Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill "Immortal Regiment" - a mass cult of the dead. The art of being yourself

"Immortal Regiment" - a mass cult of the dead. The art of being yourself

Promotion " Immortal Regiment"was held for the fourth time in Voronezh on Tuesday, May 9. Despite the cloudy weather, 43.8 thousand people took part in the procession. Photos of their relatives who defended their homeland during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, carried by people different ages, many walked in the stream with small children. RIA Voronezh correspondents asked townspeople to tell about their front-line heroes.

Photo - Mikhail Kiryanov

Anatoly Chernov with a photo of Dmitry Chernov’s father:

– My father Dmitry Semenovich is a Hero Soviet Union. He was a machine gunner. He received a gold star on November 13, 1943 for his courage during the crossing of the Dnieper and for taking the heights at the Lyutezh bridgehead near Kiev. Before that, in 1942, he drove the Nazis out of Voronezh, then took part in the battles on Kursk Bulge. The war severely crippled my father. He was wounded four times and shell-shocked eight times. He was discharged at the end of 1943 with the second group of disabilities. After crossing the Dnieper, my father was collected in parts. His nose, lip, and shoulder were torn off. But thanks to an experienced surgeon, dad remained alive. After operation right hand his was 10 cm shorter, but it worked. Of course, such wounds undermined his health; my father lived only 56 years. I remember how he talked for hours about the war. As soon as he and two other fighters survived the battle from an entire battalion, which consisted of 800 people. Then they could not get up from the ground for three days, they went to the toilet under themselves, due to the fact that the territory was constantly under fire from the Nazis. My mother, Daria Mikhailovna, also a participant in the war, dug trenches.

Photo – Mikhail Kiryanov

Sergei Kryukov with a photo of his father-in-law Tikhon Pozheluev:

– Tikhon Vasilievich, born in 1926. When the war began, he was 15 years old, but he was eager to fight with all his might. At first he transported ammunition for a couple of years, and in 1943 he was called up to the front. He was a signalman. Our family has preserved descriptions of all his exploits. For example, in the pouring rain and under heavy shelling, he eliminated 20 communications line breaks. And there are many such cases in his biography. He celebrated victory near Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad since 1946 - RIA Voronezh).

Tikhon Pozheluev was awarded many medals and orders. And today we came here not only with his portrait, we took with us the awards of our hero. All members of our family, from the oldest to the youngest, know about the exploits of their relative.

Photo – Mikhail Kiryanov

Vladimir Chepchak with photographs of grandfathers Nikolai Sinitsky and Philip Chepchak:

– My paternal grandfather, senior lieutenant Philip Chepchak, volunteered for the front in the first days of the war. He was the head of the fuel and lubricants service in the aviation division. For his courage he received the Order of the Red Star and the Medal “For Courage”. Grandfather needed to deliver fuel to our aviation regiment; the road went through territory occupied by the Nazis. So the grandfather not only successfully delivered the necessary fuel, but was also able to steal two tankers and a car with fuel from the enemy. For this he was awarded. He was wounded several times. He ended the war in Vienna. And grandfather maternal line, Major Nikolai Sinitsky, fought in a self-propelled artillery regiment. He received his first Order of the Red Star for an attack in which he destroyed several hundred fascists. And he was awarded the second Order of the Red Star for being able to lead the regiment to be reorganized to the rear.

Photo – Mikhail Kiryanov

Anna Panova with a photo of grandfather Vasily Tishchenko:

– My grandfather’s combat career began in the Voronezh volunteer regiment and ended in Vienna. By the end of the war he was a lieutenant colonel, chief of staff of the division Southwestern Front. Developed an operation to capture Vienna. He was given the task of capturing the city, but at the same time keeping all the architectural values ​​intact as much as possible. Finished the war in Austria. Was awarded the order Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War, medals “For the capture of Budapest”, “For the capture of Vienna”, “For victory over Germany”

Photo – Mikhail Kiryanov

Svetlana Pshenichnykh with a photo of grandfather Ivan Zolotarev:

– Grandfather was a military doctor. I went through the whole war. He didn't really like to remember those years. But sometimes he told how he spent days operating on the wounded, how mortally wounded soldiers died, how young boys became crippled.

