Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Dream interpretation stormy river with muddy water. A river with a fast flow in the dream book

Dream interpretation stormy river with muddy water. A river with a fast flow in the dream book

Dream interpretation river

Seen night plot with a river can tell about the present and predict the future. It is imperative to pay attention to the details of the dream, it is on them that the correct interpretation of the plot seen will depend.
  • How exactly river flows appeared in the plot.
  • The water was clear and clear, or vice versa.
  • How strong her flow was.
  • Where exactly did it run.
  • Your actions in a dream.

For correct interpretation of the night scene seen, it is best to look at the online dream book. It is with the help of it that you can decipher the plot you saw. To search, type: "Dream interpretation of the river", and then select the edition in which the interpretation of sleep will most closely match your real life.

River surface in a dream

If you dreamed about a river

In a dream, the surface of the river is quiet and calm - which means that the plot foreshadows a happy period in life, there will be many favorable moments. For those who have not yet married, a night dream promises the conclusion of a favorable union. The house will be a full bowl.

The beautiful is reflected on the surface of the water surrounding nature- vision promises good changes in the dreamer's life. But it is worth noting the interpretation of such a plot may be different and be interpreted with a different meaning, it all depends on the reflection that was seen.

See straight ahead strong stream- a lot depends on you in the lives of other people. If in the plot of dreams there are waves and dirty water- the interpretation has the opposite meaning. Why is the river fast in a dream and the water in it is dirty? This means that there will be difficulties in love relationship... If you happen to see the plot: its raging waters carry trees and debris - to losses.

If you dreamed of a bloody one, it is a sign that great grief or a serious serious illness is expected. I dreamed that they fell into such water - to death. Falling into clean, transparent water and feel how it got into your mouth - you will become an influential person.

A river of milk means you will live in abundance and pleasure.

Features of the river

The place where the river flows into the sea

Why is the river dreaming and why did you hear its noise in a dream? Quarrels and troubles are coming. Be careful, sleep can indicate an imminent danger.

A small stream foreshadows a quiet, peaceful way of life.

If you happened to see in a dream, the river flowed into the sea - the vision promises longevity.

Why is the river dreaming and in the plot of dreams they saw its source - review and analyze your way of life. You will be given a chance to change it. In a dream, I dreamed that two rivers merged into one - a long and happy family life. Spill - there will be an explosion of positive emotions.

Why did the river overflow and overflow its banks in a dream? There will be problems in the professional field. If you dream that she flooded everything around, it means that a situation will occur that will greatly shock you, only your patience and endurance will help to cope with the shock state. Another interpretation of this plot is that a scandal will occur that will affect all life. If the water was cloudy and dirty - do not joke with your health, at the first alarm signals, go to the hospital.

Stranded on the river - a difficult period, the dreamer needs rest. Stones are visible on the surface - obstacles in life.

A dry spring dreams of ruin.

The dry riverbed foreshadows - experiences.

Bridge over the river


Why is the river dreaming and a bridge will be stretched across it? This means that you will soon make your cherished dream come true.

  • The bridge was big - you go the right way... You are doing what you love, and there are people who are dear to you next to you.
  • Small bridge? A new round in life is coming.
  • Rope bridge means that in reality a situation will occur that will shock you.

Swim and swim in it

Jump into the river - soon things will improve.

Swimming in it is a good sign. Watching how a person splashes in it - your relatives go on a long journey.

Freeze in water - health is in excellent condition.

Walking on its surface is a fortitude. Walking along the bottom of a dried-up river means achieving your goals.

What kind of water was

If you swam in the river

Swim in crystal clear clear water- you good relationship with others.

Dirty water - changes in life are coming.

Did you manage to swim?

Swim across it - to the fulfillment of desires, the achievement of goals and to receive a win.

Swim against the stream - the enemy will help in a difficult life situation.

Against the current - the enemy will strike.

In a dream, a man helped to swim across the river - fate will give a happy chance. The dream book indicates that the river carried you away from the shore by the current - try with a restrained, hot-tempered character trait to provoke a serious quarrel with family or friends. Still sailing in a raging stream towards a long and drawn-out trial.

Swim and see dead people- joy will be replaced by grief. She dreams that she managed to get out of the water - avoid danger and be able to finish the job with dignity. Got out and cleaned your clothes - it will come favorable period, the difficulties will go away from your life.

Cross it on a raft - a person or event will change your life. Your social circle may change, or your place of residence may change.

If you succeed in crossing it, you will overcome all obstacles in life.


If you were standing on a steep bank

What does the meaning of dreams mean, where did you drown? Oddly enough, the plot foreshadows quick joy. Drowning in dirty water - you will be deceived large sum of money. Why dream of drowning in a river, but at the end you managed to escape? A night dream portends wealth.

