Home Berries Historical artifacts of the ancient world. The most mysterious artifacts of “extraterrestrial origin.” Shot through Neanderthal skull

Historical artifacts of the ancient world. The most mysterious artifacts of “extraterrestrial origin.” Shot through Neanderthal skull

If you believe the myths, then throughout ancient history the world was tormented by evil ghouls and finicky gods. But people were not going to give up without a fight and fought the haters of the human race with improvised means, in particular magic. A wide variety of artifacts have reached our time, the true purpose of which modern scientists can only guess at.

1. Greek palindrome

According to legends, Cyprus is the birthplace greek goddess love of fertility, and the city of Paphos was the “headquarters” of the cult of Aphrodite. Today this object World Heritage The UNESCO site is replete with ancient mosaics and remains of the great Mycenaean temples dedicated to the patroness of love. Recently, another miracle was found in Paphos - a 1,500-year-old clay amulet the size of a coin. On one side there is a Greek palindrome, and on the other there is a scene from myths. The palindrome reads: “Yahweh is the bearer of the secret name, and the lion Ra keeps it in his temple.”

2. Mysterious golden spirals

Gold has always been considered by people as a valuable metal. Everything was decorated with gold - from tombs to ritual figurines. Archaeologists recently discovered about 2,000 small golden spirals in a field on the Danish island of Zealand. Previously, less mysterious gold items such as bracelets, bowls and rings were found at the same excavation site.

The spirals date back to 900 - 700 BC, but that's all that is known about them. Why they were made is a mystery. Scientists suggest that in the Bronze Age culture they revered the Sun and attached great importance gold, considering it the form of the sun embodied on Earth. Thus, it is likely that the spirals decorated the sacred robes of the priests.

3. Bone armor

Archaeologists in Russia have found unusual armor that was made from the bones of killed animals. Perhaps this is the work of the people of the Samus-Seima culture, whose representatives lived in the Altai mountains in the territory modern Russia and Central Asia thousands of years ago. At some point, they migrated to what is today the Siberian city of Omsk, where the armor, which is between 3,500 and 3,900 years old, was discovered.

Despite its age, it was found in "perfect condition." It likely belonged to some elite warrior, but archaeologists have no idea why anyone would bury such a unique item.

4. Mesoamerican mirrors

Mesoamericans once believed mirrors were portals to alien worlds. Although reflective surfaces are ubiquitous today, 1,000 years ago people worked up to 1,300 hours (160 days) to produce a typical hand mirror. Researchers have found more than 50 of these mirrors in Arizona, most of them at a dig site called Snaketown. The abundance of mirrors suggests that Snaketown was a very prosperous city that was inhabited by privileged members of society.

Unfortunately, the mirrors were in poor condition. Like other sacred things, they were subject to cremation and burial with their owners. Researchers found that the mirrors were made of pyrite and were richly decorated. Since there are no pyrite deposits in the territory of the modern state of Arizona, they assumed that the mirrors were imported from Mesoamerica.

5. Mysterious Sicilian monolith

Archaeologists recently discovered a giant monolith resembling the stones of Stonehenge underwater off the coast of Sicily. It is located at a depth of 40 meters, weighs almost 15 tons, and measures 12 meters in length. The monolith is one year old at least 9300 years old, i.e. it is almost twice as old as Stonehenge.

The purpose of its construction is not clear, but it is obvious that its production required Herculean efforts. What’s remarkable is that the monolith is made of stone that is not mined anywhere nearby. Today, this artifact, hiding under water, is broken into three parts, and three holes of unknown purpose were found in it.

6. Magic signs of the Tower of London

Standing on the north bank of the River Thames, it is almost 1,000 years old Tower of London- a fortress that was once a palace, a repository of royal regalia and jewelry, an arsenal, a mint, etc. Interestingly, this fortress, since its construction in 1066 by William the First, has constantly had magical protection.

Archaeological researchers from the Museum of London discovered 54 magical sign throughout the Tower. Most of them are black vertical symbols 3-7 cm in height, which were intended to reflect all forms of danger, including natural elements. Archaeologists also discovered several demon traps, including images of a grid.

7. Witch Island

The uninhabited island of Blo Jungfrun has always had a bad reputation and was considered a paradise for witches, literally since the Mesolithic era. The island is located off the east coast of Sweden and is completely isolated from the rest of the world, so it is not surprising that for 9,000 years people who practiced black magic have chosen it.

During archaeological research, caves were found bearing traces of man-made intervention, in which unknown frightening rituals were performed. All of them had altars. Servants supposedly made sacrifices on them to appease their gods.

8. Silver Scroll of Jerash

Thanks to the wonders of 3-D modeling, researchers were able to look inside ancient scroll to read the inscriptions on it without damaging the fragile relic. This small silver scroll was found inside an amulet, where it lay for over 1,000 years until it was found in a ruined house in 2014. The silver plates turned out to be very thin (only 0.01 cm), so it was not possible to unfold them without damaging them.

