Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Material (junior group) on the topic: Leisure in the second junior group for Mother’s Day. Entertainment script for Mother's Day for children of the younger group “My beloved Mommy”

Material (junior group) on the topic: Leisure in the second junior group for Mother’s Day. Entertainment script for Mother's Day for children of the younger group “My beloved Mommy”

- In the house good deeds busy,
Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.
Good morning here,
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
- "And where?" - you ask
There is so much kindness in the house,
What comes from this kindness
Flowers are taking root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I'll answer you straight:
Children: - This is mom, this is mom!
Presenter: Who loves us deeply?
Children: Mom, mom.
Presenter: Who wakes us up in the morning?
Children: Mom, mom.
Presenter: Does he read books to us?
Children: Mom, mom.
Presenter: Does he hum songs?
Children: Mom, mom.
Presenter: Who is hugging us?
Children: Mom, mom.
Presenter: Praises and caresses
Children: Mom, mom.

We congratulate our dear mothers on their holiday - Mother's Day. And these congratulations also apply to our dear grandmothers - after all, they are also someone’s mothers. The holiday today will be a little out of order.

Our mothers are always in a hurry and in a hurry. And they have practically no time to relax and play with their beloved children. But children like it when you sing, dance, and play with them. So let's forget about our problems at least on this day. I suggest you start playing with your child right now.

There is a wonderful holiday and a happy time,
Where the child and beloved mother are nearby.
And in the proximity of these feelings there are many hidden
Patience, affection and the beginning of life!
Here are all the echoes of love and care;
There is no time to sit down here, as there is a lot of work:
The housewife and the laundress, and the cook and the nurse,
And a doctor, if necessary, with a large warm heating pad.
She's always a jack of all trades
And everyone should be proud of their mother.
After all, you can’t find anything closer to it in the whole world.
She is responsible for the child from birth!

The mother's hands rocked the children in the cradle when they were little. It was mother who warmed them with her breath and lulled them to sleep with her song. Let's remember the time when your baby was just born. He was so small and defenseless. And you, in order to calm the baby, sang lullabies to him. I invite mothers with children and invite you to sing a lullaby to your children

1. Lullaby(3 mothers take their children in their arms and sing the lullaby song “Tired toys are sleeping” to the soundtrack, 1 verse each)
But then your kids grow up, and you start reading little poems to them. Do you, mothers, remember these poems well? (3 mothers look for mistakes and name them)

2. Find the mistake and answer correctly.
* Dropped the bunny on the floor,
They tore off the bunny's paw.
I still won't leave him,
Because he's good.

* Sailor's hat, rope in hand,
I'm pulling the basket along fast river.
And the kittens are jumping on my heels,
And they ask me: “Ride, captain.”

* I sewed a shirt for Grishka,
I'll sew some pants for him.
I need to sew a sock on them
And put some candy.
Well done to our mothers. They can sing songs and read poetry. And how delicious they cook...
Now we'll see. 3 mothers and their children will cook.

3. Master class “Together with mom.”
For each mother-child pair, sets of plasticine for modeling are prepared in advance. Assignment: you need to prepare a “treat” for guests (pie, cake, pastries).
In the meantime, we will listen to poems performed by our children.

1.After a delicious lunch
I’ll help my mom right away
But get up off the couch
For some reason I can’t.

2. So as not to oversleep in kindergarten,
We have to try
I need to ask my mom
Get up at five o'clock!

3.-To mom on Sunday
Don't oversleep on work
I'll set her alarm clock
And I'll put it under the bed.

4. I love my dear mother,
I'll give her some candy.
I'll bring her home: -Mom,
Will you share with me?

5. To make mom smile,
And she was pleased
I’ll draw it in her passport
Cool face.

6. What is this noise, what is this commotion?
Mom is surprised!
It's Mother's Day
Dad is cleaning up!

7. I’m also happy about cleaning
I'll break all the dishes
Let everyone be happy!

Well done, kids, real helpers for mothers. Look what wonderful treats our mothers have prepared. Simply wonderful! Do you know why? Because they did them together with their children.
. And now your children invite you all to dance.