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As a rule, heated discussions on the topic of patriotism on Victory Day begin several weeks before the holiday, and end exactly on May 10. The site’s staff felt that now that the holidays have already died down, the conversation on a topical topic should be more calm and constructive. The conversation was constructive, but was it calm?

Controversy between the participants of the round table arose even before its official start. Moderator of the meeting, local historian, historian and ex-Chekist Alexander Petrushin and his long-time opponent, leader public organization“People's Control” (and also a historian by training!) Alexander Shemyakin were correct in relation to each other in the dispute, but did not give up their positions. If the first one is sure that those same stickers “To Berlin!” vulgar and inappropriate, the second defended them as a manifestation of healthy patriotism. They were unanimous in one thing - no one really knows history.

During the round table, Alexander Shemyakin argued his position regarding patriotic stickers for May 9: “There is nothing wrong with these stickers. I agree that the call “Kill the German!” is not normal, but “Kill the fascist bastard!” is quite in the spirit of the times. And “To Berlin!” is generally a stylization, as they wrote on military equipment, on bombs. No one is saying that we will go straight from the parade to get Schengen visas and then take Berlin. “Night Wolves” this year with the slogan “Roads of Victory to Berlin” traveled across Europe, and in Germany they were well received. The Germans treat this normally and understand everything...”

“The Germans realized everything a long time ago and even repented. And we provoke them,” commented another participant in the event, the author of the “Immortal Regiment” idea, Gennady Ivanov.

"IN constitutional state a call to kill anyone sounds strange, to say the least. But the “Thank you grandfather for the Victory!” stickers seem quite appropriate to me,” Inna Korsun, head of the patriotic campaign “We Remember,” expressed her opinion.

“Which grandfather? This is common words...,” noted Gennady Ivanov.

“We are transferring military slogans to our time, we don’t need to do this. I believe that these stickers are nothing more than show-off, vulgarity and a desire to stand out,” Alexander Petrushin did not give up.

A real child of war

Inna Korsun admitted that on May 9, she herself has been participating in the parade for several years in a stylized form - but without shoulder straps and medals, of course: “For me, this is a holiday filled with emotions, a solemn date. The form is identifying oneself with the feat of the people.” Alexander Shemyakin also does not see anything wrong with the use of military uniforms at the holiday - they say, if you oppose this, then historical reconstructions are questionable. And in general, they say, all this contributes to patriotic education.

“There is no culture of using the symbols of the Great Patriotic War,” Alexander Petrushin continued to talk about the celebration of Victory Day. - St. George's ribbons - on knees, on dogs, on car antennas, in store windows. Two years ago, the Order of Victory was hung on a sex shop. It’s very strange to see an image of a milkmaid in military uniform on a carton of milk.”

Is it necessary to regulate the use of the St. George Ribbon on state level and enter mandatory rules wearing it? Alexander Shemyakin recalled the pioneer ties - there was not even a question of using them for other purposes - the tie was not worn like a bandana, nor was it tied to bags.

Inna Korsun and her team, as part of the “We Remember” campaign, are distributing St. George’s ribbons and leaflets with recommendations for wearing them. “Not everyone knows history St. George Ribbon, its meaning. We hold events to convey this information to young people. We tell you why it is unacceptable to use ribbon instead of laces, etc. I believe that it is necessary not to ban something, but to cultivate a culture. Young people will react to the official rules of wearing a ribbon with protest, and it is not a fact that the norm will be followed.

The conversation at the editorial table was heated and not strictly structured. The theme of the “Immortal Regiment” arose more than once and was considered from different angles. Gennady Ivanov, “a cross-dresser since childhood,” as he described himself, recalled how he suggested to one (now former) Tyumen mayor to carry a portrait of his grandfather at a celebration. The mayor refused, they say, I better at home I’ll put it there and remember it there. But now, Gennady Kirillovich grinned, after the president passed by with a portrait in the “Immortal Regiment,” this official also walks around with a photograph of his grandfather in the general formation.

