Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The most terrible places in Kaluga. Anomalous zones of Kaluga. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Nizhnyaya Borshchevka

The most terrible places in Kaluga. Anomalous zones of Kaluga. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Nizhnyaya Borshchevka

Before we tell these stories, it is worth noting that we do not vouch for their veracity. Some of them are more fantastic than others, but some of them contain confirmed facts. However, the presence of several confirmed facts does not prove an encounter with aliens. It's clear that most of these people believe the stories they tell, but that (obviously) doesn't make them true. Fictional or not, these stories are quite entertaining, and some of them may even give you goosebumps:

10. Betty And Barney Hill

One night, Betty and Barney Hill were returning home from their vacation in Canada. They saw what they initially thought was a shooting star until it moved upward. They both got out of the car because curiosity overcame common sense for a moment. While they were looking at the UFO, it suddenly turned and flew straight towards them.

Naturally, they both rushed back to their car and hurriedly drove away, but that wasn't the end of their encounter as they claimed to have lost two hours that they couldn't remember. While they were under hypnosis, they developed "repressed memories" of the abduction, and both claimed that their clocks stopped after the incident.

9. Kidnapping of a Russian politician

Recently Russian politician Kirsan Ilyumzhinov stated that in the 90s he was abducted by aliens dressed in yellow spacesuits. He was allegedly taken aboard a long transparent spaceship and did not understand the aliens' speech. Despite this, they had something like an exchange of ideas: mutual understanding, rather than communication per se.

8. Kidnapped in Kentucky

Three women were driving near Stanford, Kentucky when they were allegedly abducted by aliens. Subsequently, everyone three women They were put into a state of hypnosis, and they all told the same story. They even passed a lie detector test. By at least, all three are confident that this happened. Even stranger is the fact that many people in the area reported seeing UFOs around the same time that the women were abducted.

7. Lights in Texas

A man from Texas claims he managed to escape and escape from the aliens who abducted him. To support his claim, he showed photographs which, in his opinion, confirmed that the incident actually happened. While these photos are proof enough for some, many will need better photos to believe in the existence of UFOs.

A large UFO was allegedly spotted near Dyess Air Force Base in Texas, and some witnesses say it has been sighted numerous times in the area. Others claim to have seen several "pulsating orbs" in the Georgetown, Texas area. As they moved away, these UFOs lined up in two rows and disappeared. I just wish these UFO spotters had better cameras. high resolution.

6 Aliens Invade A Sleeping Man's Living Room

Peter Khoury was sleeping on the couch when he woke up to find two strange women in his house. One was blonde and the other appeared to be Asian, and the blonde was clearly in charge. The blonde pressed the man's head against her breasts several times, this disoriented him, so he bit her nipple. The woman did not react to this and did not bleed. Then the women left.

Khoury later discovered blond hair, who was squeezing his foreskin. It is worth noting that Khoury recently suffered serious injury head, but the hair he found complicates a simple explanation of his story.

5. A woman caught the kidnapping on camera.

A woman named Sonya believes she was abducted, and a few days later, she saw a helicopter piloted by a strange man in black. That same night, her daughter complained that something was “pulling her leg.” After this, her husband installed video surveillance in the house to record any further developments(but really just to help my wife feel better). Those who have seen the video believe her story, but others are not so easily convinced. In the video you can see how she “disappears,” which is quite difficult to fake on film.

4. Sergeant Moody

Sergeant Moody was in New Mexico when he witnessed meteor shower. While he was looking at the phenomenon, a UFO landed right in front of his car. When Moody tried to escape, he was unable to turn the car around and collapsed. Before his vision went completely black, he thought he saw a humanoid figure in the UFO. Quite a lot of time passed, and he did not remember what he did during this period of time. He then decided to subject himself to hypnosis in an attempt to uncover repressed memories. According to his "repressed memories", when the aliens tried to abduct him, he hit one of them with a car door and punched another. But they still managed to subdue him and do some experiments on him, but at least he (supposedly) didn't go down without a fight, just like Rimbaud.

3. Buff Ledge

Two teenagers say they were kidnapped while working at the Buff Ledge summer camp. They saw a UFO at the pier and were able to see the aliens inside. Then a beam of light hit them, and they didn’t remember anything else. They believe they were taken aboard an alien ship and various samples were taken from their bodies.

The aliens had no ears or lips and only had slits where a nose should have been and webbed fingers. One of the teenagers also recalled them wanting peace for our planet (which they paradoxically claimed to have already achieved). An independent investigation found that some people who were unaware of their history reported seeing strange lights at the camp that same night, and others at the camp reported that they too had been abducted.

