Home Potato The social movement at the beginning of the 20th century is brief. National political parties and movements of the Russian Empire in the late 19th - early 20th centuries

The social movement at the beginning of the 20th century is brief. National political parties and movements of the Russian Empire in the late 19th - early 20th centuries

1) Special style formation of political parties. Socialist world and national parties.

2) The actions of the government at the stage of the rise of the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1905.

4) Monarchist parties.

5) First experience Russian parliamentarism. (1, 2, 3, chapter 28 to the State Duma)

1) According to the form of government, Russia by the beginning of the 20th century was an autocratic monarchy. political rights and freedoms turned into Russia into a unique phenomenon among the relatively developed countries of the world. The contradictions between the autocratic order and the modernizing economy reached an unprecedented intensity at the beginning of the 20th century.

* A political party is an organized group of like-minded people, representing the interests of a part of the people, setting goals and their implementation by coming to power or participating in its implementation. All political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, in accordance with their vision of the future of Russia of political goals, means and methods for achieving these goals, should be divided into several categories:

Left*(Social Democratic)


Liberal*(Cadet Party)


Monarchist * (union of the Russian people and others) More than 20 who shared the ideas of Bokunin and Kropotkin. National and socialist parties sprang up, operating illegally. Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania 1893 Bund. 1897.

Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. (1903)

Party of Socialist Revolutionaries. The peasantry saw their social support (T in the peasantry)

Fundamentals of the Bolshevik program. Marxists.

1) The transition from one socio-economic formation to another is carried out through a social revolution.

2) The social support of the party - the working class - the proletariat.

Main driving force socialist revolution- proletariat.

After the revolution comes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat!

The leadership of the party consisted of the intelligentsia. The origin and structure of Russia's political system, with a significant share of revolutionary socialist parties, was not very conducive to Russia's smooth evolutionary development.

2.) Lack of political and agrarian reforms in the last decades of the 19th century led to the revolutionary explosion of January 1905.

Nicholas II came to the throne at the end of the 19th century. During his reign, increased the role of the emperor and his personal office. The revolution of 1905 forced tsarism to return to the overdue socio-political transformations. On August 6, 1905, tsarism announced the establishment of the State Duma. Bulyminskaya. The concession of tsarism was not enough. The Bulygin Duma was boycotted in October 5, in the midst of a growing wave of revolution. In October, during the all-Russian October strike, Nicholas II signed the Manifesto on the improvement of the state order of October 17, 1905, prepared by Witte. It proclaimed political freedoms. The word of the press of the street processions of the meetings of the unions is the abolition of estates. Duma parliament endowed legislative rights. Sections of the population deprived of voting rights under the Bulykin bill were attracted to participate in the elections. The State Council was transformed into the highest chamber of the Duma with the right to approve laws.

Formally, the manifesto turned autocratic political system Russia in the constitutional-monarchical. Women, soldiers, sailors, students, landless peasants were deprived of the right to choose.

3) During the revolution of 1905-7, the first Russian multi-party system arose.

Politically formed liberal movement. His right-wing conservative wing was the Union of 17 October. Leaders - Heiden, Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov, Rodzianko.

The number is 65-70 thousand members. The social composition is the big financial and industrial bourgeoisie, liberal landowners, wealthy intelligentsia. Program -

1. "assistance to the government following the path of saving reforms"

2. Modernization of the country

3. Protection of principle constitutional monarchy and a single and indivisible Russian state.

4. The solution of the peasant question, bypassing the forced alienation of landowners' lands. The resettlement of peasants beyond the Urals, the revitalization of the peasant bank.

5. Restriction of the right to strike, against the introduction of an eight-hour working day. The radical liberal wing was the Constitutional Democratic Party. Brothers Dolgorukov, Kormilov, Kotlyarovsky, Maklakov, Pavel Nikolaev Melyukov, Peter Struve.

The number of 55 thousand, the social composition - the intelligentsia Liberal bourgeois and landlords. The share of the working class in the party did not exceed 15%. Program - constitutional state in the form of a constitutional monarchy. 2) Civil rights, National, estate, cultural equality. 3) The solution of the agrarian question through the compulsory alienation of part of the landlords' lands. 4) Recognition of the right of workers to races, and to an eight-hour working day.

4) Monarchist parties. An obstacle to the implementation of reforms was the monarchist-noble bloc. Russian Monarchist Party, Union of Russian People, All-Russian Union of Land Owners. The main force was the union of the Russian people. Leaders: Dubrovin, Pureshkevich. Russian patriotism, protection of the principles of Orthodoxy, unity and inviolability Russian Empire and autocracy. A protest against the home-grown bourgeoisie, infected with the rot of the West. Black Sophia organized pogroms in 150 cities of the country.

The most important result of the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907 was the creation of the Parliament and the introduction of political freedoms.

The new system of political organization of the state in 1907 to 1914 was called the July 3rd political system (the union of the tsar, nobles and the big bourgeoisie by a united state duma)

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Socio-political movements in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century

Social contradictions and the inability of the government to solve the most important political problems led at the beginning of the 20th century to a deep socio-political crisis, which was expressed:

in the struggle of the working people against the autocratic system

in disputes within the ruling elite and fluctuations in the government course

in expanding the process of registration of political movements and trends in the party

Rworking movement

Started at the end of the 19th century. industrialization led to the quantitative and qualitative growth of the working class. This contributed to the consolidation of the working class, simplified the task of its unification and the emergence of a labor movement. The main requirement of the workers was the limitation of the working day to 8 hours. One of the requirements was to create state system insurance.

Difficult living and working conditions forced the workers to organize and fight for their rights. Since 1900, Russian workers began to hold rallies and demonstrations, to put forward their demands. The strikes were mainly economic in nature. There was no unified approach in the government on the labor issue. Instead of harsh measures, the head of the Moscow security department, S. V. Zubatov, suggested that the authorities themselves create workers' organizations, form funds for the social support of workers, open shops and schools (“Zubatovshchina”). The Zubatovsky “code” even permitted an economic strike. This was the main reason for the criticism of Zubatov and his resignation in 1903. The government again took the path of forceful measures. Becoming more and more mass and organized, the labor movement changes its character. Under the influence of social democracy, its participants more and more often put forward political demands along with economic ones. Organizations of social democracy are created in St. Petersburg (1895 - "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class", leaders: A. A. Vaneev P. K. Zaporozhets, V. I. Ulyanov, Lev Martov), ​​in Moscow (1894 - "Workers' Union", 1898 - "Russian Social Democratic Labor Party", then the committee of the RSDLP), and then throughout the country. Since the beginning of the XX century. in the labor movement, a transition to mass political action is planned.