If you have a nightmare that you drowned, turn to God.

Where did it flow

Stand on a steep river bank - get ready to hit the road. It is important to note: the longer the river, the further your road lies ahead. Did the river block the road in a dream? There will be a period of difficulties that will need to be overcome otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goal. Gradually approach her - to the fulfillment of desires. Rest on the beach - you will find out the good news. Standing on the shore - an inadequate situation will occur.

In your home

Where exactly did it take place:

  • In the middle of a stone desert - a dreamer hermit in real life.
  • Seeing around a field or forest is a quiet, relaxed way of life.
  • There is a noisy life in the center of a city or a village.
  • Is the river flowing in your home in a dream? Note:
  1. The water was clean - an influential person would appear on the way, he would help solve life's problems.
  2. The river destroyed the furniture - to a quarrel with relatives.

Drink water from the river

If you drank water from the river

The general interpretation indicates that drinking water in the plot of dreams means that you will be rewarded for your services to the city.

  • The water is warm - be careful, you may be embroiled in a dangerous adventure
  • Salty to the taste - you decided to participate in some illegal event in real life.

Other actions

Catching crayfish in it - have reached the period of paternity.

To erase in it - you are the creator of your own destiny.

To drop any object from your hands and see how it sank to the bottom - make a good deal.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

The famous seer Vanga pointed out that the river is dreaming in a dream - it is necessary to pay attention to the state of health.

Follow it to night dream and try to go to the very bottom and see that the water has already reached your chest - mental trauma is coming. The dream book of the seer indicates: to drown in a fast river - having overcome difficulties, you will gain confidence in your abilities.

Splashing in clear water - a favorable period awaits.

In the dirty one - the disease is ahead.

Vanga pointed out that if you dream of a big river with clean water and a dirty, unpleasant spot began to appear on the surface of the river - night vision foreshadows an ecological catastrophe.

Why dream of saving a drowning person - in reality, the person next to you needs support.

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream book indicates that a calm, transparent river portends joy. But if the plot with muddy water, the interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book indicates that difficulties are coming in life.

Water is a symbol of life, without it the existence of humanity would simply be impossible. Rivers flowing into oceans and seas are revered all over the world. It is not uncommon for people to see these very dreams. From ancient times it was known what the river was dreaming of. But in order to find out the meaning of this dream, it is still better to turn to the dream book.

Water is a symbol of life

Dreams in which a person sees a river are considered to be a projection of his own life. It is impossible to unequivocally interpret such a vision. It is necessary to take into account its size, depth, attention should also be paid to the shores and living creatures present in the general picture:

  • transparent - a period of serenity and tranquility is expected;
  • muddy - unpleasant changes are coming;
  • cold - a surprise is expected soon, which can cause not only positive emotions, but also negative ones;
  • fast - life will acquire new, bright colors;
  • underground - you should think about your actions, how true they are;
  • frozen - get important information will fail in a timely manner;
  • deep - luck will accompany the dreamer in business, it is imperative to use it;
  • seething - the development of events is not in favor of the sleeping person;
  • small - it is worth avoiding significant expenses, soon the income will become much less;
  • dry - decrease in career ladder, ruin;
  • warm - good luck in the business area;
  • beautiful - life will become measured and harmonious;
  • black - in order to achieve the goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles;
  • green - recovery;
  • dairy - well-being and prosperity;
  • white - life change in better side, new romantic relationships are possible;
  • dark - business problems, difficult expected life span;
  • huge - a quarrel.

The river in the dream book (video)

Why dream of a fast flowing river

One of the important symbols in a dream is the nature of the stream that distinguishes the river. If a person dreamed of a river with a current, which he closely watched, then in reality he will soon be awaited by violent emotions, which, although they will not concern him, but those of his acquaintances, will not pass by the dreamer himself.

  • A rapid flow portends a hectic life span. Another ominous sign is debris floating on the water. Such a dream can be considered a warning, since health problems, quarrels with the closest people and problems at work may soon arise.
  • If, in dreams, you had to swim across a body of water with a fast current and swim to the opposite shore, then you can soon count on significant successes, but in order to achieve them, you will have to work hard.

Rapid flow portends a hectic life span

And here is a mountain river, characterized by a fast current and very clear water, indicates that soon life will begin to rapidly change for the better and the dreamer will have difficulty keeping up with the turn of events.

Seeing a river with clean water in a dream

Clean water, dreamed of by a sleeping person, does not mean anything bad, on the contrary, a person will improve his material condition, strengthen his health and improve relations in the family.