Dance to the soundtrack “Well, moms too”
We go in circles - and so do mothers
We are not lagging behind at all - and neither are mothers.
We will all do squats - and mothers too
Sit down together, stand up together - and so do mothers.
We'll have fun jumping around - and so will mothers.
And how birds fly, so do mothers.
We'll wag our tails - and so will mothers.
Let's hug mom - and moms too.
Well done to our mothers - they sing songs, bake pies, and dance. And of course, interesting fairy tales are read to children.

Competition "Visiting a fairy tale."(All mothers participate. Each answers one question). Let's remember the fairy tales that your children love. These are the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.
What did the fly - Tsokotukha - find? (money)
What did the butterflies eat? (jam)
Where did Aibolit fly to treat animals? (in Limpopo)
What did he give them? (thermometer)
Who ran away with all the dishes? (at Fedora's)
What is her middle name? (Egorovna)
What were the names of the sons of the crocodile from the verse. "Moidodyr » ? (Totosha and Kokosha)
What did gazelles ride on? (on the carousel)
Who did the sparrow eat? (Cockroach)
How was the cat driving? (backwards).
What did the buzzing fly buy? (samovar)
Who is sitting under the tree? (Dr. Aibolit)
What were the bears riding on? (on a bicycle)
What did the crocodile ask you to send? (galoshes)
Where did the elephant call from? (from camel)
Whose blanket ran away? (they're dirty)
Who bit the fox? (wasp)
Where did the hippopotamus go? (into the swamp)
Who came out of mom's bedroom? (Moidodyr)
Who stole the Tsokotukha Fly? (spider)
From whom did the shoes and boots run away?

Well done to our mothers. And what kind of needlewomen they are! Don't believe me? Look! 3 mothers with their children are invited.

4. Competition "Beads". (string pasta on a thread in 1 minute)
In the meantime, our mothers will sew, the children will read poems for their mothers.
1. We congratulate mothers with all our hearts -
Children read and sing poems today.
Who will wake us up in the morning, who will cook porridge for us?
There is nothing more pleasant in the world than the hugs of gentle mothers.

2. Who will argue with us a little, but will immediately smile?
Whose heart beats stronger than a bird for their children.
We congratulate mothers with all our hearts -
"Thank you mom!" - the kids say today.

3. Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is happiness!
There is no better mom!

4. Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is laughter!
Mom is happiness!
Moms - there is no better way!

5. Mom will smile
Mom will be sad
Mom will regret it
Mom will forgive

6. Mother is golden autumn,
Mom is the dearest.
Mom is kindness
Mom will always help out!

7.Mom is the sun, the flower,
Mom is a breath of air,
Mom is joy, mom is laughter,
Our mothers are the best!

In our computer age, the age of progress and speed, we, as always, are in a hurry to somewhere, catch up with something and suffer due to lack of time. Early in the morning you need to do a lot of things, take your child to Kindergarten and get to work, but the child gets dressed very slowly, and you need to help him, naturally. Our mothers already do this simply and easily, even with their eyes closed.

5. Competition “Dress the Child” (3 mothers) (
phonogram "In every little child")

Ved. Guys, which one of you has the best beautiful mother?
Children. I have!
Ved. Guys, who has the kindest mother?
Children. I have?
Ved. And who has the most best mom?
Children. I have!

Mother! There is light in this word of the sun.
Mother! Better words not in the world.
Mother! Who is dearer than her?
Mother! She has spring in her eyes.
Mother! The kindest on earth.
Mother! Gives fairy tales, gives laughter.
Mother! Sometimes it makes us sad.
Mother! He will regret and forgive.