Topeasant movement

Influenced by the agrarian crisis at the beginning of the 20th century. the peasant movement grew noticeably. Big role the famine that engulfed the central and southern provinces of Russia in 1901 played a role in worsening the already disastrous situation of the peasantry. In 1900-1904. peasant protests reached a significant scale (about 600 unrest in 42 provinces of the European part of Russia). However, during these years, the peasants rarely put forward political demands, as a rule, they act against individual landowners and demand the division of the landowners' land, the reduction of taxes and duties. The peasant movement developed especially widely in March-April 1902 in the Poltava and Kharkov provinces, which included more than 150 thousand peasants. Government troops were brought into these provinces. Peasants were punished by entire villages, put on trial, exiled to hard labor. For the "losses" inflicted on the landowners, the government imposed an additional tax of 800,000 rubles on the peasants.

Dvision of the intelligentsia

An important evidence of the growing crisis situation in the country was the movement of the democratic intelligentsia. It demanded political freedoms (freedom of the press, assembly, speech, etc.) and opposed police brutality. Her participation in the social movement was expressed in the creation of legal societies (scientists, doctors), at whose meetings acute political issues were discussed; complete Money for strikers and political prisoners, in providing safe houses for revolutionaries.

FROMstudent movement

Students were the most active. At the beginning of the XX century. a significant part of the revolutionary-minded students went over to an open political struggle, declaring their solidarity with the working class. All-Russian student strikes in 1899, 1901 and 1902 had a wide political resonance. In the process of struggle, the formation of future major public and state figures took place.

Oformation of parties

The formation of the party system was greatly influenced by: firstly, significant differences (compared to Western Europe) associated with social structure society; secondly, originality political power(autocracy); thirdly, the multinationality of the population.

Features of the formation of political parties:

1. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. the process of forming a single political party of the working class - the RSDLP was intensively going on,

2. The formation of the party of the working class accelerated the creation of other parties in Russia. During 1900-1901. the party of socialist revolutionaries (Socialist-Revolutionaries) took shape, claiming to be the spokesman for the interests of the peasantry. The parties of the ruling classes took shape during the years of the first Russian revolution. And they immediately had to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. They needed certain time to look around, work out their programmatic and political slogans, strategy and tactics.

3. Numerous national parties were formed (in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia)

4. Not a single country in the world had (and still does not have!) So many parties as Russia. If at the end of the XIX century. only three political parties were created, then only in the first six years of the 20th century. - over 50, and in 1917-1920. - about 90. This is primarily due to the multinational composition of the population and the different periods of maturation of self-awareness of various segments of the population.

5. As in other countries, parties in Russia did not appear immediately in ready-made. At first, certain ideological and political moods arose in the advanced groups of a class or even classes. They were most often fixed by the creation of circles. Then the directions of socio-political thought took shape, the representatives of which were grouped around magazines or newspapers of a literary-artistic or socio-political nature. Among these amorphous formations, both in the field of worldview and in organization, class and political demarcation gradually took place, and most often not one, but several parties were formed.

Depending on the political goals, means and methods of achieving the goals, the parties should be divided into several categories:

left (Social Democratic (Social Democrats) - Mensheviks; socialist (proletarian) - Bolsheviks; neo-populist (Socialist-Revolutionaries) - Socialist-Revolutionaries, Trudoviks)

liberal (cadets (constitutional democrats))

monarchical ("Union of the Russian people", "Russian People's Union named after Michael the Archangel")

anarchist (more than 20 groups that shared the ideas of P. A. Kropotkin, M. A. Bakunin)

The strengthening of the labor movement in Russia contributed to the spread of social democratic ideas among the radical intelligentsia. The question of creating a party in the country expressing the interests of the working class was put on the agenda. The so-called economists (E. D. Kuskova, S. N. Prokopovich, V. P. Akimov, L. S. Martynov) believed that only economic demands should be put forward by the workers and that trade unions should play the leading role in the labor movement. They considered the struggle for the expansion of the political rights and freedoms of the proletariat to be the main task of the party. Printed organs - the newspaper "Working Thought", the magazine "Working Business". Economists set out their views in a document called the Credo. The authors are members of the foreign "Union of Russian Social Democrats" E. D. Kuskova and S. N. Prokolovich. In response to the "Credo" V. I. Lenin wrote a "Protest", signed by 16 members of the social democratic movement who were in Siberian exile. It sharply criticized the ideas set forth in the Credo and emphasized the need to create an independent workers' party, aimed at seizing political power by the proletariat to organize socialist society. Serious opponents of the Social Democrats were the "legal Marxists" (P. B. Struve, M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky, S. I. Bulgakov, I. A. Berdyaev). For some time, the revolutionary Social Democrats collaborated with legal Marxists, criticizing populism. Legal Marxists believed that the struggle of the working class for its rights should take place within the framework of the struggle for democracy. Both "economists" and "legal Marxists" were opponents of extreme, violent methods of struggle, advocated the rejection of the idea of ​​socialist revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

VI Ulyanov (Lenin) became the leader of the radical Social Democrats. He believed that the party should become the foremost fighter for workers' rights. It must organise, unite and fight for the overthrow of the autocracy. The Iskra newspaper was to prepare for the unification of the Social Democratic groups and the party.

The 1st Congress of the RSDLP was held in 1898 in Minsk (9 participants). In July-August 1903, the II Congress of the RSDLP was convened, which was held first in Brussels, then in London. The discussions that flared up at the congress were attended by "economists", "soft Iskra-ists" (L. Martov, G. V. Plekhanov), and "hard Iskra-ists" (V. I. Lenin). The congress adopted the party program, which consisted of two parts: the minimum program (the overthrow of the autocracy and the establishment of democratic republic, measures to improve the situation of workers (including an 8-hour working day), a democratic solution of national and agrarian issues) and a maximum program (proclaimed as ultimate goal RSDLP socialist revolution and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat). The program also provided for such demands of a democratic nature as universal, equal and direct suffrage, broad local self-government, inviolability of the person and home, unlimited freedom of conscience, speech, press, assembly, strikes and unions. Seemingly simple and easy at first glance, many of these requirements remain relevant at the present time, since not all of them have come true (and many have only been proclaimed by the Constitution, but they are far from real implementation).