After recreating 17 lines from the scroll using 3-D modeling, scientists discovered an intriguing history of witchcraft. About 1300 years ago, a nameless sorcerer arrived in the city of Jerash to deal with some local problems. The first line of the spell on the scroll was written in a language resembling Greek, and then the text was written in a completely unknown language resembling Arabic.

9. Egyptian voodoo dolls and ushabti

Although usually the means mass media Voodoo dolls are considered an African and Haitian invention; such figurines were first encountered in ancient Egyptian magic. The fate that befell the specially made figurine is believed to have also befallen the man in whose likeness it was made. These little scarecrows were made to evoke various states, from curses to love spells.

The famous ushabti figurines were often created for these purposes, but they also had another purpose. The Egyptians knew that Osiris, the god of the dead, often used the dead for work in the afterlife. Ushabti allegedly did this work for their masters. Some exceptionally lazy but rich people were found buried with a ushabti for every day of the year.

10. Coptic book of spells

Despite the fact that the ancient Egyptians were friends with common sense, they did not hesitate to turn to magic to solve everyday inconveniences. Many of their curses were lost to history, but some survive to this day, including the 1,300-year-old Coptic Handbook of Supernatural Ritual Power. Fortunately, the 20-page parchment booklet was written in Coptic, so it was possible to decipher it university scientists Macquarie in Australia.

The codex contains 27 spells of varying usefulness, from "good", old-fashioned love spells to casting the potentially deadly black jaundice. The codex probably served as a pocket book of spells. Among other things, he describes the summoning of Baktyota - a certain mystical figure with divine powers who presides over meetings of snakes. The codex also speaks of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, and of Jesus. Researchers speculate that the handbook was written around the seventh century by the Sethians, a sect of Christian heretical mystics.

Today, archaeologists are finding many different ancient artifacts around the world. But particularly interesting exhibits can be found in such amazing places as.

Humanity has always been interested eternal questions about how many years our civilization has existed, are we alone in the Universe and what happened before people appeared on Earth? Has anyone ever wondered how the age of important finds found in archaeological expeditions is determined?

Conventions in dating

There are several methods for dating historical artifacts that have come down to us, but none of them are accurate. And the radiocarbon method, which is considered the most reliable, has been found to determine age only for the last two thousand years.

Therefore, many experts argue that the dating known to us is more than conditional, and world scientists found themselves in a real dead end due to the inability to accurately establish a clear chronology of human development. It is possible that everyone knows historical facts will have to be considered anew, rewriting many chapters of civilization that seem to be unshakable truths.

Ignoring evidence that undermines the theory of human evolution

Modern scientists establish the boundaries of human evolution in the last few millennia, and before that, according to authoritative researchers, it lasted an indefinite amount of time.

Surprisingly, science ignores recorded archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the history of the development of life on Earth, helping to take a skeptical look at the established theory of chronology.

Let's talk about amazing finds found in various parts of our planet, causing shock not only among the average person, but also famous researchers who do not want to take them into account as not fitting into the established framework.

Man-made products embedded in rocks

Some of the most famous finds are man-made objects that were walled up in a stone monolith that is several million years old. For example, strange artifacts have been discovered in limestone and coal quarries in late XIX century.

Then a small article appeared in the American press about a gold chain found, literally soldered into rock. According to the most conservative assumptions of scientists, the age of the block exceeded 250 million years. And in scientific journal An article about a very strange discovery went almost unnoticed - two halves of a vessel like a modern vase, decorated with flowers, were discovered after an explosion in a quarry. Geologists who carefully studied the rock in which the mysterious object was located found that it was about 600 million years old.

Such unusual artifacts, unfortunately, are hushed up by scientists, because they jeopardize the theory of the origin of man, who could not possibly have lived at that time. Items discovered that violate generally accepted truths about evolution are much easier to ignore than to try to explain them scientific point vision.

Chandar plate

Unique artifacts appear quite often, but they are not always known to a wide range of the population. One of the latest sensations that surprised all scientists was the discovery of a huge stone slab in Bashkiria, called Chandarskaya, on the surface of which a map of the area was depicted in relief. There is no image on it modern roads, but instead of them, incomprehensible sites were carved out, later recognized as airfields.

The age of the one-ton monolith was so striking that the find was declared a gift from aliens who wanted to settle our planet. In any case, scientists have not received a clear explanation of how the relief outlines of a map of the area appeared on a block whose age is estimated at 50 million years.

Denial of a highly developed pre-civilization

Skeptics fiercely argued with the scientific fraternity who defended the version of aliens, explaining everything strange finds one single hypothesis - the existence of a highly developed civilization that died as a result of some catastrophe, but left its descendants with a real reminder of itself. True, modern science strictly denies such assumptions, which break the framework of the supposed evolution of man, declaring such artifacts to be fakes or referring to their production by extraterrestrial civilizations.

Physicist and researcher V. Shemshuk even rightly spoke out on this issue, entering into a confrontation with modern science: “Many finds - historical artifacts confirming the existence of ancient civilizations, are declared hoaxes or relate to the activities of alien beings.”

Strange underground passages

Archaeologists from all over the world have accumulated enough material that does not fit well with the concept of the development of life on Earth. There are known expeditions to the territories of Ecuador and Peru that discovered an ancient many-kilometer labyrinth deep underground.

