Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Book quotes. How to put double or double quotes correctly

Book quotes. How to put double or double quotes correctly

How to place them correctly double quotes In russian language? >>


    reference to the game "dead island"

  2. Second option
  3. (2) option thank you
  4. Actually, it’s correct in Russian - the first ones are lower, the second ones are upper, but this is when writing, and on the computer’s keyboard there are no lower ones at all...
    So don't bother... Write correctly by hand, and on the keyboard as it turns out....
  5. 1 is the book version. 2 is more written.
  6. If at the beginning or end of the text (quote, direct speech) there are internal and external quotation marks, then they should differ from each other in design (the so-called Christmas trees and paws), for example: The correspondent reports: The ballad about a soldier was highly praised at the international film festival; I received a telegram: I’m coming tomorrow, I’ll stay at the Moscow hotel
    (Rosenthal D. E., Dzhandzhakova E. V., Kabanova N. P.

    In Russian writing, the following types of quotation marks are most common:

    Christmas trees (used in printed texts);
    paws (used, as a rule, in handwritten texts);
    Marrian quotation marks (used to describe the meaning of a word and when translating the meaning of a foreign word, for example: the word skimmer is borrowed from the Polish language, in which it goes back to the verb szumowa#263; skim the foam from szum foam);
    “computer quotation marks” are special type of quotation marks in which the pattern of the opening and closing quotation marks is completely indistinguishable. Such quotation marks are found in texts typed on a computer keyboard.

    In any text typed on a computer, you can arrange Christmas trees yourself. To do this, you need to remember the following key combinations: press Alt, type 0171, release Alt and get. Press Alt, type 0187, release Alt and get.

    If inside words enclosed in quotation marks there are other words enclosed in quotation marks, it is recommended (provided that there is technical possibility for this) to use quotation marks different designs: external Christmas trees, internal legs (or in texts typed on a computer, “computer quotes”). If this is not possible, then closing quotes are placed only once. Quotes from the same picture are not repeated next to each other. For example:

    Preferably: work by V. I. Lenin On the caricature of Marxism and imperialist economism, ZAO Publishing House TVNZ, LLC Company Metallinvest.

    Acceptable (if it is not technically possible to use quotation marks of different designs): work by V. I. Lenin On a caricature of Marxism and imperialist economism, CJSC Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House, LLC Metallinvest Company.

    Incorrect: the work of V.I. Lenin On the caricature of Marxism and imperialist economism, ZAO Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House, LLC Metallinvest Company.

    In Russian, when typing text, there are different ways show quotes. This punctuation mark is paired and serves to highlight quotes and various titles. In another way, the “herringbone” quotes are also called “French”, since it is assumed that they were invented by the Frenchman Guillaume Le Be.

    How to put Christmas tree quotes

    IMPORTANT! Methods for printing Christmas tree quotes in popular programs:

    Word: in order for the Christmas tree quotes to appear in the text of the document, you need to check whether the layout for the Russian language is enabled in the lower right corner of the screen, and with this layout press and hold the SHIFT button; then press the number 2 button - the sign “ should be displayed. After this, a word is written that will be displayed in quotation marks. Next, press and hold the SHIFT key again and press button 2.
    REFERENCE! The SHIFT key must be held down, not pressed, one or more times, and press 2 (SHIFT + 2) at the same time as SHIFT.

    Excel: Since this editor is not a text editor, the method for Word will not work. The simplest method in in this case- copy the quotation mark “herringbone” from Word and paste it into Excel. If the document already has quotes of another type (English double quotes, for example), then you need to hold CTRL, press H (CTRL + H) and replace the character with the one copied from Word symbol"or ".
    Photoshop: similar to Excel - copy from Word the right sign(" or ").

    Other ways to print Christmas tree quotes

    IMPORTANT! To display Christmas tree quotes in the program you need, there are other methods:

    Using keyboard shortcuts (ALT+0171). In any editor (Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc.) hold down ALT and on the keyboard on the right press the numbers 0171 one by one.
    HELP!The NumLock indicator should light up. ALT + 0171 - for the „ sign, and ALT + 0187 - for the “ sign.

    Using HTML code: If you are writing HTML code, then for the Christmas tree quotes, use the codes " and " respectively.
    Using symbols without a keyboard: in Word and Excel, click “Insert” - “Symbol”; select the desired sign.

