Home Mushrooms Trial options for oral Russian. Online GIA tests in Russian. Instructions for performing the work

Trial options for oral Russian. Online GIA tests in Russian. Instructions for performing the work

Oral part of the OGE in English in a new format was introduced in 2016. This is the computerized portion of the exam. That is, the examinee will perform tasks that will appear one by one on the computer screen. The answers are recorded on electronic media and will then be checked by OGE experts. Communication with the examiner during the exam not provided. Therefore, you first need to familiarize yourself with the format of the oral part tasks. During preparation, you must learn to strictly follow the time frame allotted for completing each task.

Speaking Part

Approximate topics for tasks in section 5 (Speaking Part) according to FIPI

Communication takes place within the following areas communication and approximate topics:

social and everyday sphere of communication : communication in family and school, interpersonal relationships with friends and peers.

socio-cultural sphere : leisure and hobbies of youth; countries of the language being studied; Mother country; outstanding people, their contributions to science and world culture; nature and environmental problems; healthy lifestyle.

educational and labor sphere : the problem of choosing a profession and the role of a foreign language.

Instructions for performing the work

The oral part of the KIM OGE in English includes 3 tasks.

Exercise 1

Reading aloud a short text of a popular scientific nature.

Time to prepare – 1.5 minutes.


  • Read articles about the rules of reading and sounds in English. Remember them and apply them while completing tasks in the exam.
  • Learn the rules of pauses, intonation and logical stresses in English.

I suggest you watch a video with recommendations for preparing for Task 1 of the Oral Part of the Unified State Exam (grade 11). The tasks for the OGE and the Unified State Exam are almost identical - reading the text aloud. Therefore, the video will be useful for everyone who is preparing for the final certification in English.

Task 2

You are invited to accept participation in conditional dialogue-questioning: Answer six audio-recorded telephone survey questions.


  • Listen to English speech as often as possible, develop the skill of listening to English speech.
  • Complete the tasks published on the FIPI website.
  • Be sure to record your answers on a voice recorder to ensure you stay within the allotted response time. time – 40 seconds for each question. You will also be able to analyze your phonetic and grammatical errors, admitted during the answer.


Questions are asked only once!

The question text does not appear on the screen!

Taking notes during the exam is not allowed!

The introductory part of Task 2 is the same for different CMM options, with the exception of the sentence in which it will be indicated the topic of your conversation.


Do not press the button to move to the next question, even if you have answered more than short term, or did not answer the question at all. Wait for the announcer to say the next question.

From last year’s experience, I can say that when you clicked on the “NEXT” button, the transition was made not to the next question of Task 2, but directly to Task 3. Consequently, the student lost points on questions from Task 2 that were simply not heard.

Task 3

You need to build a coherent monologue statement on a specific topic based on a plan.

Time to prepare – 1.5 minutes.


IN 2016 and 2017 Task 3 was accompanied by a photograph, which There was no need to describe t. It simply served as a visual reference for generating ideas for your monologue.

IN 2018 year Task 3 presented WITHOUT photos!

Your monologue must include introductory and closing phrases related to the topic of the statement. The total volume of the statement should be 10 – 12 sentences.

Your speech should be natural and spontaneous (without long sentences memorized from topics). To do this, use the following words and expressions in your answer:

  • Well, ... - Well ...
  • To tell the truth... - Honestly...
  • To be honest... - To be honest...
  • You know, ... - You know ...
  • As far as I know, ... - As far as I know ...
  • As far as I can see, ... - As far as I can tell ...
  • Actually, ... - Actually ...
  • The thing is that... - The fact is that...
  • It’s a kind of... - This is something like...
  • I am sure that... - I am sure that...
  • I believe that... - I believe that...
  • I think that... - I think that...
  • In my opinion... - In my opinion...
  • Let me see. - Let me see.
  • I am not quite sure I know the right answer, ... - I’m not quite sure that I know the right answer ...
  • Without any doubt, ... - Without any doubt ...
  • It goes without saying that... - It’s clear without words... / Of course...
  • Firstly, ... - Firstly, ...
  • Secondly, ... - Secondly, ...
  • Thirdly, ... - Thirdly, ...
  • Besides, ... - Besides ...
  • Moreover, ... - Moreover ...
  • Last but not least, ... - Last, but not least ...
  • I should say / admit that ... - I want to say / note that ...
  • By the way, ... - By the way, ...
  • All in all, ... - In general ...
  • In conclusion, ... - In conclusion ...

