Home Perennial flowers Great ideas for a photo shoot at home alone or with friends and family. Types, poses and ideas for a photo shoot for girls

Great ideas for a photo shoot at home alone or with friends and family. Types, poses and ideas for a photo shoot for girls

Nowadays, photography has become an integral part of the life of almost every person. We all have phones with built-in cameras, hobbyists digital cameras, film cameras, instant-print cameras, SLR cameras and many, many others. We love to take pictures and we love to be photographed. But how can you do it very beautifully? How do you make a photo look like a painting? It is no longer enough for us to simply photograph, we want original photographs and preferably with some idea.

Imagine that you are an artist and are going to paint a picture. First of all, you will probably decide on the genre: whether it be portrait, landscape, still life or something else. Further, having decided on the genre, you will most likely find the object you want to draw. Then build the model and get to work. So?

It's the same with photography, because good photography is as much a work of art as painting. Therefore, you need to approach the process of photographing also seriously, thinking over every detail: how to set the light, what pose the model should take, what focus to set, and much more. All this can be learned by visiting photo courses.

The hit of the accessories for a photo shoot in 2015 was the husky. See how it looks in the video.

In the art of photography (as well as in painting), there are various directions, for each of which you can pick up many ideas that will help you create original and interesting pictures. Here are a few of them:

Wedding photography ideas

The article used the work of the studio

Creative photography ideas

In principle, ideas can be general for each direction. But how do you find them?

How to look for ideas for a photo shoot?

Just look around, observe, show your imagination and do not be afraid to use ordinary objects and places in an extraordinary way! In our work, we identify 6 main factors that help us find and develop ideas for future images.

First factor - Model
A model with her appearance can give you a great idea for a photo shoot. For example, if a girl has long hair, she can be photographed flying in the wind. You can immediately add a long dress here (the third factor is clothing). Or if a girl has big eyes, then your task is to convey this beauty, to emphasize it. Chat with the model: together you can think through perfect image... But in order for the image to open completely, a beautiful place is needed.

Second factor - Location
In fact, many photographers start looking for ideas precisely from the place of photography, and only then they adjust everything else to it - the model, clothes, accessories. Each place is good in its own way. The selection of a place is a very responsible matter. After all, this is not just a wall or a bush - these are various details that complement your picture. For example, it can be the ruins of a house, a beach, a park bench. A unique image and story can be created for each location.

The third factor is clothing
Beautiful and original clothing is what shows the character of your model. A strict suit of a brutal man against the background of a stone wall will emphasize his masculinity, or a bright airy sundress dressed for a girl with freckles and hair braided in pigtails, running across the field - will show her innocence.

Fourth factor - Accessories

Accessories are a very powerful element. And in recent times very popular, especially in wedding photo shoots... Anything can be an accessory: a kite, bubble, letters, flowers. Also, the accessories can be mixed. With the right approach, the presence of the right accessory in the frame completely changes the idea of ​​a photograph, and this is important, again, if you have one. For example, a couple in love hugs next to a scooter on beautiful beach or a field strewn with flowers.

Factor Five - Light
Yes, it is the light that can give you a great idea! Various lighting schemes and additional light sources can be used not only in the studio, but also outdoors. This is perhaps the most powerful tool in the hands of a photographer, if, of course, he knows how to work with light. The simplest is Christmas tree with garlands. After such a shot, a vivid festive impression remains.

Sixth factor - the ability to work in Photoshop
Photoshop allows you to completely transform the resulting photo, but it requires the right shot. And this is a whole science, which we will discuss separately in another article. But to make it clear, let's give an example:

Places that will help you choose and implement any idea for a photo shoot.

Before choosing a specific idea for a photo shoot, you should choose a specific location. And so that the selection process is not so difficult, we have selected for you the most advantageous and relevant, containing large range for creativity.

1. Photo session on the street.

A completely simple, cheap and very profitable option. After all, no layouts can compare with the beauty of nature! Bright colors autumn, warm summer sunsets, snow tale in winter, blooming spring gardens, sea coasts ... the list is endless. When photographing in nature, there is no limit to imagination: single shooting, landscape, romantic, family, children and many other options - get creative!

If you want to get highly professional portraits, then go to the photo studio. Renting a room for photography can be completely inexpensive, but you need to take into account some points. When choosing a photo studio, pay attention to the area of ​​the room - it should not be less than 30 square meters, and the ceiling should not be less than 3m high. It is also worth considering the power of the light sources, it must be at least 500W. An additional plus will be a good props for photography. If your chosen photo studio meets these parameters, then you can safely start creating stunning pictures. As additional advice for conducting, we can offer you to come up with an original theme, based on your desires or the desires of your model (or models). For example, girls will like to create the image of a vamp, or, conversely, a gentle beauty. But keep in mind that to create thematic pictures you will need costumes, additional requisites and the services of a make-up artist. But the result will justify all the costs, rest assured!

