Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Apparat - A magazine about a new society. Yandex.Taxi service collapsed all over Russia

Apparat - A magazine about a new society. Yandex.Taxi service collapsed all over Russia

Society, 13:20

In Moscow, two passengers were killed when a taxi collided with a post ..., the accident happened at about 08:00 Moscow time on Bratislavskaya street. "Driver Taxi lost control and crashed into a mast of city lighting ... noted that the victims of the accident were two passengers. In this case, the driver Taxi, who turned out to be a native of Kyrgyzstan, serious injuries not received. Last August in the north-west of Moscow Taxi crashed into a mast of city lighting, after which the car caught fire, and ...

Business, 06 Mar, 19:00

Gett announced a possible IPO before the end of the year Israeli company - order aggregator Taxi Gett is preparing for a potential IPO. About this Gett CEO Dave ...

Technology and media, 26 Feb, 21:29

Yandex.Taxi and Uber services crashed ... restore. A failure occurred on Tuesday evening in the work of services "Yandex. Taxi"And Uber. The problems were reported by users on Twitter. The problem was confirmed ... users may have had problems with the order for about an hour Taxi... The service is now operating normally. We apologize for ... the on-call service interruptions Taxi... Then there were problems with calling Taxi through the Yandex. Taxi», Uber, Gett and Citymobil. Egor Gubernatorov ...

Society, Feb 18, 16:56

In Moscow, a taxi driver shot a passenger with a traumatic pistol Driver in the center of Moscow Taxi shot at a passenger with a traumatic pistol, RBC was told in the press ... it took place on the night of February 17. When boarding passengers in Taxi there was a conflict, while the passengers, according to the taxi driver, were drunk ... source. In January, the police detained a resident of Moscow who beat the driver Taxi and stole his car. The woman attacked the driver after ...