“The format of the Immortal Regiment is perceived by young people. How formal is it for them? You know, it’s not the first year that a minute of silence has been held at the intersection of Respublika and Melnikaite on May 9 in the evening. People come on their own. And they cry. I don't think it can be by order. There were no front-line soldiers in my family, only home front workers. And I would also be happy to walk with a portrait of my relative,” added Inna.

only in Moscow. There are heated discussions on the Internet: the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya, came out to the procession with a portrait of Nicholas II, next to the passion-bearing Tsar there were posters and flags with a portrait of Stalin. IN Nizhny Novgorod Deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov carried a portrait of his grandfather, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR Vyacheslav Molotov, for which he was subjected to harsh criticism. Whose photo should I take to the procession? Is it possible to raise the question of the “right” or “wrong” Immortal Regiment? The famous Russian journalist, president of the all-Russian public organization of media workers "Media Union" Elena Zelinskaya reflects.

In my family, as probably in many families of siege survivors, Victory Day is a day of remembrance and gratitude. It is not a chain of accidents, but the lives and hard military work of many people - this is the reason why my mother remained alive, and therefore I and our children live. The driver who drove the car on the breaking ice of Lake Ladoga, the militia who dug trenches around the city, soviet soldiers who liberated Kuban, where an orphanage evacuated from besieged Leningrad was on the last brink of survival... Strangers and relatives.

All my relatives shared the fate of the Fatherland, no one passed by and no one evaded: eight people lie in mass graves on Piskarevka and two on Levashovsky. One with a burnt face, another reached Berlin, the third was shell-shocked near Vyborg, on the day when a truce had already been declared. And that same aunt of mine, whom they say I resemble, served as a doctor on an ambulance train and fought until she was ’47... None of them are with us anymore. Grandfathers on my father’s side, Siberian farmers, perished during collectivization, and how would they have fought together with their fellow countrymen when they defended Moscow...

The Immortal Regiment and the Immortal Barracks in the fate of one family. Whose portrait should I walk along Nevsky with?

When asked whether it was necessary to make a “Last Address” sign on the wall of the house from which my grandfather was taken, my mother replied: either everyone needs it, or no one needs it. And so many died, even if you cover all the walls...

But that's what's important to me now. A noble impulse of gratitude captured hundreds of thousands of people and brought them with portraits of their loved ones to the streets of the city - which means this is how it should be.

Not political chatter, not an imposed set of slogans, but the warmest, brightest thing a person has - an appeal to his family, to his great-grandfathers, to his roots - that’s what was important for everyone.

It turned out that it is important to be involved in something that is bigger than you, more significant, without which you are like a blade of grass for manipulation. But here you are walking with a portrait of your grandfather, among thousands and thousands of the same noble faces in old photographs - and you are not alone.

And all the disputes recede - about exact or inaccurate dates, about the pincers of the state, about the failures and lies of the reports. The first main place is taken by a person, an ordinary person, with eyes similar to yours, who was burning in a tank, so that today you and your children would walk along the bright Nevsky.

What you definitely don’t need is to rank gratitude by rating. One will go to the procession, another will remember quietly at home, a third will cry at the grave, a fourth will celebrate the liturgy, and someone will go to the Nursing Home with gifts, and another will write an angry text: behind the hype, they are forgetting to provide those who are still with us with housing and decent medical care.

There is no way for us to escape the opportunists and manipulators, those who will try to use the people's experience to cut dividends. And there is nowhere to hide from the fools who will wrap a ribbon around everything that moves. And it’s hard to resist the militaristic frenzy - it’s a contagious thing.
But I think we can cope: our fallen will not leave us in trouble. There are so many of them - a whole Immortal Regiment.

The Immortal Regiment is the one that recruited last years popularity, social movement in memory of the participants of the Second World War. It is believed that it was organized by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Tyumen Region, Gennady Ivanov. In 2007, he organized the “Parade of Winners”, during which people carried portraits of their relatives - veterans.

What is the Immortal Regiment?