2. Kidnapping of twins

Two twin sisters reported having encounters with aliens on permanent basis, since young age five years. They claimed to see a light and then aliens came into their room (wearing capes) and took them aboard their ship. The girls even had their own nickname for the aliens: bald people. One of the twins claimed that during the abduction, the entire spaceship became transparent inside, and she could see the planet below.

1. Dr. Hopkins and the man in black

In 1978, a man named Dr. Hopkins was studying a UFO case when he received a mysterious phone call from a man who claimed that he represented the UFO organization - which later turned out to be a lie. When Hopkins agreed to talk, a man immediately appeared at his door. The man was completely bald, he didn’t even have eyebrows and actually no lips, but he tried to hide it by wearing red lipstick.

He spoke in a monotone voice and made the coin disappear. Then he told the doctor to stop all research and destroy the collected evidence. At the end of the meeting, the man acted as if he was running out of energy and disappeared into the light after the meeting.

Hopkins managed to see this man again, but that time he was accompanied by an equally strange woman. This time the man made several inappropriate sexual remarks, in addition to speaking in the same robotic manner and mysteriously disappearing. Fortunately for Dr. Hopkins, this was his last meeting with this man.

Humanity is obsessed with facts about UFOs - unidentified flying objects that allegedly periodically visit our planet. Existence extraterrestrial civilizations really possible. There is even a holiday associated with extraterrestrial civilizations and the science that studies them - UFOlogist Day (July 2). Even official science does not deny the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Unfortunately, finding truthful eyewitness accounts or photographs and videos of UFOs today is problematic, since this topic has been heavily overused and overloaded with all sorts of fake facts. This article presents events associated with contact with extraterrestrial civilizations that are recognized as real and genuine.

United States, 1964, "The Socorro Men"

The events took place on April 24, 1964, when police officer Lonnie Zamora from Socorro noticed a speeding car and then decided to catch up with the criminal. He almost caught up with the intruder, but then he heard a strange roar, similar to the sounds jet engine. The policeman stopped, got out of the car and looked at the sky, in which he saw an object emitting a bluish-orange flame, rapidly losing altitude. The setting sun allowed the police to see the aircraft in more detail.

The policeman decided to follow the UFO, which was flying towards the nearby hills. Getting out to them was problematic, since the road there was bumpy. By the time Lonnie reached his target, the roar mentioned earlier had ceased. Fortunately, Zamora was able to spot the object that was making such a noise. strange noises. It landed between the hills and was a shiny egg-shaped device made of metal. white. Zamora clearly saw the mark on the side of the UFO, which he later drew. Then he realized that he was not alone near the object:

Two short figures, vaguely reminiscent of a man, were moving next to the UFO. They were most likely examining damage to the hull, since their aircraft landed unsuccessfully. One alien creature turned its head towards the car, after which it gave a sign to the others, and they, in turn, quickly climbed back into the device and started the engines. A loud roar was heard again, after which the device quickly took off and disappeared.

Zamora ran to his car and called the patrol department, ordering his partner, who answered the phone, to look out the window. He asks what he should see there. The policeman began to indistinctly describe what happened to him. Unfortunately, his partner ignored this story and did not notice anything suspicious in the sky.

An interesting factor was that at the UFO landing site there were clear traces of 4 supports, as well as traces of the crew members. In addition to Zamora, the NOL was observed by 3 more people at that time - residents of the outskirts of Socorro, who were also attracted by the strange noise.

Zamora officially reported what happened, passed all sobriety and sanity tests, and drew up a detailed drawing of the UFO and the sign he saw on board. At first everything went well, the authorities believed him and began to investigate the incident. But soon Zamora was asked to change his testimony in favor of the fact that he had not seen any UFO. Further this person fired, declared insane.

Iran, 1976, UFO interception over Tehran

On the evening of September 18, residents of Tehran called the local airport with a request to find out what kind of object was moving slowly over the city. The call was received by airport worker Hussein Peruzi, who then stated:

After the call, I went outside to find out what was so strange flying in the sky. I saw a rectangular undefined object, the length of which was 7 or 8 meters. Looking at it more closely, I can tell that its shape was cylindrical. Width aircraft- approximately 2 meters. A multi-colored fire burned around the middle part of the bottom of the apparatus.

Perusi immediately called the Air Force duty officer after what he saw, and he informed his superiors. The Air Force general, taking the news lightly, went out onto the balcony and, to his surprise, also witnessed a UFO. He ordered the F4 fighter to take off. When the plane approached the object at a distance of 25 miles, all communication and control systems suddenly failed. The pilot, frightened by what was happening, decided to turn around and return. After it flew away from the object at a certain distance, all systems started working again. Perhaps the UFO crew intentionally turned off the fighter's equipment because they considered it dangerous.

