Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The tablet does not download games. Waiting for Play Market to download, what to do

The tablet does not download games. Waiting for Play Market to download, what to do

The "Waiting to download" message on Google Play is a fairly common problem among all users of Android devices. Sometimes when you're in Once again go to Google Play to download the right application or a game, you may get in the way of endless preparation for downloading or the “Waiting for download” message.

A very typical problem for Android, which can be solved incredibly simply and quickly using several methods. In this article we will look at the most effective methods.

Sometimes, to resolve the problem with the stuck “Waiting to download” message in Google Play, all you need to do is try rebooting. Restart your Android device, and then try again to log into Google Play and download something from there. This method works quite rarely, but some users claim that it sometimes helps.

Method #2 Stop uploading to Google Play

If a simple reboot does not help, then let's manually try to stop the stuck download on Google Play. To do this, launch the Google Play application, swipe from right to left and go to the “My games and applications” section. Tap the app you're downloading, then tap the cross next to it again to stop downloading it.

In theory, the “Waiting to download” message in Google Play should disappear, after which you can repeat the download again. However, there are cases where simply stopping the download simply did not help. If you have the same case, then let's move on.

Method #3 Disconnect from the network

Obviously, you need to connect your device to the network during downloading. Most of the users use a Wi-Fi connection for their needs. Go to Google Play to track the change in the "Waiting to download" message.

Then turn off your Wi-Fi module. The endless wait for download should be replaced by a message that the application could not be downloaded, which means that the problem with “Waiting to download” in Google Play has been resolved. Try downloading the app you need again.

If the situation repeats itself even after disconnecting the device from the Internet, then let's move on to the next, more radical solution methods.

Method No. 4 Clearing cache and data Play Market/Downloads

If all the previous methods did not help you, then this one can definitely fix everything. Now we will try to stop the attempt to force download an application by clearing the cache and data of applications on the Android system such as Google Play and Downloads. Once you do this, any apps with a "Waiting to Download" message should stop downloading.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Go to your device's Settings.
  • Go to the “Applications” or “Application Manager” section.
  • Go to the "All" tab.
  • Find the Google Play app and click on it.
  • In Google Play properties, click on the “Clear cache” and “Delete data” options.
  • Do the same for the Downloads application.

Ok, now go to Google Play and check if the “Waiting to download” message on the application page in the store has disappeared.

Google Play is the only official application store for Android devices. But when I try to download new game or the program often experiences errors and crashes.

If the Play Market does not download anything, then in most cases the device does not have enough memory. Or the program may download, but the smartphone will not have enough space to install it.

Please note that some applications are installed only on the internal drive of the device. In this case, the declared amount of internal memory may differ from the actual one, since some part will be occupied by system files. Pay attention to this parameter when purchasing.

If the files are not downloaded completely

Why does “eternal” loading occur and errors appear?

The application may not install and freeze during the loading stage due to problems with the device itself: clogged cache, too many running programs, physical wear and tear, update error.

Play Market is also an application and it may not always work correctly. Problems often arise if the cache is full or the update is installed crookedly. In such cases, Google Play begins to produce various errors.

The download may freeze if several applications are downloaded. The device simply does not have enough resources to download simultaneously. Cancel all processes and start again, but one at a time. The same thing happens if an application update is running.

Other reasons

Mostly errors during downloading may appear:

  • if the date is set incorrectly;
  • the download manager is disabled;
  • Incompatible applications are installed;
  • The system is not updated.

Let's look at the most common causes of errors and malfunctions in the Play Market, and what to do about them.

Freeing up memory

Memory problems are the most common reason errors when downloading applications. Remove unnecessary files.

If after deleting there is still not enough space, then delete something else. Music and photos can take up a significant portion of memory:

Installation on SD card

By default, all downloaded applications are installed in the device memory. But it is not always enough, so you need to specify an SD card for installation. For this:

Please note that some developers prohibit installing applications on a third-party drive.

How to transfer files to SD card

To free up internal memory, you can transfer some applications to the drive:

For some applications, the transfer button will be inactive, and move them to a USB flash drive standard means it is forbidden. But there is a way to get around this ban. This requires root rights.

Gaining administrator rights gives access to system files, and if you accidentally change system files, your smartphone may stop working completely. If you are unsure of your competence, then it is better not to resort to this method.