It's expensive, but incredibly beautiful and chic. Your pictures will not leave anyone indifferent. It is most beautiful to shoot weddings, couples or just girls in beautiful long dresses among the splendor of ancient buildings. Photos taken at sunset or dusk work especially well. So the landscape becomes more romantic and mysterious. If you absolutely cannot afford taking pictures in the palace, then an abandoned building would be an alternative option. For example, an old manor house, castle or palace. This idea is somewhat adventurous, even risky, but, at the same time, you are guaranteed wonderful pictures and unforgettable sensations.

Having decided on the places, we form specific ideas for them. So:

The boat is one of the main romantic accessories. A date in a boat, silence, solitude - no one will refuse such photos! Boats are usually found in beautiful parks, therefore, a photo session in a boat will also highlight the beauty of the natural landscape.

Each season is beautiful in its own way, and we, as photographers, are interested in capturing them all. Beautiful leaves in autumn, fluffy snow in winter. All these weather attributes very nicely complement any wedding, model or.

A mask is a variant of an accessory for a photo shoot. The use of a mask adds mystery and mystery to the pictures.

A car is a very popular idea for photography, especially in photo shoots and photographs of long-legged girls.

Photographs are usually allowed in cafes or restaurants. The cafe is a beautiful place for a photo shoot, the pictures near the bar look especially good.

Dogs, cats, horses and other your favorite animals are ideal for good photography.

Exists great amount different props for the photo session. There are even companies that rent any accessories and even organize entire photo zones.

The park bench, just like the boat, is a great place to photograph couples in love.

But no matter how good the composition is, know that a good shot depends, first of all, on the photographer and on his desire to learn and comprehend the art of photography. So create - everything is in your hands!

Freezelight is a special technique for painting with light. With this interesting technique very interesting effects can be done.

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Well, some inspiration:

Working on photo projects with a variety of subjects is a great way to break away from routine photography and focus on the creative process of creating your stills. Limitations in shooting subjects and equipment sometimes really force you to resort to very creative solutions.

We have prepared 52 great ideas for filming in 2015. For every week of the year, in theory. We've divided them into three subsections: simple home projects that you can implement today, ideas that you can implement outdoors, and temporary projects that you can start right now.

Photo ideas for home

1. Manipulation with water droplets

To implement this idea, you need to install a container with water with a small hole through which drops of water will be passed. Your task is to press the shutter button at the moment when the drop is forming or already flying. The most important thing is to determine as accurately as possible the time to close the shutter. We achieved the best results with two flash units set at minimum power (1 / 128th). The aperture value was set to f / 22. To give the water a more viscous consistency, we added a little food thickener to it. We also used a device of the SplashArt Kit series, which helps to regulate the size of the drops and the frequency of their falling.

2. Taking pictures of a splash of water

For this project, you will need a remote control flash, a water tank with clean, transparent sides, a colored background, and a tripod. Place a container with water and a colored background, then place the flash over the container. Place the camera on a tripod and switch to manual focus mode. At f / 8 and ISO 200, set the fastest shutter speed possible. Don't forget about flash sync. So, throw an object into the water and press the shutter button as soon as it touches the surface of the water.

3. The art of painting with smoke

Many photographers, for example, still life lovers, enjoy using smoke in their photographs. What if you go to new level and use the intricate shapes of swirling smoke to compose pictures? You can create an unusual art project in Photoshop. So, after taking some nice swirls of smoke, create a new blank document in Photoshop. Then copy and paste one of the resulting photos onto it. Set the Blending Mode to Screen and use the Warp Transform command (Edit> Transform> Warp) to reshape the smoke. Continue experimenting by adding more images to the document.

4. Cross-polarization

At the heart of this fun idea is the effect that polarized light creates when it hits plastic objects. You will need two polarizing filters, ideally one of them should be a sheet of polarizing film. An A4 sheet of Lee 239 polarizing film can be purchased for about £ 50. The sheet of film should be placed on a lightbox or any other light source. IPad screens and most computer screens have a built-in polarizing filter, so if you don't have polarizing film, then you can easily create a blank white document that fills the screen and use your gadget. Attach a polarizer to the camera and rotate it so that the colors appear on the transparent plastic parts.

5. Edible landscapes

Back up your food photo! All you need is to creatively place figurines on the food, such as the Hornby. They fit perfectly, as the little men from this company are offered in a variety of poses. It is important not only to place the figurines, but also to tell the story. In this photo, you watch two heroes give advice to a climber trying to climb a potato mountain.

6. Food as art

Use a lightbox and a very sharp knife to transform food for your dinner into a piece of photo art. Cut the fruits and vegetables as thinly as possible and then place them on the lightbox. Place your camera directly over your subject and use Live View to manually focus on details. Set the aperture to f / 8 for the optimum depth of field. It is worth resorting to exposure compensation and setting it to + 1- + 3 stops, as the bright light from the lightbox can confuse your camera's exposure meter.