The Immortal Regiment is an action in memory of the participants in World War II who defended our Motherland. The procession is a civil initiative, and participation in it is the desire of the citizens themselves. At the march of the Immortal Regiment, people bring posters with portraits of their relatives - veterans of the Great Patriotic War. As a sign of gratitude to those who went through the war or remained forever on the battlefield, people carry portraits of their relatives. The action does not have any political overtones and was invented only to honor and preserve the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland.

Immortal Regiment: where to come?

In each city, the Immortal Regiment starts from a certain point and usually passes through the central streets of the city. On the official website of the movement there are announcements about where each specific action will take place on May 9. The Immortal Regiment campaign is held in different cities Russia.

Immortal Regiment: do I need to register?

One of important points The shares of the Immortal Regiment remain the creation of a chronicle of the regiment. To “enroll your grandfather in the regiment” you need to register on the movement’s website. IN personal account You can tell the story of your family so that the memory of the feat remains for future generations.

Who can be enrolled in the Immortal Regiment?

Any relative who in one way or another took part in the defense of the Fatherland can be enrolled in the immortal regiment. This is not necessarily a participant in hostilities. Home front workers, partisans, concentration camp prisoners, and everyone who suffered but fought during the Second World War are accepted into the Immortal Regiment and are considered heroes.

How to make a portrait?

A small photograph will not be noticeable during the procession of the Immortal Regiment, so it is recommended to print it on a banner and attach it to a special stick so that the photo can be seen above the crowd. You can prepare such photographs yourself using a photo from family album. It will be enlarged in a photo studio or at order collection points. The recommended size is approximately A4 format (20x30 cm). To prevent the photograph from being damaged by the elements or during the procession of the Immortal Regiment, it can be laminated.

Can the whole family participate?

Anyone can participate in the event; children often carry portraits of their great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers in the Immortal Regiment. IN social movement The whole family can participate.

What is prohibited?

The action has its own charter. During the march of the Immortal Regiment, any political slogans are prohibited. Other rules apply:

1. “Immortal Regiment” considers its main task to preserve in every family the personal memory of the generation of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Participation in the “Immortal Regiment” implies that everyone who remembers and honors their relative - an army and navy veteran, a partisan, an underground fighter, a Resistance fighter, a home front worker, a prisoner of a concentration camp, a siege survivor, a child of war - on May 9 goes out onto the streets of the city with his (her) photograph or, if there is no photograph, with his (her) name, in order to take part in the parade in the column of the “Immortal Regiment”, or to independently pay tribute to the memory by bringing a banner with a portrait, name, or photograph to the Eternal Flame, etc. memorial place. Participation in the “Immortal Regiment” is strictly voluntary.

3. “Immortal Regiment” - Non-profit, Non-political, Non-state Civil Initiative. Every citizen can join the ranks of the Regiment, regardless of religion, nationality, political and other views. “Immortal Regiment” unites people. Anything that serves others is unacceptable to us. One country - one regiment.

4. “Immortal Regiment” cannot be an image platform. The use of any corporate, political or other symbols* in anything related to the “Immortal Regiment” is excluded.

5. The regiment cannot be personalized in any, even the most respected person: politician, public figure (including historical), official. The regiment is millions of those who have left and their descendants.

6. Coordination and assistance in holding the parade of the May 9 Regiment is carried out by the headquarters of the “Immortal Regiment”, which, along with the organizers of the Civil Initiative on May 9, 2012, includes organizations and citizens who certainly share the provisions of the Charter and have expressed their readiness to become coordinators of the Regiment in their region.

7. In order to preserve the Charter, decisions controversial issues, an expression of the collective opinion of the cities of the Civil Initiative, the Open Council of the Regiment was formed. Any coordinator who has experience in conducting the “Immortal Regiment” in his region in accordance with the principles of the Charter can enter it by declaring his desire.