The program of the party included a provision on the recognition of all nations that were part of the multinational Russian state, the right to self-determination up to secession from its composition and the formation of an independent state. This demand was largely declarative in nature and was dictated by the need to unite all revolutionary democratic forces in the struggle against tsarism, and then the bourgeoisie. Ultimately, the idealization of the right of nations to self-determination led to the collapse of Russia after the Bolsheviks came to power.

The most imperfect was the agrarian part of the program. The debate on the first paragraph of the Party Rules extremely aggravated relations between the supporters of Lenin and Martov at the congress and thereby accelerated the split that ended during the elections. central authorities party -- the Central Committee and the Party Council. Lenin's supporters - hard Iskra - got the majority, while Martov's supporters - soft Iskra - a minority. The first began to be called Bolsheviks, the second - Mensheviks.

The split had deeper roots that emerged long before the congress. They were connected with the different support of both the supporters of Lenin and Martov on different layers of the legacy of Marx-Engels. They assessed the socio-economic and political situation in the country in different ways, and hence offered a different choice of means and methods of struggle.

In the summer of 1900, the emergence of the AKP began - the party of socialist revolutionaries (SRs), in 1902 the creation of the party was proclaimed. Its founders were V. M. Chernov,

A. R. Gots, M. A. Natanson, E. K. Breshko-Breshkovskaya. The ideological platform of the Social Revolutionaries was neo-populism. At the 1st Party Congress, held in December 1905 - January 1906, its program and charter were adopted. V. M. Chernov became the main theoretician and leader.

The Socialist-Revolutionaries considered their main task to be the preparation of the people for the "socialist" revolution. They saw the main driving force of this revolution in the non-working class, by which they understood all those who live by their own labor. The Social Revolutionaries advocated the establishment of democracy in the country. The Constituent Assembly was to decide on the form of government. The party defended democratic rights and freedoms, the federal structure of the country according to the national principle, the right of nations to self-determination. The central requirement of the agrarian program of the Social Revolutionaries was the "socialization" of the land: the land was to be withdrawn from market circulation and become public property. The right to dispose of the land was given to the peasant communities, which were to distribute it on an equal footing "according to the eaters", i.e., according to the number of workers. As effective remedy Socialist-Revolutionaries recognized individual terror against the authorities. It was carried out by the combat organization of the party, which was led by G. A. Gershuni and E. F. Azef (an agent of the tsarist secret police). For 1905--1907. Socialist-Revolutionaries carried out 204 terrorist acts.

At the beginning of the XX century. the formation of numerous national parties begins: the General Jewish Union of Lithuania, Poland and Russia (Bund), the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party (RUP), the Belarusian Revolutionary Party, the Latvian Social Democratic Union, in Poland - the League of Peoples (People's League), the Armenian Revolutionary Union (Dashnaktsutyun ).

The emergence of traditionalist monarchist parties and groups was associated with the growing opposition to autocracy. They considered their main task to be the protection of the existing order in the country. In 1900, the Russian conversation society was created in St. Petersburg, one of the leaders of which was the Moldavian landowner V. M. Purishkevich. Subsequently, parties of this kind were called "Black Hundreds", since they considered themselves spokesmen for the interests of ordinary Russian people ("Black Hundred" - taxable townspeople). Monarchist parties began to emerge in Russia after the publication of the Manifesto on 17 October. The largest of them were the "Union of the Russian People" (A. I. Dubrovin) and the "Russian People's Union named after Michael the Archangel" (V. M. Purishkevich).

Among the landlord-monarchist parties and organizations, the All-Russian Union of Land Owners, formed in November 1905, occupied a special place. It included 53 large landowners. There is neither demagogy nor ambiguity in the program of this union: all points are put over the "i", all conventions are discarded (external gloss, "culture"). When the landowning class was threatened with the loss of power and property, it spoke in the language of undisguised brute force. So, in the charter of the union of landowners there was not a word about the allocation of land to the peasants, as if this issue did not exist at all. In order to combat the revolution, the owners advocated the introduction of martial law and the use of courts-martial, the reduction of the investigation period, an increase in the number of rural police, and the protection of estates. military force, compensation for losses incurred by landowners. This program formed the basis of the activities of the tsarist government, headed after the resignation of Count S. Yu. Witte, P. A. Stolypin.

The programs of the monarchist parties were based on classical theory official nationality of Count Uvarov (Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality) and contained the following main provisions:

preservation of the autocratic form of government as the original and the only possible one in Russia

Preservation of a united and indivisible Russia: according to monarchists, federalism could only lead to a split and death of the country

defending the interests of the only "state" people - the Great Russians

criticism of the bureaucratic order in the country as compromising the autocracy

granting peasants the right to acquire land in private ownership while maintaining communal practices

· Forbidding Jews to own property and travel outside the "Pale of Settlement", as well as the future deportation of all Russian Jews to Palestine.

With regard to the State Duma, opinions were divided. Some of the monarchists (A. I. Dubrovin, N. E. Markov) believed that it should only be a legislative body, others (V. M. Purishkevich) - a legislative one. The Black Hundreds paid considerable attention to the fight against chaos and anarchy in the country and the establishment of strict order in it. According to the press, in the autumn of 1905 alone, about 4 thousand people died at the hands of the Black Hundreds, including the Bolsheviks N. E. Bauman and F. A. Afanasyev. In the 1st and 2nd State Dumas, the representation of the Black Hundreds was insignificant, but in the 111th and 4th Dumas they were represented quite widely.

liberal movement presented by several organizations. The leaders were the “Union of Zemstvo-Constitutionalists” (I. I. Petrunkevich) and the “Union of Liberation” by P. B. Struve. At the beginning of the revolution of 1905-1907. in these organizations, a moderate and more radical wing stood out. The formalization of the liberal-democratic parties was completed after the release of the Manifesto on 17 October.

The party that expressed the interests of the "left" liberals (intelligentsia, part of the nobility) became the constitutional democratic party (KD - Cadets), or the party of "people's freedom". Its program was based on Western European liberal ideas and defended the economic and political freedom of the individual, the values ​​of constitutionalism and democracy.