Society, Feb 05, 03:42

Chechen authorities have responded to taxi drivers' complaints about Yandex.Taxi ... enterprises. We helped as much as we could when Yandex. Taxi", - he said. The spokesman added that the issue of cooperation of the aggregator with .... In December 2018, Grozny State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company conducted an investigation into the activities of aggregators Taxi in Chechnya. On the air of the TV channel, the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Republic Ruslan Ataev ... one of the regional taxi companies did not agree to work with Yandex. Taxi". It was noted that the service continued to cooperate with private drivers without a license ... In Moscow, a taxi passenger beat the driver and stole his car Police officers detained a 27-year-old resident of Moscow, who beat the driver Taxi and stole his car. This was reported by the press service of the capital ... law enforcement officers, the incident took place in Oruzheyny lane. The woman approached the car Taxi Hyundai under the control of a 52-year-old local resident... After... HSBC predicted the transformation of Yandex.Taxi into a drone operator ... leading analyst at HSBC Masha Kan, faster than in Russia, unmanned Taxi should appear in China, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and the United States ... ways to monetize technology: the company can become the operator of its own fleet of unmanned Taxi or sell technology to car manufacturers or car components. Any of ... addition, the appearance of such vehicles could increase the potential market for Yandex. Taxi»: Those who still ... Taxi driver hit three people at a bus stop in Perm In the Dzerzhinsky district of Perm, the driver Taxi Renault logan drove into a bus stop and hit three people. ... Cosmonauts in the direction of Milchakova street. The police added that the driver Taxi was born in 1988. “It has been established that in the area of ​​house number 49 ... Minibus crashed into a tree at VDNKh ... pavilion "Books" at VDNKh (Prospect Mira, 119, p. 79). Route Taxi Ford Transit crashed into a tree after the driver became ... Smart greenhouses, taxis and subscription dinners: three startups in 2018 Smart greenhouses iFarm Project, Taxi-Aggregator Taxify and service of dinners by subscription "Food Party". RBC has selected three startups that became successful in 2018. Ekaterina Sevallos, Alexander Grachev Ilya Nosyrev, Ksenia Melnikova In Moscow, a taxi driver dragged a policeman with his hand clamped by a window lifter ... in Yekaterinburg, a taxi driver injured a woman's hand and dropped her from Taxi since he had no change. He scolded the woman ... Clients complained about failures in Yandex.Taxi and Gett services ... -Petersburg complained about failures in the work of the main services on request Taxi... Yandex and Gett admitted that there were problems, and said ... December, users of social networks began to complain about problems with the call Taxi through the Yandex. Taxi», Uber, Gett and Citymobil. Messages started to appear about ... users for about an hour there could be problems with the order Taxi... The service is now operating normally. We apologize for ... The State Duma approved the law on the rules for taxi aggregators The State Duma in the first reading adopted a bill on the activities of aggregators Taxi, according to which, taxi drivers' cars must have a color scheme and ... issue orders to taxi drivers who do not have permission. The press service of Yandex. Taxi"Told RBC that they are participating in working group State Duma on the preparation ... transfer of orders to the driver without a permit for a car, insurance in the field Taxi and simplifying the conditions for the self-employed. Yandex stressed that these ... In Omsk, three people were injured when a taxi entered an underpass Three people were injured after the car Taxi in Omsk partially entered the underpass. This is reported ... Moscow on November 16, there was an accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt with the participation of Taxi Hyundai solaris and a Maybach car. One person died, one more ... Government experts calculated the safety of taxi rides ... 