    What other quotes are there?

    Herringbone quotation marks are far from the only type of quotation marks; there are also:

    “German quotation marks” (“paws”);
    "English double";
    ‘English singles’;
    "Polish quotes";
    "Swedish reverse"
    REFERENCE! For the " sign, you can use the keyboard shortcut ALT + 34 on the NumLock keyboard.

    In everyday life, Christmas tree quotation marks are often called “Russian”, meaning their use with the Russian language layout. SHIFT + 2 is the simplest key combination for typing these quotes in text editors.

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    In my life I came across the problem of repairing an electric stove. I’ve already done a lot of things, learned a lot, but somehow had little to do with tiles. It was necessary to replace the contacts on the regulators and burners. The question arose - how to determine the diameter of the burner on an electric stove?

    The answer turned out to be simple. You don’t need to measure anything, you can easily determine by eye what size you need.

    Smallest burner- this is 145 millimeters (14.5 centimeters)

    Middle burner- this is 180 millimeters (18 centimeters).

    And finally, the most large burner- this is 225 millimeters (22.5 centimeters).

    It is enough to determine the size by eye and understand what diameter you need the burner. When I didn’t know this, I was worried about these dimensions, I didn’t know how to measure, which edge to navigate, etc. Now I'm wise :) I hope I helped you too!

    In my life I faced such a problem. I think I'm not the only one.

    , - and, in particular, English spelling, - you just need to learn the rules for using quotation marks.

    The main purpose of using quotation marks in English language is the selection and presentation of direct speech (both oral and written) emanating from a specific person. Very often quotation marks can be found in fiction and poetry, where they are used to formulate statements characters works.

    It is equally important to use quotation marks when quoting. After all, in this case you will protect yourself from plagiarism and achieve scientific reliability.

    So, let's look at the main cases when you should use quotation marks in English.

    Direct speech

    With direct speech, you can quote another person's exact statements in your narration. Remember the following rules:

    Rule 1: Quotes always come in pairs: one opens the quote, the other closes it. If you opened quotation marks and wrote a statement, be sure to check whether you put a closing quotation mark at the end of direct speech.

    Rule 2: The response that opens a sentence in direct speech always begins with a capital letter. Example:

    • Mr. Smith, who was walking near that beautiful lake that morning, said, "A huge fish jumped out of the water and rushed away into the depth, before I understood anything." - Mr. Smith, who was passing by this beautiful lake that morning, said: “A huge fish jumped out of the water and rushed off into the depths before I could understand anything.”

    Rule 3: If you quote only a fragment or even part of a sentence of the original text in a letter, then the quotation should begin with lowercase letter. Example:

    • Although Mr. Smith has seen many odd happenings in his life, he stated that the huge fish "had unbelievably bright and goldish scale". - Although Mr. Smith has seen a lot of strange things in his time, he claimed that the fish “had incredibly bright and golden scales.”

    Rule 4: In the event that a remark is interrupted by the words of the author, the subsequent part of the statement continues with a lowercase letter. Example:

    • "I haven"t ever seen such a strange and wonderful fish," Mr. Smith said, "even though I"m keen on fishing for thirty years already." “I have never seen such a strange and wonderful fish,” said Mr. Smith, “although I am an avid fisherman with thirty years of experience.”

    Rule 5: As you have already noticed, in all examples, punctuation marks such as a period or a comma related to the quotation are always placed before the closing quotation mark. It is noteworthy that this rule may change in MLA (Association for the Advancement of Language and Literature) documentation and a number of other materials.

    Imagine that you discovered a spelling or grammatical error. Now, in order to indicate it, the rule will help you: immediately after the error found, you should put the sign sic, be sure to put it in square quotation marks. The term sic comes from Latin language and is translated as “thus,” “thus,” or “as is.” This sign allows you to inform the reader that the error in the quotation corresponds to the original source and is not your error. Example:

    • Mr. Smith says of the experience, "I"m not sure but possibly that fish was something extraterestrial." - Mr. Smith talks about the incident: "I'm not sure, but perhaps this fish has extraterrestrial origin ».

    Rule 6: It is most effective to use quotations in the text only where they are really needed, and to make them as concise as possible. For example, if you write scientific work and used too many quotes in the text, it may seem that you have not delved into the subject yourself by citing so many words from other authors.

