnancy occurs at stages that are critical for the child’s development. This proves its desirability from the point of view of maintaining health. A woman not only can, but must feel tired in order to avoid unnecessary contacts and activity. Fatigue forces you to concentrate on yourself, listen to your feelings, and therefore allows you to notice any problems in time. Women are becoming more disciplined in terms of following doctor's recommendations and visiting antenatal clinics.

So you don’t always have to fight fatigue during pregnancy. Sometimes you need to thank her - literally as a good adviser. And those who are annoyed by it (this happens among perfectionists who strive to be on top in any task) need to learn to be more sensitive to their body. Here are some tips for pregnant Lady Perfection:

  • Slow down in the professional sphere, relax not as before, and not as is customary, but as you want right now.
  • Stop feeling guilty for not doing enough and not being able to pull yourself together. In general, develop the ability to live in a mode of limited activity - it will be useful later, when the child is born and requires for some time to obey only his own rhythm of life.
  • Learn to stick to a sleep schedule. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. On weekends, you can deviate slightly from the schedule, but try not to go beyond an hour. Healthy sleep allows the body to recover better, therefore, there will be more energy for work and just life.

Cause of Pregnancy Fatigue #2: Anxiety

“I got a job a year ago. The boss then asked if I was planning children and all that. Of course, I said that no changes are expected. At that moment everything was so. Firstly, I already have a child, and secondly, I recently underwent treatment, and new pregnancies were a big question. And right on my birthday - two stripes. The first reaction is joy. Contrary to predictions, I will be a mother again! And now every day there are more and more worries. Both for the child - I need more careful medical supervision, and for work - I can’t imagine how they will react to this here. Of course, they won’t kick me out, they have no right. But a lot of things are built simply on good relationships, trust, and I can lose that now. In addition, the management spent money and time on my training, and going on maternity leave now is probably somehow ugly. I think about this from morning to night. At work, I try to do everything not just well, but perfectly, so that no one will guess about my pregnancy yet (and she is already four months old). As soon as I come home, I fall off my feet..."

Christina, 28 years old

Any anxiety, even short-term, causes a feeling of fatigue during pregnancy. After stress, the body must regain strength. If the experiences are constant, there is practically no emotional rest, then fatigue accumulates and eventually becomes chronic. Hence the weakness and absent-mindedness. The woman feels that even everyday activities take too much energy. If you continue in the same spirit, breakdowns are possible when a person simply no longer controls his emotional reactions and, for example, bursts into tears, screams, or at one point decides to give up everything and leaves. How can I help myself so as not to bring things to such a disastrous conclusion?

Imagine different scenarios.“Everything should be fine” is a wonderful attitude. But in the case of anxiety, it alone, by itself, does not work. For clarity, you need to add a variety of turns of events. Including not very good ones (for example, that, having learned about your pregnancy, the boss will express dissatisfaction, will look for a replacement for you, or will transparently hint at dismissal “of her own free will”).

Write down in a notebook the algorithm of your actions in a given situation. When we know what to do, we feel more confident, calmer, and behave more effectively in professional relationships. Let's say you find out that your boss is looking for a replacement for you. Your steps: For example, you can write her an email (this is less traumatic than a face-to-face conversation about an unpleasant topic). Its approximate content could be as follows: “Anna Mikhailovna, I really appreciate the opportunity to work with you, thanks to you I learned a lot. So I was sad to learn that you are looking for a replacement for me. But I understand you - you need an employee here and now. Let's be clear: I value my job and would like to return here after the birth of my child. In the meantime, I’m going to work as long as my health allows me…” etc.

Be prepared for a personal conversation with the boss. Readiness for change allows you to internally assess what is most important, focus on this, and conduct a constructive dialogue. Management, as a rule, values ​​employees who know how to combine personal affairs and work.

Cause of Pregnancy Fatigue #3: Surrounding Hazards

“Never before pregnancy (and I’m now in my fifth month) did I think about how vulnerable and weak a person is, how many dangers surround us. Now I understand that it is impossible to completely protect ourselves. For example, in my department an employee is sneezing. Says it's an allergy. Who knows, maybe some new virus? I try to stay away from her. I don’t drive: I’m afraid to get scared in a difficult situation, and this will harm the child. In general, I’m waiting until I go on vacation, because living in this mode is very difficult. I get to the office already tired, sometimes it’s simply unbearable to work until the evening. It’s good that people at work treat me with understanding. But I wouldn’t want to abuse the kindness towards myself.”