700 thousand people, according to the study. Average annual car mileage Taxi in this case, it also increases. Deputy Head Analytical Center under the government ... - the wrong choice of distance and non-observance of the sequence of travel. "Social portrait" of the driver Taxi, who often gets into an accident, according to the Moscow government, is as follows: average ... Moscow authorities have compiled a portrait of a taxi driver who gets into an accident ..., Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan. 79% at the time of an accident while driving Taxi were citizens of Russia, follows from the materials. From the materials of the mayor's office it follows ... often those who are driving get into accidents Taxi citizens of Russia. In particular, an expert on Taxi Society "Blue Buckets" Elena Grashchenkova believes that ... Taxi... “Permits could be issued for legal entities registered for Russians. But... Rogozin apologized for publishing a video of experiments with a dachshund ... astronauts, ”Rogozin said. According to the head of Roscosmos, filming the experiment with dachshund"Turned out to be completely inappropriate." “I apologize that the staff got in and became ... the development of the Fund advanced research, including a liquid breathing system. Dachshund immersed in a container with an oxygen-containing liquid and after a while ... a wave of criticism arose on social networks. After that, the head of Roscosmos promised to take dachshund himself, and the press secretary of the FPI, Andrei Veduta, told RBC that ... MegaFon and Mail.Ru Group relinquished control over Citymobil service City-mobile company, which develops the call service of the same name Taxi, announced that it had closed the first round of investments, the start of which was ... Yandex.Taxi asked the traffic police for access to the driver's license database Yandex. Taxi"Asked the traffic police to provide an opportunity to check the rights of ... with the participation of the heads of the UGIBDD regions, the development director of Yandex. Taxi"In Russia and Belarus Alexei Fedotov, reports" RIA Novosti ". "We... Taxi services opposed the ban on regulating travel prices .... We believe that if they are accepted, then Russian market Taxi in its development will be thrown back 15 years ", - it is emphasized ... to the draft of a new law on Taxi... According to the initiative of officials, the right to determine tariffs will be transferred to carriers. Aggregator's press secretary Taxi Maxim Pavel Stennikov explained to the newspaper that in currently pricing ... The media learned about the plans to transfer the regulation of taxi fares to carriers ..., according to which currently governing fares to Taxi aggregators will be prohibited from doing this. The right to determine tariffs, according to the initiative ... Sergey Libin. In accordance with additional amendments to the draft on Taxi, which the metropolitan department is preparing to make, the carriers, as the representative pointed out to the newspaper ... will study the initiative. Currently, the largest online and telephone aggregators Taxi, as Kommersant points out, are the Vezet companies (brands Saturn, Red Taxi ... Yandex.Taxi bought a delivery service for food sets "Food Party" ... in the message of the press service of the Yandex company, received by RBC. Yandex. Taxi"Will receive a share in the company" Food Party "in the amount of 83.3 ..., 7% will remain with the three co-owners of the delivery service. At the same time, Yandex. Taxi"Will have the right to redeem the remaining share within several years ... accessible to millions of people," the words of the Chief Operating Officer of Yandex. Taxi"Daniil Shuleiko. It is noted that after the closure of the deal, "Food Party" will remain ... How Qlean Co-Founder Invented 'Uber for Senior Care' ... the cleaning market before Qlean. Or as a market Taxi before Uber and Yandex. Taxi". Perhaps the comparison is vulgar, but the situation is very similar ... The helicopter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations flew to the scene of the accident with 13 dead near Tver The rescue helicopter flew to the scene of an accident with a route Taxi and a bus in the Tver region, which killed at least ... the center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the evacuation of victims. Collision of a regular bus and a shuttle Taxi happened on the morning of October 5 in the area settlement Nekrasovo in ... preliminary data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the car accident occurred due to the departure of the route driver Taxi into the oncoming lane. Moscow taxi company told about the trip of the alleged GRU agent ... seized from the alleged agent of the Main Directorate of the General Staff (formerly the GRU), who ordered Taxi from the headquarters to the Sheremetyevo airport. “Yes, this is our ... -conference of the military department, photographs of passports and a receipt of payment were shown Taxi from the building connected with the GRU to the Sheremetyevo airport, where the customer ...