After 10 minutes, Air Force personnel decided to re-approach the object. This time the fighter was flown by the squadron commander, Lieutenant P. Jafari. The next morning, all media outlets wrote about this event on the front pages of their publications.

P. Jafari reported after landing:

I flew up to the object at a safe distance, but close enough to examine it fully. It was difficult to determine its size, since the bright lights that sparkled from all sides interfered with it. At a certain point, smaller flying vehicles separated from the UFO. As they approached me, my fighter’s weapons stopped functioning, and the control systems and communications failed. The UFO, which was one of those that separated from the main one, pursued me as I returned to earth. One of the objects landed not far from me, emitting such a bright light that it was able to illuminate the entire nearby area.

After the incident, the Iranian government asked for help not only from the United States, but also from Soviet Union. In a telegram addressed to the Chairman of the Council. Ministers, it was said that after landing from the UFO, two creatures came out tall speaking an obscure and unintelligible language. They stood peacefully for a couple of minutes near their ship, after which they boarded it and disappeared. This is exactly what P. Jafari said.

United States, 1980, Flying Terror

On December 29, a small restaurant owner named Betty Cash, her employee and her seven-year-old grandson were driving along a highway near the small town of Huffman. Suddenly they saw a bright light above the treetops, and then noticed a UFO rapidly flying towards them, surrounded by helicopters. Betty tried to break away from the object by exceeding the speed, but she did not succeed, since it was moving faster. The woman had to stop the car, after which the UFO hovered in front of her, spewing bright flames from its bottom.

The shape of the UFO resembled two cones connected at the tops. Periodically, pillars of fire erupted from the lower part of the object. Betty and the employee got out of the car to take a closer look at such a strange phenomenon. They had not stood on the street for more than a couple of minutes when they felt intense heat emanating from the flame that the object was shooting. Employee Betty immediately returned to the car, and she continued to look at the UFO, not looking away and not paying attention to the heat.

As the object flew away and disappeared into the sky, Betty approached the car, but was not immediately able to open the door handle, as it was incredibly hot. After she returned home, she noticed the color of her skin, which was burgundy, like that of a sunburned person.

The next morning Betty became very ill. Her face and neck were swollen, blisters appeared on her eyelids, and her general health was disgusting. The woman's companions who were most time in the car, we experienced almost everything the same, but in a less severe form.

Betty almost immediately turned to doctors, who could not determine what caused her such severe burns, reminiscent of chemical or radiation. Some time later the woman died. Her employee, who survived with her grandson, partially lost her hair and developed different types of hair. chronic diseases and restrictions arose that prevented the continuation of normal life activities. They filed complaints with the US government. Representatives of various organizations refused to consider the case, since the UFO was not a US-owned device, and therefore they had nothing to answer for.

Today we will talk about meetings with one of the most incomprehensible things on this earth - with representatives of other planets and civilizations.

You've probably all heard stories that somewhere, somewhere, once upon a time, someone encountered aliens, an object similar to a UFO, a creature similar to an alien.

As a rule, such stories were written in the “yellow press” in the appropriate presentation, with many unsubstantiated statements, frightening facts, scary photos, began with defiant and screaming headlines. Or shown in programs on Ren TV, NTV channels.

In fact, there are few stories about encounters with aliens, without the “yellow” facts, obvious lies, edited photos, but they exist, they must exist. Let's try to rely on more or less adequate data.

But first, let’s look at who an alien is and what ufology is.

"Alien - hypothetical (in works of art fictional) living intelligent being who is on the planet of his stay as an alien from another planet. Currently, it is also a cultural phenomenon, a representative of an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization, an inhabitant of another planet (often non-human). The term “alien” can also be replaced by the terms “stranger” and “alien” (the latter replacement option is not always appropriate).

In US cinema, it is customary to depict aliens as thin green creatures.

In human popular culture the alien most often appears in the form of a humanoid.

Five unique “classic” images of the alien have emerged:

“gray”, as a humanoid creature with a flabby body covered with gray (gray) or light green skin, without hairline and with a disproportionately large head, on which there are huge slanting eyes, black and almond-shaped;

“Scandinavians” (aka Nords) are tall northern Caucasians with geometrically perfect facial features and physique.

Reptilians are humanoids resembling terrestrial reptiles. Mentioned in conspiracy theories.

Insectoids - are anthropomorphic intelligent insects

AI (aka robots).”

Ufology is a quasi-science (pseudoscience) that studies the phenomenon of UFOs and related phenomena, including contacts between aliens and people.

Most often, as you probably know, aliens are represented and drawn as humanoids - humanoid fantastic creatures with large heads, thin hands, legs, large almond-shaped eyes, basically like in the first photo. Where did this image even come from? There are suggestions that the image of humanoids arose even earlier than the image of aliens, and later only it came closest to describing the embodied aliens. Also this image is due to the fact that a number of eyewitnesses, whose stories were included in reports of encounters with creatures from other planets, described these same creatures most often as similar to humanoids.