Pure water dreamed of by a sleeping person does not mean anything bad

But in order to clearly understand why such a vision dreamed, it is necessary to take into account additional details:

  • large - incomes will increase significantly and a comfortable life will come, an important conversation is also possible, good news is expected;
  • blue - luck;
  • green - career advancement;
  • black - serious problems;
  • stormy - stormy, but positive changes are coming;
  • seething - the character of the sleeping person will cause stagnation in business, you should be as restrained as possible;
  • stones at the bottom - obstacles that will be easily overcome;
  • stormy mountain - health problems;
  • fast flow - rapid change of events;
  • with fish - the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Cross the river in a dream

A dream in which you have to cross a river may mean that in reality the dreamer is showing a rush in doing business, which is inappropriate. It is recommended not to force events, but to slow down a little.

A dream in which you have to cross a river may mean that in reality the dreamer is in a hurry in doing business.

A vision in which you have to swim across a body of water has a completely different interpretation. Most desires are expected to come true.

It is worth noting that any attempt to get to the opposite bank in dreams expresses a desire to change one's own life in reality, to make it much more interesting and richer and to go no matter what to the intended goal. In this case, the final result matters. If it was possible to reach the coast, then the goal will certainly be achieved.

Attention should also be paid to how clean the water is. Transparent waters symbolize happy life, but dirty portends quarrels and many problems both in personal and family life.

To dream that the river overflowed its banks

A river overflowing the banks is not the most favorable sign. If you believe the esoteric dream book, then soon the dreamer can expect problems in the work area. If the spill led to the fact that the entire district was flooded, then it is quite possible that in reality the dreamer will not do the best thing in his life.

A river overflowing the banks is not the most favorable sign.

The modern dream book interprets such a vision differently. River waters go beyond their limits in the dreams of those people who will soon get rich. A comfortable, prosperous life awaits them, in which financial problems will be completely absent.

A dream in which a dirty one came out of the banks should be alerted, enough turbid water... It is possible that the sleeper will have serious health problems. It is worth listening carefully to your own body so as not to start treatment.

A frozen or dried up river in a dream

Naturally, dreams in which a frozen or shallow river is seen have their own meaning. Details in in this case no less important:

  • to see ice on the water - difficulties in completing the work begun, which will come from envious people and ill-wishers;
  • walking on the ice - all difficulties will be successfully overcome;
  • the river is wide, and the ice is strong and strong enough - problems will be solved as quickly as possible and will not cause difficulties;
  • a thin crust of ice, passing over which you can fall - fear of acceptance independent decision... The sleeper needs to be more decisive and take responsibility for the actions and deeds that he performs;
  • drying up of the reservoir - life lacks vivid impressions and violent emotions. It is possible that there is severe overwork and there is a need for recovery vital energy... It is also possible that soon enough an event is expected that will be unpleasant for the sleeper and upset him.

Why is the river dreaming (video)

The river, however, like all bodies of water, belongs to auspicious symbols. Most often, such visions portend major changes in life. In this case, it is necessary to remember all the details of the scenario that was seen in the dream: the interpretation depends on them. But even if the dream book does not promise good news, you should not despair. It is possible that this is not a harbinger of trouble, but just a tricky joke of the subconscious.

Attention, only TODAY!

This is a very good dream, which means the course of life, various turns, the connection between the past and the future, as well as the state of health of the dreamer. Seeing her in a dream is a sign various changes in your life, joy and happiness.

This is what the dream book writes about this, especially for those who do not live in an area where there is a river. By the way, the dream about her is one of the most significant, opening up your prospects and state of health.

Where are you. Familiar and unfamiliar terrain

The river indicates independent, ordinary and completely real life, the common space around the dreamer, not his dreams, hopes and illusions. Its color, transparency and depth, as well as the presence of the dreamer, indicate a readiness for change, different perspectives and what will happen in the future.

To see the river from the bank is to assess your capabilities. Such a dream shows that you are in no hurry to take an active part in your own life and important decision, preferring to evaluate your capabilities and what life offers you. Such plots can often dream that the dreamer is not yet ready for action.

The same dream, especially if the coast is high and giving a wide view, shows the breadth of thinking and the desire to see and evaluate all your capabilities. Such dreams are often dreamed by adolescents who are not ready to take a decisive step in their lives. While they are still just looking at themselves and assessing the possibilities.

For girls, the element of water means readiness for love and intimate relationships, less often - to motherhood. For young men and lovers, such a dream promises favorable circumstances and reciprocity of feelings. How prettier view rivers from the bank, there more favorable prognosis for the future.