Archaeological research was recognized as a real sensation, but access to the anomalous territory is currently prohibited local authorities who do not want to share their most intimate things with the whole world.

Secrets of a labyrinth laid out using highly developed technologies

The leaders of the group believe that they have encountered the real thing, which has not been solved to this day. After passing through a huge network, scientists discovered a huge hall in which there were statues of animals, including dinosaurs, made of real gold. In a huge cave, reminiscent of a library, ancient manuscripts were kept with the thinnest sheets of metal on which unknown writings were engraved. In the center of the far hall sat a strange figure with a helmet pulled down over his eyes, and on his neck hung an unusual capsule with holes in it, reminiscent of a telephone dial.

It should be noted that there is no reliable evidence other than descriptions by archaeologists, and the leaders of the expedition refused to give the exact location of the labyrinth, worried about its safety.

The unknown origin of the underground labyrinth

After such unusual confessions about the existence of an amazing underworld Other groups went to the area, but only Polish scientists managed to find it and get inside the strange labyrinth. Several boxes of exhibits were taken away, but no golden sculptures or books written in a language unknown to science were found in the spacious underground halls.

However, the main result of all underground research was confirmation of the existence of a many-kilometer labyrinth, laid out using high technologies that could not have been used several thousand years ago. Inexplicable, but true: no one can shed light on the origin underground passages, access to which is now closed.

The official “countdown” of the development of civilization is in question

Few people know about the existence of “forbidden” archeology, the founder of which is M. Cremo. The American anthropologist and researcher officially stated that, based on the data he has, civilization arose much earlier than official science says.

He mentions geologists excavating in the Urals, which does not fit into standard concepts of evolution. Unexplained artifacts were discovered at a depth of about 12 meters in soil layers whose age was established to range from 20 to 100 thousand years. Miniature strange spirals, no larger than three millimeters in size, were found in untouched soil layers, which was immediately recorded by geological authorities in order to avoid further talk about the falsification of objects.

Amazing composition of spirals

The ancient artifacts surprised with their composition: the spirals were made of copper, tungsten and molybdenum. The latter is used today to harden steel products, and its melting point is about 2600 degrees.

A logical question arises about how our ancestors were able to process the smallest parts made in mass production, because they did not have the appropriate special equipment. Many scientists are inclined to believe that even today, with the use of high technologies, it is unrealistic to put millimeter spirals into production.

At the first glance at small details, an association arises with nanoparticles used in microequipment, and some of our scientists’ developments of this kind are not even completed. It turns out that archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the history of human development were manufactured in a production facility whose technical level is an order of magnitude higher than the modern one.

Was there a super civilization?

The findings were carried out by many researchers who recognized that tungsten cannot independently take a spiral shape, and we are talking about molecular technologies that could not be used by our ancestors.

The answer suggests itself - excavations by archaeologists in Once again There was talk that before us there was a super civilization with powerful knowledge and high technology.

These discoveries are not written about in newspapers, and few people know about the scientists’ research. However, “forbidden” archeology has plenty of evidence confirming that in prehistoric times superhumans (or aliens) lived on our planet, and the age of humanity is tens of times older than it is believed today.

Elongated skulls

World science is afraid of sensations that will cast doubt on the immutable truths about the stages of evolution, trying to hush up inexplicable artifacts. However, some of them, such as elongated skulls, are becoming famous.

In Antarctica, archaeologists discovered human remains, which became a real surprise in scientific world. On a continent considered uninhabited until modern era, found strange elongated skulls that change views on the history of mankind. Most likely, they belonged to a mysterious group of people who differed in physical parameters from ordinary representatives of the race.

Previously, the same skulls were found in Egypt and Peru, which confirms the version of contact between civilizations.

Shigir idol

At the end of the 19th century, an amazing archaeological monument was discovered near Yekaterinburg, made, according to scientists, in the Mesolithic era. as scientists called it, it has no analogues in the whole world. The oldest wooden sculpture was well preserved due to the fact that it was located in a peat bog, which protected it from decomposition.

Ancient artifacts of Guatemala

They found a giant human head with delicate facial features and eyes directed to the sky. The appearance of the monument, similar to a white man, was strikingly different from the representatives of pre-Hispanic civilization.

It is believed that the head also had a body, but nothing can be known for sure, since the statue was used during the revolution as a target for shooting, and all features were destroyed. The statue is not a fake, but questions about who created it and why remain unanswered for a long time.

A disk whose images can only be viewed under a microscope

A disk made of durable material was discovered in Colombia, the surface of which shocked all researchers. All stages of the birth and birth of a person were depicted on it. Inexplicable, but true: the images of the processes are drawn with pinpoint precision; they can only be viewed under a microscope. The “genetic” disk is at least six thousand years old, and it is unclear how such a relief was created without the appropriate instruments.

The strange-looking human heads are different from normal images, and researchers are wondering what species these people belong to. Archaeological artifacts that do not fit into history raise many questions. It is already clear that our ancestors, the authors of this disc, possessed perfect knowledge, as evidenced by the application of microscopic drawings.