Technology and media, 10 Sep 2018, 19:43

In Britain, showed tests of a prototype flying electric taxi ... flights between cities. In Britain, for the first time showed tests of a prototype of an electric Taxi with vertical take-off and landing. This is the first such development in ... will receive safety approvals. As planned, Taxi will be able to operate according to the existing flight rules, as it will use ... a video posted on the Vertical Aerospace YouTube channel showing prototype tests Taxi... Several people roll the device out of the hangar at the Cotswold airport, after ...

Society, 03 Sep 2018, 16:38

The FAS recognized the advertising of Yandex.Taxi about trips for 30 rubles as unreliable. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia caught Yandex. Taxi"In the dissemination of inaccurate advertising from March to May 2018 ... In Kursk, stickers on the cars of service partners were reported in large print:" Yandex. Taxi"From 30 rubles." and in small print: “Price for filing in .... “We will study the motivation part of the FAS decision when we receive it. Yandex. Taxi"Seeks to inform users in detail about the services provided," RBC was told in ... Yandex announced the launch of the first unmanned taxi in Europe ... RBC Tatarstan. After that, the Republican leader personally drove a drone Taxi... “I am convinced that an unmanned vehicle is more reliable than a driver who ... an unmanned vehicle in Moscow. “Now, when we launch such a route Taxi unmanned, it may seem that quite a few years will pass before ... "Yandex" in Russia Elena Bunina. According to Bunina, the launch of the unmanned Taxi in Innopolis is “a real technological breakthrough". “First time in Europe ... Test rides of unmanned taxis with passengers launched in Tokyo ... is the business center of the Japanese capital and nightlife... Total unmanned Taxi will make four round trips. “Based on the results ... in the company's statement. Hinomaru Traffic noted that such unmanned Taxi will be able to solve the problem of lack of drivers. In March, it was reported that an unmanned vehicle that belonged to a search service Taxi Uber hit a woman in the US state of Arizona. As stated in ... Uber announced plans to use electric scooters and bicycles Call service Taxi Uber wants to offer its customers e-bikes and e-scooters for short ... In Moscow, a passenger who burned down after hitting a taxi pole was hospitalized In the northwest of Moscow Taxi crashed into a mast of city lighting, after which the car caught fire, and ... in addition to the driver, there was a passenger. Both managed to get out of the car on their own. " Taxi Nissan crashed into a mast of city lighting, the car completely burned out ... returned to the scene of the accident, from where he was hospitalized. According to the driver Taxi, he fell asleep while driving, which caused an accident. "Seven days... Politics, 03 Aug 2018, 16:09 Lithuanian special services suspect Yandex.Taxi of transferring data to Russia ..., especially to officials and employees of the country's Ministry of Defense. The press service of Yandex. Taxi»Commented on these accusations to RBC. They stressed that "they never hid ...", - added the press service. They also recalled that the Yandex. Taxi»In Lithuania is managed by Yandex.Taxi BV, registered in the Netherlands ... data count. In the previous statement it was emphasized that “these requirements of Yandex. Taxi"May create conditions for illegal collection and accumulation of data." Then... Lithuanian Defense Ministry advised residents not to use Yandex.Taxi .... The Ministry of Defense of Lithuania has recommended that the citizens of the country do not use the Yandex. Taxi". This is stated in a message on the agency's website. According to ... BV. The Lithuanian Seim announced the threat to Yandex. Taxi"National security of the country" Service "Yandex. Taxi»In Lithuania is managed by our parent company Yandex.Taxi .... Earlier, the deputy of the Lithuanian Seimas Audronius Azubalis said that the activities of Yandex. Taxi»Threatens national security country. In his opinion, “in the context of a hybrid ... The Seimas of Lithuania announced the threat of Yandex.Taxi to the country's national security ... Democrats of Lithuania "Audronius Azubalis said that the activities of the Russian service" Yandex. Taxi"Can threaten the national security of the country. This was reported on the website ... ERR, he is awaiting a response from the special services. “If they say that Yandex. Taxi"Does not pose a risk to national security, then I will have to ... it must definitely be carried out. Earlier it became known that Yandex. Taxi»Plans to start work in Lithuania at the end of July. In 2018 ... A resident of Yekaterinburg complained about a taxi driver after a hand injury ... at the age of 18-19, she called a car through the Yandex. Taxi". After arriving at the destination, it turned out that the driver did not ... Taxi The police are checking this incident, notes E1. As RBC was told in the press service of Yandex. Taxi", On July 13, the support service actually received such a complaint about ... Communication for rent: how to make money by renting gadgets to taxi drivers ... his teachers Tatiana Bade, - the entrepreneur recalls. - Then the market began to develop Taxi-aggregators, and I thought: why not start on it ... Taxium 177) - I bought economy class cars and began to hand them over to drivers Taxi... The entrepreneur invested about 4 million rubles in the launch of the business. personal ... with the help of bank loans and private investors. The taxi company cooperated with Taxi-aggregators: first with Gett, and then with Uber and Yandex ... The driver and two passengers of the taxi were killed in an accident in the south-east of Moscow Three people died after the car Taxi Hyundai crashed into a lamp post in the southeast of Moscow. About...

Last night, about 20 cars gathered at the Yandex.Taxi headquarters. Several drivers simulated an accident by blocking off part of the road. According to taxi drivers, they wanted to draw attention to the problem of reducing the minimum price of a trip. At this time, the radio station "Echo of Moscow" spread the news that taxi drivers are going to block the work of the service "Yandex.Taxi" on September 23-26 - not to take orders. As a result, six taxi drivers were detained, the police explained the detention as disobedience to the demands of a representative of the authorities. The OMVD for the Khamovniki district told "Snob" that all the taxi drivers had already been released. A day earlier, taxi drivers had already tried to hold a similar protest, but their action was quickly stopped by the police.