Valeria, 30 years old

Even the calmest women often become more cautious and wary during pregnancy. This, of course, is also a natural plan with the goal of creating the best possible conditions for the child. Memories of troubles that happened many years ago, in childhood, or even with someone else begin to disturb. Constant stress during pregnancy causes fatigue.

At least short-term relaxation sessions during the day are necessary. You can do this exercise at work. Focus on the part of your body where you feel tired. Tighten your muscles for a maximum of 2-3 seconds, after which you relax them. Repeat 5-10 times. You can also close your eyes and imagine a situation of complete peace and security. Record this state in yourself and preserve it for as long as possible. Muscle memory will leave it as desirable, pleasant for the whole body, and it will arise without effort on your part.

Turn on the humor. Ask yourself how likely it is that your worst fears will actually come true. Let’s say an employee is infected with a virus unknown to science through an employee’s sneeze. It even sounds a little ridiculous, doesn’t it? If you subject all your fears, one after another, to a slightly “humorous” treatment, then they will stop hanging over you like a dark bulk. And the energy to be afraid with complete dedication will no longer be wasted. This means they can be directed in the right direction – to work.

Cause of Pregnancy Fatigue #4: Work

“Before pregnancy, I really loved my job - I’m a nurse in a good hospital. And the management appreciates me, and the patients are almost always happy: they say that they feel better from communicating with such a nurse. But now it’s very difficult for me. Precisely because it is impossible to be distracted, at least mentally relax. Patients don’t care what you think: they want support, kind words. I can’t be angry with them - they all, basically, have serious problems. But it also exhausts me beyond belief. It’s like a squeezed lemon after a shift, you don’t even have the energy left to do your homework.”

Elizaveta, 24 years old

Self-absorption is one of the needs during pregnancy. This does not mean that it is impossible to do anything successfully - a new dominant appears in the consciousness, which takes away the main attention. However, not every profession has the opportunity to follow this need. Doctors, nurses, teachers, salespeople, etc. - all these professions have an additional reason for fatigue. Constant involvement in communication and the inability to escape from it create a state of frustration.

Give yourself permission not to push yourself as hard as before. It is necessary to learn to combine external inclusion and internal detachment. It's as if you were a good actress and played the role of a kind nurse. Choose a general phrase that you will say to patients, such as: “Everything will be fine, don’t worry.” Believe me, ordinary politeness and a smile have a very encouraging effect on a person. And it is not at all necessary to “live” his problem with him. This will save your energy.

Organize some alone time for yourself. It doesn’t matter how much, 15 minutes a day or an hour, the main thing is that these periods of immersion in your life and your thoughts are present every day. In the morning, in the evening, at home, in transport – anywhere. The main condition is complete concentration on yourself, your feelings and thoughts. This will give you the opportunity for moral recovery.

Universal Soldier

Based on the condition that if you feel normal, you will have to work until maternity leave, you can make your life a lot easier by following simple tips.

  1. Set yourself a clear goal. Let's say we write a report. And outline a step-by-step strategy: prepare the necessary documents, summarize the data, enter them into a table, etc.
  2. Stay focused on only one task at a time while completing it. To do this, set a timer, for example, for half an hour and during this time do not be distracted by anything. Yes, it’s tempting to check your email or go to Facebook, but restrain yourself. After half an hour, you can give yourself a break of 5 minutes (yes, check your email and Facebook), and then return to your task again for half an hour (don’t forget the timer). This way, important things will be done gradually. This is especially true during the relaxing mode of remote work...
  3. If you procrastinate, check yourself. Psychologists call procrastination the tendency to constantly put off even important and urgent matters, leading to life problems and painful psychological effects. If you do get distracted by something, ask yourself the question: “Will what I want to do bring me closer to my goal?” If the answer is yes, then feel free to continue in the same spirit. If “no”, think about whether you are wasting your time.
  4. Remind yourself why you are working so hard. For example, with the same report. Then, to hand over this work to the boss and forget about it. So that this imperfection does not hang over your soul. So that the boss does not write angry letters about the deadline, etc. In general, by completing a certain stage of the work, you save your nerves.
  5. Ventilate the room in which you work more often. It seems like trivial advice, but it is often forgotten. Meanwhile, in a ventilated room it is easier to breathe and think.