An airplane with an unusual wing shape

Colombia is rich in amazing archaeological finds, and one of them, the most famous, was an airplane made of real gold. Its age is about a thousand years. It is surprising that the shape of the wing of a strange object is not found in nature in birds. It is unknown where our ancestors got the special structure of aircraft, which seemed very unusual to contemporaries.

Interesting artifacts stored in Colombian museums interested American designers, who created the famous supersonic aircraft with the same delta-shaped wing as the find.

Stones of the Province of Ica

Drawings on boulders found in the province of Peru contradict the theory of the origin of humanity. It was not possible to determine their age, but the first mention of them is known back in the 15th century.

The volcanic rock, processed until smooth, is covered in drawings of humans interacting with dinosaurs, which is believed to modern science, is simply impossible.

Shot through Neanderthal skull

Stores archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the history of development modern humanity. And one of these incomprehensible objects is the skull of an ancient man with a hole from a weapon.

But who, more than 35 thousand years ago, could have owned a gun with gunpowder, which was invented much later?

Version of M. Cremo, who spoke about “forbidden” archeology

All this kind of thing does not fit into Darwin's coherent theory of evolution. The same one in his book provides convincing evidence that destroys modern ideas about the age of humanity. For more than eight years, the researcher has been discovering unique artifacts, drawing his stunning conclusions.

In his opinion, all finds indicate that the first civilizations arose about six million years ago and that creatures similar to humans lived on Earth. However, scientists suppress all artifacts that contradict the official version.

It is argued that man appeared a hundred thousand years ago, and not earlier. “Only when I am presented with convincing evidence of how the DNA structure of apes changed to eventually create humans will I believe Darwin. But so far not a single scientist has done this,” said the American archaeologist.

There is ample evidence in the world confirming the existence of highly developed civilizations before the advent of modern man. For now, these artifacts are carefully hidden, but I want to believe that soon the “forbidden” knowledge will be revealed to everyone and true story humanity will no longer be secret.

According to some fundamentalists, the Bible tells us that God created Adam and Eve several thousand years ago. Science reports that this is just a fiction, and that man is several million years old, and civilization is tens of thousands of years old. However, could it be that traditional science is just as wrong as bible stories? Exists a large number of archaeological evidence that the history of life on Earth may be quite different from what geological and anthropological texts tell us today.

Consider the following amazing finds:

Corrugated Spheres

Over the past few decades, miners in South Africa They dug up mysterious metal balls. These balls of unknown origin are approximately an inch (2.54 cm) in diameter, and some of them are engraved with three parallel lines running along the axis of the object. Two types of balls were found: one consisting of a hard bluish metal with white spots, and another empty from the inside and filled with a white spongy substance. Interestingly, the rock in which they were discovered dates back to the Precambrian period and dates back 2.8 billion years! Who made these spheres and why remains a mystery.

Koso Artifact

While prospecting for minerals in the California mountains near Olancha in the winter of 1961, Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey and Mike Mikesell found a rock they thought was a geode—a good addition to their store. precious stones. However, after cutting the stone, Mikesell found an object inside that looked like white porcelain. At its center was a shaft of shiny metal. Experts concluded that if it was a geode, it would have taken approximately 500,000 years to form, but the object inside was clearly an example of human production.

Further examination revealed that the porcelain was surrounded by a hexagonal casing, and x-rays revealed a tiny spring at one end, similar to a spark plug. As you might have guessed, this artifact is surrounded by some controversy. Some argue that the object was not inside the geode, but was encased in hardened clay.

The find itself was identified by experts as a 1920s spark plug. Unfortunately, the Koso artifact was lost and cannot be carefully studied. Is there a natural explanation for this phenomenon? Was it found, as the discoverer claimed, inside a geode? If this is true, how could a 1920s-era spark plug get inside a 500,000-year-old rock?

Strange metal objects

Sixty-five million years ago there were no people, let alone anyone who knew how to work with metal. In this case, how will science explain the semi-oval metal pipes, dug in France from Cretaceous chalk?

In 1885, when breaking a piece of coal, a metal cube was discovered, clearly processed by a craftsman. In 1912, power plant workers broke a large piece of coal, from which an iron pot fell out. A nail was found in a block of Mesozoic era sandstone. There are many more such anomalies. How can these findings be explained? There are several options:

Intelligent people existed much earlier than we think
There is no information about others in our history sentient beings and civilizations that existed on our Earth
Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and these rocks, coals and fossils are forming much faster than we think today.

Either way, these examples—and there are many more—should motivate all curious and open-minded scientists to reconsider and rethink the history of life on Earth.

Shoe marks on granite

This trace fossil was discovered in a coal seam in Fisher Canyon, Nevada. According to estimates, the age of this coal is 15 million years!

And lest you think that this is a fossil of some animal whose shape resembles the sole of a modern shoe, studying the footprint under a microscope revealed clearly visible traces of a double seam line around the perimeter of the shape. The footprint is about a size 13 and the right side of the heel appears more worn than the left.