To obtain root rights, use the KingRoot or Kingo Root program. Download the apk file and install the application manually. After you open administrator rights, you need to download another application that will transfer files to the SD card. There are many of them, we will look at one of the popular ones - Link2SD.

Please note that after transferring to a USB flash drive, program widgets will stop working. Also, when connected to a computer, applications on the SD card will not appear.

If the problem is with the device

First of all, try restarting your phone or tablet, this may solve the problem. If not, then you need to clear the cache.

Temporary files only slow down the system and take up unnecessary space. From time to time you need to clear the cache so as not to clog your device with garbage.

To clean you need:

You can also use to clear the cache third party programs, for example, Clean Master.

And the most radical way would be to return the device to factory settings. To do this, go to settings and select “Backup and reset”. Before doing this, be sure to remove the SD card and copy important files.

This method can be used if nothing helps at all, since with a “hard reset” the user loses all his data.

Troubleshooting problems with the Play Market

Many errors occur due to malfunction the Play Market itself. To correct the situation you need:

After these steps, you need to re-enter your account login and password in the Play Market.

Troubleshooting internet problems

You can identify a weak Internet connection by the following signs:

  • download does not start;
  • The download has started, but the download bar shows 0%;
  • Play Market freezes when loading;

To make sure there is no internet connection, try opening any page in your browser. If there is no connection:

Please note that when using mobile internet, downloading large files may take a long time. In this case there is no problem, the download progress will change very slowly.

If applications are not downloaded via the mobile Internet

If through Mobile Internet applications are not downloading, then perhaps you are prohibited from using downloads with a mobile connection. To remove the ban, you need to use standard application"Downloads" (if you have it on your device):

  1. Go to the menu.
  2. Open the Downloads app.
  3. Go to settings.
  4. Uncheck the box next to “Upload via Wi-Fi only.”

Date and time settings

If you have the wrong date set on your device, most applications will not work, including Google Play. The fix for this problem is simple:

After these steps, Google Play should start loading applications normally.

Updating the system

In the absence of system updates, the Google Play application may lack some components to work correctly. To fix this:

Incompatible applications

Some applications can affect the operation of Google Play. Basically these are various burglars. The most popular of these is Freedom for in-game purchases. The solution in this situation is simple: you need to remove the conflicting program. To do this you need:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Open "Applications".
  3. Find the program you need.
  4. Click "Delete".

Enable "Download Manager"

When the Download Manager is disabled, the device cannot download anything, including through the Play Market. To enable:

How to avoid problems in the future

Most download problems are caused by the user. To always download apps safely, you need to keep your device in order:

  • regularly clean the cache and other garbage;
  • delete unnecessary files;
  • install updates on time;
  • do not download dubious applications.

Video: fixing basic errors in the Play Market

The problem of downloading applications from Google Play is in almost all cases easily solved, even if the user is not very well versed in the issue. After troubleshooting, the main thing is not to forget to maintain the device in working condition so that there are no malfunctions in its operation.

Buying used or new chinese smartphone, be prepared for the fact that it may not have the Play Market and other Google services. In such cases, you have to install software with his own hand. There is nothing complicated about this, but sometimes situations arise when such software completely refuses to install on a mobile device. Let's figure out what to do if the Google Play service is not installed on Android.

Ways to resolve errors with Play Market installation

Problems with installing Google Play services may arise for the following reasons:

  • failure of the operating system;
  • using inappropriate firmware;
  • APK installation file corruption;
  • incorrect deletion of the Play Market previously available on the gadget;

To eliminate these reasons, you can resort to the following methods:

  1. Downloading another installation Play file Market.
  2. Non-standard installation of Google Play.
  3. (tablet).

If the Play Market is not installed on your gadget, the first thing you need to do is download another APK file from the Internet. At the same time, you should look for it on well-known and trusted resources (for example, on the website 4pda.ru).

The cause of the error may also be a single malfunction in Android. Therefore, your next action should be to reinstall the Google service. If this did not help install the Play Market, then the problem is more serious and needs to be dealt with using more radical methods.

Reset the system to factory settings

When considering why the Play Market is not installed on Android, it is worth noting the reason lies in the conflict between Google services and the software available on the device. Any program located on the device can act as a conflicter. In this case optimal solution The problem is resetting the OS to factory settings:

A Hard Reset will entail erasing all user data from the phone. Therefore, it is recommended that you first copy all important information to a safe place (for example, on a PC).