Children stand in front of the guests in a semicircle and recite the poem together with the teacher, showing characteristic gestures:
Mom is heaven! (hands up)
Mom is the light! (we show flashlights with our hands above)
Mom is happiness! (hands to chest)
Moms - there is no better (lean forward and wave our heads no, no)
Mom is a fairy tale! (thumb up)
Mom is laughter! (laugh, smile)
Mom is a caress (pat ourselves on the head)
Moms love everyone! (we blow a two-handed kiss to mothers)

Dear guests, you and I have already seen that our mothers are smart, musical, skillful, and good artists. Now we'll test their dexterity.

6. Competition “Catch the ball with a hat.” (3 mothers).
The mother is given a baseball cap and the child is given plastic balls. The child throws, and the mother catches with a baseball cap. Who will catch the most balls?
Phonogram group Talisman “Mom”

Well done! Our mothers are very clever. And now our congratulations continue.
1. Mom caresses
Mom will encourage you.
If he scolds,
He will always forgive.
With her I'm not afraid
No villain!
There is no kinder or more beautiful
My mom.

2. My dear mother,
I'm your little one,
I love you, dear,
And hearty congratulations!

3. I promise to be obedient,
Just to make you happy
Well, if suddenly it doesn’t work out,
Don't pout at me!

4. Let's play with dolls,
Let's have tea and cake,
Let's put away my toys
And let's sing something!

5. Mom is my sunshine,
I am her sunflower.
It's good to be happy
Love your mommy.

6. Mom can easily
Give the “Hero of Labor” medal.
All her deeds cannot be counted,
There’s not even time to sit down -
And cooks and washes,
Reads a fairy tale at night.

Well done, guys, and now, to please the mothers, stand in a circle and start a fun dance. And mothers dance with their children.
Dance "Spots - spots" , words And music. Zheleznova E.

Presenter: What do you need for birds?
Children: Sun, sky, greenery of the garden.
And for the sea?
- Shores.
Well, let’s say it straight to us:
Children: To have MOM with us!

Mom caresses us
The sun warms
The sun is like a mother
Only one thing happens.

And here is our sunshine. (Shows a yellow circle.) What is our sun missing?
Children: - Luchikov.
-So let's make them from mother's palms, and your mothers will help you.
Children and their mothers do collective work.

Phonogram of the song “Mom”

What a beautiful sunshine it turned out to be! We will take it with us to the group, it will warm you with your mother’s warmth.

Thank you moms for the beauty.
Thank you moms for your kindness.
Because your kids are like that.
Because they dote on you.
Mom means tenderness
This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story,
This is the morning dawn
Mom is a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer,
This is snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!
Happy holiday to you, dear mothers! Accept small gifts from your children.

Name: Joint leisure mothers and children of the second youngest group for Mother's Day
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scripts, Mother's Day, 2nd junior group

Position: preschool teacher
Place of work: MBOU Dobrinsky Lyceum
Location: Dobrinka village, Uryupinsky district, Volgograd region

Scenario for Mother's Day in the second younger group

“Mommy darling, I love you”

Scenario for Mother's Day in the second junior group for Mom's joy"

Goal: To instill in children love and respect for mothers, a desire to take care of loved ones.

Equipment: (musical recordings: song “Mom is the first word”; “Mustachioed nanny”; “In every little child”; “Dance of the little ducklings”) ; 2 boxes with toys; 2 pieces of clothesline, 1 meter each; 2 sets of clothespins.

Children enter to the song of the ensemble “Fidgets” “Mom is the first word”, sit down)

Presenter: Hello, dear guests!

There are many kind words in the world.

But one thing is kinder and gentler than all:

The word “mother” is a simple two-syllable word.

And there are no words dearer than it!