Like an imprint modern shoes 15 million years ago ended up on a substance that later became coal? There are several options:

The trace was left recently and the coal did not form over millions of years (which science does not agree with), or...
Fifteen million years ago there were people (or something like people for whom we have no historical data) who walked around in shoes, or...
Time travelers went back in time and inadvertently left a mark, or...
This is an elaborate prank.

Ancient footprint

Today such footprints can be seen on any beach or muddy ground. But this footprint - clearly anatomically similar to that of a modern human - was frozen in stone, estimated to be about 290 million years old.

The discovery was made in 1987 in New Mexico by paleontologist Jerry McDonald. He also found traces of birds and animals, but found it difficult to explain how this modern trace ended up on the Permian rock, which experts estimate is 290-248 million years old. According to modern scientific thinking, it was formed long before humans (or even birds and dinosaurs) appeared on this planet.

In a 1992 article on the discovery in Smithsonian Magazine, it was noted that paleontologists call such anomalies “problematica.” In fact, they are big problems for scientists.

This is the white crow theory: all you have to do to prove that not all crows are black is just find one white one.

In the same way, to challenge the history of modern humans (or perhaps our way of dating rock strata), we need to find a fossil like this. However, scientists simply shelve such artifacts, call them “problematica” and move on with their unyielding beliefs, because the reality is too inconvenient.

Is this science correct?

Ancient springs, screws and metal

They are similar to items you would find in any workshop's scrap bin.

It is obvious that these artifacts were made by someone. However, this collection of springs, loops, spirals and other metal objects was discovered in layers of sedimentary rock that are one hundred thousand years old! At that time, foundries were not very common.

Thousands of these things—some as small as a thousandth of an inch! - were discovered by gold miners in Ural mountains Russia in the 1990s. Unearthed from 3 to 40 feet below ground in layers dating back to the Upper Pleistocene Period, these mysterious objects may have been created some 20,000 to 100,000 years ago.

Could they be evidence of a long-lost but advanced civilization?

Metal rod in stone

How to explain the fact that the stone was formed around a mysterious metal rod?

Inside a hard black stone found by stone collector Gilling Wang in China's Mazong Mountains. for unknown reasons there was a metal rod of unknown origin.

The rod is threaded like screws, indicating that the item was made, but the fact that it was in the ground long enough for solid rock to form around it means that it must be millions of years old.

There were suggestions that the stone was a meteorite that fell to Earth from space, that is, the artifact could be of alien origin.

It is noteworthy that this is not the only case of metal screws being found in hard rock; there are many other examples:

In the early 2000s, a strange stone was found on the outskirts of Moscow, inside of which were two objects similar to screws.
X-ray examination of another stone found in Russia revealed eight screws in it!

Williams fork

A man named John Williams said he found this artifact while walking in a remote rural areas. He was wearing shorts, and after walking through the bushes, he looked down to check how much he had scratched his legs. It was then that he noticed a strange stone.

The stone itself is ordinary - despite the fact that some manufactured thing is built into it. Whatever it is, it has three metal prongs sticking out of it, as if it were some kind of fork.

The location where Williams found the artifact, he said, was "at least 25 feet from the nearest road (which was dirt and hard to see), there are no urban areas, industrial complexes, power plants, nuclear power plants, airports or military operations (that I would know about).”

The stone is composed of natural quartz and feldspathic granite, and according to geology, such stones do not take decades to form, which would be required if the anomalous object was made modern man. According to Williams' calculations, the stone was approximately one hundred thousand years old.

Who in those days could make such an item?

Aluminum artifact from Ayud

This five-pound, eight-inch-long object, made of solid, nearly pure aluminum, would have been found in Romania in 1974. Workers digging a trench along the Mures River found several mastodon bones and this mysterious object, which still puzzles scientists.

Apparently manufactured and not a natural formation, the artifact was sent for analysis, which found that the object was composed of 89 percent aluminum with traces of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel and other elements. Aluminum does not exist in nature in this form. It must have been made, but this kind of aluminum wasn't made until the 1800s.

If the artifact is the same age as the mastodon bones, this means that it is at least 11 thousand years old, because that is when the last representatives of mastodons became extinct. Analysis of the oxidized layer covering the artifact determined that it was 300-400 years old - that is, it was created much earlier than the invention of the aluminum processing process.

So who made this item? And what was it used for? There are those who immediately assumed alien origin artifact...however, the facts are still unknown.

It is strange (or maybe not) that the mysterious object was hidden somewhere and today it is not available for public viewing or further research.

Piri Reis Map

Rediscovered in a Turkish museum in 1929, this map is a mystery not only because of its amazing accuracy, but also because of what it depicts.

Painted on the skin of a gazelle, the Piri Reis map is the only surviving piece larger map. It was compiled in the 1500s, according to the inscription on the map itself, from other maps of the year 300. But how is this possible if the map shows:

South America, exactly located relative to Africa
West Coasts North Africa both Europe and the east coast of Brazil
Most striking is the partially visible continent far to the South, where we know Antarctica is, although it was not discovered until 1820. Even more puzzling is that it is depicted in detail and without ice, even though this land mass has been covered in ice for at least six thousand years.