Custom Google Play installation

If after the Play Market is still not installed on your smartphone, you can try downloading it in a non-standard way. The fact is that Chinese devices may not have the GApps service. In this case, a regular installation will not lead to the desired result.

We will use the Mobile Go file manager as the installer. The procedure will be as follows:

After completing the described steps, Play Market on Android should work.

Cleaning your mobile device from residual files

If the phone was bought secondhand, that is, it was already used before you, it is possible that former owner I previously installed the Play Market on it. In this case, deleting the application before selling the device could have been done incorrectly or not completely, resulting in residual files remaining in the system. They are the ones that can cause a failure when re-installing Google services.

Usually residual files are hidden in the data folder. Since it is a system one, access to it is possible only if the user has root rights. In addition to the rooting program, you will also need file manager Root Explorer, which works great with system directories.

Quite often, users encounter this problem: applications cannot be downloaded from the Play Store.

This may be caused by system errors, incorrect user actions, application errors, or other reasons.

In any case, this error is big problem, because on Android Play devices Market is the standard source for all other applications.

Therefore, we will analyze several of the most effective (as practice shows) ways to solve this problem.

1. Simple ways

It's worth trying a few from the very beginning. simple ways, with the help of which this error can go away.

They consist of performing the following actions:

  • Remove several other applications. In some cases, the application writes “Not enough space...”, then the way out is to free up space. You can delete applications by going to settings, selecting “Applications”, selecting the desired application, going to its page and clicking the “Delete” button.

Note: Figure No. 1 was made on Android OS 6.0.1. On this system, to see the list of applications, you must also open the Application Manager. On earlier systems this is not necessary.

  • Perform synchronization. Often the reason for the inability to download applications in the Play Market is that the time on the device is behind or ahead of the Google system time. In this case, neither the “Not enough space...” nor any other error will be shown. To fix this problem, you need to download the ClockSync application (here is a link to apk file) and install it.

Once it opens, follow these steps:

- click on the “Options” button in the upper right corner of the screen;

- in the drop-down menu, click on “Synchronization”;

Rice. No. 4. Dropdown menu options in ClockSync

- wait until the first synchronization occurs;

- Open options again, select “Settings” and uncheck “Enable”.

  • If you get a 403 error (simply saying "The application could not be installed... due to error 403"), read these instructions and follow all the steps in them.
  • Reboot your device. Often this simple method helps solve the problem.

If all this does not help, you need to resort to more aggressive measures.

2. We bring the Play Market to its original state

This method is to make the Google Play Market application the same as it was when it was first launched.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • Using the above method, go to the list of applications and select Play Market. On its page, click the “Stop” button.

Clue: If a message appears stating that this may cause errors or something else, ignore it and click Yes or Skip.

  • After that, click on the “Options” button in the upper right corner.” The only option available there is “Uninstall updates”. Click on it.

  • We perform exactly the same steps for Google applications Services Framework and " Google Services Play."
  • Exit the list of applications and go to settings. Select the “Accounts” item there. From the entire list, click on Google.

  • We set all switches to the “Off” position, as shown in Figure 8.

  • We reboot the device (if you do not know how to do this on your device, read the instructions for it).
  • After turning on the device, go to the settings again, select “Accounts”, Google and set all switches to the “On” position.
  • Reboot your smartphone or tablet again.

Note: This instruction also shown for Android OS 6.0.1. In more earlier versions on the applications page you can also “delete data” (the menu item is called that, you also need to click on it). And to go to accounts, you need to select “Accounts”, and then “Synchronization Settings” and then uncheck all the boxes or set the switches to the “Off” position.

3. Create a new account

It is quite possible that the problem lies in the account itself, so you can try to create a new one and download something using it.

To do this, go to settings, “Accounts” (“Accounts” on other versions) and click on the “Add” item account" Next, we indicate our data, log in using a new account and try to download something.

If that doesn't work, there's only one way left.

4. Hard reset

Before performing this operation, it is very important to save all your important documents, photos, videos and other information somewhere (best on the cloud).

As for games and applications, you don’t have to worry about this, because all this information will be saved in Google account. Once you download the apps, it will be downloaded automatically.

After this, follow these steps:

  • Find in the instructions for your phone or tablet how to access the system menu on it. It looks like shown in Figure 9, although the content may vary depending on the model.
  • In the system menu, select “wipe data/factory reset”. A warning will appear stating that all information will be deleted, click “Yes”.