The founding congress of the Cadets took place in October 1905 in Moscow. At the origins of the party were the historian P. I. Milyukov, the economist P. B. Struve, Prince G. E. Lvov, a prominent scientist

V. I. Vernadsky. The main goal of the Cadets was the transformation of Russia into a democratic state in which the equality of all citizens before the law and the basic democratic rights and freedoms (conscience, speech, press, meetings, unions, inviolability of the person and home) will be guaranteed. In the field of government, they defended the democratic electoral system and legislative powers of the State Duma. The program of the Cadets on the agrarian question (drawn up by former Minister of Agriculture N. N. Kutler) provided for the mandatory sale of land leased by the landowners and the formation special fund from state and specific lands for transfer to small-land peasants. The Cadets stood for the abolition of the community and the transfer of land to the peasants as property.

On the labor issue, they advocated the adoption of social legislation and an 8-hour working day. During the years of the revolution, when the ideas of parliamentarism were popular among the people, the Cadets received fairly broad support. The Octobrist Party, or "Union of October 17", included representatives of the industrial and financial bourgeoisie and landlords. The founding congress of the party took place in February 1906. The leaders of the Octobrists were A.I. Guchkov, D.I. Shipov, M. V. Rodzianko. The program of the party expressed the views and demands of Russian business circles: strong power, enjoying the confidence of the people; unity and indivisibility Russian state; constitutional order and democratic rights for the citizens of Russia; the basis of the economy is private property; equalization of the rights of peasants with other estates, resettlement policy, the sale of state and specific lands to peasants, in extreme cases - the partial alienation of landowners' land for redemption. The Octobrists expressed their readiness for dialogue with the authorities and hoped that the monarchy would go for a closer alliance with business and financial circles, transferring some of the power to them.

Both the Cadets and the Octobrists took an active part in the election campaign in the First and Second State Dumas. The III Duma (1907-1912) even received the name "October pendulum", as the Octobrists balanced between the right (monarchists) and the Cadets. Although the real role of liberal parties in politics was small, and. the creation meant the emergence in Russia of a legal multi-party system, contributed to the political maturation of the Russian bourgeoisie and intelligentsia.

social political party government


Thus, by the beginning of the first Russian revolution in the country, political parties were created or were in the process of formation, representing the interests of various social strata of society. Features of the system of political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. were as follows:

Neither the landowners, nor the business commercial and industrial bourgeoisie, nor the peasantry had at that time "their own" parties expressing their interests

there was no government (in the Western sense) party, since the Council of Ministers was appointed not by the Duma, but personally by the tsar and that’s all Russian parties in one way or another were in opposition to the government, criticizing its policies either from the left or from the right

Not a single Russian political party before February 1917 passed the test of power

· weak point political system of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. there was a mechanism for the functioning of many parties (illegal or semi-legal)

Not all parties, especially national ones, were represented in the State Duma

· Peasant Russia, the Russian "backwoods" was poorly covered by the process of party-political construction, which took place mainly in the administrative and industrial centers of the country.

However, despite the specifics of the formation of both all-Russian and (especially) national political organizations, parties arose and developed in line with general patterns. Thus, the beginning of a multi-party system in Russia was laid.

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After the abolition of serfdom, the split in the social movement became even deeper. In 1860, the majority of liberals continued to count on the goodwill and reforming possibilities of the autocracy, seeking only to push it in the right direction. After the zemstvo reform, many forces of the liberal opposition were absorbed by activities in the organs local government.

At the same time, a significant part of the educated society was seized by revolutionary sentiments. To a certain extent, this was due to serious changes in its social composition: it quickly lost its class-noble character. The boundaries between classes were destroyed. The children of peasants, bourgeois, clergy, impoverished nobility quickly lost social ties with the environment that gave birth to them, turned into raznochintsy intellectuals, standing outside the estates, living their own, special life.

Parting with their past, the intellectuals of the new formation quickly lost respect for its foundations and traditions. They had an inherent desire to change the "damned Russian life" as soon as possible and more radically. It was the raznochintsy intelligentsia that became the main base of the revolutionary movement in post-reform Russia.

The reform of 1861 in no way satisfied the radical public. In ideological terms, the 1960s passed for the raznochintsy intelligentsia under the sign of nihilism.

At the turn of the 60-70s of the XIX century, the formation of the ideology of populism takes place.

Populism is the leading direction in the social movement of post-reform Russia, which has embraced mainly the raznochintsy intelligentsia. It was based on a system of views about a special, original way of development of Russia, capable, bypassing the stage of capitalism and relying on the peasant community, to create a "reasonably arranged" socialist society.

The Narodniks asserted that Russia was developing on its own. in a special way, different from the direction of development of countries Western Europe. This originality was expressed in the fact that capitalism in Russia, in their opinion, is an accidental phenomenon and does not have the conditions for its development.

According to the populists, the reform of 1861, which preserved the peasant community, created the conditions for the non-capitalist development of Russia and the transition to socialism, bypassing capitalism. They were afraid that capitalism would destroy the community, so the development of bourgeois relations was perceived as an evil leading to the decline of Russia. The Narodniks saw the Russian community as the basis for the economic and political organization of the future socialist system.

The populists considered the peasantry, led by the intelligentsia, to be the main revolutionary force. They idealized the peasant, considered him a socialist and revolutionary by nature. The Narodniks did not see the process of stratification among the peasantry.

They assigned the proletariat the role of a link between the peasantry and the intelligentsia, since many workers came from among the peasantry. The populists believed that only the intelligentsia was an active revolutionary force, and the peasants should blindly follow it.

The main theorists of populism in the 70s were M.A. Bakunin, P.L. Lavrov, P.N. Tkachev.

M.A. Bakunin opposed state power. He believed that during a social revolution, first of all, it is necessary to destroy the state and a “stateless order” will come in society. Bakunin assigned the decisive role in the struggle for the reorganization of the world to the people. He called on the intelligentsia to go to the people in order to raise the peasants to revolt. Bakunin outlined his views in Appendix A to the book Statehood and Anarchy, published in 1873.

Another populist theorist P.L. Lavrov outlined his views in the work "Historical Letters". According to him, the engine historical progress are "critically thinking individuals" who come out of the intelligentsia. He believed that the Russian people were not yet ready for a social revolution. Therefore, the revolutionaries had to prepare the people for the perception of new ideas by means of propaganda and explanation.