Therefore, hypotension must be combated. But during pregnancy you can’t take most, and everything is ambiguous. But there is a way out. Well proven: lungs – , swimming, . Cool (not cold) shower in the morning will help quickly bring the blood vessels into working tone, A glass of fresh orange juice will also be healthier than coffee or tea. By the way, if you have hypotension during pregnancy, you should not categorically refuse tea - green or black, and coffee. In this case, a portion of an invigorating drink will not cause harm, but you should not get carried away with them either.

Weakness in late pregnancy

The first stage is where you suffer the most from weakness during pregnancy. Then the body adapts to the new state, and most problems disappear. In the second trimester, periodic attacks of weakness are possible, but they appear as a symptom or due to other diseases.

But closer to childbirth, there comes a period when the expectant mother again feels exhausted. Weakness at 34-38 weeks is explained by the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava. Blood stagnation occurs, reflex vasodilation and a sharp decrease occur, which can even lead to sudden fainting. To avoid this, you need to wear special support bandages. It is better to rest on - this way you can avoid unnecessary stress.

C - weeks The body begins to intensively prepare for childbirth. At this time, the level of oxytocin increases, the pelvic joints begin to soften, the uterus periodically begins to contract and the cervix dilates. Due to the activity of the autonomic nervous system, sometimes the expectant mother experiences severe weakness in her legs and dizziness. This condition does not require special treatment and goes away after childbirth.

How to cope with weakness during pregnancy

The means to combat weakness must be chosen, based on reasons, which cause weakness at the moment. In the early stages, this is most often hypotension and toxicosis, sometimes. Therefore, methods aimed at improving general condition of the body. If you are weak, regular restorative procedures will be effective - a light cool shower, frequent walks in the fresh air, swimming, yoga or special gymnastics for pregnant women.

Raise the pressure medications, herbal decoctions or strong tea and coffee are not worth it, since the smooth muscles of the uterus are also sensitive to the effects of caffeine and plant alkaloids, which can lead to hypertension and the threat of miscarriage. In such cases it is better start the morning from a glass of fresh orange or apple juice - a portion of light carbohydrates, seasoned with natural vitamins, will have a mild tonic effect and help cope with weakness.

On late pregnancy To the already familiar methods of combating weakness, it is worth adding regular, proper rest. For the expectant mother it is necessary sleep at least 10 hours per day. And not only at night - it’s good to rest 2-3 times for 30-60 minutes during the day in a calm environment and lying on your side, this will help restore normal blood circulation and gain strength.

In severe cases, when weakness is caused by severe toxicosis or any diseases, only a specialist will prescribe the correct treatment. So don't hesitate to tell your doctor about any concerns you have.

The main cause of chronic fatigue is the extremely intense rhythm of modern life. Many women take on a huge burden of various worries, believing that at a minimum they need to manage to take care of the house, build a career, and take care of their appearance. And as a result, a feeling of being trapped arises - what we call chronic fatigue.

What could be the sources of chronic fatigue in pregnant women and how to find a way out of this situation?

1. Chronic fatigue caused by high work tempo

“For seven years in a row, I worked 12 hours a day with virtually no days off, came to work earlier than everyone else, and left later than everyone else. It is impossible to do otherwise if you have responsibility for an entire sector of work and a great desire to join the board of directors. Having become pregnant, I decided that I would work until the end. Moreover, I felt great, and the expression “move mountains” has always been about me. Now I’m in my fifth month... It’s not like it’s a mountain for me, it’s difficult for me to sort out and sign papers. If the meeting lasts more than half an hour, I start drawing in a notebook, otherwise I’ll just fall asleep. I try to pull myself together, but it only helps for a short time. Yesterday I was late for the first time. She said that there was a visit to the doctor. In reality, I just couldn’t get up. As I imagined that the whole day was ahead, I was already tired...”