If the water in the river was clean and beautiful, sparkling in the sun, this is an auspicious sign. For everyone who has seen such a dream. To see her from the shore and go down to settle down - you will not argue for a long time, but immediately start acting both in your activity and in love.

A familiar area, in which a beautiful river flows with picturesque banks and clear water, predicts good news from afar. You will learn a lot of new and interesting things about your acquaintances who live there or your friends will invite you to relax ashore and you can have a great time. An unfamiliar area in which the river flows means your life. Pay attention to the speed of movement, the clarity of the water, the presence of turns and fish.

Why is there a dream in which you are walking along the banks of an unfamiliar river? The dream book writes that you are looking closely at various positions, but do not rush to actively use all the benefits. If in a dream a person looks at which side it is better for him to enter the river, then such a dream means that you will first think over your position before starting any actions. This position is characteristic of indecisive individuals who will ponder their actions a hundred times.

But, if in a dream the river abruptly changes its direction, why is this dreaming? You are on the verge of significant change and change. However, being on the banks of a river means that you are outside of change, as if outside of life, without emotionally perceiving it. The dream book writes that such dreams are often dreamed of by adolescents who do not dare to express their feelings or plunge into a whirlpool pure love like into water. It is much better to just go on a boat or swim in such a river.

Depth and purity. In the city or in the countryside

Usually such a dream shows what specific changes await you in the near future. If you have a dream that the river is in countryside, wait calm and measured life... Why dream of a river with clean water in the city, shallow but transparent?

The dream book writes that you will fall in love very soon or begin to enjoy your life and it will be measured. Very cold, but clean and transparent water means coldness, restraint and lack of reciprocity in love in life. The environment will most likely be very cold and unfriendly in order to prove itself.

To dream on a boat and ride along familiar streets filled with a beautiful river, why is this a dream? The dream book writes that very soon you will get a lot of pleasure from life and have a great time. Going with the current is better than going against it, especially if the water in your dream is clear and very clean. Cloudy and warm, especially hot liquid means illness and deterioration of health, wherever it is located.

Why is there a dream in which you swim in the river and go into it? The dream book writes that you will plunge into the whirlpool of life and you will receive everything in full. Too much cold water means the hostility of the environment, good health and indifference. Especially if a fish was swimming in it.

Why dream of smoothly entering a river with a good bottom, without stones and surprises? If it is beautiful and not cloudy, then the dream book writes that you will fall in love very soon, plunge into life with your head, especially if there was no strong current. Such a dream predicts for you excellent health and good life potential. What is the dream of jumping into the water from the bridge? The dream book interprets such a dream as passionate love and unexpected immersion in the abyss of events. If the water in the river was muddy, then soon you will find yourself in a bad company or get sick due to your negligence.

Why dream of sailing on a river without a floating device? This dream shows immersion in life and falling in love. Swim against the flow - circumstances will turn against you. Why dream of crossing a river by swimming or across a bridge? The dream book writes that very soon a significant and important change will take place in your life. This can be marriage or getting married and moving to another house, moving, abrupt change of work or environment.

Why dream of seeing a stranded river and crossing it to the other side? The dream book writes that soon you will have a change or you will achieve your goal. This is an auspicious dream, but the changes will not be easy and effortless. Sometimes such a dream is a dream of poor health and constrained circumstances.

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River in Dream interpretation of miss Hasse:

  • Pure, bright - a lot of happiness
  • Swimming in it is wealth
  • Fall into it and be carried away by the current - you will hear the news. Swim across - hope will be fulfilled
  • Hear the sound of water - hear the oath
  • Flood - your plans will be late.
  • Interpretation in Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit sleep River:

    River - calm - business success - noisy - trouble

    What is the dream of the River in Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit?

    The river is clean, bright - a lot of happiness - to swim in it - wealth - to fall into it and be carried away by the current - hear the news - swim across - hope will be fulfilled - hear the sound of the water - hear the oath - flood - Your plans will be late

    V Freud's dream book if the River is dreaming:

  • Swim in a dream in a river - a dream means that in this moment you experience a feeling of falling in love, which captures you entirely, and you forget about business and responsibilities. Take a more sober look at life.
  • If you dreamed about a wide river, this indicates that in life you are often overwhelmed by sexual fantasies in which you are embarrassed to admit to your other half. What are you afraid of?
  • If you dream about the River? V Esoteric dream book:

  • To wash, rinse in the river - to be the master of your life, your time.
  • Drinking from the river, drawing water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill.
  • Entering the river - begins new period life.
  • Stormy, mountainous - stormy time, fateful events.
  • The river caresses you - time will be kind to you.
  • Dry bed - very bad sign, your time is up.
  • To swim in the river, to swim - to be in tune with the times, so there is to live in accordance with the Law of Cosmos, of Being. See swim, swim.
  • Bathing someone in the river means being a mentor, a leader.
  • Smooth, slender - calm time, leisurely life.
  • Time.
  • Overflowing the banks, floods are a "troubled" time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water got you too, then you will be touched, and possibly "washed away" by the events of the "troubled" time.
  • The interpretation of the river's dream Ukrainian dream book:

  • As the river dreams, this is a sign that this person will be some kind of unexpected joy. A river is a road, to wander somewhere; to swim like a river - profit; crossing the river, walking in the water - some obstacles, difficulty. As you fall into dirty river, then you will get into trouble, into debt. River - human life: as the water flows clean, then something good will float, and as muddy, then something unkind.
  • See the River in a dream in Modern dream book:

    The river is calm - good luck in business and peace; noisy - trouble and failure

    Miller's dream book?

  • If you dream that you are swimming in clear transparent water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, then you have to part with joy and good luck for some time.
  • If in a dream you are blocked by an overflowing river, you will face troubles at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your daring trick.
  • If you dream about the smooth calm surface of the river, then it means. You will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will amuse you with tempting opportunities.
  • If the waters of the river are muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you.
  • If you dream about a dry river, that means. Grief awaits you.
  • What does the river mean in a dream in Dream interpretation of Azar?

  • the river is clean, bright - a lot of happiness
  • River in a dream in Muslim dream book:

  • The river - if anyone sees that he scooped up or drank from the river or the sea of ​​water - will receive property by the grace of the king or leader.
  • If someone sees himself in a boat, he will get rid of troubles, and will also be busy and completely absorbed. important matter.
  • If anyone sees that he has stepped out of the boat to the shore, he will win over the enemy.
  • To see the River in a dream. V Lunar dream book:

  • Road.
  • What does the river mean Lunar dream book:

    Crossing the river is a pleasant treat.

    See the River in a dream. V Assyrian dream book:

  • If he drowns in the river and still swims out, then he will become rich in reality.
  • If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become important person.
  • To wash in the river is a loss.
  • Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.
  • Crossing the river is in trouble.
  • Coming out of the river in a dream is good news.
  • If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.
  • If he comes to the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.
  • If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
  • If he plunges into the river in clothes, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.
  • Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; the snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.
  • Diving into the river means that sorrow will not touch him.
  • If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build new house.
  • Sailing in stormy waters is a litigation.
  • What does the river mean The newest dream book:

  • TO important event in life. Availability psychic abilities... Source of R .: dream-tip: you need to make a serious analysis of your being and change your lifestyle before it's too late.
  • What does the River mean in a dream, in Family dream book?

  • The smooth, calm surface of the river promises the enjoyment of life and the growth of well-being.
  • If in a dream you are blocked by an overflowing river, you will be in trouble at work.
  • Cloudy and not calm river dreams of quarrels and misunderstandings.
  • A dry river is a dream of experiences.
  • The meaning of River's sleep Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov:

  • dangers and hindrances in business; long recovery.
  • jumping into the river (for a woman) - new feelings, hope for reconciliation in the family;
  • swim - profit;
  • strong current and not getting out - delays;
  • to wade, walk in the water - an obstacle, a reprieve;
  • to see, to be on the shore is a long road;
  • River in Noble dream book:

  • A river carrying a lot of litter, trees - you will have to rebuild life.
  • To overcome it - difficulties.
  • A canal that draws water from a river is a good idea.
  • Waiting for something on the river bank is important news,
  • To see a wide, powerful stream in front of you - freedom, independence / awareness of the significance of your personality and your deeds.
  • The river of environments and villages and cities is a hectic and noisy life in society.
  • A river among fields and forests - before you is a quiet and contemplative period of life.
  • A river with a narrow channel, or in a deep dark gorge, or a small stream among many stones - constraint by life circumstances; feel insignificant; humiliating situation.
  • Swimming across it is the fulfillment of intentions.
  • A river in a dream is the direction of the unconscious activity of the soul; the main direction of your life.
  • The river bank suddenly turns into an embankment - the fulfillment of desires.
  • Drinking from the river means drawing strength from your own determination.
  • A river flowing into the sea - a lot about death, about eternity to think / peaceful death in ripe old age awaits you.
  • The river quickly carries you out to sea - danger to life, very disturbing premonitions about yourself.
  • To draw from the river is work that exceeds your strength.
  • The mouth of the river, it flows into a river approximately equal to it in width - the beginning of a new period in your life.
  • A river crashing into the sea stormy stream- violent death in the distant future.
  • A river in the middle of a rocky desert - a meager and closed life awaits.
  • Shoal in the river - difficulties, obstacles / lack of energy.
  • Interpretation in Gypsy dream book sleep River:

  • For a person who is already married, this is a symbol of wealth in family life. If the waters in the river are turbulent and dirty, you will take a trip that will lead to an increase in the condition, although it will be associated with a certain risk.
  • To dream of a clear river with a calm flow is to happiness and success in life.
  • What is the dream of the River in Dream interpretation for women?

