Home Garden on the windowsill Photos of uranium from space. Photo of the planet Uranus. Uranus - surrounded by its largest moons

Photos of uranium from space. Photo of the planet Uranus. Uranus - surrounded by its largest moons

The planet Uranus is known as one of the ice giants. It has a mass that is almost 15 times that of the Earth. It does not have a solid surface like Earth, and its surface temperature is -197°C (-323°F). Some regions of its atmosphere are even colder. Therefore, Uranus is the coldest planet in our solar system. Uranus is one of the outer planets of the solar system and orbits 20 times farther from the Sun than the Earth. Uranus is named after the Greek god of the sky.

The planet Uranus has only been visited by one spacecraft in the last 50 years. It was Voyager 2 (Voyager), which was launched in 1977 to study Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 passed by the planet Uranus in 1986. He discovered 10 additional moons of Uranus. We currently know about 27 known satellites of the planet.

In section photo of the planet Uranus Rare photographs of this gas giant taken by the Hubble Space Telescope are posted. These Hubble images show a number of interesting features.

First, the planet Uranus has an axial tilt of 98 degrees. This means it revolves around the Sun all the time with one side. It is the only planet in our solar system with this unusual tilt, which could have been caused by a collision with a large object at the time of the planet's birth. One consequence of this tilt is the rather extreme seasons on the planet Uranus.

The second feature of the planet Uranus is its rings. While they look like the rings of Saturn, the rings around the planet Uranus tend to be darker and less extensive than those around Saturn. Their existence was confirmed only in 1977 by a group of scientists led by Gerard P. Kuiper.

The third feature of the planet Uranus is its colorful atmosphere. It is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium with a small amount of methane, giving it the blue-green color seen in most photographs of Uranus.

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Space attracts not only scientists. This is an eternal topic for drawing. Of course, we cannot see everything with our own eyes. But the photos and videos taken by the astronauts are amazing. And in our instructions we will try to depict space. This lesson is simple, but will help the child figure out where each planet is.

You will need:

Basic circle

First, draw a large circle on the right side of the paper. If you don't have a compass, you can trace around a round object.


Orbits of planets that are at the same distance depart from the center.

central part

The circles are getting bigger. Of course, they will not fit completely, so draw semicircles.

The orbits of the planets never intersect, otherwise they will collide with each other.

We finish drawing the orbits

The entire sheet should be covered with semicircles. We know only nine planets. But what if there are also cosmic bodies in distant orbits that move along the most distant orbits.

The sun

Make the central circle a little smaller and circle it with a thick line so that the Sun stands out from the rest of the orbits.

Mercury, Venus and Earth

Now let's start drawing the planets. They need to be placed in a certain order. Each planet has its own orbit. Mercury revolves around the sun itself. Behind him, in the second orbit, is Venus. The third is the Earth.

Mars, Saturn and Neptune

Earth's neighbor is Mars. It is slightly smaller than our planet. Leave the fifth orbit empty for now. The next circles are Saturn, Neptune. These celestial bodies are also called giant planets, as they are ten times larger than the Earth.

Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto

Between Saturn and Neptune is another large planet - Uranus. Draw it on the side so that the images do not touch.

Jupiter is considered the largest planet in the solar system. That is why we will depict it on the side, away from other planets. And in the ninth orbit, add the smallest celestial body - Pluto.

Saturn is known for its rings that have appeared around it. Draw several ovals in the center of the planet. Draw rays of different sizes that depart from the Sun.

The surface of each planet is not uniform. Even our Sun has different shades and black spots. On each planet, depict the surface using circles and semicircles.

Draw fog on the surface of Jupiter. This planet often experiences sandstorms and is overcast.

> Pictures of Uranus

Enjoy real photo of the planet Uranus in high resolution obtained by telescopes and devices from space against the background of the neighboring planets Pluto and Saturn.

Do you think that space won't shock you? Then take a closer look at the quality high resolution photo of Uranus. This planet is amazing in that it is the only one with an extreme axial tilt. In fact, it lies on its side and rolls around the star. This is a representative of an interesting subspecies - ice giants. Pictures of Uranus will show a soft blue surface where the season stretches for as much as 42 years! There is also a ring system and a lunar family. Don't pass by photos of the planet Uranus from space and learn a lot about the solar system.