Let's get rid of archaisms! To my mind... almost never found in modern English.

Total response time for one OGE participant (including preparation time) – 15 minutes. Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. The entire response time is audio recorded. Try to fully complete the assigned tasks, speak clearly and clearly, stay on topic and follow the proposed answer plan. So you can dial greatest number points.

Practical assignments

Well, now let's get started practical implementation tasks of the Oral part from the Demonstration version of the OGE 2017. Please note that this article offers approximate options completing tasks taking into account personal experiences of my students. When preparing for the exam, try to think through your answers, which will be based on yours personal experience and events from your life.

Dear colleagues and owners of educational websites (portals)!

I would like to note that all site materials are in free access for network users. Moreover, the use of site materials is encouraged.


When copying and posting full or partial information on third party resources, in design work and presentations An active link to the website is required.

English language. 9th grade Demo version 2017

© 2017 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Task 1

You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read thetext silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you won'thave more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

The ninth planet of the solar system was discovered not long ago. It happened in 1930. Scientists had been hunting for the planet for a long time. They had calculated its probable position but there was no proof that the planet really existed. It was too far away for the telescopes of that time to find it. It’s worth mentioning that the first photos of the planet were taken by a very young researcher. He was only twenty-four and had no formal education in astronomy. However he was deeply involved in the search for the ninth planet. The planet at the edge of the solar system was called Pluto, after the Roman god. The name for the planet was suggested by an 11-year-old British girl.

Task 1 Listen to the model answer

Mind your pronunciation!

[θ] – nin th, wor th

[ɜ:] – w or th, w er e, f ir st, g ir l, res ear cher, s ear ch

1930 – nineteen thirty

Task 2

You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Dolphin Sports Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let's get started.

(Hello. This is the electronic assistant of the Dolphin sports club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey - survey /ˈsɜːveɪ/. We want to find out people's attitude towards sports in our region. Please answer 6 questions. The survey is conducted anonymously - You don't need to give your name. So, let's begin.)

Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Electronic assistant:

Electronic assistant:

Student: ___________________________

Electronic assistant:

S student: _________________________

Electronic assistant:

Student: _________________________

Electronic assistant:

Student: ___________________________

Electronic assistant:

Task 2 Listen to the model answer

(recorded by my student Oksana Pankova)

Audio recording: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download latest version. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Student: I am 14 (15) years old .

Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports?

Student: To tell the truth, I am not very good at doing sports. Sometimes I go cycling with my friends at weekends. And of course, I have got three PT classes a week at school and I think it is quite enough for me.

Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

Student: Well, I think volleyball is the most popular sport with teenagers in our region. Almost everyone knows the rules of this game. It can be played both indoors and outdoors. Volleyball competitions often take place in our region. And I am very proud that our men’s team “Belogorie” won the title of Russian Champion eight times.

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

S student: The thing is that I live in a small village that’s why there is a lack of sports facilities here. Nevertheless we have got a stadium /ˈsteɪdiəm/ and a new sports center where people can do different workouts, play football, volleyball and tennis. Also there are sports grounds near each school. Unfortunately we haven’t got a swimming pool in my settlement.

Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

Student: Without any doubt/daʊt/, keeping fit is very important for your body. If you do regular exercises, you can stay healthy, attractive and flexible for a long time. You can also increase your energy levels and improve your mood and memory.

Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Student: To my mind, the best way to keep fit is to do regular exercises, no matter what they are: jogging, yoga or riding a bike. Secondly, you should eat healthy food and drink lots of water. Last but not least, you should sleep enough.

Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Enjoy watching!

Task 3

You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences)

Remember to say:

  • why people like taking pictures
  • why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past
  • what the best photo you have ever taken is

You have to talk continuously.

Task 3 Listen to the model answer

(recorded by my student Oksana Pankova)

Audio recording: Adobe Flash Player(version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download latest version. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

Nowadays lots of people enjoy taking pictures. Some of them are professional photographers, while others consider it as a hobby. (intro 2)

Actually, our life is full of bright events and unusual moments that’s why people take pictures to capture them. For example, weddings, the birth of a child, visits to different countries, starting or leaving school are much photographed /ˈfəʊtəɡrɑːf/. (2)

Taking pictures is more popular today because practically everyone has a camera built in the cell phone. To be honest, digital cameras are very easy to operate. It’s great that you can look through your snapshot immediately and if you don’t like it, you can delete it and take another one. In the past most people could not even afford [əˈfɔːd] a camera. Moreover, the process of taking pictures and printing them was very hard (difficult, time-consuming). (5)

As for me, I am fond of photography and have got a professional camera. The best photo I have ever taken is the photo of the Eiffel [´aifəl] Tower which is the symbol of Paris. I did it three years ago during my summer holiday. (3)

All in all, I should say that people take pictures to remember the best moments of their life forever. (final phrase 1)

And here it is real photos our trip to Europe in 2014.