  • A mountainous, raging river, even if the water in it is crystal clear, portends a deterioration in health. Make sure that the likelihood of illness is reduced to a minimum. Try not to overwork yourself.
  • Seeing a river in a dream always means some kind of change in health. If the river is calm and clean, then nothing threatens you, and even the disease that has been tormenting you lately will soon recede.
  • V Italian dream book if the River is dreaming:

  • Means the course of a person's life, his life path... The nature and appearance of the river, the way it is - impetuous, slow, like a stream, full-flowing, clean, dirty, deep, shallow - indicates the behavior of instincts. The surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, as well as personal and social consequences caused by his behavior. If the river is transparent and flows to the sea, this speaks of the self-realization of the subject and his approach to ontic vision. In this case, the subject identifies himself with water or sees himself in the water at the moment the river merges with the sea.
  • If you dream about the River? V Male dream book:

  • Rapids. In a fast river with clear water - overcoming difficulties. The threshold at which river debris has collected - difficulties in solving financial problems that require an application from you a large number energy and vitality.
  • Clean - everything goes on as usual and you should be happy with it. Falling into the river is a change in your business life. Muddy troubled river - misunderstandings, conflicts. To fall into such a river is to be drawn into an unpleasant story.
  • The interpretation of the river's dream Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi:

  • This soybean usually symbolizes a meeting with a prominent statesman or even the ruler of the country himself.
  • If you dreamed that you drowned, then in reality it is likely that your interest in religion will awaken.
  • The muddy waters of the river usually promise death to the dreamer.
  • If a dream was sent down to you, in which you, having seen a river from afar, managed, in the end, to approach it, then in reality all your plans will come true, and the most cherished goals come true.
  • If the water in the river has increased significantly, sleep is favorable.
  • If you got out of the river in a dream and are trying to cleanse your clothes of silt and dirt - in reality you are destined to get rid of all sorrows.
  • Cross the river in a dream - to triumph over enemies and any opponents.
  • When in a dream you are swimming right in the middle of the river, then in reality it makes perfect sense for you to be careful in everything that is directly related to your business.
  • Drinking water directly from the river means receiving awards and favors from the administration of the city or the whole country. However, if at the same time the water seemed unusually warm to you, beware: in reality you may be involved in a serious crime. In the event that you feel that the water is somehow too much, unpleasantly salty for the taste, then, apparently, you are planning to take part in some reprehensible and, of course, illegal actions.
  • Fishing on the river and staying with a good catch - such a dream portends honest enrichment and harmony in the family.
  • A dream in which you are drowning in a river means taking damage due to the actions of the authorities aimed at your detriment.
  • Dry river bed - this dream promises trouble!
  • To swim out and to get out on the shore is in general an undoubted sign of liberation; can be interpreted in the broadest possible way - for example, as a release from prison to freedom.
  • Sometimes this is a sign indicating an outstanding scientist or sage who is destined to have a strong influence on your future life.
  • See the River in a dream in Sivananda's Vedic dream book:

  • If you dreamed about a fast, dirty one, then this is a harbinger of troubles and problems. However, a calm river with clear water portends happiness and love.
  • What does it mean to see the River in a dream Ibn Sirin's Islamic dream book?

  • If someone dreams that he drank from the paradise river al-Kyausar, then he will gain the supremacy and triumph over the enemy, according to his Almighty: "Indeed, We have given you abundant! Pray to your Lord and kill!"
  • What does the river mean in a dream in French dream book?

  • A clean and calm river in a dream is always a harbinger of happiness, love, good luck. But a river with muddy, restless waters predicts adversity, a threat to your well-being. If in a dream you are drowning in a river, very pleasant events await you in reality.
  • River in a dream in Zhou-gun's Chinese dream book:

  • Big river with clean and clear water. - It is a harbinger of great happiness.
  • To see the River in a dream. V Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • Seeing the river - to the need for physical and spiritual cleansing; A clean, bright river promises health, well-being and a joyful mood, as well as a happy course of affairs; Dirty, muddy, the stream of the river promises illness and trouble; Flood - to possible threat life, a fleeting serious illness.
  • English dream book

    Why does a woman dream of a river:

    Seeing in a dream a wide, stormy river with muddy water is a prediction of trouble and difficulties in love and deeds. But if the river is calm, quiet, with a smooth mirror surface, it means that great happiness is in love or happy marriage destined for you, which later will give you wonderful children and a comfortable existence in a cozy home.