The reason for the taxi drivers' dissatisfaction was the reduction by Yandex of the minimum cost of a trip at all tariffs by 100 rubles: for example, in the Economy tariff the minimum cost fell from 199 to 99 rubles. The press service of "Yandex" notes that "short trips for users have become even more accessible." But for taxi drivers, this was unpleasant news. The driver of Yandex.Taxi, Aleksey, told Snob how much he earns and how much he will lose due to the reduction in the price of the trip:

- Yandex reduced the tariff, and my taxi fleet left the plan the same - 6,500 rubles a day. Fifty percent, that is, 3,250, I give to Yandex, the rest is mine, but I still need to cover the cost of gasoline. So I earn 2,500 rubles per shift. I work two days after two - it turns out fifteen shifts a month - 37,500 rubles. But Yandex has lowered the minimum cost of the trip: before, I was guaranteed to receive two hundred rubles per order, now only a hundred. If I have 15-20 orders per day, then I will lose from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. Ultimately, I will lose about a third of my salary and receive only 27,000 rubles. To fulfill my daily plan and not get penalized, I need to work even harder. And my shift lasts no less than twelve hours. There is no dialogue with anyone: in the taxi company, no one wants to listen, they say: bring daily rate... There is a Yandex representative, but he cannot help in this matter.

Yandex does not see this as a problem. In response to Snob's request, the company's press service replied: “These changes have been carefully prepared, calculated and tested from the point of view of the interests of both users and drivers [...] During these 5 months, the number of short trips lasting up to 5 minutes, and the number of orders for each driver increased by one and a half times. This means that the drivers managed to place more orders per shift, that is, their income did not decrease, and for some it even increased.

In addition, before changing the rates, we discussed the new conditions with partner taxi companies, as well as with some drivers. There were many questions and discussions, and as a result, the new conditions satisfied everyone. We also warned all other drivers about the tariff change in advance ”.

Nevertheless, the strike shows that not all taxi drivers agree to the new working conditions. Today, a police car is on duty at the Yandex office, possibly in anticipation of new protests, although the Yandex press service does not consider yesterday's incident to be something that requires special attention. According to them, this is "a common reaction to any change, whether good or bad."

A taxi driver who works privately under a license at the Kievsky railway station, in a conversation with "Snob" said that "Yandex" lures customers and drives out private traders low prices... Nevertheless, he is not going to switch to work in Yandex.Taxi yet. “In“ Yandex ”people plow for 12 hours, but I have much fewer orders, but I work only for myself and still earn my 30 thousand,” the driver added.

In 2015, about sixty percent of taxi calls in Moscow were accounted for by Uber, Gett, and Yandex.Taxi applications, the number of users of these services is increasing, which means that it will be more and more difficult for private individuals to make money. As for the future prospects, the development of technology is jeopardizing the existence of the profession of a taxi driver: for example, Uber is already testing an unmanned taxi in Pennsylvania. The vehicle is equipped with "a variety of sensors, including radars, laser scanners and high-resolution cameras," the company said; a person is not needed to drive such a car.

Yesterday me in again took a taxi on business. I used to pay it through Apple Pay, on the map, but it was not there.

Taxi drivers one after another began to refuse the trip, learning that I want to pay with her card. At least three of them refused for sure. I had to take the subway.

I was curious why taxi drivers refuse to pay by card. It turns out there is a reason for this.

The commission for drivers has increased

Yandex takes a certain percentage of each trip for the provision of the service. The company's website states that it is 18% for Economy, Minivan and Children's fares. For the rest, the size of the commission is 20.47%.

The company promised to raise the commission on March 23rd. And she did it, but she did not update the information on the website correctly. At a minimum, the commission does not yet include:

  • dispatching services
  • the cost of using the software

When paying with a card, the entire cost of the trip is debited from taxi drivers at the end of the trip and goes to Yandex. After some time, it is returned to the driver's account minus the commission.

Including VAT, Yandex raises the commission not to 20.47%, but to about 25-26% for expensive tariffs and up to 23-24% for economy. Well, taking into account the connection of taxi drivers to the service (on average 4%), in fact the driver pays up to 30% of the order value.