Of the cases that we have, most occurred in 1960-70. It is very strange why at that time, for example, now, as we observe, there are few cases of encounters with UFOs and aliens, although we have an abundance of false facts from the media and complete scope for fantasy. However, perhaps these facts are lost in the stream of other lies; before, there was less information. There are versions that the time of the 60-70s, especially in America, where most of the encounters with aliens took place, was a time when hippie ideology, drugs, hallucinogens flourished, and they are the cause of visions with aliens.

In Russia, as far as I remember, the topic of communication with UFOs and aliens was actively discussed in the 90s, especially in the yellow media, but even in respected publications they did not shy away from this topic. For some reason, it was in newspapers that more often than in other media they wrote about all sorts of UFOs.

The heyday of UFO popularity occurred in the 60-70s, as we indicated, which may also be due to the fact that ufology itself is a young science (pseudoscience) and originates in the 1940s, in America. In general, the Americans started rumors about the life of UFOs and aliens, and other countries actively adopted this fashion. Immediately, reports of encounters with aliens began to include everything unusual seen in the sky.

In general, there were alien abductions in different countries(were or were seen as abducted), but more often in English-speaking countries, mostly in the USA.

There are books dedicated to encounters with UFOs and aliens, scientific ones, as far as this formulation is possible in the context of pseudoscience. You can find information about similar stories on the internet, but of course no one is responsible for their authenticity.

In most cases of encounters with aliens, people were taken onto a ship, scanned, blood was taken, poked with some instruments, sometimes alien creatures entered into sexual intercourse with earthlings (as people assume - for a female alien to give birth to a child from a human). In ufology, there are seven degrees of contact with aliens - the seventh is precisely the one in which alien beings have sexual intercourse with humans with the aim of giving birth to a hybrid (“star child”).

Contacts of a lesser kind are crop circles, UFO sightings, contacting (communication with aliens through thoughts, images, voices, telepathy), death presumably from a UFO, insertion of implants into body parts, etc.

In England in 1942, a person stated that he had been abducted by alien beings, he was examined, and released the same day.

In 1957, a farmer and lawyer from Brazil, Antonio Villas-Boas, was, as he himself claims, abducted by aliens - he saw a blinding light, was grabbed in the field where he was working by three humanoids and dragged into a ship. The UFO was egg-shaped, the aliens were humanoid-like and dressed in gray overalls and helmets, the farmer was “taken for blood and forced to have sexual intercourse with an alien woman. Antoniou was later released; the kidnapping lasted just over 4 hours.” The incident is called “The Villas-Boas Case” and is described on Wikipedia. The woman with whom the farmer had sexual intercourse was unusual, in human eyes, beautiful, with white hair, huge slanted eyes... and she also grunted.

First a farmer for a long time did not tell anyone about what happened and only after a while began to give interviews, describing in detail everything that happened. The aliens made sounds similar to barking, kept him in a room where there were some tubes through which steam came in, causing nausea. The farmer wanted to take one item from the alien ship with him to prove that he was abducted, but the alien creatures did not allow him to do this. Later, Antonio began to suffer, according to some sources, from radiation sickness - the symptoms he experienced were most similar to this particular illness.

The case of the abduction of spouses Betty and Barney Hill in 1961 is one of the most popular. A husband and wife were returning from vacation with a dog (they had no children together), they noticed a bright point in the sky that was moving in their direction, the spouses began to watch the point, the object came closer and in it people were able to see 8-11 “humanoid” creatures dressed in dark clothes. Subsequently, events began to occur that the spouses do not remember well - their clock froze, two hours were cut out of their lives. After this incident, the Hill couple went to a psychiatric clinic, they experienced neurosis. They were repeatedly put into hypnosis, and they confirmed that they were abducted by aliens, that the latter performed strange rituals with them.

Whitley Strieber is an American writer who in his books described his repeated abductions by aliens. Under hypnosis, he recalled several types of creatures he had seen: blue, short, with glowing eyes. Mental disorders was not found on the writer.

Charles Moody is a police sergeant from New Mexico who was abducted by alien creatures in 1975. While observing the stellar bodies, he suddenly saw an object that began to sharply approach him from the sky; the sergeant’s car would not start. As the object approached, he was able to see everyone and everything that was inside, then, after a deafening sound, he felt paralysis throughout his body, and then lost his memory. When I woke up, the corral of foreigners was leaving the place of abduction; a few days later the sergeant was covered in a rash and back pain of unknown etiology began. Under hypnosis, Moody was able to remember that two humanoid creatures took him onto a ship, where he was given a tour and promised to return in two centuries.