Guys, today we will dedicate our holiday to our beloved mothers. Let's talk about how much we love them! We will delight them with our skills. Guys, I want to ask you:

Who wakes you up from sleep? (Mommy)

Who said: “It’s time to get up? " (Mommy)

Who managed to cook the porridge? (Mommy)

Should I pour some tea into a mug? (Mommy)

Who braided your hair? (Mommy)

Swept the whole house by yourself? (Mommy)

Who as a child loves laughter? (Mommy)

Who is the best in the world? (Mommy)

Presenter: And now the children will recite poems.


I love my mommy

I sing songs to her

And I help around the house,

I love my mom!


Mother! I love you so much,

That I don’t really know!

I'm a big ship

I'll give it the name "MOM".

Presenter: Let's applaud our guys.

Presenter: Guys, let's now tell our mothers what we can do ourselves.

Can we dance?

Can we sing?

Do we know how to dress?

Do we know how to clean up toys?

Then let's show how we can assemble toys.

Game "Collect toys" (in yellow baskets - construction set and animals)

The teacher scatters toys from two baskets onto the floor, the children collect and sort them - into one basket - Lego parts, into the other - rubber animals.

The song “In Every Little Child” sounds

Presenter: Well done! You can immediately see which helpers are growing! Let's listen to the poems that we have prepared......

3. Child

Mom, mom, mommy - there is light in this word of the sun!

Mom, mom, mommy - better than mom not in the world!


I love my mommy

I'll dance with her.

Presenter: Now it's time to listen to the song and dance with mommy.

The “Dance of the Little Ducklings” sounds, children dance together with their mothers, as shown by the teacher, movements familiar from childhood.

Presenter: We had a great dance!

Presenter: For everyone there is only one mother and she is the best in the world. Now we will see how you will help your beloved mommy in the game “Mom’s Helpers”

The game “Mom’s Helpers” is being played (with the participation of mothers)

Two mothers each hold a clothesline in front of their child; the child must take the “washed” laundry out of the basin and attach it to the clothesline with clothespins. The song “Mustachioed Nanny” is playing.

Presenter: What kind of economical guys we have growing up!

Presenter: Guys, now your mother will show her creativity. Look what hats your mothers made. Moms, you recognized your hats, go on stage and show off your hat.

Presenter: And our mothers are also guardians hearth and home. Now we will watch the presentations prepared by parents on “Family Formation”. I invite my family…….(one at a time)

Presenter: Guys, your mothers also cook delicious food. I invite everyone to a tea party. (Children and parents go to tea party)

Presenter: And our meeting has come to an end! We once again want to congratulate you, dear mothers, on such a wonderful, kind and gentle holiday! Let a smile always shine on your face. Goodbye.

Entertainment with the participation of parents and children of the 2nd junior group “It’s so good to be close together!”

Belevtseva Oksana Sergeevna, teacher-psychologist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13/38" Taganrog.

Description of material: this material is aimed at uniting the child-parent team and will be useful to educators during the Mother's Day holiday.

Objectives of the event:
- formation in children of such qualities as kindness, care, love;
- formation respectful attitude to family, love to mother;
- creating a festive atmosphere;
- contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from joint celebration of the event.

Progress of the event.

The song “Mom, first word...” The children and their teacher enter the hall and stand in a semicircle near the central wall.

Mom is the sun, the flower,
Mom is a breath of air,
Mom is joy, mom is laughter,
Our mothers are the best!

Presenter. Hello, dear parents, our dear mothers! Hello guys! Today we have gathered to congratulate our beloved mothers on Mother's Day.

“Mom” is the first word, the main word in our destiny...
Mom gave life, she gave peace to me and you!
Thank you, our mothers!

Presenter. Our dear mothers, please accept the song “My Mommy” as a gift (children sing the song).
And now your children will play the Russian folk melody “Oh, you canopy” on noise instruments.

There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers; we will now check whether our mothers know them. You need to complete the proverb.
- When the sun is warm, (when mother is good).
- The bird is happy about spring, (and the baby is happy about the mother).
- Mother's affection (does not know the end).
- For a mother, a child (a child up to a hundred years old).
- Every mother (her child is sweet).
- There is no such friend (like my own mother).
- A mother’s heart warms (better than the sun).