    Indirect speech

    Indirect speech is not an exact statement of the author, but rather an excerpt or paraphrase of his words. In this case, you do not need to use quotation marks to highlight indirect speech. Example:

    • Mr. Smith, a local farmer, reported that he saw a huge and goldish fish walking near the lake yesterday morning. — Mr. Smith, a local farmer, reported that while passing by the lake yesterday morning, he saw a huge golden fish.

    Even writers have not come to a consensus about when it is better to use direct speech and when to use indirect speech. However, the most “popular” rules can still be identified:

    Use direct speech when quoting something truly outstanding and famous saying. After all, by changing it, you can distort the meaning that the author intended in it. Example:

    • Martin Luther King Jr. said of the Emancipation Proclamation, "This momentous decree came as a great beacon of light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of suffering injustice." — Martin Luther King said in the Emancipation Proclamation: “This momentous decree became a great beacon of hope for the millions of Negro slaves consumed by the flames of destructive injustice.”

    Although the following statement in indirect speech reflects the general meaning of the first, it clearly does not reflect the thought of Martin Luther King so emotionally and clearly:

    • Martin Luther King Jr. believed that the end of slavery was significant and of great hope to millions of black slaves done horribly wrong. — Martin Luther King believed in the abolition of slavery, which was the hope of millions of brutally treated black slaves.

    Indirect speech is best used where you want to paraphrase or emphasize details of the source text.

    This page contains quotes of all kinds, pulled from different sections of Unicode.

    This punctuation mark is paired. It denotes direct speech, or a word that is used in a meaning that does not correspond to the usual one - for example, in the opposite. There are several types. The names came from the country where they were invented and from the similarity of the outline with certain objects.

    Different scripts use different quotation marks according to... Probably tradition. Yes, there are rules for punctuation, but they do not specify the type. There are typographic typesetting standards for which, ordinary people they can give a damn. So, according to tradition, we (in Russia) use “Christmas tree” quotes. If you need to put them inside an already quoted part of the text, the external and internal characters must be different. The nested ones are the “legs” (““…”). In addition, when writing by hand and in print, the appearance may be different. To the old ones good times, when I still wrote by hand, the so-called Polish ones were always used (see below). However, fonts are not drawn entirely uniformly.

    Enter quotation rules for Slavic scripts, Konstantin the Philosopher was the first to try. In the 15th century, he wrote a treatise “On Writing”. There it was proposed to highlight quotations from church texts with special symbols. The images of these symbols were very similar to modern herringbone quotes.

    English doubles.

    English singles.

    Christmas tree quotes. HTML code (mnemonic): " " ( " " )

    German "paws".


    Swedish reverse.

    Double universal. HTML code (mnemonic): " (")

    The use of quotation marks in different languages.

    The rules are not strict (if there are any), don't be surprised if they are loosely enforced.

    Main and spare (placed inside the main ones, if necessary):

    Albanian "..." ‹…›

    English "…" '…'

    Arabic "..." ‹…›

    African „…” ‚…’

    Belarusian “...” “...”

    Bulgarian “…“ ‚…‘

    Hungarian "..."

    Greek "..." ‹…›

    Danish »…« ›…‹

    Hebrew "..." / "..." "..." /<<…>>

    Irish “…” ‘…’

    Icelandic “…“ ‚…‘

    Spanish "..." "..."

    Italian "..."

    Chinese "…" '…'

    Latvian „…“ „…“

    Lithuanian “…“ ‚…‘

    Dutch „…” ‚…’

    German "…" ,…'

    Norwegian "..."

    Polish "..." "..."

    Portuguese “…” ‘…’

    Romanian "..." "..."

    Russian "…" "…"

    Serbian “…“ ‚…‘

    Slovak „…“ ‚…‘

    Slovenian “…“ ‚…‘

    Turkish “…” ‘…’

    Ukrainian "..." „…“

    Finnish “…” ’…’

    French " … " < … >

    Croatian »…« ›…‹

    Czech „…“ ‚…‘

    Swedish “…” ’…’

    Estonian „…” „…”

    Japanese 「…」 『…』

    Many of these icons are symmetrical in the horizontal plane. Even if all of them are, they will remain unchanged.

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