It turns out that the rates "Comfort" and higher are subject to a commission of 30%, and "Economy" - 28%. That is, in fact, a third of the cost of the trip goes to Yandex.

What consequences await customers now

It turns out that clients cannot often travel for cashless payments... Drivers try in every possible way to bypass card payments and ask to cancel the order.

Cashless payments for taxi drivers are fading into the background, they try to pay either in cash or by transferring from card to card.

And all this is due to the gradual increase in the commission for drivers.

But why does Yandex need it? In this way, the company wants to increase the profitability of the service. You need to earn more and do it as efficiently as possible.

Drivers can change taxi companies within the service, trying to knock out profitable commissions for themselves. But it is problematic to fight the commission. Therefore, taxi drivers often go for tricks in order to make up for themselves at least some part of the money.

But the client does not care about this matter. Regular users of the service, faced with outright rudeness and impudence of drivers, will simply go to other places.

What is the bottom line

I don’t want to sound like an expert in this matter, but personally I can see the disadvantages of increasing the commission. Only Yandex remains in the black.

For drivers: the cost of tariffs is constantly falling, the commission is increasing, there are more taxi drivers, and there are fewer orders. Accordingly, drivers earn significantly less money on trips.

For passengers: booking a trip is becoming more and more problematic each time. Why then continue to use this service if there are other good analogues?

For Yandex.Taxi: everything is very clear here. Yandex gets its benefits from taxi drivers, increasing its own earnings. The most important thing is that it really pays off as it should.

It will be interesting to watch the development of events. But one thing I know for sure: angry, arrogant and disgruntled drivers have already led to the death of traditional taxis. It will be a shame if my favorite service also collapses before our eyes.

Several situations happened to me and I will tell you about them.

First. It was in the city of Oryol. I called a taxi home and the tariff showed me the final amount of 171 rubles. Fine! I chose to pay by card and went. When I got into the car, the navigator "advised" to go through the center, but the taxi driver said that he was tired of the navigator and would go by a shorter route. But here the navigator seemed to be showing the longest way. Okay, having arrived home, I will get out of the car, and I receive a notification that the trip was not 171, but about 250 rubles, since the route was changed. I am at a loss, since the driver himself chose this route and there is no fault of mine, especially since he was driving a faster and shorter route. I wrote to the support service and they treated me with understanding and returned this money to me, but not in fact, but gave a promo code for 100 rubles for the next trip. It all ended well.

Story two. The application is written by the driver on the way and will be in 2 minutes. We sit and wait .... 5 minutes have passed ... 7 minutes .... The taxi on the map is just spinning around its axis on the road. We call the driver and ask where is he? Answer: "I've been waiting for you for 10 minutes !!!". We got into a taxi and were charged with waiting. We asked the taxi driver why he didn’t call us? He replied that he was waiting specifically for the time to check whether it was true that if the driver waits for 10 minutes, then Yandex pays for it and the driver can go to another order. Also, all the way they listened to mats from the driver, to which the windshield had broken a stone, he was not embarrassed that the passenger was a girl, and that people were not familiar at all. Swearing like a shoemaker. He said that if you knock down a pedestrian, then nothing will happen, since the rules say to let pedestrians pass, and so on.

Story three. I moved to another city. To Moscow.

There are very impudent drivers here. They press "wait" before arriving. They ask to cancel the order. I called a taxi, I'm waiting .. It was announced that the Kia would arrive, the driver calls, says that the polo will arrive, and in general I'm waiting for you, cancel the order and I'll take you for the same cost. Naturally, I refused. And they charged me a debt of 50 rubles, I did not pay it, these are not my problems, that the taxi is not checked before leaving.