Presenter. And now we will check which of our mothers are needlewomen. The next game is “Make beads from pasta.” 4 couples are invited (child and mother). Each pair needs to string as much pasta as possible onto a wire in 1 minute. Let's start.
The game is repeated 2 times.

From the heart,
In simple words
Come on guys
Let's talk about mom.

Parents watch a video about their mother “About the dearest person on earth” (On the eve of the Mothers’ Day, a blitz survey “Children about their mother” took place in the group. Children answered the questions: “What is your mother like?”, “What is your mother happy about?”, “ What can your mother do?” All the answers were recorded on a video, which was shown to the parents.)

Presenter. Dear mothers, good words We think about you and your children that we have inspired you to play the next game “Carry the ball without dropping it”, in which both mother and child take part. On command, as a couple, you clamp the ball with gymnastic sticks and carry it to the landmark, then return to your team.

And now it's time to create. For this we need balloon, the child holds it, and the mother cuts out eyes, eyelashes, a nose, a mouth from pieces of adhesive tape (or draws on a balloon with a felt-tip pen) ...
Children give a balloon to their mother.

Presenter. Giving a balloon - a smiley - means giving a smile! Smile more often and give smiles to others!

And now, and now,
It's time to dance,
Children call their mothers,
Invite them to dance!

The children all dance with their mothers, a general communicative dance.

Our holiday has come to an end.
Dear mothers, we wish you all the best and brightest!

Entertainment "Mother's Day" in the second junior group

Fun for Mother's Day

Presenter: Our dear mothers! We are glad that you, despite endless business and worries, came to us today. After all, today we celebrate a wonderful wonderful holiday « Mothers Day» .

Presenter: Mom - this means tenderness,

This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice,

Mom is the green of summer,

This is snow, an autumn leaf.

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means life!

Dear mothers, please accept this song as a gift...

Children perform a song.

Lyrics of the song "Oh, what a mother." Music and lyrics by I. Ponomareva.

I'll wake up mom in the morning,

Hello, mommy! - I’ll tell you.


Oh, what a mother!

A sight for sore eyes!

I love you very much

My beloved.

Sing a song with me,

After all, today is your holiday.


Today special day

How many smiles there are in him,

Gifts and bouquets,

And affectionate “thank you.”

Whose is it day? Answer me.

Well, guess for yourself

Autumn day on the calendar


Leading: From the bottom of my heart with great respect

Today, please accept our congratulations.

We are pleased to congratulate you and wish you

Still work, still dare.

Do not grow old in soul and appearance

Be blooming as before.

To keep the flame of the soul, to live as before, to love.

Be beautiful, as always, for many years to come.

Presenter: Today we invite our mothers to take part in competitions and have fun together with your children. You are ready? Then let's begin.

Presenter: 1. "Cinderella".

I think everyone is very familiar with this fairy tale. So, at the beginning of the fairy tale, the evil stepmother gave poor Cinderella a lot of work so that she could go with her and her daughters to the ball. And one of those jobs was separating the peas from the lentils. So our participants, one from each team, will have to play the role of Cinderella and separate the peas from the beans. Speed ​​and quality are assessed.

Children read poetry.

1. My dear mother,

I love you very much

Dear Mommy,

The most beautiful!

2. I don’t want to argue with you.

Believe me.

My mom is the best

The best in the world!

Presenter:2. "Lullaby" Dear mothers, children sang a song for you, but can you? We invite you to sing a song for your baby. Like you did when they were very little. This is ours second competition. (Moms sing lullabies with their children).

1. You are the most beautiful

You are the best.

To the gentle sun

And it looks like the moon.

2. I give you a smile,

I give you a big flower:

I want you to flutter

Always like a moth.