High resolution photos of Uranus

Rings of Uranus and two satellites

On January 21, 1986, Voyager 2 located at a distance of 4.1 million km from Uranus and captured two shepherd satellites associated with rings in a photo from space. We are talking about 1986U7 and 1986U8, located on both sides of the epsilon ring. A frame with a resolution of 36 km was specially processed to improve the view of narrow formations. The epsilon ring is surrounded by a dark halo. Inside it are the delta, gamma and eta rings, and then beta and alpha. They have been followed since 1977, but this is the first direct observation of 9 rings with a width of 100 km. The discovery of two satellites allowed us to better understand the ring structure and fit them into the shepherd theory. They cover 20-30 km in diameter. JPL is responsible for the Voyager 2 project.

Crescent planet

On January 25, 1986, Voyager 2 captured this photo of Uranus as it moved towards Neptune. But even on the illuminated edge, the planet managed to retain its pale green color. The color is formed due to the presence of methane in the atmospheric layer that absorbs red wavelengths..

Uranus in true and false color

On January 7, 1986, Voyager 2 took a photo of the planet Uranus in true (left) and false (right) colors. It settled down at a distance of 9.1 million km a few days before the nearest approach. The frame on the left has been specially processed to fit the human vision. This is a composite image made with blue, green and orange filters. At the top right, darker shades are visible, which show the daytime line. Behind it lies the hidden northern hemisphere. The blue-green haze is formed due to the absorption of red color by methane vapor. On the right, the false color accentuates the contrast to indicate detail in the polar region. UV, violet and orange filters were used for the image. The dark polar cap is striking, around which lighter bands are concentrated. Perhaps there is brown smog. The bright orange line is a frame enhancement artifact.

Uranus in the Voyager 2 survey

Uranus in the view of the Keck telescope

Hubble captures the variety of colors on Uranus

On August 8, 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope captured this photo of Uranus, where it recorded 4 main rings and 10 satellites. For this, an infrared camera and a multipurpose spectrometer were used. Not so long ago, the telescope noticed about 20 clouds. Wide Planetary Chamber 2 was created by scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The Goddard Space Flight Center is responsible for its functioning.

Hubble captures auroras on Uranus

This is a composite photo of the surface of the planet Uranus, captured by Voyager 2 and the Hubble telescope - for the ring and aurora. In the 1980s we got amazing close-ups of the outer planets from the Voyager 2 mission. Since then, it was possible for the first time to look at the auroras in other worlds. This phenomenon is formed by streams of charged particles (electrons) coming from the solar wind, planetary ionosphere and lunar volcanoes. They find themselves in powerful magnetic fields and move into the upper atmospheric layer. There they come into contact with oxygen or nitrogen, which leads to light bursts. We already have a lot of information about the auroras on Jupiter and Saturn, but the events on Uranus are still mysterious. In 2011, the Hubble telescope became the first to capture images from such a distance. The next attempts were made in 2012 and 2014. Scientists have studied interplanetary jolts created by two strong bursts of the solar wind. It turned out that Hubble was tracking the most powerful aurora. Moreover, for the first time they noticed that the radiance performs revolutions together with the planet. They also noted the long-lost magnetic poles, which have not been seen since 1986.

Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system and the third gas giant. The planet is the third largest and the fourth largest by mass, and got its name in honor of the father of the Roman god Saturn.

Exactly Uranus honored to be the first planet discovered in modern history. However, in reality, his original discovery of it as a planet did not actually happen. In 1781 the astronomer William Herschel when observing the stars in the constellation of Gemini, he noticed some disk-shaped object, which he first recorded in the category of comets, which he reported to the Royal Scientific Society of England. However, later Herschel himself was puzzled by the fact that the orbit of the object turned out to be practically circular, and not elliptical, as is the case with comets. And only when this observation was confirmed by other astronomers, Herschel came to the conclusion that he had actually discovered a planet, not a comet, and the discovery finally received wide recognition.

After confirming the data that the discovered object is a planet, Herschel received an unusual privilege - to give it his name. Without hesitation, the astronomer chose the name of the King of England George III and named the planet Georgium Sidus, which means "George's Star". However, the name never received scientific recognition and scientists, for the most part, came to the conclusion that it is better to adhere to a certain tradition in the name of the planets of the solar system, namely, to name them in honor of the ancient Roman gods. This is how Uranus got its modern name.

Currently, the only planetary mission that has been able to collect data on Uranus is Voyager 2.

This meeting, which took place in 1986, allowed scientists to obtain a fairly large amount of data about the planet and make many discoveries. The spacecraft transmitted thousands of photographs of Uranus, its moons and rings. Although many photographs of the planet showed little more than a blue-green color that could also be observed from ground-based telescopes, other images showed the presence of ten previously unknown satellites and two new rings. No new missions to Uranus are planned for the near future.