Today this artifact is also not available for public viewing.

Petrified Hammer

A hammer head and part of a hammer handle were found near London, Texas in 1936.

The discovery was made by Mr and Mrs Khan near Red Bay when they noticed a piece of wood sticking out of a rock. In 1947, their son broke a stone, discovering a hammer head inside.

For archaeologists, this tool poses a difficult challenge: the calcareous rock that contains the artifact is estimated to be 110-115 million years old. Wooden handle petrified like ancient petrified wood, and the hammer head, made of solid iron, is of a comparatively modern type.

The only thing possible scientific explanation was given by John Cole, a researcher from National Center scientific education:

In 1985, the scientist wrote:

“The stone is real, and for anyone unfamiliar with geological process it looks impressive. How could a modern artifact get stuck in Ordovician stone? The answer is: the stone does not belong to the Ordovician period. Minerals in a solution can harden around an object caught in the solution, dropped into a crevice, or simply left on the ground if the source rock (in this case, reportedly Ordovician) is chemically soluble.”

In other words, dissolved rock solidified around a modern hammer, which may be a miner's hammer from the 1800s.

And what do you think? A modern hammer...or a hammer from an ancient civilization?

There is a wealth of archaeological evidence around the world that the history of life on Earth may be completely different from that described in modern geological and anthropological texts

Especially for – Lina Skok

According to some fundamentalists, the Bible tells us that God created Adam and Eve several thousand years ago. Science reports that this is just a fiction, and that man is several million years old, and civilization is tens of thousands of years old. However, could it be that conventional science is just as wrong as the biblical stories? There is ample archaeological evidence that the history of life on Earth may be very different from what geological and anthropological texts tell us today.

Consider the following amazing finds:

Corrugated Spheres

For the past few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal balls. These balls of unknown origin are approximately an inch (2.54 cm) in diameter, and some of them are engraved with three parallel lines running along the axis of the object. Two types of balls were found: one consisting of a hard bluish metal with white spots, and another empty from the inside and filled with a white spongy substance. Interestingly, the rock in which they were discovered dates back to the Precambrian period and dates back 2.8 billion years! Who made these spheres and why remains a mystery.

Koso Artifact

While prospecting for minerals in the California mountains near Olancha in the winter of 1961, Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey and Mike Mikesell found what they thought was a geode—a good addition to their gem store. However, after cutting the stone, Mikesell found an object inside that looked like white porcelain. In his in the center was a shaft of shiny metal. Experts concluded that if it was a geode, it would have taken approximately 500,000 years to form, but the object inside was clearly an example of human production.

Further examination revealed that the porcelain was surrounded by a hexagonal casing, and x-rays revealed a tiny spring at one end, similar to a spark plug. As you might have guessed, this artifact is surrounded by some controversy. Some argue that the object was not inside the geode, but was encased in hardened clay.

The find itself was identified by experts as a 1920s spark plug. Unfortunately, the Koso artifact was lost and cannot be carefully studied. Is there a natural explanation for this phenomenon? Was it found, as the discoverer claimed, inside a geode? If this is true, how could a 1920s-era spark plug get inside a 500,000-year-old rock?

Strange metal objects

Sixty-five million years ago there were no people, let alone anyone who knew how to work with metal. In this case, how will science explain the semi-oval metal pipes dug from Cretaceous chalk in France?

In 1885, when breaking a piece of coal, a metal cube was discovered, clearly processed by a craftsman. In 1912, power plant workers broke a large piece of coal, from which an iron pot fell out. A nail was found in a block of Mesozoic era sandstone. There are many more such anomalies. How can these findings be explained? There are several options:

  • Intelligent people existed much earlier than we think
  • In our history there is no data about other intelligent beings and civilizations that existed on our Earth
  • Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and these rocks, coals and fossils are forming much faster than we think today.

Either way, these examples—and there are many more—should motivate all curious and open-minded scientists to reconsider and rethink the history of life on Earth.

Shoe marks on granite

This trace fossil was discovered in a coal seam in Fisher Canyon, Nevada. According to estimates, the age of this coal is 15 million years!

And lest you think that this is a fossil of some animal whose shape resembles the sole of a modern shoe, studying the footprint under a microscope revealed clearly visible traces of a double seam line around the perimeter of the shape. The footprint is about a size 13 and the right side of the heel appears more worn than the left.

How did the imprint of a modern shoe 15 million years ago end up on a substance that later became coal? There are several options:

  • The trace was left recently and the coal did not form over millions of years (which science does not agree with), or...
  • Fifteen million years ago there were people (or something like people for whom we have no historical data) who walked around in shoes, or...
  • Time travelers went back in time and inadvertently left a mark, or...
  • This is an elaborate prank.

Ancient footprint

Today such footprints can be seen on any beach or muddy ground. But this footprint - clearly anatomically similar to that of a modern human - was frozen in stone, estimated to be about 290 million years old.