P.N. adhered to a special tactic. Tkachev. He believed that the people are not capable of independent action. Instead of the people, a small group of revolutionaries must act, which will be able to overthrow the tsarist regime and begin socialist transformations. Tkachev was the ideologue of conspiracy tactics in the Russian revolutionary movement.

The first attempt to directly address the people with a revolutionary sermon was "going to the people" (hence the term "populism"). In 1874, hundreds of people from the raznochintsy intelligentsia under the guise of teachers, doctors, artisans went to the village. They believed that the peasants were ready for an uprising and that it was simply necessary to conduct revolutionary agitation and call for an uprising. Many of the populists went to the Volga region, where they expected to meet the greatest readiness of the peasantry for revolt. Those who had gone "to the people", being mainly under the influence of Bakunin's rebellious ideas, were unable to raise the peasants to fight alone.

This movement was defeated, the tsarist government brought down repressions on the populists. During 1874, about a thousand people were arrested in 37 provinces of Russia. The results of "going to the people" for the populists were insignificant. The revolutionaries gave up the hope of an easy possibility of a revolutionary transformation of the country with the help of a quick revolt.

The defeat of "going to the people" showed that without the creation of a solid revolutionary organization and serious preparations, it would not be possible to rouse the people to revolt. In 1876, a new organization- "Land and freedom". Its active members were A. Mikhailov, N. Morozov, G. Plekhanov, S. Perovskaya, V. Zasulich, L. Deutsch and others. During 1876-1879. "Land and Freedom" turned into an influential organization that united the revolutionary circles of the Volga region, the central and western provinces, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, North Caucasus and Georgia. The landowners published the journal "Land and Freedom". They considered the establishment of ties with the peasantry to be the main task of their activity. In the villages, members of the organization created their own "settlements" in order to win the trust of the peasants and begin preparing the uprising. But attempts to raise the peasants failed. A group of landowners led by Y. Stefanovich tried to rebel the peasants of the Chigirinsky district of the Kyiv province with the help of a false tsar's manifesto, in which the peasants were urged to unite and start an uprising. But this event also ended in failure. The landowners carried out propaganda among the workers as well. But they were only interested in the workers because they considered them capable of supporting a peasant uprising.

The failure of new attempts to raise the peasantry to revolt, the reprisals of tsarism against revolutionaries forced individual populists to switch to terrorist methods of fighting tsarism. On January 24, 1878, Vera Zasulich shot at the St. Petersburg mayor Trepov, who subjected the political prisoner, student Bogolyubov, to corporal punishment. V. Zasulich was acquitted at the jury trial. Soon, the populists followed a series of terrorist acts against representatives of the tsarist government.

By the end of the 1970s, two currents had taken shape in Land and Freedom. One of them included supporters of the fight against the autocracy through individual terror. Another trend remained in the old populist positions - propaganda of socialist ideas and agitation among the workers and peasants.

Between the two groups, the contradictions became especially aggravated after the attempt on the life of the landowner Solovyov on Alexander II in April 1879. It was decided to convene a congress of "Land and Freedom" to determine the future activities of the organization. The congress took place in June 1879 in Voronezh. But a few days before it, supporters of terror tactics gathered in Lipetsk, ready to split the organization. In August 1879, the final split of "Land and Freedom" into two organizations took place - " People's Will"and" Black redistribution.

The Black Redistribution organization included Plekhanov, Deutsch, Stefanovich, Axelrod and others. "Black redistribution" advocated the promotion of socialist ideas among the people and demanded the division of land among the peasants. Soon this organization ceased to exist.

"Narodnaya Volya" was headed by Mikhailov, Zhelyabov, Kibalchich, Perovskaya and others. The main goal of their activities, the Narodnaya Volya considered the destruction of the autocracy, the conquest of political freedoms. They believed that a group of revolutionaries could destroy the top leaders and seize power with the help of terror. Their tactics were conspiratorial, and they reduced the political struggle to a political conspiracy. The Narodnaya Volya published the newspaper Narodnaya Volya and formed secret officer circles in St. Petersburg and Odessa, seeking to win the army over to their side.

Along with propaganda, the Narodnaya Volya took part in the strike struggle of the proletariat. In 1879 they took part in the strikes of workers in Kyiv, Serpukhov, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, and Voronezh.

Since the autumn of 1879, the Narodnaya Volya began to prepare a series of assassination attempts on the tsar: mines were laid twice on the route of the tsar's train, an explosion was organized in winter palace. Soldiers and courtiers perished, but the tsar remained intact. The police organized searches and raids, detaining all the suspicious, but missing the real conspirators. On March 1, 1881, the terrorists, under the leadership of Sophia Perovskaya, decided to make a new attempt at regicide. On this day, the emperor was returning from the Manezh, and on Catherine's Canal tragedy ensued. The first bomb thrown by Rysakov damaged the imperial carriage, and the second thrower, Grinevitsky, mortally wounded the tsar. An hour later, Alexander II died in his office.

Under Alexander II, Russia embarked on the path of reforms. However, the reforms were not carried through to the end, and stops along the way led to uncontrollable processes. To some extent, Alexander II, with his indecision and inconsistency, himself provoked the events of March 1. And yet he remained in the memory of the people as the Tsar-Liberator, and his reign - the era of Liberation.

Alexander III became his successor. The essence of the internal policy of the new emperor was the preservation and strengthening of the autocratic regime and the estate system. In the Manifesto of April 20, 1881, Alexander III declared his "faith in the strength and truth of autocratic power."

ny blow at the populists. Zhelyabov, Perovskaya, Kibalchich and other participants in the assassination attempt were hanged. In 1884, Narodnaya Volya practically ceased to exist. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Narodniks retreated from the revolutionary struggle. Liberal populism became the predominant trend, advocating peaceful ways of social transformation.

Social movement in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

1) A special style of formation of political parties. Socialist world and national parties.

2) The actions of the government at the stage of the rise of the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1905.

4) Monarchist parties.

5) The first experience of Russian parliamentarism. (1, 2, 3, chapter 28 to the State Duma)

1) According to the form of government, Russia by the beginning of the 20th century was an autocratic monarchy. The lack of political rights and freedoms turned Russia into a unique phenomenon among the relatively developed countries of the world. The contradictions between the autocratic order and the modernizing economy reached an unprecedented intensity at the beginning of the 20th century.