7. Flowers in ice

A relatively inexpensive way to take great macro photography is to freeze flowers in plastic containers filled with distilled or de-ionized water. The flowers will float, so take care of how to secure them in one position. Place a piece of ice on the surface of a clear glass or bowl in a white sink or other container so that the light will reflect off all surfaces of the container. Place the flash on one side and point downward, and place the camera on the opposite side.

8. Oil and abstraction

Oil streaks spreading over the surface of the water are a great idea for creating bright abstract photos... This project uses the refractive quality of an oil that enhances and distorts colors. All you need to do is pour water into a transparent bowl and add a few drops of the usual vegetable oil... Place the bowl approximately 25 cm above the table. Put multi-colored paper under the bowl, illuminate it with an ordinary table lamp or with a flash.

9. Oil reflections

This idea echoes the idea described in the paragraph above. But in this case, the color drawing is created using a colored lamp cover, and not a multi-colored background. First, make a desk lamp cover using hard colored paper, plastic wrap, and duct tape. For safety reasons, make sure the paper is not touching the light bulb. Place a container of water in front of a table lamp and add a few drops of oil to the water. Spread the oil over the surface, bring the camera as close as possible and shoot.

10. Psychedelic soap film

This project is a great idea for a vibrant desktop or abstract wall wallpaper. You will need liquid soap mixed with glycerin, this combination forms a permanent soapy film. Equip yourself with a wire loop, a black background and a macro lens like 100mm. The colors from the soap film only appear at a certain angle of incidence of the light. Position yourself close to the window and get the correct angle for shooting.

11. Refraction effect

Passing through water, light has a tendency to be distorted, i.e. refracted, as a result, objects under water visually change their appearance. This phenomenon is called refraction, and we will use it in this small photo project. All you need is a few transparent glasses, a flash, a tripod and a background with a black and white pattern. Just place glasses of water on the patterned background and shoot.

12. Macro photography in the kitchen

Your kitchen - perfect place for macro shooting. Its reflective surfaces can be used to create interesting backgrounds for pictures, and its shallow depth of field can transform the most common subjects. By stitching together a few pictures, you can create a beautiful decor piece for your own kitchen, but before you start shooting, consider how the frames will overlap with each other. Our row consists of three photographs taken at the same angle and with the same depth of field.

13. Bokeh

An object as simple as a crumpled piece of foil can easily become the basis for a beautiful photo project. Place your subject on glass, and place a piece of dark material under the glass. Remember a little ordinary kitchen foil in your hands, then spread it out and place it as a background. Direct light from a desk lamp or any other source onto the foil. With the camera on a tripod, open the aperture as far as possible. Illuminate the foil with a flash while shooting.

14. Bokeh bubbles

Small light sources always create beautiful bokeh. The garland is perfect for this. Place the garland so far away that its bulbs are out of focus when the aperture is open. The subject, in this case the glass, should be close to the camera, and the focus should be on it. Place the garland itself in such a way that the bokeh eventually takes the form of multi-colored bubbles flying out of the glass. This technique is also used to create this "flow" of bokeh from mugs of hot drinks.

15. Drawings with light

Light streaks and light patterns can be used in a wide variety of photography genres and are ideal for still lifes. To do this, you can use a simple flashlight, and to make the light less scattered, you can remove the top cover, thereby exposing the bulb. Use insulating tape to attach a piece of colored paper to the flashlight. Set your shutter speed to around 30 seconds and your aperture around f / 8. While exposing the frame, make smooth circular movements around the bottle, drawing a spiral.

16. Light spirals

Tie the lantern to a rope and hang it from the ceiling. For this photo, you will need the widest lens you have in your arsenal. Mount the camera on a tripod and point it straight at the ceiling. With the light on in the room, manually focus on the tip of the flashlight. Set the aperture to about f / 11 - f / 16, use Bulb mode and the remote shutter release to shoot. Keep the shutter open for about a minute after launching the flashlight.

Outdoor exercise ideas

17. Portraits with the Brenizer effect a

The Brenizer method, also known as portrait panorama or bokerama, provides an excellent basis for a series of portrait photographs. The method was invented wedding photographer from New York by Ryan Brenizer. This technique allows you to create photographs with the effect of an ultra wide-angle lens. The idea behind this method is to create a series of photographs that, when glued together, form a full frame. Putting the mosaics together can be done using the Photomerge option in Photoshop or a stitching program. Use manual settings cameras, starting with white balance and ending with focus, so the parameters for all images will be the same. Take 30-80 frames to create one photo, and do not forget that each subsequent frame should overlap the previous one by about a third.

18. In the right place with the wrong lens

Force yourself to see things differently. When going for a walk with your camera, choose the opposite lens to the one you would most likely take with you. Take a wide-angle lens to the zoo, for example, or limit yourself to telephoto focal lengths the next time you go to photograph landscapes.