The discovery was made in 1987 in New Mexico by paleontologist Jerry McDonald. He also found traces of birds and animals, but found it difficult to explain how this modern trace ended up on the Permian rock, which experts estimate is 290-248 million years old. According to modern scientific thinking, it was formed long before humans (or even birds and dinosaurs) appeared on this planet.

In a 1992 article on the discovery in Smithsonian Magazine, it was noted that paleontologists call such anomalies “problematica.” In fact, they are big problems for scientists.

This is the white crow theory: all you have to do to prove that not all crows are black is just find one white one.

In the same way, to challenge the history of modern humans (or perhaps our way of dating rock strata), we need to find a fossil like this. However, scientists simply shelve such artifacts, call them “problematica” and move on with their unyielding beliefs, because the reality is too inconvenient.

Is this science correct?

Ancient springs, screws and metal

They are similar to items you would find in any workshop's scrap bin.

It is obvious that these artifacts were made by someone. However, this collection of springs, loops, spirals and other metal objects was discovered in layers of sedimentary rock that are one hundred thousand years old! At that time, foundries were not very common.

Thousands of these things—some as small as a thousandth of an inch! – were discovered by gold miners in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1990s. Unearthed from 3 to 40 feet below ground in layers dating back to the Upper Pleistocene Period, these mysterious objects may have been created some 20,000 to 100,000 years ago.

Could they be evidence of a long-lost but advanced civilization?

Metal rod in stone

How to explain the fact that the stone was formed around a mysterious metal rod?

Inside the hard black stone found by stone collector Gilling Wang in China's Mazong Mountains, for unknown reasons, there was a metal rod of unknown origin.

The rod is threaded like screws, indicating that the item was made, but the fact that it was in the ground long enough for solid rock to form around it means that it must be millions of years old.

There were suggestions that the stone was a meteorite that fell to Earth from space, that is, the artifact could be of alien origin.

It is noteworthy that this is not the only case of metal screws being found in hard rock; there are many other examples:

  • In the early 2000s, a strange stone was found on the outskirts of Moscow, inside of which were two objects similar to screws.
  • X-ray examination of another stone found in Russia revealed eight screws in it!

Williams fork

A man named John Williams said he found the artifact while walking in the remote countryside. He was wearing shorts, and after walking through the bushes, he looked down to check how much he had scratched his legs. It was then that he noticed a strange stone.

The stone itself is ordinary - despite the fact that some manufactured thing is built into it. Whatever it is, it has three metal prongs sticking out of it, as if it were some kind of fork.

The place where Williams found the artifact, according to him, was “at least 25 feet from the nearest road (which was dirt and hard to see), no urban areas, industrial complexes, power plants, nuclear power plants, airports, or military operations (that I am aware of) nearby.”

The stone is composed of natural quartz and feldspathic granite, and according to geology, such stones do not take decades to form, which would be required if the anomalous object were made by modern man. According to Williams' calculations, the stone was approximately one hundred thousand years old.

Who in those days could make such an item?

Aluminum artifact from Ayud

This five-pound, eight-inch-long object, made of solid, nearly pure aluminum, would have been found in Romania in 1974. Workers digging a trench along the Mures River found several mastodon bones and this mysterious object, which still puzzles scientists.

Apparently manufactured and not a natural formation, the artifact was sent for analysis, which found that the object was composed of 89 percent aluminum with traces of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel and other elements. Aluminum does not exist in nature in this form. It must have been made, but this kind of aluminum wasn't made until the 1800s.

If the artifact is the same age as the mastodon bones, this means that it is at least 11 thousand years old, because that is when the last representatives of mastodons became extinct. Analysis of the oxidized layer covering the artifact determined that it was 300-400 years old - that is, it was created much earlier than the invention of the aluminum processing process.

So who made this item? And what was it used for? There are those who immediately assumed the alien origin of the artifact...however, the facts are still unknown.

It is strange (or maybe not) that the mysterious object was hidden somewhere and today it is not available for public viewing or further research.

Piri Reis Map

Rediscovered in a Turkish museum in 1929, this map is a mystery not only because of its amazing accuracy, but also because of what it depicts.

Painted on the skin of a gazelle, the Piri Reis map is the only surviving part of a larger map. It was compiled in the 1500s, according to the inscription on the map itself, from other maps of the year 300. But how is this possible if the map shows:

  • South America, exactly located relative to Africa
  • West coasts of North Africa and Europe, and east coast of Brazil
  • Most striking is the partially visible continent far to the South, where we know Antarctica is, although it was not discovered until 1820. Even more puzzling is that it is depicted in detail and without ice, even though this land mass has been covered in ice for at least six thousand years.

Today this artifact is also not available for public viewing.

Petrified Hammer

A hammer head and part of a hammer handle were found near London, Texas in 1936.

The discovery was made by Mr and Mrs Khan near Red Bay when they noticed a piece of wood sticking out of a rock. In 1947, their son broke a stone, discovering a hammer head inside.

For archaeologists, this tool poses a difficult challenge: the calcareous rock that contains the artifact is estimated to be 110-115 million years old. The wooden handle is petrified like ancient petrified wood, and the hammer head, made of solid iron, is of a relatively modern type.