*Political party - an organized group of like-minded people, representing the interests of a part of the people, setting goals and their implementation by coming to power or participating in its implementation. All political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, in accordance with their vision of the future of Russia of political goals, means and methods for achieving these goals, should be divided into several categories:

Left*(Social Democratic)


Liberal*(Cadet Party)


Monarchist * (union of the Russian people and others) More than 20 who shared the ideas of Bokunin and Kropotkin. National and socialist parties sprang up, operating illegally. Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania 1893 Bund. 1897.

Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. (1903)

Party of Socialist Revolutionaries. The peasantry saw their social support (T in the peasantry)

Fundamentals of the Bolshevik program. Marxists.

1) The transition from one socio-economic formation to another is carried out through a social revolution.

2) The social support of the party - the working class - the proletariat.

The main driving force of the socialist revolution is the proletariat.

After the revolution comes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat!

The leadership of the party consisted of the intelligentsia. The origin and structure of Russia's political system, with a significant share of revolutionary socialist parties, was not very conducive to Russia's smooth evolutionary development.

2.) The absence of political and agrarian reforms in the last decades of the 19th century led to a revolutionary explosion in January 1905.

Nicholas II came to the throne at the end of the 19th century. During his reign, increased the role of the emperor and his personal office. The revolution of 1905 forced tsarism to return to the overdue socio-political transformations. On August 6, 1905, tsarism announced the establishment of the State Duma. Bulyminskaya. The concession of tsarism was not enough. The Bulygin Duma was boycotted in October 5, in the midst of a growing wave of revolution. In October, during the all-Russian October strike, Nicholas II signed the Manifesto on the improvement of the state order of October 17, 1905, prepared by Witte. It proclaimed political freedoms. The word of the press of the street processions of the meetings of the unions is the abolition of estates. Duma parliament endowed legislative rights. Sections of the population deprived of voting rights under the Bulykin bill were attracted to participate in the elections. The State Council was transformed into the highest chamber of the Duma with the right to approve laws.

Formally, the manifesto turned the autocratic state system of Russia into a constitutional monarchy. Women, soldiers, sailors, students, landless peasants were deprived of the right to choose.

3) During the revolution of 1905-7, the first Russian multi-party system arose.

Politically formed liberal movement. His right-wing conservative wing was the Union of 17 October. Leaders - Heiden, Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov, Rodzianko.

The number is 65-70 thousand members. The social composition is the big financial and industrial bourgeoisie, liberal landowners, wealthy intelligentsia. Program -

1. ʼʼassistance to the government on the path of saving reformsʼʼ

2. Modernization of the country

3. Protection of the principle of a constitutional monarchy and a single and indivisible Russian state.

4. The solution of the peasant question, bypassing the forced alienation of landowners' lands. Resettlement of peasants beyond the Urals, revitalization of the peasant bank.

5. Restriction of the right to strike, against the introduction of an eight-hour working day. The radical liberal wing was the Constitutional Democratic Party. Brothers Dolgorukov, Kormilov, Kotlyarovsky, Maklakov, Pavel Nikolaev Melyukov, Peter Struve.

The number of 55 thousand, the social composition - the intelligentsia Liberal bourgeois and landlords. The share of the working class in the party did not exceed 15%. The program is a legal state in the form of a constitutional monarchy. 2) Civil rights, National, estate, cultural equality. 3) The solution of the agrarian question through the compulsory alienation of part of the landlords' lands. 4) Recognition of the right of workers to races, and to an eight-hour working day.

4) Monarchist parties. An obstacle to the implementation of reforms was the monarchist-noble bloc. Russian Monarchist Party, Union of Russian People, All-Russian Union of Land Owners. The main force was the union of the Russian people. Leaders: Dubrovin, Pureshkevich. Russian patriotism, the protection of the principles of Orthodoxy, the unity and inviolability of the Russian Empire and autocracy. A protest against the home-grown bourgeoisie, infected with the rot of the West. Black Sophia organized pogroms in 150 cities of the country.

The most important result of the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907 was the creation of the Parliament and the introduction of political freedoms.

The new system of political organization of the state in 1907 to 1914 was called the Third of July political system (the union of the tsar, the nobles and the big bourgeoisie by the united State Duma)

Social movement in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Social movement in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century." 2017, 2018.

The social movement of the late 19th century continues the trends of the past. In the 50s. the populist movement was the most influential. The ancestor of the ideology was A.I. Herzen and N.G. Chernyshevsky (the theory of peasant socialism). The Slavophiles gave the people the beginning.

Main approaches:

Awareness of the fact of Russia's backwardness

An attempt to overcome

Search for a theoretical justification for overcoming


-develop beyond capitalism

-the basis of the theory is the presence of a rural community

-the upcoming revolution was read by the socialist

The populists believed that R. did not have to go through all the phases of development. European countries.

Stages of development of populism:

1)70-s-revolutionary populism. It was believed that capitalism was imposed "from above" and had no social roots in Russia. The future is communal socialism. The peasants are ready for this. Transformation through revolution.

2)80-90s-liberal populism. They shared the popular theory, but denied the violent methods of transformation. They put emphasis on cultural and educational activities (zh. "Russian wealth"). Insisted on the unacceptability of capitalism

(Mikhailovsky, Danielson, Vorontsov)


In the second half of the 1890s, small populist-socialist groups and circles existed in St. Petersburg, Penza, Poltava, Voronezh, Kharkov, and Odessa.

Some of them united in 1900 in Southern Party of Socialist Revolutionaries , another in 1901 - in " Socialist-Revolutionary Union ". At the end of 1901, the Southern Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Union of Socialist-Revolutionaries merged, and in January 1902 the Revolutionary Russia newspaper announced the creation of the party.

Socialist-Revolutionaries until 1917. -one of the leading parties . The first founding congress took place in December 1905-1906. . Leader - Viktor Mikhailovich Chernov.


Establishment of a democratic republic

federal structure

The right of nations to self-determination

Universal suffrage

-bourgeois freedoms

-replacement of the army by the people's militia

-the abolition of taxes on labor, a progressive tax on income entrepreneurs.

agricultural question:

Withdrawal of land from h / s and its socialization

Distribution of land according to labor norm

Preservation of the land community

Additional peasant cooperation in the future

Combat organization us. 15-20 roar, 25-30 militants. Ruk-Evno Azef, B. Savenkov. Min. arr Bogolepov was killed in 1901 and in 1904 Plehve.