The Eiffel Tower Paris 2014 The Louvre Oksana Pankova Disneyland Paris 2014

The Russian language exam will remain a mandatory subject for the OGE 2019, which means that future graduates should start preparing for the tests today and find out what innovations FIPI is preparing and what requirements are imposed on the work of ninth-graders.

Exam format in 2019

In 2018-2019 academic year Russian language in 9th grade will be taken in two stages:

  • interview (oral part);
  • written part.

In 2018, there was a pilot launch of the interview, so its results did not affect admission to the main exams, but in the future (possibly already in 2019) the oral part will be a kind of admission to the written exam in the Russian language.


In the 2017-2018 academic year, on April 13 and 16, the oral part was successfully tested and already in 2019 it will be a mandatory part of the exam for all regions of the Russian Federation. Although there was a lot of talk at the stage of introducing the oral part of the OGE, the exam itself turned out to be not difficult for students, because the examinee is given only 4 tasks:

  1. Read the text expressively.
  2. Retell what you read with integration of quotes.
  3. Construct a monologue statement based on the proposed plan.
  4. Take part in a dialogue on a chosen topic.

The interview lasts only 15 minutes.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the exam itself for a 9th grade graduate. Moreover, the oral exam will not be graded. The result of the interview is assessed on a pass or fail basis.

Written part

In the written part of the main subject of the OGE 2019, FIPI did not announce any changes and students entering the 9th grade will have to take the Russian language in the already familiar format. The CMM includes three parts:

Among 13 test questions Examinees will encounter two types of tasks:

  • to choose from correct option from those proposed;
  • to independently formulate an answer.

In Part III, the student is given the opportunity to choose one of 3 proposed topics.

Assessment of examination papers

Although the interview is not graded on a five-point scale, the student also gains certain test scores as he completes the job.

Important! The student receives the main number of points for observing the norms of the Russian literary language!

The maximum score for the oral part is 17 points, and the minimum passing threshold is 8 points. Thus, the result of the interview is determined according to the table:

Testing the written part involves a more thorough check of the work. The second part (test) is digitized and checked using technical means, and experts (Russian language teachers) are involved in checking parts I and III.

The maximum test score for the written part is 39 points, of which:

Job type



For literacy

Important! In the written part, the main criterion is also practical literacy and actual accuracy of speech!

The result of the written exam is included in the certificate and affects the overall grade of the graduate. To interpret the OGE result in the Russian language discipline in 2019, FIPI recommends the following correspondence table:

Schedule of the OGE 2019 in Russian

Project OGE schedules should appear on the FIPI website closer to the beginning of the school year, but the approximate periods allocated for the Russian language in 2019 will most likely not change much. As in the last season, 9th grade graduates in all regions of the Russian Federation will take the oral part (as admission to exams) in April.

Three periods are reserved for the written examination:

Early period

Main day

Reserve day

Main period

Main day

Reserve days

Autumn retake

1 retake

2 retake

09.21.19 (all items)

Retaking the OGE in Russian

The main issue in 2019 remains the weight of the interview result. If in 2018 the result of the oral part did not affect anything, then already in 2019 it may be decisive.

Most likely, the opportunity to retake the oral part will be provided. But it is not yet known how and when the interview will be retaken.

If an unsatisfactory result is obtained on a written exam, the ninth grader will receive a second or even a third attempt, but under the following conditions:

  • the student “failed” a total of no more than 2 exams;
  • a negative result is not related to behavior during the exam, identification of cheat sheets or prohibited gadgets;
  • the graduate did not come to the exam good reason(there is a supporting document).

If, even after three attempts, a ninth-grader cannot overcome the minimum threshold of 15 points, he will have to take time out for a year, better prepare by studying with tutors, and try to pass the exam in 2020.

Preparation for the OGE 2019

The 2019 OGE tasks, developed by FIPI, are the same for all ninth-graders in the Russian Federation, regardless of their region of residence and the profile of the educational institution. On the one hand, this allows you to realistically assess the level of proficiency in the subject, on the other hand, it presents some difficulty in those regions where, along with Russian, the population actively uses other languages ​​and dialects.