    Assyrian dream book

    Seeing a river in a dream means:

    If a person falls into a river and water gets into his mouth, he will become an important person.
    If he drowns in a river and still swims out, then he will become rich in reality.
    If he plunges into the river in clothes, in reality he will stand firmly on his feet.
    If he falls into the water and swims against the current, it means that his enemy will provide him with help and service.
    If he goes with the flow, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
    Sailing in stormy waters is a litigation.
    To wash in the river is a loss.
    Crossing the river is in trouble.
    Coming out of the river in a dream is good news.
    Building a dam on a river is a harbinger of difficult times.
    Catching a turtle in the river promises sadness; the snake - wealth; fish - fulfillment of heart desires.
    If a person carries clay from the river, then in reality he will build a new house.
    Diving into the river means that sorrow will not touch him.
    If he comes to the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.

    Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

    A dream with a river in a dream book is interpreted as:

    It means the course of a person's life, his life path. The nature and appearance of the river, the way it is - impetuous, slow, like a stream, full-flowing, clean, dirty, deep, shallow - indicates the behavior of instincts. The surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, as well as the personal and social consequences caused by his behavior. If the river is transparent and flows to the sea, this speaks of the self-realization of the subject and his approach to ontic vision. In this case, the subject identifies himself with water or sees himself in the water at the moment the river merges with the sea.

    Muslim dream book

    A dream with a river means:

    If anyone sees that he has scooped up or drank water from a river or sea, he will receive property by the grace of the king or leader. If someone sees himself in the boat, he will get rid of troubles, and will also be busy and completely absorbed in important business. If anyone sees that he has stepped out of the boat to the shore, he will win over the enemy.

    Miller's dream book

    River sleep meaning:

    If you dream of the smooth calm surface of the river, it means that you will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will amuse you with tempting opportunities.
    If the waters of the river are muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you.
    If in a dream you are blocked by an overflowing river, you will face troubles at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your daring trick.
    If you dream that you are swimming in clear transparent water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, then you have to part with joy and good luck for a while.
    If you dream of a dry river, it means that you are in for sorrow.

    Correct dream book

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of a river:

    Esoteric dream book

    What the river can dream about:

    Time. Smooth, slender - calm time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy time, fateful events. To swim in the river, to swim - to be in tune with the times, so there is to live in accordance with the Law of Cosmos, of Being. See swim, swim. Entering the river - a new period of life begins. Bathing someone in the river means being a mentor, a leader. To wash, rinse in the river - to be the master of your life, your time. Drinking from the river, drawing water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, floods are a "troubled" time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water got you too, then you will be touched, and possibly "washed away" by the events of the "troubled" time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry bed is a very bad sign, your time is up.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    River, in a dream means:

    Swim - profit, benefit, gain, benefit;
    to see, to be on the shore is a long road;
    to wade, walk in the water - an obstacle, a delay.
    Also see Wash.

    French dream book

    If a girl dreams of a river, then this means:

    A clean and calm river in a dream is always a harbinger of happiness, love, good luck. But a river with muddy, restless waters predicts adversity, a threat to your well-being. If in a dream you are drowning in a river, very pleasant events await you in reality.

    Dream interpretation of Zhou-Gong

    Why does a woman dream of a river:

    A large river with clean and transparent water is a harbinger of great happiness; river sand and pebbles - will add external shine, imposingness.

    Old Russian dream book

    River in a dream from Old Russian dream book

    swim - profit; to see, to be on the shore is a long road; to wade, walk in the water - an obstacle, a delay.

    Miller's dream book

    River in a dream from Miller's dream book

    Smooth calm surface of the river - you will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will amuse you with tempting opportunities;
    the waters of the river are muddy and restless - quarrelsome squabbles, misunderstandings;
    a flooded river blocked your way - troubles at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer because of your impudent trick;
    swim in clear transparent water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river - you have to part with joy and good luck for some time;
    dry river - sorrow.
    Also see

    Water, Channel, Stream, Ice drift, Horse, Ferry,

    Slavic dream book

    River in a dream from Slavic dream book

    To see the river, to be on the bank is a long journey; swim - profit; to wade to walk on water is an obstacle.

    Dream interpretation Hasse

    River in a dream from dream book Hasse

    clean, bright - a lot of happiness
    swim in it - wealth
    fall into it and be carried away by the current - you will hear the news. Swim across - hope will be fulfilled
    hear the sound of water - hear the oath
    flood - your plans will be late.