Veronica, 30 years old

What is the problem?

Ambitious women, constantly striving for career heights, are accustomed to subordinating themselves to their goals. And often they don’t make any allowances for your well-being. Pregnancy is also not considered a factor that can affect their lifestyle; they are even proud of their ability to remain professional in any situation. But pregnancy is a condition with characteristics that cannot be regulated by willpower (for example, weakness, slowness, etc.). They must be taken into account. And it will no longer be possible to work at the same pace without feeling sorry for yourself. You now have a discrepancy between what is desired and what is possible - in a futile race for previous performance. From dissatisfaction with oneself, combined with the effort expended (“How is it possible, I’m trying so hard, but I can’t work as before!”) and chronic fatigue arises.

What to do?

Divide work and rest time. You will have to accept the fact that now you will not be able to “keep control” of your body. If he needs rest, he will take it (by being drowsy, distracted, lethargic), regardless of your plans. Therefore, you need to come to an agreement with yourself: in the current situation, designate the beginning and end of the working day (from 10 to 18), and also mark the period of your greatest efficiency (for example, from 10 to 12) and use it to the maximum, trying to complete the most important work tasks.

Set yourself certain guidelines. The subconscious needs clear numbers and deadlines for it to calm down and work productively: “In two months, I will find a replacement for this project, hand over the tasks, and go on maternity leave with a calm heart. I will spend four months after giving birth at home, and then my mother will look after the child for a year.” It’s okay if later it doesn’t turn out exactly the way you decided. The main thing is that now there is some idea of ​​the future. This gives a feeling of harmony, a feeling that everything is going as it should. And then the fatigue will subside.

2. Chronic fatigue during pregnancy due to constant feelings of anxiety

“I found out about my pregnancy in the sixth week. I was happy, and then I remembered that three weeks ago I was treating a cold, taking pills for fever. A little earlier, I was in a restaurant with friends, where, of course, we drank. Not knowing about my child, I put him in danger so many times... Now I’m already 5 months pregnant, I constantly undergo various examinations - both on the advice of doctors and on my own initiative, but I can’t stop thinking about possible problems. I registered on several forums where the nuances of pregnancy are discussed, and read the relevant literature. I’m already tired of my fears (I’ve been on pins and needles for so many months!), but I can’t calm down: constant anxiety. At the same time, I also feel physically exhausted, I can’t even talk to my husband, and he is offended that I am silent. I don’t work, I could well enjoy my pregnancy, but apparently I won’t rest until the baby is born.”

Tatyana, 32 years old

What is the problem?

Pregnancy gives you a lot of reasons to worry. Even the calmest and most sensible women notice a tendency to become fixated on a particular thought. The most common concerns are the health of the child, childbirth, and the future of the family. If one of the pressing issues is resolved positively, then another appears in its place. Feeling tired from constant anxiety, a woman tries to stop it with internal orders (“Enough, we must try not to think about it”), but this wastes even more energy. How to stop the exhausting stream of thoughts?

What to do?

Force yourself to think about the negative. It would seem paradoxical, but it works! To do this, organize your mental work as if it were physical labor. “Now I can quickly do everything in half an hour if I don’t get distracted,” we think if we want, for example, to clean the house. You should do the same in case of annoying experiences. Do not avoid them, but, on the contrary, concentrate: “I will sit for half an hour, think only about problems, without being distracted by anything pleasant.” And the brain resists thoughts imposed from the outside and gradually ceases to take them seriously.

Switch attention to the external picture. When you are constantly stewing in your thoughts, jumping from one thing to another, you become internally exhausted. To stop wasting energy on this, you can use the “here and now” principle, in other words, the ability to fix attention on surrounding trifles. While walking in the park, look at the drawing on a torn sheet or a snowflake that has fallen on your sleeve, listen to the sound of the wind, the laughter of children on the playground. Such simple exercises promote the ability to live in harmony with oneself, understand oneself better, and also reveal the beauty of the world around us.