However, it is not difficult to pass the Russian language well if you properly organize your preparation for the exam. Experienced teachers recommend:

  • Familiarize yourself with the main documents of the OGE, which clearly define the assessment criteria.
  • Refresh your memory of theoretical material studied over the years of schooling.
  • Sort out previous years' tickets yourself, together with a teacher, or using video lessons available online.
  • Practice writing essays and presentations.
  • Test your level of knowledge by solving a demo version of the OGE 2019.

Important! In the 2018-2019 academic year, FIPI will offer new topics for essays, which we will inform you about additionally.

In the process of self-preparation, a reference guide to completing the test part will be useful:

Also see a detailed analysis of the demo version of the OGE 2018 at video :

Oral part of the OGE in Russian language 2019.

Structure of the interview.

Preparation time: 2 minutes. Time to complete – 2 minutes. At the link above you will find information about what expressive reading means and what the pace should be.

Preparation time: 2 minutes. Time to complete – 3 minutes.

Preparation time – 1 minute. Execution time – 3 minutes.

There is no preparation time. Time to complete – 3 minutes.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

The work is assessed according to the system pass/fail.
The student receives "test" if he scored 10 or more points for completing the work.
Task 1 (reading text). Maximum points: 2 points.
Task 2 (retelling the text using additional information). Maximum points: 4 points.
Speech design (tasks 1 and 2). Maximum points: 4 points.

Task 3 (monologue). Maximum points: 3 points.
Task 4 (dialogue). Maximum points: 2 points.
Speech design (tasks 3 and 4). Maximum points: 4 points.

TOTAL: 19 points. Total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes.Recommended procedure for conducting the exam, time allotted for each task.

Examiner actions
Student Actions
15 minutes.
Greeting the student. Acquaintance. A short story about the content of the exam
1 min.


Invite the student to become familiar with the text to read aloud
In a few seconds, remind you that you are ready to read
Preparing to read aloud. Reading the text to yourself
2 minutes.
Listening to the text Emotional reaction for student reading
Reading text aloud
2 minutes.
Switching a student to another type of work.
Preparing for a retelling using additional information
2 minutes
Listening to the text Emotional reaction to the student’s retelling
Retelling the text with additional information
3 min.
Invite the student to choose an option for the topic of the conversation and give the corresponding card


Invite the student to become familiar with the topic of the monologue.
Warn that 1 minute is allotted for preparation, and the statement should not take more than 3 minutes
Preparing to answer
1 min.
Listen to the oral response. Emotional reaction to the answer
Answer on the topic of the selected option
3 min.


Ask questions for dialogue
Enters into dialogue
3 min.
Provide emotional support to the student

Oral responses from participants final interview are checked by Russian language specialists who have undergone special training.

Evaluation criteria for each assignment.

Task 1. Reading the text aloud

Reading Aloud Assessment Criteria


Intonation corresponds to the punctuation of the text.
The intonation does not correspond to the punctuation of the text.
Reading pace

The reading pace corresponds to the communicative task.
Reading pace does not match the communicative task.
Maximum points for the entire task

Task 2. Retelling the text including the above statement.

Criteria for evaluating a retelling of a text including the given statement


Preservation of micro-themes of text when retelling
All main micro-themes of the source text are preserved.
One or more microthemes are missing or added.
Maintaining factual accuracy when retelling
There are no actual errors related to understanding the text
Factual errors were made (1 or more)
Working with statements
The above statement is included in the text during the retelling, appropriately, logically
The above statement is inappropriately included in the text during retelling and/or is illogical, or the given statement is not included in the text during the retelling
Citation methods
No errors
Errors were made when quoting (1 or more)

Criteria for assessing the correctness of speech for completing tasks 1 and 2 (P1)



No grammatical errors


There are no spelling errors,


no more than one spelling error was made

(excluding the word in the text with emphasis)

Admitted spelling errors(two or more)


Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors



Distortions of words

There are no distortions of words

There were distortions of words (one or more)

Maximum points


The maximum number of points for working with text (tasks 1

and 2) – 10.

Task 3. Monologue statement

Criteria for assessing a monologue statement (M)


Performing a communication task


At least 10 phrases on the topic of the statement are given. Factual errors none

The subject attempted to cope with a communicative task,


made factual errors,


cited less than 10 phrases on the topic of the statement



Speech formatting of a monologue utterance (MR)

The statement is characterized by semantics? integrity, speech? coherence and consistency of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken


The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (one or more)


Maximum points


Speech design is assessed as a whole for tasks 3 and 4.