Clue: Selecting items in this menu is done using the Volume and Home buttons.

  • We wait for the process to complete and launch the Play Market.

Below you can clearly see the implementation of a method that assumes that the Play Market will return to its original state.

Shop Google play is now known to all users Android smartphones. Lightweight, easy to use, frequently updated and replenished useful additions, games. However, errors often occur when loading games and utilities, bugs that interfere with work. Understanding why applications from the Play Market are not downloaded is difficult for ordinary users.

Not so long ago, the name Play Market became a thing of the past, now the store is called Google play. But for the convenience of the reader, sometimes the old name will slip through.

Most often, we download games from there for our gadget or tablet, while ignoring the compatibility of the technical capabilities of the phone and the required parameters of the toy. Such a small thing can become a serious obstacle when downloading an application or launching it further. And this is just one example of failures when loading utilities. We will talk about the main reasons below.

The Google Play service is one of the most popular and useful for the owner Android devices. Users often encounter the following difficulties:

  • The game is not downloading.
  • The program was not loaded in full.
  • Files are not loaded using Wi-Fi or Data Transfer.
  • The play market is not working.
  • Various errors pop up.

Such download problems occur for the following reasons:

  1. The Play Store version is outdated or the application is not compatible with your device.
  2. Lack of space on the memory card or internal memory.
  3. Internet network problems.
  4. The standard phone settings (time, date) have been lost.
  5. Device errors, memory module failure.
  6. Account problems (blocked or password reset).

Let's consider each reason and ways to solve it separately.

Return to previous version

Sometimes when updates for applications are released, the smartphone rejects them, displaying error messages. This is an indicator of an ongoing program conflict with technical parameters phone or tablet. In such cases, try returning the Play market program to its original form by downloading all updates and additions.

Open the gadget menu, find the Play Market application in the appropriate section. Select “uninstall updates”, click on it, and then restart the device. If this does not help in solving the problem, then you will have to delete and then install the play market again.

Not enough space on your device

Trace the path of downloading files. If the default is " inner memory", try changing the value to SD card. There is usually little space on the gadget itself and it is taken up basic programs. To store large amounts of data, users purchase memory cards. If you have one, check whether the settings indicate that downloaded files will be saved on the SD card.

The other option is too a large number of temporary files on your tablet or phone. Clean the device from debris and unnecessary information. The reason may be unnecessary games stored on the memory card. In this case, you need to get rid of them.

If you are sure that all paths are indicated correctly, and there is nothing superfluous on the memory card, do full reset systems. Switch to Android settings– open the “Backup and Reset” tab. Next, erase your phone data. The main thing to remember is that your files will be destroyed irrevocably, so before you perform a Hard Reset, make sure that important information saved on a separate flash drive or PC.

Lack of stable internet connection

When an app's loading is interrupted due to restrictions mobile traffic– configure “data transfer” by increasing the limit. If used Wi-Fi network, but after the download starts, the process starts to glitch, and progress does not move from 0%, then the problems are related to a weak connection.

If you have access to a router or laptop that distributes Wi-Fi, you need to reboot it. As a result, after 2 - 5 minutes the connection will be restored, you can try again.

Lost system settings

The Google Play application directly depends on system parameters. Often wrong set time, date or time zone may cause errors when downloading files. Check your details in your device settings. What if any of these indicators are set incorrectly? It makes sense to check the synchronization item.

Bugs with updates

The program may need a new version, to download games that have been uploaded recently. Do the following - update Google and its supporting services. If these manipulations are useless, install another version manually.

Problems with Google Account

If, after completing cleaning updates in Google services, your Play Market is not functioning properly, you should restart your Google account. Follow this procedure:

  • Go to Google settings and delete your account.
  • Reboot your phone.
  • Log in to your page in the service again.

The functionality of the Play Market will be restored. This is a method that will help quickly eliminate inconvenience.


Described problems with possible ways Their solutions will help you independently restore the functionality of the Google gaming store. It is also worth noting that before using the instructions, decide why your games are not loading. Actions that do not correspond to the problem will lead to disruption of the functions of the entire gadget.

Before you change Google installations play - be sure to check your system settings. The root cause may be the wrong date and time. It’s worth checking whether your Google account is active or not. Such seemingly small details greatly hinder the normal download process.

Try to realistically assess the situation from all sides. If none of the methods for solving the problem that has arisen worked, call a specialist service center to receive qualified assistance.


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