3. Fatigue from anxious thoughts during pregnancy

“I’m 6 months pregnant and going on maternity leave soon. I constantly worry about how much there is still to do. Find a larger apartment, choose things for the baby, negotiate so that a couple of months after the birth you will be allowed to work remotely. I'm trying to do several things at the same time, but things aren't getting done properly, and I'm absolutely exhausted. I won’t be able to do anything, it seems..."

Elvira, 24 years old

What is the problem?

During pregnancy, most women experience periods of increased activity several times: “As much as possible needs to be done right now, without delaying until the baby is born.” Psychologists call this condition nest syndrome - the desire to arrange life in such a way that you can then calmly take care of the baby. However, often in such a state, a woman cannot soberly assess either her strengths or the very necessity of things; in an effort to get everything done, she begins to behave anxiously and chaotically. He gets tired not only from work, but also from worries about not having time. How can you help yourself get rid of the fatigue caused by the many worries of a pregnant woman?

What to do?

Delegate authority. Write a list of all the things to do, and then highlight yours - what only you can do (take tests, agree on remote work), and the general ones - what you can do (entrust your husband with the search for an apartment, your mother - a dowry for the baby).

Implement easy time management. Decide which of your tasks are the most important (if you don’t do it, there will be problems), and which are desirable (it’s better to do, but not necessary) and completely unnecessary (decided for reasons of “they still do it”). And assign time to things: urgent ones, as long as they endure, are not necessary at all. This type of time management will help you calm down and feel that overall everything is under control.

4. Chronic fatigue from trying to be good to everyone

“I'm 4 months pregnant. I used to be a perfectionist: I kept a close eye on order, organized Sunday lunches with my husband's parents as guests, and studied English twice a week with his nephew, regardless of whether I wanted it or not. And now all this is a burden to me - the apartment is no longer so perfectly clean, it’s hard for me to communicate much and, to be honest, I just want to lie on the couch, watch TV and read. But it feels like no one takes my situation into account, they want everything to be the same. Sometimes I try to strain and conform for the sake of a good relationship, but then I still give up on these attempts. No strength! I’m terribly tired, both by myself and by the fact that my loved ones are unhappy.”

Kira, 26 years old

What is the problem?

All your life you have tried to be good to everyone. And when a person constantly steps over himself and his desires, he accumulates fatigue from dissatisfaction with the state of affairs. And now you have an official reason that frees you from your usual and (admit it to yourself!) boring responsibilities. With a clear conscience, you want to enjoy the vacation that, apparently, you have needed for a long time, but you are not given this opportunity. And your vain attempts to be as before fail, because you feel you are right: “I’m pregnant, so I have the right to rest.” And the body adapts to the state that is psychologically beneficial to us. There is nothing wrong with using this position. However, you should be more careful about your behavior outside of pregnancy. The habit of suppressing your own desires results in problems in relationships and health. But even now you can do something.

What to do?

Talk about the problem. You need to honestly admit to a loved one (for example, your husband) that now you feel the need for rest. Because, perhaps, he and the rest of your relatives simply don’t know about it, because they are used to seeing you energetic and ready to help others. And add that it’s unpleasant for you to hear criticism addressed to you from the series. By talking about our problem, we structure the information and often begin to understand how to help ourselves.

Find yourself a suitable resource activity. This is the name for those things that inspire a person and give him energy. Moreover, they do not have to have useful hobbies like photography or learning a foreign language. Think about what gives you pleasure and write yourself a list of 5-7 points (for example, walk in the park alone, watch 3D movies in the cinema, eat fried potatoes, buy yourself nice underwear, don’t talk to anyone all day by phone, collecting designer dolls, etc.). This kind of recharging helps a lot. Very soon you will feel that your body has regained its strength and is ready for new – very joyful – events.

Fatigue during pregnancy is normal

It is customary in society to idealize the state of pregnancy and, in general, everything related to motherhood. Of course, no one forces you to be happy, calm and relaxed, but it is understood that this is the norm. This may be why many women feel disappointed and even guilty when, instead of elation, they experience fatigue during pregnancy. Although fatigue during pregnancy is a natural phenomenon.