8. Changes and additions to the Charter can be made by decision of most cities Open Council Shelf.

9. Our final goal– turn the “Immortal Regiment” into a nationwide tradition of celebrating Victory Day on May 9.

In the Immortal Regiment under duress: who needs it and why

With pomp the day before Once again In the cities of the country, including Tatarstan, an event was held in memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Great idea in Kazan, it was darkened by the fact that some of the participants entered the march involuntarily and did not know those whose portraits they were carrying in their hands. KazanFirst experts called this a “provocation” and “PR for individual government and public organizations”

With pomp the day before, once again in the cities of the country, including Tatarstan, an action in memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War was held. The excellent idea in Kazan was overshadowed by the fact that some of the participants entered the march involuntarily and did not know those whose portraits they were carrying in their hands. KazanFirst experts called this a “provocation” and “PR for individual government and public organizations.”

city ​​dweller

I absolutely agree with Fazleeva’s opinion. There is no need to drag those who don’t need it to attend the protests. This is of no use. It’s better to let those who really care about it come. I hope KKhTI will draw conclusions and will not repeat mistakes.


I was carrying a portrait of my GREAT-grandmother and she was a nurse at the front! and those who were given portraits of our teachers who died in the war did it from the bottom of their hearts and walked with them as if they were relatives. I don't know what's wrong with that. Not everyone has such banners and the main thing here is to take part in the action itself and not whose portrait you are carrying. we all liked it


I am the head of the group and more than half of our group came. By the way, not everyone had portraits and no one gave anything away to anyone!!! We all just went together and I personally think it doesn’t matter whether you have a portrait in your hands or not, what’s important is that you came and thereby proved that you respect the exploits of your ancestors. And those idiots who were shown in that video are everywhere, but there is no need to speak for all our students at once. This is very offensive and hurts the sacred feelings of those who were sincere, and there are many more of them


One must live in Russia even after death; Russia is the birthplace of the Immortal Regiment. The devils scream and howl in horror, Recognizing the Immortal Regiment from afar. When the Immortal Regiment of history marches, the devil shakes from all sides: the Immortal Regiment is the defender of the territory, So that we do not become food for crows. The Immortal Regiment is the face of all nations, Who are in Russia with all his soul. And the fate of the mediocre devil is to be angry, What a big Immortal Regiment we have! Immortal Regiment, in its sacred power - “Slanderers of Russia” - for centuries! And after death one must live in Russia, in the vastness of the Immortal Regiment. Yunna Moritz



Fake launchers?


I myself study at KKhTI, we were not forced to go there, but were simply notified that this action would take place and the gathering would be near our A building. So the experts who made a mountain out of a molehill are wrong. They could simply not write this article based on guesswork, but at least conduct a survey among students of our university and then write it.


Maybe this doesn’t apply to all KHTI groups. I am also from the same university in Kazan. This is not the first year I have been participating in the immortal regiment. So this year we were “obliged” to go there as a whole group. Moreover, they didn’t allow me to walk the entire route, 2.5 km, like all normal people - the universities, you see, are separate. Those who don’t have a portrait were also given one. I am not against the regiment, I remember my ancestors and all the participants in the Second World War and am proud of them. But this “you must, stand right here and here” is not entirely correct. Since students have patriotism, let it be sincere.

Alsou Zufarovna

I believe that the memory of all heroes should be honored. It doesn't matter who they are to us. And taking a photo of a person who contributed to the victory is not hypocrisy, but a tribute and memory! Yes, they didn’t know the biography of this person, but they knew that these were not just strangers, but people who had a relationship with our homeland! And you could find out who it is in the photo by googling it.


So-called “experts” - did you crown yourself like that??? Only people like you are darkened. You were the yellow press - you became brown....into the furnace of you.



Okay, maybe let's still look at the situation from the side of the KNRTU management? Teachers who went through the Second World War worked at their university, and if there is no one from their family to honor their memory and bring their photographs on this significant day, then why not ask the students of the same university to do this? Even if students do not know their biography and pedigree, I am sure each of them understands that these people took an active part in restoring peace in our country. I think this is the most important thing.. Everyone says: “we are obliged to remember veterans” according to the logic of this news - is each family obliged to remember only the exploits of their grandparents? And is this right?