Due to the dark blue color of Uranus, it turned out to be much more difficult to make an atmospheric model of the planet than models of the same or even. Fortunately, images from the Hubble Space Telescope have provided a broader picture. More modern telescope imaging technologies made it possible to obtain much more detailed images than those of Voyager 2. So, thanks to the Hubble photographs, it was possible to find out that there are latitudinal bands on Uranus, like on other gas giants. In addition, the speed of the winds on the planet can reach over 576 km / h.

It is believed that the reason for the appearance of a monotonous atmosphere is the composition of its uppermost layer. Visible cloud layers are composed primarily of methane, which absorbs these observed red wavelengths. Thus, the reflected waves are represented as blue and green.

Beneath this outer layer of methane, the atmosphere is about 83% hydrogen (H2) and 15% helium, with some methane and acetylene present. This composition is similar to other gas giants of the solar system. However, the atmosphere of Uranus differs sharply in another respect. While the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn are mostly gaseous, the atmosphere of Uranus contains much more ice. Evidence of this are extremely low temperatures on the surface. Given the fact that the temperature of the atmosphere of Uranus reaches -224 ° C, it can be called the coldest of the atmospheres in the solar system. In addition, the available data indicate that such extremely low temperatures are present around almost the entire surface of Uranus, even on the side that is not illuminated by the Sun.

Uranus, according to planetary scientists, consists of two layers: the core and the mantle. Current models suggest that the core is mostly composed of rock and ice, and has about 55 times its mass. The mantle of the planet weighs 8.01 x 10 to the power of 24 kg, or about 13.4 Earth masses. In addition, the mantle is composed of water, ammonia, and other volatile elements. The main difference between the mantle of Uranus and Jupiter and Saturn is that it is icy, albeit not in the traditional sense of the word. The fact is that the ice is very hot and thick, and the thickness of the mantle is 5.111 km.

What's most amazing about Uranus' composition, and what sets it apart from other gas giants in our star system, is that it doesn't radiate more energy than it receives from the Sun. Considering the fact that even, which is very close in size to Uranus, it produces about 2.6 times more heat than it receives from the Sun, scientists today are very intrigued by such a weak power generated by Uranus. There are currently two explanations for this phenomenon. The first indicates that Uranus was impacted by a large space object in the past, which led to the loss of most of the planet's internal heat (gained during formation) into outer space. The second theory claims that there is a barrier inside the planet that does not allow the internal heat of the planet to escape to the surface.

Orbit and rotation of Uranus

The discovery of Uranus itself allowed scientists to expand the radius of the known solar system by almost two times. This means that the average orbit of Uranus is about 2.87 x 10 to the power of 9 km. The reason for such a huge distance is the duration of the passage of solar radiation from the Sun to the planet. Sunlight takes about two hours and forty minutes to reach Uranus, which is almost twenty times longer than it takes sunlight to reach Earth. The huge distance also affects the length of the year on Uranus, it lasts almost 84 Earth years.

The orbital eccentricity of Uranus is 0.0473, which is only slightly less than that of Jupiter - 0.0484. This factor makes Uranus the fourth of all the planets in the solar system in terms of a circular orbit. The reason for such a small eccentricity of the orbit of Uranus is the difference between its perihelion of 2.74 x 10 to the power of 9 km and aphelion of 3.01 x 109 km is only 2.71 x 10 to the power of 8 km.

The most interesting moment in the process of rotation of Uranus is the position of the axis. The fact is that the axis of rotation for every planet except Uranus is roughly perpendicular to their orbital plane, however, Uranus's axis is tilted by almost 98°, which effectively means that Uranus rotates on its side. The result of this position of the planet's axis is that the north pole of Uranus is on the Sun for half of the planetary year, and the other half falls on the south pole of the planet. In other words, daytime on one hemisphere of Uranus lasts 42 Earth years, and night time on the other hemisphere lasts the same. The reason why Uranus "turned on its side", scientists again call a collision with a huge cosmic body.

Given the fact that the rings of Saturn were the most popular of the rings in our solar system for a long time, the rings of Uranus could not be detected until 1977. However, the reason is not only this, there are two more reasons for such a late discovery: the distance of the planet from the Earth and the low reflectivity of the rings themselves. In 1986, the Voyager 2 spacecraft was able to determine the presence of two more rings on the planet, in addition to those known at that time. In 2005, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted two more. To date, planetary scientists know 13 rings of Uranus, the brightest of which is the Epsilon ring.