Usually it all starts with physiological fatigue during pregnancy. There are so many changes that it becomes a significant stress for the body. To adapt, additional strength is needed. Getting them is quite simple - relax more, walk, spend time having pleasant conversations and feasible physical activity. But the problem is that these basic things are not so easy to organize. If psychological problems are added to physiological changes, adaptation becomes more difficult.

Problems at work, disagreements in the family, domestic tension, worries about the future - any of these problems (and especially all of them together) weakens morally and causes a feeling of psychological fatigue. This worsens your mood, increases anxiety, tension and further contributes to the accumulation of fatigue during pregnancy. You can break the vicious circle if you are more sensitive to your condition. Make it the dominant one, the main phenomenon for several months.

Weakness and pregnancy often go hand in hand. Expectant mothers, due to their “special” position, may feel a loss of strength, weakness in the legs, drowsiness... And this is normal in most cases. What still causes a feeling of weakness in pregnant women, and is there any reason to worry? What is the norm and when does a woman need medical help? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

The concept of “weakness” is quite broad and is not limited to the desire only to sleep or lie down, but also has other manifestations. During pregnancy, weakness implies the presence of the following sensations in a woman:

  • Painful condition. The woman feels as if she is sick. In the early stages of pregnancy there are chills, weakness, and a feeling of weakness. The thought immediately arises that the woman has caught a cold or caught an infection. In fact, the reason for this feeling is hormonal changes.
  • Temperature. From time to time, a woman may notice a rise in temperature and loss of strength. The culprit of this symptom of weakness is still the same hormonal imbalance.
  • Nausea and reluctance to move, eat, do something. During pregnancy (first trimester), weakness is caused by ordinary toxicosis, which creates a vicious circle: the woman feels weak and dizzy, which makes her feel sick, and then repeated vomiting leads to exhaustion, and the weakness intensifies.
  • Drowsiness. The expectant mother wants to sleep and distance herself from everything around her. At first, the body directs all its forces to arranging a place for the fetus and ensuring its vital functions, so a woman on a subconscious level tries to save as much energy as possible, so she sleeps a lot.

Why does weakness occur during pregnancy?

Weakness can occur at any stage of gestation. In some women it is so pronounced that they lose their ability to work, while in others this symptom is completely absent. Therefore, a natural question arises whether weakness is a normal sign of pregnancy. According to doctors, weakness is an absolutely natural physiological reaction of the female body to pregnancy and only in rare cases is it a consequence of any pathology.

The causes of weakness can be different and are determined by the duration of pregnancy. So, in the first half of gestation, weakness is a sign of pregnancy. A woman may not yet know about her situation, but her health is already significantly worsening: she is very tired at work, she feels nauseous, and feels dizzy. To a greater extent, poor health is influenced by a sharp change in hormonal levels.

In the second half of pregnancy, weakness can be caused by both overexertion and disorders such as gestosis or kidney dysfunction.

Weakness during early pregnancy

In the first weeks of gestation, weakness is considered normal. An increase in progesterone levels, intensive consumption of vitamin and mineral resources, and an increase in blood volume significantly deplete the female body, and weakness occurs.

But there are other provocateurs of weakness during pregnancy:

  • Toxicosis. This condition is characterized by a whole complex of symptoms: nausea, refusal to eat, excessive salivation, repeated vomiting, palpitations, weight loss, fainting. This condition occurs in half of pregnant women and is accompanied by weakness and dizziness during pregnancy in the first 4-12 weeks. But toxicosis can cause complications, so if the woman is severely exhausted, she is sent to the hospital to stabilize her condition.
  • Hypotension. If a woman experiences dizziness and weakness during pregnancy, fainting or loss of orientation in space, her blood pressure may be reduced. This often happens in the early stages, but in this situation observation by a doctor is required. Without pressure correction, fetal hypoxia and disruption of its development may develop.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. After conception, the female body gives most of its reserves of useful substances to the baby; in addition, to maintain its vital functions, the woman’s circulatory system creates an additional bloodstream. If these processes are accompanied by poor nutrition, toxicosis, insufficient exposure to fresh air, loss of strength, a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, or anemia, occurs. This pathology is manifested by dizziness, slight numbness of the arms/legs, deterioration of hair and nails, shortness of breath, weakness and drowsiness during pregnancy. This deviation is easily diagnosed using a routine capillary blood test and can be successfully corrected with iron-containing medications and a special diet with a predominance of red meat. Without treatment, there is a risk of miscarriage, hypoxia, and congenital diseases in the baby.
  • Viral infections. The first weeks of pregnancy are always accompanied by insufficient functioning of the immune system, which increases the incidence of diseases such as flu and colds or other infectious diseases. The first sign of infection is weakness and fever during pregnancy.