Four friends were fishing in 1976 on the Allagash River near Maine, USA. On the first evening, they saw a white ball that approached them and flew away. On the second evening, while riding a boat, they again saw a white ball, signaled “SOS” with a flashlight, but the light enveloped all 4 guys, they didn’t remember anything else, they woke up in their tents. Then the guys began to have nightmares in turn, where there were creatures with long necks and big heads, metal eyes, long arms. Under hypnosis, the young people remembered the events of that evening in more detail, in the coma of the creatures described, they also remembered that the aliens took blood, skin samples and fluids from them.

And again the USA. 1973 According to Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, who were abducted while fishing near Michigan, they were abducted by aliens. They saw flickering lights, and then an oval-shaped airship, the aliens looked like humanoids, but without eyes and mouths, in place of ears and mouths there were growths. The fishermen were scanned for about 20 minutes and released.

Kirzhan Ilyumzhinov is famous person in Russia, the first president of Kalmykia, owner of many large companies. He has “claimed many times that he had contact with extraterrestrials, which he said took place on September 18, 1997.”

He regretted that he did not play a game of chess with them, a game he loved very much.

Ilyumzhinov gave open interviews where he described the abduction by aliens in detail. Aliens in yellow spacesuits took him straight from his apartment, upon arriving on the ship he began to choke, and the alien suggested that Ilyumzhinov twist the regulator in his chest to make it easier to breathe. It helped. No experiments were carried out, the ship was huge, they landed on one planet, and took away some equipment. Later, Ilyumzhinov was brought to the ground. He was physically absent, which the assistants noticed. Why the aliens took him, Ilyumzhinov admits, he did not understand, but he understood that it was too early for all earthlings to meet with representatives of other extraterrestrial civilizations due to their low moral level.

According to a number of ufologists, the Earth has long been under the surveillance of aliens, moreover, reptilians rule earthly people, it’s stupid to deny the obvious. It turns out that aliens are the center of power around which all life on our planet revolves. The devil and God are only part of the world about which we know nothing. We're under cover.

Many who tried to dig deeper into the secrets about UFOs, aliens, obtained evidence, were interested in this topic - either disappeared without a trace, or were killed, or incomprehensible accidents occurred, or committed suicide under strange and unclear circumstances (for example, they were driving to a meeting place with someone, unexpectedly hanged themselves on a tree on the way to the place), they were hit by their own car, they fell from a height, etc. There was a case when aliens incarnated in the form of people, met with people, and then no one could find traces these people.

Information about this is on the pages about ufology on Wikipedia.

But can anyone deny the existence of non-contact combat, the subordination of the will of another person at a distance? Even if not aliens, the “tricks” of the special services have a place in eliminating unnecessary, inconvenient people.

Well, we have established that someone could have met aliens, UFOs (or something that can be called that), but another question has arisen - where, even purely theoretically, can these creatures live??

In planetary systems around huge stars? it's the same big mystery, perhaps there really are parallel worlds.

The fact that hypnosis and a lie detector were used when interviewing and interrogating abduction survivors had a huge impact on people’s belief in the truth of the existence of aliens. All readings, according to these devices and techniques, were true.

So what? You still don't believe in aliens? Have you ever seen white balls while fishing? Strange flying objects in the sky?

Do you think people aren't abducted by aliens? Or you will say that if it were so, we would have known about it long ago! So if they rule us, who do you think is smarter? Could they really be so “profane” as to show themselves to everyone around them and give themselves away? Abductions without return, moreover, murders are possible - for example, 30 thousand people disappear without a trace in Russia, in the world there are 70-80 times more. So many people disappear without a trace, never returning, without any trace. Is there a guarantee that they will not be abducted by aliens? It is quite possible that somewhere there is a race of star people - hybrids of aliens and humans.

Well, now another look.

You probably know that crazy people (okay, a more humanistic term is the mentally ill) often see aliens and flying saucers, hear voices from other worlds, planets, say that aliens are listening to them, see antennas for communication with UFOs on the heads of others. Where did they get this from? These visions began to appear to people in the 20th century, that is, after the topic of UFOs began to be exaggerated in the media, impressionable and mentally unstable people simply absorbed this image, and not vice versa. They can communicate even with a stump, but they can find the wrong look at a stone.

And in general, rumors about UFOs came from the Americans. And the latter have an unflattering reputation, they remember and flew to the Moon without flying... They could also “fake” aliens (a little “unfastened” from the budget of the Apollo program). Remember the space race of the 60s? USSR and USA - who will be the first to fly to the moon? And here, in the same years, aliens were “born” in America; the Americans even wanted to meet UFOs first. We met.