The rings of Uranus differ from those of Saturn in almost everything - from particle size to composition. First, the particles that make up the rings of Saturn are small, little more than a few meters in diameter, while the rings of Uranus contain many bodies up to twenty meters in diameter. Second, the particles of Saturn's rings are mostly ice. The rings of Uranus, however, are composed of both ice and significant dust and debris.

William Herschel discovered Uranus only in 1781, as the planet was too dim to be seen by representatives of ancient civilizations. Herschel himself at first believed that Uranus was a comet, but later revised his opinion and science confirmed the planetary status of the object. So Uranus became the first planet discovered in modern history. The original name proposed by Herschel was "George's Star" - in honor of King George III, but the scientific community did not accept it. The name "Uranus" was proposed by the astronomer Johann Bode, in honor of the ancient Roman god Uranus.
Uranus rotates on its axis once every 17 hours and 14 minutes. Likewise, the planet rotates in a retrograde direction, opposite to the direction of the Earth and the other six planets.
It is believed that the unusual tilt of the axis of Uranus could cause a grandiose collision with another cosmic body. The theory is that the planet, which was supposedly the size of the Earth, collided sharply with Uranus, which shifted its axis by almost 90 degrees.
Wind speeds on Uranus can reach up to 900 km per hour.
The mass of Uranus is about 14.5 times that of the Earth, making it the lightest of the four gas giants in our solar system.
Uranus is often referred to as an "ice giant". In addition to hydrogen and helium in the upper layer (like other gas giants), Uranus also has an icy mantle that surrounds its iron core. The upper atmosphere is composed of ammonia and icy methane crystals, giving Uranus its characteristic pale blue color.
Uranus is the second least dense planet in the solar system, after Saturn.

The NE (Near Encounter) flyby phase began on January 22, 54 hours before the encounter with Uranus. On the same day, the launch of the Challenger was planned, the crew of which included school teacher Christa McAuliffe. According to the leader of the Voyager mission planning team Charles E. Kohlhase, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory sent a formal request to NASA to postpone the shuttle launch by a week in order to “separate” two high priority events, but was refused. The reason was connected not only with the busy schedule of flights under the Space Shuttle program. Almost no one knew that at the initiative of Ronald Reagan, the ceremony of issuing a symbolic command to Voyager to explore Uranus was included in the Challenger flight program. Alas, the launch of the shuttle, for various reasons, was delayed until January 28 - the day the Challenger crashed.

So, on January 22, Voyager 2 began to perform the first flight program B751. In addition to regular satellite imagery, it included a mosaic of Uranus' rings and a color image of Umbriel from a distance of about 1 million km. On one of the pictures on January 23, Bradford Smith found another satellite of the planet - 1986 U9; subsequently he was given the name VIII Bianca.

An interesting detail: in 1985, Soviet astronomers N. N. Gorkavy and A. M. Fridman tried to explain the structure of the rings of Uranus by orbital resonances with yet undiscovered satellites of the planet. Of the objects they predicted, four - Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, and Juliet - were actually found by the Voyager team, and the future author of The Astrovite received the USSR State Prize for 1989.
In the meantime, the navigation team had issued the latest target designations for instruments to the B752 program, which was loaded and activated 14 hours before the meeting. Finally, on January 24 at 09:15, the LSU operational update was sent on board and received two hours before the start of execution. Voyager 2 was 69 seconds ahead of schedule, so the “moving block” of the program had to be shifted by one time step, that is, by 48 seconds.
A table of the main ballistic events during the flyby of Uranus is presented below. The first half shows the estimated times - onboard GMT and relative to closest approach to the planet - and the minimum distances to Uranus and its satellites according to the August 1985 forecast. The second half gives the actual values ​​​​from the work of Robert A. Jackobson and colleagues published in June 1992 in The Astronomical Journal. Here is the ephemeris time ET, which is used in the model of the motion of the bodies of the solar system and which during the described events was 55.184 sec more than UTC.