The only possible scientific explanation was given by John Cole, a researcher at the National Center for Science Education:

In 1985, the scientist wrote:

“The rock is real, and to anyone unfamiliar with the geological process it looks impressive. How could a modern artifact get stuck in Ordovician stone? The answer is: the stone does not belong to the Ordovician period. Minerals in a solution can harden around an object caught in the solution, dropped into a crevice, or simply left on the ground if the source rock (in this case, reportedly Ordovician) is chemically soluble.”

In other words, dissolved rock solidified around a modern hammer, which may be a miner's hammer from the 1800s.

And what do you think? A modern hammer...or a hammer from an ancient civilization?

Candidate of Historical Sciences reports facts that are carefully hushed up

We continue the theme of artifacts that break out of the usual paradigm. The information was received from a candidate of historical sciences, famous archaeologist Andrei Zhukov.

Colombia is a country with a rich archaeological past. But the most famous to the general public are works of gold created by ancient Indian craftsmen. The richest collection of such artifacts is presented in the Gold Museum in the capital of the country, Bogota. This is the only gold museum in the world, with a collection of about 24,000 ancient gold items and precious stones. Archaeological research of the monuments of Colombia was not carried out as intensively as in Peru. Accordingly, there are a lot of “blank spots” and mysteries in the history of ancient Colombia.

However, attempts to explore these “blind spots” are met with a painful reaction from representatives of science who work within the framework of an established paradigm. As an example, I’ll tell you about the famous collection of Indian antiquities by Columbia University professor Hame Lehi. For decades, Lega collected artifacts, and in 1997 his collection of finds attracted the attention of Austrian researcher Klaus Dona. Together with his colleague Habeck, he organized an exhibition in Vienna in 2001 called “Unsolved Mysteries.”

Among the exhibits were unique instruments made with amazing skill and having no analogues in other ancient cultures. South America. Among the instruments there are those with a clear obstetric purpose. For example, a knife with a shaped handle carved in the shape of a stylized female figure and a baby’s head entwined with an umbilical cord.

Another instrument is a spoon, the shaped handle of which depicts a woman with a baby’s head emerging from it. The obstetric purpose of this item is also obvious.

The functions of other tools are much more difficult to determine. These objects vary in shape, but most of them are small and sometimes miniature in size.

Klaus Dona consulted various specialists, and they all emphasized extremely high degree ergonomics of these tools. They were made in such a way that, regardless of the size of a person’s hands, they fit into it “like a glove.” All experts agreed that these were surgical instruments.

It is noteworthy that all these objects, as determined by Austrian mineralogists, were made of lydite. According to experts who examined these instruments, modern technologies It is not possible to make such artifacts from this type of stone precisely because of the specific structure of the mineral.

The set of objects that Lega gave to Klaus Dona for the exhibition included two truly unique pieces. One is a small figurine of a man sitting in a chair. The very shape of this chair is amazing – it is completely modern.

The second artifact was called the “genetic disk.” This is a lidite disk with a diameter of 27 cm and a thickness of 2 cm. It weighs about 2 kg. Both sides of the disc are covered with relief images (using low relief), there is a through hole in the middle. Analogues of the expansate were not found either in America or in other cultures of the Ancient World. The fact that the images on the disc are dedicated to the processes of human conception and the evolution of the embryo is clear at first glance. That is why the disc got its name.

It has not yet been possible to fully decipher the meaning of the message on the disk, although some things are quite obvious. Thus, in the upper part of the front side (here the choice of sides is arbitrary) there is a number of images illustrating the process of evolution of the human embryo. The last figurine already depicts a fully formed baby.

At the bottom of the disk there are schematic images of a man and a woman with clearly defined genitals, and above these figures there is an embryo. A sperm is depicted next to a man. It is noteworthy that the style of the human images corresponds to what we saw on the Lydite obstetric instruments and the figurine of a seated man.

In European science, spermatozoa were first described in 1677 by the Dutch naturalist, founder of scientific microscopy, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. And the development processes of the human embryo were studied much later. On the other side of the disk there are figures of people, embryos, sperm and eggs in various stages of development.

It is worth mentioning another interesting artifact from the Lehi collection - a small (30 cm) anthropomorphic figurine made of porous rock, similar to the giant statues of Fr. Easter. There is a hypothesis that representatives of the ancient cultures of Peru and Bolivia had contacts with the population of this island. But Colombia is located from about. Easter is another thousand kilometers further.

How did the scientific community react to the collection? Dr. Hammer, specialist at the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology of the Vienna Museum Natural History, having studied the disk, she unequivocally stated that this is a modern craft.

However, the results of any special analyzes, for example, traceological, with the help of which one can detect microparticles of the tool with which the stone was processed. However, the expert's verdict has been made, the issue can be considered closed.

Although even from the point of view of common sense, a logical question arises: what kind of hoaxer would create the most complex, in fact, jewelry works in order to pass them off as Indian antiquities? Counterfeiters produce objects from known archaeological cultures, styles, artists, etc., since only in this case the fakes have commercial value. But to produce extremely labor-intensive products of types unknown to science and in a completely original style...

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