Maybe the Americans themselves are scanning us?? and maybe they drove this image into people’s heads to drive them crazy?

And they came up with antidepressants, thanks to which the risk of suicide increases in neurotic people and DNA is deformed.

For what? Well, what about instilling fear in society? Fear is one of the most powerful levers for controlling the masses. And then a red herring: the world is ruled not by Masons, not by Americans, not by Bin Laden, but by aliens! In addition, there were versions that many famous rulers are reincarnated aliens...

And the testimony recorded by lie detectors, dictaphone recordings, recordings from hypnosis sessions - were we personally allowed to watch so that we could verify their truth? Were they sent for independent examination? And is there a guarantee that they are not fake?

In the USSR in the 70-80s of the 20th century, studies were carried out on reports of strange flying objects in the sky from citizens of the country: “over 13 years, about three thousand reports of sightings were received unusual phenomena, of which most of the observed phenomena (more than 90%) were explained by flights of high-altitude balloons and rocket launches. One of the important official results of the study was also that it was not obtained:

not a single report of a UFO landing;

not a single report of contacts with “UFO pilots”;

not a single report of “UFO” abductions.”

UFOs are unidentified flying objects, everyone knows this abbreviation, and many themselves have witnessed the appearance of not only UFOs, but also the aliens themselves. We present to your attention the most interesting and documented cases of such meetings.

"Little Men" from Socorro. USA, 1964.

On April 24, Socorro, New Mexico police officer Lonnie Zamora observed a speeding vehicle. He was already catching up with the intruder when a roar was heard from above. Looked at the sky. I saw “a bluish and orange flame, narrower at the top than at the bottom.” Lonnie couldn't see where the flames were coming from - the setting sun was in the way.

The policeman stopped the chase and turned onto the road leading to the top of the hill. The road turned out to be bad, and the climb was so steep that it was only on the third attempt that he reached the top. During this time, the roar managed to stop.

Standing in a ravine nearby shiny object shaped like an egg, made of a whitish metal similar to aluminum. Zamora saw two pillars and a red sign on the side that resembled the letter "A" with two additional strokes. Then the policeman noticed that he was not alone:

"I saw next to the object two small figures in white, dressed in something like work overalls. They stood and seemed to be examining the body. One of the creatures turned its head, apparently having heard or seen the car. It noticed me because when turned and looked in my direction, then seemed to jump in surprise.”

Lonnie Zamora (far left) and Air Force representatives at the UFO landing site.

While Zamora was getting out of the car, the “little men” disappeared. He headed towards the “egg”, but then there was a loud roar that started at low frequencies, then from just loud it became unbearably loud. A flame broke out under the object and it began to rise upward.

Zamora was afraid that the object might explode, and started to run, and then lay down and covered his head with his hands. When the roar stopped, the policeman looked up again. The UFO moved silently a few meters above the ground, then rose and disappeared into the distance.

Zamora approached the car and called the police station. He asked Nep Lopez to look out the window. When Lopez asked what he should see, Zamora explained: "It's like balloon"But Lopez could not see the object: the window of his room faced north.

At the landing site there were traces of four supports, burnt bushes and traces of the aliens themselves. The roar, as it later turned out, was heard on the southern outskirts of Socorro. Three people - not from among the residents of the city - said that they saw an egg-shaped UFO, "which almost blew off the roof of their car."

FBI agent Arthur Bernes, who took part in the investigation, confirmed that he personally knew Zamora through his work. His official report states that the eyewitness "can be described as a sober, hardworking, conscientious and not given to fantasy. Zamora was absolutely sober, but very agitated by what happened to him."

An Air Force interrogator later asked Lonnie to change his story. This, they say, should “help identify swindlers and psychos who will say that they saw such an object.” After the conversation, Zamora began to draw another sign - a hemisphere with an arrow inside.

The symbol on board the UFO seen by Zamora: the real one (left) and distorted at the request of the military (right).

In declassified US Air Force and FBI documents, the Lonnie Zamora incident is still considered unidentified.

Interception of a UFO over Tehran. Iran, 1976.

Late in the evening of September 18, residents of Tehran saw a strange object. Several citizens called Mehrabad airport. Dispatcher Hussein Peruzi came out to see what was going on.

"I saw an object rectangular shape, in appearance, 7-8 m long and about two meters wide,” he said. - Looking at it more closely, I can say that it was probably cylindrical. A whitish-blue light pulsated at the ends, and a red light ran in a circle around the middle part of the cylinder."

At 12:30 on the night of September 19, Perusi called the air force officer on duty. He notified his superiors. General Nadir Yousefi went out onto the balcony and also saw a UFO, which by that time began to emit a bright white light.

UFO over Tehran. Sketch of an eyewitness.