The main ballistic events of the encounter with Uranus on January 24, 1986
Time, SCET Time from flight, hour:min:sec Event Object radius, km Distance from the center of the object, km
preliminary forecast

Descending node of the orbit, plane of the rings

Uranus, minimum distance

Passing behind the ring ε

Passing around the ring 6

Entrance to the shadow

Uranus Sunset

Out of the shadows

Exit from Uranus

Passing around the ring 6

Passing behind the ring ε

Results of processing navigational and photographic information

Titania, minimum distance

Oberon, minimum distance

Ariel, minimum distance

Miranda, minimum distance

Uranus, minimum distance

Uranus Sunset

Umbriel, minimum distance

Exit from Uranus

It should be noted that changes in the nature of the radio signal during the flight were recorded on Earth with a delay of 2 hours 44 minutes 50 seconds, but the images were recorded on board, and their transmission in real time was not expected. This exciting procedure was scheduled for January 25th.
On the day of the meeting with Uranus aboard Voyager, the computer of the AACS (Attitude and Articulation Control System) subsystem of orientation and drives failed five times. Fortunately, they did not affect the implementation of the program.
On Friday, January 24, starting at 04:41 UTC, for about four hours, the PPS photopolarimeter and the UVS UV spectrometer recorded the passage of the star σ Sagittarii behind the ε and δ rings. At 08:48, the highest quality images of Oberon were taken and recorded, and 19 minutes later, the components for assembling a color photograph of Titania. At 09:31, the spacecraft took the only image of the newly discovered satellite 1985 U1, which was not included in the original program (for this, the number of Miranda frames had to be reduced by one). At 11:45 am, the best shots of Umbriel were taken, and at 2:16 pm, Titania. After another 20 minutes, Ariel was photographed in color.

At 14:45 the spacecraft redirected to register the equatorial plasma layer and to capture Miranda, and at 15:01 took color photographs of her. Then he was again distracted by Ariel, taking high-quality pictures of this satellite at 16:09. Finally, at 4:37 p.m., Voyager 2 began a seven-frame mosaic of Miranda from distances of 40,300 to 30,200 km, and after another 28 minutes passed her by about 29,000 km, as planned. Immediately after shooting Miranda, the craft turned its HGA antenna towards Earth to participate in high-precision Doppler measurements.

At 17:08, the ISS television system took four pictures of the rings against the background of the planet just before passing through their plane. At that time, the PRA radio equipment and the PWS instrument for studying plasma waves were recording at an increased sampling rate with the task of estimating the density of dust particles.
On January 24, 1986 at 17:58:51 UTC, or at 17:59:46.5 ET, onboard time, the American spacecraft Voyager 2 passed at the minimum distance from the center of Uranus - it was 107153 km. The deviation from the calculated point did not exceed 20 km. The ballistic result of the gravitational maneuver near Uranus was a rather modest increase in Voyager's heliocentric velocity from 17.88 to 19.71 km/s.
After that, the apparatus was oriented in such a way as to photograph two passages of the star β Perseus behind the entire system of rings. The first started at 18:26 and the second at 19:22. The linear resolution during these measurements reached 10 m - an order of magnitude better than that given by the ISS camera. At the same time, from 19:24 to 20:12, a radio survey of the rings was carried out - now Voyager was behind them from the point of view of the Earth. The spacecraft telemetry was turned off and only the X-band signal carrier was used.
At 20:25 the device entered the shadow of Uranus, and after another 11 minutes disappeared behind the disk of the planet. The eclipse continued until 21:44, and the radio shadow continued until 22:02. A UV spectrometer tracked the sunset to determine the composition of the atmosphere, and an ISS camera in the shadows shot the rings "through the light" for 20 minutes. Of course, the eclipse of the Earth by Uranus was also used for radio sounding of its atmosphere in order to calculate pressure and temperature. According to a predetermined program and in accordance with the time correction in LSU, the device tracked at each moment that point of the limb, beyond which, from the point of view of the Earth and taking into account refraction, it was located. During this experiment, the S-band transmitter was turned on at full power, and the X-band transmitter was turned on at low power, since the power of the onboard radioisotope generator was no longer enough for both signals. In Pasadena, the Voyager radio signal was received again around 16:30 local time, but the telemetry was not turned on for another two hours - until the re-radiation of the ring system was completed (22:35-22:54).
During the flyby, the UVS UV spectrometer took pictures of the auroras on Uranus, tracked Pegasus' dive into its atmosphere, and scanned the planet's limb. The IRIS infrared equipment studied the heat balance and composition of the planet's atmosphere, and the PPS photopolarimeter, in addition to eclipses, measured the rate of absorption of solar energy by Uranus.
On January 25, the apparatus left the planet, having approximately the same angular velocity as it and focusing on Fomalhaut and Achernar. The parameters of plasma and particles were measured by the LPS and LECP instruments, and the UV spectrometer recorded the immersion of the star ν Gemini into the atmosphere of the planet. In addition, at 12:37 the ISS camera repeated the mosaic of rings from a distance of 1,040,000 km.
On January 26, 42 hours after Uranus, the post-flight phase PE (Post Encounter) began with the B771 program. Until February 3, the device transmitted the recorded information, simultaneously taking pictures of the planet and its rings on departure and during an unfavorable phase. On February 2, the thermal radiation of Uranus was re-measured.
As part of the next B772 program, a small scientific maneuver was performed on February 5 and a magnetometer calibration on February 21. Post-flight observations were completed on 25 February.
On February 14, the TCM-B15 correction was carried out, setting the preliminary conditions for the Neptune flyby. It should be noted that without this maneuver, Voyager 2 would still have reached the eighth planet on August 27, 1989 and at 05:15 UTC would have passed approximately 34,000 km from Neptune. Moreover, the device already had in its memory the settings for orienting a highly directional antenna to the Earth in case the command receiver stopped working.
The purpose of the correction on February 14, 1986 was to shift the moment of arrival by about two days and bring the spacecraft closer to the planet and its main satellite Triton, while leaving maximum freedom in the final choice of the trajectory. Voyager's engines were on for 2 hours and 33 minutes, their longest run of the entire flight. The calculated speed increment was 21.1 m/s with the main component of the acceleration vector; in fact, the speed before the maneuver was 19,698 m/s, and after - 19,715 m/s.
The parameters of the hyperbolic heliocentric orbit of Voyager after correction were:

Inclination - 2.49°;
- minimum distance from the Sun - 1.4405 a.u. (215.5 million km);
- eccentricity - 5.810.

Moving along a new trajectory, the device was supposed to reach Neptune on August 25 at 16:00 UTC and pass at an altitude of only 1300 km above its clouds. The minimum distance from Triton was determined to be 10,000 km.
Funds for the Neptune mission and exploration were first requested in the FY1986 Budget Proposal, approved, and have been allocated in full ever since.

"To the misty swamps of Oberon"

The planet, its moons and rings

Summing up the preliminary results of the work, on January 27, the permanent scientific director of the project, Edward Stone, said: "The Uranian system is simply completely different from anything that we have seen before." What did Voyager 2 find? What could be seen immediately and what was revealed to scientists only after careful processing (its first results formed the basis of a series of articles in the issue of Science for July 4, 1986, and refinements were published for several more years)?
Voyager-recorded photographs of Uranus' moons were received at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on January 25 and released to the public on January 26. The highlight of the program, of course, was the images of Miranda from a distance of only 31,000 km with a resolution of 600 m: a body with such a complex relief has never been seen by scientists in the solar system! Planetologist Laurence A. SoderbLom described it as a fantastic hybrid of geological features from different worlds - the valleys and streams of Mars, the faults of Mercury, the trenched plains of Ganymede, ledges 20 km wide and three never-before-seen fresh "ovoids" up to 300 km long, in some places lined "in a ruler" - at least ten types of relief converged on a celestial body of some 500 km in diameter ...

Voyager 2: Uranus

Miranda from a distance of 31,000 km.
Voyager 2: Uranus

Miranda from a distance of 36,000 km.
Voyager 2: Uranus

The exotic picture required non-standard explanations: perhaps, in the process of differentiation, Miranda repeatedly collided with other bodies and collected from the debris again, and what eventually froze and turned out to be in front of us includes the internal parts of the original satellite. A noticeable inclination of the plane of Miranda's orbit to the equator of the planet (4°) could remain evidence of such collisions. The low surface temperature (86 K subsolar) ruled out the possibility of modern volcanism, but tidal friction may have played a role in Miranda's history.

Miranda from a distance of 42,000 km.
Voyager 2: Uranus

On the other four large moons, the Voyager camera found more familiar landscapes: craters, beams, valleys and scarps.
A particularly large crater was discovered on Oberon, with a bright central peak, the bottom of which was partially covered with very dark material. Some of the smaller impact craters, 50-100 km in diameter, were surrounded by bright rays, as on Callisto, and dark deposits of subsequent epochs were also recorded at their bottom. An interesting and unexpected detail turned out to be a mountain that protruded above the edge of the satellite at the equator for about 6 km. If in reality it was the central peak of a crater invisible to Voyager, its total height could be 20 km or even more.

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