19. Landscapes piece by piece

Try to explore the area around you in a new way, creating compositions from several fragments captured while walking. Go outside for literally 20 minutes. Don't spend too much time on settings, just choose aperture priority mode, don't bring a tripod and various filters with you, give up fancy techniques. Take pictures of anything that grabs your attention. Upon returning home, create a document with a grid in Photoshop and insert the resulting images into its cells using layers.

20. Minimalistic landscapes

Instead of driving the view in front of you into one boring shot, try shooting a series of minimalist landscapes with a long exposure. Symmetrical composition and square format will help to emphasize the simplicity of the frame. You will also need a ND filter to enable you to enjoy long exposures throughout the day. Use a tripod and remote to release the shutter.

21. Star landscapes

To capture the perfect starry landscape, you need perfectly clear skies. It is advisable that the moon does not fall into the frame, otherwise many details may be lost. For a high-quality shot with clear, undefined stars, photographs should be taken at sufficiently fast shutter speeds, for this, go to the manual setting mode, set the ISO value to about 1600 or 3200 and the shutter speed at two seconds. Even with these settings, you will have to set your aperture wide open: f / 4 or even f / 2.8.

22. Take pictures that never inspire you

Write down a list of items or places that you find uninteresting, boring, or even ugly. Now push yourself to take attractive and interesting photographs of these non-photogenic places and objects.

23. Looking for an abstraction in a parking lot

You do not need to travel to distant countries to carry out an interesting photo project. The possibilities for taking photographs are numerous, and even in such mundane places as a car park, it is quite possible to create something interesting. For such a project, you only need a digital camera. Without focusing on technique, look for and photograph different textures, color combinations, curious shapes and ornaments.

24. Selective colors

Instead of using the proverbial techniques to make the subject stand out from the rest of the frame (for example, leaving the main subject in color, and transferring everything else to black and white), try to pick a color and find its embodiment in all the diversity of the world. Draw attention to this color by using the right composition.

25. Night photography

Take night photography. Limit yourself to the use of additional light sources, make the most of the available lighting.

26. Optical illusions

As part of this project, we invite you to play with perspective, which affects the viewer's perception of the relationship between objects. different sizes that are in the frame. It is best to take as a basis objects whose sizes are known and not in any doubt, and make them interact with larger objects in the background. For this kind of photography, shoot with a small aperture opening to ensure great depth sharpness.

27. Miniature world

Shoot miniature toys and models in their natural environment. Such projects are popular and very widespread today, in addition, there is nothing difficult in their implementation. Just take a small figure or toy with you and take it off in different situations, anywhere and anytime: on a trip or on a walk or even on the way to work. In order for the figurine to blend in with its surroundings, you should, firstly, shoot it at close range, and secondly, correctly balance the lighting.

28. Create a tilt-shift effect

The well-known and beloved "toy town" effect is obtained using a special expensive tilt-shift lens. But a similar effect can be obtained in Photoshop, if you blur everything in the photo except for a small area on which you want to focus. For more credibility, photograph from a hill and preferably in sunny weather.

29. Photo alphabet

No, we do not suggest that you look for letters of the alphabet in the inscriptions on stores, road signs etc. Instead, look for objects and objects that are shaped like the letters of the alphabet. You shouldn't look far for an example, let's take a children's swing on the playground. What does their frame look like from the end? That's right, the letter A. A curved river from a bird's eye view of the English letter S.

30. From 1 to 100

Similar to how we suggested that you create a photographic alphabet, you can expand this project a little and try to find illustrations for numbers.

31. Faces in unusual places

Another simple and fun photo project idea. Sometimes we can observe how the usual things of our everyday life, and just the surrounding objects have some similarities with human face or take a form that remotely reminds us of facial features. Learn to look at the world of things differently. Check out the blog dedicated to this topic for inspiration.

32. Light Orbit

Drawing with light gives an infinite variety of the most different ideas for photography. But what about a series of images in light orbits? You don't need complicated equipment. All it takes is bright LED lights battery operated, and a hoop on which the backlight is wound. Mount the camera on a tripod, select the optimal shutter speed and just rotate the hoop.

33. Burning steel wool

For this project, make sure you shoot in an open area away from flammable objects in advance. Place steel wool in a metal whisk and attach it to the chain. Then set fire to the wool and rotate the whisk on the chain, burning sparks will fly around. You will need a desperate volunteer, a tripod and a shutter speed of about 15 seconds at f / 11 and ISO 100.

34. Machine movement

For a change, try to capture movement not from the outside of the car, but from the inside. Filming, of course, should be at night. Ask a friend to drive smoothly and slowly on a well-lit road. Set the exposure length to about 30 seconds. Place the tripod on the passenger seat and use the remote shutter release.

35. Intentional errors

List the most common mistakes a photographer can make. Then try, by deliberately making these mistakes, to create a beautiful photo. You may overexpose or underexpose the frame, crop your subject incorrectly, or focus on the background rather than the subject.