Further events were described in a report sent by the military attaché of the US Embassy, ​​Lieutenant Colonel Olin Moe, to The White house and other departments:

“At 01.30 on September 19, an F-4 fighter was lifted into the air... Since the object was emitting a bright light, it was clearly visible from a distance of 70 miles. When the fighter approached a distance of 25 miles, all its instruments and communication systems failed. Then the pilot stopped intercepting actions and turned back. When the F-4 turned away from the object and, obviously, did not pose a threat to it, the instruments and communication systems began to work again."

10 minutes later, when the UFO changed its glow again, the military decided to make a second interception attempt. This time, the squadron commander, Lieutenant Pervez Jafari, took the helm of the fighter.

Iranian newspapers in Farsi and English reported the UFO story on their front pages.

“The size of the object was difficult to determine due to its intense glow,” Moe’s report reads. “The light was emitted in flashing rectangular pulses alternating blue, green, red and orange... The signals alternated so quickly that all colors could be seen simultaneously The object and the F-4 pursuing it were flying south when another brightly lit object separated from the object... It headed for the F-4, moving at great speed. The pilot tried to fire a missile at it, but at that moment it went out. the fire control panel and communication systems were out of order... Then the pilot performed a turn and entered a dive to evade. After the turn, the object began to pursue him at a distance of 3-4 miles. While the fighter continued to move away from the first object, the second object crossed. turning path and then returned to the first object, connecting with it again."

In 2007, Jafari, already a retired general, confirmed:

"I approached an object that was flashing bright lights - red, green, orange and blue. They were so bright that I could not see its body. The flashes followed each other very often, as if at a disco. We detected it on radar - it was 25 miles away. The size of the mark on the screen was comparable to the mark from the Boeing 707 tanker. During the observation, four smaller UFOs separated from the main object. different forms. When they were close, the weapons malfunctioned and radio communications became jammed. One of them flew towards me. I thought it was a rocket. I wanted to fire a heat-seeking missile towards him, but the launch control panel malfunctioned. Another UFO followed me as I was returning. Another one landed in an open area, emitting such a bright light that the entire area was visible."

Olin Moe's report confirms that a small UFO landed softly and very brightly illuminated an area with a radius of about 2-3 kilometers. All this was seen not only by military pilots, but also by pilots civil aviation, located in the airspace over Tehran.

A page from the report of Lieutenant Colonel Olin Moe.

The Iranian government turned for help not only to the United States, but also to the Soviet Union. The telegram addressed to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Alexei Kosygin, contained an interesting passage not reflected in Moe’s report: two speakers emerged from the UFO that had landed. incomprehensible language giant creatures. Then they got back into the ship and flew away.

The Flying Terror of Texas. USA, 1980

On December 29, restaurant owner Betty Cash was driving near the town of Huffman. 51-year-old Betty was not alone: ​​Vicki Landrum, who worked as a waitress, and her 7-year-old grandson Colby were sitting in the car.

Colby was the first to see the bright light above the treetops. Soon everyone realized that the object was flying straight towards them. Betty increased her speed, but the UFO was faster. It hovered over the road in front of the car, spewing flames from the bottom.

The hovering object, in the shape of two cones connected at the tops or a large dome with a cone underneath, was larger than a car. From time to time he “shot” down sheaves of fire with a hissing sound and rose higher, and when the fire did not erupt, it seemed to settle. The body was silver, with small blue lights running in a circle at the widest part.

All three got out of the car to get a better look at the UFO and felt intense heat. Colby roared, begging him to get back into the car and hide from the object. Vicky gave in to her grandson's requests and called Betty. But she looked without looking away and not paying attention to the heat scorching her skin.

Finally, the UFO flew up and to the side. Betty, waking up, went to the car and... couldn’t open it: the handle was too hot. I had to wrap my hand in my jacket.

UFO that burned three people (reconstruction).

At that moment, many helicopters appeared over the forest. They flew from all sides, as if trying to surround the UFO. Among them were heavy trucks and small single-rotor vehicles. There were at least 20 of them. Most circled around the slowly flying UFO, others followed them in a clear formation.

Betty dropped Vicki and Colby off at their house and went home, feeling worse and worse. Her skin turned purple, as if from a severe sunburn, her neck became swollen, and blisters began to appear on her face, scalp, and eyelids. Severe vomiting began. By morning, Betty fell into an almost comatose state. Vicki and Colby experienced the same thing, but in a milder form: they were out of the car less.

On January 3, 1981, Betty ended up in the hospital. Burns and blisters changed her appearance so much that friends who came to visit the patient could not recognize her. Her hair began to fall out and her eyelids became so swollen that she remained blind for a week. Vicki also lost 40% of her hair, and Colby only lost one strand, which soon grew back.