Story four. The specialist went to the hospital, the distance is short, a taxi cost about 70 rubles, it was possible to walk, but I could not walk because of back problems. A driver arrives who does not know Russian at all. He asks for the address where to go, replied that if I show the way (although the order contains everything and the address and he has a navigator open) and he tells me, AT LEAST REMINDER, I ALREADY SIT IN THE CAR and waited for a taxi for another 8 minutes. GIRL I HAVE ALREADY STARTED THE NAVIGATOR TO HOME CALL ANOTHER TAXI. In broken Russian. I tell him, I’m already sitting with you, take me, it’s not far, I’ll show you the way. In response: But I have already built the navigator home.

Now prices have skyrocketed, why it is not clear. Before work 2 weeks I went along the same path and address for 300 rubles, today 650 for the same and at the same time. Yesterday 541.

There is no more ointment to use this taxi. She told the brightest stories.

Other taxis are appearing now, they are much cheaper. Even for example, she called a taxi and got there for 290, and the same Yandex is already 650. Previously, the prices were good and the drivers were adequate.

On the other hand, drivers do not want to take orders for cheap, for short distances and out of town. That's why long time waiting for about 7 minutes.

And so, how to use this taxi and can more or less survive:

1. Only cash!

2. Asking to cancel? Get out of the taxi or write what the driver asked, because then your rating will drop.

3. If it is long and expensive, do not forget that there are other taxis!

A Moscow taxi driver found a way to hack the Yandex.Taxi application and be the first to receive orders. He told his story to the Moslent newspaper.

According to the driver, Yandex.Taxi and Gett are the most popular taxi services in Moscow, and, unlike Uber, they allow you to make good money thanks to high prices for customers. At the same time, Yandex cooperates only with professional taxi drivers and only at the level of taxi companies and dispatch services - without registering individuals.

This causes certain difficulties for drivers, including the need to create dispatch services through which they can register with Yandex.Taxi. At the same time, part of the money earned goes to these services, and part to Yandex.

However, the taxi driver was not confused by this, but by the problems with the rating, which directly affects the number of orders. This indicator, earned by "enormous labor", fell sharply several times from a level of about 4.9 (maximum - 5.0) to 3.3-3.4.

No customer complaints, no order disruptions, no bad grades didn’t seem to have happened. Why "sort of", because the driver has no way to find out about the reasons for the drop in the rating. Yandex does not communicate directly with drivers! And he only pretends to communicate with taxi companies (I have never been able to receive a response from Yandex to a request from a taxi company). When your rating drops, you stop receiving orders.

Yandex.Taxi driver

When the driver tried to contact Yandex directly to find out why there are sharp drops in the rating, the company told him that they did not communicate with taxi drivers.

My persistence did succeed, and I got through to some manager who you know what he did? Phoned to CEO my company, who simply kicked me out of there! What to do in such a situation? Right! In any way, overcome this "Yandex".

Yandex.Taxi driver

After that, the driver spent three to four months learning how to decompile and “rebuild” the Yandex.Taxometer Android application (Yandex.Taxi driver's client). This allowed him to change how the program calculates his rating, as well as to receive priority when ordering a car.

I became the only (hopefully) Moscow taxi driver with a similar priority. There are drivers with a priority assigned by Yandex itself, but, as you understand, I decided not to wait for mercy from the service, but to take everything into my own hands. Many even approached me with a request to sell the program.

Yandex.Taxi driver

Screenshot of the Yandex.Taxometer application

The man claims that a "caste" of those who hacked the application has already formed among the drivers, but his assembly, according to him, is unique. Despite all attempts by Yandex to eliminate the vulnerability, it managed to find loopholes over and over again.

Will I achieve full control over the "Y. Taxometer" again? Do not know. But having learned the essence of the work after a thorough study of the application, I can now, in principle, and without any edits, have, if not all, but many advantages over the drivers.

Here is my answer to Yandex, which considers it beneath its dignity to communicate with drivers and regularly arrange a real hell at work for taxi drivers in the form of almost daily program glitches and imperfections, although the program existed in test mode for more than six months.

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