Marxist direction. It develops from the 2nd half of the 80s. 90s "Marxist craze". R. gets "Capital".

It is known within the framework of 2 currents

1) "Legal Marxism"

Philosophers: Struve P.B., Frank S.L., Berdyaev N.A., Bulgakov S.N.

Economists: Danielson, Tugan-Baranovsky

Capitalism is a natural stage in development

Improve society through democratic reforms.

Opposition to revolutionary Marxism

Reflects Marxism in bourgeois literature

Does not share Marx's conclusions about the need to eliminate the exploitative layer

From the teachings of Marx, legal Marxism took as its basis the proposition that capitalism is economically progressive in relation to feudalism and the thesis that feudalism is logically replaced by capitalism.

During the discussions, 2 works with criticism of Nar.

- “Critical notes on the issue of the economic development of R.” P.B. Struve

- "Materials for the character of our economic development" with the account of Lenin

2) "Revolutionary Marxism" in it are the form leaders of Marxism, the first circles arise, attempts to combine Marxism and the revolutionary movement. they begin propaganda for the action of the working class. Georgy Plekhanov was the propagandist.

Plekhanov considered the liberation of the proletariat possible only with the use of revolutionary forms of political struggle based on a social democratic program. According to this program, the revolution must be bourgeois, since on its own, without the help of the bourgeoisie, the proletariat will not be able to transform society. Therefore, the proletariat should simply get the maximum benefits from this revolution without claiming all the power in the new state. Thanks to the efforts of Plekhanov, Marxism prevailed in the social democratic movement in Russia, and at the beginning of the 20th century, radical elements began to play a prominent role in it, united around Vladimir Lenin.

3) The RADICAL LENINISTS directed their main efforts towards the creation of a social-democratic "party of a new type" consisting of professional revolutionaries who would lead and organize the struggle of the working masses.

Ulyanov V.I. (1870-1924)

History of the RSDLP

The first social democratic circles appeared in the Russian Empire in the 1880s. In 1883, G. Plekhanov founded the first Russian Marxist organization - the Emancipation of Labor group. In late 1894 and early 1895, on the initiative of Plekhanov, the Union of Russian Social-Democrats was created. Abroad". In 1895, the "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class" arose from the St. Petersburg Social-Democratic Group, in which V. I. Lenin had a great merit. In 1887, a meeting was held in Kyiv between the Kyiv Social Democratic group "Working Business" and the Social Democrats of St. Petersburg and Moscow. In the same 1887, the Jewish Social Democratic groups of the Northwestern and Privislensky regions united in the "General Jewish Workers' Union in Lithuania, Poland and Russia", or "Bund".

July 1903 - 2nd congress in Brussels, program and charter adopted. Split into

Bolsheviks(a course towards the formation of a radical party of a new type of 2 parts:

Printed revolutionary organ and local revolutionary organizations)

Mensheviks(followed the European line of Arxism)

liberal movement

1) Intellectual liberalism and its tasks:

Find historical justifications for lib.v R.

Development of thorium development R. (soil, originality)

Among the first theorists of original lib. B.N. Chicherin, K.D. Kavelin, Gradovsky A.D.

2) Zemstvo liberalism

The current is moderate in the political sense. Requests are reduced to the development of local self-government and the general national representation (consultative body). We tried to use historical experience Zemstvo representation

2) New liberalism

"The Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists" - left Zemstvo lib. in alliance with the intelligentsia. They wanted to create a more radical direction. 1902 - abr. magazine "Liberation" Struve

1903-1904 "Union of Liberation", "Union of cons-in"

1905 - "Union of Unions" - union of trade unions

In October 1905, 2 parties arise

The revolution of 1905-1907 created favorable conditions for the creation of many political parties (both Russian and national), they acted legally, they represented the spectrum of social, national and even religious interests expressed in their programs. 3 main classification groups:

1) revolutionary democratic (social-dem., and neo-populist)

2)liberal opposition (Russian and national liberal bourgeoisie, liberal intelligentsia),

3)conservative - protective (right-wing bourgeois-landowners and clerical-monarchist, Black Hundreds).

Social Democratic : Russian Socialist-Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) and the Social Revolutionary Party (Socialist-Revolutionaries).

RSDLP took shape in an organized manner at its second congress (1903) and then a split into Bolsheviks and less occurred. But formally, until March 1917, they continued to be considered as members of the same party. At the II Congress, a single program was adopted (for large and small), from 2 parts. The program is the minimum.(solution of the tasks of the bourgeois-democratic revolution:

The overthrow of autocracy

The introduction of a democratic republic and broad local self-government,

Granting the right to self-determination to all nations that are part of Russia

8-hour work schedule for employees

agrarian question:

Initially, demands were made for the return to the peasants of the cuts from their allotments that were cut off during the reform of 1861, the abolition of redemption and quitrent payments on land, and the return of previously paid out redemption amounts, but in 1906 the agrarian question was revised, now the requirements for a complete confiscation of all landowners , state, specific, church and monastery lands (this demand was stated by the peasants themselves at the 2nd congresses of the All-Russian Peasants' Union and forced them to change the agrarian program of the RSDLP at the 4th congress). The agrarian program of the RSDLP was nationalization of all lands(i.e. owner land state, and it becomes a landowner - a monopolist), and the peasants wanted the land for public use (i.e. the owner of the land is the people themselves)

Agrarian policy is less: proposed by P.P. Maslov. Program municipalization of land.( those. confiscated from the landowners, monasteries, the land was transferred to the disposal of local governments, which then distributed the land among the peasants). The smaller program was against government intervention in agrarian relations, because this will strengthen the state, turn it into the sole landowner, and strengthen the ruling bureaucracy.

The program is the maximum. Provided for the socialist reorganization of society after the victory of the proletarian revolution. But the implementation of this program and the Bolsheviks and the smaller ones were represented in different ways. Bolsheviks: the immediate construction of socialism after the victory of the proletarian revolution, they even considered the possibility of the bourgeois-democratic revolution growing into a socialist one. Mensheviks: considered it a utopia to plant socialism in an economically and culturally backward country, they believed that a period of bourgeois development should pass after the bourgeois-democratic revolution, which would turn Russia into a capitalist country with bourgeois-democratic freedoms.