36. Cinemagraph

Create a series of animated Gifs showing subtle movement. This project requires little work in Photoshop. You will have to create not just frames, but video sequences, but the result can exceed all your expectations. You will need a tripod; the background must remain the same throughout the entire footage. Choose a scene in which some action occurs continuously or cyclically so that the start and end points in the finished cinemagraph are not striking. Record movement such as the wind swaying foliage on a tree.

37. Intentional camera movement

You're used to doing your best to keep your photos as clear as possible. But to make the photo more metaphorical and mysterious, try the opposite. With a relatively slow shutter speed, intentionally move the camera. Shoot in shutter priority mode. Check out the work of British photographer Chris Friel (http://www.cfriel.com) for inspiration.

38. Retro effect

Various noises and distortions are very easy to add in Photoshop or Lightroom. As a result, you will get a more colorful and atmospheric photo, but its final style should be thought about already during shooting. The retro effect works well with simple, detail-free photographs where the subject is easily recognizable.

39. Time-lapse photography

Many of us may well have time to engage in time-lapse filming, which is on the verge of video and photography. The subject of shooting can, in fact, be any phenomenon of your daily life. Master this fun technique in 2015.

Long-term projects

40. Project 365

A classic project in which you have to take a photo a day throughout the year. You can go two possible ways: limit yourself to just one frame per day for of this project, or take a few photos and then choose the best one. Can't spend so much time taking photos? Then think about an alternative project, for which you need to take a photo a week, respectively, there will be 52 photos in total.

41.50 strangers

This idea is also not new, but that makes it no less exciting. You should get to know and start a conversation with strangers, and then, with their permission, keep their portrait as a souvenir. You can define the number of strangers you should photograph yourself. The most important thing is to overcome yourself and take the first step.

42. Project 50x50x50

It's simple: 50 days, 50 photos taken with a 50mm lens. An extremely simple project that will help develop your vision of a photographer.

43. Creative Selfies

Of course, you can take self-portraits at home, but how boring it is! Why not challenge yourself to create a series of self-portraits outside your home? View a series of beautiful self-portraits captured famous photographer Vivian Maier. She portrayed herself as part of a big stage, playing with light, shadow and reflections. It will be easier for you if you choose a specific theme for the project, as, for example, did the photographer Alex Bamford as part of his series of works entitled 'Sleepwalking' project (http://www.alexbamford.com/sleepwalking).

44. The world under your feet

Take photos of what is under your feet at the same time of day every day. Arm yourself wide angle lens and looking for new and interesting places.

45. Portraits without a face

Take portraits different people, but do not include their faces in the frame. Try to convey their personality in other ways. Use colors, surroundings, lighting, paraphernalia, and even parts of their bodies - especially their hands - all of which will help you expose their character in front of the viewer.

46. ​​Photo game

Ask someone to write 30 things on paper cards. Things can be very different, but always readily available. But at this time, schedule 30 different aspects photos (50mm, black and white photo, long exposure, tilt-shift effect, etc.). Take a card from each pile and proceed to the task.

47. Month of monochrome

The name of this idea gives comprehensive information. Force yourself to take exclusively black and white photographs, forget about color for a month. You will learn to see the most suitable scenes and subjects in black and white. This project will help you develop your vision. Shoot in Raw format, but change your camera settings beforehand to monochrome. As a result, during shooting, you will be able to see the scene in black and white, and the image itself will store all the information about the color. You can use this information to process the photo.

48. The four seasons

Unlike a project that involves shooting every day, here you have to shoot the same subject every three months throughout the year. The idea behind this project is to show the changing seasons. Choose your subject wisely for shooting, imagine in advance how the selected scene will look after the transformation caused by the changing weather. A lone tree in a field is certainly the best fit for this project.

49. Geocaching

Download the geocaching app on your smartphone and travel to the hiding place in order to artistically capture the surrounding area. Do not take pictures of the cache itself, because you do not want the people who go in search of it to lose interest.

50. Create a texture library

With textures, you can give a photo a special look. You can apply texture to a photo in several ways, for example using the multiple exposure mode. It is much easier for this purpose to use the program Photoshop and apply textures through layers. Although you can find textures on the Internet, you will agree that it is much more pleasant to use your own. Wood, old crumpled paper, plaster peeling off the walls, and other things can serve as a great texture for your photo.

51. Pinhole photography

With your own hands, using available tools, turn your expensive camera into an analog of the obscura camera and try to shoot without using newfangled technology.

52. Take a photo book

Take the project you worked on last year as a basis. Think about the structure of the book, about the placement of photographs on its pages. Try to arrange them according to color, theme, or style.

Home environment is good because you can give free rein to your imagination and, without hesitation prying eyes, to embody even the most extravagant ideas for a photo shoot of girls at home. It is not always possible to immediately come up with original poses for photo shoots at home, especially when the atmosphere of a city apartment or house has already become familiar, and there is no topic for shooting.

That is why it is important for girls to choose a shooting location in advance, to work out all the nuances for a photo session. We offer 10 of the most popular ideas, from which it is easy to choose the best.