On a note! Weakness in pregnant women can be caused by simple stress, poor sleep, overwork at work and even poor nutrition.

Weakness in late pregnancy

As the baby grows in the tummy, all the mentioned provocateurs of weakness during pregnancy remain relevant. But their list is supplemented by new reasons:

  • Preeclampsia. This formidable complication is manifested by an increase in protein in the urine, surges in blood pressure, extensive swelling and severe weakness during pregnancy. The pathology goes through several stages and is always treated in a hospital, since in severe cases it can result in an emergency caesarean section.
  • The stress on the body as a result of the growth of the uterus. The uterus enlarges as the fetus grows, and in the second half of pregnancy it begins to put pressure on other organs. A woman’s intestines begin to work poorly, shortness of breath, oxygen deficiency appear, fluid is retained in the tissues, which causes general weakness.
  • Compression of the pudendal vein. During pregnancy in the third trimester, weakness often occurs in response to compression of this vein located behind the uterus. In this case, there may be not only weakness, but also strong pulsation in the abdomen, dizziness, and varicose veins.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. This condition is not considered a disease, but only a set of certain symptoms of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The pathology during pregnancy is aggravated and causes hypotension, weather sensitivity, drowsiness, migraine, goosebumps, weakness in the legs during pregnancy.

Often during pregnancy, a woman feels weakness only in her arms or legs. This symptom can be caused by already known causes or chronic diseases. Thus, weakness in the arms can be provoked by cervical osteochondrosis, vascular diseases, joint diseases, and hypothermia. And weakness in the legs is caused by varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and flat feet.

Important! Most causes of weakness are physiological and do not require treatment, but for peace of mind, it is better to inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about your condition to make sure the baby is safe.

Weakness during pregnancy: what to do

Weakness during pregnancy, which is not caused by disorders in the body, doctors advise you to simply get over it. But not everyone has the opportunity to sit out a difficult period at home, because no one has canceled work! To help yourself gain courage and cheer up, listen to the following recommendations:

  • Allocate more time for relaxation: if possible, rest during the day; if not, go to bed early, in general, look for options.
  • Protect yourself from worries. This is not easy, but think about the baby, because stress worsens weakness and increases the risk of developing hypoxia. Avoid any conflict situations, watch less TV, avoid unpleasant interlocutors and alarmists. Establish contact only with family and pleasant people who will help you improve your mood and motivate you.
  • Don't forget about fresh air. A walk in the park or a trip to nature gives energy, saturates the blood with oxygen, and invigorates. Staying in clean air will relieve headaches and weakness during pregnancy.
  • Watch your diet. Your menu should be multi-component and balanced. You need a regular supply of minerals, fatty acids, proteins and vitamins. First of all, you need to eat meat, vegetables, berries and fruits in season.
  • Charger. If there are no contraindications, drive away fatigue with gymnastics, swimming, and yoga. Exercise will promote the production of serotonin, which acts like caffeine - it gives energy and joy.
  • Ask your loved ones for help. If you don’t have time to do all the household chores, or you have another child who needs to be taken to school and clubs, don’t hesitate to ask for help and get some extra rest. If you're in a bind, consider using a nanny.

Advice! A piece of chocolate and sweet tea will help you cheer up a little, especially if your weakness is caused by a drop in blood pressure.

Weakness during pregnancy can be physiological or pathological. Remember, if weakness occurs suddenly, is accompanied by abdominal pain, loss of consciousness, bleeding or other serious symptoms, do not waste time and call a doctor immediately. If your condition is stable, just try to switch to something interesting and enjoy your wonderful, but fleeting situation!

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