    Dream interpretation for women

    River in a dream from Dream interpretation for women

    Seeing a river in a dream always means some kind of change in health. If the river is calm and clean, then nothing threatens you, and even the disease that has been tormenting you lately will soon recede.

    A mountainous, raging river, even if the water in it is crystal clear, portends a deterioration in health. Make sure that the likelihood of illness is reduced to a minimum. Try not to overwork yourself.

    Dream interpretation for men

    River in a dream from Dream interpretation for men

    Clean - everything goes on as usual and you should be happy with it. Falling into the river is a change in your business life. Muddy troubled river - misunderstandings, conflicts. To fall into such a river is to be drawn into an unpleasant story.

    Dream interpretation alphabetically

    River in a dream from Dream interpretation alphabetically

    Small river with clear and fast water- a harbinger of a fun and happy pastime. Relaxing on the banks of the river, fishing or boating is good news. Sunbathing on the river beach - you will feel unwell, swimming - you will find unexpected wealth.

    Drowning in the river - friends will not leave you in trouble. To cross the river - to the fulfillment of desires, to wade - tell the patient, just not to go to a boring event. Sailing down the river on a motor ship - early marriage and consent in marriage.

    A river overflowing during high water foreshadows troubles at work, shallower in a severe drought - upset in the family. Walking along the embankment of the river - there will be an exhausting washing and general cleaning after long absence at home. Traveling on a river on a raft is a risky deal.

    Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    River in a dream from Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    To see a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river - to a long, happy, calm life. Go in a boat with the flow big river- luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all the desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. To swim in shallow water, risking to be aground, - to a lack of money, financial losses.

    Imagine that you are getting out of shallow water to big water and continue on your way.

    If you have to cross the river by swimming, it means that you have to make a difficult decision, to sacrifice something more to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are wading across the river, the dream portends changes in your personal life. For single people, such a dream can mean marriage. Seeing that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all the problems for you. Swim against the current - on the way to the goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

    Smooth and calm river surface - to improve well-being. Stormy but clear waters mountain river - to happy events that will not only affect you personally, but will have a relationship to your entire environment. A dry river - stagnation in business. To see at the bottom of a dry river individual puddles in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you big profit, most likely you will have to be content with little.

    If you saw a dry river, imagine that there was a downpour and the river quickly filled with water.

    If the river overflows and blocks your path - you have a difficult life choice. If in a dream you safely crossed the river, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

    If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continue on your way.

    Muddy river - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can tell the truth from the lie, the information received can help you in an important matter.

    Imagine that the stormy waters calm down, the mud settles and you see a clear, quiet river.

    Dream interpretation of the 20th century

    River in a dream from Dream interpretation of the 20th century

    Symbolizes the flow of your life.

    If it is calm, and the water in it is clear and transparent: such a dream promises good health and good business flow.

    Muddy, dirty water in the river: speaks of difficulties and sorrows.

    Stormy river: a sign of turbulent events.

    Stones sticking out of the water: means serious obstacles in your path.

    Seeing in a dream how two rivers merge into one: portends you a long life together.

    Flooding: Indicates events that can make you feel energized and emotionally uplifting.

    Crossing the river: a sign of future changes in your life.

    Rommel's dream book

    River in a dream from Dream interpretation of Rommel

    Calm, smoothly flowing water in the river, beautiful green banks symbolize the prosperous course of your life and success, regardless of whether you observe the river from the bank, sail along it yourself or on some kind of vessel, boat or raft.

    Cross the river - successfully complete the business.

    Mooring to the shore is to experience happiness, not overshadowed by anything.

    Cross the river, throw yourself out of the stormy water onto the shore - overcome difficulties, obstacles in life.

    Dirty, stormy water in the river, rapids, obstacles in navigation, overflow of the river - all this indicates difficulties, failures, troubles.

    A flooded river means a manifestation of bad character traits that will prevent you from acting.

    A dry river bed - to poverty or other misfortune.

    The river flows among forests and fields - you will have a calm, peaceful life.

    The river quickly carries you out to sea - anxiety.

    If you've learned to swim, don't worry. The skillful man is not afraid of obstacles. So it's all good!

    Astrological dream book

    River in a dream from Astrological dream book

    A symbol of an obstacle, if she got in your way to go with the flow - to the successful progress of affairs.

    Swim against the current - difficulties await you.

    Beware of going against the opinions of others.

    Clean water in the river - good sign, - this speaks of good health.

    Muddy water and stormy waters - speak of squabbles and diseases.

    A dry river bed is a dream of sorrow and loss.

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