Presenter: game with everyone “Call me affectionately” And what is the most important thing for a child? This is, of course, my home and my mother, who will always regret and call her the kindest and with gentle words- and the sun, and the kitten, and the bunny. Is that what you call your children? But everyone has their own pet name

3. "Who will get the child ready for kindergarten faster"

Presenter: Go around the whole world,

Just know in advance:

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother’s.

You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are more valuable.

A hundred paths, roads around

Go around the world:

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mother!


Presenter: 4. “Magic flower” And now we’ll check how often you read fairy tales to your children, and the guys will tell you (fourth competition). We have this magical flower.

1. What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,

Mouse, also Bug's dog

They helped grandma and grandpa

Did you collect root vegetables? (turnip)

2. It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window,

He rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray wolf and brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest

I met a red fox

I couldn't leave her.

What kind of fairy tale? (gingerbread man)

3. Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (three Bears)

4. Accordion in hands,

On top of the head is a cap,

And next to him it’s important

Cheburashka is sitting.

Portrait with friends

It turned out excellent

On it is Cheburashka,

And next to him (Crocodile Gena)

5. Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in a basket,

Who sat on the tree stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the fairy tale, right?

Who was it? (bear)

6. The nose is round, with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (three piglets)

Presenter: We solved all the riddles, well done, our mothers.


When I'm around town

I go with my mother

By the hand of mom

I'm holding tight:

Why should she go and be afraid,

What could she get lost?

Presenter: 5. "Find the child blindfolded" (fifth competition). We blindfold the mothers and they have to find their baby by touch, just don’t tell me, guys! At a signal, the mothers begin to complete the task.

Presenter: All the mothers found their beloved children, and it couldn’t have been otherwise!

Presenter: Come on, guys, guess riddle:

There is no one more dear to her in the world,

Fairer and kinder.

I'll tell you straight, friends -

Best in the world... (Mother).

Guys, let's invite moms to a fun dance

Let's all dance together. (Dance with moms)

I take care of my mother’s work,

I help as much as I can.

Mom's out for lunch today

I made cutlets

I ate a little

Isn't it a help??

Presenter: It's not a secret to anybody. That our children are ours best helpers. And now we will be convinced of this once again.

6. "Getting things in order" (mother with a dustpan, child with a broom, whoever collects more garbage).

7. "The most dexterous" (you need to go through the swamp with the child) hummock hoops.

Result of the event.

Medals are awarded.

Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end, we thank you for the cheerful mood and the pleasure brought. We were very pleased to see kind and happy faces.

Entertainment script for Mother's Day for children of the younger group “My beloved Mommy”

Abstract entertainment(leisure) for the Day Mothers

For children of the younger group.

Subject: « My beloved mommy» .

Integration of areas: Music, Health, Communication, Reading fiction.

Integrated Tasks:

Form at children family values , positive features character that contributes to better mutual understanding in the communication process;

- develop parents' positive attitude towards kindergarten, intensify parental participation in the life of the kindergarten;

Educate children love and respect for mothers, attachment to your family, kindergarten.

Preliminary work:

Learning poems for mothers with children;

Design of a wall newspaper;

Making gifts for mothers with children;

Preparation of competitions, attributes, music.

Game room decoration.

Equipment: tables and chairs for participants entertainment, peas, beans, music, balls for decoration groups, wall newspaper.

Progress of entertainment:

Presenter: Our dear mothers! We are glad that you, despite endless business and worries, came to us today. After all, today we celebrate a wonderful wonderful holiday "Day Mothers» . Today the guys and I have prepared a short performance for you.

Today is a difficult day -

It's a holiday for dear mothers!

At the autumn golden hour

We need to congratulate them!

To every mother on earth

Congratulations sound

A bright ray in the darkness

Children's eyes are burning.

May health and love

Warming mommies always!

Let us congratulate them together again,

We will never forget!

Children read poetry.

Child 1: My dear mother,

I'm your little one,

I love you, dear,

And hearty congratulations!