Task 4. Dialogue.

Criteria for assessing dialogue (D)



The participant coped with the communication task.

All questions in the dialogue are answered

Questions not answered


monosyllabic answers given

D 2

Taking into account the conditions of the speech situation

The conditions of the speech situation are taken into account

The conditions of the speech situation are not taken into account

Maximum points


Criteria for assessing the correctness of speech for completing tasks 3 and 4 (P2)



Compliance with grammatical norms

No grammatical errors

There were grammatical errors (one or more)


Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors,


no more than two spelling errors were made

There were spelling errors (three or more)


Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors


no more than three speech errors were made

Admitted speech errors(four or more)


Speech design

Speech in general is distinguished by the richness and accuracy of its vocabulary; a variety of syntactic words are used.


Speech is characterized by poor and/or inaccurate vocabulary, and/or the same type of syntactic words are used.

10 or more points.

- to prepare for the criterion "CORRECT SPEECH"

The standard knowledge test before obtaining a certificate has long taken on a centralized form. The list of exams has been stable for many years, but now they want to introduce changes. Also, the usual mandatory exams are modernized almost every year. Therefore, you need to learn about the next changes in a timely manner. In addition, now you can find out everything about the OGE in the Russian language 2019, about innovations in its delivery and about the nuances of preparation.

Important conditions for admission to the OGE in Russian

Previously, the condition for admission to the Unified State Examination in all disciplines was the presence of positive grades for grade 9. Now an auxiliary exam in the Russian language has been added to this rule. We are talking about preliminary passing of the oral part. This component The exam is an admission to written work and is conducted in the form of an interview. There are no grades or final points for the work - the result is displayed in pass or fail format.

To get credit you need to complete a few simple tasks:

  1. Read the text with expression, intonation reflecting punctuation marks and, if possible, conveying the meaning of what is happening in your voice.
  2. Convey the general content of the text with a simple paraphrase, preferably using a quote from what you read.
  3. Based on the proposed plan, build a monologue based on the content of the text or image.
  4. Maintain a dialogue with the examiner, discussing what you have read and answering the questions in detail.

The examiner assigns points for himself - 2 each for reading and dialogue, 4 points. for retelling and 3 for monologue. Another maximum of 6 points can be awarded for compliance with speech standards and the purity of the phrases used. In order to receive credit, you must score at least 8 passing points. A score of 7 or less will disqualify you from taking the written exam.

In fact, minimal communication skills combined with careful reading will make it possible to pass the oral exam in the Russian language 2019. This will be the first mandatory exam of this format within the framework of the OGE. A year earlier, testing was carried out, but now schoolchildren, without exception, must confirm the fact of the ability to use not only written, but also oral Russian speech.

Now, in order to be admitted to the final exams, you need to not only finish the year with minimum or higher grades. Failure to pass the oral part of the Russian language test deprives you of the right to take the written exam.

Structure of the written part according to the demo version

Every year, FIPI specialists release a demo version of future CMMs for each discipline approved for passing. Demos for compulsory subjects are extremely important to review. This allows you to at least imagine the structure of the exam and the approximate “complexity” of the tasks.

According to the official website of FIPI, no major changes in the structure of the OGE in the Russian language 2019 should be expected. The slightest adjustments to the assessment system took place, which did not affect the content of the exam itself, but only detailed the work of the examiners. Therefore, there is no special news in terms of changes in the written part.

In total, it consists of 3 parts:

  1. Concise presentation.
  2. Test and survey section.
  3. Essay on assignment.

In the first versions of the then-current GIA, one could easily score a minimum of points by simply guessing, although it was not so easy to achieve the maximum result due to errors and inaccuracies in the tests, even with good preparation. Now the OGE in the test part bears little resemblance to its ancestor - it will be incredibly difficult to guess, because in many tasks there is simply no choice of answer, you need to write it yourself.

At the same time, the presentation and essay-reasoning from parts 1 and 3 no longer seem so complicated. In addition, the text for presentation is read twice, and the essay is written based on your reasoning and information from part 2 of the exam. Demo version shows not the exact tasks, but their approximate content, i.e. the general structure of KIMs in the Russian language.

Attention! The examination materials themselves for schoolchildren will reflect the rules and progress of the work, since reading the text for concise presentation will be held simultaneously for everyone. Therefore, on the scale of passing the OGE in Russian, it will not be possible to start answering simpler or more convenient tasks - first of all, everyone will complete the task from part 1 of the exam.