Photo in a city apartment or house

The most common idea is a girl's life. Even in an ordinary setting, you can get memorable pictures by taking the right poses in the original image.

For girls, household photography ideas can include washing dishes and preparing food in the kitchen, ironing and doing laundry, even washing the window.

The main thing is to place the right accents:

  • Pay attention to makeup, such as lipstick with bright red lipstick
  • Make a hairstyle for the selected images (glamorous, modest, intelligent)
  • Work on the style of clothing, such as wearing a maid uniform and lace garter stockings, high heels
  • Choose a setting suitable for the theme you have invented and adopt an advantageous posture that demonstrates beautiful figure

Using this idea for photo shoots, you can show not only your thrift, but also sexuality.

Filming with her husband

As an idea for girls at home, you can use your husband's hobby. Play a scene when a man is busy and you distract him with your concern. The activity, like the place of family filming, can be absolutely any, examples:

  • Household chores
  • Book reading
  • Watching a soccer match
  • Computer game

Couple can choose sexy images and make a photo session on the kitchen table. For this shoot, do some bright makeup. On the eve of new year holidays you can organize a family shoot that will look romantic. To do this, it is enough to fill glasses with champagne and feed each other with goodies.

It is best to choose the topic that is closest to your husband. This will help to liberate him so that the photographer takes beautiful and unusual pictures.

Photo on the floor

To make a photo session for girls bright, you need to choose not only ideas, but also suitable poses. This is true if you decide to take a photo on the floor. Under such conditions, both the photographer and the model herself must ensure that everything looks not only beautiful, but also natural. Sitting on the floor and changing the position of your hands near your face, crossing your legs, showing a beautiful figure, you can take a great picture.

Also, the angle when the girl is lying on the floor will be successful for a photo shoot. The shorter the skirt you are wearing, the more frivolous the staged shot will be.

If you have a fireplace, pose in front of it - great option for New Year's shooting. Use furniture (armchair, chair) with your feet or head resting on it. To look cute, wear a warm sweater, sexy lace lingerie, stylish dress.

Decorate the interior with fancy lamps, pillows, animal skins or white fluffy carpet.

Photo on the bed or couch

A great idea for photography at home, allowing you to get a couple of relaxed photos, would be photography on the bed. For candid shots, wear nice, flattering underwear. A good solution for this kind of shooting would be to lie on your back and put your head on the edge so that the hair smoothly falls down. Also for erotic shooting, you can completely undress, sit with your back to the photographer and cover your hips, and tilt your head slightly.

Using the bed, but changing the conditions and choosing a different angle to implement the idea, you can get not only candid shots. A good shot will turn out if the girl is sitting on the bed, and in her hands is a book or a mug of coffee. A short skirt or peignoir will be inappropriate as clothes; it is best to wear a pajamas or a bathrobe, jeans with a knitted sweater. If your feet are in the frame, you need a pair of bright socks.

Family shooting with mom

For shooting, you can use any room in a city apartment. The main idea for the photo is to showcase a warm relationship. Of course, you can wear similar outfits and fool around, but it's better to work out the topics of filming in advance.

For such a photoset, you need to use warm colors, knitted items, blankets. Make-up is best done discreetly. Fruits or fresh flowers will look great in the frame. Just imagine the frame - mom is sitting in an armchair, wrapped in a blanket, and the girls are at her feet, with her head resting on her knees. You can sit on the floor together, leaning backs against each other. The frame on the bed will look cute when mom lovingly hugs her daughter.

A family photo taken for dining table, in which both heroines, like friends, will hold large mugs of tea in their hands or look at a magazine.

Shooting with a toy

Using soft toys in the frame, girls can return themselves to childhood for a moment. Large teddy bears look appropriate in such sessions, but this does not mean that unusual pictures cannot be taken in the absence of a large bear. You can always take a few cubs. The frame taken will look beautiful close-up, on which a teddy bear sits on the girl's face.

When doing a photo shoot with teddy bears, use them as pillows. You can also organize a tea party for filming with your children's "friends". Even an old shabby Cheburashka will look good in the frame if you transform into a little girl. To do this, it is enough to put on knee-highs and braid the braids. During such a photo session, you can transform not only into a little girl, but also into a caring mother, and into a woman who has received a gift from her beloved man.

Filming pregnant

Some of the most delicate and incredibly sensual pictures of women preparing to become a mother, especially if there is a caring man in the frame. In this position, a woman feels most comfortable just in a familiar environment.

Take a picture in full height every month, showing a change in the size of the tummy. This way you can capture the entire pregnancy and then create a collage.

For long periods of time, you can decorate the baby's "house" or decorate it with large inscriptions, examples:

  • Made with love
  • I will be with you soon
  • I want to see the world

For family shots, you can involve your husband, parents, girlfriends. The footage with pregnant women sitting half-turned on the bed in a white shirt looks good. You can completely undress, covering only parts of the body with silk cloth, showing a rounded belly.