I think it is necessary to understand the situation in detail and punish publicly - finding out the university will not be a problem. Such worm-administrators give rise to those who undermine unity and memory in the minds of immature youth. Their actions are sabotage, no less.


No coercion! In Nizhnekamsk, my mother and I (she is 78 years old) carried portraits of her father and brother, who died in 1941 and 1942 of the Second World War. Although it was hard for her, she went all the way. Next to us in the line was a wheelchair user. He also carried portraits of his grandparents. Many wanted to help him, to push his stroller. He completely refused, he turned the wheels of his stroller with his hands, and he said to everyone who wanted to help him: “I must overcome my own path!”


After a fight they don’t wave their fists. Why are you always looking for negativity - you forcibly dragged someone there. If they didn’t want to, they didn’t come. and fire Fazliyeva since he considers it a provocation.


These are not the times when many things were done under duress. I know people who wanted to take part, but couldn’t get there and wouldn’t have time to walk. That is, there would be more of us. My grandfather called from the Kazansky Rovd ​​and came from another city so that he could walk through native land! It wasn’t me who was walking, it was my grandfather who was walking!


But I wonder how they calculated that it came out to 120 thousand? This is every tenth resident of Kazan. in the boats over there too, every 9 seemed to come out. It looks like they sent a discord from above - guys, we need to show Moscow what patriots we all are here.




Large purchases: what to pay attention to?

Large purchases are a big stress for a person and worries about how to make right choice. Today, together with expert Andrey Akatiev, director of the M.Video chain store in Kazan, we’ll tell you how to buy high-quality equipment and save money at the same time

Large purchases are a big stress for a person and worry about how to make the right choice. Today, together with expert Andrey Akatiev, director of the M.Video chain store in Kazan, we’ll tell you how to buy high-quality equipment and save money at the same time.

What large companies don’t offer to attract customers. Our blue screens are full of advertisements for all kinds of discounts, promotions, incredible price reductions, tax refunds, etc. And all this is only today, only now and only for you. But is it really that profitable? Frankly speaking, yes. However, in order for the purchase to actually turn out to be profitable, you need to do a few things simple steps, which we will talk about.

Reconnaissance in force

No, we do not suggest dressing in camouflage, crawling on your bellies, or performing a military feat. We suggest the simplest thing - walk through large stores household appliances and electronics or look at the range of online stores, fortunately, there are now more than enough of them, there is plenty to choose from. All this work has a very simple goal - to find the desired model or models and determine prices for it in all stores.

Here’s what our invited expert, the director of the Kazan store “M.Video”, says about this: “The online catalog is an excellent addition to the assortment of regular stores. It turns out to be an “endless shelf” on which the buyer can find almost everything he needs, and M.Video will bring it. According to unofficial statistics, half of our customers get acquainted with the company and its product range on the Internet. It’s so convenient - without leaving home or without leaving the workplace, a person finds where the goods he needs are available, orders, pays and arranges delivery to his home or to a store for pickup.”

At this same stage, all promotions, discounts and sales are usually scouted out; fortunately, there are more than enough of them in large retail chains. What is advertised on TV is not always clear; much more can be collected on the spot. full information. One of the most popular offers is an interest-free loan. The client pays in installments the cost of equipment exclusively, all bank interest The seller pays for his buyer. A very pleasant thing, especially since the interest on the loan is often quite high and no special offers or discounts can compensate for it.

Price comparison

So, the models have been chosen, the prices have been written down, it’s time to start comparing – which is more profitable. For this purpose, there are online platforms that collect prices of all stores in the region for a certain product. Here you can also sort the selected models by price. But here it’s worth stopping for a moment and taking a closer look at the models at the lowest prices.

Firstly, there are often cases when you ordered a model, but it was not in stock - you already bought it, and then the consultant, who will certainly call you back to clarify the details of the order, will offer another model - more expensive. Most often, the buyer is triggered by a sense of duty or banal laziness: I already ordered here, it’s inconvenient, I’ll take this model, think, it’s more expensive. In the end, they chose one, took another, and even more expensive. And we ask ourselves the question: why did I do this?

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