However, there is a large amount of time - 235 minutes will be provided for work, i.e. almost 4 hours. Considering that there are only 15 tasks in all three parts, this is quite a decent amount of time to calmly answer questions. Moreover, according to the demo version, it is clear that parts 1 and 3 contain only 1 task each, and the rest are located in the survey and test section. Those who saw 3 tasks in the third part should carefully study the KIMs - there, from the proposed options, you need to select only one topic.

Nuances of assessing the OGE in the Russian language

The presence of a scoring scheme for the oral part of the exam did not affect the scoring system of the written section of the OGE. There were no significant changes compared to last year. There are only clearer instructions when choosing the required score.

Worth knowing! The presentation alone can immediately bring 7 points, although one of the components of the assessment is highly variable - it gives 1-3 points. depending on the quality of the material supplied. A thoughtful essay may be worth 9 points with a potential reward of 1 point.

It is important to remember that if the essay or presentation contains large volumes of exam texts from parts 1 and 2 instead of your own thoughts and suggestions, then such works are scored 0 points. The test part is assessed separately.

In total, 39 points are allowed for the OGE. In this case, spelling and punctuation are assessed separately using special criteria. The total literacy score can reach 10 out of the available 39 points. Moreover, there are clear evaluation criteria that do not allow receiving more than 1 point for each check point.

Preparation for the OGE 2019

Initially, when preparing for the exam, it is worth eliminating the fact of large gaps in knowledge. For this, there is a demo version, training papers, and banal collections of tasks for preparing for the Unified State Examination. Already after the first test exam, unfamiliar topics will be visible that require additional study. During subsequent training sessions, smaller shortcomings in studying the subject will also become noticeable, which will make it possible to correct the lack of knowledge in a timely manner.

At the time of preparation, you should not focus only on the constant use of test exams and the study of CMMs from previous years. It is important to cover standard activities such as repetition of rules, analysis of complex sentences, and additional work with text. This will give you more confidence when taking the exam.

Attention! Simple artistic reading without much stress will allow you to better prepare for the Russian language exam. In essence, reading will be free work with text, allowing you to unobtrusively learn how to construct sentences, punctuation, and even spelling.

Otherwise, if you study diligently throughout the year, you can pretty much make up for lost knowledge. Just remember that the OGE in Russian 2019 is not the only exam, so you need to start preparing for it in advance, and not in the last months before taking it.

Video about preparing for a condensed presentation

The oral part of the OGE in the Russian language is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Concept of teaching the Russian language and literature to test the oral speech skills of schoolchildren. It is planned that passing the final interview will in the future become admission to the State Examination Academy for ninth grade graduates.

Oral part in the Russian language OGE 2018 - demo version from FIPI

Additional materials and equipment

To conduct the oral part of the exam, language laboratories with appropriate equipment can be used.

The oral interview in Russian consists of four tasks.

Task 1 – reading a short text aloud. Preparation time: 2 minutes.

In task 2 it is proposed to retell the text read, supplementing it with a statement. Preparation time – 1 minute.

In task 3, you are asked to choose one of three proposed conversation options: a description of a photograph, a narration based on life experience, a reasoning on one of the formulated problems. Preparation time – 1 minute.

In task 4 (dialogue) you will have to participate in a conversation on the topic of the previous task. Your total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. The entire response time is audio and video recorded.

Characteristics of the structure and content of CMMs OGE Russian language oral part

Each version of CMM consists of four tasks of a basic level of complexity, differing in the form of tasks.

Task 1 – expressive reading aloud of a text in a scientific-journalistic style.

Task 2 – retelling the text using additional information.

Task 3 – thematic monologue statement.

Task 4 – participation in dialogue.

All tasks are open-type tasks with a detailed answer.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

The answer to task 1 (reading the text) of the work is assessed according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for reading is 2. For correct completion of task 2 (retelling the text using additional information), the graduate receives 4 points. Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language while working with the text is assessed separately.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for the verbal formulation of the answer to tasks 1 and 2 is 4 points.

The maximum number of points for working with the text (tasks 1 and 2) is 10. The answer to task 3 of the work is assessed according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for a monologue statement is 3.

The maximum number of points that a student can score for completing task 4 is 2. Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language when answering is assessed separately.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for the verbal formulation of the answer to tasks 3 and 4 is 4 points.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for completing the entire oral part is 19. The student receives credit if he scores 10 or more points for completing the work.

When familiarizing yourself with demo version oral interview in the Russian language, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the content that can be checked using variants of control measurement materials.

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