If you want to focus specifically on the tummy, having received the original shot, sit on the bed sideways with your legs bent under you. These pictures look great in black and white. The big advantage is that you don't have to do makeup.

Baby footage

If you are a young mom, take original homemade shots with your baby. To do this, it is enough to use a floor covered with a plain cloth and simple objects (magazines, mugs, drawings, clothes, baby rattles). You can depict weightlessness by sitting with your baby on the carpet so that there is space in the frame from below and above.

To get gentle shots filled with warmth and love that will leave no one indifferent, take a picture with a sleeping baby.

Portrait photography

There are many portraits that are suitable for girls. One of the best solutions would be to use a window. If you stand against the background of a window, your silhouette will look very advantageous from the side of the room. Put on a dress, negligee, shorts, leggings. Any kit that will emphasize the beauty of the figure will do. Wear high-heeled shoes or stay barefoot.

If you have a bright bedroom, create your “perfect” morning. Make breakfast in bed, put flowers in a vase, lay a pile of pillows. Makeup for this shot should look natural.

Taking pictures with animals

The shooting of girls with animals is becoming more and more popular, because you can take touching pictures with them, or you can fool around and get funny shots. Absolutely any images and animals are suitable for such shooting, examples:

  • Cat or dog
  • Hamster or guinea pig
  • A parrot and even a turtle

Using animals and simple things in the frame, you can create non-standard photos. The main condition will be to captivate the animal with the process. You can take a picture of a game with a cat or dog. Such a shot will turn out to be positive, especially on a sunny day. Play with the slogan "Catwoman" or famous painting"Lady with an Ermine". For shots with animals, you can wear simple pants, a dress, or pajamas.

You can also use the animal for New Year's shooting. To create an image, just put on caps or put it in a bright red gift bag. In any case, you will be interesting to look at the photograph.

Use the listed ideas for a photo shoot of girls at home, and your realized images will become not just pictures, but turn into interesting artistic paintings.

Each of us has thought about a professional photo session at least once. Plus, it's a great way to boost your self-esteem and see yourself in a new way. Hairstyle and makeup for a photo shoot is a professional business. This way, you can find a new style for yourself that suits you.

And, of course, I really want your ideas for a photo shoot to become the most stylish and unique. This article will be few words, and most of it will be photos. We will show you the most beautiful, non-standard images and stylish ideas for a photo session.

Stylish photo session in the studio "Lady in black"

Such photo sessions are minimalist. There is no need here a large number decorations, makeup looks are pretty low-key too. At the same time, such photos are very stylish and sexy.

Retro style is another idea for a photo shoot

Beautiful images come to us from the past. Makeup looks can be borrowed from beauties of the 20s, 50s or 80s of the 20th century. If you want a riot of colors, then you can use seductive images of a pin-up girl. The hairstyle and makeup for such a photo shoot will attract the eyes and the photo will want to look over and over again.

Forest Nymph

This is another eye-catching look that can be used for a photo shoot. Professional make-up will make the photo mesmerizing, and the appropriate decorations will add mood. I note that this idea can create not only tenderness, but also add sexuality to the image.

A dynamic photo from everyday life

Beauty is all around us! Therefore, the brightest beautiful images are obtained in life photos. The photo session can take place on the street or in the studio, the main idea is movement. You can come up with an image for makeup yourself, most often it is natural makeup, with an emphasis on the lips or on the eyes.

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Photo studios in the struggle for clients offer many ready-made ideas: photo sessions in stylized interiors or with plain backgrounds, in rented suits, with professional body art, in fashion styles, beauty, fantasy ... But is it really necessary for good result- rent someone else's stamped ideas, interiors and costumes? Of course not. Sometimes original ideas for a photo shoot at home look much more interesting.

But, before arranging a photo session, you need to think it over carefully. Please select good photographer, with which you will be comfortable and interesting to work with. Remember a few important rules for a photo shoot at home: make-up should be appropriate, the interior thoughtful, and unnecessary details should not appear in the frame. Take a look around: your home is not only your fortress, but also a storehouse of interesting ideas.

At the photo session, stay alive, real, move, smile and feel comfortable, you are at home. Here are some of the standard poses you can start from:

Home alone

Agree, there are a great many ideas for a portrait photo shoot for a girl at home. Go to the window: from the side of the room, your silhouette looks very intriguing against the background of the window opening. Wear clothes that show your figure. It can be a dress, a set of top and shorts, or a beautiful underwear... Use sheer and translucent fabrics for decoration. The silhouette of a beautiful stranger, coquettishly outlined with a thin veil - isn't this a great idea for a photo?

Let's continue our tour of the house. If your bedroom is bright enough, a gentle morning might be a great idea for a photo shoot. Put on your favorite pajamas, make yourself a breakfast in bed with coffee and fresh cakes, place some stuffed animals in the background - a gentle and romantic look is ready!
And if you are far from romanticism or want to look at your photos in the form of a succubus-temptress - we change our favorite pajamas for beautiful underwear, cakes for strong black coffee, and we remove the toys from the frame altogether - and now, we have a completely different picture.