Socialist-Revolutionaries. Organizational took shape at the 1st Constituent Congress end of December 1905 beginning of January 1906. Program:

Overthrow of the autocracy

Democratic Republic

Autonomy of regions and communities on a federal basis

Widespread use of federal relations between individual nationalities, recognition of their right to self-determination, introduction mother tongue in all local public and state institutions

Universal suffrage without distinction of sex, religion or nationality

Free education

Separation of the church from the state and freedom of religion, freedom of speech, press, meetings, strikes, inviolability of the person and home

Destruction of the post-army and its replacement by the "people's militia"

8 hours working day

The abolition of all taxes relating to labor, but the establishment of a progressive tax on the income of entrepreneurs.

agricultural question:

Withdrawal of land from private property. Played for socialization(public use). The land should be managed by the community, which will distribute its use according to the "labor" norm among all citizens of the republic, for whom labor on the land is the main source of subsistence. They wanted to socialize the land by various forms farmers' cooperatives. They advocated the preservation of the peasant community as the basis for creating social relations in the countryside.

Tactics: propaganda, agitation, organizing strikes, boycotts, armed actions, up to the use of political terror. But terror is a last resort. "Battle Group" - Evno Azef Boris Savnikov. Organized the murder of large political persons (V.Ya. Pleve)

At the end of 1904, a group separated from the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, which used the position of terroristic struggle. End of 1906 - the group took shape in "Union of Socialists - Revolutionaries - Maximalists"- the extreme left wing of the Socialist-Revolutionaries. Leader - M.I.Sokolov.

Also, a group emerged from the Socialist-Revolutionaries anarcho-communists.

Labor people - socialist party(People's Socialists, Popular Socialists)- rejected violent methods of struggle. The first program issue of her bulletin came out in September 1906, the final registration of the party - November 1906. It was the city intelligentsia, Zemstvo employees. Prominent ideologists: A.V. Peshekhonov, V.A. Myakotin, N.F. Annensky, V.I. Semenovsky, belonged to the left flank of legal populism. They advocated a special path for Russia to socialism, bypassing capitalism.


Introduction of the democratic republic

Replacement of the post.army "people's policeman"

Equality of all before the law, the abolition of the class system, freedom of speech, conscience, press, meetings, unions

Inviolability of person and home

supreme body authorities- a unicameral People's Representative Assembly, elected by all citizens who have reached 20 years of age, regardless of their gender, faith and nationality, the Assembly should have all the fullness of legislative power.

agricultural question:

Confiscation of premises, state, specific, church lands and their transfer to public ownership. But the confiscation should not affect peasant allotments, as well as privately owned lands where labor work is carried out.


Cadets: the main liberal party - the Constitutional Democratic Party, took shape at the 1st Congress in Moscow October 12-18, 1905."Party of People's Freedom", predominantly an intellectual party, the elite of the Russian intelligentsia. Members: V.I. Vernadsky, S.A. Muromtsev, V.M. The Cadets strove to rise above the parties. Leader: P.I. Milyukov.


The main goal is the introduction of a democratic constitution in the country.

Democratic political system (like an English-style monarchy).

They advocated for the division of authorities: the legislator, the executive and the judiciary

Fundamental reform of local government and courts

Free education at school

8-hour work schedule at enterprises, the right of workers to strike, to social insurance and labor protection.

Restoration of the state autonomy of Fonland, Poland, but as part of Russia.

agricultural question:

Partial alienation of land plots (60%) in favor of the peasants, but at market prices, advocated private land ownership and were opposed to its socialization.

They achieved their goals only by peaceful means - by obtaining a majority in the State Duma and through it carrying out the reforms that are written in their program. However, the Cadet Party did not represent unity: three directions: left, right Cadets and the center.

Octobrists:"Union of October 17", in honor of the tsar's manifesto of October 17, 1905, which, they believed, marked Russia's entry onto the path of a constitutional monarchy. The registration of the party began in October 1905, and ended on 1 its congress February 8-12, 1906 in Moscow. The party of big capital - the top commercial and industrial bourgeoisie and landlords - entrepreneurs. Chapter: big businessman A.I. Guchkov


- hereditary constitutional monarchy in which the emperor is limited by the provisions of the "Basic Laws". They opposed neogrpnich. autocracy., but also against the parliamentary system.

Introduction of bicamerals. "People's representation" - the State Duma and the State Council, which are formed on the basis of qualifying elections.

Giving citizens rights: freedom of conscience, religion, inviolability of the person and home.

National issue: the principle of a united Russia, opposing any form of federalism. Only Finland is excluded, subject to its state connection with the empire.

agricultural question: the transfer of peasants through special land committees of vacant state, specific and cabinet lands, as well as assistance to peasants in buying land from private owners through the Peasants' Bank. They allowed and will force the alienation of parts of privately owned lands with the obligatory remuneration of the owners at the expense of the treasury. The resettlement of landless and small-land peasants to free lands, the equalization of the rights of the peasants with the rest of the estates, supported the Stolypin agrarian reform.

Recognized the freedom of workers' organizations, unions, and the right of workers to gather and strike.

Limiting the duration of the working day, but not to the detriment of industry

Supporters of the expansion of people's education, saw the need for reform of the court and administrative management.

The state structure is a constitutional monarchy with the State Duma. They advocated a strong monarchical power, but also for reforms in the business sphere. The main program requirements are freedom of industry, trade, acquisition of property and its protection by law.

"Peaceful Renovators and Progressives"- Intermediate position between the Cadets and the Octobrists, the "Party of Peaceful Renewal" and its successor, the "Party of Progressives".

Peaceful renewal.formed in July 1906 their Right Cadets and Left Octobrists. moderate liberals. They leaned neither towards the left-wing course of the Cadets, nor towards the Octobrists in many programmatic questions, in solving the agrarian problem they inclined towards the demands of the Octobrists. Leaders - prominent zemstvo figures - P.A. Geiden and D.N. Shipov

Progressives formalized in November 1912, as well as peacefully updated, it turned out to be to the right of the Cadets and to the left of the Octobrists. This is the most bourgeois party in composition. Speakers for the constitutional-monarh.stroy, an elected bicameral representation with a large property qualification for deputies.

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