Child 2

I promise to be obedient

Just to make you happy

Well, if suddenly it doesn’t work out,

Don't pout at me!

Child 3:

Let's play with dolls,

Let's have tea and cake,

Let's put away my toys

And let's sing something!

Presenter: Today we invite our mothers to take part in competitions and have fun together with your children. You are ready? Then let's begin.

Presenter: Our first competition is called “Cinderella”.

I think everyone is very familiar with this fairy tale. So, at the beginning of the fairy tale, the evil stepmother gave poor Cinderella a lot of work so that she could go with her and her daughters to the ball. And one of those jobs was separating the peas from the beans. So our mothers will have to play the role of Cinderella and separate the peas from the beans. Speed ​​and quality are assessed. (2 mothers come out)

Presenter: Dear mothers, the children sang a song for you, but can you? We invite you to sing a song for your baby. Like you did when they were very little. This is our second competition. (Moms sing lullabies with their children) .

Presenter: And now one more congratulation for our mothers. Guys, answer my questions amicably and loudly.

Presenter: Who holds us tight loves?

Children: Mom mom.

Presenter: Who wakes us up in the morning?

Children: Mom mom.

Presenter: Does he read books to us?

Children: Mom mom.

Presenter: Does he hum songs?

Children: Mom mom.

Presenter: Who hugs us?

Children: Mom mom.

Presenter: Praises and caresses

Children: Mom mom.

Presenter: Our dear mothers, we are always proud of you

Smart, calm, we will be worthy of you

Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers

We are for everything, for all relatives

Let's talk: "Thank you".

Presenter: And now we’ll check how often you read fairy tales to your children, and the guys will tell you (third competition). Expensive mommies, guess my riddles.

1. We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these kids? (seven kids) .

2. What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,

Mouse, also Bug's dog

They helped grandma and grandpa

Did you collect root vegetables? (turnip)

3. It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window,

He rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray wolf and brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest

I met a red fox

I couldn't leave her.

What kind of fairy tale? (gingerbread man)

4. Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (three Bears)

5. Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in a basket,

Who sat on the tree stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the fairy tale, right?

Who was it? (bear)

6. The nose is round, with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (three piglets)

Presenter: We solved all the riddles, well done, our mothers. Next competition “Find the child by the palm of his hand” (fourth competition). We'll blindfold the mothers, and they must use the palm of their hand to find their child, just don’t tell me, guys! At a signal, the mothers begin to complete the task.

Presenter: All mothers found their beloved children, and it couldn’t be otherwise!

Everyone is probably tired, we need to rest a little. And now I invite everyone to dance together, because not only do they work, but mothers need to rest. Let's all dance together. (Dance "Little Ducklings"). Children dance with their parents.

Presenter: We congratulate dear ladies,

Beautiful women from all over the planet

And may all people give you

Fragrant bouquets.

On this holiday, we would like to congratulate you and wish you health, success, strength in raising your children. Give your children love, kindness, tenderness and affection, and they will answer you in kind.

Result of the event.

Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end, we thank you for the cheerful mood and the pleasure brought. We were very pleased to see kind and happy faces. And now the guys will give their gifts for beloved mothers which they made with their own hands (children give gifts to their

Publications on the topic:

Leisure summary for children of the second junior group based on the works of A. L. Barto. Topic: “Secrets of the chest” Goal: To foster interest in the work of A. L. Barto Objectives: - To acquaint children with the content of poems; - learn.

Summary of leisure activities dedicated to Mother's Day (for children of senior preschool age) Goal: - formation of positive relationships between parents and children in the process of joint activities; - intensification of joint activities.

Goal: To awaken interest in physical education classes through the creation of plot-game situations. Objectives: - harden children during the event.

Summary of entertainment for children of the 1st junior group “Visiting grandma in the village” Tasks: Educational area“Social and communicative development”: - develop communication and interaction between children and adults (grandmother and.

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