If retro-style things are stored in the attic or in the chests of your house, and old accessories, vinyl records or gramophones are left in the apartment or older relatives, you can arrange a photo session in pin-up style... In the home library or near bookcases, there are also ideas for shooting: you can choose the image of a cute, intelligent girl or a stylish secretary. In the kitchen, images of a rosy-cheeked housewife with delicious pastries and a mischievous cook in a short apron. Take a look around - you can find many interesting ideas.

Long live bachelorette parties!

Do you think a bachelorette party is just the name of the party the bride is throwing before the wedding? No, this is a whole storehouse of ideas for a photo shoot with friends at home. . Take a pillow in one hand. In the other - a teddy bear. Dress code is pajama. Ready, set, fight! Scatter feathers around the apartment, toss them into the air during a photo shoot to add dynamism to the frame!
Check out the interior of your apartment. It has elements oriental style? Then we close up tight bundles, put on silk robes or, if possible, a kimono, draw arrows, whiten faces, order sushi. An evening with geisha is also original idea for a photo session.

Has your apartment been renovated since your grandparents got it? Not a problem. We arrange a photo session with codename"Back to USSR". Chintz dresses, fluffy hairstyles and shopping bags are welcome!

Have you recently done a high-tech or minimalist renovation? Feel free to call a photographer and arrange a beauty photo session. Do not forget to practice your facial expressions - they usually do not express anything for models on beauty shoots, and this effect is not so easy to achieve.

Baby is wonderful

Children's photos are good not only because they are insanely cute - they allow you to immortalize all stages of your child's life. But in a photo studio, a child can get nervous from the abundance. strangers, technology, flashes of a flash ... To prevent this from happening, it is better to carry out children's photo sessions at home. If you choose the right ideas for a baby photo shoot at home, you will receive not only professional pictures, but also a charge Have a good mood and positive, while having a great time with your child.

Invite him to play the role of your little helper: let him cook with you in a mischievous chef's hat delicious pies... Or stand next to mom to wash the dishes. Maybe he will share your favorite hobby with you?

If the child is still too young to help his mother, this is not a reason to give up the idea of ​​having a photo session with him. Sew or order pairing suits - a cute home dress for yourself and baby booties made from the same fabric and arrange a pair shooting.

Or maybe your home lacks magic? Make it a tradition to arrange a carnival photo session for yourself and your child every holiday: let him dress for Christmas as Santa's little helper or an elf from the North Pole. For Easter, you can sew an Easter bunny costume, and for a day of knowledge - a semblance of a school uniform or a graduate hat. And from holiday to holiday, the sizes of carnival costumes will increase and increase, and in each subsequent photo you will be able to mark how much your baby has grown during this period.


If you are just waiting for a new addition to the family, it is worth perpetuating this moment as well. In the future, it will be pleasant for you to remember these weeks in anticipation of a miracle, and when he grows up, it will be easier for a child to accept the fact that he appeared from his mother's tummy. Yes, yes, this one in the photo. Decorated with a gift ribbon like a gift. Or captured on an impromptu "calendar" with a countdown of months. The first month, the tummy is not noticeable at all. The second, third, sixth ... And now, instead of a big mother’s belly, a small charming man looks at us from the photograph. Isn't that a great idea for a photo shoot? Invite the future dad to take part in the filming process: he can, for example, change emotions and postures next to you from photography to photography: here he is smiling calmly next to the photograph of the first month of pregnancy, now he is openly surprised at the belly that appears on the fifth ... , he inflates your belly until the baby arrives?

Family photos: from generation to generation

Remember when cameras were just starting out, many families had a tradition of bringing all generations together to take a family photo? For the day of the shooting, everyone prepared carefully: they selected costumes, did their hair, ironed their collars. Looking at such photos, you involuntarily think that they had (and have) much more value than modern series of family photos from holidays, walks, meetings ... Isn't it a great idea for a family photo shoot at home - to make it so simple, but such a prepared and thoughtful retro shot? Find a suitable background at home, it can be heavy curtains or a solid wall. Announce the date and idea of ​​the shooting to your relatives in advance. Pick up costumes. Believe me, these chores will be pleasant. Ask the photographer not to shoot in fashionable styles and not overload the resulting photos with post-processing - the result will not disappoint you.

And if you want to "fool around on camera" a little with your loved ones and at home, feel free to arrange photo sessions for the most various topics... Play a pirate bathroom scene with the children. Buy the game "Twister" and capture loved ones in the most unexpected and comical poses. Arrange a New Year's photo session for the New Year and a “courageous-patriotic” one for February 23rd. Photograph the cooking and eating of a family dinner, or have a shadow play one night. The main thing is to learn to see ideas for photo sessions around you.

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