Since then, Betty has not left the hospital. In 1981, she was hospitalized five times, two of them in intensive care. She couldn't leave the house sunlight, the heat sources caused her severe pain. She lived for 18 years, periodically ending up in intensive care, and only the skill of doctors extended her life. On December 29, 1998, the next anniversary of “contact,” Betty died.

Vicky was also unable to work after the fateful day. Scars, blisters and lost hair do not fit with the profession of a waitress, but this was not the main thing: she began to go blind after changing three pairs of glasses. The operation helped stop the process, but her remaining vision was no good. She died on September 12, 2007.

Colby also had vision problems, but only changed one pair of glasses - he was the least likely to stare at the UFOs.

The injured women decided to go to court. They filed a lawsuit against US authorities for $20 million. The process lasted until 1986, when the claim was rejected. Judge Ross Stirling said: "No government department has ever owned an aircraft matching the description." And if the UFO was not American, case closed. The question of who owned the helicopters and why they flew next to the UFO was not raised at the trial.

"Close contact" with alfalfa. France, 1981

On the afternoon of January 8, a UFO landed near country house two kilometers from the village of Trans-en-Provence. An investigation into this incident was carried out by a government organization - the Group for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEPAN) at the French National Space Center.

The only witness was 55-year-old Renato Nicolai, who was interviewed by police at the scene:

"My attention was attracted by a slight sound, like a whistle. I turned around and saw an object. The device looked like two plates folded together with their bottoms facing out. It was about 1.5 meters high, lead-colored. Then under it, when it flew away, I saw round protrusions - probably landing devices or supports, and two circles that look like the outlines of hinged hatches.

UFO in Trans-en-Provence (eyewitness drawing)

During landing, he began to emit a different whistle, constant and monotonous. Then it rose up and very quickly flew to the northeast. It kicked up some dust as it lifted off the ground. I was about 30 meters away. Then I approached and saw a round footprint with a diameter of about two meters."

The entire observation lasted 30-40 seconds.

Forty days later, a ring-shaped landing track with an internal diameter of 2.25 m and an external diameter of 2.5 m was still visible. According to calculations, the UFO weighed from 4 to 5 tons, and the earth was heated to 300-600 ° C. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the traces fully confirm the eyewitness testimony.

IN National Institute Agronomic studies found that plants underwent biochemical changes - the more, the closer they were to the center of the trail. In this case, 30-50 percent of the chlorophyll in alfalfa leaves was destroyed. Biochemist Michel Bunias said that alfalfa appears to have been artificially aged, a phenomenon “unlike anything known on our planet.”

UFO in Trans-en-Provence (reconstruction).

"This is the first case involving a UFO that can be recognized with scientific point vision, confirms Professor Jean-Pierre Petit. “We need to take seriously the hypothesis that this is a spacecraft that cannot be of terrestrial origin.”

A giant "nut" over Alaska. USA, 1986

On November 17, a cargo Boeing 747 of the Japanese airline JAL, operating a flight from Reykjavik to Tokyo, flew over Alaska. At about 5 o'clock local time, pilot Kenya Terauchi noticed "two columns of light" at a distance of 1.8 km. The pilot asked the controller in Anchorage to check if there was another aircraft nearby. They replied from the ground that there was no one nearby.

Suddenly the UFOs came almost point blank. Terauchi saw "two black cylinders with rows of rotating amber lights" that cast no shadow. Soon a mark appeared on the plane's radar screen and flew nearby. Kenya asked permission from the dispatcher to perform maneuvers to break away from his pursuers. Permission was given because the UFO was seen on the radar screens of the control center in Anchorage and the Elmendorf Air Force Base. The plane descended and made several turns, but the lights, keeping pace, followed it.

Sketch by K. Terauchi. Inscriptions in Japanese: 1 - the size of an aircraft carrier; 2 - the silhouette of a UFO that I saw thanks to the lights of Fairbanks; 3 - pale white lights; 4 - 1.5-2 times more; 5 is our plane.

Then Terauchi noticed that there was some kind of huge mass in the air. It was a UFO shaped walnut, "the size of two aircraft carriers." The co-pilot and flight engineer did not see the large UFO - it did not glow and was visible only against the background of city lights. However, the crew was amazed by the speed of the small objects and their ability to quickly change direction. Once they were out of sight, Air Force 1628 landed safely in Anchorage.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials interviewed the crew and said all pilots behaved "professionally, rationally and were not under the influence of alcohol or drugs." When the story was leaked to the press, Air Force officials admitted that their radar picked up the object at the same time as the Boeing's onboard radar. FAA equipment recorded that the UFO was near the Boeing 747 for 32 minutes.

Kenya Terauchi shows how he tried to break away from the object.

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